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Clitoral and vaginal categories

Discussions of female orgasm are complicated by orgasms in women typically being

divided into two categories: clitoral orgasm and vaginal (or G-spot) orgasm.[14
][45] In 1973, Irving Singer theorized that there are three types of female orga
sms; he categorized these as vulval, uterine, and blended, but because he was a
philosopher, "these categories were generated from descriptions of orgasm in lit
erature rather than laboratory studies".[2] In 1982, Ladas, Whipple and Perry al
so proposed three categories: the tenting type (derived from clitoral stimulatio
n), the A-frame type (derived from G-spot stimulation), and the blended type (de
rived from clitoral and G-spot stimulation).[54] In 1999, Whipple and Komisaruk
proposed cervix stimulation as being able to cause a fourth type of female orgas
Female orgasms by means other than clitoral or vaginal/G-spot stimulation are le
ss prevalent in scientific literature[14] and most scientists contend that no di
stinction should be made between "types" of female orgasm.[45] This distinction
began with Sigmund Freud, who postulated the concept of "vaginal orgasm" as sepa
rate from clitoral orgasm. In 1905, Freud stated that clitoral orgasms are purel
y an adolescent phenomenon and that upon reaching puberty, the proper response o
f mature women is a change-over to vaginal orgasms, meaning orgasms without any
clitoral stimulation. While Freud provided no evidence for this basic assumption
, the consequences of this theory were considerable. Many women felt inadequate
when they could not achieve orgasm via vaginal intercourse alone, involving litt
le or no clitoral stimulation, as Freud's theory made penile-vaginal intercourse
the central component to women's sexual satisfaction.[55][56][57][58]
The first major national surveys of sexual behavior were the Kinsey Reports.[23]
Alfred Kinsey was the first researcher to harshly criticize Freud's ideas about
female sexuality and orgasm when, through his interviews with thousands of wome
n,[23] Kinsey found that most of the women he surveyed could not have vaginal or
gasms.[56] He "criticized Freud and other theorists for projecting male construc
ts of sexuality onto women" and "viewed the clitoris as the main center of sexua
l response" and the vagina as "relatively unimportant" for sexual satisfaction,
relaying that "few women inserted fingers or objects into their vaginas when the
y masturbated". He "concluded that satisfaction from penile penetration [is] mai
nly psychological or perhaps the result of referred sensation".[56]
Masters and Johnson's research into the female sexual response cycle, as well as
Shere Hite's, generally supported Kinsey's findings about female orgasm.[47][56
][59][60] Masters and Johnson's research on the topic came at the time of the se
cond-wave feminist movement, and inspired feminists such as Anne Koedt, author o
f The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm, to speak about the "false distinction" made be
tween clitoral and vaginal orgasms and women's biology not being properly analyz
Clitoral and vaginal relationships
Further information: G-spot Society and culture
Accounts that the vagina is capable of producing orgasms continue to be subject
to debate because, in addition to the vagina's low concentration of nerve ending
s, reports of the G-spot's location are inconsistent it appears to be nonexistent in
some women and may be an extension of another structure, such as the Skene's gl
and or the clitoris, which is a part of the Skene's gland.[6][39][43][62] In a J
anuary 2012 The Journal of Sexual Medicine review examining years of research in
to the existence of the G-spot, scholars stated that "[r]eports in the public me
dia would lead one to believe the G-spot is a well-characterized entity capable
of providing extreme sexual stimulation, yet this is far from the truth".[43]
Possible explanations for the G-spot were examined by Masters and Johnson, who w
ere the first researchers to determine that the clitoral structures surround and
extend along and within the labia. In addition to observing that the majority o

