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Avocado Study Ethiopia

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Incorporating Avocado production in agri-food systems:

benefits, opportunities, and challenges: Lemo Woreda's

experience in Hadiya Zone, Southern Ethiopia
Mestawet Gebru1, Kaleab Baye2, Minilik Demissie3, Solomon Bogale4 and Beatrice
Alliance of Bioversity International & CIAT, 2Addis Ababa University Center for
Food Science and Nutrition, 3Ethiopia Public Health Institute, 4Independent

November 2022
Avocado production benefits and challenges in Ethiopia..........................................................................2
An avocado marketing system in Ethiopia................................................................................................2
Overview of the Africa RISING Program.................................................................................................3
Significance of the study............................................................................................................................3
Overall Objective.......................................................................................................................................4
Specific objectives.....................................................................................................................................4
Study population and area..........................................................................................................................4
Study setting and procedure.......................................................................................................................5
Data analysis..............................................................................................................................................5
Results and Discussion..................................................................................................................................5
Conclusion and recommendations...............................................................................................................14
Focus group discussion guide..................................................................................................................19
Key Informant interview guide................................................................................................................22

The authors would like to acknowledge the contributions of Africa RISING site coordinators for their
unreserved support, who provided useful information and played a prominent role in linking the research
team with the respondents.

Appreciation is also extended to key informant study participants from SNNP regions' Lemo woredas.
Finally, we thank Africa RISING beneficiary households for their willingness to provide us the
information, for their time and valuable contributions at large. This study was supported financially by the
Africa RISING program of the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI).

The authors also acknowledge the editorial input of Vincent Johnson of the Science Writing Service for
the Bioversity-CIAT Alliance

The report was made possible through the generous financial support of the Africa RISING program of
the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI). The views expressed herein are those of the authors
and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the International Livestock Research Institute
(ILRI) and the Alliance of Bioversity-CIAT as well as any of the organizations involved in the study.


AR Africa Rising -Africa Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation
CSA Central Statistics Agency
DA development agent
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (of the United Nations)
FGD focus group discussion
HEW health extension worker
HH household
ILRI International Livestock Research Institute
KII key informant interview
SI sustainable intensification
SNNPR Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region of Ethiopia
ToT training of trainers
USAID United States Agency for International Development
WHO World Health Organization

Avocado (Persea americana) is a tropical and subtropical fruit that consists of water, lipids,
carbohydrates, proteins, and a diverse range of organic acids, fiber, vitamins, and minerals which help
boost health. It has become one of the most accepted and distributed fruits worldwide due to its smooth
and creamy texture, nutritional composition, and benefits for human health. Ethiopia is among the top 10
avocado-growing countries in Africa. Several studies have highlighted Ethiopia's great potential for
avocado cultivation. Many avocado growers are small-scale farmers, including producers in the current
study area, where it has become a greater source of income for local business owners, significantly
increasing production coverage.

The current study was conducted in Lemo woreda, which is one of the avocado-producing areas in the
Hadiya zone. It is one of the areas where the International Livestock Research Institute's (ILRI) Africa
Rising (AR) project has managed to increase the number of avocado-producing smallholder farmers. The
AR project has assisted rural communities in the area by offering high- yielding avocado varieties. The
objective of the study was to explore the potential benefits of incorporating avocado into the agri-food
system, considering the value chain among smallholder farming communities.

The team conducted 10 focus group discussions (FGDs) with purposefully selected project beneficiaries,
and 7 key informant interviews (KIIs) with AR site coordinators, health extension workers (HEWs), and
development agents (DAs). The findings were organized into three themes:
1) Avocado production opportunities and challenges, which include environmental, individual, and
institutional factors that threaten avocado production, as well as existing opportunities for production
sustainability. 2) Avocado production benefits and consumption challenges; the economic benefit,
household (HH) consumption, perceived health benefit, and avocado consumption challenges. 3) Market
opportunities and challenges identified by study participants in the market.

Water shortages were reported as the main limiting factor for successful production by all the participants.
The majority use donkey carts to transport water from local rivers to support production. Additionally,
frost was mentioned as a key challenge affecting avocado trees, causing the flowers to fall off and the
leaves to dry. Another factor was interference by wild and domestic animals and pests. Unless fenced
well, seedlings can be grazed by cows, deer, or other herbivores. Hedgehogs also feed on the bark of
mature trees, which limits and dries the growth. Moreover, the main individual limitations mentioned
include gaps in grafting knowledge and seedling skills, and poor plant husbandry.

The participants also listed different benefits, which are categorized into economic, household
consumption, and health benefits. Most of the time, women are the ones who sell avocados at the market
and then buy both food and non-food household items. In addition, nowadays, according to the farmers,
avocado is becoming one of the foods eaten with bread/Enset, especially during the dry season since
cabbage or kale are less available. They said that children who eat avocados have supple skin, good
growth, strong physical development, and improved cognition. However, the participants also mentioned
the challenges that restrict them from consuming avocado regularly. This includes inadequate household
and village-level production that was also confirmed by the project site coordinator and high fruit prices,
especially during the dry season, which restrict purchase and consumption particularly for non-AR

In addition, farmers reported that the woreda community is now aware of avocado’s benefits and wanting
to expand avocado production in their farms. Those smallholders yet to start production showed interest
in obtaining seedlings from AR to plant in their backyards. Both the woreda agriculture expert and the AR
officer also affirmed that the local agro-ecology is suitable for avocado production. Furthermore, the huge
market opportunity at Hossana town, and the availability of universities, road access, and government
commitment and support all offer opportunities to sustain local avocado production. Nevertheless, weak
market linkage was mentioned as a main limiting factor for the avocado market. Especially during high
production times, the market might not be economically viable.
In general, considering the objective of the assessment, it can be concluded that AR support helped the
Lemo woreda to introduce avocado production as a key local agricultural product and changed household
consumption habits. However, the market system establishment for avocado sales was not successful. The
next step should include looking for ways to create a market system that includes not only avocados but
also to other agricultural products.

