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00 4113 Bid Form (Stipulated Sum)

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Company / Contractor / Firm

Business Address Gent emen: !"## In accordance $it% your In&itation to Bid' (or t%e comp ete construction o( t%e a)o&e pro*ect and su)*ect to t%e P ans' +peci(ications and ot%er Contract ,ocuments as prepared )y t%e o((ice o( -Consu tant. $%ic% so (ar as t%ey re ate to t%is TEN,ER' are made part %ereo(' t%e undersi/ned %ere)y proposes to (urnis% a materia s' a)or' e0uipment' too s' transportation' ser&ices' icenses' (ees' permits and ot%er items re0uired to comp ete t%e pro*ect in t%e amount o( 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 2 P 111111111111111111 3" 5e 2 I 3 %a&e a&ai a) e' and $i use t%e (o o$in/ e0uipment on t%is pro*ect at any time t%ey are needed"



For additiona $or7 not inc uded in t%e Bid' $e 2 I 3 a/ree to (urnis% a additiona a)or' materia s and ser&ices re0uired at cost' p us a (ee o( t$enty percent 24#83 to co&er o&er%ead' contractor9s ta: and pro(it" 5e 2 I 3 propose to start $or7 $it%in ten 2!#3 ca endar days (rom t%e date $e 2 I 3 recei&e your etter o( aut%ority to commence $or7 and $i comp ete t%e same $it%in a period o( 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 2 111111111111111 3 days inc udin/ +undays and <o idays" 5e 2 I 3 a/ree t%at un ess appro&ed )y t%e O$ner and t%e Consu tant in $ritin/' t%ere s%a )e no $or7 on t%e pro*ect on +undays" Cost o( a e:port' nationa and oca ta:es' icenses and (ees' )ui din/' sanitary' e ectrica ' (encin/ permits' and (ina certi(icates re0uired )y t%e aut%orities' are inc uded in t%e a)o&e proposa "


="## >"##

?"# T%e undersi/ned a/rees to (urnis% Per(ormance Bond and a Payment Bond in accordance $it% t%e Instructions to Bidders"

1111111111111111111111111111 +i/nature o( Bidder @"## In&itation to Bid dated ! Pro*ect ,ate +ection ## ;!!6 Bid Form : +tipu ated +um

Project Number Pro*ect Name

and Bid Bu etin Nos" A"##

%a&e )een recei&ed"

5e 2 I 3 %a&e &isited t%e site and are 2am3 a$are and ac0uainted $it% t%e conditions as t%ey e:ist and t%e (aci ities' di((icu ties' and restrictions a((ectin/ t%e per(ormance o( t%e $or7 and t%at $e 2 I 3 %a&e comp ete y e:amined t%e P ans and +peci(ications o( t%e O$ner and t%e Consu tant" T%e comp ete Proposa ' a items re0uired )y Artic e =' +ection J o( t%e Instructions to Bidders are attac%ed %ere$it%"


In Testimony %ereo(' t%e Bidder %as %ereunto set %is %and t%is 11111111 (date)11111111 day o( 111111111111' 4#11 Respect(u y su)mitted: 2I( Bidder is an indi&idua or Partners%ip3 +i/nature o( Bidder Bidder Address : : :

PTR No" 111111111111111111111 issued at 11111111111111111111111 on 111111111 Contractor9s License No" 111111111111111111111111111 Community Ta: Certi(icate No" 111111111111 issued at 1111111111111111 on 111111111111 Ta: Identi(ication No" 11111111111111 Names and Addresses o( Partners : Name Name Address Address

Names o( O((icers o( t%e Corporation :

Name Name

Address Address

Project Number Pro*ect Name

4 Pro*ect ,ate

+ection ## ;!!6 Bid Form : +tipu ated +um

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