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Human Sociobiology: A Holistic Approach (Dan Freedman)

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Human Sociobiology


Daniel G. Freedman ~

THE FREE PRESS A Division of Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.


Collier Macmillan Publishers


Copyright 1979 by

The Free Press A Division of Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Publisher. The Free Press A Division of Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. 866 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022 Collier Macmillan Canada, Ltd. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 78-73025 Printed in the United States of America printing number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

For my wife, Nina, and for those with whom I share half my genes: Toby, Tony, Gregory, and 'Granpa' Yankel.

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Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Freedman, Daniel G Human sociobiology. Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Sociobiology. 2. Human behavior. 3. Human biology. I. Title [DNLM: 1. Genetics, Behavioral. 2. Social behavior. 3. Behavior, Animal. GN365.9 FS53h) GN365.9.F73 301.2 78-73025 ISBN 0-02-910660-5


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1 12 27 45

Basic Issues

2. Gametic Potential
3. Social Arrangements among Primates

4. Men, Women, and the Status Hierarchy 5. Interlude: Further Thoughts on Polygyny and Monogamy
6. Signals of Status

77 85 113 131 141 163 213 227

7. Blood Is Thicker than Water

8. Breeding-out and Breeding-in 9. Biology or Culture?

Appendix: Abstracts of Studies Bibliography Index


I would like to thank the following colleagues, friends, and students (categories that are not mutually exclusive) for their comments: Bea Neugarten, Darell Bock, Michael Wade, Richard Shweder, two generations of Kayes-Kenneth and Sol, John Pfeiffer, Merri Monks, Alan Fogel, Paul Ekman, Glenn Weisfeld, William Kruskal, Harvey Ginsburg, Mike Csikszentmihalyi, Seymour Laro\k, Joe Tobin, Charmane Eastman, Fred Kaplan, Dennis Couzin, Richard Savin-Williams, Sharafuddin Malik, James Weinrich, Jeanne Altmann, J. Paul Scott, and Marshall Sahlins. Given so long a list of readers, many of them distinguished scholars, it may be surprising to find any problems at all with the text. Unfortunately, inasmuch as each reader found a separate set of problems and inaccuracies, I have no reason to believe this would not be a permanent process. Furthermore, and in their defense, I did not always respond to a reader's recommendations. Thanks also to Ron Chambers of the Free Press for his enthusiasm, perspicacity, and for his editorial suggestions; and last, but not least, to Professor E. O. Wilson for his encouragement and for having written Sociobiology. As for research support, the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, whose directors of research are Lionel Tiger and Robin Fox, was most generous just when sources of funding appeared to have evaporated. I am most grateful to the Foundation.


Human Sociobiology

Basic Issues
Flower in the crannied wall, I pluck you out of the crannies, . . . if I could understand what you are, root and all, all in all, I should know what God and man is.


I have tried in this book to address both a lay and a professional audience, and though this approach may bother both audiences, it has had some advantages. It forced me to pay less mind to that rigorous censor each scientist carries with him and to say what was in the back of my mind, the personal and perhaps unexpected, as well as the tried and true. Its writing has been a personal pilgrimage to sociobiology via the fields of clinical psychology (my first professional interest), genetics, ethology, and primatology. As for the question, What is sociobiology? there are a number of possible answers. Mine is simply that sociobiology is the application of recently developed biological principles to behavior. And since biological principles usually are concerned with populations, sociobiology reverses psychology's focus on the individual and views him, instead, as a pawn in broader, evolutionary, populationwide processes. Individual behavior is seen as a unique variation on the species' theme, with the species' theme the primary motif. As for the common objection that man is unique vis-a-vis the lower animals, my answer is that all species are unique vis-a-vis other species, and the human ability to plan and take cognizance of the past is no less a species' characteristic than is hive building in honey bees. We will not be distracted by the frequent claim that man requires new, extrabiological rules to explain his behavior. Ours is a

Human Sociobiology

Basic Issues

monistic position, and nothing in monism is extra biological (see Wightman, 1934). What, then, are the main principles of sociobiology? This book, at least, focuses on seven:
THE PURPOSE OF LIFE. The standard biological position is that life's only purpose is to reproduce itself. Since living things frequently either eat up or edge out other living things, competition and survival of the "fittest" necessarily follow. GAMETIC POTENTIAL. Sperm and ova are gametes, and since mammalian males produce many more sperm than females produce ova, any given male has far greater potential for producing offspring. He is also more inclined to compete with other males over the "scarce" resource, females. KINSHIP GENETICS. Closely related organisms have genes in common with one another. Siblings share at least 50 % of their genes, parents and children share at least 50% of their genes, half siblings share at least 25 % of their genes, and so on. If I give up my life to save three siblings who would otherwise die, I have, in effect, saved 150% of my gene complement, and, in death, I have obeyed the biological commandment to reproduce myself. Such is the logic of biological altruism. This is also called inclusive fitness, meaning evolutionary fitness that goes beyond the survival of the individual or its offspring. THE SOCIAL CONTRACT. All sexually reproducing animals are in some way social; a common feature of animal interaction is competition over "agreed upon" stakes, be it a lush territory or a higher position in the status hierarchy. MULTIPLE CAUSALITY. Natural selection (evolution) may occur simultaneously at all levels: the individual, the family, and the population. Reductionism, the attribution of evolutionary change solely to selection among individuals (or even among individual genes, as in Dawkins, 1976), is here eschewed. HOMOZYGOSITY -HETEROZYGOSITY. All populations achieve some balance between homozygosity (complete genetic identity from individual to individual) and heterozygosity (the nonidentity of genes among individuals). Homozygosity gives a population its uniqueness, makes one species distinct from another, and permits appropriate social and sexual interactions to occur. Heterozygosity within a population helps raise the probability that in times of stress or

change at least some "preadapted" will survive.

members of the population

MONISM. It is assumed in this book that such "dualities" as heredity and environment or biology and culture are merely the products ~f human manipulations of symbols and that their components are neither opposed nor separable in nature. To give a brief example, "free will" is often counterposed to the "determinism" inherent in a biological perspective. Our position is not unlike that of Spinoza, who said of human free will that not only does man make de.cisions: but that he is obligated to do so. This aspect of free will -ItS obhgate nature-renders it universal, species-specific and therefore within the realm of the "biological." ' Ar~ed with these .principles, I believe the average reader can wend his or her ~~y WIth me, for the entire book follows from them. In the remairung sections of this chapter I will discuss some methodological issues and current arguments in the field. The c~nter largely around my intuition that mechanistic explanation~ Will take you only so far before the specter of "circularity" arises.

HOLISM VERSUS REDUCTIONISM My ~ain the~reti?al forebear was Kurt Goldstein (1939), a great neurologist, and ironically a man deeply suspicious of Darwinism. Both he and his teacher at Berlin University, the biologist Jacob Von Uexk~l, shared the view that life was too marvelously rich and orgamzed t~ have c~me about via some chance mutational process, as the ~eneh~~ly oriented neo-Darwinists of their day had it. r=:::-:-:---. This position seems intuitively right, but Darwinism cannot be Ignor~d, and o~ce one joins the ranks of evolutionists, as I have, there turmng away. The best hope is to reconcile the holism of Goldstem and Von Uexkull and the mechanistic neo-Darwinist explanation of how we got here. H~lism is an approach to the study of behavior that insists that ~ehavlOr must be considered in its full, natural context. If he studies infants, a holist starts by looking at mothers and their babies in their usual ~etting, not in the laboratory. Studies of infants hooked up to recordmg ap~aratu~es are fine, but the results are meaningful only when reconc~,le~ WIth t~e natural situation. This is the "approach from above, m that It starts with whole, naturally occurring phenomena. A strict appro~ch from below, though it may uncover many facts, rarely lends Itself to the understanding of a phenomenon. It

Human Sociobiology

Basic Issues

would mean, for example, that someone who had never seen or heard of an automobile could unravel this strange hulk's purpose by scrutinizing its constituent parts. By contrast, the approach from above would have one try intuitively to grasp the object's function and then examine the parts with various hypotheses in mind; intuitive guessing combined with empirical examination would continue until some level of understanding had been obtained. As a psychologist, I was brought up on this debate, and I sided early with the holists and Gestaltists in their argument with learning theorists. The Gestaltists, after all, dealt with whole phenomena and with intuitive understanding, whereas the learning theorists saw behavior as either "stamped in" or "stamped out" by "association" or "reinforcement." Although I admit that I look with disdain on so mechanical an approach, I also realize one's theoretical predilections are often a matter of taste rather than truth (see Pepper's marvelous book, World Hypotheses, on this score). When ethology emerged as a field in the 1940s and 1950s, with its emphasis on the study of naturally occurring animal behavior in the wild, I was immediately attracted to it. What did the learning theorists know even of their favorites, Norway rats, having seen them only in cages or laboratory mazes! Ethology, in turn, led me to evolutionary theory, and most of my work in the 1960s and early 1970s was concerned with developing a combined evolutionary and holistic approach to human behavior. With the publication of E. O. Wilson's Sociobiology in 1975, following the theoretical papers of W. D. Hamilton (1963,1964) and Robert Trivers (1971-1973), the field of sociobiology was born. It was immediately attractive and worrisome-attractive because it brought together population genetics, evolution, animal behavior, theoretical biology, and important areas of psychology; worrisome to an old-time holist because it made life seem too mechanically neat and simple. I recall drinking beer with Trivers in 1974 and, as one is wont to do after several steins asking him whether he really believed that the survival of genes is what life is all about! As best as I can remember, the answer was "ninety percent of the time." That was enough doubt to satisfy me, and we have been friends ever since. Let me explain my reservations. In any debate, it is helpful to have contestants whose positions are clear. We therefore owe thanks to Dawkins (1976) for his book The Selfish Gene. It is a perfect example of a strict mechanistic approach, and one that is backed by Trivers in his foreword to the book and by W. D. Hamilton (1977) in his review of it. By "selfish gene," Dawkins and other sociobiologists mean that the motive-force of living things is self-duplication. That is, genes and even parts of genes compete so that they, and not a rival, will survive. All the organic complexities that the world has

experienced and is experiencing follow from this theorem. In this view, those twisted strands of DNA, the genes, are king, and all organic activity is in one way or another aimed at getting them into . subsequent generations. This will usually involve competition between individuals; if perchance one organism helps another, the sociobiologist's assumption is that the two are related and therefore have a shared cache of genes. In this way, by helping another's propagation one can simultaneously help one's own genes to survive. I initially bought this view, hook, line, and sinker, but I have had second thoughts. As I now see it, the main difficulty with this view is the insistance that changes in single genes are the basis for evolutionary change. It is not difficult to trace the source of this bias to R. A. Fisher, the great and influential British biomathematician (see Provine, 1972). Fisher's mathematical prowess is legendary, but he based his calculations on the assumption that evolution consists of advantageous single genes taking over within populations. It is, then, but a short step from Fisher's "superior" gene (Fisher, 1930) to Dawkins's "selfish" gene. Fortunately, Fisher's is not the only mathematical view Of the evolutionary process. Sewall Wright (1940), by contrast, has consistently made the point that the same gene varies in its effect and action depending on the genes in its company, that is, depending on the genetic background! A gene is but a cog in a complex system and it rarely, if ever, acts alone. In other words, Wright is a geneticistGestaltist whereas Fisher tended to treat genes as unitary building blocks. Ernst Mayr (1959) has called Fisher's approach "bean bag" genetics because of the assumption that each gene is independent of the others. With his "shifting balance" theory of evolution, Wright has demonstrated mathematically that competition between in~~--dividuals can be insignificant when compared with competition between families or competition between populations. Furthermore, in his view, evolutionary changes have depended primarily on genetic differences that developed between partially isolated breeding groups. Thus, for Wright evolution has been largely a between-group phenomenon rather than a within-group phenomenon. -!.:::==t::=------': Although I am not at all competent to evaluate these two subtheories of evolution at the level of their mathematics, I do find Wright's approach considerably more congenial. His emphasis on the dynamic balance among selective forces at three levels-the individual, the family, and the breeding group-gives his theory the ring of reality. In particular, the postulation of dynamic forces at the level of populations makes his approach holistic and permits insights not as readily available within the Fisherian approach "from below."

Human Sociobiology

Basic Issues

Paul Scott (1977), a student of Wright's and an important influence on my own research, has put this debate in moder~, sys~ems theory terms: "Whereas a mechanistic theory (such as Fisher s or Dawkins's) assumes one-way causation, systems t~eory assumes twoway or reciprocal causation." That is, there are slmultaneous causal networks coming down from the population level and rising up from the individual and familial levels. Although this is a tough mod~l t.o work with, insofar as everything ends up as multiply caused, it is probably the best approximation of the way biological systems have evolved.



The greatest advance in evolutionary theory since Darwin .is ~e concept of changes via breeding populations rather than via mdividuals. The idea is that individuals do not beget new forms as. ~ result of their own life experiences, as Lamarck held and as.Darwm tended to believe, but that it is the changing genetic pool available to the entire breeding population that leads to evolutionary change (see. Hardin, 1959). . ., I will try first to show some of the interplay between mdivlduals and populations using a simple, one-gene system, th~ ~ene that causes sickle-cell anemia. (Inasmuch as only one gene is m~olved, this example could as well be Fisherian as Wrightian.) ThIS ge~e when present on only one chromosome lends resistance to malaria: when present on both chromosomes, it res~lts .in the o~ten fatal CmCKEN AND EGGS disease of sickle-cell anemia. In America this disease strikes only those whose ancestors came from malarial areas of Africa, and the It follows from the preceding examples that when sociobiologists irony is that were it not for this troublesome gene those ancestors ~=""",","-.--, Insist that evolutionary change results primarily from competition might well have been wiped out. That is, the. sa~~ gene has be~n'-__"""" -among individuals (the Fisher world view), they are leaving out good for the population but tragic for some mdlvld~als. Thus, m something important. For there is no reasonable way to explain the evaluating this and similar phenomena, we have to Juggle two anexistence of schizophrenia or homosexuality via selfish genes. Yet, tagonistic value systems simultaneously, one at the level of the at least half the insights in this book are attributable to selfish-gene population, the other at the level of the individual. The issue of why schizophrenia occurs in about the same 1 % of ==~~ogic, and we are confronted with two apparently opposed world 'views, neither of which we can do without. the population in all parts of the world has long baffled behavioral It is, in fact, the chicken and egg problem revisited. Selfish-gene scientists. Though almost all workers in the field agree that a comtheorists have brazenly put their money on the gene, or at most the plex of many genes is at the root of the disease ~Rosenth~l and ~ety, --individual, as the "primary" unit and have assumed that genes 1968), the question has remained: How can schizophrenia at preceded individuals and that individuals preceded the family. That so high a percentage if there is anything to, ~~tural sel~ch~n: Only is, they have seemed willing to say that the egg came before the recently have we found that an old "layman s sxplanation is in ~~t true-schizophrenia is associated with creativity. However, tt is chicken. Or, to use another chicken and egg example, in the beginning there were monkeys, then came monkey troops. usually not the patients who are creative, debilitate~ as they ~r~, but However, there is no evidence to support this claim and, as far rather their children or siblings (Heston, 1966). Schlzophrema is, so

to speak, a price paid by the family and the breeding population for the creative phenotypes associated with it. Similarly, there is the tragic disease known as infantile autism. One such child is described lovingly and beautifully in The Child in the Glass Ball by his own mother, and one can see in this book how autistic .children form a protective shield of nonresponsiveness around themselves Dunker, 1964). Parents may make mistakes and help the process along, but basically autism stems from the inborn nature of the child (Rimland, 1964). The disease is relatively rare, afflicting about 1 in 40,000. What are the chances, then, of its occurring in the families of five theoretical physicists in the state of California (Rimland, 1974)1 Again, given that the relationship of theoretical brilliance and infantile autism holds up, it is reasonable to hypothesize that autism is a price paid by the population for this sort of exquisite mind. My last example involves homosexuality. What can be more antievolutionary in a narrow sense than nonreproducing individuals, particularly when there is evidence for genetic predisposition to male homosexuality (Heston and Shields, 1968). However, D. J. Weinrich (1976) exhaustively reviewed all the evidence that relates nonreproductive individuals and intelligence and found a substantial correlation between high 1.Q. and homosexuality. Again, if the unit of reference is the population, "nonreproductive" is not a synonym for "unnatural," for the intelligent, productive homosexual is clearly contributing to the perpetuation of his or her society.


Human Sociobiology

Basic Issues

as anyone knows, families, troops, and populations are as primary as are the individuals who compose them. All we know is that social organization varies with species and that differential selection probably occurs at all levels, from individual through family and breeding population. After all, sociality is at least as old as the slime molds, so that even at the level of phylogeny there is no precedence of the individual over the social group. Sexuality, too, resists an explanation based on individual competition, and we simply do not know how it got started. The chicken and egg problem, whatever its current disguise, has never been solved and sociobiologists who believe they have done so are deluding themselves. Theories from below are, after all, no more than clever games aimed at throwing some light on the mysteries of life. Insofar as they are successful, they are exciting. They become dangerous, however, when, in the words of G. C. Williams (1966), a staunch exponent of the inductive approach from below, they become "the light and the way." For the irony here is that under the guise of maintaining a hardheaded attitude a leap of faith is made, and the empiricist is transmuted into the worshiper of inductive method, whereas the holist-t'philosopher" is the simple realist who believes what he sees: that current explanations of life are probably all circular and that the essential mystery of matter and space is as great as ever.

THE CIRCULARITY OF BIOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE In truth, much of biological understanding is circular. Every time we think we are on to a basic mechanism of development or evolution, it turns into a circular argument. Let me explain, starting with the example of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). In recent years, DNA, found in the gametic material of all living things, has been shown to carry the blueprint for subsequent organic development. Following this discovery by Watson and Crick, there was great optimism that all living things might be charted and explained in a masterwork of DNA cryptography (Crick et al., 1961). This position, however, has become less tenable with time, and it is now clear that there is no single starting point of life. Instead, DNA is now viewed as a convenient way of sending life on to the next generation, for the very production of this substance remains unexplained. Consider that in order to replicate DNA, the enzyme DNA polymerase is required. DNA polymerase, in turn, is itself encoded in the gametic DNA, so that the very mechanism by which rhmlirAtinn occurs is, necessarily, already present.

Mutation is another case in point. Presumably, genetic variations are caused, ultimately, by mutations in those DNA molecules that compose the "genes." Since variation is the basis for evolutionary change, "random" mutation is said to be the major mechanism of evolutionary change. As best as I can tell, this notion stems from the sheer fantasy that "in the beginning" there was random activity out of which emerged organization. In fact, random mutation has never been observed. Instead, we know that mutation rates vary with genes and between species, so that if mutation rates for man ~ere the same as they are for insects such as Drosophila, our .genetic load of defe~ts would immediately extinguish our species. Clearly, the mutation rates are adjusted in some unknown way to what the species can stand (Crow, 1959). Furthermore within any species certain chromosomal locations ("hot" spots) 'mutate more than do o~ers, and most never mutate at all (Wright, 1977), apparently depending on whether such change is or is not adaptive for the gen~me as a whole. The picture, then, is one in which a major mech~msm of evolution, mutation, is itself controlled by adaptive, evolutionary processes, and instead of an "ultimate" causal mechanism we find ourselves in yet another circle. . . A third example involves embryonic development. C. H. Waddington, who started his work in Spemann's laboratories in the 1920s,. was fascinated by the latter's discovery of an "organizing center" into which streamed random cells and out of which emerged organized cell~ar patt.erns (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm). But a~ he continued hIS search for a single organizing substance, Waddmgton found that even inorganic chemicals, such as methylene blue, could evoke a certain degree of organization. He came to the reluctant conclusion that there is a "readiness" in cells to become - o.rganized and that activation and readiness are, so to speak, two ~=---.;s..:_Id=:e::.:s~of the same coin (Waddington, 1947). Again, what started as a ~search for causal agency ended in what was for many scientists an unsatisfactory, circular concept. Given that most of Western science follows similar causal mod?ls, the limitations of the selfish-gene concept are not damning ~d I!S usefulness is certainly no less than that of mutation theory: With I~S clearly demonstrated circularity. This is not a doctrine of one denies that there is more to life than inductive scienunc thought. There is, after all, the existential level of day to day living, ~nd i~ is, in fact, from that level that the more interesting liypo~es~s m this ?oo~ are derived; from creative introspection, if yo~ ~ll, l~ a co-mingling of science and real life. It was Kurt Goldstem s genius that enabled him to incorporate this view into a rule of procedure for biological and behavioral research. our h~listic approach, we are faced with a very difficult epistemological problem. For us there is no doubt that the


Human Sociobiology Basic Issues 11

atomistic method ["approach from below"] is the only legitimate scientific procedure for gaining facts. Knowledge of human nature has to be based on phenomena disclosed in this way. But is it possible to proceed from material gained by the use of this method to a science of the organism as a whole, to a science of the nature of man? If the organism were a sum of parts which one could study separately, there would be no difficulty in combining the parts to form a science of the whole. But all attempts to understand the organism as a whole directly from these phenomena have met with very little success. They have not been successful, we may conclude, because the organism is not such a sum of parts. Holism does not try to construct the architecture of the organism by a mere addition of brick to brick; rather it tries to discover the actual Gestalt of the intrinsic structure of this building, a Gestalt through which some phenomena may be intelligible as belonging to a unitary, ordered, relatively constant formation of a specific structure, and other phenomena may become intelligible as not belonging to it. We can arrive at this only by using a special procedure of cognition-a form of creative activity by which we build a picture of the organism on the basis of the facts gained through the analytic method, in a form of ideation similar to the procedure of an artist. It is a sort of ideation, however, which springs ever again from the empirical facts, and never fails to be grounded in and substantiated by them. (1963, p. 9)

has free and easy access to these inner levels f i f thermore, this personal knowledge plays a o. in ormation an~, furscientific questions each asks and' hi n ImPhortant ~ole m the . hi . in s or er choica of periments. T IS IS true of mathematicians and hvsi . .ex(see, for example, Einstein and Infeld 1938' Poi P YSIcal scientists s-: " oincars. ' 1914) as w eII as behavloral avioral scientists, although the ublished ..' rarely acknowledges such roots. p scientiflc product In writing this book, I specifically set out to include the i t iti steps that led to many of the studies reported. I occasionall ~ ~I rve my parents, my own experiences as a arent y e er to cidental observations I have made, an~ the 'epers07al thoughts, inclose friends. I assume that most of p rsona expenences of I . us construct our vie f th :o~i~g:~~ t~~~~ materials, and I have therefore made littleWat~emp~
I leave it, then, to the reader to do th e cull c~iti~ally, to take and to discard, and t~a:: ~~i~~:rek don~. To she WIll m the service of an objectively based but ~s e or view. By my leave or not, you will of course d~ thatae~ywsona world ay.

LEVELS OF EVIDENCE It follows from Goldstein's statement that there is more to the scientific endeavor than the careful gathering of hard facts, although that task is basic. There is, for one thing, a second level of not-sohard facts-findings of small-scale studies in which trends rather than firm, repeatable findings emerge. Both these categories, hard and not-so-hard, are well represented in this book, but there is perhaps too much of the second. A substantial number of studies are reported that were the term projects of students. They tend to be short and sweet, interesting if uneven, and never sufficiently persuasive to change one's rilmd about an issue. It is the sheer accumulation of these softer studies, within the context of the developing argument, that makes them worthwhile. Then there are the levels that most creative scientists work at, often in secret. I have already alluded to the accumulation of anecdotes, personal experiences, and intuitive truths that shapes each of us and creates the set for further knowledge. Every scientist I respect

Gametic Potential


Gametic Potential
Females Males and females have differing roles in evolution. * enerally produce far fewer ova than males do sperg df this fact flows certain heretofore neglected pre~at~zoa, an rom over roduces sperm (male gametes) by a 11C~lOrn~f ~:~~~~::::l:nd p!entially could populate the universe ;~: his own offspring. Or, to be rather more practical and measure by the number of emissions rather than by the number of batorv an 1 ( . d d by sexual and mastur a ory acaverage 17-year-ol~ rna e as JU ft:re) has the potential to fecundate tivity of teenagers m our own cu well over 365 women a year. (f I Human females, by contrast, produce at ~ost 40.0 ?ggs ema e metes) in a lifetime, and women are theoretIcally limited ~ some ~~ offsprin? Thde GUinfnfess ~~~td o~~~:~; r~~~:~r:e:~oe~: mother dehvere 69 0 spring th 1 t Sharifan multiple births. The same source informs us that e at d f emperor of Morocco [1672-1727} achieved a modern rna e recor 0 888 offspring. .' I d if the Given the vast difference in repro~uc~lv.e potentIa , a~le ~o expoint of life is to actualize such potentlal, IS It not rea~?na 'n differ ect that on the average the male pattern of co~rts ip WI re m the female? Might nature not have arranged It so. t~at ~en a ready to fecundate almost any female and that selechvlty 0 mates l' ~ has become the female preroga ive i b th Spieth (1952) In man species this does appear to e e case. . . has shown rhat in various species of the genus Droso~hJla, the ;~Ult fly the male will court anyone, whether his own spe~es ~ ano True, he prefers his own, but if only females of ot er rosop I



species are present, he will court them. The female, however, will reject all members of other species, as well as many members of her own, and she makes these judgments by as yet unknown criteria. Bateman (194B) has also worked with fruit flies and has noted some important trends. In a carefully controlled study, he found that whereas almost all females have young, a small proportion of the males in a population do a large proportion of the successful mating. Whereas only 4% of the females produced no progeny, 21 % of the males produced none. It is perhaps astounding that we have similar figures among mammals. Koford (1963), working with free-ranging rhesus monkeys imported to Cayo Santiago island (just off Puerto Rico's coast), observed: "Roughly, the highest fifth of the males performed four-fifths of the observed copulations. . . . At least half of the males of breeding age rarely or not at all, apparently because of social inhibition." It is probably more than coincidence that similar rates of male mating success are found among the polygynous * Yanomamo in the Venezuelan and Brazilian jungles [Chagnon, 1968, 1972). About the same proportions of males have the majority of wives and children: in any village some males will have 4 or more wives and 20 or more children, others rather fewer wives and children; but about onefourth of mature males will be childless. Chagnon (1968) reports that the variance in numbers of offspring among men of a village can be as much as 10 times that of females. That is to say, among men, the variability from man to man to man is as much as 10 times greater than the variability from woman to woman. This disparity is not peculiar to the Yanomamo for polygyny, by definition, yields a skewed distribution-a few men have many wives, most have but one, and a substantial number have none (see Thomas, 1959, for comparable figures among Bushmen). Thus, in fruit flies, rhesus monkeys, and some polygynous tribes, females tend to cluster about an average number of young whereas males form a greatly skewed curve, some very successful, many not successful at all. And, since most mammals are polygynous (Brown, 1975), this tendency may characterize the entire class Mammalia. Perhaps the best explanation for such consistencies is that eggs are needed to nourish the developing embryo and they are therefore larger and fewer than sperm; in other words, bearers of ova are the scarce resource for which the bearers of sperm must compete. Males are thus relatively promiscuous, and even in species that are apparently monogamous, as are most bird species, there is a decided tendency for already mated males to seek other females. * Polygyny mates.
many wives; polyandry many husbands; polygamy many


t t k e th mechanistic selfish-gene approach .. In this chapter It will be conv?llient t 0 fes m~es and females have had in evoluand see what it says a~o4ut~~~:II ~:~~ t~fking about groups, the issue of Chapter 1 tlon, In nhapters 3 an the individua11") will reappear. ("which came first, t h e group or


Human Sociobiology

In spring, when the gonads are at the peak of their development, there are attempts to "rape" strange females in the mallard and pintail and a few other species. Heinroth describes these raping flights: "In a shallow bay of the pond the female of the mallard, pair A, seeks food by upending; her mate is close by keeping watch. A hundred feet away a second pair B, comes down on the water. Male A quickly swims towards the strange female B, finally flying towards her, but she takes flight at the last moment and a wild aerial chase begins, The pursued duck rises higher and higher, the strange drake A behind her; she tries to escape by swerving and suddenly flying slowly, and both are followed by male B since he does not know where his mate will end up. Thus one sees two drakes following a duck, and this is generally interpreted as if both were chasing the duck; in reality, however, a strange male is chasing the female of a pair which belong together, Gradually male A gives up and returns directly to his mate, (Grzimek, 1972, vol. 7, p, 270)

Gametic Potential

' 15

evolutionary point of courtship and love is apparentl t ti h ' an emu tirona I b ond that is hard to 'y, 0 re t e sexes m break ( , II . )* see especia y Lorenz, 1966, All cultures, however ,coglllze have re lzed 1h e ephemera I aspects of love, and marriage ceremonI'es a h ddi re everyw ere a means 0f a ing some external cement 10 the ti h h . ie. Intishi Ii ig t, t en, It would appear that mono gam . lflll h' ous mamags fu 1St e average female s strategy but that for th 1 it i f . f' 11 e rna e I IS 0 ten Just a Irst step: a the woman needs to experience f II t' , I . d u gene IC potenha IS one goo protector, provider, and impregnator' but th f t that 75 % of the world's culture areas are polygyn (' M. e ac d j seems to pnj ous see ur ock 1957 seems to point to this system as being m t i 1 .th' " I ., ' os III une Wl the speCle~ natura requirements (fulfilling both the male d f . strategies), an emale

It would appear that if the mallard drake had his way his would be a polygynous species and, in fact, one does occasionally see a consortship of two females and a male, In our own species and our own culture, I am asserting nothing startling when I point out that with sexual maturity, most heterosexual males are in constant search of females, and if inhibited about sexual contact, they fantasize almost continuously and fairly indiscriminately about such contact, Like Philip Roth's Portnoy (1969), adolescent males in our culture frequently experience life as a nearly continuous erection-spaced by valleys of depression that accompany sexual disappointment. Although masturbation is the major outlet for middle-class American boys (Kinsey et al., 1948), most mothers cannot believe these data ("My SOIl masturbate nightly? Nonsense!"], for female and male sex drives are substantially different (see Shaffer and Shoben, 1956). It is clear, however, that whereas the frequency of "outlet" for males is greater, female lust and fantasy were greatly underplayed in Kinsey's report (1953). Recent case reports by female researchers have gotten beyond the guilt and reticence many females feel concerning their sexual fantasies (Bry, 1975; Friday, 1974), and it is now apparent that females, too, may visualize a rich assortment of sexual acts either while engaged in masturbation or intercourse or while daydreaming. Additionally, there are data that these feelings of lust are cyclical in women, reaching a monthly peak at the time of ._ ovulation (Benedeck, 1952), All things considered, however, it would appear that men are indeed more polygamous in their motivation than women, so that it behooves women to become expert in selecting males who will not desert them and their children, Indeed, love and marriage is the usual way paternal involvement in childrearing is achieved, and the


Gametic Petential
1B Human Sociobiology


al curve' that is, the great majority will roughly in the form of a norm .' ity of very passive and very occupy the middle range an d a m~nthofl d Any point on this ill fall at ei er en . f assertive fsma 1 es w 'thin a population-is, or an curve-any form of assertiv~ness W~hange after all, depends on evolutionist, normal. E~olUt1~~:~~rger po~ulation taking over dursmall, unusual samples rom .. that what was a central tenlng times of environmental cnsis, 180 rial in another-and vice h might be mere yves 19 t dency in one epoc f 11 f my subsequent statemen s versa, This logic will hold true or"a"mOostmallards," and so on. " t n" "most women, . hl ive] about mas me , 1 f d highly assertive (and hig y passive It is therefore norma to ,mCh ter 3 women, on average, show women but as we shall see in ap de * , d gression than 0 men, f less assertiveness an ag t' Can the shifting 0 a . h a further ques Ion. Ther~ IS, oweve_r,. avior from accepting to assertive a~cultural Ideal for femmme be~ d' the population? Of course, It tually shift the manifest type~doun ,Ind'cates that the male curve of can an d i It h as. Bu t all the eVI ence mI. t hifts toward the aggreSSIVe assertiveness is capable of ~~,en~~;~rs~ that malleability does not end (e.g., Maccoby an.d [ac hlll' abili~y of traits between the sexes. in this case mean an mt~~~fangees I believe, is childbearing, and at The key to ~ost sex 1 er~nc ~hift in ideal type is the dramatic least one factor in the present day l' ist would put it, although the e reduction in birthrate. As a ger l~stitution) remains stable, enfemale genotype (chromoso~a co hift in phenotype (the manifest vironmental changes are causmg a s traits). . . th issue of how cultural settings enThis, in turn, hrings up . e d and assertiveness? That courage or discourage female m depen ence . will be our next concern.