f their female subjects could only have clitoral orgasms, they found that both c
litoral and vaginal orgasms had the same stages of physical response. On this ba
sis, they argued that clitoral stimulation is the source of both kinds of orgasm
s,[59][60] reasoning that the clitoris is stimulated during penetration by frict
ion against its hood; their notion that this provides the clitoris with sufficie
nt sexual stimulation has been criticized by researchers such as Elisabeth Lloyd
Australian urologist Helen O'Connell's 2005 research additionally indicates a co
nnection between orgasms experienced vaginally and the clitoris, suggesting that
clitoral tissue extends into the anterior wall of the vagina and that therefore
clitoral and vaginal orgasms are of the same origin.[6] Some studies, using ult
rasound, have found physiological evidence of the G-spot in women who report hav
ing orgasms during vaginal intercourse,[41][63] but O'Connell suggests that the
clitoris's interconnected relationship with the vagina is the physiological expl
anation for the conjectured G-spot. Having used MRI technology which enabled her
to note a direct relationship between the legs or roots of the clitoris and the
erectile tissue of the "clitoral bulbs" and corpora, and the distal urethra and
vagina, she stated that the vaginal wall is the clitoris; that lifting the skin
off the vagina on the side walls reveals the bulbs of the clitoris triangular, cres
cental masses of erectile tissue.[6] O'Connell et al., who performed dissections
on the female genitals of cadavers and used photography to map the structure of
nerves in the clitoris, were already aware that the clitoris is more than just
its glans and asserted in 1998 that there is more erectile tissue associated wit
h the clitoris than is generally described in anatomical textbooks.[42][59] They
concluded that some females have more extensive clitoral tissues and nerves tha
n others, especially having observed this in young cadavers as compared to elder
ly ones,[42][59] and therefore whereas the majority of females can only achieve
orgasm by direct stimulation of the external parts of the clitoris, the stimulat
ion of the more generalized tissues of the clitoris via intercourse may be suffi
cient for others.[6]
French researchers Odile Buisson and Pierre Folds reported similar findings to tha
t of O'Connell's. In 2008, they published the first complete 3D sonography of th
e stimulated clitoris, and republished it in 2009 with new research, demonstrati
ng the ways in which erectile tissue of the clitoris engorges and surrounds the
vagina, arguing that women may be able to achieve vaginal orgasm via stimulation
of the G-spot because the highly innervated clitoris is pulled closely to the a
nterior wall of the vagina when the woman is sexually aroused and during vaginal
penetration. They assert that since the front wall of the vagina is inextricabl
y linked with the internal parts of the clitoris, stimulating the vagina without
activating the clitoris may be next to impossible.[39][41][64][65] In their 200
9 published study, the "coronal planes during perineal contraction and finger pe
netration demonstrated a close relationship between the root of the clitoris and
the anterior vaginal wall". Buisson and Folds suggested "that the special sensiti
vity of the lower anterior vaginal wall could be explained by pressure and movem
ent of clitoris's root during a vaginal penetration and subsequent perineal cont
Supporting a distinct G-spot is a study by Rutgers University, published 2011, w
hich was the first to map the female genitals onto the sensory portion of the br
ain;[16] brain scans showed that the brain registered distinct feelings between
stimulating the clitoris, the cervix and the vaginal wall
where the G-spot is repo
rted to be when several women stimulated themselves in a functional magnetic reson
ance (fMRI) machine.[16][39] "I think that the bulk of the evidence shows that t
he G-spot is not a particular thing," stated Barry Komisaruk, head of the resear
ch findings. "It's not like saying, 'What is the thyroid gland?' The G-spot is m
ore of a thing like New York City is a thing. It's a region, it's a convergence
of many different structures."[43] Commenting on Komisaruk's research and other
findings, Emmanuele Jannini, a professor of endocrinology at the University of A

quila in Italy, acknowledged a series of essays published in March 2012 in The J

ournal of Sexual Medicine, which document evidence that vaginal and clitoral org
asms are separate phenomena that activate different areas of the brain and possi
bly suggest key psychological differences between women.[39]
Other factors and research
Regular difficulty reaching orgasm after ample sexual stimulation, known as anor
gasmia, is significantly more common in women than in men (see below).[34] In ad
dition to sexual dysfunction being a cause for women's inability to reach orgasm
, or the amount of time for sexual arousal needed to reach orgasm being variable
and longer in women than in men, other factors include a lack of communication
between sexual partners about what is needed for the woman to reach orgasm, feel
ings of sexual inadequacy in either partner, a focus on only penetration (vagina
l or otherwise), and men generalizing women's trigger for orgasm based on their
own sexual experiences with other women.[5][10][30]
Masters and Johnson found that men took about four minutes to reach orgasm with
their partners. Women took about 10 20 minutes to reach orgasm with their partners,
but four minutes to reach orgasm when they masturbated.[5] Scholars state "many
couples are locked into the idea that orgasms should be achieved only through in
tercourse [vaginal sex]" and that "[e]ven the word foreplay suggests that any ot
her form of sexual stimulation is merely preparation for the 'main event.'... ..
.Because women reach orgasm through intercourse less consistently than men, they
are more likely than men to have faked an orgasm".[5] Sex counselor Ian Kerner
stated, "It's a myth that using the penis is the main way to pleasure a woman."
He cites research concluding that women reach orgasm about 25% of the time with
intercourse, compared with 81% of the time during oral sex (cunnilingus).[66]
In the first large-scale empirical study worldwide to link specific practices wi
th orgasm, reported in the Journal of Sex Research in 2006, demographic and sexu
al history variables were comparatively weakly associated with orgasm. Data was
analyzed from the Australian Study of Health and Relationships, a national telep
hone survey of sexual behavior and attitudes and sexual health knowledge carried
out in 2001 2002, with a representative sample of 19,307 Australians aged 16 to 59.
Practices included "vaginal intercourse alone (12%), vaginal + manual stimulati
on of the man's and/or woman's genitals (49%), and vaginal intercourse + manual
+ oral (32%)" and the "[e]ncounters may also have included other practices. Men
had an orgasm in 95% of encounters and women in 69%. Generally, the more practic
es engaged in, the higher a woman's chance of having an orgasm. Women were more
likely to reach orgasm in encounters including cunnilingus".[67]
Other studies suggest that women exposed to lower levels of prenatal androgens a
re more likely to experience orgasm during vaginal intercourse than other women.
Anal and nipple stimulation in males and females
See also: Prostate massage
In both sexes, pleasure can be derived from the nerve endings around the anus an
d the anus itself, such as during anal sex. It is possible for men to achieve an
orgasm through prostate stimulation alone.[2][15][21] The prostate is located n
ext to the rectum and is the larger, more developed male homologue (variation) t
o the Skene's glands (which are believed to be connected to the female G-spot).[
68] Prostate stimulation can produce a "deeper" orgasm, described by some men as
more widespread and intense, longer-lasting, and allowing for greater feelings
of ecstasy than orgasm elicited by penile stimulation only.[2][15] However, thou
gh the experiences are different, male orgasms by penile stimulation are also ce
ntered in the prostate gland.[69] It is also common for men to not reach orgasm
as receptive partners solely from anal sex, and it may be that it is typical tha
t receptive male partners do not reach orgasm solely by this activity.[70]

