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Training Report at NFL Panipat

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INTRODUCTION OF NFL National Fertilizer Limited was established in 23th August 1974, to set up two fuel oil based

plants at Bhatinda(Punjab) and Panipat (Haryana). Both of them were commissioned in 1979. The Nangal fertilizer plant of fertilizer corpoartion ofIndia (FCI) has been merged with NFL in 1978 on the

recoganition of FCI and NFL group based

of companies. Later NFL executed its gas

plant at Vijaipur(MP) on HBJ gaspipe line.Vijaipur plant had gone in

commercial production in july,1988. NFL is now operating three fuel oil based plants located at Vijaipur. Panipat, Bhatinda, Nangal and gas based plant at

NFL p r o d u c e s two popular brands of chemical fertilizer i.e. Kisan Khad (Calcium A mmonium Nitrate-CAN) and Kisan Urea. Besides the fertilizers it manufactures and mar ets the industrial products(Liquid Oxygen, Liquid Nitrogen, Nitric

Acid, Methanol, Argon) and byproducts (Sulphur). NFL had signed a mamorandum of Understanding with after signing the MOU the governmet of India in 1991 -92 all the years, , government has rated the performance of the

company as Excellent. Comapany has been performing at high level of capacity utilization over the years.

FERTILIZER, INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Kisan Urea and Kisan Khad :- NFLs popular brands are sold over a large The

marketing territory spanning the length and breadth of company also

the company.

manufactures and markets Biofertilizers and a wide range of

industrial products like Methanol, Nitric Acid, Sulphur, Liquid Oxygen etc.

Kisan Urea Kisan Urea i s a highly concentrated solid nitrogenuous fertilizer, containing 46.0%. It is completely soluble in water hence nitrogen is easily available to crops. It contains Nitrogen in amide form which changes to ammonical

forms and is retrieved by soil collides for longer duration. Urea is avilable in Granular form and can be applied by drill and broadcasting. Kisan Urea is ideally suited for all types of crops and for foliar spray, which instantly removes nitrogen deficiency. Kisan Urea also has a strong and long lasting effect on crop resulting in bumper crops.

NATIONAL FERTILIZER LIMITED INTRODUCTION OF PANIPAT UNIT The panipat unit if NFL is situated on National Highway no 1 and DelhiAmritsar railway trunroute. Panipat city is about 90 Km from Delhi and is covered in National Capital Region. Panipat is a historical city , which was the scene of historical battles.

Government of India passed a project on 10/2/1975 and contruction was started fr om 30/4/75. The project was completed on 2/9/78 i.e in 40 months. TOYO Engineering Corporation, Japan and Engineers India Limited was the main con tractors. Total expense on the project was of 221.33 crores of which 56.45 crores was in t he form of forgien investment. Urea production was started from 1/9/79. Till now NFL has produced 85 La h Metric Tons Kisan Urea.

Performance of the unit in all the areas of its performance has also been acknowledged. It has won number of awards and recoginition in the field of

production, safety, innovation, environment protection, s ill etc. The unit is well known for its commitment towards environment protection and social welfare in the region.

The brand name of Urea produced is KISAN UREA Plant capacity of NFL Panipat is of 5,11,500 tons Kisan Urea (46.5% N) PA.

Capacity of Ammonia plant is 900 metric tons per day. Capacity of Urea plant is 1650 metric tons per day.

RAW MATERIAL REQUIRED For the production of 900 Metrictons/day of Ammonia and 1650 Metrictons/day of Urea following raw materials are required.


: : : 26 MWH

910 metrictons/day 1650 metrictons/day 17 metrictons/day


The plant is equipped with latest Mechanical and Electrical control system in wh ich microprocessors are used.

AMMONIA PLANT The Amonia plant is based on fuel oil as feed stoc and is designed to

produce 900 MT/ DAY of ammonia. The Fuel Oil are low sulphur heavy sto e (LSHS) is partially oxidized in the Gasification Reactors at 1350 0C by shell gasification process. The raw gas produce in the reactors mainly consist of H2, CO , CO2, and H2S. The heat generated in the process is recovered in the waste heat boilers to produce high pressure steam at 100 Kg/Cm2. About 80 % of the carbon produced in the Gasification Reactors is recycled along with the feedstock .Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) in the raw gas is removed by the absorption in cold Methanol in Desulphurisation Section of Rectisol. The Carbon Monooxide in the desulphurised gas is converted to carbon dioxide by double stage CO - shift conversion. The CO2 is later removed from the

process gas in Decarbonation section of the rectisol. H2S and CO2 from the raw gas are removed by low temp methanol in the rectisol and both gases are recovered by the regeneration of methanol at low pressure. H2S in the form of clause gas is sent to Sulphur Recovery plant for the recovery of sulphur. The CO2 gas is sent to the Urea plant for synthesizing with ammonia to manufacture Urea. An absorption refrigeration unit provides refrigera tion in the rectisol section. The process gas from the rectisol section is sent to the nitrogen wash unit to remove the traces of impurities by liquid nitrogen wash. Nitrogen is further a dded to the process gas to obtain a ratio of 3:1 of N2 and H2. This synthesis ga s mixture is compressed to 230 Kg/Cm2 pressure and synthesis of N2 and H2 is car ried out in Ammo nia is produced. Oxygen requirement and Nitrogen requirement is met by an air se paration unit. In ASU the atmospheric air is compressed in HP and LP distilation the Haldor Topsoe Loop in a radial flow Ammonia Convertor and

columns at cryogenic temperatures. SULPHUR RECOVERY PLANT Sulphur is present in the fuel oil used as feedstoc for the manufacture of

ammo nia. Clause gas rich in hydrogen sulphide is obtained in the rectisol section of the Ammonia plant. Clause gas is sent to sulphur recovery plant and is burnt an d partialy oxidised to SO2 in Acid Gas Heat Exchanger. It is followed by

reactio n between

H2S and SO2 to form elemental sulphur. After separating

sulphur by con densing the residual H2S reacts with SO2 to form more sulphur in two catalytic r eactors in series. The unconverted waste gas is burnt in the incinerator and hea t is removed in heat recovery exchanger, where low pressure steam is produced. T he sulphur recovery plant serves the double purpose i.e. to recover costly sulph ur and to prevent pollution.


