AM Excel-2007 Final
AM Excel-2007 Final
AM Excel-2007 Final
Course Contents
Overview of Excel 2007 Cell References, Formatting Tools Common Formula Applications Pivot Tables & Pivot Charts Graphs, Statistical Tools Intro to Macros & Visual Basic
Excel for Beginners By Abishek Mittal 2
The Ribbon
The band at the top of the Excel 2007 window is called the Ribbon.
The Ribbon is made up of different tabs, each of which is related to specific kinds of work that people do in Excel. You click the tabs at the top of the Ribbon to see the different commands available on each tab.
Shown here is a blank worksheet in a new workbook. Number of Sheets appearing can be set by using Excel options under the Microsoft Office button. Scrolling through different Worksheets Ctrl + Pg Dn Use Ctrl + Pg Up /
Columns go from top to bottom on the worksheet, vertically. Each column has an alphabetical heading at the top. Rows go across the worksheet, horizontally. Each row also has a heading. Row headings are numbers, from 1 through 1,048,576. The row and column headings combine to form the cell address / cell reference. For example, the cell at the intersection of column A and row 3 is called cell A3.
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Edit Data
Say that you meant to enter Peacocks name in cell A2, but you entered Buchanans name by mistake. Once you spot the error, there are two ways to correct it.
Double-click a cell to edit the data in it. Or, after clicking in the cell, edit the data in the Formula Bar. Shortcut Key to perform same action is F2 key. After you select the cell by either method, the worksheet says Edit in the status bar in the lower-left corner.
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To insert a single column: 1. Click any cell in the column immediately to the right of where you want the new column to go. 2. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the arrow on Insert. On the dropdown menu, click Insert Sheet Columns. A new blank column is inserted.
Excel for Beginners By Abishek Mittal 12
Highlighting Duplicates
Select the column you want to search for duplicates In the Styles group on the Home tab, click the Conditional Formatting button, point to Highlight Cells Rules, and then click Duplicate Values Click the values with arrow, then click Custom Format In the Format Cells dialog box, set the formatting you want to use
Entering References in Cells Select the cell reference you want to change Press the F4 key to cycle the reference from relative to absolute to mixed and then back to relative
Click in the cell, and then on the Home tab, in the Editing group, click the arrow on Clear Click Clear Formats, which removes the format from the cell. Or you can click Clear All to remove both the data and the formatting at the same time.
Function Syntax
Every function has to follow a set of rules, or syntax, which specifies how the function should be written
Inserting Functions
A function can be entered directly from the Formula Tab
Select the appropriate function from the list of functions Enter the argument values in the Function Arguments dialog box
Inserting Functions
A function can be entered directly from the Formula Tab Filling a series using AutoFill is an effective tool
Common Functions
COUNT, COUNTIF used for counting SUM, SUMIF used for summation AVERAGE, AVERAGEIF used for averages COUNTIFS, SUMIFS, AVERAGEIFS used to meet multiple criterias Logical Functions like IF, AND, OR Look up functions like VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP PMT function to determine Monthly Loan Payment
Excel for Beginners By Abishek Mittal 24
Logical Functions
A logical function is a function that works with values that are either true or false The IF function is a logical function that returns one value if the statement is true and returns a different value if the statement is false IF(logical_test, value_if_true, [value_if_false])
Logical Functions
=IF(A1="YES", "DONE", "RESTART") =IF(A1="MAXIMUM", MAX(B1:B10), MIN(B1:B10)) =IF(D33>0, $K$10, 0)
Logical Functions
The OR function is a logical function that returns a TRUE value if any of the logical conditions are true and a FALSE value if all the logical conditions are false
=IF(OR([Years Service]<1,[Annual Salary]>100000),0, IF([Pay Grade]=1,$T$1,IF([Pay Grade]=2,$T$2, IF([Pay Grade]=3,$T$3,"Invalid pay grade"))))
Data Tools
Sorting Data You can rearrange, or sort, the records in a table or range based on the data in one or more fields The fields you use to order the data are called sort fields You can sort data in ascending or descending order Filtering Data Criteria filters enable you to specify various conditions in addition to those that are based on an equals criterion
Creating a PivotChart
A PivotChart is a graphical representation of the data in a PivotTable A PivotChart allows you to interactively add, remove, filter, and refresh data fields in the PivotChart similar to working with a PivotTable
Creating Charts
A chart, or graph, is a visual representation of a set of data In the Charts group on the Insert tab, click a chart type, and then click a chart subtype in the Chart gallery The data source is the range that contains the data you want to display in the chart
Introduction to Macros
A macro is a series of stored commands that can be run whenever you need to perform the task The Developer tab will enable you to create and use macros If the Developer tab isnt available, you will need to enable it using the Excel Options To protect against Macro Viruses, the macro security settings control what Excel will do about macros in a workbook when you open that workbook
Recording a Macro
In the Code group on the Developer tab, click the Record Macro button Enter a name for the macro, and specify the location to store the macro Specify a shortcut key (optional) Enter a description of the macro (optional) Click the OK button to start the macro recorder Perform the tasks you want to automate Click the Stop Recording button
Running a Macro
Press the shortcut key assigned to the macro or In the Code group on the Developer tab, click the Macros button Select the macro from the list of macros, and then click the Run button
Editing a Macro
In the Code group on the Developer tab, click the Macros button, select the macro in the Macro name list, and then click the Edit button Use the Visual Basic Editor to edit the macro code Click File on the menu bar, and then click Close and Return to Microsoft Excel
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