Avocado (Persea americana) is a tropical and subtropical fruit that originates from South America.
According to some archaeological studies, it was found in Mexico in 8000 B.C and in Peru between 3000
and 4000 B.C (1). It is a seasonal evergreen tree that can be propagated by seedlings or grafting (2). The
trees prefer warm sub-tropical weather and retain their leaves if the temperature is mild, well-watered,
and protected from cold (3). It has become one of the most accepted and distributed fruits worldwide due
to its smooth and creamy texture, nutritional composition, and benefits for human health (4–6).
In 2001, global avocado production was 2.8 million tons, grew to 6 million tons in 2017, and is currently
estimated to be more than 7 million tons (7). Mexico, the United States, Colombia, Indonesia, Chile, and
the Dominican Republic, are the top producing countries (8). Avocados are also produced throughout
Africa, particularly in South Africa, Kenya, and Ethiopia, for both domestic consumption and commercial
markets (7). Avocado production and trade is being promoted in developing countries, playing a vital role
in economic growth and poverty reduction (9).
Avocado's nutritional composition consists of water, lipids, carbohydrates (sucrose, glucose, and
fructose), and proteins. The categories of lipids identified are neutral lipids, glycolipids, phospholipids,
and free fatty acids. It also contains a range of organic acids (malic acid, citric acid, and oxalic acid) (10).
In addition, it is a good source of fiber, vitamins B, vitamins K1 and E, magnesium, potassium, and
phytochemicals such as carotenoids, phenolics, and phytosterols, which help confer better health (5).
According to studies, eating more avocados lowers cholesterol levels and helps prevent chronic diseases
like breast cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease (5,11,12). Additionally, a US study
revealed that individuals who consumed more avocado had significantly lower body weight, body mass
index (BMI), and waist circumference than non-consumers (12,13).
The best and easiest way to consume avocado is to eat it by itself in addition to any meal (12). It is also
consumed as avocado toast, avocado salad, ice cream, and in a country like Ethiopia, it is also consumed
as a puree or juice. Apart from the fruit itself, avocado is made into various products. The main
industrialized products are oil and guacamole (10). Avocado peel and seed extracts are also rich in
antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, which can be used for food and pharmaceutical purposes (14).
Furthermore, research has proved the benefits of using avocado as a key ingredient in cosmetic (skin care)
products (15).
The consumption of avocados internationally continues to grow every year. Following growing demand
both in local and international markets, farmers across the world are adopting profitable avocado farming.
However, growing avocado as a single crop has its own disadvantages by draining the soil and taking
away most of its mineral properties (16). Avocado production consumes huge amounts of water, which
has its own impact on the water supplies of the production area (17). On the other hand, the qualities of
the avocado could be affected when they are exposed to biotic and abiotic stresses. Salinity, irradiance,
water stress, and temperature are examples of abiotic stresses, while insect pests (avocado looper, coconut
bug, red mites, and fruit fly) cause biotic stresses (18).
Because of their high perishability, avocados require ongoing cold chains and must be handled in a timely
and coordinated manner both during and after harvest (15). Avocado supply-chain delays are particularly
problematic because of the possibility of product shrinking during shipping, which not only compromises
product quality but also decreases market value, reducing farmer

revenue (15). Therefore, it is crucial to understand the aspects that contribute to avocado efficient
production and marketing.

Avocado production benefits and challenges in Ethiopia

Ethiopia has a conducive landscape and climate conditions for the production of tropical, sub- tropical,
and temperate fruits and vegetables (19). Ethiopia is among the top 20 avocado-growing countries, and
was first introduced to Ethiopia around 1938 by independent fruit producers in Hirna and Wondo-genet
(20,21). It has gradually been distributed to different parts of the country where conditions are favorable
for production.
Avocados are currently quite popular in Ethiopia among both the producers and consumers. Their
introduction and dissemination has contributed to income generation, employment and businesses. As a
result, avocado production has significantly increased(21). In urban areas, avocados are consumed as
juice, in salads, or in combination with other vegetables. In some parts of the country, including Addis
Ababa, it is used as a key ingredient in cosmetics, especially for facial skin care. However, Ethiopian
annual per capita fresh fruit consumption (7kg), including avocado is 8 times lower than the average
consumption for the east Africa region (55kg), and 21 times below WHO and FAO recommended
minimum intake levels (22). This could be due to low income, below-capacity production and weak
dietary habits resulting from inadequate nutritional awareness.
Several studies have shown Ethiopia's potential for avocado cultivation (23). Including the current study
area, most avocado growers are small-scale farmers with different methods of production. Previously,
avocado trees were planted primarily as a vital part of coffee and enset agroforestry systems (19,21). As
coffee requires shade trees, smallholder producers consider avocado as one of the important shade trees
while also benefiting from the sale of the avocado fruits (21,24). Additionally, avocados are cultivated as
individual trees in court yards, where they provide shade for people and animals (19). The main growing
season is from May to October. Major avocado varieties grown include: Hass, Pinkerton, Fuerte, Bacon,
Ettinger, and Nabal, and it is available seasonally in the local market (22).
Avocado production is constrained by several factors including, farmer-, institutional-, natural- and
infrastructure-related issues. According to Ethiopian studies , farmer-related constraints include
inadequate farmer skills, and scant knowledge of production (25), product management, seed selection,
fertilization, irrigation, and harvesting (26). Farmers are unaware that seedling quality, varietal choice,
and appropriate farming techniques all affect productivity (21). This means production benefits are
limited. To produce quality fruits that meet requirements, farmers need appropriate training and have
access to quality seeds that are resistant to diseases.
During the past few years, avocado farming has gained support from the government and several
organizations, and as a result, it is now a substantial source of household (HH) income and national hard
currency. However, the industry is mostly restricted to the domestic market, and Ethiopia's manufacturing
system is built on tradition rather than being sufficiently supported by scientific guidelines.

An avocado marketing system in Ethiopia

Selling fresh and processed fruit products provides low-income farm households with revenue that can act
as a safety net (27). Yet the Ethiopian agricultural marketing system is constrained by several factors such
as lack of market information systems, poor transportation, high handling costs, and restricted access to
credit (20). Avocado is transported from producers to local collectors via middlemen before arriving at
the local market. They pay farmers less for their

avocados and charge more for them in the market (21,27). Storage facilities are scarce all along the chain,
and the absence of collective bargaining power has forced individual farmers to accept unfavorable deals
(27). Without having convenient marketing conditions, potential increases in output, rural incomes and
foreign exchange are yet to be realized.
Moreover, research in the Gomma woreda found that the harvesting method, involving children mostly
climbing and shaking trees, and striking fruits with wooden sticks, has an impact on the market and
degrades produce quality (28). A research review (29) also indicated that due to managerial, technical,
storage, and other issues, Ethiopian post-harvest losses are high, emphasizing the need for education and
training on post-harvest loss reduction at different levels of the post-harvest chain. Therefore,
investigating the efficiency of the marketing system through studies and analyzing factors that determine
the market chain is crucial to increasing farmer benefits.