Urea plant is designed to produce 1650 TPD based Mitsui Toatsu Total Recycle C Imp roved process. The Ammonia and Carbondioxide produced in Ammonia plant are press urised to about 250 Kg/Cm2. Synthesis ta es place in the Urea reactor, where Amm onia and CO2 reacts at 250 Kg/Cm2 pressure and 200 0C temperature to produce Ure a. The reactor outlet products are then decomposed . The urea solution produced in this process is crystallised in vacumn crystallizer. Crystal slurry is centri fugated to separate crystals, which are then dried in the dryer and pneumaticall y conveyed to the top of Prilling Tower. Urea crystals are melted in the Melter and the molten urea is sprayed through Acoustic Granulators from 68 meter high p rilling tower. Urea in the form of prills is collected at the bottom of the towe r on CFD bed, where it is cooled by air. Product Urea is then sent to bagging pl ant and bagged in 50 Kg bags.


Due to improper supply from northern grid the plant was facing the shortage of e lectricity, resulting in the loss of production. To overcome this

problem a Capt ive Power plant was made. The capacity of each boiler of power plant is 210 tons/hr. Each generator has pr oduction capacity of 15 MWH. Stable electricity supply has resulted in increased production. The plant is now self dependent in this field.






4000 MT per hour 200 cubic meter per hour


RAW WATER PLANT 2400 cubic meter per hour



The plant has a production capacity of 900 metric Tons per stream day of liquid ammonia by one train based gasific ation of heavy on the SHELL Gasification Process for LURGI-Rectisol Process for

oil and carbon recovery,

desulphurizat ion and carbon dioxide removal and Ammonia synthesis process starting with heavy oil feedstoc and consists of the following section. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Air separation section Shell gasification and carbon recovery section Desulphurization section (Rectisol process) Shift conversion section CO2 removal section (Rectisol process)

6. 7.

Nitrogen washing section Ammonia synthesis section including refrigeration section

Air Separation Unit: -

There are theoretically three methods of obtaining oxygen -Electrical -Mechanical -Chemical p orous Materials. : Air centrifugation : Solubility in various liquids separation by passing through : Water electrolysis

But the only one which up to now is used on an industrial scale i s the one consisting in extracting oxygen from air by low-pressure distillation column. This section explains the various parts of the plant, which shall be described in the following section.

Air composition:Air is generally a mixture of 2 gases: Oxygen and Nitrogen in the follo

wing proportions in the volume: -1/5th Oxygen (O2), exactly 20.93%

-4/5th Nitrogen (N2), exactly 78.03% It also comprises various other components which are present in constant proportions such as the 5 rare gases:

Argon Neon Helium

(Ar) 0.93% (Ne) 1/60,000 0.0015% (He) 1/200,000 about 0.0005% about Krypton (Kr) 1/1,000,000 about 0.0001% Xenon (Xe) 1/11,000,000 about 0.000008%

And in variable quantities: Water vapors (H2O) Carbon dioxide (CO2: about 0.03%) Hydrocarbons, acetylene (C2H2) Ozone (O3). Lastly traces of hydrogen and of oil if the air has been handled by lubricated m achines.

Air separation unit is provided for getting oxygen gas and nitrogen gas from air. Produced oxygen gas is led to the reactors in SHELL Gasification proc ess where it contributes to Partial oxidation of feed oil. On the other hand nit rogen gas after being liquefied is mainly sent to Nitrogen Washing Unit to purif y synthesis gas. Some of the nitrogen gas is also used as utility, e.g. as compr essor sealing gas. Air chiller further cools the feed air first cooled by precoo ler, which is an evaporator of refrigeration unit in this Air Separation Unit. T hen the air passes through air dryers filled with molecular sieves and alumina g el for drying by adsorbent down to extremely low dew point and also for complete removal of CO2. The absorbers are alternately used two at a time with the other going through a desorption process for regeneration by the dry waste gas extract ed from the unit. After removal of water and CO2 by the absorbers, the air is fe

d into cold box. The cold air is liquefied in the liquefiers by heat exchange with the waste N2, O2 and pure N2 streams from the rectifying columns, and then is led to the lower rectifying column. The air for the expansion turbine is extracted fro m air heat exchanger and combined with cold air from lower rectifying column. Before combined with the air from air heat exchanger the air from recti fying column is warmed by heat exchanger with pure nitrogen gas from the N2 Wash ing Unit. Because the turbine can be operated at rather higher temp. The expansi on turbines wor effectively and provide necessary refrigeration for the unit. The exhaust air from the expansion turbine is led to the middle part of upper rectifying column. The rectifying column comprises a lower column wor ing at about 6 g/cm2G and upper column wor ing at about 0.8 cond enser. Air from the air heat exchanger first enters the bottom of lower rectifyi ng column and reaches the main condenser after rising up through the lower colum n. At the lower column, air is preliminarily separated to the N2 and O2 rich liquid air. At the main condenser, N2 is liquefied by heat exchanger with the li quid O2. As a result, liquid air of about 40% O2 purity is obtained at the top a nd middle of the lower column. The liquefied air and N2, thus obtained by preliminary separation in the lo wer column, are sent respectively at the liquid state to the upper column. g/cm2G and a main

The liquefied air withdrawn from the bottom of lower column passes through o ne of the two alternately operating hydrocarbon absorber and liquid air filters to remove any possible contamination of hydrocarbon. It is then super cooled aga inst waist N2 from the upper column in the liquid air super cooler before being expanded top the pressure of the upper column through the expansion valve which automatically controls the liquid level at the bottom of lower column and fed to the upper column. Liquid N2 withdrawn form the middle of the lower column is fed to the upper

column through the expansion valve. lower

Liquid N2 withdrawn from the top


c olumn is super cooled in the N2 super cooler and fed

to the upper

column through the expansion valve. These liquid air and liquid N2 that are fed to the upper column are

rectifi ed further by repeated rectifying operation. Finally, liquefied O2 of a specifie d purity us obtained in the main condenser. A part of the liquid O2 continuously circulated by liquid O2 pump in order to remove remaining hydrocarbons in circulating absorbers. The waste N2 was is w ithdrawn from the middle part of upper column and warmed in the liquid air super cooler and air heat exchanger then extracted from cold box.

