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Fertility Improvement of Sandy Soil by Vetiver Grass Mulching and Compost

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Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.

) 34 : 332 - 338 (2000)

Fertility Improvement of Sandy Soil by Vetiver Grass Mulching and

Nualchavee Roongtanakiat1, Prapai Chairoj2 and Sunthorn Chookhao3


To improve the productivity and fertility of Hupkapong sandy soil, fresh vetiver grass was used in
mulching and vetiver grass compost was applied in combination with chemical fertilizer. Soil fertility and
productivity were evaluated from the yields of Insee 1 super sweet corn hybrid grown on the soil, and soil
moisture determined using a neutron probe. The results indicated that super sweet corn hybrid gave a
maximum growth and yield when it was fertilized with 75-75-75 kg N-P2O5-K2O ha-1 in combination with
soil mulching of 31.25 t ha-1 of fresh vetiver grass. Reducing the application of N-chemical fertilizer and
vetiver mulching by 50% resulted in a decrease in super sweet corn hybrid yields. This decrease, however,
was not statistically significant. Mulching was found to conserve topsoil moisture and increase plant
growth and production. Soil incubated with vetiver grass or its compost released approximately the same
amount of available-N. However, fresh vetiver grass mineralized higher levels of available-P and
extractable-K than vetiver grass compost. One ton of vetiver grass yielded 1.32 kg t-1, 0.24 kg t-1 and 6.73
kg t-1 of available-N, available-P and extractable-K, respectively.
Key words : vetiver grass, fertility, sandy soil, moisture, mulching, compost

INTRODUCTION At present, a significant proportion of

agricultural land is unproductive because of soil
Due to its deep and dense roots, vetiver fertility problems caused by inappropriate soil
grass has been widely adopted for soil and water management practices. Consequently, plant
conservation. In addition, vetiver grass is a fast- nutrients in the form of either chemical or organic
growing and long living plant. One-year-old vetiver fertilizer are necessary to improve agricultural
grass planted at 62,500 plants ha-1, produced production. Decomposition of fresh vetiver grass
approximately 45,625 t ha-1 yr-1 of above ground which was buried 10 cm below the soil surface
biomass. This surface biomass is used for animal released 4.3 kg t-1, 2.2 kg t-1 and 20.5 kg t-1 of
feeding, mushroom culture, roof thatching and available-N, available-P and extractable-K,
compost making (Office of the Royal Development respectively. These amounts were equivalent to 20
Projects Board, 1998). kg of ammonium sulfate, 11 kg of triple

1 Department of Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900,Thailand.
2 Division of Soil Science, Department of Agriculture, Bangkok 10900, Thailand.
3 Huai Sai Royal Development Study Center, Phetchaburi 76120, Thailand.
Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 34 (3) 333

superphosphate and 41 kg of potassium chloride matter, 0.77, 11.00 and 68.00 mg kg-1 available-N
(Chairoj and Na Nagara, 1999). Moreover, N content (NH4+ + NO3-), available-P and extractable-K,
of one ton of vetiver grass compost was as much as respectively. Treatments for soil improvement were
43 kg of ammonium sulfate (Office of the Royal shown in Table 1. Soil moisture contents at 10, 20,
Development Projects Board, 1998). Therefore, 30, 45, 60 and 90 cm depth levels from surface were
vetiver grass has a potential to be used as organic measured using a neutron probe at one day before
matter to increase soil fertility. The purpose of this and one after irrigation. Irrigation was applied
research was to investigate the possibility of using twice a week with 4 cm per application. Weed
vetiver grass as a soil mulch or compost to increase control was done by hoeing as necessary. There
the yield of sweet corn grown in dry, low fertility was no insecticide application since there was no
sandy soil. The amounts of available-N, available- problem with insect pest. Data were also taken on
P and extractable-K released from fresh vetiver growth and yield of Insee 1 super sweet hybrid
mulch and vetiver compost incubated with soil for corn.
different periods of time were also investigated. In addition, soil incubation experiments with
fresh vetiver grass and vetiver grass compost were
MATERIALS AND METHODS conducted, in the laboratory of the Division of Soil
Science, Department of Agriculture, Bangkok, to
From March-May 1998 and 1999, Insee 1 determine nutrient released at 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,
super sweet corn hybrid was planted in a completely 60, 70, 80, and 90 days after incubation. The
randomized design (CRD) at Huai Sai Royal incubated soil was analyzed for available-N (NH4+
Development Study Center, Cha-am District, + NO3-) (Bremner, 1965), available-P (Bray and
Phetchaburi Province. The soil is classified as a Kurtz, 1945) and extractable-K (Knudsen et al.,
coarse-loamy, siliceous isohyperthermic, Ustoxic 1982).
Dystripepts (Hupkaphong series) with 0.8 % organic

Table 1 Soil improvement treatments for Insee 1 super sweet corn production at Huai Sai Royal
Development Study Center, Cha-am District, Phetchaburi in 1998 and 1999.

