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Elicitation Brochure - DHS

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Many professionals encourage conversation, especially discussion of theories, concepts, and plans. Its a spys dream come true!

So, remember, on your next trip or during any conversation with a foreign colleague: Be aware of the person with whom you are speaking and where your conversation may be reported. Dont be paranoid, just be careful.

What To Do
If you ever feel that you are being drawn into a conversation that makes you uncomfortable, keep these points in mind:

Because elicitation is subtle and difcult to recognize, you should report any suspicious conversations to the DHS Ofce of Security or your local security ofcer. To report a suspected elicitation attempt to the DHS Ofce of Security, please use the contact information below.

You are not obliged to tell people any information they are not authorized to hear; that includes personal information about you or your colleagues. You can simply ignore any question you think is improper and change the topic. You can deect the question with one of your own. You can give a nondescript answer. You can simply say that you do not know. If all else fails, you can state that you would have to clear such discussions with your Security Ofce.

Would You Recognize It?

Reporting Contacts
Presidential Decision Directive NSC-12 requires that government employees report all contacts with individuals of any nationality, either within or outside of the scope of the employees ofcial activities, in which:

illegal or unauthorized access is sought to classied or otherwise sensitive information. the employee is concerned that he may be the target of actual or attempted exploitation by a foreign entity.

Department of Homeland Security Ofce of Security Phone: (202) 447-5010 E-mail:

What is it?
In the espionage trade, elicitation is a technique frequently used by intelligence ofcers to subtly extract information about you, your work, and your colleagues. Said another way, elicitation is the art of conversation honed by intelligence services to its nest edge.

Appealing to Ones Ego

Intelligence Ofcer: You must have an important position in your agency. Our host seems to think very highly of you. You: Well, how nice of you to say so. As a matter of fact, my job isnt all that important. What I do is... Flattery often coaxes a person into a conversation that otherwise would not have taken place.

Volunteering Information
(in hopes of getting something in return)

Intelligence Ofcers are always willing to trade information. Dont feel obligated to respond in kind merely because someone tells you something interesting.

Assumed Knowledge
If your companion talks as if he is knowledgeable about a particular subject (computers, nuclear physics, whatever) or if you have assumed that he is up on the subject, then whats the harm in discussing it, right? No, wrong. Assume nothing. Tell nothing.

The Dilemma
You never know if elicitation is being used casually to pass the time or if it is being used to gather intelligence data.

Expression of Mutual Interest

Intelligence Ofcer: Oh, you have a background in computers; so do I. Perhaps youd like to try out the Sun Workstation I have at home. Its really powerful! You: Yes, Id like to do that. That sounds interesting. Ive always wanted to try out a powerful workstation like that. I use a CAD/CAM program, but my computer... You have just agreed to extend your relationship beyond the immediate social situation. This works to an Intelligence Ofcers advantage. He now has the opportunity to establish a deeper relationship off-line, in a venue that he controls.

Why Elicitation? What is Its Appeal?

The Threat
Todays world of openness offers almost unlimited opportunities to gather information through direct personal contact. Each year, thousands of U.S. Government ofcials and scientists come into contact with foreign colleagues both in the U.S. and overseas. Intelligence services invest signicant resources in identifying individuals who possess the knowledge they desire. The information may not be classied, but it will be useful to their nations well being. Elicitation requires patience. Pieces of information collected over an extended period of time can provide the nal piece of the puzzle to a complex problem or save the expenditure of scarce research money.

Elicitation is non-threatening. It is hard to recognize as an intelligence technique and it is easy to deny any wrongdoing. Elicitation is easy to disguise. Its just conversation among colleagues and friends. Elicitation is effective.

There you are, at a social gathering, deep into a conversation with someone you dont know very well. There are questions back and forth over a wide range of topics. How do you know when the conversation is merely social and innocent and when it is being conducted for other purposes? You dont know, really. There are, however, some tried and true techniques of gaining information. These techniques are used by ordinary people in ordinary conversations, as well as by intelligence ofcers in some not-so-ordinary conversations. Here are some common techniques you may recognize:

Deliberate False Statements

Intelligence Ofcer: Everybody knows, of course, that the Pakistanis have had nuclear technology for only two years. You: Actually, that isnt true. They started in 1978 with a program to... Such statements have the curious property of producing denials, along with the real facts, out of the listener. This is based on the deep-rooted need that most people have to correct misstatements, to inform people, and to appear to be in-the-know.

Keep in mind that a key element in any espionage operation is to make it as easy as possible for the target to share his information. After all, the elicitation is only conversation among colleagues and friends. What is more natural than that? We do it all the time.

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