SHELL GASIFICATION AND CARBON RECOVERY PROCESS: The raw synthesis gas is produced by gasification of the heavy oil with O2 and steam in three parallel oil gasification reactors, using the shell parti al process. oxidation

Desulfhurization process:

This process is done to remove the sulphur compounds, as they are har mful in next processes. Therefore we remove sulphur which is in the form of H2S and COS from the raw gas which are purified by LURGI-RECTISOL physical absorptio n process which is carried out at low temperature and high pressure in the prese nce of an organic polar solvent, methanol. The raw gas from the shell gasificati on process enters desulfurisation section of Rectisol process at about 48 g/cm2 G and at

45C. After cooling to about -22C in H2S absorber feed/effluent heat exchanger AEA201A , B and H2S absorber feed NH3, chiller A-EA202 with cold gas and evaporating NH3

, the gas charged to H2S absorber A-DA201 where H2Sand COS are reduced to 0.4 pp m by being washed with methanol. The desulfurised gas after being heated in H2S absorber feed/effluent conversion. The lean methanol solvent for desulfurisation is ta en from the N2 stripping fro m CO2 regeneration Aheat exchanger A-EA201A,B is sent to shift


From the bottom of the upper part of H2S absorber the fat methanol solvent passe s to H2S flash column A-DA202 where it is flashed in two pressure stages. A split flow of regenerated methanol from the vacuum stage of CO2 regenerator A- DA402 is charged to the top of H2S flash column by low-pressure methanol pumps a nd to free the off gas to the incinerator at the sulfur recovery unit up to 1000 ppm H2S, so that the methanol will be enriched with H2S. Then the methanol solvent is supplied to H2S hot regenerator after being warmed up in lean/semi lean methanol heat exchanger. After complete regeneration the le an solvent is pumped through lean/semi lean methanol Heat exchanger, lean methanol NH3 chiller and lean methanol heat exchanger where it is cooled down and is fed bac for CO2 fi ne wash. The flash gas of the first let down stage of H2S flash column and CO2 to the top of CO2 absorber A-DA401

regenerato r are combined and recompressed by recycle gas compressor into the raw gas. On t he other hand H2S rich gas is withdrawn from hot

regenerator reflux drum and sen t to the sulfur recovery plant to recover the sulfur as element.


In the shift conversion section, CO off desulfurisation process ga s reacts with stem to produce H2 and CO2. the shift reaction ta es place

under t he proper tem. And pressure conditions in the presence of suitable catalysts, ac cording to the following equation. CO + H2O H2 +CO2

Excess stem is to be introduced to prevent the carbon formation and also to a chieve higher reaction efficiency to the right equation b ut there is a certain limit of the hand side of the above

range in the quantity of the excess steam, as the time of contact between gases and catalyst is reduced if too much excess steam exist.

This reaction is reversible. Equilibrium towards H2 production is favored by lo w temperature, while reaction rate is favored by high temperature. The actual sh ift reaction ta es place at 350 to 500C in the presence of iron chromium catalyst . In actual processing, the desulfurisation process gas from the desulfurisatio n section enters the Humidifier A-DA301, where it contacts hot water by counter flow and is saturated with steam at 210C, the gas is heated up by No.1 and No. 2 shift converter feed gas heaters A-EA301 and A-EA302A,B. Then in order to achieve proper steam to dry gas ratio superheated steam and process condensate are injected into this gas before being introduced to the shi ft converter A-DC301. The shift reaction proceeds in two stages of the shift converter at the outle t of the first stage CO content in the gas is reduced to 12 to 13%. Hot gas from the outlet of the first stage is sent to No.2 shift converter fe ed gas heater to be cooled till 360C, which is suitable for second stage reaction .

The second stage inlet temperature is controlled by the heat exchanger bypas s and/or process condensate quench. In the second stage, the shift reaction is further promoted until the CO cont ent in the gas is decreased up to3.5 volume%. The outlet gas from the shift converter enters No.1 shift converter feed gas heater where it heats up shift converter feed gas, and is fed to the

humidifier feed water heater A-EA303 and then to the dehumidifier A-DA302 where it is coole d down to about 186C after contact with water by counter flow. The outlet gas from the dehumidifier is sent to the absorption refrigeration until to be utilized as a heating source of the NH3 desorber. Further more, thi s gas is used to generate the 3 g/cm2 G steam in the low-pressure boiler and the n heat up boiler feed water in the shift converter effluent economizer A-EA306 a nd finally is cooled by cooling water in the shift converter

effluent cooler. The converted gas, after being cooled to ambient temperature is send to the Decarbonation process.

CO2 Removal Process: -

The CO2 of CO shift effluent gas is purified by LURGI-RECTISOL phy sical absorption process, which is carried by the same methanol solution as desu lfurisation process but at rather lower temperature. The gas from shift conversi on enters the CO2 removal section at about 45C. after cooling to app. -25C in CO2 absorber feed ammonia chiller A-EA 402 with purified gas from N2 washing unit, C O2 gas and evaporating ammonia, the gas is charged to CO2 absorber where CO2 is reduced to 10 ppm by absorption in the methanol at low temperature. The lean methanol regenerated at H2S hot regenerator is fed to the top of CO2 absorber for fine absorption at low temperature and the methanol partly rege nerated in the N2 stripping section of CO2 regenerator is charged to the middle of CO2 absorber. In the lower part of CO2 absorber the heat of

absorption is ta en away in CO2 absorber circulation chiller. The loaded methanol from the bottom of CO2 absorber is flashed in two pressu re stages and finally stripped with pure N2 in CO2 regenerator.

In the first bottom flashed stage of CO2 regenerator, the CO absorbed noble hydrogen gas flashes and after washed by a small load of lean methanol from N2 s tripping section to absorb the CO2 content of the expanded gas, returns to the c rowd gas by recycle gas compressor together with the flash gas from H2S flash co lumn.

Approximate 25800 Nm3/hr of CO2 gas is sent to urea plant and the CO2 removal se ction shall be capable of producing 10% additional CO2 over and above that requi re for production of 1550 MT/ day urea. The quality of this additional CO2 gas s hould be same as required for the production of Urea. The low temperature in the Rectisol plant is maintained by the no. ammoni a chillers, the required ammonia absorption refrigeration operated on th e waist heat of CO shifted gas. To eliminate icing of the water vapor cooling down stage will in the raw gas below 00Cat the little methanol of

unit is

the absorption temperature, a

injected into the respective gas streams. The

Nitrogen unit


The CO contained about 5.2% in the CO2 absorption effluent raw gas, is washed by liquid N2 at N2 washing unit. And also the N2 required for NH3 synthes is is mixed here. The raw gas from the CO2 removal section first enters molecular sieves adsorb er unit, where residual CO2, CH3OH are removed to prevent plugging in the proces s. Principle: Raw synthesis gas coming from Rectisol decarbonation section at 39.5 gs/cm2 and 55 C contains following impurities. CO Ar CH4 CO2 CH3OH NOX 0.50 vol.% 10 ppm 100 ppm 0.02 ppm 5.21 vol.% 0.38 vol.%