Overview of the Africa RISING Program

The Africa Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation (Africa RISING (AR)) is one
of the International Livestock Research Institute's (ILRI) programs initiated in 2012 as the collective
name for three linked sustainable intensification (SI) projects funded by the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID). The purpose of AR program was to create opportunities for
smallholder farm households to move out of hunger and poverty through sustainably intensified farming
systems that improve food, nutrition, and income security (30).
The first four-year phase of the AR project (2012–2016) identified and validated solutions to problems
experienced by smallholder crop-livestock farmers in Ethiopian highlands. During this phase, AR
implemented various action-based on-farm research activities aligned with the Ethiopian government
effort (30,31). In phase II (2016–2021), the project has been working with small farm households,
focusing on sustainable intensification of mixed farming systems to contribute to greater food security,
more balanced gender equity, improved nutrition, diversified income, and enhanced human and
institutional capacities (31).
In addition, the AR program designed and implemented nutrition education interventions to address the
knowledge gaps of experts and farmers in project implementation districts. These interventions include
the development of a nutrition training manual in local languages, training of trainers (ToT), and cooking
demonstrations for experts. The national nutrition team provided practical training using the manual for
the woreda-level nutrition team, for the development agents (DAs), health extension workers (HEWs),
and for model farmers in the districts. Thereafter, HEWs and DAs have provided follow-up and
counseling for care-givers at the community level in the program intervention areas (30).

Significance of the study

To fulfill the demands of the growing population, agricultural crop diversification is necessary to promote
food security, nutrition, and income (32). Together with its partner organizations, the government of
Ethiopia implements projects in different parts of the country to enhance avocado production and
marketing. Accordingly, the Africa RISING program has managed to increase the number of participating
smallholder farmers who are growing avocado by offering high-yielding varieties in the Lemo woreda of
the Hadiya zone, south-western Ethiopia which is located within the key avocado production belt (22).
The overall dietary diversity in the woreda is limited among rural households where they mostly
consume enset with overcooked vegetables (30). To combat this the program also provided a nutrition
education and cooking demonstration to health extension workers and its beneficiaries.

According to the data obtained from the woreda, in the past few years, the quantity of avocado produced
has increased significantly. The report for the Hadiya zone also showed that various development and
research actors, like the AR contributed to production increases. Within the next few years, the Woreda
expects productivity to be doubled, which would lead to surplus production (34). Therefore, documenting
the progress of the farmers regarding the economic and nutritional benefits of avocado production and
consumption could promote sustainability, and the experience could also be shared with other sites.

Overall Objective

To explore the potential livelihood benefits of incorporating avocado into local agri-food systems
considering the whole value chain among smallholder communities in Lemo woreda, Hadiya zone,
Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region (SNNPR) of Ethiopia.

Specific objectives

 To explore avocado’s current contribution to the agriculture, food, and market systems of
smallholder communities.
 To explore opportunities for including avocado in the agri-food and market systems of
smallholder communities.
 To explore the existing barriers and potential bottlenecks that impede including avocado in the
agri-food and market systems of smallholder communities.

Study population and area

A qualitative study was conducted in Lemo woreda in October 2022. This included Focus Group
Discussions (FGDs) with farmers producing avocado and key informant interviews (KIIs) with AR site
coordinators, health extension workers (HEWs), and development agents (DAs). All avocado- producing
AR beneficiaries were involved in the FGDs.
Lemo woreda is located in the SNNPR. It’s one of 11 woreda in Hadiya Zone surrounding Hossana town.
It is bordered by the Kembata Tembaro Zone to the south; Duna and Soro to the southwest; Gomibora to
the west; Misha to the northwest; Ana Lemo to the northeast, and to the southeast by Shashogo (35).
According to 2022 Ethiopian CSA population projection (36), the population of Lemo woreda is 157,107
(77,662 men and 79,445 women); with an area of 354.37 square kilometers, and has a population density
of 443.3 per square kilometer.

Figure 1: Location of Lemo Woreda in Hadiya zone, Ethiopia.

Accessed from Available via license: CC BY 4.0

Study setting and procedure

FGDs and KIIs were carried out following the guide attached under the “appendix”. Data collection was
led by an expert with experience in conducting nutritional and agricultural studies. In addition, the data
collector received thorough training on study objectives and data collection tools. The discussion was
conducted in Amharic along with local language translations.
During the various sessions, probing open questions such as 'What?' 'Why?' and 'How?' were mostly used.
The sessions were conducted at the participants’ convenience of time and place. The process continued
until a saturation level was achieved (no new information presented).
Data analysis
All the discussions were recorded using a tape recorder after obtaining permission from the participants.
The data collector conducted the transcription and shared it with the study team. The study team read the
transcription and listened to the recorded discussion several times. Then the analysis was conducted
thematically. Transcripts were reviewed to develop codes related to research-question topics. Then, on the
basis of conceptual similarity, codes were divided into categories and subcategories.

Results and Discussion

The team conducted 10 FGDs with 7‒8 participants per FGD, and 7 KIIs each with 2 DAs, 3 AR site
officers, and 2 HEWs in the woreda. The KII results were discussed together with the FGD themes as a
In general, three themes emerged during the FGD analysis (Table 1): 1) avocado production opportunities
and challenges; 2) avocado production benefits and consumption challenges; and
3) market opportunities and challenges. The first theme was supported by three categories: a)
environmental factors, b) individual factors, and c) institutional factors. The second theme was supported
by four categories: a) economic benefit; b) household level consumption; and C)

perceived health benefit; and D) avocado consumption challenges. The third theme was supported by two
categories: a) market-related opportunities, and b) market-related challenges (Table 1).
Table 1: Overview of the themes, categories and sub-categories concerning avocado production
challenges and opportunities, benefits, and marketing.
Theme Category Sub-category Codes
Avocado Environmental Water shortage - No nearby water accesses
production factors - The district office does not allow
related using mains water for avocado
opportunity - Try unsuccessfully to source
and challenge underground
- Remote water source (Travel an
hour by foot/cart)
Climate change - Long dry season reduces water
factors content
- Frost attack causes flower fall
Animal/insect/pest - Hedgehog & deer eat avocado tree
meddling bark
- Mites damage roots
- Cows, sheep, and other herbivores
feed at seedling phase
- Monkeys eat fruits
Suitable - Suitable environment
environmental - Good climatic condition
and climatic - Suitable soil type
Individual Farm - Have no proper grafting knowledge
factors management - Have no proper seedling knowledge
skills - lack of grafting materials and
- Poor plant management
- No idea how to manage flowers falls
Motivated - Interested individuals to expand
Farmers avocado farm
- Good HH-level consumption
- Strong market demand
Institution Poor access to -Inadequate quality seedling
related factors quality avocado distribution
variety & seedling -Limited HHs receive quality grafted
-Inadequate production at community
Lack of avocado -Lack of continued technical support by
seedling and AR and DAs/experts
training center -Lack of training facilities
-Lack of grafting center
Avocado Economic Significant source - Becomes income source, specifically for
production Benefit of HH income women