For women, other than nerve endings found within the anus and rectum, anal pleas
ure may be achieved through indirect stimulation of the clitoral "legs"
of the clitoris that flank the urethra, urethral sponge, and vagina, and extend
back toward the pubis. Indirect stimulation of the clitoris through anal penetr
ation may be caused by the shared sensory nerves; especially the pudendal nerve,
which gives off the inferior anal nerves and divides into two terminal branches
: the perineal nerve and the dorsal nerve of the clitoris.[15] The G-spot area,
considered to be interconnected with the clitoris,[6][15][43] may also be access
ible through anal penetration; besides the shared anatomy of the aforementioned
sensory nerves, orgasm by stimulation of the clitoris or G-spot area through ana
l penetration is made possible because of the close proximity between the vagina
l cavity and the rectal cavity, allowing for general indirect stimulation.[71][7
2] Achieving orgasm solely by anal stimulation is rare among women.[73][74] Dire
ct stimulation of the clitoris, G-spot area, or both, during anal sex can help s
ome women enjoy the activity and reach orgasm from it.[36][72]
The aforementioned orgasms are sometimes referred to as anal orgasms,[74][75] bu
t sexologists and sex educators generally believe that orgasms derived from anal
penetration are the result of the anus's proximity to the clitoris or G-spot in
women, and the prostate in men, rather than orgasms originating from the anus i
tself.[15][72][74] Author Jack Morin, however, has postulated that "anal orgasm"
has nothing to do with the prostate orgasm, although the two are often confused
On rare occasions, stimulation of the breast area during sexual intercourse or f
oreplay, or solely having the breasts fondled, creates mild to intense orgasms,
sometimes referred to as a breast orgasm or nipple orgasm, in some women.[16] Ac
cording to one study, by Herbert Otto, which questioned 213 women, 29% of them h
ad experienced an orgasm of this kind at one time or another.[77] Research sugge
sts that the sensations are genital orgasms caused by nipple stimulation, and ma
y also be directly linked to "the genital area of the brain".[16][78] An orgasm
is believed to occur in part because of the hormone oxytocin, which is produced
in the body during sexual excitement and arousal. It has also been shown that ox
ytocin is produced when a man or woman's nipples are stimulated and become erect
A study published in the July 2011 The Journal of Sexual Medicine was the first
to map the female genitals onto the sensory portion of the brain, and concluded
that sensation from the nipples travels to the same part of the brain as sensati
ons from the vagina, clitoris and cervix. "Four major nerves bring signals from
women's genitals to their brains," said researcher Barry Komisaruk of Rutgers Un
iversity. "The pudendal nerve connects the clitoris, the pelvic nerve carries si
gnals from the vagina, the hypogastric nerve connects with the cervix and uterus
, and the vagus nerve travels from the cervix and uterus without passing through
the spinal cord (making it possible for some women to achieve orgasm even thoug
h they have had complete spinal cord injuries)." Komisaruk cited one reason for
this possibility to be oxytocin, which is also released during labor and trigger
s uterus contractions. Nipple stimulation triggers uterine contractions, which t
hen produce a sensation in the genital area of the brain. Komisaruk also relayed
, however, that preliminary data suggests that nipple nerves may directly link u
p with the relevant parts of the brain without uterine mediation, acknowledging
the men in his study who showed the same pattern of nipple stimulation activatin
g genital brain regions

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