Purification of raw SYN gas is done in following steps: 1. ca rbon (NO, NO2). 2. out Cooling down by countercurrent heat exchange with product gas coming Purification by adsorption on molecular sieves- CO2, CH3OH and active

of N.W.U and there by condensing some of the impurities (CO, H2S and COS) at 1900C. 3. column. Purification by washing with liquid N2 in a distillation

In the cold box the raw gas goes in first and second raw gas heat exchanger and made of aluminum plates. The raw gas has a temperature of about 190C at the ou tlet of the second raw gas heat exchanger and is fed column. In the N2 washing column, impurities such as CO, Ar, CH4 are liquefied and t a en out as tail gas, since feed gas is washed by super cooled liquid N which sp ray from the top of column. The purified gas, which is mixture of H2 and N2, can be obtained from the top of the N2 washing column and gives it coldness to the raw gas and N2 gas while passing heat to the N2 washing

exchanger. Before leaving the unit, purified gas is added to N2 to ma e the proportion o f H2 and N2 ratio 3:1 section. In this process, the purified gas is also used to compensate the frigory of t he Rectisol section. The residual condensate liquid in the N2 washing column flo ws into second and first tail gas heat exchanger and be sent out as tail gas to the steam super heater for fuel through HCN stripper. Waist gas blower and waste gasholder are provided in tan yard, for buffering. and fed to NH3 synthesis

The liquid N2 which had been liquefied and super cooled during the heat excha nging in the first and second tail gas heat exchangers meet the liquid N2 for co ld compensation coming from the air separation unit and both are supplied, as wa shing liquid to the top of N2 washing column. The pressurized N2 gas by the N2 c ompressor is sent to the tail adjusting the mixing ratio. A part of N2 passing through the first tail gas heat exchanger is cooled to saturated gas temperature as low as app. 137C and sent to the air separ ation unit. The N2 gas is liquefied through N2 liquefier, the tubes mounted in the main c gas heat exchanger and also used for

ondenser and N2 super cooler of the air separation unit and returns to N2 washin g unit as a state of super cooled liquid N2 with a temperature of 190C. To reactivate the molecular sieves in adsorber the N2 gas is introduced from air separation unit. Reactivation heater heats up one part of introduced N2. For adsorber regeneration and other part are cooled by reactivation cooler for abso rber cooling. The N2 washing unit is based on the following design condition.

1). Raw gas: -

Quantity Normal pressure

design 40.5 +-55C 2.0 g/cm2 A


Composition H2 N2 CO Ar CH4 CO2 CH3OH NOX 93.62 vol.% 0.29 vol.% 5.21 vol.% 0.38 vol.% 0.50 vol.% 10 ppm 100 ppm 0.02 ppm


Product gas: -

Design Normal pressure Temperature

Quantity 99186 Nm3/hr 33C

Composition N2 Ar H2 75 vol.% 25 vol.% 50 ppm


2 ppm 5 ppm 1 ppm

Nitric oxide in the raw gas forms gums and deposits at feed gas side of N2 washing column inlet heat exchanger. The accumulated gums cause heavy explosi on at the following stage for plant shut down even under N2 atmosphere.

The NOX gum accumulation is limited up to 0.02 ppm of 1 year, and the process sh all be subject to the acetone cleaning if the counted accumulation exceeds this limit. The NOX content shall never exceed 0.2 ppm even on pea and also not exce ed the 0.02-ppm over than total 1 month per year. If the NOX content exceeded th e above value, the plant shall be shutdown. Ammonia synthesis process: -



Chemistry and Brief description of plant

Le Chateliers Principle - The principle states that if any of the RXN parameter (T, P and Conc.) were changed in RXN equilibrium, then the RXN will proceed in t hat direction, where the change in the parameter is counteracted.

This principle can be used to discuss the Amm. Synth.RXN

N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) = 2 NH3 (g) H =750 .Cal/ g. This RXN is exothermic and moles of product are less than the sum of moles of Re actants. principle: Then according to the above


Increase of temp will shift the RXN in the reverse direction which is

en dothermic i.e. heat is absorbed. b) Decrease of temp. will shift the RXN in forward RXN and so that conc.

of ammonia will increase at the cost of decrease of conc. of N2 and H2.


Increase of Pr. will shift the RXN in the forward direction when the in product are less than that of Reactants. Hence this will

No moles

increase the conc. of Ammonia. And decrease the conc. of H2 & N2. d) Increase of conc. of N2 and H2 will ma e the RXN to ta e place in the

fo rward direction where the added material is consumed. e) Removal of ammonia formed after condensation with water cooler and

ammon ia chiller as early as possible increase the RXN. If products formed are not re moved, then the RXN will not ta e place.

The syn gas from N2 washing unit is compressed from 37 g/cm2 G to 231 g/cm 2G in the centrifugal type synthesis gas compressor. Before compression the ma e up gas is mixed with flash gas from the product let down tan . After compressio n to 218 th e NH3 separator and the mixture is finally compressed to 231 g/cm2 in the g/cm2 G , the total ma e up gas is mixed with the recirculation gas

last casing of synthesis gas compressor.

The gas leaving synthesis gas compressor enters the synthesis hot exchanger A-EA602, where exchanger with the hot effluent gas from the synthesis economizer A-EA601 A, B. At the outlet of the ammonia converter A-DC601 the gas contains about 16% of NH3 . A considerable part of the heat content of the converter effluent gas is util ized in the synthesis economizer A-EA601A, B and then cooled down to about 71 oC in the synthesis hot exchanger A-EA602. The cooling of the gas continues first in the synthesis water cooler AEA603, in which a substantial part of the ammonia is condensed. At the outlet of the s ynthesis water cooler the temperature is about 400C. The gas then passes the syn thesis cold exchanger A-EA604, in which it is cooled to about 330C by heat excha ngers with the recirculation gas coming from the ammonia separator. Finally, the gas is cooled to 100C in the Ammonia cooled condensorA-EB601. The mixture of sy nthesis gas and liquid ammonia is passed on to the ammonia seperatorA-FA601, in which the liquid ammonia is separated. The gas which separates the ammonia till 4.92% is heated to about 320C in the synthesis of cold exchanger, and enters the last casing of the synthesis gas compressor as recycle after mixed with ma e up synthesis gas. The liquid ammonia separated in the ammonia separator is depress it is heated to the converter inlet temperature by heat

urized to 45 g/cm2G and ta en to the product let down tan in which considerabl e part of the gases dissolved in the