Theme Category Sub-category Codes
benefits and - Buy food and non-food item needed for
consumption the household
challenges - Use income from avocado instead of
selling livestock
- Buy oil, coffee, salt, exercise books
for children, fertilizer etc., with
avocado revenues
- Fill livelihood gaps with cash income
from avocado sales
Household Recognized as - Consumed as primary food alone
level (HH) HH meal - Avocado complements staple food
consumption consumption (Enset)
- Replaces cabbage as side meal
- Replaces kale as side meal
Perceived Avocado health - Next to milk, it gives good health
health benefit benefits benefit
- Replaces egg, milk, meat
- Good for children’s health and skin
- Give good growth and strength for
- Healthier and stronger children
- Boosts memory
- Consumed without any risk to
diabetics & people with high blood
Avocado Small production - Due to small production, most
consumption consumed in HH
Challenges Lack of adequate - Available but expensive
money - High price during dry season
Poor storage in - After ripening difficult to store
the house - Manage the fruits while on the tree
- Harvest consumable amounts at
family level
- No way to improve the shelf life of
already ripe fruit
- Use ventilation and fruits spacing to
extend the shelf life of already ripen
Market Market related Encouraging -Proximity and road access to market
opportunity and opportunity market demand -No significant problem to sell the fruit
challenges with partial negotiation
-Sell to Juice Houses in the nearby
Market related High -High transport cost to town
challenges transportation
Poor market -Avocado price during production
network season is not attractive

Theme Category Sub-category Codes
-Prefer to consume it in HH when
price is low
-The cost fluctuates seasonally
-Feed to livestock when excess
-Inadequate ripening technique

Avocado production overview in Lemo woreda

According to the Africa RISING Regional Coordinator, 80 farmers from
Jewe and Upper Gena Kebele’s of Lemo woreda received awareness-
raising and hands-on training on avocado production. Farmers were
invited to Butajira Nursery Center for exposure trips, where they
observed the process of producing avocados firsthand. In addition to
Hass professional assistance on how to manage the trees and harvest the fruit,
all had received 6 grafted avocado seedlings from the program. The
farmers also confirmed that they had received 6 grafted avocado
seedlings from AR and planted these in their backyards. Some of the
farmers also bought additional seedlings from private vendors through
the Woreda agricultural facility, although they were not as fruitful as the
seedlings from AR. Farmers who took part in the assessment mentioned
five to six types of avocado varieties including Ettinger, Fuerte, Hass,
Nabal and Reed, as depicted in Fig 2.
Some mentioned that Hass has two varieties, which makes the variety
number to six. However, the AR coordinator pointed out that just five
different avocado varieties were provided by the program, and the
majority of HHs cultivate more than three. The most widely produced
varieties are Nabal and Hass. The farmers mentioned that Hass and
Ettinger are tastier and more favored for household consumption, while
Nabal is preferred for its higher yield and marketability.
Juice houses tend to prefer Nabal due to its high flesh and water content.
The AR coordinator also confirmed that Nabal was distributed
dominantly, and the farmer’s preference is both on yield and fruit taste;
Nabal is more preferred for its yield; and Hass and Ettinger are
Fuerte preferred for their taste. Seasonal availability (yield) is mainly
determined by the variety type and tree management (watering and
compost application). Household with diversified avocado varieties
have a higher chance to get a steady fruit supply throughout the year.
Furthermore, the study participants were able to classify the different
varieties using: -
(1) Leaf size, color, surface roughness, and shape,
(2) Fruit shape, size, and taste
(3) Tree Height
(4) Fruit color after cutting or removing from tree.
Figure 2: avocado varieties
mentioned by farmers
In general, farmers have good awareness on different type of avocado tree and varieties

Theme 1: Avocado production-related opportunities and challenges
Study participants reported the opportunities and various challenges to sustainably increase avocado
production. Opportunities to sustain production were separately categorized for the sake of discussion.
Opportunities to sustain production - According to the farmers, the woreda soil type and climate
conditions are highly suitable for avocado production. They even mention that it is better than Butajira
(the area where they visited and received training before beginning cultivation). In addition, the farmers
reported that the community in the woreda is now aware of the benefits of avocado and wanted to expand
in their farm. Those who had not started avocado production expressed their interest in obtaining
seedlings to plant in their backyards. Both the woreda agriculture expert and the AR officer also
mentioned that the ecology of the area is suitable for avocado. Besides, the huge market opportunity
(Hossana town), the availability of universities, road access, and government commitment and support are
the opportunities in the area to sustain the avocado production. In general, the woreda and AR project
offices have suitable environments and motivated farmers to expand and sustain avocado production in
the area.
“The benefits could be sustained; the avocado trees have still not reached their maximum
maturity stage so that more fruit could be obtained in the future. Moreover, being convinced by
the current benefits, the farmers have started expanding the plantation.” (AR site coordinator)
Challenges to sustain production - The challenges were classified into different factors, including
environmental factors, individual factors, and institutional factors.
The environmental factors reported which challenge avocado production include water shortage,
climate-change issues, and wild/domestic animal and pest meddling.
Water shortages were reported as the main limiting factor for successful production by all the
participants, although some of the farmers have underground water access. Farmers in Upper Genna
Kebele mentioned that there is a pipeline controlled by the woreda office, but they are not allowed to
access water for avocado production due to the water shortage. It is only for household (HH)
consumption. Thus, they dug for underground water in their compound, but it was not successful. They
use donkey carts to transport water from local rivers so that production may continue. The participants
recommended different solutions to resolve the water shortage problem, including provision of water
conserving materials by AR, digging underground water, negotiating with the woreda to increase the
water amount of the pipe, and allowing farmers to use the mains water for avocado production. A woman
in Upper Gana Kebele explained her water shortage problem as written below: -
“There are villages with water shortages. For instance, my house is next to a road, and during
the dry season, the flowers and small avocado fruits drop off owing to traffic dust and a lack of
water. There is a water pipeline in the village, but it is only for household consumption due to
the small amount of water content. I was advised to dig underground water, so I tried in two
places, but it was not successful due to stone blockage. During the training at the university, we
were told to organize in a group and pay to bring underground digging and pumping machines,
yet it has not been successful, and we are still waiting.” (Upper Gana Kebele_ FGD1
As the study participant noted, successful avocado production requires an adequate water supply. On the
other hand, studies have revealed that rising avocado demand and production are already causing water
stress in some countries (37). Therefore, stakeholders should work together to address the water shortage
as well as come up with suggestions on water management, considering the risks other countries
experience because of their large avocado production.