H reproducing population will {i97B} pointed out that any sexuao Yversus fast females, on the one .. theoreticallY reach .an equilib:iu~ s~y, ~~re:e~~ [he other. In a large populatift~, hand, 'and faithful versus phil an srmg d do in fact see a great many persona Y .. each variant has a certain advantage, an ~e we stud carefully. That is, no matter t es and courtship strategies in any species m v~rsus polygamy), careful study YPht the species' central tendency [e.g. monoga y ent "personality," courtship w a . d bl arlety in temper am , ' pre always reveals consr era e v two ulls, or any two humans, are O strategy, parenting be.havior, ~nd :W.'s~~ gross grecognition but also provide~ eisely alike. Such vanaUo.n no on (' th population its dynamism and paten a 0 mesh of traits and strategies that g ve e change. ki s talks about genes for coyness and gene~ 1must add the usual quibble, for Daw ~~ferent rates depending upon the genes for fastness entering the popula~~JI~ ~t this way such'traits are obviously no! deterrelative success. I simply dOdno~ t In d wron~ at its inception. These ftralts areci mined by single genes, an t e ~o each of us Is a unique blend 0 oppose rather, almost certa~nldYPholygfnl~ ~nj ;omplex traits is best regarded as.a mtti~~ tendencies. To my rmn ,t e se. BC 10 ressures at all levels of selectIOn: "ee sed process a response to simultaneoUS p. f a "sociopathic-moraHstic concau ' uld make us conceive 0 evidence, by the w ay, wo way (Cloninger et al., 1975), h same tinuum in much t B

* Dawkins



Any discussion of environmental influences in the social roles of men and women must start with a discussion of the two major ways humans reckon biological descent, descent through the mother [matriliny) or through the father (patriliny). There are, in fact, many versions of each: matrilineal but living in the husband's village, patrilineal with variable residence, descent with a matrilineal bias, descent with a patrilineal bias, and so on [see Schuskey, 1974). However, one important fact shines through: a woman's .relatlve freedom of action, h~r ability to exercise power, and her indep~ndence of male authority is bound up with the' fact that everyone in her culture tracks descent through either the mother or the father. In short, descent through the father usually .reinforces male prerogatives and power, whereas descent through the mother dilutes that power and increases female freedom and mobility. I must add, however, that no culture has yet been described in which primary political power does not reside with males, so we are talking about relative status and relative independence of females, The following are examples of matrilineal tribes that exhibit this semiturnaround in female status even' though they are all polygynous, The Ashanti of Ghana (Basehart, 1961), the Aboure of the Ivory Coast [Clignet, 1970), the Navajo (Aberle, 1961), the Garo [Nakane, 1967.), and an Islamic group living on the Laccadive Islands off the west coast of India [Dube, 1969). In all these C:.!!.IJures, women, whether in monogamous or polygynous marriages, ___ have a level of freedom and self-respect rarely seen within the far more.numerous patrilineal groups of this world. Among these and most other matrifocal peoples (where the famcentered around the mother], including Navajo and Afrothe role of the husband in marriage is openly as temporary, the easy "come and go" of males is inand divorce rates consequently tend to be high 1969; Schneider and Gough, 1961). In a study of first mar'-U;;1I;!t:'!l. Hilsdale (1962) reported that 40 % of Afro-American females that the marriage they were about to enter was an abaction. Comparable skepticism occurred in only 5 % of the Euro-American females. Similar statistics among the are not available, but I have found in my work on the Navajo -,;n<.n_-tion,over some five years, that first marriages that last three years are rare and apparently have been so for at least . century. In other words, in patrilineal, patrifooal systems women marriage as a major event and they are ready to pay the price secondary citizenship to maintain conjugal stability. In al or matrifocal societies, women are not so bound to the arrangement.


Human Sociobiology Gametic Potential 19

An important sociobiological point here is that when relationships and property rights are traced primarily through the female, a promiscuous male strategy is encouraged, This is sometimes countered by high levels of female promiscuity, which, when it occurs, leads to substantial uncertainty about paternity, Kurland (1976) has proposed that if the uncertainty is sufficiently high (if chances of cuckoldry are greater than one in three), males will be safer contributing to the care of their sisters' children, who are indisputably kin, In fact, there are a number of matrilineal cultures in which fathers do provide primarily for their sister's children: the great Ashanti tribe of Africa, Malinowski's famous Trobrianders of Melanesia (Schneider and Gough, 1961), and, to some extent, urban Afro-Americans {see Rainwater, 1966}, Whereas matrilineal societies lend women substantially more 'independence than do patrilineal societies, the former have nevertheless tended to be polygynous, Thus, there is no necessary connection between a female's status in a society and her being .one of many wives, Conversely, no guarantee of women's rights accompanies a monogamous system, as our own Euro-American culture demonstrates, In the past, men in white American culture had been more ambivalent about marriage than women, The apparent reason was that social and legal sanctions against breaking monogamous vows were sufficiently severe to make him think twice about agreeing to limit, for all time, his sexual access to other women, Ironically, as severe male-centeredness has shifted toward female-centeredness, marriage vows have been relaxed, even as they are in matrilineal societies, At the same time, the threat of male desertion has risen so that ambivalence about marriage in young white females is probably now approaching the Afro-American figures reported by Hilsdale. This trend is symbolized by the many young American women who are now hyphenating their and their _ husband's surnames; others are dropping his name altogether, This tendency may be seen as heralding a new era in women's freedom, but it is as well an old, matrilineal story, If we are indeed going that way, ours apparently will be the first -_recorded case of a patrilineal culture's switching to matrilineality _ (Van den Berghe and Barash, 1977).


culture area and its patrilineality ,, boast of their sexual activity or matrthllmeality, I have heard men , among e Ha f Ba Imess, Japanese, Navajo, and Hopi and usa 0 Nigeria, the be heard anywhere that young men. I assume such tales are to the role of omnipotent lover f e~ get together, Men find playing disgusting because of the doubl~~ta:~a~omen often find this role The double standard seems to be " ' (Ford and Beach, 1951), Many cuItur!re~ent Just, about everywhere ual freedom to women than d grva conSIderably more sexmost liberal cultures promis oes our Own, but even amongst the men recei f Consilder th e pastoral 'Masai of cuous East Af ' eive ewer sanctions a special house, and both sexes a flca: Young men live apart in , ltv re perrmtted consrid erable sexual pronuscui yI In and around th can be thought too promiscuo~: ~:rters, Nevertheless, a Masai girl active before he is so stigmatiz T;:e?s a boy has to be unusually among Polynesian youth in Tehltt (L IS IS almost exactly the picture in the American Southwest (S' evy, 1973) and among the Hop' ~ll three cultures there is no :~mons, 1942), Despite the fact that i~ flrst few children out of wedlockg~~ t~ttached to a girl who has her on female promiscuity, Why so?' ~ ree groups come down harder - Cultures, after all, did not a taneous explosion of symbolic i~~:rar o,ut of the blue, in some spon, that cultural universals reflect th achon, and We have to assume ~-----evolutionarily derived (ev I d)ose aspects of our species that w , k dove Male' ere win e at because there is nothi promIscuity is universally Kinsey's (1953) main f' di ing much we can do about 't d , III ngs appear t b d I , speciss: males must have foe escriptions of th heterosexual or homosexual' rhequent "outlets" for sex wheth e per' d ith ' w ereas man f I ' er 10 s WI out copulation or ,y ema es can go for Ion _Ehrhardt, 1972), And this diff masturbation (see also Money ference' erence appear t hi ~~ , rn gametic potent' 1 th s 0 mge on the dif ia at we have been di' 1SCussmg,





Despite such shifting patterns, certain male-female differences can be expected to remain the same, Male bragging about sexual ex- , , ---h~hh, fAmiliar to every anthropologist, no matter his


Human Sociobiology

Gametic Potential


The following remarks apply mainly to patrilineal societies, and we will assume that they hold in mitigated form for most matrilineal relationships as well, including current Nayar society (Fuller, 1974). A paradigm for jealousy in patriarchies is provided by ~he gelada baboon. This example is not presented as a homolog, mind you, just as an illustration. The gelada is a polygynous species in which one-male harems are formed; the surplus males are gathered in bachelor troops, a situation not unlike human polygyny. Within the harem, the oldest, dominant "wife" will not tolerate anyextended contact between her male and strange females. Although she will tolerate a quickly consummated sex act, she will attack and bite. the female intruder should her male and the stranger start grooming, for therein lies the' basis for a relationship (Kummer, 1968, 1971). Although the baboon female lacks the ability to reason this situation out, our own reasoning runs: a relationship means time away from her a~d her offspring, so that it is in the wife's "selfish" interest to try to prevent such a liaison. , The female gelada also plays an active role in choosing the male's secondary wives and if a new mate displeases the head female, the newcomer will not remain long. This situation sounds sufficiently like human polygynous marriage so that I think we can safely make the following generalization: the problem for the mated female in a patriarchal society, whether the mating is polygynous or monogamous, is to prevent her mate's straying; if she cannot control his sexual activity, it is most important to prevent his becoming attached to another female, specifically a female she cannot dominate. Thus, in humans, relations with prostitutes are generally tolerated for an attachment to a whore is everywhere deemed unlikely. As in the gelada baboon, in humans female jeal~usy is b~sed not on the male's sex act with another woman but on his potential attachment to the latter. It is his exclusive or, in polygyny, his favored care for the wife and her offspring that is the primary goal in the female strategy, Male jealousy is rather different. It is one thing to have (and impregnate) many women, but even the sated sultanmakes sure ~hat there are no sexual intruders. Probably all men, and most certamly those in societies that trace descent exclusively through males, fear cuckoldry (the word is derived from the cuckoo, who brazenly deposits her eggs in a songbird's nest and thereby spares herself t.he trouble of childrearing). Strindberg, for example, was obsessed with the idea that no man can be absolutely sure of paternity, and he brooded about this subject brilliantly and at length in Miss Julie and The Father. I know a young Harvard man who claimed not to have a "jealous bone in my body" and who treated his girlfriend mo~t casually. But when "his woman" became committed to another, his

subsequent remorse and pain put the lie to the original bravado. This is an old plot line, and many a male has discovered his full commitment to a female only when faced with her loss to another. It is the rival who brings out a male's jealousy, and although the response may be oedipal, it also follows the evolutionary logic of genetic descent. Thus, when Roheim (1969J demonstrates oedipal rivalry in matrilineal societies in support of the Freudian concept, the sociobiologists delight in those same apparent universals, for it is important to know that whereas anger over cuckoldry can be reduced with cultural change, it nevertheless continues to lurk as a persistent social force. The evolutionary point of male jealousy is obvious. It does not make evolutionary sense for the male to invest in a child not possessing his genes, and the murderous jealousy exhibited, by a cuckolded male is biologically sensible. Such a response, we can surmise, evolved to minimize female cheating and to assure that the children a man supports are his own, Furthermore, the cuckold's retribution can strike either the female or the male cheater, so that both cheat only with immense trepidation. Even a weakling husband is dangerous when cuckolded, and most legal systems (perhaps all patrilineal systems) wink at the ensuing violence.

~ ADOPTION As an argument against this theme of genetic descent it may be claimed that as much love can be developed for an unrelated, adopted child as for a genetic child. However, the facts do not appear to bear this out. In a study I am now conducting, even the bestmeaning adopting parents can be seen to favor their own blood children. If the results do indeed go this way, the findings that show that adopted children in our society do not do as well as the non adopted [e.g., Ainsworth, 1967; Bowlby, 1952), presumably because of changes in parenting figures per se, might be looked at again, For although a parent may be scrupulously fair with his adopted children or stepchildren, he or she may not be as allforgiving or as ready to step beyond the "call of duty" as with blood children, which in turn would differentially affect a child's selfconcept. In a remarkable study of Scottish adopted children who were seeking their biological parents, Triseliotis (1973) was impressed by the feelings of "inner emptiness" so many adoptees felt, whether or not they had been adopted at birth and whether or not they had got on well with their adoptive parents. Though his was a selected population, the inescapable conclusion was that "no person should be cut off from his origins."

[ I


I' -,'





I r


Human Sociobiology

Gametic Potential


There are few good cross-cultural data available, but as we shall see in Chapter 6 nonindustrial cultures tend to restri~t adoptions to the sphere of close kin. Probably as a result, considerably ~ore adoption and passing around of children occurs among such tribal people as Navajo and Hopi than white Americans gener~llY ~re accustomed to, Western adoption procedures are also tribal in the sense that there usually has been extensive matching of the adoptive and biological parents on such factors as race, religion, national origin, coloring, schooling, and intelligence. Alt~ough th~re was a brief period in the United States in which transracial ~doPb?nS ~~re popular, strong objections raised by black and Indian minorities, largely around the issue of parental matching, have slowed such . adoptions to a trickle (Simon and Alstein, 1977). The best adopters are apparently those who already have biological children of their own (Humphry, 1965; Simon and.Alstein, 1977). Once that is out of the way, so to speak, further adoptions can be made on a relatively selfless basis. And even there, the better adopters are realistic about subtle (and not so subtle) di~ferences in their feelings toward their biological and adopted chIld~en; they simply do their best to avoid favoritism (Simon and Alstein, 1977; also see Appendix Study 1). Again, it can be instructive to look at relevant data from ot?er, species. In this case, reports by the Japanese primatologists Sugiyama (1967) and Yoshiba (1968) on the Hanu~an langurs of India later confirmed by Hrdy (1977), are of extreme mterest. At Dhar- . war Yoshiba found that these handsome monkeys existed in two types of groups, in one-male harems with some seve.n to nine females, their offspring, and an occasional sub adult, and mall-male bachelor groups. All three observers report that from time to time an all-male bachelor group will attack a harem, concentrating their effort on the head monkey. If he is driven off, one of the bachelors usually supplants him, and the other bachelors withdraw. The new head then systematically kills off all the nursing infants by ~earing the~ aw~y from their mothers, one at a time, and laceratmg them WIth hIS canines. The mothers show no interest in the injured young, and they are left to die. The ex-mothers then come into estrus almost immediately and mate with the new "king," thereby assuring genetic continuity for themselves and the male. '. . There are potentially relevant human data. It IS a fact that III 90% of severe maternal child abuse cases, the biological father is no longer living in the household (Helfer and Kempe, 1968). At what level of consciousness does the motivation for such an act operate? Does an abusive mother tell herself that she would be in a better position successfully to raise young to independence if she were to

rid herself of her present child? Does she openly condone the "stepfather's" abuse when he is the beater? This is most unlikely. But the parallel facts do hint that in langurs and man, similar nonconscious forces may be at work, and we need some good, careful studies to check on these possibilities. We have here just scratched the surface of the issue of human adoptions and more will be said of them later. They comprise a crucial theoretical issue for sociobiology, and I will just mention here that a major contention involves anthropological reports, largely of Polynesian peoples, that no attention is paid to blood ties between adoptive parents and adopted child (Sahlins, 1976). For now, let it suffice to say that these reports are greatly exaggerated. The most recent and most complete ethnology of a Polynesian people, that by Robert Levy on the Tahitians (1973), makes it clear that actual blood lines are not forgotten throughout the lives of both the adopting and biological relatives. But the ease of adoption on Polynesian islands nevertheless needs. some explanation, and the biological answer is almost too transparent: on isolated islands everybody is related anyway. I shall show in Chapter 6 that any ethnic group is far more inbred than generally realized and that island populations such as precontact Hawaii, which had been in relative isolation for' some 500 years, must have had a startling degree of inbreeding. Thus, precontact Hawaiians who were second cousins were probably more closely related, genetically, than are the full sib children of today's average couples in, say, America or Brazil. Rather than detracting from the importance of genetic descent for human populations, lax adoption patterns in island populations (this is true in Melanesia as well: see Malinowski, 1929) become exceptions that support the rule: determining and protecting one's genetic descendants is a number one priority of human populations.



I have pointed out that since males have greater gametic potential, they naturally vie with one another in pursuit of females. But nature refuses to be completely predictable, and there are exceptions. The most famous is the case of the phalarope. In this small ----,_._ ... _-,..... .. bird, females vie with one another for the right to be fecundated by a male. The female fends off other females, threatening them and, if need be, attacking them with her beak. Not surprisingly, itIs the female phalarope that is larger, more aggressive, and more brightly plumed than the male.


Human Sociobiology

Gametic Potential


Grzimek (1972) tells us that

the colorful breeding plumage of the female and her heightened disposition to fight result from a relatively large secretion of male hormones by the ovary. The brooding spots, on the other hand, which are present only in the male are the effect of prolactin, a hormone of the anterior lobe of the pituitary body, which is the same hormone that induces lactation in mammals during the suckling period. The majority of females of all species of phalaropes leave the nesting site at the time of incubation, so the offspring are generally reared only by the males until they can fly .... Since there is an excess of males in the breeding season, presumably, the females live polyandrously. (vol. 8, p. 147)

dry in birds (Jenni, 1974) or, for that matter, the high incidence of monogamy (some 90 %), any analysis must start with the fact that sex determination in birds reverses the mammalian picture: females are XY and males XX (Darlington, 1958). From here the reasoning becomes somewhat heavy-handed and complex, but having taken us this far, I have no choice but to give it. Let us start with a highly speculative paper by Whitney (1976), who, using the insights of kinship genetics, tried to explain mammalian-bird differences as follows: 1. In mammals, the X chromosome contains about. 5 % of the total genomic contribution; biologically speaking this is a sizable amount. The Y probably contains considerably less information. 2. Mammalian females with the same father all share his X chromosome; if they also have the same mother, they share her X chromosome half the time. This means females with the same mother and father, on the average, are more "related" to their sisters than to their brothers and may therefore be more inclined to noncompetition and altruism with their own sex. 3. Since sex determination is the reverse in birds, the opposite should be true; since males are more related to male than to female siblings, they should be less competitive with other males than are mammalian males. Whitney claims this situation exists at least in a certain number of bird species. What of the Y chromosome? Although it apparently contains very little genetic information, Bateman (194B)has hypothesized that it becomes the repository for increased aggression in males ..Recent work with supernumerary Y's in humans bears this claim out, for there is strong evidence that XYY men who are otherwise normal are convicted for aggressive crimes at a level far above chance (Court Brown, 1969; Hook and Porter, 1977; for a dissenting view, see Witkin, 1976). In birds, on the other hand, the female has the opportunity to specialize the Yi and the frequency of bird polyandry may __ ~e in part the result of such "aggressive Y's." All this must be coupled with sex differences in gametic potential, for in birds (as in mammals) females have a lower gametic production than males. Only then does it become sensible that we find such uniformity in mammalian male aggression and such diversity as to the more aggressive sex in birds. that is to say, in mammals the higher male gametic potential, a Y specialized for aggression, and an X specialized for altruism all lead in the same direction and uniformly produce males that are more competitive and aggressive than are females. In birds, there is a mixed picture: males have a higher gametic potential but an "altruistic" X in place of an "ag-

Polyandry has been "cousins," the jacanas.



in the phalarope's

Alfred Hoffman made a thorough study of the polyandry in the pheasant-tailed jacana at the palace lakes in Peking in 1946. He found that the female is able to present her males with a full clutch of four eggs each,. at intervals from nine to twelve days .... Indeed the hen can provide four males with full clutches, each male twice in succession, so that between them they have six or eight clutches with a total of 24 to 36 eggs to incubate. (vol. 8, p. 145)

Needless to say, as in the phalarope, jacana females do not have .'much time for rearing young-that job is left entirely to the males. If, then, we wish to make a rule and include phalaropes and jacanas, it must be rather abstract and go something like this: the sex that invests fewer resources in the care of the young will invest more resources in competition with others of the same sex. Stated this way, the rule acknowledges that it is indeed possible in nature for females totake the so-called male role if there is an adaptive advantage in doing so. In fact, in one species of coral fish the alpha female will actually become a male when the current single male leader is eaten or injured, thereby continuing the one-male harem arrangement (Robertson, 1972)1 Fish, by the way, offer something of a problem for the above rule in that fertilization is usually external. so that neither male nor female has a clear edge on investment in the young. Thus male sticklebacks not only stake out the territory but also guard the fertilized eggs, whereas in a larger number of species the fertilized eggs are simply left to float to the surface like plankton-as in the marine fishes-or else to sink to the floor-as in most freshwater forms (Grzimek, 1972', vol. 4). As for an explanation of the relatively high frequency of polyan-


Human Sociobiology

gressive" Y. And, as a phylum, there is a correspondingly mixed species picture in male-female differentiation: although, on average, male birds are more aggressive than females, the tendency is for both sexes to be about the same size (monomorphism), for relationships to be monogamous (as opposed to polygynous, as in mammals), for the sex ratio to be more nearly equal (Selander, 1972), and for polyandry to occur in a number of species. . Our next concern is, How are the biologically based sex differences handled within the higher mammalian social groupings? In chapters 3 and 4 it will be helpful to look first to subhuman primates and then, given the primate patterns, to see whether they provide us with useful insights into human social arrangements.

Social Arrangements among Primates
The idea of selection at the level of the group is somewhat suspect within the biological establishment (see Alexander, 1974; Williams, 1971). However, it is simply not possible to deal with such items as territoriality, dominance-submission hierarchies, or population- control mechanisms without either invoking interdeme ("group") selection or else getting entangled in unlikely single-gene models. For example, the enormous reproductive potential of a population can lead to its own downfall unless there are constraints on reproduction, and in fact populations rarely reach a density that makes a crash in numbers inevitable. Instead, as Wynne-Edwards (1962) has documented at great length, most populations have worked out controls that circumvent such knockout blows, usually via the mechanism of territoriality or (and this pattern has not been so well documented) via the establishment of dominance-submission hierarchies within and between groups. Groups do seem to have a life of their own that appears at odds with the individualism and competitiveness stressed by the selfish-gene approach. To take a rough example, the current American consensus that =='---'---,-=>;.;.-.:1 growth must be limited is quite outside the realm of a selfish-gene mode. The American rich have but 1.8 children per couple, and there is every indication that the poor are joining them in this statistic. If Americans were properly to follow the rule of max~~~_imizing their gametic contributions to the next generation we would not be witness to such a clearcut trend. Are we, then, to relegate these facts to the category of special case? If that is so, sociobiology is indeed an impoverished field, dealing with but a fraction of the human condition. Sex itself is a major stumbling block for the selfish gene. Why


Human Sociobiology Social Arrangements among Primates


bother with sex, which gets half one's genes into the next generation, when simple duplication will produce a 100% look-alike. After all, the goal of every gene is to get as many copies as possible into the next generation. The answer must be that in the long run, sexual reproduction is adaptive. But how did this long-run advantage ever become translated into sexuality? If genes are so selfish, how could they ever hold in abeyance immediate gain for subsequent reward? The only currently available answer, of course, is that selection accomplished this feat. Sex, then, is a sort of derivative altruism 'in this scheme, and the situation is much like the mutation problem mentioned in Chapter 1-quite circular: the major mechanism of natural selection, sexuality, was achieved by natural selection and in a manner not at all predictable from selfish-gene theory.

monogamous species, she would want a male who indicates he will care only for her and who appears unlikely to spend energy raising another's young. In polygynous species she apparently has no choice but to settle for the first set of traits. How does a male prove to a female he. is all these things? 1. He establishes a central territory in good ground. For example, if they are urban robins, he stakes out soft ground with lots of worms and a good leafy tree away from heavy traffic. 2. He starts his advertising campaign by display-auditory visual, or olfactory, or all three. ' 3. He drives other males. out of the area. In the contrasting view from above, especially as espoused by Wynne-Edwards (1962, 1971), the population is the evolving unit and territory is seen primarily as a mechanism for population control. That is, breeding groups of animals that failed to space themselves into adjacent territories not only experienced the mating chaos described earlier but also in seasons of food shortage might compete . to the death .were it not for some "agreement" regarding available resources. WIthout rules of precedence to allot the meager resources . all might die instead of just those in outlying, bare territories. ' In Wynne-Edward's view (1971), selection must have occurred in _ the inevitable cOI?peti~ion t~at exists between breeding groups, and those groups survived in which groupwide population controls were develope~. Such.a process would doubtless have entailed significant levels of inbreeding, for once everyone in a group is highly related, the de~elopment of group homeostasis is (theoretically) facilitated. I shall dISCUSS the hypothetical effects of inbreeding in chapters 7 and .8, so let it suffice here to note that group selection does not involve ~-::-_e _,xtrascientific mechanisms. It is, at least, as understandable as is in~~, ... ._. ...... ual selection and simply involves a different level of organiza~~__.."".-:-u.v breeding group viewed as a whole. Once again we confront the issue of the whole as more than just the sum of its parts. _ .. As Wynne-Edwards has put it:
A si~ple ~nalogy may possibly help to bring out the significance of this point, A football team is made up of players individually select~d for such qualities as skill, quickness, and stamina, material to their success as members of the team. The survival of the. team to win the championship, however, is determined by e?tIrely distinct criteria, namely, the tactics, and ability it displays in competition with other teams, under a particular code of conventions laid down for the game. There is no difficulty in distinguishing two levels of selection here, although the analogy is otherwise very imperfect. (1971, p. 101)

TERRITORIALITY The staking out anddefense of a territory, usually by the males of a species, and the formation of dominance-submission hierarchies in animal groups are the two most widespread means by which animals achieve a within-species social arrangement. As usual, there are two views of how territoriality and dominance-submission hierarchies evolved-the mechanistic view from below (selfish gene) and the holistic view from above (group selection). From the selfish-gene view, since the widest spread of his seed is each male's goal, there are bound to be obstacles to his maximizing his genetic contribution to the future. Obviously, males will be bumping into other males in the rush and, leaving aside for now the female's role in mate selection, males will somehow have to work out a more or less orderly system of having sexual access to females. Of course, they might fight one another, but to what end? For while two are fighting, a third may run off with the desired female. The establishment of a defended territory, then, is seen as the individual's solution to such chaos. In this way he can at least assure himself of a bounded place in which he can hunt or forage, mate.. and start the young off properly. Within this view, then, those organisms that first developed such territories were at an advantage, and their offspring, who inherited the same territorial tendencies, . carried the tradition forward, and so on until this pattern characterized the entire breeding group. Again, in this view, once the male has staked out a territory, the female would just as soon be the only mate there in order to insure her own genetic potential. So she is most likely to choose a male who is big, strong, and not likely, therefore, to be displaced; in


Human Sociobiology

Social Arrangements among Primates


In animal groups,
when the balance of a self-regulating population is disturbed, example by heavy accidental mortality, or by a change in resource yields, a restorative reaction is set in motion. If the sity has dropped below the optimum, the recruitment rate be increased in a variety of ways, most simply by drawing on reserve of potential fecundity referred to earlier, and so the reproductive output. Immigrants appearing from ding areas can be allowed to remain as recruits also. If the. sity has risen too high, aggression between individuals may up to the point of expelling the surplus as emigrants; reproductive rate may drop; and mortality due to social (and in some species cannibalism) may rise. These are typical amples of density-dependent homeostatic responses. (1971, p. 9.'