Ammonia is released. This gas is recycled to the synthesis gas compressor suctio n and reused in the synthesis loop. The liquid ammonia from product let down tan delivered and led to the urea pl ant under normal operation. The ammonia converter is the TOPSOE radial flow type converter. It consists of a pressure shell and a bas et. The bas et is divided into a lower heat exchanger and a catalyst section consisting of two beds. A cen tral tube passes through the catalyst section. The main stream of the synthesis gas is introduced into the converter through two main inlets at the top and passes downwards through the annular space betwe en the bas et and the pressure shell, eeping the later

cooled. At the bottom

of converter, the gas enters into the shell side of

the lower exchanger, in which it is heated to the reaction temp. By heat exchanger with gas leaving the conver

ter. This reaction temp. can be adjusted by means of a cold bypass introduced th rough the bottom nozzle of the converter. The gas leaving the lower exchanger goes to the upper catalyst bed through a transfer pipe placed inside the central tube in the lower bed. The gas passes th e upper bed in radial direction and the reaction ta es place. The distribution i s ensured by means of perforated plate placed in the catalyst bed wall. The react gas in the upper bed enters the lower bed through the outer a nnular space surrounding catalyst bed. The temp. Outlet of the upper bed is abou t 5000C. This temp. is reduced to about 4050C before entering into lower bed by addition of quench gas. The rxn. Gas passed the lower bed in the radial directio n enters in to the lower exchanger through the annular space between the inner b ed wall. The gas flow distribution on lower bed is also ensured by the perforate d plate. The outlet temp. of the gas from the lower bed is about 5100C. The gas passe d through the tube side of the lower exchanger and leaves the converter through the bottom of the pressure shell. The refrigeration system consist of the ammoni a cooled condenser and the ammonia refrigerator which consist of the ammonia com pressor, the ammonia condenser, the ammonia receiver. The compressed ammonia vapor leaving the ammonia compressor is condensed in t he ammonia condenser. The liquid ammonia is vaporized in the ammoniacooled cond enser at 3.9

g/cm2G, there by providing the cooling capacity necessary for cooling and conde nsing the product ammonia. The vaporized ammonia gas enters the suction of the ammonia compressor for co mpression to about 16 g/cm2 G.


Particulars Feed gas Temp. 1200C

Inlet Converter Outlet converter 395515 NM3 3180C 17.8% 340377 NM3

Ammonia 3.12% H2 N2

71.99% 60.05% 24,0% 20.0% 0.89 1.03% 2ppm max.




Particulars condition 380 oC


Ist bed-Inlet(Centre) 390oC In the bed O/L 495 oC

522 oC 518 oC 405 oC 390 oC 450 oC

IId Bed Inlet T.C in bed

O/L center tube 505 oC 454 oC

1). H2/N2 ratio in the ma e up gas H2 / N2 ratio 3:1 is maintained in loop. If H2/N2 ratio is below 2. 5:1 or higher than 3:1 reaction speed in the converter will decrease, temp.will tend to decrease and pressure of the loop increases. Some gas must be purged th

rough loop vent to maintain ratio in the loop. Preferred ratio is 2.88.because N2 is a limiting reactant in the reaction. 2). High inerts in the loop:Inerts in the loop > 1.26% increases the loop pressure but the e ffective pressure of H2 & N2 in the loop decreases and reaction velocity decreas es,. Hence inerts level should be controlled to optimum. 3) Ammonia Conc. At Converter inlet:Increase of Ammonia conc. In the converter inlet gas reduce d the reaction rate and decrease of Ammonia con. Inlet to converter increases th e reaction rate. main tain Ammonia con. In the inlet to optimum level. GC-601suction pressure should be 3.8K 4). Circulating rate: Increase of circulating rate of gas reduces the pressure of the lo op. incr eases. However, the loop pressure decreases and consequently load on the main c ompressor reduces. 5). Pressure: According to Le-Chattier principle, High pressure favors the forwar d reaction. But pressure increases in the loop due to following factors: a) b) Increase of ma e up gas quantity Decrease of circulating rate Though load on the circulating compressor and refrigeration compressor GC-601 and EB 601 chiller operation should be adjusted to

c) d) e) f)

Increase of inert level Ammonia content increase in the converter inlet H2/N2 ratio not proper Reduction of catalyst activity due to poisoning or aging of catalyst.

Pressure rise due to point No.a) i.e increase of ma e up gas favors the forward reaction but other factors b) to f) retard the reaction and steps should be ta e n to control these parameters.



Animation of reciprocating compressor A motor-driven six-cylinder reciprocating compressor that can oper ate with two, four or six cylinders. Main article: Reciprocating compressor Reciprocating compressors use pistons driven by a cran shaft. They can be either

stationary or portable, can be single or multi-staged, and can be driven by ele ctric motors or internal combustion engines.[1][4][5] Small reciprocating compre ssors from 5 to 30 horsepower (hp) are commonly seen in automotive applications and are typically for intermittent duty. Larger reciprocating compressors well o ver 1,000 hp (750 petroleum applications. Discharge pressures can range from low pressure to very W) are still commonly found in large industrial and

High pressure (>6000 psi or 41.4 MPa). In certain applications, such as air comp ression, multi-stage double-acting compressors are said to be the most efficient compressors available, and are typically larger, noisier, and more costly than comparable rotary units.[6]

Rotary screw compressors

Diagram of a rotary sc rew compressor

Main article:

Rotary screw compressors use two meshed rotating positivedisp

lacement helical screws to force the gas into a smaller space.[1][7][8] These ar e usually used for continuous operation in commercial and industrial application s and may be either stationary or portable. Their application can be from 3 hors epower (2.2 W) to over 1,200 horsepower (890 high pressure (>1200 psi or 8.3 MPa). Rotary vane compressors W) and from low pressure to very

See also: Rotary vane compressors consist of a rotor with a number of blades inserted in radial slots in the rotor. The rotor is mounted offset in a larger h ousing which can be circular or a more complex shape. As the rotor turns, blades slide in and out of the slots eeping contact with the outer wall of the housin g.[1] Thus, a series of decreasing volumes is created by the rotating blades. Ro

tary Vane compressors are, with piston compressors one of the oldest of compress or technologies. With suitable port connections, the devices may be either a compressor or a vacu um pump. They can be either stationary or portable, can be single or multistage d, and can be driven by electric motors or internal combustion engines. Dry vane machines are used at relatively low pressures (e.g., 2 bar) for bul material m ovement whilst oil-injected machines have the necessary volumetric efficiency to achieve pressures up to about 13 bar Scroll compressors

Mechanism of a scroll pump Main article: A scroll compressor, also nown as scroll pump and scroll vac

uum pump, uses two interleaved spiral-li e vanes to pump or compress fluids such as liquids and gases. The vane geometry may be involutes, Archimedean spiral, o r hybrid curves.[9][10][11] They operate more smoothly, quietly, and reliably th an other types of compressors in the lower volume range Often, one of the scrolls is fixed, while the other orbits eccentrically without rotating, thereby trapping and pumping or compressing poc ets of fluid or gas b etween the scrolls.