Climate change-related issues is another group of environmental challenges raised. The farmers
mentioned that over the past two years the dry season was longer, which prolonged the water shortage
issue. Besides that, the frost was mentioned as one of the main challenges which affected avocado trees,
causing flowers to fall off and the leaves to dry out.
Avocado trees are quite sensitive to soil water availability and mild moisture stress (frost), which can lead
to fruit shed or leaf drop (38). This can lead to a significant reduction in yield and negatively impact
productivity. Frost is the formation of ice crystals on plants, which can lead to the freezing of internal sap
(39). The level of frost damage to avocado trees depends on the variety. Nabal and Hass are among the
most sensitive varieties which are widely produced in Lemo woreda. A study also revealed a strong
relationship between excessive frost damage and avocado trees with inadequate nitrogen fertilization (40).
Farmers around the world employ different techniques to reduce frost damage, including orchard site
selection and design, under- tree irrigation, frost covers (e.g. horticultural fleeces) for young trees, etc.
(39). Therefore, the experts in Lemo woreda should try to identify the factors behind high frost damage in
the area and come up with recommendations accordingly.
In addition, the farmers emphasized flower fall due to frost and other unknown factors. However, the
avocado tree is renowned for producing very light fruits despite having a lot of flowers, due to poor
pollination (41). Avocado trees are less attractive to bees and other pollinators (insects and birds), so the
avocado tree grows more flowers to attract the pollinators, but only some succeed. Researchers advise a
bee farm near the orchard to boost pollination and the yield. Additionally, farmers employ their own
strategies to draw pollinators. Ensuring pollination compatibility and flowering synchrony should also be
considered. Therefore, assessing the local environment and disseminating fundamental information and
strategies could assist farmers in acting more effectively.
The other environmental factor mentioned by the farmer was the interference of wild/domestic
animals and pests. During the seedling phase, unless fenced well, saplings can be grazed by
herbivores such as cows or deer. Hedgehogs also feed on mature tree bark, which limits and dries the
growth. Additionally, mites feed on the roots and sometimes on the bark, which eventually dries the tree.
The farmers try to mitigate these problems by fencing the backyard and the seedlings, and some of them
dig a ditch around the tree to restrain the hedgehog. For mite protection, farmers recommend continuous,
and simple digging around the seedling. Nevertheless, for better protection, they call for AR and other
stakeholders to provide wire fencing combined with thorn hedging, which can effectively protect
seedlings, especially from hedgehogs and deer.
The damage caused by insect pests could be a primary factor in future production reductions unless the
experts working in the area act now. The South African Subtropical Growers' Association reported that
13% of avocado fruit losses in 2019 were attributable to insect infestations (42). Although pest issues
have not been strongly highlighted in the present assessment, local experts should start taking
preventative action now. Various methods can be considered, including cultural, mechanical, chemical,
biological, and sanitary, considering the effect of intervention methods on both pests and the habitat. In
the case of Lemo woreda, the main enemies mentioned are animals, and as the farmers mentioned,
creating the affordable market for better fencing material (wire with thorns) is the responsibility of the
woreda. The AR projects could also provide support in facilitating the process.
Individual factors mentioned are mainly associated with farm management skills. Despite
receiving training during seedling distribution, farmers participating in awareness-creation programs are
still not fully aware of the precise precautions required when problems arise. The

main limitations mentioned include grafting knowledge gaps, seedling skill gap, poor plant management,
Although the farmers received awareness-creation training, the farmers reported limitations on their basic
avocado production skills. A previous study conducted in Lemo woreda which assessed the challenges to
avocado marketing reported that age and education level negatively affected the avocado market, which
could be associated with production skills and training acceptance level (26). In addition, a study in
Kenya also reported that increasing human capital and farmer education contribute to farmer’s ability to
adopt new technologies for increased avocado production (16). Thus, any farmer training should consider
individual factors (age, educational status, etc.) that could affect their training acceptance.
Institution-related factors include the challenges and limitations of stakeholders supporting avocado
production. The farmers reported that it would have been very productive if they could have received
additional seedlings from AR, but these were difficult to access. Some of the farmers tried to buy from the
private vendors as a solution, but this was not successful due to the poor quality of the seedlings. The
seedling purchased from a private vendor either does not grow at all or does not develop enough to bear
fruit. In addition, the farmers wanted to have a local grafting and seedling center where they could access
quality seedlings and training, but this was not yet available. The other issue mentioned was getting
continued training and follow-up on the production process, but they could not get that sufficiently from
either the woreda or the AR experts. The AR coordinator also mentioned that the avocado production is
not adequate in Jewe and Upper Gena kebeles. But there is adequate production at the AR-benefit
household level only. A participant from upper Gena explained the challenges as below: -
“I have good water access and I am interested in expanding the farm, but I couldn’t get any
grafting and seedling training. I bought seedlings from the market, but it was not as successful
as I had hoped. In addition, I tried to do the grafting by myself, but it failed.” (Upper Gana
Kebele_ FGD3 participant)
Another participant said, "There are professionals trained for avocado grafting who know how to
do grafting, how to take care of the plant, and how to develop the skills. Thus, we want to get
the training again from these AR and/or Woreda experts. They are not doing the follow-up
continuously. The need for avocado is rising, so we need the training to do the seedlings
ourselves.” (Upper Gana Kebele_ FGD3 participant)
Strong institutional support is necessary for the production and supply of high-quality goods, yet the
majority of smallholder farmers lack this support. This assistance consists of technical guidance and
agricultural inputs (43). Lack of these facilities limits smallholder farmers' productivity for HH
consumption and profitable markets. To make these facilities more available for smallholders, the
government offices, AR, and other stakeholders should expand seedling centers and increase regional
training programs for avocado cultivation.
Theme 2: Avocado production benefits and challenges for consumption
The second theme explores the benefits the farmers obtain from avocado production. They listed different
benefits, which are categorized into economic, household consumption, and health benefits.
Economic benefits: According to the farmers, avocado is becoming a significant source of
additional HH income, particularly for women. Most of the time, women are the ones who sell the
avocados at the market. With the cash income from the avocado fruits, they then buy both food and non-
food goods for the house. They purchase different consumables and items, including oil, coffee, sugar,
salt, children’s exercise books, fertilizer, and household materials.