For Wynne-Edwards, social hierarchies as well as terri playa leading part in regulating animal populations:
Not only can [social hierarchies) be made to cut off any proportion of the population from breeding, but also they h exactly the same effect in respect of food when it is in short ply. According to circumstances, the surplus tail of the may either be disposed of or retained as a rucipatrng reserve if resourses permit. (1971, p. 100)

Although Dawkins would prefer to explain these phenomena via the selfish gene, at least Wynne-Edwards's ....... ' .... ,'0 on the group as an evolving unit (intergroup selection) has the of dealing with group phenomena at the group level. My goal in chapter, then, is to explain what I can by invoking aA'rlAtit' relatedness as the basis for altruistic acts and also to the limitations of this approach when they arise.

of course, there is an implicit status hierarchy in that ter'usually can be ranked from better to worse. animals naturally group together, as do lions, wolves, and ....dominance and submission behaviors are seen. , the most aggressive males are at the top and the IlllUU.UU:'U at the bottom, Females are sometimes participant in such a hierarchy, sometimes not, depending on whether . aggressiveness is generally important for that species, as it is Iln~,," .... "" predators as cats and dogs (felids and canids], Being head ~"'nn confers some advantages, and the top lion, for example, to all the females in heat and usually scares off any comfrom the pride (Grzimek, 1972, vol. 12), In wolves and on the other hand, a different arrangement holds. Since can usually support only one litter per season and since anids are unlike solitary cats and must cooperate in a large hunting, a somewhat more democratic approach is taken fecundates whom, Any pair who can withstand the consfrom and harassment by the rest of the pack may mate "u,~'C.'.~.".3"'.o"'" become the parents of that season's litter. In wolves, a female who are so enamored as to withstand nips at their "''' vv courting have the mating advantage (Mech, 1966, 1967), Chances are very high in a wolf pack that everyone '1~.lJn:W"l""U anyway, so it is not necessarily an unselfish act when the tlQiulXlal1lt--rna.le allows another male to mate: a substantial percengenes are nevertheless getting into the next generation





THE STATUS HIERARCHY Let us turn now to species that organize themselves into chies based on relative aggressiveness. Actually, there is an . teresting gradation from territorial to hierarchical animals, . apparently territorial species, when forced by either natural or made circumstances into crowded conditions in which terri impracticable, form a dominance-submission hierarchy House cats, for example, are naturally territorial, but if several .. kept in a small space either a hierarchy develops or else a . emerges who dominates the rest. Underlying the establishment.

point of this arrangement seems to involve the imof having only a single litter to feed each season. More than poor hunting season would exhaust the pack and, furtherthe litters were staggered the pack's mobility would be uv-reuuceu. Apparently for this "reason," Cape hunting dogs killing off a second litter, with the role of major to the mother of the first litter (Van Lawick, 1974). mating among wolves suggests some human parallels to sexual attachments, it is not until we get to the see dramatic parallels to human social groups, All ~~!::'-"!.~~.I ~.q.,.l""combine varying degrees of amicability and agthere are distinct correlations of these behaviors and ecological setting. Those species that are always in trees, ;:;=;.:,,..,....._h .. _owler monkeys of Central America, rarely fight one , 1934), All are vegetarian (fruit and leaf eaters); food enough for everyone; and there are no tree</U'OllU.!':; to ward off, Apparently, because aggression is not at !W!II'C!l:1i'h~,~, ~'~I.lIlUU . among the arboreal primates, males are not much larger ~;,:.: .. e .. _s. (low sexual dimorphism) and male-male aggression is


Human Sociobiology

Social Arrangements among Primate!!


relatively low Gay, 1968). But in the semi arboreal. semiterrestrial species such as the langurs of Ceylon we see more disagreements within the troop, a rather more rigidly maintained dominance and submission pattern, and more pronounced dimorphism. And, in species on the ground all day, as are the baboons of East Africa, every troop member is watchful of his neighbors for all seem engaged in continual reassertion of dominance. Baboons exhibit substantial dimorphism-males are often twice the size of females; they also sport particularly large canines although they rarely eat meat, these teeth serving to intimidate both fellow baboons and potential predators. Even lions treat large baboon males with respect. Clearly, the degree of male aggression in monkeys and ecological adaptation go hand in glove. It so happens that we know most about the semiarboreal, semiterrestrial genus of monkeys known as macaques, most especially that branch indigenous to Japan. Japanese scientists have been watching and reoordlng the behavior of Macaca fuscata since the 19406, and many monkey genealogies, with accompanying notes on behavior, go back that far (Imanishi and Altmann, 1965). These' macaques are tough little beasts, and a visitor to a Japanese monkey park (where the animals are baited in from the adjoining mountains) sees and hears constant squabbling, chasing, screaming, nipping, and biting. I have spent many afternoons at a monkey park just outside Kyoto (Arashiyama), and I have seen the more brazen monkeys steal lunches, purses, and even cameras after intimidating their human victims. Why so aggressive? Were these animals not fed by the park caretakers, they would spend more time eating in relative peace the leaves and fruit of trees; the tasty food thrown into the center of a throng of monkeys helps create havoc. But this event also brings into relief the macaques' great potential for aggression, as each animal tries to outdo the others in the quest for peanuts or a preferred spot to sit or, occasionally, in just straightforward intimidation. Naturally, it is the larger males who are the most involved in these attacks, with smaller females and juveniles keeping at a healthy distance and grabbing what food they can. In general, the males of terrestrial primate species sort out the hierarchy with intensity and passion whereas female motivation is extremely variable from species to species and even from troop to troop within the same species. Wherever they get into the action, females occupy the lower half of the dominance order, with some overlap in the middle. Estrus usually makes a difference in that the females become more aggressive, while males, naturally, become more interested and tolerant (Jay, 1968). But there are species in which females do not get involved at all


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and just let the males have at it "(Kaufman, 1967). Also, within the single species of Japanese macaques, some troops are simply more pacific than others. and in these the females especially eschew fighting (Kawai. 1965). We may now ask, at a theoretical level. what these findings mean. Because of Hamilton's papers (1963, 1964) primatologists are much more conscious of .kinship relationships than ever before, and more and more instances of nepotism have been seen within monkey troops. It has become clear that aggressive attacks are not random: they tend to be directed at nankin and most especially at males that have recently joined the troop (Kaufman, 1967). These newcomers tend to be either orphans or sons of low-ranking females so that for them there is nothing to lose and everything to gain by switching troops and seeking their fortunes elsewhere. However, their reception is usually hostile as suggested by these mortality figures: within the Cayo Santiago rhesus colony Koford (1963) found the sex ratio (males per 100 females) to be around 100 for ages zero to five, 50 for ages six to eight, and 17 at eight years or older. And this is an island that lacks monkey predators and on which Purina monkey chow is abundantly provided. Imagine what the ratios are in less hospitable circumstances I Koford also noted that about 20% of the males (all high on the status hierarchy) performed almost 80% of the copulations; whereas all estrous females tended to be impregnated. These data make it clear that only males are directly involved in differential selection among rhesus and most probably all the terrestrial and semiterrestrial primates. They are the major competitors, the big winners and the big losers. We know now that one source of help in the status game is one's relatives. As we learn more and more about the genealogical relationships within monkey troops, we see that consanguineous networks exist in which kin tend to help one another (Kawai, 1965; Koyama, 1970; Sade, 1977). Koyama (1970), in fact, claims that all Japanese monkey troops consist of consanguineous relatives centered around the oldest female relative as a unit of social organization. In the same vein, Kawai (1965) has noted that Japanese macaques who gain the support of relatives in an aggressive encounter achieve a higher rank (if only temporarily) than macaques who challenge an animal on their own. He observed 14 instances in which a mother offered support, 6 in which a brother or sister did, 7 in which an aunt or uncle came to .help out, and 1in which a grandmother participated. Junichiro Itani, perhaps the dean of Japanese primatologists, noted that just about every male Japanese macaque switches troops at some time in his life. However, there are exceptions. Itani reported on a five-year-old male, the son of a high-ranking mother,


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who remained in the central part of the troop long after his age mates either had been driven off or had left (see Imanishi and Altmann, 1965). Similarly, among the rhesus of Cayo Santiago, Koford (1963) noticed that not all maturing males left the central hierarchy of the troop. Some adolescent males remained central and gained precedence over several older and larger males. In each instance the mother of the precocious sub-adult was either the highest ranking female in the band, or nearly so. Since all mature females tend to be impregnated each season by a minority of males, the biological advantage for a female's having achieved a high rank is apparent only through her son's mating activity. Only if he is high ranking and therefore a frequent impregnator is her superior genetic destiny assured. It also may benefit a female if her daughter achieves a high rank since her grandsons may then become successful impregnators. Accordingly, Sade (1967) found that "as rhesus females become adults they come to rank just below their mothers in the hierarchy of adults. This means that they defeat not only their age mates but also older females who were adults when they were growing up" (p. 1)3). This material has been summed up nicely by Alan Fiske:
Male fitness is highly contingent on obtaining a very high ranking position in the core of a band, and only the highest ranking mothers appear to be able to effect such a status for their sons directly. Lower ranking mothers do not waste their investment on securing a useless middle or low ranking position for their sons in the core of the group, but leave them to pursue the high risk strategy (of switching troops) which is their only chance of reproductive success, despite the high mortality entailed. The males who do most of the copulating protect their presumptive immature offspring, defending the troop from external threats and internal discord. (1973, p. 20) .

Another point about rank and copulation: although nondominants may be seen copulating, the dominants tend to take over at the peak of estrus, the normal time of ovulation. There is much species to species and group to group variation in this arrangement, . and it may actually work like that among wolves. The more inbred the group, the less the selection pressure for dominants to beat out subdominants in mating, for all troop members are related anyway. As for female choice of a mate, no one seems to know quite how it works. From the fruit fly through baboons, chimps, and man, it is clear that females choose and even actively solicit from among available males, but the basis of this choice is rarely apparent. As I have said, among primates, dominance is just one (sometimes minor)

fact of a male's attractiveness, and many subdominant males do father offspring (Altmann, 1977). It is one thing for a male to win a fight, quite another to have a female baboon accept him. And as far as we know there is no rape among subhuman primates. One logical requirement of female choice is that she select males who give some promise of future aid such as would be suggested by an emotional bond that develops prior to fecundation. In rhesus monkeys and yellow baboons, at least, this sort of bonding does occur, A consortship develops between a mated pair, who remain together for some weeks at the group's periphery; often the male continues to be seen alongside the female throughout pregnancy and after the young are born. Recent data among yellow baboons indicate that a father may develop a special relationship with his child that lasts indefinitely (Altmann, 1977). Does permanent consortship or its promise increase the likelihood of impregnation, and is that why such behavior evolved? Probably yes. As for the defense of immatures by older males in the troop, this behavior has long been observed in both the baboons (DeVore, 1965) and the macaques [Itani, 1959), but this is the first time such action has been shown to be based upon actual paternity. In addition, there is evidence that adult males of the Japanese macaques form closer bonds with male than with female youngsters, and father-son collusion within the troop is a definite possibility. In sum, most of our discussion of the macaques and baboons appears to corroborate the notions of selfish genes and gametic potential. As predicted by selfish-gene theory, nepotism abounds in that kin tend to defend kin, mothers help their young attain status, and males tend to favor the offspring of their consort, thus their own children; conversely, males are especially intolerant of males from other troops yet most leave their natal troop to try their luck elsewhere. As for gametic potential, we have considered evidence .... that high-ranking males often copulate more frequently than low.... ranking males and that in general males either make it big as progenitors or do not make it at all; Females, by comparison, show little variation in numbers of offspring. . However, when we start asking questions at the level of the group, selfish genes and gametic potential fade as explanatory tools. We have already dealt with the question, Why do species vary in the level of male aggression? We can get more specific and ask, Why do .. .. form troops in the first place!' How did intratroop dominance-submission hierarchies evolve!' Why do new troops form from old, and why do the troops then become one another's "enemies"? These are difficult questions. I can say only that I accept monkey troops, sociality, and dominance-submission arrangements as "givens," as somehow having evolved over the millennia at the


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Social Arrangements among Primates


level of the group. They are "beyond" the selfish gene and are simply another order of phenomenon. To use Hebb's (1959) analogy, one does not discover the use to which a steel girder will be put by studying the electron structure of steel for you do not explain one level of organization by referring to another. Novikoff made perhaps the clearest statement on this issue when he said, "Knowledge of the laws of the lower level is necessary for a full understanding of the higher level; yet the unique properties of the higher level cannot be predicted, a priori, from the laws of the lower level" (1945, p. 209). With this lesson in mind, then, I shall now address a phenomenon at the group level, the nature of attention in monkey troops.

ATTENTION STRUCTURE Status squabbles so pervade the life of terrestrial monkeys that they are constantly watchful lest they be punished or miss a chance to punish. Michael Chance of the University of Birmingham noted that the attention of subordinates is always on those above them in the hierarchy, so that if you multiply this effect throughout an entire troop you get what can be termed the troop's attention structure, and it is always oriented upward (Chance and Jolly, 1970). Thus, even subtle behavior at the top is seen by everyone in the troop. The character of the troop is thereby most readily influenced by the behavior of the leadership. As a result of this hierarchical structuring of attention new habits, say, eating a new food, will descend through the troop in a matter of hours if started by the alpha animal. * A case in point is the Japanese munkey troop at Mino: one day the troop leader was seen eating wheat although it was well established that the troop had never touched this food before. Despite the fact that animals are normally very cautious about taking to new foods, the entire troop was eating wheat within a matter of two days (Frisch, 1968, 1970). On the other hand, a low-ranking juvenile has almost no influence at all-in the short run. The Japanese workers (Frisch, 1968) have also traced how a new eating habit, the washing of sand from sweet potatoes, started with a juvenile in an island group of Japanese monkeys. The potatoes were placed daily on the sand by the primatologists as a routine matter, when it was noted that Imo (meaning sweet potato) began washing hers in the lagoon. Soon her sibs were doing the same. After some months other low-ranking monkeys were washing their sweet potatoes and the custom slowly
"For historical reasons. do'minance hierarchies alphabet. are always given in the Greek

made its way up the troop hierarchy. After four years half the troop had adopted this custom; after six years, some 70 %. Nine years after Irno had made her discovery, all but a few were washing their potatoes. We can conclude from this and similar studies [ltani, 1965) that although juveniles because of their playfulness often achieve new and useful behavior. the response from the troop is far from overwhelming; whereas the alpha males, though not terribly inventive, have a very receptive audience. Another aspect of being the dominant monkey is that the troop, since they are all watching this animal carefully, become attuned to his temperament, character, and mood. In Japanese monkeys, the social structure of the entire troop has been shown to vary with these traits in the leader. In Takasakyama, for example, the lead monkey, Jupiter, was old. tough, and crusty and tolerated only the females (with their young) and his long-standing male friends around him. Consequently, his troop looked something like this:

The dotted lines mean a relatively free access between subsections, and the solid line means access is forbidden by alpha.

Jupiter orqanizatlon

At Shodoshima there was another famous monkey leader called Atlas (the Japanese take their monkeys seriously, and what I am describing is common knowledge in Japan). Atlas was a peaceful sort who permitted easy access to the central hierarchy. As a consequence, his troop looked like this (Frisch, 1968. 1970):


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Central \ : hierarchy } /
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38 Human Sociobiology Sodal Arrangements among Primates 39

Yet another troop looked like the following; apparently leader, Gengero, was annoyed by the juvenile males:


Sometimes leadership involves shifting coalitions of monkeys, usually relatives, and the troop's characteristics will change depending on the coalition in power [DeVore, 1965). The idea of attention structure remains the same, and we will see later that this concept is as useful in the study of human groups as in that of macaques and baboons. For his part, an alpha male monkey carries himself in a manner that can be described as "lordly." He is erect, rarely looks from side to side but only in the direction in which he is heading, and expects others to get out of his way. His coat is shinier and more fluffy than those of the other troop members, and he looks much heavier than he in fact is, Alpha animals have something extra, something "charismatic" going for them, They apparently feel like winners and expect to be so treated, Actually, even after they are deposed, troop members continue to give them a certain respectful leeway. To repeat, the attainment of status seems a goal in and of itself, and
Two rhesus monkeys of a Cavo Santiago troop. They are brothers, but one is dominant and the other, who is approximately equal weight, is an outcast; sometimes with the troop, sometimes alone. The dominant walks slowl.y an,d deliberately and his gaze is steady; the subdominant s movements are quick and furtive, and his coat is scruffy. Photos courtesy Donald Sade, Northwestern Unlversitv,

although there is priority given dominants over choice foods few other privileges come consistently with high rank. There is some evidence, in fact, that an alpha yellow baboon mates less often than do those males immediately below him, perhaps because he cannot absent himself in a prolonged consortship (Hausfater, 1973). Much of what Darwin thought of as sexual selection, the tendency for traits that are valued by the other sex to survive, we now know to be of primary utility in the achievement of status. Many male secondary sex characteristics in monkeys and man are best understood as devices to intimidate other males, and later I shall present human data to this effect. It is true that female monkeys gravitate to the unintimidated males, but the main purpose of the large canines seen in male baboons and macaques or the colorful mantles of gelada males, which increase apparent size, is to intimidate other males (Kummer, 1971). Finally, recent physiological studies have shown that the males higher in the hierarchy secrete more testosterone than those lower. However, it is not necessarily the case that these higher levels of male hormone propelled the dominant to where he is. For, when he finally loses a fight and drops a notch or two, his testosterone.level goes down, whereas the winner's level goes up. Testosterone change is just part and parcel of the visible behavioral change, and no straightforward cause-effect relationship can be drawn (Rose et al.,

HAREM GROUPS AN.Q ECOLOGY The gelada monkeys of Ethiopia, although related to the macaques and baboons, demonstrate a special form of male-female social interaction. The males are twice the size of the females, and the basic social unit is a group with one male and several females. I had the opportunity of observing a unique experiment with geladas conducted by Hans 'Kummer at the Delta Primate Research Center at Covington, Louisiana. Geladas previously unknown to one another were introduced into a large enclosure and immediately began forming one-male groups through the activity of both sexes:
Immediately after the introduction a male would pair off with a dominant female: the female would present her rear, he would mount her, and she would then groom his cape, From this point on, the pair female would viciously attack any other female who approached her male or whom her male sought to acquire in addition to herself. A second female was eventually accepted, but only after the first, dominant female had gone through the pairforming process with female number two, with herself in the role I I I




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of the male. Number two had to present her rear, be mounted by female number one, and then groom her. Thus the dominant female established herself in the role of the owner of number two, just as the male had established himself as her owner ... As a result, each one-male group comprised a chain of animals each of whom dominated and controlled an immediate subordinate, preventing its interacting with nearly everyone else in the colony. One top female, for example, interfered with every interaction between her male and the number two female to such an extent that the latter learned to avoid the approaching male. Only when the colonies were well stabilized did contacts between the male and the number two female become more frequent. Even then high-ranking females would drive their subordinates back to the group when they attempted to contact members of another one-male group. The dominant gelada female is, as it were, a secondary group leader. She is usually nearest the male, and in encounters with strange males proves to be the most faithful of his consorts. (1971, pp, 109-10)

geladas must constantly maintain the discreteness of their. onemale groups, though intolerance among males must be moderated so as not to split the troop. (1971, p. 111)

Kummer also studied hamadryas baboons, who .also form onemale harem groups. Among this species, however, the. male must prevent his females from straying by constantly herdins"\them via nips on the back of the neck. Unlike the geladas, in ~~ich the females develop a "commitment" to the group, hamadryas/females require the male's constant surveillance lest they become adopted into another male's harem. Although within both species large numbers of animals come together at night to sleep in a common area, the hamadryas harems, in that they are so precarious, space themselves well apart as units, whereas gelada one-male groups can spread safely throughout the area. In the gelada "attempts to appropriate a female met with the solid resistance not only of her male, but also of most of the females in both groups [so that] the integrity of the one-male groups rests on the joint action of many "(1971, p.

Finally, Kummer discusses a third terrestrial monkey, the patas, who also organizes into one-male harems:
Patas monkeys form no troops. Agile fleers and hiders, they do not depend on large social units; their one-male groups live apart from each other, so that the male is not forced to live near females that are not his own. Such a social system is much easier to maintain than the crowded aggregations of one-male groups of the gelada or hamadryas. First, herding is not required, and patas males in fact do not do it. The exclusion of strangers is not a permanent task but an occasional event that totally separates the groups for a number of days. All that is required is that males be highly intolerant of each other. In contrast, hamadryas or

I have presented these details from Kummer's remarkable work in order to show the substantial variation in patterns of male-female relations within these harem living terrestrial monkeys. Three such contrasting patterns should certainly prevent any claims for homologous human patterns, and it is perhaps best that no easy generalizations be drawn. Note, however, that harem keeping species are common; male aggression plays a role in each; and foraging in a harem arrangement probably has an advantage over foraging in large troops when food supplies are low, as in the arid plateau area of Ethiopia where the hamadryas and gelada live. A notion of how this social form may have arisen comes from recent observations of yellow baboons in the Amboselli reserve of southern Kenya. Normally, yellow baboons live in large troops, but in low rainfall years they can be seen to break up into one-male harem bands and bachelor bands (Hausfater, 1973). Analogously, polygynous humans who live under desert conditions, for example, Australian ahoriginals, also tend temporarily to separate into one-male harem groups (Meggitt, 1962). There is nothing startling in these parallel facts: each arrangement makes sense and appears reasonably adap- (j)V\: tive given the scattered nature of available resources. To summarize to this point, territorial behavior and the dominance-submission hierarchy are social devices that have evolved presumably to bring order into breeding groups. They also / serve to organize allocation of food and other necessities and-" thereby assure the survival of at least the more redoubtable species': members. Male-male aggression is thereby regulated, and it is typical of both systems that the incidence of bluffing and threat far exceeds that of actual combat. Intimidation is the order of the day, and self- ; .confidence is therefore important in achieving a reasonably high / rank or a reasonably attractive territory. .. _// As I have pointed out, in Japanese macaques and in rhesus .....monkeys such self-confidence is closely related to the mother's rank within the hierarchy. That is, if a youngster grows up with a mother who is constantly harassed, he or she expects to be harassed also. Conversely. a youngster to whose mother other females have consistently given way becomes used to royal treatment, and apparently begins to expect it. Inasmuch as males are bigger and rougher, they occupy the upper half of such a quasi-linear hierarchy, females the lower half, immature juveniles the lowest of all. All younger monkeys are essentially out of the hierarchical scheme, and even their nipping is not taken seriously. Nature has, in fact, seen to it that


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Human Sociobiology

Social Arrangements among Primates


infants are easily distinguishable, and their light brown coat marks them as "off limits" with regard to serious combat. A typical picture of ground-living monkeys, then, involves a fairly large group-the great majority of Japanese macaques, for example, are in troops of 20 to 175 members (Nozawa, 1972): potentially highly aggressive males and somewhat less aggressive females, with absolute feeding advantages and some mating priorities for the male dominants and with ulcers and nervous indigestion for the male submisslves (Koford, 1963). I have also discussed other ground-dwelling monkeys whose social arrangement is primarily the one-male harem group. One species maintains the integrity of the harem through constant male surveillance (hamadryas), the second through a thoroughly enmeshing dominance-submission hierarchy, with one male as alpha (gelada); the third species relies on the absolute abhorrence of males for one another, which produces nonoverlapping routes (patas). The question arises, Do humans follow any of these patterns? Or, as some biologists maintain, are we more like the semiterrestrial chimps-who, after all, are very much like us in serology, chromosome number, and all other indications of evolutionary distance. Chimps form far-ranging groups and have but a loosely constructed dominance-submission structure. Chimps, however, are largely forest dwellers and, like tree-dwelling monkeys of both New and Old Worlds tend not to fight much. Remember that even the terrestrial macaques are more amicable when up in trees than when in close quarters around a ground level feeding station. Tree dwelling usually means fruit and leaf eating, and there the best strategy is to spread out, which means less physical contact, less competition over food, and less anger among animals. Chimps do not have to threaten and fight to feel alive, as is apparently the case with most of our ground-dwelling relatives. They are instead content to let each other know where they are with occasional bursts of vocalizing and tree pounding. Even when artificially fed in the wild, as by Goodall's group in Tanzania's Gombe preserve, chimps ~re respectful of one another. On a visit to the preserve, I saw several mstances in which the first chimp to gather "free" bananas became their official possessor; latecomers, no matter their rank, though they might beg, did not fight or try to wrest the food away. . Man, however, is not a tree dweller, nor has he ever been. He 1S terrestrial and his social organization resembles those of the terrestrial monkeys more than that of his zoological brother, the chimp. Certainly the chimp's chromosomes, blood groups, and intellect are more manlike, but not his social organization. In the wild, at least, he's just not mean enough properly to herald man. . . In closing this chapter, I must admit that anyone can read man's

primate ancestory in any way he or she wishes-the evolutionary record is rather like a Rorschach test. It may therefore be no surprise that some female scholars have tended to favor the theory that we do indeed come from a species resembling the more pacific chimpanzees (Tanner .and Zihlman, 1976), whilst their more competitive brethren, myself mcluded, have tended to emphasize intragroup and intergr~up aggression in our ancestry. Raymond Dart (1956), in fact, has wntten most dramatically of Australopithecus gracilis and claims to have evidence (reconstructed of course) that this man-ape of some three million years ago smote baboons dead with clublike antelope femurs and, furthermore, that he killed others of his own species and ate their brains. Many scholars now tend to buy Dart's story and to point to the corroborating facts that Peking man (our 50~,ooo-year-old ~redecessorJ and recent (if not present-day) New Gumeans also enjoyed the apparently delicious brains of enemies. On the other hand, most researchers in this field have been males and they consequently may have tended to overdraw this aggressive pattern. With this caution, then, we will next examine human groups.

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Men, Women, and the Status Hierarchy
I hope I have by now established that both the selfish-gene approach from below and the group selection approach from above are needed for an adequate explanation of social behavior, no matter the species. When we get to primates, the need for a dual causality model rather than a one-way model is emphasized since primates can act with clear selfishness or in concert, as the situation demands. For example, among the terrestrial primates, group allegiance is most dramatic. However, among Japanese and rhesus macaques when the troop number goes much higher than about 150 the troop usually splits in two, with a new head monkey leading a substantial portion away. From that time on, the two troops are essentially enemies, the more intimidating (usually the larger) taking precedence over the other wherever they meet (Koford, 1963). Group life, in these instances, seems to imitate individual selfishness and competition, but it can be explained only by starting with the open recognition that a group has a "life of its own." In this chapter, then, we will examine to what extent our species is or is not behaving in the primate tradition. The most obvious place to begin is the dominance-submission hierarchy. It should by now be clear that working out a hierarchy of dominance and submission is a way of avoiding random and excessive aggression, not a way of encouraging it. It is a social system that permits short aggressive encounters but that depends upon stabilized and mutually acknowledged differences in status to maintain itself. In this and subsequent chapters, I shall present the results of empirical studies in humans based on the dominance-submission model. Abstracts of these studies and associated data tables appear in the Appendix.

Men, Women, and the Status Hierarchy 46 Human Sociobiology


Richard Savin-Williams (1977) turned a job as a summer camp counselor into a doctoral research program by carefully noting the dominant and submissive ranking in four cabins of five or six boys, all 12- to 14-year aIds, white and upper middle-class. He .found,_ amazingly, that the boys in each cabin worked out the dominancesubmission order within the first hour: thereafter, the tendency was for this arrangement to stabilize over :the summer. The sorting, :or the most part, was accomplished nonviolently, but a clear-cut hierarchy of who defers to whom was almost immediately apparent in each cabin. The least problematic ranks were the top and bottom boys; both were somehow immediately recognized (w~thin the first half hour!). As judged by their comrades on sociometric tests, alpha boys were the most handsome, the most physically mature, and the most athletic, but not necessarily the biggest or the strongest. They themselves agreed that they were the most handsome boys and the best athletes, exhibiting the confidence we have learned to expect from alpha monkeys. Omegas are more difficult to describe:, but t~ey were so readily identified that one might talk of a negative charisma." It turned out that the best predictors of overall dominance were three items: verbal ridicule of other boys, verbal commands, and physical assertiveness such as pushing and shoving. If a boy demonstrated these behaviors toward another, one could be practically certain (about 10 to 1 odds) that he would be dominant in most other behaviors, too. He took the lead, had the last word, made decisions for the group, answered important questions, and so on. The beta position was usually allotted to a boy who got on well with alpha, whereas gamma tended to be number three only because he was big and strong, though disliked-the bully. Each group had a boy described as a "joker," who tended to occupy a middle ~osition, followed by a fad best described as a passive follower, and finally by the omega, the boy the others tended derisively to call the "nerd." "Nerds" tended to be physically immature, short, and the least athletic, but they were the most enthusiastic about camp an~ in e~ch case wanted to returnl Again, as in omega monkeys, beionglllg to the group was the overriding impulse. . . This arrangement of "personality" types was rephcated from group to group (see Appendix Study 2). Thrasher's studies of Chicago gangs in the 1920s follows an almost identical "typology" (Thras~er, 1963), and the question naturally arises, What would happen If a cabin were populated with six boys previously described as th.esame type, say, six "leaders"? Would this arrangement bring out different and complementary facets of their personahttes, or would it make for chaos'? Such a study is underway, and it does look as if the various roles tend to re-appear in the new hierarchical arrangement.