(NITROGEN COMPRESSOR) GENERAL DESCRIPITION NITROGEN GAS COMPRESSOR IS OF TYPE driven by steam turbine, both of m/s mitsui s hip building & engineering co. ltd. This compressor has he under mentioned constr

uction features:


Casing can be horizontally split for easy maintenance. The lower half

is provided with the gas inlet and outlet connection. 2. it consists of two casing with different rotational speed (LPC&HPC)

and four stages . 3. Diaphragm coupling is used to minimize thrust force caused by thermal

ex pansion of the rotor. 4. Labyrinth type gas seal is used.


Specification of the compressor at normal condition (100% flow)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. eam 9.

capacity ( g/hr)day relative humidity(%) molecular weight cp/cv( 1) compressibility speed(rpm) Max. continuous type of driver speed DRIVE RATED (HP) (rpm) 8650 1.0

34,082 0 28.01 1.4

8000/11435(LPC/HPC) extraction condensing st


THE oxygen compressor is supplied by DEMG COMPRESSOR WEST


a two casting multistage turbo-compressor of single shaft construction. The c ompressor is driven directly by a steam turbine supplied by compressor. A reduct ion gear is provided b/w LP and HP compressor. Each casing has 6 impeller.

The compressor is designed to supply 24970 NM3/hr of minimum 98% oxygen gas at 63.03 g/cm2 G and final disch. Temperature of 450c to the gasifiers.

The casing of the compressor is a pressure tight and dimensionally stable horiz ontally split. The impellers are shrun on the shaft. These impellers are so arr anged on the shaft that the longitudinal thrust is partially

cancelled out and i nternal lea age is minimized.

A dummy piston has

provided to reduce the longitudinal thrust causing by value permissible for thrust

the impeller arrangement down to a bearing .

Drain holes for lea age oil and condensate have been provided in the spares betw een casing and bearing trestles to prevent liquid from entering the machine.

A fire wall has been provided around the oxygen compressor to confine the danger to this area in case any explosion occurs in the oxygen compressor.

No operating personnel should be allowed to enter this area while the compressor is running .s


Casing stage
1. 2. 3. type no. of impeller no. of process stage

10MH 6C 6 1

6MH 6C 6 1

4. Gas handled 5. speed normal Maximum Trip 1st critical 2nd critical Prohibited range


98.00%o2. 0.70% 9500 10973 3950 14100 3550 to 5140

1.5% argon 13598 14278 15707 5900 25300 (turbine speed)

6. Direction of rotation Description :-


It is a centrifugal compressor having 3 casing driven by steam turbine with a speed a 11100 rpm at 100% capable of compressing 99,960 NM3/ hr of systhesis ga

s and t built up pressure from 37.5 g /cm2 to 221 g/cm2 G . in the ma e up s tage and then finally GAS FLOW:The purified gas available from nitrogen wash unit after removal of carbon monoxide and other impurities and after the addition of ma e up nitrogen , enter the suction of first casing of sys . gas compressor at 37.5 ata pressure . i t is compressed to an d is compressed to 148.5 ata pressure . the gas then enter the suction of the r ecycle stage casing and gets mixed with the recycle gas is compressed to 235 ata pressure . it then goes to the synthesis section . Inter cooler for cooling the gas to nearly 410c have been provided between the f irst and second casing and second and third casing and after cooler has been p rovided for cooling the ma e up gas 450c before it enter the suction of the re cycle stage. 81.6 ata in the first stage then passes to second stage upto 235ata in last stage which act as recirculator .

The released separated from ammonia flash drum of systhesis section also enter the suction of 5he compressor after the main isolation value for utilization i n this section . there is a provision for controlling the capacity of the recyc le stage by adjustable guide vanes provided on the casing . Nitrogen connections have been provided in the suction line after the main

iso lation valve for supply of nitrogen for purging the loope during shut down.

Ammonia refrigeration compressor :Ammonia refrigeration compressor is a centrifugal machine catering to refrigera tion requirement , of ammonia synthesis loop. Also this can handle the air sepa

ration units refrigeration load in case of emergencies . the compressor is design ed to compress 31.4Te/m of ammonia to 17.0 ata a from 4.7 ata . The compressor

is driven by a steam turbine , the turbine is an extraction cum condensing type, t he inlet pressure being 40ata and extraction pressure being 9ata .The upplied by M/S BHEL HYDERABAD. unit is s


Axial compressors are rotating, aerofoil based compressors in which the wor ing fluid principally flows parallel to the axis of rotation. This is in contrast wi th other rotating compressors such as centrifugal, axecentrifugal and mixed-flo w where the air may enter axially but will have a significant radial component o n exit. compressors Axial flow compressors produce a continuous flow of compressed gas, and have the benefits of high efficiencies and large mass flow capacity, particularly in rel ation to their cross-section. They do, however, require several rows of aerofoils to achieve large pressure rises ma ing them complex and expensive relative to o ther designs (e.g. centrifugal compressor). Axial compressors are widely used in gas turbines, such as jet engines, high spe ed ship engines, and small scale power stations. They are also used in industria l applications such as large volume air separation plants, blast furnace air, fl uid catalytic crac ing air, and propane dehydrogenation.

Axial compressors,

now n as superchargers, have also been used to boost the

power of automotive recipro cating engines by compressing the inta e air, though these are very rare. A good example of an axial supercharger is the

aftermar et Latham type built between 1955-65 which were used on hot rods and ai r-cooled Vol swagens at that time, but these didn t catch on Description Axial compressors consist of rotating and stationary components. A shaft drives a central drum, retained by bearings, which has a number of annular aerofoil row s attached. These rotate between a similar number of stationary aerofoil rows at tached to a stationary tubular casing. The rows alternate between the rotating a erofoils (rotors) and stationary aerofoils (stators), with the rotors imparting en ergy into the fluid, and the stators converting the increased rotational inetic energy into static pressure through diffusion. A pair of rotating and stationar y aerofoils is called a stage. The cross-sectional area between rotor drum and ca sing is reduced in the flow direction to maintain axial velocity as the fluid is compressed.