Previously, when they needed money, they used to sell livestock, but since avocado production, they have
been able to fill gaps by using avocado money.
Household level consumption: The other benefit reported was HH-level avocado consumption. In
the area the available staple food is enset with kale or cabbages. Nowadays, according to the farmers,
avocado is becoming one of the foods eaten with bread/enset especially during the dry season since
cabbage/kale is not available. When the cabbage season comes back, they return to it not because it is
preferred but because it is cheaper than avocado. They said that avocado is expensive otherwise they
would have use both, since avocado improves dietary diversity and appetite. The AR coordinator also
mentioned that at AR beneficiary HH-level avacado production is in excess and is consumed alone with
little or no processing. In general, the farmers indicated that the improved fruit yield from grafted
seedlings, the better production skills acquired, and the technical help from AR contributed to the
improvement of consumption status. A woman in Jewe Kebele explained the advantage of eating avocado
as follows: -
“Avocado is a nutritious food and has vitamins too. We learn about the advantages after we
start to use it. It is useful for both children and adults. Especially for children, it is good, and for a
child who does not start eating hard foods, avocado is preferable due to its smooth texture. It
also helps to eat other foods rather than eating one kind of food. It has everything in it, including
vitamins and proteins. It is equivalent to eating meat and eggs. In general, it is one of the best
foods which can be labeled as number one”. (Jewe Kebele, FGD 4)
On the other hand, the participants also mentioned challenges that limit them from consistently
consuming avocado. The first is small HH- and village-level production, especially during the dry season.
Thus, only children and sometimes the elderly eat avocado, particularly for none-AR participants or
farmers not growing grafted seedlings. Second, fruit price increases during the dry season, which holds
them back from buying and using it for household consumption. Lack of proper storage facilities also
limits HH-level consumption. After the fruit is collected from the tree, it should be quickly consumed or
transported to the market before it decays. They tried to spread the fruits apart on cooler ground, but this
was not effective.
"We manage it while the fruit is on the tree; we harvest only the household consumable size;
once it ripens, it is difficult to extend for an extra day or two, even though airing and ventilating
the room is done to extend it for a day or two." (Jewe Kebele, FGD 1)
During exposure visits, the AR personnel and agriculture professionals created awareness about nutrition.
The respondents valued the benefits of avocado intake and food variety are well known. The HEW
interviewed also reported that dietary diversification using avocado in the woreda is showing progress,
particularly in AR supported HHs. The change could be related to the production level in the respondents'
HHs, which improves their feeding habits.
Perceived health benefit: The third benefit category reported by the study participants was the
perceived health benefit from avocado consumption. The farmers mentioned that eating avocados has
health advantages equal to (some say ‘next to’) consuming milk, meat, and/or eggs. Many of the health
benefits were seen in children. They said that children who eat avocados have oily skin, good growth,
strong physical appearance, and improved cognition. In addition, because eating avocados improves
health, kids are no longer visiting clinics. Additionally, they claimed that those with diabetes and high
blood pressure can easily ingest it and that it protects against a variety of diseases.

Theme 3: Market related opportunities and challenges
The third theme that emerged from the discussion with the assessment participants was the challenges
and opportunities associated with avocado marketing. Regarding the market opportunity,
the participants said that being close to the larger market—Hossana town— provides an excellent
opportunity for them to sell their goods. The town's avocado demand is high, and the distance to transport
their products is not prohibitively long. Additionally, they do not use a middleman when selling their
goods to customers (juice houses), thus they may estimate prices while taking their manufacturing costs
into account. Nevertheless, mostly they sell the product at the estimated price from the buyer, and they
said it is not always such a good price, especially during the rainy season, due to greater production.
The second category is the challenges related to the market network. Market linkage was mentioned
as the main limitation of the avocado market. The participants mentioned the "Khat 1" market as an
example to explain the chain. They said "Khat" buyers go to every place where the Khat grows and buy
them, but for the avocado they must take them to the town themselves, which gives them an additional
cost. Especially during high production periods, the market might not be attractive. Thus, some say they
feed it to livestock in the house to get the indirect benefit of the milk or meat. They hope the market will
have its own chain in the future. The Woreda agri-officer (DA) further stated that the price is determined
by the juice houses since the farmers lack negotiation skills on their own because they lack a market
network. The other challenge faced by the farmers is the rise in transportation costs to the city to
sell their products. Sometimes they walk or ride a cart for 1-2 hours to sell the product in Hossana town.
Marketing of agricultural products consists of exchange functions, physical functions, and facilitating
functions (44). Transportation, product transformation, and storage are physical functions, while
financing, risk bearing, and marketing information are facilitating functions (27). When the avocado
marketing chain of Lemo woreda is weighed against the abovementioned criteria, one can conclude the
marketing system is poor. Only individual farmers struggle from production to marketing. Currently, the
country has started exporting avocados to the European and other markets, which opens the opportunity
for farmers to produce quality products and join the export business. By attempting to access the export
market, the door to the entire market system could be opened. The woreda agri-office and other
stakeholders are expected to invest a lot of effort to create the market chain with the farmers' interests in
mind, at least from the yard to the adjacent market. In addition, learning from experience of neighboring
countries like Kenya could help. In Kenya business-oriented individual farmers and groups carrying out
fruit farming come together and formulate an organization which facilitates marketing (45). According to
the report now they are benefiting from the production more than before. Such kind of experiences could
be adopted after contextualization.