What of the girls at camp? Savin-Williams secured the cooperation of four women counselors in girls' cabins at the same camp. They used his notation system and came up with quite another story. W~ereas the girls, too, tended to form hierarchical arrangements, the process was not as dramatic in either speed of onset or in overt . rivalry. Girls were more indirect in their putdowns and accordingly used physical methods less than did the boys (physical assertion represented 15 % of the male interaction, 5 % of the female). Even verbal putdowns tended to be indirect among the girls (52 % overt among girls, 86% overt among boys). Boys, like male baboons (Hausfater, 1973), were far more apt to contest established dominance relationships than were the girls (or Hausfater's female baboons). Athletic ability, although important for the girls, was not as likely to give a girl the alpha role as was "maternal" assertiveness. Girls who gave unsolicited advice on proper dress and manners ("Let me cut your hair-it's awful the way it is") were seen as sources of security and support and so became group leaders. They tended to be pubertally mature: they were not "most beautiful." They were described by adjectives simply not used for alpha boys: confident, loyal, kindhearted, and manipulative. But let Savin-Williams speak for himself:
Briefly, females more frequently utilized the verbal and indirect indices of dominance-submission behavior; boys were more apt to overtly contest each other and to display physical indicators of power status. Over time males became more overt and were less frequent in initiating dominance-submission behavior; the females had the opposite pattern. The female groups fluctuated more in their daily frequency rates of dominance-submission behavior, which was more subject to situational factors than was the male frequency rate. While low ranking boys were most apt to shift status positions, the top of the female hierarchy tended to show such shifts. As might be expected, physical assertions and displacements were considerably better predictors of male than female group structure; verbal ridicule had the opposite sex pattern. Popularity status accurately predicted female but not male dominance-submission position. These findings are not totally unexpected given the research on sex differences in behavior, aptitudes, and skills (see, for example, Hutt, 1972; Maccoby and Jacklin, 1974; Freedman, 1974). Most interesting is that while females agreed among themselves on how the group ranked on dominance and submission, this rank order had little relationship with the behaviorally derived dominance-submission hierarchy. The key to this discrepancy was found in the notebook of the Cabin One counselor. After her . cabin completed a sociometric exercise to determine dominance,

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Human Sociobiology

Men, Women, and the Status Hierarchy


she wrote that the girls thought being dominant was a bad thing, synonymous with being "annoying," "talking most," and "standing out." This characterizes not maternal leader~ but antagonistic (middle ranked) and compliant (omega) girls. Th~s, while girls behave in a dominant manner, they perceive dominance differently than do boys, as a negative evaluation. This may explain why girls frequently underranked themselves on the dominance sociometrics: this was not. self-abasem.e~t, since to them dominance as a social or personality charactertshc was undesirable. When the female counselors were a~ked at the end of camp to rank order their cabin group on dominance and submission, they invariably selected the ~ntagonistic girl rather than the maternal leader as most dommant. They too were equating dominance with assertiveness/aggressiven~ss. Perhaps dominance is mentally a masculine term; hshaviorally, It IS characteristic of both sexes. If this dichotomy in female laadership-ethe positive ~at.ernal and the negative antagonistic leaders-Is charactenst.lC of female leadership in general, it is interesting to note that m. t.he present study the former were perceived by p~ers.and.a~~honhes as more likeable; they were also more effective 10 eliciting peer support and in exerting leadership, and .dominan~e, over them. The charismatic antagonists were more visual, but m~ffe~tual on a long-term basis. When they wer~ in control, cabin life was chaotic, unpleasant, and unproductive. In the camp Leader's Manual it is proposed that there. are four stages in the life of a summer camp group. Not all cabin groups pass through all stages but the sequential ordering appears to be pervasive: Polite' Initially all interact in a formalized manner. I'his 1. grace' period a'ppears "unnatural" and does not last long because "kids have to be kids." 2. Conflict: Personality styles and behaviors diverge, becoming apparent and conflictual. Depending upon th~ make:up of ~he group this varies from slight to intense, nccasionally involving physical fights. . 3. Resolution: By the last week attempts ar? made to tolera~e individual differences in the name of cabin peace and umty.

the impressionistic reports of the cabin counselors in their fiveweek camp diary and in their after-camp interviews with the author. The polite stage was evident in both sexes but boys were "nice" to each other for only a few short days before full scale conflict developed. Girls, however, were polite to each other for several more days, often to the consternation of their counselor who deplored the lack of genuine relations during the first week. Male groups experienced conflict more quickly, frequently and overtly than did the female groups. While this is supported by the empirical data, there is another element that more clearly separates the two sexes: the conflict among boys can best be described as "mean"; girls were not so much mean toward each other as they were "vicious" or "cruel." All four female conselors felt this in their group; they hated it and tried to fight it, but all were unsuccessful. At one point or another all four said that the conflict was so pervasive and uncontrollable that they cried or wanted to go home. One said, "Now I know why no one studies junior high-school girls! They are so cruel and horrible that no one can stand them! I remember my own adolescence as that way, and this summer was like reliving it. Never again!" The conflict among boys was potentially more physically injurious (towel flipping, wrestling, and throwing eggs, oranges, peanut butter, and the like), but it was also short-term. Grudges were rare since after physical fights or verbal arguments attempts were made to reconcile differences, 01' at least to tolerate them. All male groups made a concerted and successful attempt at resolving the large interpersonal conflicts. during the last weeks of camp. This is reflected in the decrease in the per hour frequency of dominance-submission behavior in cabins Five, Six, and Seven. Even though the frequency increased in Cabin Eight, by the end of camp this "impossible" group of boys was getting along in a verbally and physically teasing manner. One boy commented to another the last night of camp, "You aren't such an ass-hole as lance thought you were. You're even an okay person, though you'll never be my best friend." Only one of the female groups approached the resolution stage; in the others conflicts appeared to multiply and not decrease over time. In two groups this was rather dramatic, resulting in a pair of crises known as "the silence" and "the detention." Whether the girls were incapable of resolving conflicts or just unwilling needs further study. . . . The chaotic time reported by all four counselors was attributed variously to the programatic structure of the camp, the lack of free time that the cabin could spend together, the general "geist" of the camp, the nature of the individual girls, things they did

4. Together:

Few groups reach the pO~,nt wh~;; th~h ~~~ye beyond a collection of individuals to a group: . oge e 11 think, feel, and act with conflict. kept to a rmntrnum, usua Y to advance rather than demoralize the group. While the camp has no empirical data to support this temporal typology, it does provide a useful heuristic model for con~ldermg basic male-female differences on a group level. That IS, even though in some ways each cabin group is unique and in other ways all groups are similar, it is also true that as male a~d female groups the two are qualitatively different. ~he description and analysis below are not based on numerically quantifiable data (which we have in considerable amounts), but on

Men, Women, and the Status Hierarchy



Human Sociobiology

t While it is likely that all were conwrong, and situational even s. hich the camp and its programs tributory factors, the extent to w , to blame is perhaps overly drawn. were 1 ' t of the counselors was that sched)lThe most common cornp al~ d that girls were too physically ling was too tightly contr~: cohesive groups. Yet, an exand emotionally ex~aus~~ed~leo~f the two camps reveals that in amination of the dally s tl (3 5 hours per day average) , h '1 h d more free nne . ld actuality t e gir sa) D' this time campers cou ld h b (28 hours, urmg II than di t e cys tzlth th ir cabin since no a -carnp e ' h th or not to be WI choose weer f mrls to spend t hiIS time did It was rare or ,,.h h activity was sc e u e , Ierri instead to associate Wit with their cabin group, pre ~rrdmgand extra-cabin friends, or . home-town fnen s, I t sisters, CQusms, h d boys in a cabin frequent y spen with no one. On the other a~ , b ketball or tennis, hiking or their free time together playm;ro~~ers, relatives, or old friends talking. It was un~sual ~~:~~ boys' camp, since the cabin group together after the Hrst w t in the life of the boys. appeared to be paramoun 1 . d he male proclivity toward formmg This female resistance an t th tically congruent with roups are eore 1 cohesive same-sex g. rou bonding, He proposes that Tiger's (1969) sp.eculatlOns O~t,g vPalence or attraction serving di is a posi ive , d male-rna Ie b on mg d i tenance of SOCIalor er, group defense, food-gathering, an rna n pre-hominid ecological f purposes that are a direct consequence 0



indi t th t , lstic data clearly m ica e a : impressloms . the th In summary, e les and females exist at 16 noteworthy differences between rna lite and for a longer I ' G'rls were more po I , group level of ana ys~s, 1 fl' t 1 confrontations were more. period of time; theIr con IC ua t t resolve their conflicts , B ys were more ap 0 viClous than mean, ? Des ite many plausible reasons and to form a cohesive, grou 1 Pf chaotic conditions that exone could give for the higher eve a the one adopted here is isted in female rather than mtl(~'~~~~~:llY based) sex difference that it reflects a fundamenta 1 f d in the ease by which same-sex bonds are orme , 1 he sociometric exercises had to be After the first week of camp t b cause they were said to be . discontinued in three female groupt T~ girls considered such inthe cause of unrest. and resen~~e~, ' er:pective was the opposit~; formation to be private. The reflect a baSIC r y h.P " This may they w'anted more of "those U? t, lDthgse'sphere of public informa i diff rence' w h at IS 10 soclahzatlOn 1 e , m les than in females, ( 197 7 , tion may be considerably greater In a pp. 109-115)

repeatable, * where and how do such sex differences start and develop? We are in an era in which environmental explanations predominate, so the expected rejoinder is that we have learned to behave in these sex-specific patterns and that they have little to do with a primate heritage, How to solve such opposed explanations, our environment versus our evolutionary biology? As has often been the case in science, a solution lies not so much in obtaining a crucial bit of evidence as in changing a way of thinking, Unless we start with the recognition that behavior is wholly biosocial, unless we think of it as determined simultaneously by proximal and historical factors (including evolutionary history), there is no solution to the culture versus biology conundrum. The' holistic approach is certainly my predilection, but until such thinking becomes general (and in order to help it along), we can accumulate and examine four lines of evidence, (1) We can look at very early development, especially newborn behavior, to see whether intimations of later patterns are present in this obviously unlearned and "precultural" behavior of infants. (2) We can look at developmental patterns in children to see how closely they follow the lower primate patterns. (3) We can look for worldwide consistencies in behavior, assuming a biological underpinning for those traits that are universal. (4) Finally, we can resort to experimental techniques; for example, we can modify standard psychological projective instruments in order to test evolutionary hypotheses, In this chapter, it will be convenient to deal briefly with sex differences in infancy, with the development of these differences through early childhood and adolescence, and finally, with crosscultural data. I shall save for Chapter 5 a discussion of the pertinent experimental studies. BABY BOY AND BABY GIRL What I shall say here covers a good deal of accumulated study by a large number of baby watching and baby testing scientists (and ::::=;=--it is more or less an abstraction of data reported in Freedman, 1974), In general, differences between the sexes are subtle at birth, and usually large numbers are needed before a trend is apparent. But differences are there. As soon as babies are in the light of day, boys are giving parents a more difficult time, They cry more, respond less to vocal cajoling, and require more holding. Thus, within the first days,
'Tiger and Shephar (1975) found very similar differences between adult same-sex . . groups within an Israeli kibbutz,




in some detail so that the reader I have presented these re~ults A ming these results are . the flavor of the dIfferences. ssu can gam


Human Sociobiology


boys are giving intimations of the temper tantrums they will have at greater rates throughout later infancy and childhood. Boys are rather more interested in inanimate, nonsocial objects than are girls. For example, infant boys are as attracted to a bull's eye as to a drawing of a face, whereas girls clearly prefer the face (Lewis et al., 1966). They also show interest in problem-solving sooner, so that if a toy is put behind a barrier, nine-month-old boys will reach for it; girls often will sit, watch, and wait (Kagan, 1971). Later in the first year, when dolls are given children, boys tend more often to take theirs apart (to see how it works?). Even in children blind from birth, boys more quickly pick up on how gadgets work and can, for example, easily replace a wheel on a wagon. Blind girls appear to be particularly helpless about such chores (Burlinghame and Robertson, 1967). Boys thus seem very early to evince interest and ability in mechanical tinkering (see Appendix Studies 3 and 4). , Darrell Bock has discussed the considerable evidence that such abilities (caned spatial-visualization skills) are inherited via a major recessive gene located on the X chromosome (Bock, 1973). In overly simplified terms, boys need but one dose of this gene to show the trait, whereas girls need two. This model accounts for the observed facts that only about one quarter of girls are as good as the average male on tests of spatial visualization and that males are generally more successful mechanics and engineers (Bock and Kolakowski, 1973). More is involved here than social pressure for in research we are now conducting, biographies indicate that female engineers were good at spatial tasks from an early age, and apparently because of subsequent rewarding experiences these women developed the strength to withstand the inevitable social stereotyping. In this same regard, Munroe and Munroe ('1971) found that among East African children, the tendency to wander away from the home was related to better performance on tests of spatial ability: boys ranged farther from home than girls, yet those few girls who were found farther from home than typical for their sex outperformed the boys on the measures of spatial ability. Another long-term trend is heralded when girls are found to be more responsive to their mothers' voices in the first weeks of life. Throughout childhood girls are more alert to vocal sounds. Further- more, they form words before boys do and. throughout their lives do --better at all verbal and linguistic tasks-spelling, speaking fluently, or learning new languages (Freedman, 1974). Recently, a large number of studies have appeared that relatethese differential skills to sex differences in brain organization, specifically to differences in hemispheric dominance. In brief, the left hemisphere is said to control verbal tasks, the right hemisphere spatio-visual tasks. Doreen Kimura (1967-1969), who is one of the


Men, Women, and the Status Hierarchy


mas: activ.e work.ers in this field, has presented evidence that left hemlsphenc dominance for speech Occurs earlier in girls than in boys and that, by contrast, boys eventually show right hem' h . . it .I ISp eric su~erlOr~ y o."er gir s to go with their better spatia-visual and arithmetic skills. But let us not overstate the fatedness of th diff f difl ese sex I erences, or mo 1 tcations can occur. Hoffman and Maier (1966) for example, were able to enhance female performance' blem b di " . . III pro emso Ivmg y ex~an mg the lIngUIstIc presentations of the problem; conversely, Mlchae~ Long developed a reading test that requires constant problem-solvmg so that it actually favors b [Append! Study 5). oys ppen IX There are other sex differences to note. Girls start off life more cuddly. In three separate studies of newborns hardh ad d . ti rate babi ' e e SClen IStS d are d to to rate babies on how cuddly an infant feels when held (see Freedman,. 1974). In all three studies, in three different places, new~orn girls were found to mold into the arms better, to kick less, and m general to offer less resistance to being cuddled. Wo~en have. the. same tendency.' Susan Blanck, observing students III the University of Chicago library (see Appendix Study 6) found that only females tucked their feet under themselv I' fIt . 11 h h es, on, y e~a es ypica y ~nc ed. under coats, only females tended to hold their heads to one SIde while rounding their shoulders. That is, even when older, females. tend to curl into compact, spherical shapes-cuddly shapes, If y'0u will (see also Appendix Studies 7 and 8). Males, by contrast, usually were squarely planted in their chairs, '



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Male and female col. lege students in typical reading positlons. See Appendix Study 6.


Human Sociobiology

Men, Women, and the Status Hierarchy


with shoulders level and head unbent. Both feet were often on the ground, with legs spread apart. (Wickler, 1972, asserts that this leg. apart position typifies primate males, and he presents evidence that its function is to display the penis.) Female newborns are also more sensitive tactually. They react to a fine, camel's hair brush that hardly affects males, and they cry more readily when wet. That is, they react more immediately to any change of skin temperature or to touch. It is interesting that Kinsey found that women are more typically aroused sexually by touch rather than by vision (the male mode). Have we yet another possible thread that runs from birth through maturity? Here, however, we must note dissenting arguments by authors who attribute Kinsey's finding to "culturally induced" repression (Bry, 1975; Kronhausen and Kronhausen, 1964). As for the link between girls' interest in dolls and eventual .... - motherhood, we have compared how little girls and little boys play with dolls. Boys are interested at first in the doll generally but soon become interested in mechanical aspects, sometimes taking the doll apart. Girls personalize the doll, and it more often becomes a "baby." For some reason (the soothing effect of the mother's hea.rtbeat?) mothers, whether right- or left-handed, usually hold babies ''\ left side despite the fact that most are unaware a f thiIS on the preference. Richard Perline (Appendix Study 9) found that females at all ages have this non-conscious tendency more than do males. But then evidence that females of our species take more readily to the role of infant caretaker than males should not be surprising (see also Appendix Study 26).

just preceding a gas burp (Freedman, 1974), Just before the smile, there is complete face and limb relaxation and a state that must be termed "serenity," Just before the burp, the face reddens, the mouth . twists and contorts, and there is full-body and limb writhing. Then the gas is expelled. This state is not serene, and there is simply no relation between early smiles and gas induced grimaces. Yet early, "reflex" smiling is clearly related to later social smiling: babies who do much of it turn out to be the more smiling, friendlier children in the family, at least in our extended studies of twins from birth through the early teens (Freedman, 1974). Unfortunately, of all longitudinal studies of children heretofore conducted, none has examined continuity in the amount of smiling. Are there other indications that female infants are more socially oriented1 Jerome Kagan (1971) and Michael Lewis and his coworkers (1966) have found that infant girls, but not boys, can differentiate adult male and female voices; that girls prefer to watch
Arturo and Felix, fraternal twins at two months. Arturo smiles readily to sound and touch, and has done so since birth. Felix is much more sober. In follow-up visits at five years of age, similar differences are seen. Arturo is open and smillng, Felix is reserved, hiding mouth with hand over much of play session (see Freedman, 1963 and 1974).

Perhaps the most interesting and most significant sex difference found at birth involves the "reflexive" smile, that is, smiling in the absence of any apparent sensory stimulation. Several studies have found that newborn girls smile more than do newborn boys (Freedman, 1974; Appendix Study 10). By newborn, we mean between 12 and 72 hours of age; by smile, we mean the unmistakable but fleeting smiles that babies exhibit as they fall off to sleep after a feed. It is the sort of expression that makes everyone laugh, a~d when a baby on the newborn ward does it a lot, nurses and aids typically gather around, watching for the next eyes-closed, selfcontented smile. There are some doubters, even among professionals, who claim these early smiles are "gas" induced. Accordingly, we .c~refully noted the facial expressions of infants just precedmg smiling and


Human Sociobiology
Female chimp entering strange troop extends male and . --, grins. Single frame fr~m Goodall and Van Lawick. 1967. Courtesy National Geographic society.

Men, Women, and the Status Hierarchy


faces whereas boys are equally interested in nonsocial objects; and that at nine months, girls more than boys will babble back when spoken to. Baby girls react differently to adult i:nales and females long before boys make this distinction, and it is not surprising that girls are also more worried by' strangers (even as are rhesus monkey females) (Freedman, .1974.) We must conclude that girls are more socially oriented right from the start. . Do females actually smile more than males beyond infancy? We have conducted several studies with young persons and adults and in each case females smiled more readily and more often than males. Try it yourself: watch people in a supermarket or even on the street and count the number of male and female smilers-or, as two of my students did, station yourself at a busy thoroughfare, smile at people coming by, and record the number of returned smiles (Appendix Studies 11 and 12). Whether you are male or female yourself, more women than men will return your smile. Of course, if you are an unusually attractive person, sex may enter the picture; indeed, the only exception to the above finding was the fact that slightly more men than women smiled at attractive, young waitresses. Perhaps the "cleanest" study we have done along this line was to sxamlne high-school yearbooks from many schools and containing many ethnic groups {Appendix Study 13}. We have yet to see a yearbook in which there are not more females smiling than males. Even in the days of prolonged exposure photography, when the subject had to hold a fixed expression for several seconds, one tends to find more adolescent girls than boys with fixed smiles. (We have not yet looked at prepubertal groups.) .' These findings, then, coupled with those rather astounding newborn differences, seem to indicate that females are biologically predisposed to smile more readily than are males. As for what this difference might mean, the best hints come from the primatologists. Their findings are that the "fear-grin" facial expression in monkeys, which calls off an attack by a dominant animal and therefore is labeled an "appeasement gesture," is more often exhibited by females (DeVore, 1965). The explanation has been that since females tend to occupy the lower half of the hierarchy, they have become more adept at warding off attack. But the human" newborn data suggest that monkey and ape females, too, may have innately lower thresholds to grinning. In Jane Goodall's famous film of chimpanzee behavior at Combe stream in Tanzania (1967), there is a scene in which a female and baby from a distant chimp troop hesitantly enter the local troop. The. female is seen to extend her hand to a large male, obviously seeking reassurance. This sequence is very clear and one of the most touching, most "human" moments of the entire film. What cannot be

seen without a stop-motion projector is that the female is nervously grinning throughout the entire sequence. Observing the hand touching coupled with the fear-grin, one cannot resist the notion that this sequence is homologous with similar human behavior. If we look at human smiling analytically, it must be admitted - that it is more than just an appeasement gesture. Human smiling is perhaps the highest expression of interpersonal unity, as when two friends who have been parted find reunion in mutual smiling ~nd ..embrace [Goldstein, 1957). But in addition, like the touching of hands, the smile does act as an assurance just about everywhere that "I mean you no harm." True, princes have been stabbed by smiling supplicants, but that is outright deception. We are discussing how smiles are normally used and what they ordinarily mean. This, after all, is what makes the deception possible. Thus, it appears that women are prepared at birth to emit more readily this expression of so-called appeasement, and they do so the . world around. In some cultures, for example, the Navajo, smiles are ~"""""-m-'o-re difficult to come by than, say, among the Australian Aboriginals. Indeed, the count of smiling faces in Navajo and Aboriginal high-school yearbooks yielded the lowest percentage of :::::==:;;"" amo~g Navajos (18.5%, sexes combined) and the highest .among Australian Aboriginals (73 %). But in each culture, females smiled more than males (Appendix Study 13). There is one more thing to report about smiling. As we shall see, children of 'six years and older readily arrange themselves into of "who is toughest." We found that when we paired children into tough and not-sa-tough twosomes, the not-so-tough child consistently smiled and gazed more at the tough child in both boy and girl pairs. This finding appeared to bear out the supposition that smiling is a gesture of appeasement. However, there is one ex<.IH .... ,""


Human Sociobiology

Men, Women, and the Status Hierarchy


greater rates than males all the behavior that goes with smiling: conciliation, appeasement of aggression, and avoidance of physical combat (especially vis-a-vis males). In other words, the evidence is that females- are more -specialized in disarming behavior than are _ males. More on this subject later. MALE MORTALITY Male offspring are a gamble, We need to start with more of them in order to achieve a 50-50 ratio at maturity. Thus, at conception, the ratio is 130 males to 100 females; through spontaneous abortions the ratio at birth becomes some 104 to 100; with higher male mortality parity is reached by age 20; thereafter there are more and more women alive compared with men-and that is true wherever such statistics have been compiled and as far back as Neanderthal man (based on skeletal estimates; see Birren, 1959). The usual biological explanation for these differences is that the male XY constitution exposes lethal genes on the X chromosome whereas in females the double XX serves to mask them. Unfortunately for this theory, there is also greater male mortality in birds (Trivers, 1972), where sex determination is reversed, males being XX, females XV. As we have seen, males are more aggressive and they kill each other off at far greater rates; they even kill themselves (commit suicide) three times more often (see any U.S. almanac). Males also suffer more from heart failure, cancer, and schizophrenia. But not all men are so badly off, and a certain number are as long-lived as are average women. Males, in fact, exhibit a greater range than females in almost any attribute-from mortality statistics (more die early, yet males hold the longevity records) through performance on I.Q. tests (Terman and Tyler, 1954). More males score very low and very high (more neurological disorders, more achievement of eminence); females adhere more to the center of the distribution (Dale, 1970). The fact is that because of the mammalian male's xv -constitution, any trait influenced by a sex linked gene will pr~bably have greater variance in males. In Chapter 2 I related this state of affairs to differences in gametic potential and to greater intrasexual selection among mammalian males, The point there and here is that most males are relatively expendable, that they are both born and obliterated at relatively greater rates, so that differential selection occurs primarily through that sex. Although the sex ratio generally favors mammalian male births, these ratios vary depending on the state of the economy.

The Navajo feel that too much smiling means falseness, and this pose is a typical one, Australian Aboriginal children, by contrast, usually smile readily and easily. See Appendix Study 14.

ception. When a girl who was rated by her mates as tough was paired with a not-sa-tough boy, she nevertheless smiled and gazed at him. In other words, although the girl was judged physically stronger and tougher, there was a tendency to act as if the reverse were true in the heterosexual pairing (Freedman, 1975; Appendix Study 14). Though these observations were made in six- to eight-year-old children, they seem to have a world of implications for male-female relationships in general. We have long known that when women are better at something, they tend to avoid lording it over the male. In order to examine this disconcerting tendency in detail, Carol Cronin conducted a study in which 12-year-old, middle-class, AfroAmerican girls and boys were independently assessed as to their prowess in dodgeball. In this game a child stan~s in the center ~f .a circle of players who try to hit him or her WIth a ball. A hit 1S counted as a tally for the thrower. Two teams were composed, one of the best girls and the other of the worst boys, and the teams were matched against each other. Although the girls had the greater talent, they collapsed completely, allowing the no-talent boys to retrieve the ball at will and thereby rack up more points. They clearly did not try as hard as when playing a girls' team, and the boys, thus encouraged, tried harder than when playing a boys' team. Cronin then repeated the study with another group at the same Chicago school and then with a group of Hopi children on the Hopi reservation, and in both cases there was about the same outcome (Appendix Study 15). What is going on here? Are these examples of social learning Of have culture and biological predispositions conspired together? From all we have so far seen, the second alternative is right. Not only are girls poised on the threshold of a smile, but they also exhibit at


Human Sociobiology

Men, Women, and the Statua Hierarohy


There is ample evidence to show that when nutrition is good, fewer male embryos abort and therefore the ratio is higher [Trivers and Willard, 1973). Conversely, when nutrition is poor, relatively more females are born since male fetuses are more likely to abort. Also, a female born at, say, three pounds is less vulnerable than a male at the same level of pre-maturity. Selfish-gene logic would indeed favor more male children when things are going well, since a healthy male may turn out to be a highly successful impregnator and leave behind him a plethora of grandchildren. In evolutionary terms, healthy male children are a good gamble. On the other hand, when a family is in a bad state, daughters will at least assure a parent of an average number of grandchildren. That is to say, given the all or none nature of males, daughters are a safer, more conservative vehicle for mammalian parental genes. At the least, this logic has the merit of explaining the facts. Teitelbaum and Mantel (1971), in a large U.S. study of sex ratios at birth, found that in all the ethnic groups studied, families of lower socioeconomic status produced 8-9 % fewer males than did llliddle and upper income families. And in population studies, 8-9% is a sizable and highly significant difference. Also, if American presidential families may be construed as socially successful, it is interesting that they have produced some 80 sons compared with 55 daughters (see Appendix Study 45). In the same vein, Figurski (Appendix Study 16) surveyed 29 countries on all continents, using life. expectancy as an index of socioeconomic status. He found a substantial correlation (+ .61) between a sex ratio that favored males and overall life expectancy. This state of affairs tends to work out well sociologically as well as biologically, for it is well known that with marriage, women, more than men, tend to rise in social rank (Sorokin, 1959;. Trivers and Willard, 1973). Thus, it "pays" for poorly nourished, lower classes to have more daughters than sons, since daughters will, on the average, improve their socioeconomic status, while sons will not Indeed, it all fits together remarkably well.

compare with regard to the development of dominance-submission relationships? (Much of the work to be discussed here is drawn from _Fl'eedman, 1974; Omark and Edelman, 1977; and Appendix Studies 17,18,19, and 20.) AI; I have said, it is obvious that boys are more prone than girls to temper outbursts by the end of the first year, although there are indications of this tendency even in the earliest days of life. By three years, where peers are available, boys are ready to run in groups and to play more aggressive games than do the less mobile girls. This pattern can be observed even in settings that overtly try to suppress aggressive behavior. I recall visiting a Hong Kong churchschool in which toy guns were forbidden and in which all parents espoused a religiously motivated antiwar position. Nevertheless, the three-yearold boys (not the girls) daily fashioned guns out of handkerchiefs excitedly shooting at each other over the entire play period. We videotaped one such play period, and only a single girl can be seen (peripherally) participating in this activity. It was a similar story in our visits to playgroups at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry, South India, an experiment' h coopera tiive 1" ivmg, were the aim is to rear "children of th10 . future"-that is, children steeped in cooperation and nonsexist a: titudes. Despite the fact that these sentiments were deeply felt by both parents and teachers, we found that the behavior and drawings of the Aschram boys and girls were differentiated in about the same ways as those of boys and girls in any other setting (Donaldson



I' i I





Having established that human males and females either are born with or soon exhibit behavioral tendencies that characterize them thereafter, let us pursue a second line of sociobiological evidence. This we can call the comparative approach. How close to primate social patterns do humans come? Particularly, how do we

Probably as a result of basic temperamental differences boys and girls, like monkey and baboon youngsters, tend to play with .... othe~s of the same sex-from the first moment that such a choice is .. possible. Look at any sandbox or playground: two-year-old boys will .be near boys and toddler girls will be near girls (Appendix Study 21' also Study 22). By two and one-half years, the boys' groups have ..._become more mobile; by four years, they are all over the -playground, even as four-year-old girls tend to play in the sandbox. ;;;;;;::;;;:;===-.,:c.T~e boys clump into rather larger groups as well, and by six years the~ alr~ady have the looks of what we eventually call a gang. Even at SIX, girls gather in groups of rarely more than four playmates and o!ten congregate m the sandbox, side by side, talking and "baking" pies (Parker and Freedman, 1971). What about other cultures? In 1971 I had the opportunity to ~ra~el around the world with a group of college juniors under a !umor year abroad type of arrangement. We stayed about six weeks In each country, observing and videotaping four- to seven-year olds a~ play in school playgrounds, looking for boy-girl similarities and dIfferences. We observed Japanese children in both Tokyo and


Human Sociobiology

Men, Women, and the Status Hierarehy


Four-year-old boys typically form larger groups th9~ do fouryear-old girls. Here five four-year old boys form one group and two four-year old girls form another. From Parker and Freedman, 1971.

