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Letter of Intent

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Our Ref.

: Date:

M/s. [Contractors Name] [Address Line 1 [Address Line 2 [Address Line 3

Attention: Mr. [Contractors Authorised Representative] [Title] [ [


u!ject: "etter o# $ntent % [] We (the Client) refer to our tender su!"ission for the a!o#e Wor$s %a&$a'e and &onfir" our intention to a&&e(t our )i*ed %ri&e Lu"( +u" offer of [,-,,,-,,,.,, ( [a"ount in .ords/) and to enter into an a'ree"ent su!0e&t to the &o"(letion of all &ontra&t for"alities .ithin a (eriod of 1 (se#en) da s fro" re&ei(t ! ou of this Letter of 2ntent. 3nless or until ou return a si'ned &o( of this Letter of 2ntent- the Client .ill ha#e no o!li'ations under this Letter of 2ntent. When the Client re&ei#es the si'ned &o( of this Letter of 2ntent- and until su&h ti"e as a for"al a'ree"ent is e*e&uted- this Letter of intent .ill 'o#ern the relationshi( !et.een us on the' ter"s: Words and (hrases herein ha#in' &a(italised initial letters not defined herein shall ha#e the sa"e "eanin' as is as&ri!ed to the" in the Conditions. &. cope o# 'or( 1.1 4he +&o(e of .or$s of the %a&$a'e in&ludes !ut is not li"ited to "o!ilisation5 desi'n of [detailed des&ri(tion of the .or$s/5 &learin' site on &o"(letion5 and an other .or$s that are sho.n or i"(lied on the's or "a !e reasona!l !e inferred unless s(e&ifi&all e*&luded or stated other.ise. ). Pro*ramme 2.1 4he date for &o""en&e"ent of the Wor$s is the date of re&ei(t of the 6uildin' %er"it or the date of a((ro#al of the shorin' desi'n fro" 78s Du!ai 7uni&i(alit . 2.2 4he ti"e for &o"(letion is [***/ &alendar da s for [.or$s (a&$a'e o(tion 1/ and [***/ &alendar da s for [.or$s (a&$a'e o(tion 2/. 2.3 %enalt for late &o"(letion of the .or$s is [,,,.,,/ ([a"ount in .ords/) (er da "a*i"u" of 1,9 of the Lu"( +u" offer. +. $nsurances and ,uarantees 3.1 4he Contra&tor shall effe&t and su!"it e#iden&e to the Client- (rior to &o""en&in' the .or$s on +ite- the re:uired insuran&es to !e (ro#ided ! the Contra&tor under the Contra&t in&ludin': Wor$"en;s Co"(ensation5 3rd %art lia!ilit 5 %rofessional 2nde"nit 5 7otor <ehi&le and %lant5 Contra&tor;s All Ris$s. to a

%a'e 1 of 3

Our Ref.: Date:


4he %erfor"an&e =uarantee to the #alue of 1,9 of the Lu"( +u" offer shall !e su!"itted in a&&ordan&e .ith the Contra&t to the Client .ithin 21 da s of re&ei(t of this letter. 2nteri" (a "ents .ill !e "ade on a "onthl !asis ! the Client .ithin >? (fort fi#e) da s re&ei(t of the Client of the Consultant;s (a "ent &ertifi&ate. Retention shall !e 1,9 and half shall !e released on &o"(letion of the .or$s and the !alan&e on issue of the defe&ts Lia!ilit Certifi&ate all in a&&ordan&e .ith the Contra&t &onditions. %a "ent .ill !e !ased on the atta&hed 6ill of @uantities in&luded .ith the Contra&tor;s 4ender Offer [insert ref/ dated [insert date/ Ao (a "ent .ill !e "ade ! the Client until this letter is re&ei#ed ! the Client dul si'ned ! the Contra&tor- and e#iden&es of all insuran&es et& ha#e !een su!"itted to and a((ro#ed ! the Client.

-. Pa.ment >.1 >.2

>.3 >.3

2f a for"al &ontra&t is not e*e&uted and .ithout (re0udi&e to an other (ro#ision of this letter of intent- the &lient shall rei"!urse the Contra&tor;s (ro#en reasona!le &osts and e*(ensesin&urred in the (erfor"an&e of the Wor$s %a&$a'e (rior to the re&ei(t ! the Contra&tor of noti&e to sto( .or$. %lease si'n and return the se&ond &o( of the Letter of 2ntent indi&atin' un&onditional a&&e(tan&e to the ter"s and &onditions in&or(orated herein. Bours sin&erel our full and

Our Ref.: Date:

We- [Name o# contractor]/0 here! a&$no.led'e re&ei(t of the a!o#e Letter of 2ntent and &onfir" our intention to enter into a )i*ed %ri&e Lu"( +u" &ontra&t for the [des&ri(tion of .or$s as (er the title/ .or$s and &onfir" our a'ree"ent to &o""en&e the a&ti#ities as detailed in this Letter of 2ntent.
Dul authorised to si'n for- and on !ehalf of Dut&h )oundation and Con&rete %ro&essin' Co. (LLC):

12 ACC2PT AN3 APPR452 : 6[Contractors Name]/ 7 Aa"e : +i'nature :


%a'e 2 of 3

Date D Co"(an +ta"( :



+i'nature AuthoriEation letter should !e atta&hed.

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