Khat or qat plant native to eastern and southern Africa Catha edulis, sold for its stimulant properties:

Conclusion and recommendations
The community in Lemo woreda has started considering avocado as a key agricultural product for
household consumption and economic benefit. AR-supported HHs have especially benefited from
avocado production via increased consumption and economic gain from sales. In addition, increased
smallholder awareness levels about the benefits of avocado production offers an opportunity to expand
and sustain avocado production in the area. However, the benefit is primarily restricted to HHs who
obtain seedlings from AR, demonstrating the necessity of local nursery facilities and seedling education.
The farmers tried in vain to access seedlings from other sources, which calls for AR intervention to
expand production to other HHs to make avocado available for consumption as a staple food.
Avocado production in Lemo woreda is challenged by various factors which limit its productivity and the
benefits gained from fruit sales revenues. The challenges included environmental issues, individual
limitations, and institutional factors. The shortage of water, animal/pest damage, and factors related to
farmers’ awareness and knowledge are among other challenges. Furthermore, the lack of quality seedlings
and local distribution centers was mentioned as a bottleneck to expanding avocado production in every
HH in Lemo woreda.
The project team recommends the following to address these challenges:
1. Stakeholders should work together to better manage water shortages and negotiate for
stronger woreda support. They should consider the risks and management strategies (such as
irrigation concessions) other countries experience.
2. The experts in Lemo woreda should help implement learning on how farmers around the world
employ different techniques to reduce frost damage, including orchard site selection and
design, under-tree irrigation and frost cover (e.g., horticultural fleeces) for young trees.
3. Introducing orchard beehives could boost pollination and corresponding productivity. Woreda
assessments of local environments and disseminating fundamental information could assist
farmers to employ their own strategies to attract pollinators. Ensuring pollination compatibility
and flowering synchrony should also be considered, through training and supplying the correct
combinations of varieties.
4. Herbivore grazing can be prevented by adequate plot fencing and /or digging ditches. For
mite protection, farmers recommend continuous simple digging around the seedling.
5. Although other pest issues have not been highlighted in this assessment, local experts should
start taking preventative cultural, mechanical, chemical, biological, and sanitary actions,
according to specific pest control advice.
6. To address other individual issues, most particularly lack of good management skills, the
woreda should promote farmer trainings that consider individual factors such as age and
educational status
7. Government officers, AR, and other stakeholders should expand seedling centers and
increase regional training programs for avocado cultivation.
The absence of an organized market supply route in the region was also explored in the study. Most
farmers sell their produce to nearby consumers and local collectors in the nearby town. As a result,
farmers do not profit fairly from their produce. As a result, it is essential to establish a market network
and an organization (in which the farmers are members) that works to the advantage of smallholder

Regarding market-related opportunities and challenges the authors recommend:
1. Growers need to become better at negotiating.
2. Developing a specific avocado supply/value chain including for exports. Learning from
experience of neighboring countries like Kenya could help.
In general, considering the objective of the assessment, it can be concluded that AR support has greatly
helped the Lemo woreda to introduce avocado production as one of the agricultural products in the area
and changed HH-level consumption habits. However, market opportunities should be created to reap the
full range and extent of benefits.

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Focus group discussion guide

Introduction and consent request

Note to the Facilitator:

I have explained to the participant the survey purpose and procedures and we have discussed the rights of
participants. I haveexplain
yourself, answered
you worktowith,
the best
my are
ability that
here, andtheintroduce
participant had. on the team
Signature of interviewer Date
who is with you observing, taking notes, taking photographs, or helping in anyway. / /
I have understood the survey purpose and procedures and we have discussed my rights as a participant.
My Introduction: Hello,
questions have beenmyanswered
name is to my full satisfaction and I agree to take part in. Ithis
working with
the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT to help evaluate and document lessons learned
from theofAfrica
Signature RISING (AR) program. The project aimed to promote agricultural
participant Date / technologies
/ in
Tigray, Amhara, Oromia and SNNP regions. The aim of this research is to capture the potential
livelihood benefit of incorporating avocado into the agri-food systems considering the whole value
This discussion should not take more than one hour. There is NO right or wrong answer. Your ideas
and answers to our questions are very important to us. You are free to answer or not to one or more of
the questions we are going to ask. You should feel very free to express whatever you are thinking.
We will not share your name, and your responses will be anonymous.
At the start of the scheduled discussion repeat the introduction and then ask: Do we have your
permission to continue? Do we have your permission to take photographs? Do we have your
permission to record the session? (Please note if the group gives permission for taking photographs,
note anyone who does not give permission and do not photograph them.)

Note to Note-Taker: Try to capture the major ideas. Always note the specific question that the
facilitator and participants are referring to. If the facilitator asks a question that is not on the guide,
note the question as it is asked and try to capture the answers. If you need more space, use the extra
paper, and note the name of the discussion and the corresponding number of the question. Ensure the
session is recorded

Name of interviewer(s):

Interviewee details

Focus group discussion with Africa RISING beneficiaries

The questions are organized in to four sections (production related, Market availability, accessibility,
Consumption related, and perceived benefits)

1. Production related issues

1.1. Barriers to production
1.1.1. Do you have avocado fruit tree in your yard?
1.1.2. For how long have you been using this avocado tree?
1.1.3. Do you think there is adequate production of the fruit in your area?
1.1.4. Have you ever encountered any challenges in production of avocado fruit? (e.g., water
1.1.5. How big is this problem?
1.1.6. How do you see the mitigation for this problem?
1.1.7. What must be considered when farmers think of avocado fruit production?
1.2. Enablers to production
1.2.1. What is the enabling environment to produce the fruit in your areas?
1.2.2. What kind of opportunities are there in your area that encourage avocado
1.3. Varieties available
1.3.1. How many varieties of avocado are available in your area? Do you have all the
varieties in your farm?
1.3.2. How detail do you know about the varieties in general?
1.3.3. How do you identify the varieties?
1.3.4. Which one is the most common variety? And why?
1.3.5. Do you have preference of certain varieties over others? And why?
1.4. Seedling
1.4.1. Where did you get the seedling?
2. Market availability, accessibility
2.1. Enablers to market availability
2.1.1. What are the different types of markets you can access?
2.1.2. Are you able to get avocado fruit from these markets?
2.1.3. How far are these markets from your home?
2.2. Barriers to market availability
2.2.1. Have you ever encountered any challenge in access to the market to purchase avocado
2.3. Loss of avocado
2.3.1. How do they see the shelf life of the fruit?
2.3.2. What mechanism do you have in place to minimize the loss of the fruit?
2.4. Any processing to market avocado
2.4.1. Do you have any processing idea to maximize the use, (e.g., solar drying, or any other
alternative – what is their impression about it?)
2.5. Price and affordability

2.5.1. How affordable is the fruit by the community?
2.5.2. Does the price fluctuate?
2.5.3. What do you do with the fruit in case of destructive demand?
2.6. Target customers
2.6.1. Do you have a target customer who buy your products regularly?
3. Consumption
3.1. How do you rate the consumption of avocado (high, medium, low, non) ?
3.2. Enablers to avocado consumption
3.2.1. What are the enabling factors that encourage the consumption of the fruit?
3.3. Barriers to avocado consumption (e.g. price, taboo, etc)
3.3.1. Have you ever encountered any challenges/ barriers that hinder from consuming
avocado fruit?
If yes, please specify
3.3.2. Any sorts of challenges/bottlenecks that hinder from using the fruit at household level,
(e.g., easily spoiled, darkening of the flesh part, market access, price taboo)
4. Perceived benefits of avocado
4.1. Nutritional benefits: for whom?
4.1.1. How do you value the importance of avocado?
4.1.2. What are the benefits?
4.1.3. What can increase this benefit?
4.1.4. Who is the most benefited by the fruit?
4.1.5. To what extent did this fruit improve your HH’s dietary status?
4.1.6. Have you seen any changes in the diets of your under five child?