Kyoto, Chinese in Hong Kong, Balinese in a ~maLl village in Ba~i, Australian Aboriginals in and around DarwIn, and Ceylonese In Kandy: in India we worked at the aforementioned ashram in Pon-> , dicher~y, as well as in several New DeIhl schools lin~ludin.g a school , for the blind)' we finished our trip in Kenya observms KIkuyu and . Masai young~ters. We also managed to get drawin~s from t.hes~ children to the translated instructions of "draw anythmg ~ou wish.

Drawings by five- to seven-year-old Balinese schoolboys in response to the teacher's request to "draw anything you want." Batuan, Bali, 1972.

Boys and girls in the sandbox tend to do different things. Here girls are independently baking pies; boys are building a connecting tunnel. From Parker and Freedman, 1971.

. ~--::"'"

When we returned to the United States, '1made similar observations and obtained drawings at Navajo and Hopi school settings in New Mexico and Arizona (Freedman, 1976; see also Table 1). There were of course differences in each place, making each unique and memorable. But, in every single setting, including the school for the blind, boys tended to be with boys, girls with girls; boys tended to cover more space in their play and to engage in more iOllgh physical contact. Boys were louder, more frenzied, more . disorganized, and less neat; girls tended to play in smaller groups .. 'and to engage in less spread out, quieter, more orderly games. Girls . also to stay closer and to be more obedient to the teacher and rely more on adults to settle disputes than did boys (even as Draper, 1975, has found among IKung Bushmen children). Boys had shorter attention spans and, if not playing a competitive game, they '. _ far less content to stay with one activity for long periods of .tlme: by contrast, we clocked girls swinging upside down from parallel bars for 20 minutes and more. These observations were .. made by both male and female observers, and in every place video or film samples were made that corroborate these generalizations. Although boys were often rough, we also saw affection exhibited


Human Sociobiology


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Drawings by five- to seven-year-old Balinese schoolgirls in response to the teacher's request to "draw anything you want." Batuan, Bali, 1972.






everywhere by both sexes. In all cultures, children of either sex can be seen holding hands or keeping their arms around one another. But cultures seem to push boys to greater extremes in this regard, some encouraging, others discouraging their affectionate display: in Bali this was exceedingly common behavior; in Chicago, relatively rare. Boys everywhere were more interested in how our cameras and recording equipment worked than were the girls. Also, boys tended to ham it up when being filmed, whereas girls everywhere tended, initially, to coyness and embarrassment when the camera was on them. Eibl-Eibesfeldt (1970) found the same differences in his extensive filming around the world. With regard to inhibition of aggression, all the children seem to have developed choose-up games (for example, odd or even fingers in the United States, paper-stone-scissors in Japan) for the purpose of defining who shall first occupy a resource such as a slide. In this, however, there was considerable variation. For example, in Nigeria, among the rigidly age-graded Hausa, Jerry Barkow (1969) reports that the older of any two children always goes first. As for the drawings, boys everywhere were obviously more attracted to and intrigued by vehicles of transportation: trucks, airplanes, and rockets (and also horses among the Navajo). Even




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Human Sociobiology

Men, Women, and the Status Hierarchy


In all the playgrounds visited, more girls tended to stay clos,e to the teacher whether the teacher was male or female. ThIS girl overdid it a bit. From Parker and Freedman, 1971.

among the Kikuyu, where girls were rougher than, any ot~er girls in their play and where they, too, drew many moving vehicles, boys were even rougher and drew even more vehicles. Flowers also provided some interesting comparisons. Whereas girls everywhere were more prone to draw flowers, al~ Balines~ and most Ceylonese children had flowers in their drawmgs: Bah~ese boys however would intersperse airplanes and other vehicles amo~g their fl~wers; Balinese girls never did so (Table 1; see also Appendix Studies 23 and 24).
Australian filmed. Aboriginal boys reacting boisterously to being

Certainly, it was our experience that children were everywhere far more alike than different. In fact, the sexes differ far more than do the cultures. Although Balinese boys may appear softer and gentler than, say, Kikuyu boys of Kenya, the contrast between boys and girls as just recounted was far more consistent than were such cross-cultural contrasts. ... Now, a finding of immense importance: if one asks two fouryear-old boys, "Which of you is toughest?", in 80 % of such twosomes both children will answer, "Me!" As Berry Brazelton, the noted Harvard pediatrician, found when I asked this question of his four-year-old son and a friend, not only is the response given with gusto but the two boys may also feel compelled to demonstrate the truth of their answer. In this case the boys began pelting Berry and me with handy objects, and I had made the point better than I had wished. Yet I have never seen a pair of girls, or even a boy-girl pair. react with anything but embarrassed giggles or lack of interest when asked the same question, Girls are just not as concerned about demonstrating superior toughness. nor are boys particularly interested in demonstrating that they are tougher than girls. Culture-specific? We have tried the' 'Who is tougher" question with four-year-old boys and girls in Zurich, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and among the Navajo, always with similar results (see Omark, Omark, and Edelman, 1975). True, American boys are given much leeway for demonstrations of aggression, whereas Nigerian Hausa village boys are careful of such spontaneity and tend to act as if older equals tougher, but the greater male interest in the question is unmistakable. ... By six years of age, a tremendous change occurs in the answers to this question. Boys now agree about 80% of the time on who is . and, more than that, the group as a whole is in agreement



Human Sociobiology

Men, Women, and the Status Hieran:hy


That is, there is simply greater accuracy in ranking the upper half of
the hierarchy. As I mentioned in discussing subhuman primates, Michael Chance (Chance and Jolly, 1970, 1976) has called this .phenomenon "attention structure," inasmuch as a dominancesubmission hierarchy may be ascertained by noting who pays attention to whom. Certainly, if the leadership is constantly reasserting its . "dominance with random attacks, as among the macaques, a potential victim had best keep his attention upward. But in humans something similar happens without physical attacks. Most of our atte'ntion, most of our talk and gossip, is directed to and about dominants in our lives. Among graduate students, for example, the favorite topics of gossip are the professors. Among the professors, it is the chairman or other perceived bigwigs in academia. One puts down those above him, complains about them, makes jokes about them, and tries to learn all about their personal foibles. In this way one can partially equalize the difference in status, but the net result is a lot of time spent on the topic of the head men and women. The popularity of gossip columns involves the same principle. About whom do we read? The mighty, the rich, the beautiful, the acclaimed, and the powerful. And which of us can resist at least a glance at these personal tidbits, particularly when they take the hero or heroine down a notch or two. Like grade-school children, all of us simply pay more attention to and know more about those at the top .. (Om ark and Edelman, 1977; Appendix Study 25). We have tried to establish hierarchies other than toughness with our- school children-who is smartest, the best athlete, the most handsome-and in each case we found that although there may be overall agreement on hierarchical positions the arrangement is kept . in dynamic flux by the tendency for each child (especially boys) to . think he or she is better than anyone else! We have called this prac. '~~~e overroring' and in boys it is clearly a carry-over from the four~."..._'Y/ .e . _ca, ... r,~old male's feeling that he is the greatest. Each six-year-old boy . as we shall see, each male of any age) tends to rate himself several slots higher than the group has done. It is as if a male ~chieves a preeminent concept of his invincibility early in life and, . ,external circumstances must serve to modify this initial ;:-:.:sel:lSe of limitlessness . .. '. Consider the boyish charm of former heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali. It consisted of his continual and often rhymed av~wal, even as he undoubtedly maintained as a four-year old, that , IS Number One, or the best in the West, and the coincident proof . that, in fact, he probably was ("Liston is great, but he'll fall in .~ight").Thus, Ali represented fulfillment of the four-year-old male's sense of omnipotence, living proof that it can really happen. Cocky and arrogant, he dared anyone to depose him.

Boys on playgrounds, everywhere, wrestled one another to the ground, girls much more rarely so, Kikuyu boys ~nTigoni, Kenya, and Navajo boys in Crown Point, New MexIco,

right down the line. A hierarchy has been formed, known t? all, whose order is acknowledged by everyone. Such clear-cut hierarchies of toughness exist in every interacting group of children over six we have observed and are present in rudimentary form among four- and five-year olds. More often than not. teachers are completely unaware of toughness hierarchies, and in our experience they usually do not believe they exist until their students so inform them. Usually, the hierarchy is linear: boys at the top, girls at the bottom, with overlap in the middle. It is an absorbing fact that within these groups everyone pays much attention to those high in the hierarchy and little to those at the bottom. Everyone can readily name the boys at the top and tend to agree more on their rank than on the lower ranking boys or girls.
Kikuyu girls parading around playground and Navajo girls in game of jacks, It was rare to see boys engaged in these activities,




Human Sociobiology

Men, Women, and the Status Hierarchy


As far as I can see, the male sense of omnipotence is I?art of ' evolutionary heritage among hierarchically arranged ~pecies" It the crux of what motivates the hierarchy, the psychologIcal basis male vying with male. Without overestimation of self, there can no hierarchy, no challenge to the establishment. It is. the basis sibling rivalry, for father-son competitio,n, for the OedIpu,s -_,...... and for the substantial psychological literature supportmg the istence of that complex. Primatology has in fact supplied a b.iological basis. for f rivalry to replace Fl'eud's literary one: If the male child, as a her of a hierarchical species, initially must have a sense of cibility a part of him will always consider all other males as than himself. And only a father who has himself achieved equilibrium around this issue can deal reasonably with sometimes insulting and defiant youngster. Thus, few _ f achieve the level of empathy with sons that mothers do (Append Study 25) because they are natural competitors, First sons, since are nextIn.line, generally are the toughest for afather to handle; second son finds the first son the biggest challenge; and so on. tunately, I know of no good statistical data to confirm these. n.n,,,,,,'\1O tions. Although unique family constellations would c~mphcate research a statistical study in this area is feasible, and it would the merit of combining into one paradigm the issues of f rivalry and male-male sibling rivalry. If males exhibit an overblown sense of self-worth and petitiveness, does this not lead to greater disorganization in groups? Here we come back to the Savin-Williams (1977) study. we saw earlier, although there were more challenges within the groups, the boys nevertheless arranged themselves almost mediately into followers and leaders. By contrast, ..the groups often had the problem of identifying their leaders:. Ffle.n.ds the feminist movement have complained to me about the Inability fellow activists to make quick decisions and about their relucta toward taking leadership roles, In Savin-Williams's cabins: girls were, after all, more a source of advice than leade~shlp, It easy to see the adaptive value in war or big-game hunting , rapid organizing of male participants into followe~s an~ ~eader, , ", so it is tempting to make the logical jump that Savm-Wllh~ms (197 , did: have men, evolved to behave in this way? Indeed, Tiger. (19 . has written an entire book on this theme, stressing the ongomg . portance for males of affiliation within all-male groups. ' What of those male hierarchies that started at six years of age? there much change over the years, and do more intel endeavors replace athletics as the major criteria of ranking? might suspect that in an academically oriented high school such


','the University of Chicago Laboratory School (populated largely by :the children of professors) an academically oriented pecking order , would take over. Not sol Glenn Weisfeld has studied high-school : "boys first observed at age six (Omark and Edelman, 1977): the hierarchy developed among them at that time, based largely on "athletic ability, .still holds at age fourteen (Appendix Study 27), Alphas and betas are still near the top, and the omegas are still down ~here they were when the hierarchy formed originally. What will happen when these lads themselves become professionals and academics, as the majority will doubtless become? Will the peer ex, periences of the past eight years evaporate or are expectations set "for life? My guess takes us somewhere in between, but the answers lie with further studies. , We have no comparable longitudinal data with girls, but one can anticipate that such a study would not yield the clear-cut results obtained with boys, Try as we might, we have never found a trait or any traits around which girls hierarchize themselves with the same 'emotional intensity that boys exhibit over toughness, athletic ability, or even good looks. Certainly, either a boyar a girl feels better hav, ing won a contest than having lost it, but most girls are apparently t as preoccupied with competition. Even Maccoby and Jacklin (1974), in their heroic attempt to dampen out sex differences, agreed ," that the overall evidence indicates that boys are more aggressive and more attracted to its display. That is, boys are more involved both directly and vicariously in social competition, whether it be fighting, play, or comedy (see Appendix Study 28). [Maccoby and Jacklin's [1974] compendium on sex differences has been roundly criticized by Block [1976], She rightfully points to a consistent trend in that to turn away from demonstrated sex differences, insisting we don't know when it is more justified to say we probably do -know.) As I have discussed elsewhere (Freedman, 1967), even when a courts a woman it is with one eye on the status hierarchy. If he perceives himself as low, his confidence as a lover is commensurately low, and failure seems inevitable, . Jar modern women, transmuted as they may be in the "male" of assertive competition, only a relative few seem to be " laying the status game with the gusto and involvement of males. "This is not to say that working women do not derive a sense of worth _their work For one thing, as families become smaller, today's . " _". needs more and more to achieve a sense of self-worth via exJ~afamilial channels, More female status groups are developing, and women are entering traditionally all-male hierarchies; some .ady occupy alpha positions in. such mixed groups (for example, ~ell' and Ghandi in politics), and many more will do so in the future.


" "




Human Sociobiology

Men, Women, and the Stalus Hierarchy


This is probably the first time the world has witnessed such larity in male and female goals, so that it is perhaps surprising things are going as well as they are. However, before we welcome millennium of sexual equality, let us consider some further facts.


WOMEN WITH MEN, WOMEN WITH WOMEN It is time to discuss those dodgeball games again and to try to plain why a team of girls, although athletically superior to a team boys, nevertheless collapsed and allowed the boys to win Study 15). When playing other girls, of course, these ~".~~r.'~ fine athletes were competitive, coordinated, and in total control. as if there were two sets of personalities-one reserved for female competition, the other for male-female n()nco~petitio~, , complementary schism characterized the boys, who merely' enjoyed, winning for a change, although they tried harder when they v',"UL,vU~. the girls were giving way. Following these studies, it was pointed out to the that dodgeball may be defined by both sexes as a boys' game. would happen in a spelling bee, in which activity girls are noton-, ously betted Cronin thereupon conducted a spelling bee using same twelve-year olds, but a comparable collapse was not among the boys, Although consistently outspelled, boys, on , exhibited excessive self-confidence, far more than warranted their relative tale~ts,' In general, women often find this male hubris baffling (see, f example, Crandall, 1975), and it is by now a well-known fa.ct, '. women's groups must exclude men if the average woman particip is to speak openly. The very presence of men, however silent they main, is inhibiting, especially to younger women, It can be as a sort of reflexive "insignificant little me" response. If this attitude encourages male competitiveness, and, on the ~n.,t~,,~,,; males in the absence of females appear less competitive Study 29}; , " , On the other hand, our data show that girls aged six to oll-glr! classes take "toughness" more seriously; furthermore, are more prone than coed girls to overrate their own rugnnesafact, they did so at higher rates than did boys in mixed These young girls were more outspoken, than, their ,.coed parts, engaged in more vigorous gymnastics, and in general more spontaneous (Appendix Study 29), These effects are app not limited to younger girls: there are data that women of parable backgrounds will develop rather different personality depending on whether they enter an all-women's or a coed {

,, My ow_n introduction to th~s phenomenon was through a ,::,~()yhood friend who had left Chicago to take a job with IBM in p()ughkeepsie, New York. There he encountered a type of woman he had never before known, the Vassar woman, and I still recall the awe with which he spoke of these independent, immodest, potent . Women.Mervin Freedman, reporting on a large and thorough study .uf Vassar alumnae who had attended between 1929 and the late 1950s, noted:
The alu~nae who were attending graduate or professional schools displayed a rather impressive picture of accomplish. ment. For the most part these students found the academic demands made upon them to be no greater than those to which they had been accustomed as undergraduates; in some cases the work was even a bit easier. Moreover, these women had learned that academic competition with men presented no great difficulty. (1962. p. 870)

, . ,Similarly, the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education (1973) ,,'asserts-that an unusually high proportion of successful women come , -from the smaller women's colleges (see also Tidball and Kostiakowski, 1976). Yet the trend is toward coeducation. Is this not ironic1 ~~r, ~ccording to the evidence, coeducation increases Ineuality, despite the. greater opportunity for, specialization in large "U~'U'''''''uuv . c , Consider the famous women s college Smith, which briefly became a coed institution. They found, however, during an experimental period, the lesson we, too, have learned-the presence ., of males changed performance and attitudes toward the self in a " way not conducive to the female's sense of independence. Smith has since returned to the all-female format. Sarah Lawrence is another Now torn in two by forces for and against coeducation, it return to the all-female format for financial reasons and its ~~._,,,. as a major institution of learning is now in doubt [Roiphe, We cannot have it both ways. If we want women oriented toward childrearing and male supremacy, coed schools best. If we want outspoken, independent women, allschools seem to be in order. " What do all-boy schools do for boys? In an experiment outside D.C. a formerly coed school was split into same-sex (Yolles, 1967). The boys' rooms became noisier and , until one teacher described the situation as resembling a factory. The boys, however, were more spontaneous and less about questioning the teacher; moreover, they reported ensch.ool much more. The girls in this experiment, like girls in " all-girl classes, found themselves less shy and more talkative in , ,j they also said they enjoyed school more.




Human Sociobiology

Men, Women, and the Status Hierarchy


Have we made a mistake in mixing the sexes and allowing them to inhibit one another? To answer this question, we have to ask ourselves a whole series of questions. For example, do we, as a society of both men and women, want more dom~nant women? ~he answer is not simple, and I would like to close this chapter by noting some of its complexities. For one thing, if behavior at lower phyletic levels is. a predictor, then dominant women will probably mean lowered birthrates, Indeed, psychiatric clinics are reporting increases in cases of m~le i~potence, which case workers (intuitively) relate to ~he r~~e l~ women's independence. Here we must invoke the behavioral law Konrad Lorenz somewhat playfully called Beatrice's Law after his daughter-in-law, who first thought of it while watching fish. She found that as long as the female cichlid was awed or. even frightened by the male, copulation proceeded normally. But If ~he male for some reason was awed or fearful of the female, copulation would almost certainly not occur. Similar observations have since been made among other species, including the rhesus monkeys of. Cayo Santiago [Sade, 1968).* .' ". The human male is no exception, It is apparently imperative for the male to feel superior to the female-or at least unafraid-f~r continuously successful copulations, and it may well be for this reason that males everywhere tend to demean women, belittle their 'accomplishments, and, in the vernacular (clearly laden with symbolism) "put them down." I have not heard of a culture in which the males do not engage in this chauvinistic sport, although cultures ~ertainly vary with regard to women's rights. And, as I have already Implied women more often than not go along with this strategy, agreeing t~ hold in abeyance the anger that would appear t? .be inevitable. This is then the setting for those recurrent and famlhar battles between ~en ~nd women, for the female's sense that "he never listens to me" and for the male's sense that women are not to be taken seriously. David Gutmann (1973) has observed similar changes in males and females over the life span in five different cultures: the Navajo, Druze (Israel), Lowland and Highland Maya (Mexico), and a Kans~s .. .. City middle-class population. In all these cultures, he found ~hat in the early years of marriage women tended to abrogate then own egoism and instead to enhance their husband's self-esteem. Only ~s . the parenting years were ending, again in all five cultures, did .. females tend to be outspoken and more assertive. Males tended to develop complementary changes, becoming more passive and giving
*Such cases of impotence can probably be explained at the physiological level by sympathetic-parasympathetic nervous system interaction of the sort generally found in fearful animals (Selye, 1956).

with age; consequently, marriages tended to reach a new stability. On the other hand, those males who continued to insist on enhancing their own egos, Gutmann asserts, were those prone to heart attacks and other diseases usually associated with stress and early demise. Whereas Gutmann speaks of a "parental imperative" and gives these events a psychoanalytic interpretation, the pattern lends itself even better to an evolutionary explanation. A young male's motor is fueled by a sense of omnipotence and ample supplies of testosterone; as a young adult, his ego soars, and the world is his oyster. Everything appears possible. The female, in the cause of childrearing, yields and caters to this frequently insufferable egotist, for only in this way can she be sure he will stay. As I have suggested, there appears to be something reflexive in young women that causes them to defer to men. Although not necessarily aware of her behavior, the marriageable female tends to massage the male ego so that he will care for her and her children and proceed up the golden ladder of success, however success is defined by the culture. But once the young are raised, when the parents are about 45 years of age, relative testosterone levels rise remarkably in females as levels fall in males (Birren, 1959). The time for female leadership has then arrived, and Gutmann indeed found just this turnabout in each of his five cultures. My interim conclusion? For true equality of the sexes, we need a world of 50-year olds and older. Because of the consequences of gametic competition, younger men and women are at existential odds. No matter the culture, the sexes simply have different ideal solutions for getting their gametes into the next generation, and it is for this reason, despite love and the "parental imperative," that they tend to see life in different ways.



Interlude: Further Thoughts on Polygyny and Monogamy
Hygamous, hogamous, men are monogamous. Hogamous, hygamous, women are polygamous.


This is the couplet of the thwarted male and the unattached female. For only when a man is heartbroken, or at least uncertain, is he psychologically monogamous. Once he has her corralled, so to speak, and her shopping around has stopped, the couplet can often be reversed. Let me hypothesize on the basis of very limited data. For many ~.,. ... , one devoted girlfriend makes him feel good. When he has he feels great, and three smacks of fantasies of omnipotence come true. That seems true not only among us in the West but also - ', t Africa and most probably among men everywhere. Thus, a it is a common saying that there is no difference between a p, 30)~ho has one wife and a man who has none (Clignet, 1970, \ Sleeping with two women at a time is a favorite male fantasy, in Paris, for example, it is common for prostitutes to hire out in , . Males I know who have had this experience rave about it, ,//' , ' for apparently it is the fulfillment of deep-seated polygynous feelings' :', most heterosexual men share. From what we know so far, heterosexual women tend not to have polygamous fantasies. Nor " one be misled by nude male centerfolds in Playgirl and other ,






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Human Sociobiology

Interluder Further Thoughts on Polygyny and Monogamy


women's magazines. These are parodies, comic imitations of lust, and it is interesting that they have served to increase the culation of these publications among male homosexuals. pornography, Money and Ehrhardt (1972) point out, consists of "true romance" and "true confession" type of magazines. This is to deny that many women are indeed attracted to a bulging crotch (Friday, 1974), but most women want more than anything to be loved by a man she in turn loves or, minimally, to have a help rear her children-and one man normally will suffice "...... and Gagnon, 1969). As people living in monogamous cultures know, there are blems within just about every mated pair, and often such derive from this difference in the psychology of the sexes. discussed in Chapter 1, this sex difference in basic mating appears to stem from the sex differences in gametic potential. males and all females find the other sex strange because each is toward rather distinct ends, and different cultures and different economic systems modify, but do not determine in any Iil~'lllJllt;tlU way, these basic tendencies. To put it baldly, females are readily monogamous and males more readily polygamous. What of polyandrous (many husbands) social systems? First, us get rid of the amazing Amazons, who always arise in such discussion. They are the inhabitants of a Roman myth and they not to be found in some obscure ethnographic report, as perfectly intelligent people believe. The definitive work on dry was written by Prince Peter of Greece some thirty years ago, it is based largely on his studies in northern India and Tibet, the part of the world in which polyandry flourishes. There is none to found anywhere near the Amazon River, whose peoples tend polygyny, (as do the Yanomamo Chapter 2). On reading Prince it is immediately apparent that a polyandrous wife is no Just the opposite, in fact. She is usually married to several and it is her role to cook, mend clothes, and keep house everybody. Such a system solves certain problems of land ment, but these cultures are male dominated, and a married obviously works considerably harder than do her monogamous polygynous counterparts. Thus we can write off polyandry as.' anomalous adjustment to specialized circumstances. Polygyny, on the other hand, as the most prevalent marriage rangement, requires considerably more thought than we in the ha ve given it. We assume that monogamy is best. But we know, statistics and experience, that our system does not work well, perhaps we can find some answers to our difficulties by what each system does and does not do for individual Clearly, polygyny means some men will not have any wives

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. will have only one, as it is in current polygynous societies. Thus, the potential losers would benefit by monogamy. But young . being what they are, few believe, given hypothetical cirthat they will be the losers; so that most males in . '. polygynous societies .cannot be expected to vote for monogamy. . . The female vote IS a better bet. If a reasonable economic future with one man is predictable, she will doubtless choose a monogamous union. Only in societies with severely skewed wealth is . polygyny reasonable from the woman's point of view, for then it becomes difficult to find a man who can help raise the young. Few women living in polygyny cannot be cajoled into admitting they would prefer an economically sound monogamous marriage (see Thomas, 1959). In fact, such marriages are more fruitful for women: Clignet (1970) found significantly more children produced by monogamous women than by polygynous women in the same society, and it thus makes good biological sense that women prefer monogamy. As I have indicated, polygyny, when supported by a patrilineal descent system, is much rougher on women than polygyny in a set'. tlng where descent is traced through the mother (matrilineal). In patrilineal polygyny a woman's well-being depends largely on how .'. pleased her husband is with her. Usually, close ties with her' own family are cut off after marriage, and divorce tends to be much more ..... The world revolves around the man, and competition and suspicion among co-wives is almost always present. Separate huts (or chambers) for each wife is the rule, and men tend to complain '.'about the problems engendered by bickering wives (Clignet, 1970). On the other hand, the patrilineal polygamist may fear that co-wives will unify against him and in China, long a patrilineal polygynous the pictograph for "plotting" or "scheming" is identical with for "three women." By contrast, in matrilineal polygynous societies, a wife's ties the family of her birth are never broken; the bride price to a .wife's parents is lower than among patrilineal groups; and divorce is ,-,,-,>uU'''J easier. Furthermore. if the wives are from the same or related . j as in Navajo polygyny, it is as if they were blood sisters with the loyalty that relationship implies. Here there is a communal of children, and the half sibs mix easily with one another. ..-.--'--""the matrilineal Aboure of the Ivory Coast, the man is still . most important and residence is in his village, but, Chgnet (1970), the feeling in a polygynous compound there to be one of community and togetherness rather than suspicion competition, seen in the patrilineal Bete of the same area. As an .v .... 'uUUUl of the different marital roles played by women in these congroups, among the Abour! the wife comes to sleep with the



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Human Sociobiology


Further Thoughts on Polygyny and Monogamy






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husband on a schedule set by the head wife, whereas among .'. patrilineal Bete the husband can go to the hut. of t?e wife .o~his' choice. In other words, it appears that CO-WIves m matnhneal. societies enjoy a degree of independence, respect, and freedom that . is in striking contrast to the situation of their patrilineal counterparts ..... (see also Dube, 1969, on an Islamic matrilineal group; Ful~er, 1976, .' on the Nayars of India; Nakane, 1967, on two Assam tribes: and" Richards, 1950, on the Central Bantu of Africa). ' The level of suspiciousness among co-wives in ... polygyny was brought home to ~e ~y a S~danese gradu~te student. .' His father is a wealthy man WIth five WIves and 26 children. The,' wives are keenly suspicious of one another and foster th~ same feel. ; . ings in their children. Black magic is rampant, ~s each wife sus~ects ' the others of using either love potions to obtam the husband s ex-: elusive favor or poisons to get rid of an already favored wife. Travel. ing medicine men do a booming business, as potions, antidotes, '. special prayers are in almost continuous use, but they do not stay. long in one place since co-wives would then suspect them of colluding with their rivals. . .. . . Women are so deprived of active self-expressIon m the Sudan that a special institution has evolved-secret clubs at meetings of which women dress and act as men; they swear and stomp about .. an orgy of self-assertion, accompanied by obvious pleasure much laughter. Now, in retrospect, my Sudanese student sees . regular event (which he first happened upon by chance as a young boy) as a' natural response to the strongly male centered lives all. women there must endure. Another difficulty with polygyny, this student points out, is the' father's aloofness. His own father, since he had to be as evenhanded' as possible to avoid further problems, tended to be impersonal . all of his children. This student, as can be imagined, learned to and continues to hate a system that left him emotionally ."v.a'uu .. ; from his father and half sibs, and he is now committed to monogamous marriage. He washes the dishes, cares for the.l..;l1JLlI,.Jl"Jl' and insists he would have it no other way. And yet I see a light m eye whenever we discuss supernumerary wives. Certainly his would have it no other way. Which ecological settings seem to be best suited to which to monogamy'? In discussing the genetics of zoologists distinguish between two major types of evolutionar,y tion r selection and K selection (Wilson, 1975): r refers to a high of increase of a population; K refers to a population that has already, achieved an equilibrium, so that its carrying capacity (K) is . imately equal from generation to generation. Chagnon (.1978), wor~' ing among the Yanomamo, points out that relatively httle effort IS


:. needed in the jungle to make a "living," and the trend is toward ex.. pansion of population. Chagnon suggests that the very lopsided ". practiced among the Yanomamo, with relatively few males fathering the majority of children, is in the service of r selection. The 'so-called civilized nations, on the other hand, with their large . populations and limited resources, are on more of a holding pattern, .' or K equilibrium; this must be at least one source of our emphasis on limited fecundity and our antipolygynous social mores. Clearly, the worldwide trend is toward monogamy. Since Murdock published his atlas in 1957, in which 75% of culture areas were described as polygynous, a vast area of population has switched frorn polygamy to monogamy: the People's Republic of China. And that drives home a point: where there is a political system founded on the rights of little men, where the masses rule, there can be no polygyny. From this viewpoint, socialist, communist, and democratic nations are much closer to one another than any are to traditional . Muslim nations with their skewed distributions of wealth. But taking a second look at the great Muslim nations we see similar trends. President Sad at of Egypt has but one wife, an outspoken advocate of women's rights. The top political echelon of .. Egypt are all monogamous. All the young intellectual leaders of subSaharan Africa are monogamous and tend to be socialists. Only a few old-timers such as Amin of Uganda rule as did the sultans of the 'past, Everywhere the masses are coming into their own, and the principles of the Magna Carta have, by now, been incorporated into the constitutions of all the nations of the world. Without doubt, the day will soon come when Muslim polygyny will be no more than an "interesting" historical phase, as the democratization (the K equilibrium?) of the Muslim world becomes complete. . We have, then, heard the death knell for polygyny. Is there . anything to say in its favor, if only a historical note? Of course polygynous women themselves rarely complain publicly about the ..' After all, they usually have known no other way. They ac'capt their husband's concubines, usually help choose his other ':wives, and may even encourage his extramarital sexual exploits, so as they respect cultural proscriptions. .... Torno Kenyatta (1938), founder and first president of indepen.' dent Kenya, wrote a spirited defense of polygyny, citing some of the specific advantages it had for women of his own tribe, the Kikuyu. Not the least of these advantages was the absence of male-female ~'U'''V'''lJl: as monogamists know it. For the setting that purports to make men and women equal also eliminates the institutionalized s~periority of the man. With dominance constantly in question, ... blCkering is inevitable. Kenyatta concluded that wife beating is .. probably much more common in monogamous marriages, where





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Human Sociobiology Interlude: Further Thoughts p 1 , on 0 ygyny and Monogamy 83

submission must be enforced from time to time. It is a coarse common remark, usually attributed to European peasants, women should be beaten weekly. whether they need it or not. are no data, but I would guess there is much less physical abuse wives in polygynous groups, where sex roles are more delineated. In this regard, we should not be misled by rituals phasizing male supremacy within some polygynous Although the polygynous Hadza of Uganda, for example, have .. dance in which young men whip young women, the interaction formalized and both sexes clearly enjoy the interplay (see 1974). As already discussed, no male can exhibit consistent potency when his dominance over the female is in doubt, and Hadza men and women appear to joyfully acknowledge that fact their dancing. . In polygynous marriage it is understood, at many' levels, that male is .dorninant. The very fact of having to share one man is' itself a direct message that each woman is proportionately less her husband, and the issue of who is dominant is simply not a 'lem. A polygynous colony founded by an ex-Marine, ex-wi .... Alexander Joseph, was much in the news in 1977-1978. Joseph, several of his twelve wives are young, articulate, and frank. Joseph points out that after he had three wives, it bec easier and easier to acquire more; now that he has twelve receives a constant stream of applications. Clearly, being a ,.,j"".. ",,, attractive in itself. This case brings up an advantage for females that is acteristic of some polygynous marriages. Joseph's wives make of the sisterhood that they enter upon becoming his wife and of safety and support they feel in joining such a family Several had, in fact. been members of other communes, but family commune provided what was absent in the others-a sense of belonging because of the communal marriage to one man. has been said by members of the women's movement that the effect to date has been the breakdown of social barriers hp.;twl~p.n women. It is then ironic that polygyny, too, can accomplish the task but within the proven and fruitful setting of marriage. . Polygynous sisterhood can be a powerful force. It was the women of Nigeria, banded together, who first faced down the occupying forces at the end of the nineteenth century. In a mas protest march, they advanced on the British troops, expecting not to shoot a group of women. The British fired, women were the English back home were humiliated by and incensed at their troops, and a major step toward independence had been [Lugard, 1905). It is difficult to imagine monogamous women

, Y banding together to do battle the tern women's righ~s campaigns aside. Poiygynous P;~~;:ht~~ethe.rness ~f ,,', women s bands doubtless set the stage for thi0 I s wd1thth~lr , Nigerian history. s an mark m " Having shown some of the stre~gths of 01 . . t we were wrong that polygy' p ygyny. IS It possible , ny IS not on the wa t b h . will instead become the next step f y ou ut t at it ? Th . or many who are no onogamous. ere IS one such experiment' eh' . . w oot of the Black Muslim movement A In b icago mvolvmg an women in the movement found that th~re n~m 1er of well-educated lJducated, responsible men to go around TL slm P ~ were not enough . ne sol ution? A pol d h eterosexual 00: household" f I ygynous . d ren, an d one man. Illegal, yes But a 0 severa .wome n, thei c1ul err is working well. ~lthough I see little POS~~~Ii~nt~ this arrangement experIments turnmg the tide because of the mY. such.~olygynous , already spoken of, it is clear that there havea~lve politlca] tre~ds ," monogamy. een proble!lls WIth

.".w~.~ .. -.