Treatment (T) First experiment (1998) Second experiment (1999)

T1 Control M
T2 CF (full rate) 1/ CF + 1/ M
2 2
T3 CF + CP 1/ CF + CP + M
T4 1/ CF (half rate) + CP 1/ CF + CP + 1/ M
2 2 2
T5 CF + M 1/ CF + M
T6 CF + M

CF = chemical fertilization at 75-75-75 kg N-P2O5-K2O ha-1

1/ CF = chemical fertilization at 37.5 -75-75 Kg N-P2O5-K2O ha-1
M = mulching with fresh vetiver grass at 31.25 t ha-1
1/ M = mulching with fresh vetiver grass at 15.625 t ha-1
CP = vetiver grass compost incorporation at 37.5 kg N ha-1
334 Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 34 (3)

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION application was necessary to promote corn growth

and yield. However, yield of corn receiving
Growth and yield of super sweet corn hybrid maximum rate of chemical fertilizer and fresh
The results of the 1998 dry season vetiver grass mulch was not significantly different
experiment indicated that using chemical fertilizer from that receiving half rate of chemical fertilizer
at 75-75-75 kg N-P2O5-K2O ha-1 in combination and fresh vetiver grass mulch. Treatment associated
with fresh vetiver grass mulching (T5) resulted in with vetiver grass compost application did not
significant increase in growth and yield of the super show a distinct improvement in growth and yield of
sweet corn hybrid as compared with the control and corn (Figures 2 and 4).
the other three treatments (Figures 1 and 3). Corn
treated with chemical fertilizer in combination Soil moisture characteristics
with fresh vetiver grass mulching yielded 1312.5 When vetiver grass mulch was applied, soil
kg ha-1 of seed dry weight whilst the other four moisture was high, principally in the top of 0–30
treatments yielded in the range of 70.0–161.9 kg cm. For the T5, chemical fertilizer in combination
ha-1 with fresh vetiver grass mulching treatment (Table
The second experiment in the 1999 dry 1), moisture contents at 0–10, 10–20 and 20–30 cm
season indicated that mulching with fresh vetiver were 3.8, 5.4 and 6.4 %, respectively, higher than
grass was not sufficient to improve super sweet those for the remaining treatments (Figure 5).
corn hybrid production. Fresh vetiver grass Higher soil moisture at the topsoil and plant
mulching in combination with chemical fertilizer nutrient released from fresh vetiver grass mulching

Figure 1 Height (cm) of super sweet corn hybrid under different soil managements in the 1998 dry season.
T1 = Control T2 = CF (full rate) T3 = CF + CP
T4 = 1/2 CF (half rate) + CP T5 = CF+ M
Where: CF = chemical fertilization at 75-75-75 kg N-P2O5-K2O ha-1
1/2 CF = chemical fertilization at 37.5 -75-75 Kg N-P2O5-K2O ha-1
M = mulching with fresh vetiver grass at 31.25 t ha-1
1/ M = mulching with fresh vetiver grass at 15.625 t ha-1
CP = vetiver grass compost incorporation at 37.5 kg N ha-1
Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 34 (3) 335

Figure 2 Height (cm) of super sweet corn hybrid under different soil managements in the 1999 dry season.
T1 = M T2 = 1/2 CF + M T3 = 1/2 CF + CP + M
T4 = /2 CF + CP + /2 M1 1
T5 = /2 CF+M T6 = CF + M
Where: CF = chemical fertilization at 75-75-75 kg N-P2O5-K2O ha-1
1/2 CF = chemical fertilization at 37.5 -75-75 Kg N-P2O5-K2O ha-1
M = mulching with fresh vetiver grass at 31.25 t ha-1
1/ M = mulching with fresh vetiver grass at 15.625 t ha-1
CP = vetiver grass compost incorporation at 37.5 kg N ha-1

Figure 3 Dry weight of straw, seed and cob of super sweet corn hybrid under different soil managements
in the 1998 dry season.
T1 = Control T2 = CF (full rate) T3 = CF + CP
T4 = /2 CF (half rate) + CP T5 = CF + M
Where: CF = chemical fertilization at 75-75-75 kg N-P2O5-K2O ha-1
1/ CF = chemical fertilization at 37.5 -75-75 Kg N-P O -K O ha-1
2 2 5 2
M = mulching with fresh vetiver grass at 31.25 t ha-1
1/2 M = mulching with fresh vetiver grass at 15.625 t ha-1
CP = vetiver grass compost incorporation at 37.5 kg N ha-1
336 Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 34 (3)