If yes, what was the change? Was it positive or negative?

What explains the change?
4.1.7. Can any of this change be related to the consumption of the fruit? Is the change “little”,
“somehow/ moderately”, or “highly” related to AR?
4.1.8. Have you seen any changes in the health of your under five child? If yes,
what was the change? Was it positive or negative?
What explains the change?
4.1.9. Can any of this change be related to the consumption of the fruit?
Is the change “little”, “somehow/ moderately”, or “highly” related to AR?
4.1.10. Do you still think you consume the fruit at household level in case of destructive
4.2. Economic benefits: income source
4.2.1. How do you value the economic importance of avocado?
4.2.2. What are the economic benefits?
4.2.3. What can increase this benefit?
4.2.4. What is your interest as you see the benefit as a cash or nutrition?
4.2.5. How do you spend the money from selling avocado? Is it for buying food/non- food

Key Informant interview guide

Introduction and consent request

Introduction: Hello, my name is . I am working

I have explained to the participant the survey purpose and procedures and we have discussed the rights of
with Alliance of Bioversity-CIAT to help evaluate and document lessons learned from the
the participants. I have answered questions to the best of my ability that the participant had.
Africa RISING (AR) project. The project aimed to promote agricultural technologies in Tigray,
and SNNP regions. The aim of this research is to captureDate /_ / livelihood
the potential
benefit of incorporating avocado into the agri-food systems considering the whole value chain.
I have understood the survey purpose and procedures and we have discussed the rights of me as a
participant. My questions
Your participation in thishave been
study answered tovoluntary.
is completely my full satisfaction.
This means that you do not have to
participate in this study unless you want to. You can even withdraw at any point, participating or
Signature of participant
not participating in the survey will not affect your relationship with AR nowDate / future.
nor in the /
Please note that the Interviews will be recorded, but your name, and your responses will not be
Section 1: Key
shared other Informant
than Interview
the research team. with AR Field Staffs
Name ofyou be willing to participate in the study? (If yes, proceed; if no thank them for their time
Interviewee details
and end the call).

1. For how long have you been working on Avocado fruit production with Africa RISING program?

2. Could you mention what sort of support Africa RISING has been providing to its beneficiaries
to promote avocado fruit production?

3. Do you think there is adequate production of the fruit in your area?

4. What enabling environment are there to produce the fruit in the areas?

5. How many varieties of avocado are available in the area? Do the beneficiaries have all the
varieties in their farm?

6. Which one is the most common and preferred variety? And why?

7. Where did the beneficiaries get the seedling?

8. What are the benefits of the fruit?

9. Have the benefits been sustainable? (still ongoing now – expectations for the future?)

10. Did any major changes in their livelihood came because of this support? If so, what?

11. Have this intervention been effective? In what way?

12. Have you heard any challenges in production of avocado fruit from the beneficiaries? (e.g.,
water access)

13. How big is this problem? How do you see the mitigation for this problem?

14. What must be considered when farmers think of avocado fruit production?

15. What are the different types of markets in the area?

16. How far are these markets from the community?

17. Can avocado fruit be available from these markets?

18. Are there any challenge encountered by the farmers in accessing the market to purchase
avocado fruit?

19. Are there any avocado processing mechanisms in place to maximize the use, (e.g., solar
drying, or any other alternative – what is their impression about it?)

20. How affordable is the fruit by the community?

21. Does the price fluctuate?

22. How do you rate the consumption of avocado (high, medium, low, non)?

23. For what purpose do the beneficiaries use the fruit mostly? (Consumption or sell)

24. What are the enabling factors that encourage the beneficiaries to consume the fruit?

25. Are there any challenge/ barrier that hinder the beneficiaries from consuming avocado fruit?

If yes, please specify

Any sorts of challenges/bottlenecks that hinder from using the fruit at household level, (e.g., easily
spoiled, darkening of the flesh part, market access, price taboo)

Section 2: Key Informant Interview with HEWs

Name of interviewer(s):

Interviewee details

1) Do you think there is adequate production of the fruit in the area?

2) What enabling environment are there to produce the fruit in the areas?

3) How do you see the availability of avocado fruit in the market?

4) Have you provided any training to the beneficiaries to promote avocado consumption? If yes,
what kind?

5) How affordable is the fruit by the community?

6) How do you rate the consumption of avocado (high, medium, low, non) by the community?

7) Have you seen any changes in the diets of the beneficiaries?

8) For what purpose do the beneficiaries use the fruit mostly? (Consumption or sell)?

9) Are there any enabling factor that encourage the beneficiaries to consume the fruit?

10) Are there any challenge/ barrier that hinder the beneficiaries from consuming avocado fruit?

If yes, please specify
Any sorts of challenges/bottlenecks that hinder from using the fruit at household level, (e.g.,
easily spoiled, darkening of the flesh part, market access, price taboo)

10. What do you think the community would do in case of destructive demand?

Section 3: Key Informant Interview with DAs

Name of interviewer(s):

Interviewee details

1. Do you think there is adequate production of avocado fruit in the area?

2. What enabling environment are there to produce the fruit in the areas?

3. How do you see the availability of avocado fruit in the market?

4. Have you provided any support to the farmers to promote avocado production? If yes, what

5. How affordable is the fruit by the community?

6. For what purpose do the beneficiaries use the fruit mostly? (Consumption or sell)?

7. Are there any challenge/ barrier that hinder the beneficiaries from producing avocado fruit?

If yes, please specify

Any sorts of challenges/bottlenecks that hinder from using the fruit at household level, (e.g.,
easily spoiled, darkening of the flesh part, market access, price taboo)

What do you think the community would do in case of destructive demand?

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