At ~ practical level, polygynous households ld ' ornically preferable. In these da s of r wou even,appear " munal arrangement with one work' y unaway costs, a coma ',' could conceivably work welI~(f h: :. a~d several working , ','the opposite, polyandrous arrangement is nPt 1~~I~by now clear Why '"easional maternity would put but one brea~ .1 e y to work.] The oc.' two can live as cheaply as one four can out of work, and .. provide one another insuran~e against u~~lhPlY th,at advantage .would be most ironic, would it not if th . :;ployment .~~well. It " chieved by the women's movem~~t wi~t~ter ood encouraged and , in polygyny I ave set the stage for ex.:



Signals of Status
HEIGHT AND DOl'VllNANCE In a recent talk about her research (1977), Rutgers anthropologist Heather Fowler brought down the house with a description of the sex life of fifteen leaders in the women's movement and roost particularly with a description of the traits these women sought in a man. The fun came from the discrepancy between the audience's expectations and Fowler's findings. When asked what in their men aroused them sexually, all the women used words that roeant "powerful." He was either "very rich," a "genius," or "brilliant"; there were many references to lavish dinners and large tips, Jaguar cars, and stunning suits. In other words, these women of status needed super dominant males to keep them happy. Furthermore, it was clear, if only from the frequency with which the description "genius" was used, that these women were building up their men with a substantial pinch of fantasy. Women often prefer dominant males but sometimes refuse to acknowledge this preference. One of my female students was tall (5' 10"), fine looking, politically liberal. and guilty over her discomfort with short men. Why, she had asked herself, should a University of Chicago graduate student, well read and presumably liberated, continue to be so enfettered by "middle-class values." Instead of recommending psychotherapy, I worked with her to devise the following study based on a diagnostic test used by clinical psychologists, the Thematic Apperception Test (T.A.T.). The subject is shown a picture and asked to make up a story about it. The story is then analyzed not so much for its content as for its general flavor and for the themes funning through it so that we may learn something about the storyteller's "unconscious" motivation (see Murray, 1938). We drew a man and a woman, obviously out on the town together: in one case he was taller; in the other, she was (see figure,




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Signals of Status 86 Human Sociobiology


.. f these drawings the male sported a below). In another rendlt~~:e~ to determine how that feature might moustach~ beca~se we wl devised a questionnaire to get at more l intera.ct with height. We a sOdavowed attitudes toward dating. conscious, openly stated, an t f ale graduate students at the . The respond~nts were twen y ~~ed there was a decisive dife University of ChIcago, ahn~,aS ptrd attI'tu'des were on the questiont e f b t n what t elf s a . erence e wee . h es evident in the stories. The very naire and the less consclOu~ t. emt gest terms that the size of the same women who. professe ,lllt~ ron would gi~e us stories with a man makes no dIfference to em,
duate students were asked to invent stories to Female gra , 'themes were then analyzed. these drawings, anddthe .stonhe.s h the female is taller, had a tries to a an C, In W LC d d AI Th e sOd t the stories given to b an ' so, negative tone compare 0 but not the tall man with the short man with the moubsta~he, 'bed as "sleazy" by this the moustache, tended to e escn group of women,

dismal outcome to the short man/tall woman drawing. By contrast, the outcomes of stories about the second drawing. the one with the taller male. were either bland or reasonably optimistic (Appendix Study 30). On further interrogation. when confronted with these contradictory data, most of the women admitted that they rarely had a second date with shorter men. In the same vein, a friend of mine who is six feet tall had had a lengthy love affair with a shorter man and found that they argued less and were far more relaxed when not in public. Social pressure and his sense of disgrace, she acknowledged. played a major role in their eventual breakup. Indeed. whether the pressure is primarily external or internal is a thankless argument-the pressure is always there and present in all cultures we know of; husbands are consistently taller than their wives everywhere in the world. It is true that age and its sometimes correlates, power and wealth, may make Upfor a number-of deficiencies, including a man's being shorter than his spouse. But these feelings run deep, and tall men in all societies appear to be at some advantage. Leland Deck (1968) followed the careers of graduates of the University of Pittsburgh and found a positive correlation between height and starting salary. College graduates who were 6' 2" or taller received an average salary 12.4 % higher than those below six feet. In the same vein, a marketing professor at a university asked 140 job recruiters to make a hypothetical hiring choice between two equally qualified applicants for a sales position. The only variable was height-one candidate was 6' 1", the other 5' 5". Seventy-two percent chose the taller, 1 % the shorter, and 27% expressed no preference (Kubey, 1976). As far back as 1915 Gowin published pertinent data on a variety of professions, and two of his tables are reproduced here (Tables 2 and 3). One point seems pretty well made. then, that height per se lends men an economic and social advantage and, as we shall soon see. this advantage is not restricted to our own culture. Given the advantage of being tall. there is a tendency to form one's noncompetitive relations (friendships) with persons of about the same size. I had for a long time noticed a homogeneity among best friends and. conversely. that tall men and small men rarely hit it off. I therefore suggested to a student that she station herself at a local bistro frequented by university people and note heights. weights, and ages of all-male and all-female pairs or groups coming . in for a drink. The homogeneity in the average height of a party was striking in that persons averaged less than two inches of difference from their companions; it was rare to find tall and small in the same party (Appendix Study 31). Being short is itself a problem, at least for men, largely because


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Human SociObiology

Signals of Status


it is an automatic sign of subdominance, and being tall is automatically a self-esteem booster for the opposite reason. I suspect there is no culture in which such feelings do not attend differences in height, and in fact, even at the level of intergroup relations, relative height often plays a decisive role. . Consistently, across northern sub-Saharan Africa, taller tribes are feared by their shorter neighbors. Thus, in Nigeria, the tall Fulani, although a minority, have long been rulers and enslavers of all neighboring groups; similarly, the Masai have always been the most feared warriors of East Africa; and in Burundi a minority of supertaU Watusi [some 15 % of the population) had long enslaved and later governed the more numerous Wahutus. In the Congo, the pygmies have been perfect targets for enslavement, and a sort of working relation was established with neighboring Bantu tribes whereby pygmy women were available as tribute (Turnbull, 1965). Nor need we confine such an analysis to Africa. Sorokin (1959) has made a rather complete review of the European literature, and the consistency of the correlation between height and social class is remarkable. Sorokin concludes that nutrition alone could not account for such a gross, widespread phenomenon and-that hereditary tallness must be at its root. Class difference in height in England, with a full head separating the Oxford working class and the Oxford dons, is frequently commented on. The correlation between a Cambridge-Oxford accent and height must be enormous, and, although Sorokin reports only older statistics, I must assume, given about equivalent nutrition in recent generations, that in En?land class and genetic tallness are highly correlated. The probable hIstory. of this pattern is not difficult to reconstruct-and it likely goes back to the Saxon and Norman conquests and subsequent appointments of the tall to high places. I think it safe to conclude that taller peoples have tended to hold sway over their shorter neighbors, even as within-group differences have similarly favored the tall. I received some insight into the psychological meaning of height when I was investigating the "fear of strangers," sometimes called the "eight-months anxiety," in babies. Some time in the second six months of life almost all babies start to cry when approached suddenly by a stranger, and the taller the stranger, the more frightening he or she appears to be. One of my students sought to test this notion by dressing a child of seven exactly as she was dressed, includi~g makeup, hairdo, and clothing. The child, who was well rehearsed ill aping the adult's actions, drew completely different reactions from the six- to twelve-month-old infants. Whereas they would freeze or cry in response to the adult, they would smile and even babble at the strange child, None of the 20 infants cried when appr~ached by the little girl; seven cried with the adult stranger [Appendix Study 32).

A very similar phenomenon occurs among animals at a comparable stage in life. Soon after they have made initial attachments to their parents and those with whom they are in daily contact, most animals begin to show fear of strangers, including strangers of their own species. The reaction is considerably more pronounced with strangers of equally large or larger species. It is most obvious in birds like ducks and geese or in mammals like sheep and goats, that is, animals who are on their feet soon after birth. When such precocial animals are confronted with strangers they flee and we know immediately that they are frightened. In altricial, or slow developing animals, a fear response to strangers also develops but it is stretched out over time and therefore not as clear-cut. Dogs provide a good example of this process. We raised several litters of puppies in acre pens with their tame mothers and despite the fact that the tame mothers greeted our weekly visits into the pens with tail wagging, the pups [beagles and cocker spaniels) grew progressively more and more fearful of the human intruders. By twelve weeks of . age. they were as wild as foxes and had to be captured using the same trapping methods one would use on a wild mammal [Freedman, King, Elliot, 1961). It appeared, moreover, that the taller the human stranger, the farther the wild pups ran before they dared stop for a second look. That is, they tended to maintain a safe distance that varied with the stranger's size. Heini Hediger, director of the Zurich zoo, has found this "safety distance" to vary with each species (Hediger, 1951). Man, because he
Critical period study (Freedman, King, and Elliot, 1961): beagles raised in a one-acre pen from birth to twelve weeks became so fearful as to be untrainable. Only five days of socialization to humans before ten weeks' of age produced trainable animals. Second animal was socialized during his fifth week and returned to the pen.


Human Sociobiology

Signals of Status


stands tall, gets a wide berth, and this is clearly one of the evolutionary advantages of walking erect: though a lightweight, man could draw the same "respect" (induced fright) as could an animal many times his weight-both look equally imposing trudging over the bush. By the same logic, the typical bush hunter crouches low so that even if seen he is not too imposing. A simple experiment can be performed with domestic cows to see how this reaction works: if you approach a grazing cow, she will move off a certain distance before again grazing; now hunch down a bit, and she will let you get closer and, crawling on all fours, you can come right up to her. Throughout nature the rule is the bigger, the more dangerous. There is a lesson in this for the visiting, out-of-town grandmother, for her grandchildren are not much different. The worst thing she can do when visiting her eight-month-old grandchild is immediately to grasp the child in her arms. More often than not, the infant will cry. The proper approach is to avoid the child's eyes completely for a period; only when the baby has had a chance to investigate the visitor from afar, approach slowly and tentatively, retreating if the baby is not yet ready. This awe of tall people has some practical implications in the schoolroom. My older son's Montessori class of eleven- and twelveyear olds was particularly unruly and the principal and teacher were hard pressed for a solution. The teacher was inexperienced, but she was smart and competent and very sweet. A self-assured young man, 6'3", and sporting a substantial beard was introduced to the class. His name was Ruud Van Velthoven, and to this day he is famous in our family. The boys in the class immediately complained about his "meanness" although in fact he was gentle and rarely chastised anyone. Despite their complaints, they hung about his desk as if magnetized. They were in awe, a bit frightened, but attracted, and the deportment problem was solved in a day! We are all in awe of people who tower over us, and the first manifestation of this reaction is the fear of strangers in the first year. It is clearly an evolved reaction shared by all animals, save a few species on the predatorfree Galapagos Islands, that has the obvious adaptive function either of summoning a protector (as does an immature primate's squeal or cry) or else triggering escape to potential safety. Finally, lest the case for tallness be overstated, it is clear that if one is too far beyond the population's average, disadvantages begin to accrue. In the aforementioned study by Deck (1968) of University of Pittsburgh graduates, as height rose above 6'2", salaries began again to decline. And one has only to recall Thomas Wolfe's personal experiences around his 6'6" to achieve some insight into the plight of the very tall man.

He would be going along a street at five o'clock when the city was pouring homeward from its work, and suddenly he would become conscious that the people were watching him: would see them stare at him and nudge each other, would see their surprised looks travelling curiously up his frame, would hear them whisper to each other in astonished voices .... This feeling of shame and self-abasement and hatred of his flesh is the worst thing that a tall man knows, the greatest inequity that his spirit suffers. (1935, p. 139)


In almost all primates and in many predators, looking each other full in the eyes is an act of aggression. The great horned owl can be angered by a human stare and has been known to gouge its keeper's eyes in response [Linblad, 1962). Anyone who works with macaques or baboons can attest to the fact that their reaction to a human stare, especially in close quarters, may be very frightening even though the animal is in a holding cage. Depending on its rank and confidence a monkey may react to the human's stare with fierce baring of the canines or an averted face and lazy yawn, also baring its canines. A third possible reaction to the stare, particularly if the animal is a juvenile or a smaller female, is lip smacking and fear-smiling, both signs of fear and acknowledgments of submission. For field researchers, staring into a large male primate's eyes is simply the wrong thing to do. George Schaller (1963), told me that his most frightening experience while investigating the mountain gorilla was a chance encounter in the bush with a large female. They found themselves face to face at about three yards, and Schaller in retrospect is sure she was as frightened as he, for both left in a hurry. The sudden flash of a set of eyes appears at various phyletic levels, and it invariably functions to frighten the viewer. Gelada baboons, who scatter over the terrain in one-male harem groups, have white outlines to their eyes so that a flick of the brow can be seen across a long distance as a white flash. Since such flashing usually is directed by males at other males, its purpose is apparently to warn that "this is my territory" (Kummer, 1965). Among birds, fish, and insects imitation eyes, or eyespots, have evolved as one of the most widely used defenses against predators. Usually, eyespots are located at otherwise unprotected areas, and they are most effective when suddenly exposed, just before the predator attacks. I experienced the way this device works while swimming under water with a face mask at Ala Moana beach in


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Hawaii. The water was dark and murky, and I was probing about the sand with a stick when suddenly two large red eyes flashed in front of me. My initial reaction was panic. To my relief, I realized that I had encountered a bottom-feeding fish and that the "eyes" were spots on the normally retracted dorsal fins, which flash open at the first sign of danger. If I were a member of a less reflective species, I would certainly have darted off. All living creatures seem to react to staring eyes in about the same way: to be stared at means attack may be imminent. Consequently, the red eyespots are universally effective and appear on a wide range of preyed upon species. (See Appendix Study 33, for the frightening effect of a red mask on human infants.) In man, paranoid fantasies abound with accusing, staring eyes, and probably in every culture, a stare without a smile is taken as a sign of unfriendliness or even evil intent. Alice Dan has demonstrated very nicely how sensitive we are to another's stares. In her initial observations, she merely placed herself at various angles to persons eating alone in a neighborhood lunchroom, stared at them, and noted their reactions, All were affected, and some persons seemed to have eyes in back of their heads, picking her up from "impossible" angles, Then, in a more formal study she enlisted the aid of 2 males; the 3 proceeded to stare at some 40 lunchers. The results support her initial findings and are reported as Study 34 in the Appendix, I would like to quote Dan's description of the experimenters' subjective experiences that were perhaps most revealing of all:
In an area as little explored as human visual interaction, these phenomenological data seem particularly relevant. When an observer's direct gaze was returned by a subject, there was invariably a feeling of tension reported by all observers. In 2 cases the tension was dissipated by a subject's smile, but more often it was broken only when one of the starers looked away, Male observer No,2 reported that when a male subject stared back, "My heart beat faster, [ felt adrenalin going all over the place. [ felt he was giving me a sinister stare, I felt the same as if I knew he were going to hit me." This observer also reported that he felt a strong urge to smile or laugh, but restrained himself from changing his expression. The female observer (mel) felt a similar hostility in the returned stares of female subjects, but I was not aware of such a violent physiological reaction, When confronted with the direct gaze of a male subject, however, I did experience those physiological "alarm signals." I felt that the male stare seemed "invading," but not necessarily hostile-more like an unwanted intimacy. (Appendix Study 34, p. 10)

black slums surrounding the University of Chicago, The problem was to avoid being challenged by territorial gangs. Four years of experience led to the following advice: never stare another adolescent male in the eyes, preferably keeping your eyes on the ground. By exhibiting such an extreme of deference and nonbelligerency, one greatly reduces the chances of being accosted, Needless to say, the fact that this student was white lent him some neutrality for it was clear he was not a member of a rival gang. What of the black gang member in the nearly all-white university protectorate? What are his reactions? I learned something of this from a former student, an Afro-American brought up in the great Chicago slum known as the West Side, where he himself was a gang leader. He recalls a visit to the University of Chicago area as a youth during which he found himself smiling so much and so broadly that he could not believe this was he. His reaction was, of course, the universal hominid display when on strange turf, assuring all that "I love you, so forgive my intrusion." Some further insights into these phenomena come from Dan Scheinfield (1973), an anthropologist who has worked with a territorial gang on Chicago's West Side. He found that within the gang there was a "looking" order that appeared to follow the pecking order. Those on top considered it "uncool" to look at those below them and did not deign to do so. The rule was that attention must be paid the hierarchy's leadership and to receive attention one must earn it. By noting who looks at whom, Scheinfield was able to construct a dominance hierarchy that followed, fairly closely, the gang members' ratings of one another's prestige, As among the macaques, when a dominant did look at a subordinate, it usually meant the latter was in trouble. Scheinfield, in fact, was so struck by the parrallels with rhesus monkeys that he has been reluctant to publish his observations lest someone feel hurt by the comparisons, In my view, however, no one group need feel stigmatized since we all are primatelike in our use of eyes to signal aggressive or submissive intent (Appendix Study



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A white high school student in Chicago's Hyde Park area wrote a treatise for the school paper on how he survived while traversing the

But this is only half the story of eye contact. Particularly in man, eyes focused on eyes can also designate attraction and interest, and no one has yet described a culture in which such behavior is absent. The attractive pull of a pair of eyes looking at one is elemental and Carolyn Goren et al. (1975) were able to show that as early as nine minutes of age, human infants are more attracted to eyes than to any other visual stimulus. Goren first constructed a series of cards with drawings of faces, parts of faces, and mixed-up faces (figure. p, 96), The study, which was disarmingly simple, consisted of placing the baby on the lap with a cardboard protractor above the baby's head like a lBO-degree halo. The cards were shuffled so that their order


Human Sociobiology Signals of Status 97

Newborn infant partially following a "mixed-up face." The organized face was followed considerably better.


ISO 140

~ 130

jrlO ~


90 80 Total Ss ."36

Moderately Scrambled Fcee


was unknown to the experimenter, and she slowly moved each from the center to one side and then the other. This procedure was repeated three times, and the baby's farthest head turning to either side was taken as a measure of interest in the drawings. (Such research with newborns is possible because for about six hours after birth babies remain awake and unusually alert, probably because of the circulating hormones resulting from the birth process. In drugless births this period offers a marvelous opportunity for mother and infant to establish initial bonds.) Goren tested 20 babies in this way, with an age range of 9 to 17 minutes, with an average age of 12 minutes, and the results paralleled those of her previous study on day-old babies (Appendix Study 36). As in the figure on page 97, the newborns preferred a moving face to any other stimuli, and when Goren separated out parts of the face for the twenty-four-hour olds, the eyes were clearly the most important aspect. This finding is not just an artifact of the experiment: newborn babies picked up for the very first time frequently turn their eyes directly to those of the adult. This is illustrated on page 98 in a series of stills taken from 12 seconds of film. A crying newborn is picked up and cradled in arms for the first time, whereupon the eyes of the baby come to rest on those of Goren and crying immediately stops (see also Appendix Study 37). At the end of the first month, eye contact with a baby can be .. established with greater and greater regularity, until adult and baby are having staring contests (page 98, below), and some ten days after the onset of staring, usually during one of these staring bouts, the baby starts smiling. The smile is the first firm, recognizable sign of pleasure at the social presence of another. A two- or three-month-old child will not smile at a profile but only at someone turned full face, and therefore, save in the blind, smiling and full facial contact are almost always

Moderolely Scrombted Face

Scronbled Face

Bklnk SCfol1lbred Face SIan1l


She. Eyes

LIYge Eyes




Newborns were shown a variety of cards while held in the lap (see Appendix Study 36). The card was moved to either side three times, and the longest excursion left and right was recorded (perfect following 180). It was considerably easier to get infants to follow a regular face than any of the other configurations, and the results at twelve minutes of age paralleled the results at twenty-four hours. It would seem that humans are born with a preference for the human face.

associated (Spitz and Wolfe, 1946). Blind infants also smile socially usuall~ to a familiar voice (p. 99, top), but in the early months it i~ no~quite as full and steady a smile as in seeing children. In fact, the smiles of persons blind from birth are never as full and warming as


Human Sociobiology
Three-month-old Yvonne, blind since birth smiles momentarily to her mother's touch and voice. Her sightless eyes fix in the direction of her mother's voice (see Freedman, 1974).

Signals of Status


A crying newborn Is picked up and consoled for the first time in its. life, She stops crying as her eyes come to rest on the adult's face,

those who become blind later in life. The meeting of eyes. is, then, a most important development event. By the same token, when babies beginto fear strangers later in the first year, the worst thing a stranger can do is to look into the baby's eyes, for that assures a full-scale fright response. Thus, both attachment and fear are mediated by the en face experience in the seeing. On this score, a small percentage of babies habitually turn away from the caretaker's face. Although all babies do this occasionally, . babies who do so consistently are often diagnosed eventually as "autistic," a psychosis of childhood (Rimland, 1964}. No one knows the cause of autism, but it is a heartbreaking condition in which the child cannot relate with normal warmth and affection but becomes
Identical twins, one month of age, each staring into their mother's face, The timing of such development events is very similar in identical twins and quite dissimilar in fraternal twins, indicating that these behaviors are to a great extent "preprograrnmed" (see Freedman, 1963, 1974), An eight-month old smiles at her mother (a), but recoils from a staring stranger (b). The second child Is her identical twin, and her reactions were much the same (see Freedman, 1963, 1974).


Human Sociobiology

more and more turned into himself. Again, the first symptoms involve the head and eyes. There is another aspect to eyes that deserves mention. Ekhard Hess of the University of Chicago has long been fascinated by the fact that the pupils contract and expand depending on one's interest in what is under scrutiny (Hess, 1976). He found, for example, that the picture of a nude female usually results in enlarged pupils in young men, that nude male figures do the same for male homosexuals, that animal pictures do the same for naturalists, and so on. One of his most fascinating experiments involved making two copies of the same photo of a pretty young woman (page 101) and enlarging the pupils in one. When asked to judge the woman's character by checking the most appropriate adjectives, male respondents described the woman with the enlarged pupils as warmer, nicer, more feminine, and more attractive than the woman in the undoctored photo. Rarely could a respondent explain why these differential judgments were made, but they clearly were based on differences in pupil size since only that feature was varied. At a practical level, women have long known that the eyes are an important aspect of attractiveness, and the history of cosmetics involves disproportionate attention to the eyes. Perhaps the most striking testimony for this assertion is the drug belladonna (Latin for beautiful woman) used in classical Greece and Rome by courtesans [Hess, 1976) and to this day used as a beautifier. A few drops in each eye enlarges the pupils, and Hess's message is that we get cues about another's disposition toward us by noting, at a nonconscious level, that person's pupil size. In general. pinpointed pupils mean dislike; enlarged pupils, acceptance and interest. In order to Bee whether this disposition to judge intent by pupil size is "precultural," Janet Bare performed an interesting study with five-month-old infants. She visited each infant twice, once with her eyes pharmacologically dilated; once, constricted. In each case she held the baby in her lap, attempting to get it to smile. As Hess had discovered with adults, the effect was clear only in the males, who smiled significantly more at Bare when her eyes were dilated. The boys also showed a greater negative response when her eyes were constricted, exhibiting more fearfulness and crying [for further details see Appendix Study 38), Although it is intriguing that males responded more to Bare's dilated and unstricted eyes, especially in light of the discussion of courtesans and belladonna, the major point is that infants as young as five months of age apparently react differently to persons with dilated or constricted pupils. This finding appears to be evidence that reaction to pupil size is a low threshold response; which is to say, even if it is not built in, it is very easy to acquire.