Diagram of an axial flow compressor Design The increase in pressure produced by a single stage is limited by the relative v elocity between the rotor and the fluid, and the turning and diffusion capabilit ies of the aerofoil. A typical stage in a commercial compressor will produce a p

ressure increase of between 15% and 60% (pressure ratios of 1.15-1.6) at design conditions with a polytrophic efficiency in the region of 90 -95%. To achieve di fferent pressure ratios, axial compressors are designed with different numbers o f stages and rotational speeds. Higher stage pressure ratios are also possible if the relative velocity between fluid and rotors is supersonic, however this is achieved at the expense of effic iency and operability. Such compressors, with stage pressure ratios of over 2, a re only used where minimizing the compressor size, weight or complexity is criti cal, such as in military jets. The aerofoil profiles are optimized and matched for specific velocities and turn ing. Although compressors can be run at other conditions with different flows, s peeds, or pressure ratios, this can result in an efficiency penalty or even a pa rtial or complete brea down in flow ( nown as compressor stall and pressure surg e respectively). Thus, a practical limit on the number of stages, and the overal l pressure ratio, comes from the interaction of the different stages when requir ed to wor away from the design conditions. These off-design conditions can be mit igated to a certain extent by providing some flexibility in the compressor. This is achieved normally through the use of adjustable stators or with valves that can bleed fluid from the main flow between stages (inter-stage bleed). Modern jet engines use a series of compressors, running at different speeds; to supply air at around 40:1 pressure ratio for combustion with sufficient flexibil ity for all flight conditions. Development Early axial compressors offered poor efficiency, so poor that in the early 1920s a number of papers claimed that a practical jet engine would be impossible to c onstruct. Things changed dramatically after A. A. Griffith published a seminal p aper in 1926, noting that the reason for the poor performance was that existing compressors used flat blades and were essentially "flying stalled". He showed th at the use of airfoils instead of the flat blades would dramatically increase ef ficiency, to the point where a practical jet engine was a real possibility. He c oncluded the paper with a basic diagram of such an engine, which included a seco nd turbine that was used to power a propeller.

Real wor on axial-flow engines started in the late 1930s, in several efforts th at all started at about the same time. In England, Haine Constant reached an agr eement with the steam turbine company Metropolitan Vic ers (Metrovic ) in 1937, starting their turboprop effort based on the Griffith design in 1938. In 1940, a fter the successful run of Whittle s centrifugal-flow design, their effort was r e-designed as a pure jet, the Metrovic F.2. In Germany, von Ohain had produced several wor ing centrifugal engines, some of which had flown including the world s first jet aircraft (He 178), but development efforts had moved on to Jun ers (Jumo 004) and BMW (BMW 003), which used axial-flow designs in the world s first jet fighter (Messerschmitt Me 262) and jet bomber (Arado Ar 234). In the United States, both Loc heed and General Electric were awarded contracts in 1941 to de velop axial-flow engines, the former a pure jet, the latter a turboprop. Northro p also started their own project to develop a turboprop, which the US Navy event ually contracted in 1943. Westinghouse also entered the race in 1942, their proj ect proving to be the only successful one of the US efforts, later becoming the J30. By the 1950s every major engine development had moved on to the axial-flow type. As Griffith had originally noted in 1929, the large frontal size of the centrif ugal compressor

caused it to have higher drag than the narrower axial-flow type. Additionally th e axial-flow design could improve its compression ratio simply by adding additio nal stages and ma ing the engine slightly longer. In the centrifugal-flow design the compressor itself had to be larger in diameter, which was much more difficu lt to "fit" properly on the aircraft. On the other hand, centrifugal-flow design s remained much less complex (the major reason they "won" in the race to flying examples) and therefore have a role in places where size and streamlining are no t so important.


INTRODUCTION:The air compressor supplied by MITSUI SHIPBUILDING and ENGG.CO. Of Japan is of a mult8i stage axial flow type consisting of low &high pressure casing with an ex ternal intercooler. The drive a steam turbine connected directly with a gear cou pling is MITSUI BROWN BOXER single cylinder impulse type condensing turbine. Adjustable stator blades are provided f or all stage of both the LPC and HPC of comp. to control its capacity. This comp . has a pressure ratio control device which server to eep the proper pressure r atio of the LPC and HPC.

The design condition of feed air at the battery limit of ASU is:Quantity Pressure Temp. Relative humidity : 100% : : : 140000NM3/hr. 7.0 450c g/CM2

Composition CO2 C2H2 CmHn NH3 No+NO2 Dust : : : : : 500PPM(MAX.) 0.45 mg/M3 0.7 mg/NM3 10mg/NM3 1.27mg/NM2 : 1mg/NM3


Spools All compressors have a sweet spot relating rotational speed and pressure, with h igher compressions requiring higher speeds. Early engines were designed for simp licity, and used a single large compressor spinning at a single speed. Later des igns added a second turbine and divided the compressor into "low pressure" and " high pressure" sections, the latter spinning faster. This two-spool design resul ted in increased efficiency. Even more can be squeezed out by adding a third spo ol, but in practice this has proven to be too complex to ma e it generally worth while as there is a trade off between higher fuel efficiency and the higher main tenance involved pushing up total cost of ownership compared to a two spool desi gn. That said, there are several three-spool engines in use, perhaps the most fa mous being the Rolls-Royce RB.211, used on a wide variety of commercial aircraft . Bleed air, variable stators As an aircraft changes speed or altitude, the pressure of the air at the inlet t o the compressor will vary. In order to "tune" the compressor for these changing conditions, designs starting in the 1950s would "bleed" air out of the middle o f the compressor in order to avoid trying to compress too much air in the final

stages. This was also used to help start the engine, allowing it to be spun up w ithout compressing much air by bleeding off as much as possible. Bleed systems w ere already commonly used anyway, to provide airflow into the turbine stage wher e it was used to cool the turbine blades, as well as provide pressurized air for the air conditioning systems inside the aircraft. A more advanced design, the variable stator, used blades that can be individuall y rotated around their axis, as opposed to the power axis of the engine. For sta rtup they are rotated to "open", reducing compression, and then are rotated bac into the airflow as the external conditions require. The General Electric J79 w as the first major example of a variable stator design, and today it is a common feature of most military engines.