Figure 4 Dry weight of straw, seed and cob of super sweet corn hybrid under different soil managements
in the 1999 dry season.
T1 = M T2 = 1/2 CF + M T3 = 1/2 CF + CP + M
T4 = 1/2 CF + CP + 1/2 M T5 = 1/2 CF+M T6 = CF + M
Where: CF = chemical fertilization at 75-75-75 kg N-P2O5-K2O ha-1
1/2 CF = chemical fertilization at 37.5 -75-75 Kg N-P2O5-K2O ha-1
M = mulching with fresh vetiver grass at 31.25 t ha-1
1/2 M = mulching with fresh vetiver grass at 15.625 t ha-1
CP = vetiver grass compost incorporation at 37.5 kg N ha-1

Figure 5 Soil moisture percentage as affected by different soil managements under field condition one
day before (B) and one day after (A) irrigation.
T1 = Control T2 = CF (full rate) T3 = CF + CP
T4 = 1/2 CF (half rate) + CP T5 = CF + M
Where: CF = chemical fertilization at 75-75-75 kg N-P2O5-K2O ha-1
1/2 CF = chemical fertilization at 37.5 -75-75 Kg N-P2O5-K2O ha-1
M = mulching with fresh vetiver grass at 31.25 t ha-1
1/ M = mulching with fresh vetiver grass at 15.625 t ha-1
CP = vetiver grass compost incorporation at 37.5 kg N ha-1
Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 34 (3) 337

Figure 6 Available-N (a), available-P (b) and extractable-K (c) released at 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70,
80, 90 days after incubating soil with fresh vetiver grass leaf (FV), with vetiver compost (CV)
and control.
338 Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 34 (3)

had beneficial effect on super sweet corn growth CONCLUSION

and yield in the low fertility sandy soil (Figures
1–4). These were achieved by a combination of The application of vetiver grass mulching is
reduced evaporation and increased surface an effective water conservation measure in the
roughness which created a comparatively stable, Hupkapong series sandy soil tested. The vetiver
humid layer at the soil surface thus restricting grass mulch is also effective in preventing aggregate
evaporation. breakdown by raindrop impacts and subsequent
structural seal formation. In addition, vetiver grass
Avialable nutrient release from incubated soil mulching increases available-N, available-P and
The incubation experiments indicated that extractable-K, useful for soil fertility improvement
soil incubated with fresh vetiver grass and vetiver and crop productivity. The results of the field
grass compost released available-N (NH4+ + NO3-) experiment indicated a satisfactory improvement
rapidly at the beginning of the incubation. Their in crop production under soil mulching even with
mineralizable-N contents were almost the same low N-fertilizer application.
and were significantly higher than that of the control
for the entire period of the incubation. At 90 days ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
after soil incubation with fresh vetiver grass and
vetiver grass compost, the respective treatments The authors deeply appreciated the financial
had 13.7 and 15.1 mg kg-1 more available-N (NH4+ support and encouragement from the Office of the
+ NO3-) than the control (Figure 6a). However, soil Royal Development Projects Board in running the
incubated with fresh vetiver grass gave higher experiments. The assistance from others regarding
available-P and extractable-K as compared with this study is also sincerely appreciated.
the vetiver grass compost treatment and the control
(Figures 6b and 6c). Available-P rapidly increased LITERATURES CITED
after 20 days of incubation whilst extractable-K
rapidly increased just after incubation. At 90 days Bray, R.H. and L.T Kurtz. 1945. Determination of
of incubation, available-P and extractable-K were organic and available form of phosphorus in
3 and 83 mg kg-1 for soil incubated with fresh soil. Soil Sci. 59 : 39–45.
vetiver grass and were 0.8 and 28 mg kg-1 for soil Bremner, J.M. 1965. Nitrogen, pp.1149–1232. In
incubated with vetiver grass compost. Therefore, C.A. Black (ed.). Method of Soil Analysis,
one ton of fresh vetiver grass gave 1.32, 0.24 and Part 2. Amer. Soc. Agron. Madison, Wisconsin.
6.73 kg available-N, available-P and extractable- Chairoj, P. and T. Na Nagara, 1999. Decomposition
K, respectively, which were equivalent to 6.3, 1.2 and plant nutrient release by vetiver grass. Soil
and 13.5 kg of ammonium sulfate, triple Science Newsletter 8(1) : 2.
superphosphate and potassium chloride, Knudsen, D., G.A. Peterson, and P.F. Pratt. 1982.
respectively. One ton of vetiver grass compost also Lithium, sodium and potassium, pp. 225–246.
released 7.70, 0.14 and 10.20 kg available-N, In L.A. Pace, R.H. Miller and D.R. Keeney
available-P and extractable-K, respectively, which (eds.). Method of Soil Analysis, Part 2. Amer.
were equivalent to 36.8, 0.7 and 5.3 kg of ammonium Soc. Agron. Medison, Wisconsin.
sulfate, triple superphosphate and potassium Office of the Royal Development Projects Board.
chloride, respectively. 1998. Use of vetiver grass. Office of the Royal
Development Pojects Board. 14 p.

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