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Photographs of two women were retouched so that each woman had large pupils in one photograph and small pupils in the other. Male subjects were shown eight different pairs of the photographs: all the possible combinations of the two women. As subjects viewed each pair, they were asked in which of the two pictures did the woman appear to be more sympathetic, more selfish, happier, angrier, warmer, sadder, more attractive, more unfriendly, and so on. When the question concerned a positive attribute, male subjects tended to choose the photograph of the woman with the large pupils. When the question concerned a negative attribute, they tended to choose the photograph of the woman with the small pupils. Neither woman, however, was consistently chosen as being the more attractive or the more unfriendly. The selection in most instances appeared to be made unconsciously on the basis of pupil size. Courtesy of Professor Eckhard H. Hess, The University of Chicago. 101


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HAIR In general, the evolutionary function of the male's secondary sexual traits is to awe and intimidate other males, even as they may serve also to awe and attract females (Guthrie, 1970). The two functions are related, for the intimidation of males implies clearing the area of rivals for females. Remember that it is generally the differential success of males that forms the main basis for selection since females are relatively equal in their reproductive success. The first question to address is whether the beard is an intimidation device. In order to deal with this question, we went back to the Thematic Apperception Test and modified pictures used in the clinical testing situation, drawing beards on a number of the clean shaven males (page 103). We then asked students to tell stories about the bearded and unbearded versions. The results could not have been more clear-cut. Beards consistently raised a male's status or else lent him emotional independence not found in the clean shaven men (Appendix Study 39). Thus, in the picture of a young and an old man, the unbearded young man was a "son asking advice of his dad." In the bearded version, however, he became "a lawyer conferring with an older colleague." Or, in the picture of a young man and an older woman, an unbearded "grandson feeling guilty over something he said" became a bearded "young Freud leaving home." In keeping with the hypothesis that beards are intended primarily for display vis-a-vis other males, these perceived differences in status of the bearded and unbearded held only for the stories obtained from males. Beardedness versus shavenness seemed not to affect females' responses in any consistent way, although it would appear that women can indeed be awed by facial hair. Since Card 6BM of Thematic Apperception Test, original and docbeards affected the assessment of status in men only, it seems a tored version with beard. reasonable hypothesis that facial hair evolved with male-male threat Card 7BM of Thematic Apperception Test, original and docas its major function. tored version with beard. Friends who have shaved off their beards have reported decided differences in how they were generally regarded. In one case, a friend came bearded and beardless to the same busy restaurant at then, that Alexander the Great insisted that his soldiers shave, allowwhich he had been served by the same waitress over a substantial ing only his generals to retain their beards. A well-oiled army, then period of time. His bearded presence meant quicker service and, fur- .~3~=:. and now, is a well-governed army, in which men are at once shorn of thermore, he was recognized as a steady customer as opposed to the hair, lndividuallty, and within-group competitiveness. anonymity he experienced when shaven (see Appendix Studies 39 Bureaucracies in general seem to require shaving. Ancient Rome and 40). did so, and Western businesses do so today. Some time ago, I reShaving, of course, means retaining youth, removing secondary ceived a letter from a man of 44 who had grown a beard, to the sexual distinctions, and, it follows, advertising subdominance, chagrin of his boss. The boss insisted he shave and this 44-year-old nonintimidation, and friendliness. Said another way, shaving masks wrote me for advice. Somewhat in the spirit of Dear Abby, I the testosterone in the mature male's bloodstream. Small wonder, answered that he had three choices: quit his job, ignore the boss, or




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shave. He actually chose number two and succeeded in acclimating the boss to his new-found self-assertiveness. Peoples who themselves have sparse facial hair, the American Indians, for example, appear to be as affected by facial hair as are Caucasians. A colleague, Carl O'NeIl, worked in Mexico among the Zapotec Indians. After a year there, he began growing a beard. As the beard grew, so did what O'NeIl (1969) described as "social distance," and by the time the beard was full and flowing, few spontaneous remarks were directed to him. By his own introspective account, he had become too awesome a figure to joke with. I have worked and continue to work among the Navajo and Hopi in the American Southwest, and inasmuch as both are relatively beardless peoples, my own beard draws considerable comment. The jocular putdowns are made mostly by older males, and there is always just a touch of envy. The Navajo and Hopi envy very few of the Anglo's ways, but they are in awe of his facial hair. The barber at Crown Point, in the heart of the Navajo reservation, has told me that false moustaches and sideburns sell unusually well there. In the days of their glory, of course, American Indians frequently painted their faces, most especially when preparing for a raid or for a battle. The intent was without doubt both to lend courage and to frighten the enemy. Sub-Saharan Africans, many of whom tend to be either beardless or else sparsely bearded, often scarify the face, with deeper, fiercer scars for the males. Negroid skin tends to form keloids when scarred, and these permanent marks readily identify an individual's tribal and clan affiliations. The point is, then, that peoples who cannot grow beards achieve the same psychological effect in various ways. A few words about the moustache are in order. You will recall the experiment in which we added a moustache to the drawings of a tall and a short male. each in the company of the same woman (see figure, p. 86 and Appendix Study 30). The respondents generally in- ... ~!:E~ dicated that the moustache made the short man appear more active and sexual but also sleazy. It was as if the smaller man was seen as buying status not rightfully his by sporting a moustache; the same moustache on the tall man simply made him more mature and sex" ually appealing. The moustache, then, does appear to change a male's image in a more provocative, sexually potent direction, and once again height creates a halo effect in that sleaziness was not usually attributed to the taller man. Finally, there are two other normally visible areas of hair growth we have not yet discussed, head and chest hair. In one of our studies (Appendix Study 41) the Afro hairstyle, on both men and women, was clearly perceived as intimidating. European female hairstyling in which the hair is piled up on the head, as in the pompadour,

usually described as "regal," yields some of the same feeling tone. Among American Indians a bonnet of feathers was clearly meant to intimidate and was worn solely in battle. The Western ten-gallon hat seems primarily to have the same function since protection from the sun, its ostensible purpose, can be more economically accomplished with other headgear. Desmond Morris (1967) has written about the function of military headgear, to which he gives a similar interpretation. Exposed chest hair, too, appears to intimidate other males and to be somewhat attractive to females (Appendix Study 42). In general, then, the display of male hair seems to have such a dual function. Conversely, the nonhairiness of females and youths complements our findings that mature males specialize in threat and intimidation.



One of the more striking changes at puberty is the full octave drop in voice pitch that occurs in males over a relatively short period. Frank Winstan {1973} studied this phenomenon in much the same way we had studied the psychosocial effects of beardedness. In place of the visual stimulus cards he developed an Auditory Episode Test, a series of dramatic encounters on tape, each with two versions-one with a naturally high-pitched male voice (a prepubescent actor) and the other with an actor whose matured voice was pitched about one octave lower, Both actors were, in fact, of approximately the same age, Some of Winstan's methods and data are described in Appendix Study 43, and it is clear that the lower pitched voice, with its fuller harmonic, was found more interesting and attractive by the adolescent girls in this study. Additionally, both boys and girls tended to accord the postpubescent voice more status. Thus, we now have statistical corroboration for an event we all know intuitively to be true: the changing voice signals a changed life status and, like facial and bodily hair, serves to intimidate and impress males and to attract postpubescent females.


Among primates, only human and gibbon females are found continuously attractive by their male counterparts, a necessary correlate of the prolonged consortship and covert estrus typical of these two groups. Thus, female beauty is of continuous interest to males and not just of passing fancy, as it is in those species typified by


Human Sociobiology

Signals of Status


overt estrus and temporary liaisons (for example, chimps, macaques, and baboons). The human female's lack of facial hair, her higher voice, lower muscle to fat ratio, relative shortness, cuddliness, and smiliness all suggest nonaggression and subdominance. These traits certainly help disarm male aggression, but there is more to a female's attractiveness to males, and female breasts are an obvious first consideration. What is their function? To feed babies? Breast size is in no way related to milk production, so that the only possibility is that breasts are prominent in order to do that which we already know they do-attract males. It is perhaps an uncomplimentary commentary on modern psychology and anthropology that one should have to prove such an assertion. Nevertheless, and as usual, we used TAT type cards to this end (see below). In the first study (Appendix Study 44), we presented a scene in which a male and a female, large-breasted in one version and small-breasted in another, are waiting for a bus. The male subjects, all college undergraduates, tended to see the large-breasted woman as a very provocative, sexual object who might possess "liberal" attitudes and who was "on the move." The female
TAT-like stimulus cards. The second card (b), differing only in the outline of the breasts, received substantially more courtship stories from male respondents than did the first.

undergraduate respondents chose adjectives emphasizing the largebreasted women's naivete, warmth, and understanding-maternal qualities in contrast to the males' perceived sexual ones. The small-breasted version evoked descriptions of sweetness, youth, and innocence from the males; for the females, this smallbreasted version was considered more feminine, sexually attractive, and appealing. Obviously, these undergraduate women, in the middle of their own maturation, divided womanhood in quite a different way-maternal and mature versus attractive and immature. In a second study, people 35 through 50 were asked to tell stories to two versions of a photo of a young woman behind a man in a wheelchair. In one version the woman is flat-chested. In the second she is wearing falsies. Respondents of both sexes pronounced the latter version more mature, and whereas the woman was frequently seen as a daughter in version one, she was as frequently described as a nurse in version two-that is, as more independent and adequate. It seems reasonable to conclude that there are two aspects to the signal function of breasts-sexuality and maturity. Even in cultures in which women are bare, as in Melanesia, breasts are fondled and stroked in lovemaking (Davenport, 1965; Ford and Beach, 1951), and no culture has been described in which breasts are specifically noted as not an integral part of female beauty (Ford and Beach, 1951). Even in aristocratic Japan and China, where until recently breasts were bound tightly to flatten them out, it was acknowledged that this practice attempted to deanimalize the woman and to make 1-(er less obviously an object of lust. A highly imaginative ethologist, Wolfgang Wickler, has had the courage to print what others might say only after cocktails. One of Wickler's conjectures involves a hypothesized signal relationship between breasts and buttocks. For the nonhuman primates, including the great apes, presentation of a female's hindquarters during estrus is straightforward sexual solicitation. Wickler (1972) believes that we are not so different, and. indeed men ogle female buttocks with at least as much interest as they do breasts. Wickler suggests that in the human, as we became upright, prominent breasts evolved to take on the formerly exclusive signal function of the extended buttocks-a sort of behind brought forward. Actually, Julian Huxley is reported to have conjectured in exactly the same way (Darlington, 1969). In an admittedly weak attempt to deal with such issues ex- perimentally, a series of cards were drawn in which we varied a female's hair length, the extension and prominence of her buttocks, and the prominence of her breasts (see p. 108). These cards were presented to several classes, and male judgments of relative "sexuality" were requested. The relevant factors, in order of "impor0 0

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Signals of SIalus








Male respondents judged sexuality of these figures in the order: d, c, b, a.

tance," were prominence of the buttocks, prominence of the breasts, and presence of long hair. That is, despite our supposedly breastoriented society, the buttocks (presenting hindquarter?) still get first place. There appear to be cultural variations in male interest in and female exhibition of hindquarters and, naturally enough, these variations seem to follow the natural physical endowments in a par. ticular culture area. For example, Japanese women, on the average, have very flat hindquarters compared, say, to Yoruba women in Nigeria. It is therefore not surprising that the shape of the hindquarter is hidden by traditional female garb in Japan, whereas among the Yoruba cloth is wound tightly over the hips to emphasize them. Sub-Saharan Africans in general tend to consider well-formed hindquarters an integral part of female beauty (LeVine, 1969). This seems less true in Asia, where the emphasis is more on the studied exhibition of subdominant femininity-walk, mannerisms, and the ideal of the delicate, willowy figure. I shall discuss this insistence on .. subtlety and the eschewal of raw sensuality among Japanese and Chinese in Chapter 9. ... It is perhaps worth repeating here that such cultural variations .. are not to be taken as evidence that biology is out of the picture .. After all, we have been talking about basic biological events, signals that lead to sexual arousal. Once again, our species is.. biocultural-100% biological and 100% cultural. To argue over;, which behavior is cultural and which biological is to reenter the in- . soluble dilemma inherent in a dualistic view of nature.

Although it is completely appropriate' to bring up the subject of . good looks in a discussion of status, there is precious little data available. In the study with which I opened Chapter 4, the development of status hierarchies among adolescents in a summer camp (Savin-Williams, 1977), the very best single indicator of social rank among the male campers was facial good looks (Appendix Study 17). In the same study, however, girls did not use good looks in ranking one another's relative status, even though boys clearly rank girls on such a basis. We all know that beauty and good looks are venerated so that it is perhaps too obvious a question to investigate, and thus the sparse data. No, modern psychologist, for example, has yet bothered to launch a major study of the social consequences of having been born beautiful, plain, or ugly, nor do I know of any major psycho. analytic writing along these lines. All the studies that are available point in the same direction: If one is born with good looks, he or she is at an advantage thereafter (see Dion at al., 1972; Farina et al., 1977; Kirkpatrick and Cotton, 1961; Sigall and Landy, 1973). Sorokln arrived at the same conclusion: .
Other things being equal, beauty, especially for Hie female, is a condition which facilitates her upward promotion in the social pyramid. , . , A similar process takes place in regard to males as well. Other conditions being equal, from two candidates for a position, the one who appears handsomer is likely to be preferred, and from two lovers or rivals, the more handsome is likely to be preferred as a husband or lover .... Since this process of recruiting handsome males and females into higher social strata, and leaving the less handsome in the lower classes, is a permanent one, it is natural that in the long course of time it has greatly contributed to the handsomeness of the upper classes. [Sorokin, 1959, p. 246)




It is perhaps unnecessary to belabor this point. If it is better to be . than to be poor, then it is equally safe to assume that it is better .. .to be beautiful or handsome than plain or ugly. It is likely that U.S. . senators are, on average, better looking than members of the House of Representatives, who probably are, on average, better looking than state legislators. But we have no data. It is obviously a difficult .area to study because of the elusiveness of "beauty." Yet, however reluctantly, most of us share the feeling that Sorokin is right. ... .. As for the frequent remark that beauty is relative and that stan. dards vary considerably around the world, it has been my ex.


Human Sociobiology Signals of Status 111

perience that persons I have considered beautiful or whether in Asia, Africa, Europe, or Australia are similarly l'..c">,,,~~..1 by their contemporaries. Darwin (1871) had much to do with this tion of relativity, having reported, for example, that Hottentot meri' prefer women with grotesquely large buttocks. However, this condi_ tion, known as steatopygia, affects only older Hottentot women (see figure). The nubile Hottentot women are attractive by almost one's standards (Singer, 1968). Similarly, Ford and Beach (1951 . reported on the great variation around the world in what men consider beautiful in women, noting. for example. that the Masai prefer tall, thin women, whereas the Yoruba prefer plump females. These data. however, were presented out of context and it has to be.. understood that the Masai, on average, are tall and thin; the Yoruba, on average, are full-bodied. In general, the selection for facial good looks can be thought of at two levels: the group and the individual. As a group phenomenon status and handsomeness (or beauty) tend to be closely related; and in the absence of other criteria, good looks provide a ready means sorting out relative position in the social hierarchy. In addition, .. physical attractiveness clearly plays a role in the formation of of love, a homily that I include only because it has to be stated. Bot ...... levels are phylogenetically adaptive and, as I have maintained right along, neither the group nor the mating couple should or need be: considered the "more basic."
Sixteen-year-old Hottentot mother. With age, steatopygia increases, possibly because of increased fibrous deposits (Krut: and Singer, 1963). Courtesy of and copyright reserved by Professor Ronald Singer, The University of Chicago.

GRAYBEARDS AND BALD HEADS Men and women of all races become gray with age, as indeed do many other mammals. What is the point of advertising advancing age and declining sexuality in this way? There appears to be no physiological necessity for grayness. Is there an adaptive function here? In humans, at least, it appears that there is. Sherwood Washburn, a highly respected evolutionary scholar, even as he approaches retirement is a most youthful appearing man. In his late thirties he looked younger than many of his graduate students, who called him Sherry. despite his eminence. for "Professor" seemed inappropriate. Then, over a short time span, his blonde hair turned to silver gray, whereupon students began addressing him as Professor Washburn. Gray hair had created a sense of social distance and awe among his younger colleagues though eminence had not (Washburn.

That, in brief, appears to be the evolutionary function of graying. Our empirical work (again, with TAT cards) consistently has yielded the same message. Furthermore, the contrast of gray and blonde, in Washburn's case, was particularly telling in that blondness in Caucasians is a signal of youth (see Appendix Study 45). Although the evidence is not completely clear, it appears that circulating testosterone tends to darken blonde hair; thus, prepubertal Caucasian boys, as well as female Caucasians, tend to be more fully blonde than are postpubescent males. Balding appears to have a function similar to that of graying when it is age appropriate and accompanied by other signals of dominance. In our youth oriented West. however, baldness is fre-quently experienced as a personal disaster. In contrast in eighteenth-century Japan the Samurai shaved their heads in simulation of the normal balding pattern, and we see that at least in other ages and other places the positive meaning of baldness was apparent. Although it is perhaps a digression, I cannot resist concluding chapter with a few thoughts on our extreme youth orientation, , I. shall start with a paradigm borrowed from evolutionary b?tamsts. They have demonstrated that in rapidly changing en~Ironments novel genetic combinations are most adaptive, whereas m stable, nonchanging environments tried-and-true combinations . best. Some plants are particularly good examples of this p~enomenon in that they produce asexually in stable conditions, the tned and true, but under changing conditions they begin to sexually, thereby creating new gametic combinations (Stebbins, 1950). If we substitute novel ideas for novel genetic combinations, the



Human Sociobiology

analogy seems to hold at the cultural level. We live in such changing times that man tends to focus on the new rather than the old, on youthfulness rather than wisdom, and new ideas appear .at such a rate that scientific books are outdated before they are printed. But Carl [ung pointed out that deep within us, i.n what he la.beled the "collective unconscious," there is a need to find an old, WIse one as a guide for one's life. And insofar as this need is not fulfilled, i~ o~r deference to youth and the new, we have a sense that somethmg IS missing. . k f " I had a teacher, Kurt Goldstein, whom I always thin ~ as my teacher." He was wise, gray, and balding when I knew him, and I still venerate him and try to follow his guidelines. I notice today that our more serious students are looking for such a teacher and are happy only when. they believe they have found one. I must ~onclude that part of human fulfillment comes from s.uch a veneratmg relationship. Furthermore, it seems that many If not successful scientists have themselves had such a relationship WIth a te.acher and that scientific advance is often passed from one generation to another via such relationships (Roe, 1953). Again, in my experience with the Navajo and Hopi of Americ~'8 Southwest, it is clear that whatever stability these cultures have lies in their adherence to tradition, including the spoken language and the veneration of old people. As a result, these cultures always seem . somewhat behind the times, even to many Navajo and Hopi. For- . tunately, most still also feel the beauty of t.he ol~ way~, and few are as happy away from the reservation as on It. Indian tribes thus ~ym. bolize life as it once was an,d may again ~~come an? thereI~, I believe, lies the anthropologist s and the pubhc s romantic attrac~lOn to traditional peoples (Horton, 1967). They have manag.ed to r~taI~ ~ part of themselves that we have let go in our devotion to indlviduality, to progress, and to the future. .

Blood Is Thicker than Water
I am your father and you are my son; and there is nothing we can do about it. Y.F. I



At the heart of selfish-gene theory lies kinship genetics and its corollary, biological altruism. According to these notions, the motive-force of life and evolution is to pass on one's genetic material to subsequent generations in any way possible. Thus, since I and my sister share about half our genes (as do all full siblings), if I gave my life to save hers only 50 % of my genes would be left to carryon -not good evolutionary economics, and a biologist would bet against my making such a sacrifice. But if I gave my life to save, say, three siblings who otherwise would have died,. my sacrifice would leave 150 % of what I gave up; hence, such an altruistic act is in order. That, in a nutshell, is the logic of kinship genetics and the way most sociobiologists view biological altruism. This logic can lead to a host of predictions and explanations, and it is the purpose of this chapter to see how far we can go with them. Take sibling rivalry. From a parent's point of view, each child has 50 % of his or her genes, and therefore all children (save possibly the sickly) should receive evenhanded treatment. The child's main aim, however, is to make sure that his own genes survive and if a Siblingthreatens his well-being, for example, if he thinks the parents are playing favorites, we should not be surprised at his becoming upset and vindictive. Of course, siblings are kept from actually doing away with each other by their evenhanded parents and by the fact that the sibs, on average, share 50% of their genes. It is assumed



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that because they are related. mechanisms have developed whereby the ambivalence of sibling rivalry rarely turns to pur~ hatred. ":'e have found that some 70% of respondents presented wI~h the cholcs . of throwing a life preserver to a brother or to a best friend [equally good swimmers being pulled out to sea by the tide) answer immediately that they would toss the preser~er to t.h~ brother. Ot~ers refuse to answer (it is, after all. a tormentmg decision), make a Joke ("Cut it in half"), or invent some outlandish solution, but they tend not to leave the sib to be swept out to sea. .. Now we have to extend our kinship equations. In the altruism model, saving one sib (50 % shared genes) equa~s saving four cousins. two aunts or uncles, one parent, or two half SIbs. Tom Borden, h?ving these equations in mind, developed a test for such selective altruism and gave it to 93 high-school students (Borden. 1975). The respondents were asked to assess the chance.s of th.ei~ putting . themselves in jeopardy for someone else in a var~ety of fictional settings. The degree of relationship between the subject and the person she or he was supposed to aid was varied. Borden found that brothers would be helped when cousins might not, sisters before girlfriends, family before strangers, and one'~ own et~nic g~o~p .... before another's. (The latter finding will be dlscuss.ed. m .det~Il in .. Chapter 8.) The results were stronger for boys, but this fmdmg IS not too surprising since many of the acts required imagined physical courage. Females may well have been .mor~ reluctant to ~ut themselves in physical jeopardy, however imagmary, whereas risk taking and bravery are expected and characteristic of ~ales. In a study in which stealing rather than self-SaCrI~ICe was required both male and female eighth graders were quite ready to . steal for relatives but not for strangers. They felt stealing a lifesaving drug for a relative was morally justified, whereas a similar theft for. a nonrelative was morally wrong {Appendix Study 46)1In this study, Irene Sebastian used a psychological test for determining six stages. of altruism (Kohlberg, 1964). These stages range from "doing .. out of simple fear" through "doing right from an abst~act sense justice." The test consists of such stones as the followmg:
In Europe a girl was near death from a special kind of cancer .., There wa~ one drug that the doctors thought might save her. It .. was a form of radium that a druggist in the same town had . recently discovered. The drug was expensive to m~ke, but the druggist was charging ten times what the d~g cost hl~ to The sick girl's father, Heinz, told the druggist that hIS UDUI'.''''' was dying, and asked him to sell it cheaper or let hin; pay .later. But the druggist said "No, I discovered the drug, and I m gomg . make money from it." So Heinz got desperate and broke into the

man's store to steal the drug for his daughter. (Adapted by Sebastian from Kohlberg, 1964)

Sebastian substituted different kin relationships between the principals and found corresponding shifts in the altruistic stage .achieved. It turned out that 13-year-old subjects quite openly advocated stealing for close kin,' approved less of stealing for distant kin, and not at all for nonkin. The question of how this kin bias develops within individuals is most interesting and is being examined by a behavioral scientist at Southwest Texas State University. Harvey Ginsburg. He finds that three- and four-year olds, when given the hypothetical choice of saving either their playmates or their parents, invariably choose to rescue the playmate! By six and seven years, however, they begin showing the kin bias I have described. For the developmental psychologists reading this, such a finding sounds Piagetian. That is, this turnabout appears to be yet another instance of a switch in behavior between five and seven years of age (see White, 1967, for a long list of such switchovers). It probably goes hand in glove with the fact that youngsters under five rarely ask, "What am 11" in the sense of "What is my ethnic background?" By six years such questions often arise. In Piagetian terms, they have gone from egocentrism to a stage in which they can imagine the role of others. Apparently, the proper level of neurobehavioral growth must be achieved before kinship and other comparable abstractions can be dealt with. Ginsburg (1977) tried the "Who would you save?" test on grandparents, asking them to choose between children (related at the 50% level) and grandchildren (related at the 25 % level). He felt nearly certain, given the obvious joy grandparents find in their grandchildren, that the kinship rule would be broken. It was not. An exception were grandparents whose own children were beyond their . reproductive years, and among them the tendency was to "save" the potentially reproductive grandchildren. One problem with these studies is that all have been done within our own culture, and they may reflect a strong culture-specific bias. We know that siblings relate differently depending on cultural proscriptions (for example, whether the older daughter or the older son will inherit the family wealth), and it would indeed be necessary to expand such studies to groups radically different from our own. Furthermore, even within our culture, results do not always come out as predicted (see Appendix Study 47), and much research remains to be done before this becomes a convincing body of facts. Nevertheless. it looks as if an empirically based model is being developed out of the old saw "Blood is thicker than water."




Human Sociobiology

Blood Is Thicker than Water


SAHUNS'S CRITIQSM OF SOCIOBIOLOGY The major criticism of kinship genetics theory as applied to humans has come from the anthropologist Marshall Sahlins (1976) in his Use and Abuse of Biology, subtitled An Anthropological Critique of Sociobiology. This critique is so compelling that it is both an obligation and a challenge to answer it. Here is his precis of the sociobiological view of altruism:
[The sociobiological view of altruism] consists of transforming social altruism into genetic egotism by the observation that the. "kin" of the self-sacrificing animal, who share a certain amount of genetic substance with him, are often benefited by his act. Therefore, service to others can actually optimize ego's "inclusive fitness," the proportion of his genes ... passed on to subsequent generations. This net advantage occurs in the measure that the benefit to the same genes as possessed by kinsmen is greater than the cost to one's own reproductive success. For sociobiologists, altruism is the spite of life. (1976, p. 20)

Sahlins then points out that in patrilineal societies, one often loses sight of maternal blood ties, whereas in matrilocal societies, one often loses contact with paternal relatives. In each case one lives with and shows allegiance to some relatives who are mathematically more distant than others who live elsewhere and who are therefore often treated as strangers. He quotes Malinowski on the Mailu of New Guinea:
Brothers living together, or a paternal uncle and his nephews living in the same house were, as far as my observation goes, on much closer terms with each other than relatives of similar degree living apart. This was evident whenever there was a question of borrowing things, or getting help, of accepting an obligation, or of assuming responsibilities for each other. (1915, p. 532)

Sahlins then takes E. O. Wilson to task for such remarks as

the coefficient of relationship, r, translates easily into "blood," and the human mind, already sophisticated in the intuitive calculus of blood ties and proportionate altruism, races to apply .. the concept of inclusive fitness to a revaluation of its own social impulses. True spite is a commonplace in human socie~ies, undoubt~dly because human beings are keenly aware of their own blood lines and have the intelligence to plot intrigues. (Wilson, 1975, p. 11

Sahlins responds:
We thus arrive at a point of argument where there is no appeal but to the facts. I have to insist from the outset-taking my ..

on the whole of the ethnographic record-that the actual terns of kinship and concepts of heredity in human . . . . never conform to biological coefficients of relationship. . .. . My aim is to .support the assertion that there is not a single system of marriage, postmarital residence, family .. : interpersonal kinship, or common descent in . that does not set up a different calculus of relatlOnship social action than is indicated by the principles of kin "",L",,,,.,,L''',, (1976, pp. 25, 26)

This criticism seems almost trivial if one considers that man, in his inventiveness, by observing matriarchal or patriarchal descent, is approximating a genetic lineage even if he is slighting half of his relatives. That is, allowing that there is an apparent arbitrariness in descent systems, all peoples nevertheless find it important to have a system. Why? Only the sociobiologists deal with this question of universality, and their answer, however shaky, is that the need to trace and maintain kin ties is biologically mediated although the channeling of that need is indeed variable. The sometimes overpowering desire to find biological kin felt by adopted children in our society (Pannor and Sorosky, 1976; Treseliotus, 1973) is perhaps evidence on this score. Sahlins presents several examples of exogamous New Guinean tribes that exchange women of warring villages. Indeed, the Enga can say, "We fight the people we marry." This he cites as another glaring instance of culture overruling biology since in war an Enga may, for example, end up killing a sister's son. First of all, no one has yet observed whether Enga or similar groups do or do not avoid killing immediate kin in battle. Chagnon, in fact, tells me that he has heard Yanomamo discuss such issues before a battle, and it appears .. -that they do indeed try to avoid harming near kin on the enemy sidel Second of all, has any biologist ever reported on a species in which some steady outlet for gene flow is not present? As discussed earlier, in Japanese monkeys it is the males who leave the natal group, take up residence in another troop, and thereafter become the "enemy." I '''''"u"" this question in more detail in Chapter 8. Suffice it to say here that if the Enga, or any other people, were to marry within their Villages, the inbreeding coefficient would soon be unity-everyone would be the genetic equivalent of everyone else-and that is simply not good evolutionary "planning." As far as we know, the whole



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Blood Is Thicker than Water


int of sexual reproduction is to achieve a substantial level of h~terozygosity-genetic variability-for only such a. diver~ifie.d population can adjust to environmental changes. The final pomt IS that intratribal warfare in a patrilineal, polygynous people such as the Enga, or the Dani (Heider, 1970), or the Yanomamo (Chagnon, 1968) establishes the male dominance hierarchy and he~ce helps determine the apportionment of women. As I have pointed out several times, differential male mortality is the ~ajor me.ans of within-group selection in a great variety ?f ma~mahan specI~s. In a major part of his argument, Sahlins pomts to Polynesia as a crucial test case:

systems can exist? Although it is obviously true that Polynesians, like all peoples, achieve a balance between exogamy (marrying out) and endogamy (marrying in) (Webster, 1975) and that on the less isolated islands exogamous matings are more possible, the overall situation in widely spaced islands would appear to favor a higher rate of endogamous marriage than, say, would occur among Cantonese. In any event, this seems a reasonable hypothesis. The same circumstance can also account for another Polynesian uniqueness, the high rate of adoption. Sahlins claims that neither adopted child nor adopting parents are concerned with identifying biological parents. If this is true anywhere, it would hold in inbred island populations. However, in the most recent and complete Polynesia offers us privileged sites f?r ,testing the theory of ki? ethnographic report on a Polynesian people, the Tahitians, Levy selection. It is something like Durkheim s one well-chosen expen(1973) makes it clear that although adoption is indeed common, ent that can prove (or disprove) a scientific law. The case is blood ties are always known, they remain important, and most adop;ivileged because to all appearances the Polynesian societ~es aftions, as among all tribal peoples, occur between close kin. In an ford structural conditions that are favorable to the operation of ongoing study among the Marquesans, another Polynesian people, kin selection. In these island societies, descent m.ay be Martini (1977) has found exactly the same situation. By the way, bilaterally reckoned ("cognatic"), rather than. the ~md of Scheffler (1965) reports similarly high adoption rates among. the patriliny or matriliny that a priori render~ the thesis o! kin sel~c. Melanesians, where some 41 % of adult married males had a history tion vulnerable. Analogously, residence IS often optional, WIth of. adoption or fosterage! As far as I know, comparable rates have either the mother's kin or the father's, and the people are not been found in any non-island population. notoriously mobile. They are also famous for the value they attach to genealogies, which in some instances range bac.k forty Sahlins also uses the common Polynesian practice of population generations and more. Finally, their own theory of heredity concontrol, infanticide, as another gun to the head of sociobiology. Why forms to that of scientific biology, at least to the extent that kill off one's own children only to adopt someone else's? In answer, children are equally of the "blood" of the mother and the father, he points out a number of culture-specific examples that he feels are (1976, p. 28) particularly independent of biological channeling: "Human society is cultural, unique in virtue of its construction by symbolic means" Sahlins first criticism via Polynesian culture centers around the (1976, p. 61). Accordingly, when offspring of parents of different fact that Polynesians do not fractionalize relations as do biologists rank, or of youthful liaisons, or of an irresponsible entertainer class (sibs 50%, half-sibs 25%, cousins 12.5%, and so on) but use whole are all more prone to being killed off, we are presumably witnessing numbers instead (sibs a whole blood, cousins two bloo,ds, and nonbiological, strlctly cultural mechanisms at work. But data such ond cousins three bloods), However, since these fractions require as these could as well fit a sociobiological schema. Recall that knowledge of the science of genetics, I believe even Sahlins would langur male monkeys kill the offspring of a previous head male after consider such a point relatively trivial. The second problem for . taking over a harem group or that in the United States children Sahlins concerns the prevalence of cognatic descent in Polynesia. . whose biological fathers do not live at home are much more prone to That is, in the Polynesian opu system one traces descent from a com- =-=:.-- abuse by their mothers (Chapter 2). Another rather obvious reason mon ancestor, often an arbitrary choice (opu means belly], Thus, t~o for infanticide among relatively inbred groups is the elimination of brothers can belong to different opu, drawing property rights and indefective children, nor can infanticide as a means of population concurring obligations with persons less related. But Sahlins fails to dea~ trol be overlooked (Ward, 1977). And then, of course, there is the with one crucial question. How is it that the Polynesi~n~ favor s~c~ a tendency to eliminate infant girls, even in polygynous societies, system over, say, unilineal descent {Fox, 1.967)1 ThIS.IS a CUfloS~ty ostensibly to make room for a boy, with his greater gametic potential that, as far as I know, anthropologists have not yet tried to explain(Chagnon, 1968). Thus, for any or each of these reasons, infanticide, Might it not be that, given inbred populations in which everyone 1S even when coupled with widespread adoption, is indeed open to a greatly related anyway, arbitrary, widely overlapping descent biooultural interpretation.