Closing the variable stators progressively, as compressor speed falls, reduces t he slope of the surge (or stall) line on the operating characteristic (or map), improving the surge margin of the installed unit. By incorporating variable stat ors in the first five stages, General Electric Aircraft Engines has developed a ten-stage axial compressor capable of operating at a 23:1 design pressure ratio. Bypass For jet engine applications, the "whole idea" of the engine is to move air to pr ovide thrust. In most cases, the engine produces more power to move air than its mechanical design actually allows. Namely, the inlet into the compressor is sim ply too small to move the amount of air that the engine could, in theory, heat a nd use. A number of engine designs had experimented with using some of the turbi ne power to drive a secondary "fan" for added air flow, starting with the Mestro vic F.3, which placed a fan at the rear of a late-model F.2 engine. A much more practical solution was created by RollsRoyce in their early 1950s Conway engine , which enlarged the first compressor stage to be larger than the engine itself. This allowed the compressor to blow cold air past the interior of the engine, s omewhat similar to a propeller. This technique allows the engine to be designed to produce the amount of energy needed, and any air that cannot be blown through the engine due to its size is simply blown around it. Since that air is not com pressed to any large degree, it is being moved without using up much energy from the turbine, allowing a smaller core to provide the same mass flow, and thrust, as a much larger "pure jet" engine. This engine is called a "turbofan." This technique also has the added benefit of mixing the cold bypass air with the hot engine exhaust, greatly lowering the exhaust temperature. Since the sound o f a jet engine is strongly related to the exhaust temperature, bypass also drama tically reduces the sound of the engine. Early jetliners from the 1960s were fam ous for their "screaming" sound, whereas modern engines of greatly higher power generally give off a much less annoying "whoosh" or even buzzing. Mitigating this savings is the fact that drag increases exponentially at high sp eeds, so while the engine is able to operate far more efficiently, this

typicall y translates into a smaller real-world effect. latest Boeing 7

For instance, the

37 s with high-bypass CFM56 engines operates at an overall efficiency about 30% better than the earlier models. Military turbofans, on the other hand, especiall y those used on combat aircraft, tend to have so low a bypassratio that they ar e sometimes referred to as "lea y turbojets." Energy exchange between rotor and fluid The relative motion of the blades relative to the fluid adds velocity or pressur e or both to the fluid as it passes through the rotor. The fluid velocity is inc reased through the rotor, and the stator converts inetic energy to pressure ene rgy. Some diffusion also occurs in the rotor in most practical designs. The increase in velocity of the fluid is primarily in the tangential direction ( swirl) and the stator removes this angular momentum. The pressure rise results in a stagnation temperature rise. For a given geometry the temperature rise depends on the square of the tangential Mach number of the rotor row. Current turbofan engines have fans that operate at Mach 1.7 or more, and require significant containment and noise suppression structures to reduce blade loss damage and noise. Velocity diagrams The blade rows are designed at the first level using velocity diagrams. A veloci ty diagram shows the relative velocities of the blade rows and the fluid. The axial flow through the compressor is ept as close as possible to Mach 1 to

maximize the thrust for a given compressor size. The tangential Mach number dete rmines the attainable pressure rise. The blade rows turn the flow through an angle ; larger turning allows a higher te mperature ratio, but requires higher solidity.

Modern blades rows have low aspect ratios and high solidity. Compressor maps A map shows the performance of a compressor and allows determination of optimal operating conditions. It shows the mass flow along the horizontal axis, typicall y as a percentage of the design mass flow rate, or in actual units. The pressure

rise is indicated on the vertical axis as a ratio between inlet and exit stagna tion pressures. A surge or stall line identifies the boundary to the left of degrades and identifies which the

compresso r performance rapidly pressure ratio

the maximum

that ca n be achieved for a given mass flow. Contours of as well as performance lines for operation at

efficiency are drawn

particular rotational speeds. Compression stability Operating efficiency is highest close to the stall line. If the downstream press ure is increased beyond the maximum possible the compressor will stall and becom e unstable. Typically the instability will be at the Helmholtz frequency of the system, ta i ng the downstream plenum into

account. Benefit s The benefits of this technology included reducing power cost, reducing power sur ges (from starting AC motors), and delivering a more constant pressure. The down side of this technology is the heavy expense associated with the drive, and the sensitivity of these drives - specifically to heat and moisture. Compressed air Compressed greater th an that of industry is the atmosphere. In Europe 10 % of all electricity used by air is air which is ept under a certain pressure, usually

used to produce compressed air. This amounts to 80 terawatt hours per year.[1]

Dangers rupt ure an eardrum or cause brain damage.[citation A blast of air under 40 psi (pounds per square inch) from 4 inches away can

needed] needed] Uses:Compressed for: energy s torage . vehicle gas tube. Cooling using a vortex Scuba diving, to inflate buoyancy devices. See also: Breathing vehicular transportation using a compressed air Pneumatics, the use of pressurized gases to do wor . See compressed air air can be used in or Directed at the mouth, compressed air can rupture the lungs.[citation


Gas dusters for cleaning electronic components that cannot be cleaned with

. These are also called "canned air", however this is a misnomer because the pro pellant is not ris if inhaled. systems air bra e (rail) air, but rather a hydro fluorocarbon which poses a health

systems systems needed] propulsion propulsion

air bra

(road vehicle)

air bra

(air vehicle)

compressed air

breathers (such as

Suisse Air)[citation

paintball ammunition

airsoft ammunition



High pressure favors the reaction but operation at less pressure for

the same production rate lowers load on the syn.gas compressor and thus saving of s team, which cost at Rs. 600/Te. 2. life of catalyst and catalyst fresh is forced to be changed earlier- Loosing Companys money and production loss occurs. To avoid temp.poisoning - The ma e up gas should be pure, oxygen compound such a s CO, H2), CO2 in the gas should be limited. O2. 3. b e avoided. Syn.gas compressor barrels seal oil drain rate should be To avoid permanent poisoning, lube oil carryover in the syn gas should N2 purity should be <10ppm, Temp. Poisoning and permanent poisoning of the catalyst reduces the

measure on the opportunity and seals must be attended on priority, if seal drain rate is fo

und abnormal. 4. in turn reduces the energy consumption of 0.12 mmKcal /Te. of ammonia produced. 5. Optimum temp.operation in the catalyst increases the life On changing of the bas et S-1to S-200, 5-6 Te./hr steam is saved which


RECORDS Highest Production of Ammonia on single Day (against 900 MT/Day Highest Production of Urea on single day (against 1550 MT/Day rated Capacity) Highest Annual Production of Ammonia (against 297000 MT rated Capacity) Highest Annual production of Urea :

Pea s in Production Scale

1041 MT (on 02.01.1998) rated Capacity)

1918 MT (on 17.12.2000)

316619 MT (97-98) : 562250 MT (97-98)

(against 511500 MT rated Capacity)

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