Human Sociobiology

Blood Is Thicker than Water


In sum, the problem is not that the facts of ethnology contradict the predictions of sociobiology. Rather, as Sahlins himself suggests, the problem centers on ideological adherence to a reductionistic approach from below. The critique Sahlins developed with ethnological data could as well be offered by a primatologist working with rhesus monkeys. As indicated in Chapter 3, data such as group cohesion in the face of attack are especiall~ res~stant to . selfish-gene theory. It is not the uniqueness of man that 1S at Issue but . the logical defect inherent in a strict mechanistic approach-at any phyletic level. . At the risk of retreading ground already covered, there 1S no monolithic biological theory within which selfish organisms vie for their place in tomorrow's sun. There are instead a substantial number of biologists who admit to supraindividual phenomena (see review by Wade, 1978c), and some who suggest that evolution (differential selection) with regard to altruism must have occurred at the level of populations (or families) not individuals. As Wade (1978a) has put it, "Individual selection within families always favors non altruistic individuals whereas selection between families favors the evolution of altruism." A good example is the nine-banded armadillo, who always has litters of identical quadruplets. According to Dawkins (1976) they are ideally suited for the evolution of strong altruism by kin selection. But, as Wade points out, since nine-banded armadillos are born in litters of genetically identical quadruplets, there is no genetic variation within families, Therefore,there can be no selectionwithin familiesas a result of interaction between sibs. The hypothetical evolution of a strong sib altruism in the nine-banded armadillo would have to occur by selectionat the family level operating upon the between family variation for the appropriate behaviors. (1978a, p. 220) In Sahlins's (1976) last chapter an interesting issue is raised. TQ what extent, he asks, does the economic and political climate influence science? Do Western scientists stress the competitive aspect of relationships and social structure in a mirror image of the market- place? Contrariwise, one might ask whether Marxist scientists stress. primacy of the group and cooperativeness. Sahlin~ rig~tf~llY says that such tendencies need in no way reflect on the scientists honesty or sincerity for they are unknowingly caught up in their national paradigms. I would go further and note that each political system undoubtedly spawns its scientist-demagogues, and I do not do:u~t that Lysenko has had his capitalist counterparts. But the opposltion between individual competition and group cooperation is not merely ~ political dilemma. It has appeared throughout this book as a dilemma for the entire field of biology, East or West, and I would not

dismiss selfish-gene' theorists as apologists for capitalism. I would rather point out that they have paid insufficient attention to processes that other Western, not necessarily Marxist, scientists have pointed out-(notably Wynne-Edwards, 1971)-that the group has a life of its own, that the group is as "primary" as is the individual, and that many phenomena simply make no sense when analyzed in terms of individuals in competition with one another.



One process that has its primary effect at the group level involves the balance within a population between heterozygosity and homozygosity (genetic variation versus genetic homogeneity). This dynamic process makes all members of a breeding group kin to one another, the extent of that kinship depending on the rate of inbreeding. I believe many sociobiologists are as naive as laymen regarding the extent of inbreeding in an average population, and in order to give the reader an idea of how inbred modern human populations must be, let me relate an experience. The occasion was a speech before a group of some 350 Jewish women on the topic of inheritance of behavior. In the question period that followed, I was asked whether there is anything to the notion that Jews as a group are genetically unique. By way of answer, I asked were any of the women present related. It turned out that no one was. We then calculated that on the basis of each of the 350 women having had four grandparents, eight great-grandparents, and 2" ancestors n generations ago, each woman present would have 240, or approximately a million-million, ancestors 1,000 years ago, if we assume four generations every 100 years. Multiplying by the 350 individuals in the audience yielded an even more impossible figure. Since all were descendants of middle European immigrants, it is apparent that these women were far more related than they realized, as are the members of any relatively bounded breeding group and that they were indeed "unique." In island populations, where outbreeding is further limited, the degree of inbreeding has to be enormous and beyond our present means of assessment. The fractions of relationship (one-half for sibs, one-fourth for half sibs, and so on) thereby become diluted in their significance, and the lack of a ready method to assess the average degree of inbreeding in the population poses a major problem (Roberts, 1971). At this point in the science one can only guess about the inbreeding history of an indigenous people. One might think that homozygosity of blood groups could provide the key, but blood .groups are unusually conservative, monogenetic (single-gene) traits


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and tend not to change as readily as do polygenic traits. Tallness, smartness, skin color, eye color, fat deposit, and muscle mass are polygenic-determined by many genes-and rather susceptible to pressures toward change. Single-gene traits are either present or lost, and their adaptive value is rarely clear (Mourant et al., 1976). Thus, single-gene blood groups and blood proteins indicate that we and the chimps had a common ancestor but four million years ago (Sarich, 1968). The archeological record, however, brings the figure to a minimum of fifteen million years. In comparing a chimp's blood factors with ours, we might conclude the two species were mating cousins-instead of merely playful friends. Can we, then, assess the degree of inbreeding in any natural population on the basis of singlegene traits? Apparently not, and we are probably more accurate to use gross measures such as skin color, stature, and facial features in assessing human inbreeding. In studies of short-lived animal species, comparative techniques for assessing inbreeding are available, and the model for such studies is Jerram Brown's (1974). Brown quietly made a new ball game out of sociobiology by demonstrating the close relationship between rate of inbreeding and social behavior. Comparing different species of jays, he noted that there is an apparent progression from species in which the young disperse on their own and in which competition is maximized, to species in which the young remain for a while and help feed the next generation, to the most communal species, the Mexican jay:
In the Mexican jay the young continue to remain with their parents; when mature they breed in pairs in their home flock at separate nests and most individuals probably live their entire lives within their home flock territory. Young do not attempt to pair and breed until the age of three years or more. (1974, p. 72)

In this remarkably cooperative species, the young help with the care and feeding of nestlings until they themselves breed and, as in the social insects, the key to such selfless behavior seems to be a high degree of genetic relatedness:
Hamilton [1963, 1964} has pointed out a relationship between genes conferring altruistic or helping behavior and the degree of genetic relationship, r, between the helper and the recipient. If closeness of relationship has been an important factor in the evolution of actual examples of communal breeding, we should expect to find a high r among members of a communal group. (1974, p. 74)

Brown then calculated the degree of relationship in a particular flock and concluded that a Mexican jay, given the amount of in-

breeding, would be more closely related to any of the young in the home flock, no matter who the parents were, than to his own young if he were to mate at random outside the flock. This degree of inbreeding, then, goes hand in glove with a social organization in which the maturity of young is delayed, in which fewer young are beUer cared for, in which juveniles help in caring for nestlings, in which the same territory is occupied year after year, in which there is no territorial fighting within the flock, and in which all aggression is directed outward toward other territorial communal flocks. This is not to say that communal jays are a high point of evolutionary development, only that they fit very well certain ecological conditions; whereas those species that disperse and compete as individuals do better in others. It is as if there are species of jays particularly suited to selfishgene theory and other species better suited to group selection theory. Again, we cannot reasonably assume that Mexican jays were derived from a dispersing group (as Brown himself assumes) for it is just as logical to assume that the communal jays came first and that dispersing jays derived from them. All we can say with certainty about the Brown (1974) study is that the degree of cooperation within a group varies with the amount of inbreeding. Since the focus of this book is our own species, the question to raise is, Are inbred human populations more altruistic and less conflict ridden than outbred groups? Does care in the former extend to all young, no matter who the parents are? To answer these questions, we might compare isolated human island populations, which by definition are highly inbred, with obviously heterozygous populations, like the Bantu of the Congo or the Anglo-Saxons. I have already .spoken of the relative unimportance of kin distinction in Polynesia and the ease with which adoptions occur. The parallels with the communal jays are perhaps too compelling for they may lead us down a garden path we may be better off not following. However, I am going to venture down that path although the data are thin to absent and although I must, too often, rely on anecdote and personal observation. The population I have in mind is the Japanese. Japan has long struck me as an excellent example of a sizable but isolated population, apparently substantially inbred. Although hominid occupation probably goes back some 50,000 years (Bleed, 1977), as best as can be reconstructed, modern Japanese derive mainly from protoKorean-speaking peoples who came in several waves from the Korean peninsula. Using a lexica-statistical technique, Hattori (reported in Befu, 1971) found that the separation of the Korean and the Japanese language occurred some 6,700 years ago, and we can assume that at least an incomplete isolation of the Japanese started


Human Sociobiology

Blood Is Thicker than Water


what I have said here is reinforced and elaborated in Reischauer's book The Japanese. ., . Finally, I should like to point out that adoption of nonrelahve~ IS a widespread Japanese institution that goes back many centuries (Befu, 1971). In Japan it was and continues to be quite common for a family without a male heir to adopt a son-in-law so that he may eventually take over the headship of the family. Such a son (yoshi) changes his name to that of the new family, a fact I was confounded by when I first ran into it. One of Japan's foremost ~rimatolog~sts became a yoshi after he had established a s~bstantIal reput~tlOn under his original family name. When I was introduced to him, I naturally did not recognize the new name and found out only gradually, and to my embarrassment, who he was. There are some 140,000 yoshi adoptions in Japan each year, and ~as probably the greatest rate of adoptions in any advanced nahan III the world (Matsumoto, 1962). Although these adoptions are unique in that most are of adult males, the principle still appears to hold that only in homogeneous populations do we find adoption so widespread. Ruth Benedict (1970), in lecturing on the Japanese and the Polynesians, used the concept of synergy to describe those pop~lations in which one sees mutual identification and the mutual pooling of goals and energy. Japan also has been called a collateral society (Caudill and Scarr, 1962) insofar as each member implicitly assu.mes a relationship with the others around him. In our own linear SOCIety, comparable relationships travel up and down a .narro",:" r.ange, grandfather through grandchild, with little expectation of intimate involvement outside these boundaries. It may be coincidence that national unity is most easily perceived in a country that appears to be genetically homozygous, or that cultural and genetic homogeneity seem closely to parallel one another. Kinship genetics nevertheless offers a rationale for such a state of affairs, and only future investigations will tell us whether the hypothesis is correct that more internal altruism will be observe? within genetically related groups than within groups more genettcally diverse. . . . On the one occasion when I dared utter these Ideas m public, a fellow panelist, an expert in criminal statistics, agreed that Japan has very low crime rates, especially for cri~es of ~iol~nce. B~t he argued that the Kentucky mountains, where mbreedI~g IS notoflou~, was a glaring contradiction to my thesis. However, VIOlence there IS largely between inbreeding groups, not within them. He was referring to the Hatfields and McCoys and other fam~us feudin? famil~es and, if anything, this is but another case illustrating my point: ~n Insult to one member of such an extended family is taken as an Insult to all.

A more serious contradiction to the kinship hypothesis is the fact that visitors to an area are often immune from its violence. In Japan, for example, the equivalent of "teddy" boys may rob a Japanese drunk but almost never an intoxicated non-Japanese. Or consider that black violence in urban America is almost always directed at other blacks. For that matter, murder within all ethnic groups usually involves ex-lovers or members of the same family. Certainly nothing I have said about the dominance-submission order within groups, or about male and female jealousy, would lead one to be surprised at such intragroup violence. The fact that a father can both beat and love his son exemplifies the two-edged aspect of all relationships. Even identical twins, who are, after all, related 100 % to each other, often squabble. Love and hate are first cousins, and a family or group often forgets its unity until an external threat occurs. In general, we know that kinship and societal traits such as belligerence versus pacifism go together. Robert LeVine has shown that where family ties are geographically extended (for example, Kipsigis, Mundurucu], on the one hand, or localized (for example, Bedouin, Gusii), on the other, there will be a tendency to tribal cohesion or intratribal bickering, respectively (LeVine, 1965}. That" is, if one has relatives throughout the tribal lands, there is less likelihood of regional rivalries within a tribe. LeVine goes on to point out that such socially integrated tribes, insofar as they can act as a trusting union, are more prone to wage war than are the socially divided tribal groups that have largely localized blood ties. Furthermore, they are more likely to do so successfully. Similarly, among the Navajo cultural cohesion and kinship are one and the same process. The Navajo accomplish this identity by a kinship system that is confusing to their Anglo neighbors. There is no Navajo word for cousin, aunt, or uncle. These individuals are, instead, called brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers, and every effort is made not to make a distinction between, say, a true sister and what we call a cousin. As a consequence, and given larger families, Navajos have brothers, sisters, and parents everywhere they go. In addition, they are born into two clans, their mother's and their father's, and thus have clan brothers and sisters as well. When in their territory, Navajo are never without a place to stay and a meal to eat, and although a notoriously independent people they are bound together in this effective network of kinship. To summarize, systems of kinship vary from culture to culture, but with rare exception special privileges are everywhere reserved for kin, and culturally defined and genetically defined kin usually converge. It is perhaps not cricket to use a man's own words against him, but in the old days, before the "menace" of sociobiology, Marshall Sahlins said similar things:


Human Sociobiology

Blood Is Thicker than Water


The span of social distance between those who exchange, conditions the mode of exchange. Kinship distance . . . is especially relevant to the form of reciprocity. Reciprocity is inclined toward the generalized pole by close kinship, toward the negative extreme in proportion to kinship distance. (1965, p. 149)

One might well ask, If kinship genetics indeed works this way and, furthermore, if greater inbreeding leads to greater altruism, what are the recognition mechanisms within the inbred group? A common language seems necessary and, of course, a common culture. Growing up in a culture is like an extended initiation ceremony and, as we have seen, man seems built to respond with tribal allegiance to others like himself. Perhaps, to the extent that the fine tuning is alike in sender and receiver, two may feel as one, and the two can consequently sacrifice for one another. That is, the closer we are to being identical twins with identical backgrounds, the closer we are, theoretically, to the case of pure biological altruism. Is this, in fact, the way it works with twins? No one has yet compared relative altruism in identical (always 100% identity of genes) and fraternal twins (an average of 50% identity of genes). But, as usual, there are anecdotes and incidental observations that reveal that identicals are much closer to one another, spend considerably more time together, and, despite the many fights, are often described as sharing a common ego. It may be said of many identical pairs that the twinship itself constitutes their central identity, so that where you and I say "me" they tend to use "we" (Leonard, 1961).* It often happens that in individual psychotherapy with an identical twin, the patient tries to re-create his or her relationship with the twin within the patient-therapist telationship (Leonard, 1961). Unfortunately, since the doctor is never as attuned as is the twin, the patient is usually disappointed. A psychiatric colleague once described to me a patient's long silences, which he found to be tests of whether he, the doctor, was as in touch with her thoughts as was her twin sister. This discovery and the subsequent working through of the insight was the major factor in the patient's recovery. Thornton Wilder, who had uncanny insight into people anyway, was an identical twin. If you recall his Bridge at Son Luis Rey, an identical twin; Sebastian, died with the fall of the bridge, whereupon
'. Over the course of psychological treatment of a pair of identical twin boys, I became aware that, despite an inordinate amount of intratwin aggression (the presenting problem), the twins' similarity in outlook and taste on a variety of issues, their similar physical abilities and responslvity. even their shared understanding of what it Is like to be so competitive. helped envelope both with a sense of inseparability. For me, this case illustrated some of the subtler aspects of altruistic relationships and the fact that aggression and altruism are not mutually exclusive.

his grieving brother, who thereby felt partly dead himself, had no recourse but suicide. Indeed, the breakup of identical pairs in wartime brought to light examples of similarly strong attachments. I knew of one such case, during World War II, in which both twins felt not quite whole over the entire duration of the war. Their subsequent reunion was described to me by one of them as the most emotion-filled event of their entire lives. Is it, then, something like this attachment, in less intense form to be sure, that underlies tribal unity? Is there an ever so subtle sense of "we" between ourselves and our fellow tribesmen that renders selfsacrifice not unthinkable? I believe the answer is yes. Recognition of this sens~ triggers a series of emotions whose net effect is tribal unity and the mcreased chance for altruism (Appendix Studies 48 and 49 try to deal with this issue). In general, the implications of kinship genetics and inbreeding have hardly been tapped by social scientists, but they must be enormous. The in-group/out-group phenomenon, or ethnocentrism, a major issue in the social sciences, has to my knowledge never been examined in light of inbreeding and kinship, and that will be our next concern.




Breeding-out and Breeding-in
The evolutionary purpose of sex is to create genetic variation. Why variation? Because, as Darwin discovered, it alone makes possible evolutionary change via selection of optimal variants. There are asexual forms, usually very simple, one-celled animals, but it 'seems clear that without sex there would be very few forms of life. Nevertheless, too much variation will create problems. If mating is to proceed between any two animals, they must be able to recognize each other, behaviorally and physiologically, as members of the same species. Just a 12 % difference in the genes of any two organisms may mark them as separate species and unmatable, although some matable organisms show considerably more difference than that (Lewontin, 1974). To maintain species integrity, however, variation must be kept in check. There is, then, a corresponding tendency for living things to breed with others like themselves, and subspecies tend to mate with one another, even as subpopulations within subspecies do so, too. Recognition mechanisms of all sorts have evolved to help in this sorting out process, so that in ants local groups recognize one another by smell; in birds, by song or coloration. Humans, too, can recognize members of their local mating group by such mechanisms although many others have been devised by local groups, for instance, facial scarification, unique clothing, and language variants. But, in addition, local mating groups take on a unique look, so that, for example, Kikuyu and Masai can recognize fellow tribesmen on a Nairobi street though they are wearing Western dress and lack facial scars. As already pointed out, we are much more highly inbred than we usually realize. And when Irish marries Irish or Navajo marries Navajo,


Human Sociobiology

Breeding-0tlt and Breeding-in


although the betrothed belong to different clans, they are marrying a relative of some degree. < We have not yet devised a foolproof way to tell how great the relatedness is in such a marriage, nor can we estimate average degrees of relatedness in, say, Japan versus the United States. Practically speaking, we know that average relatedness is much higher in Japan because the United States is a nation of immigrants, but we lack the methods to determine how much higher. We can calculate a relative number based on the frequency of cousin marriages occurring now or, via registration records, in the recorded past, and Japan is indeed higher on this measure (Schull and Neel, 1965). But this tells us only about current or recent rates of inbreeding; it does not take into' account the inbreeding that did or did not occur before those records started-so that at present cousins in Japan may be more related than cousins in a less isolated area such as Korea or Canton (Roberts, 1971). The key point to make right now is that inbreeding, which leads to genetic similarity (homozygosity), is every bit as important for evolutionary success as is the achievement of genetic variation (heterozygosity), and that the two are always in dynamic balance. There is a tendency in animals and man to form small, local breeding groups, just as there is a tendency to break out of them. In this chapter our job is to see how these contrasting forces affect human populations and cultures. MECHANISMS THAT ASSURE OUT BREEDING Incest Taboo The universal institution for assuring some measure of out" breeding is the incest taboo. It is one of the few acknowledged universals in anthropology, and reams have been written on it. It is generally agreed that father-daughter incest is the most common form of it, followed by brother-sister incest, with mother-son incest rare and universally judged as the most pathological (Masters, 1963). Why people in every nook and cranny of the world have decide.d incest is bad is a recurrent question and the argument that there IS an innate "heterozygous drive" has often been made. Do we have a built-in distaste for incestuous sex? As Lorenz (1966) has said, if a behavior is not innate but yet universal. there must be an innate teacher built into all of us. Donald Sade, working with rhesus monkeys on Cayo Santiago Island near Puerto Rico, has found that rhesus, too, appear to respect

the mother-son incest taboo and to some degree the brother-sister one as well [Sade, 1968). Sometimes exceptions are most illuminating, and Sade found one case in which a rhesus did copulate with his mother. Careful notes seemed to explain why. Just prior to the copulation, mother and son had had a squabble over food, and the angry son had beaten her decisively. Then. within 45 minutes, he mounted her for the first time and copulated successfully. Sade's conclusion? Mother-son incest in rhesus is prevented by the dominance differential, and when the dominance-submission order is reversed, as happens only occasionally. the stage is set for normal sexual mounting. If this explanation is sufficient (I doubt that it is), , it is as if evolution has made use of the dominance-submission hierarchy to avoid mother-son incest and thereby to promulgate heterozygosity. '. Does this mechanism work the same way in humans? Possibly. Take the most common form of incest. the one with the least guilt involved, father-daughter incest. The father is naturally dominant over the daughter, and only legalisms, traditions, and maternal objections would stand in the way of a sexual liaison. Needless to say. fatherstepdaughter incest is even more common. In interviews with both incestuous fathers and daughters there is an astounding lack of guilt although there is a sense that it was "wrong" to have had intercourse (Masters, 1963). It therefore appears that only mother-son incest is universally considered "sick," yet the genetic damage is equal to that in the other forms of incest (all involve persons with 50 % genetic relatedness). Is it. then, merely dominance reversal that causes in cases of incest extreme disgust, punishment such as stoning to death, and oedipal self-mutilation? Not likely. It is difficult to escape the conclusion that somewhere within us lies a reflex, or at least a low threshold for disgust, not unlike our reaction to putrefaction but geared to the idea of mother-son copulation. Others have examined this issue in great detail only to reach the same conclusion. (Westermarck, 1891; Wolf, 1970). It is possible, too. that something of this order, but more subtle, is working at the level of brother-sister incest. It has long been known that nonrelated Israeli children raised together in kibbutzim (cooperative communities), rarely, if ever, pair off or marry one another (Tiger and Shepher, 1975). Israelis questioned about this phenomenon indicate that no conscious decision is involved but that they experience a vague discomfort with the idea. Somehow, being brought up together reduces sexual interest in one another, and the result is complete exogamy in the kibbutz system. Similarly, Wolf (1970), in his lovely study of "major" and "minor" marriages in Taiwan, found that minor marriages. in which betrothal and life together start inchildhood, rarely last long after the partners reach


Human Sociobiology

Breeding-out and Breeding-in


maturity. nor are they as fruitful as major marriages (arranged mar- . riages between sexually mature partners). It appears clear that childhood familiarity makes for sexual contempt. . Whereas all cultures frown on father-daughter. mother-son, and sibling incest, only at the level of cousin marriage is there diversity . of custom (Alexander. 1974), ranging from taboo to preference for . such marriages, as among some Australian Aboriginal tribes (Meggitt, 1962). It would appear that cousins are at or near the break. point-the maximum level of inbreeding allowed and, in some cases, the balance preferred. I already have spoken of the special mating system each culture develops, always in the service of outbreeding; among the Dani of New Guinea, all married women come from other villages, among the Navajo one may not marry someone of the mother's clan, in China one may not marry someone with the same patronymic, and so on. No one of these groups will specify outbreeding as the function of such constraints but the practice of setting limits on whom one may marry is present everywhere. Migration and Migrant Advantage Another related means of maintaining heterozygosity involves migration. Sometimes migration is semiinstitutionalized, as among the Navajo, who are spread over greater distances than are most Indian groups. A young man who comes to a squaw dance from across the reservation draws an unusual amount of attention from the girls. and according to my informant he probably will have easier access to them than locals of the same clan. That the young visitor has a certain glamour is an observation that seems intuitively correct, but it has not been noted in anthropological literature, probably because 1l has always seemed so obvious. Of course, if the young man is not of the same tribe or of the proper clan, this advantage is often lost, and the attraction has to be quite strong to break such traditional boundaries. . Wilson reports on the same effect, which he calls "migrant selection," among Drosophila and other animals: "As males become rare relative to males of other genotypes, their mating success increases. Thus, immigrants arriving in a population genetically different from their own enjoy an initial advantage" (1975, p. 104). I would rewrite the last sentence, substituting "a population phenotypically different" in that animals necessarily react to phenotypes not to . genotypes (Leonard and Ehrman, 1976). In this way, too, we can include our Navajo example and other examples in which familiarity versus nonfamiliarity is more appropriate than genotypical similarity versus dissimilarity.

Migration is not a chance event among primates and just about every male Japanese monkey wanders from his natal troop to another upon reaching maturity (Nozawa, 1972). Among chimpanzees at the Gombe Stream in Tanzania, both sexes become extraordinarily nomadic at pubescence, and the chances are high that the female will become pregnant away from her home range. She does, however, then return home, whereas males may never return (Pusey, 1971). As pointed out in Chapter 4 human males, too, exhibit a tendency to wander rather far from the hearth. even as prepubescents. With puberty, especially in the spring, those trips can become institutionalized, as in the Australian "walkabout," the Nuer young men's tour of the tribal villages, or in coast to coast motoring and hitchhiking in the United States (see such American works as Kerouac's On the Road). Given recent social changes, females of the same age are more and more mobile and it appears that, economics aside, the urge to see new or strange places is widespread and deepseated. Migration always increases during environmental chaos, and consequently so does heterozygosity. Among humans, economic disasters, such as the Irish potato famine of 1846, have led to mass emigration. Some two million left Ireland over a five-year period, mostly males, and Irish surnames now abound in North and South America. In Africa, as the Sahara continues its spread southward and as resources become scarcer, tribes that formerly never mingled now meet at food distribution centers (MacDougall, 1973). As described by Turnbull (1972) in his study of the Ik, the breakdown of group pride under these circumstances can be devastating and the erosion of traditional mating patterns is one consequence. It stands to reason that unrecorded instances of widespread migration have occurred over man's history and that disasters, plagues, and droughts have, ironically, served to increase heterozygosity. This general phenomenon 'has been documented in several nonhuman primate species as well. Yellow baboon troops in the Amboselli Reserve of Kenya have been seen to break up into wideranging groups of one male with several females during periods of desiccation; this social organization, in fact, mimics the harem system of the hamadryas baboons, who normally exist in the nonlush, arid plateaus of Ethiopia (Hausfater, 1973). Chimpanzees. too, scatter widely when food is scarce (Izawa, 1970) as does the small South American monkey the marmoset (Herschkovitz, 1977). When there is plenty of food, marmosets tend to stick to certain forest areas in one- or two-family groups and inbreeding levels are relatively high. So high, in fact, that the marmosets in one area are clearly distinguishable from those of another by color, size,



Human Sociobiology

Breeding-oul and Breeding-in


noisiness, and many more characteristics. However, when food is", scarce the cruising area increases and animals normally found on' one side of a river may now be seen on the other side. Mating may. then take place between differently colored animals, resulting in' hybrid offspring. Such outbreeding at times of environmental instability is a universal phenomenon that is perhaps most dramatic in plants [Steb. bins, 1950). Certain plants have asexual phases and reproduce themselves exactly when the environment is stable and conditions good (we call such seeds haploid in that there is but a single set of chromosomes); under unstable conditions, such as drought or excessive rain, these same plants will switch to sexual reproduction (diploid seeds) in the "hope" that some new combination will better withstand essentially unpredictable conditions. By way of summary to this point, inbreeding leads to genetic similarity (homozygosity) and outbreeding leads to genetic diversity (heterozygosity). Both vectors if carried to extremes will be nonadaptive and in all populations the two are in dynamic balance. All . cultures acknowledge this situation, however unconsciously, since' all insist on a certain degree of exogamy via the incest taboo and via clan and moiety rules that prevent certain matings and permit others. At an informal level, and serving the same end, migrants are often found to have a mating advantage. At the same time, all groups are ethnocentric and insist that marriages occur within defined ethnic boundaries. Ethnocentrism is " rarely discussed as a genetic mechanism, but it is very like troop allegiance, seen in all the terrestrial monkeys and it may well be a homologous behavioral pattern. It is our next concern.

which means, simply, "the People" and apply a series of comic appellations to their neighbors the Hopi, who in turn think of themselves as "the Peaceful People," compared to their thieving neighbors the Navajo. Each tribe has established separate customs and a unique language; which give its members a sense of specialness arid unity. Whatever mating customs a group has devised, the outer boundaries of permissible mating-the usual limit of heterozygosity-is membership in the tribe. True, slavery and wife stealing bring new genes to a group, and groups vary considerably in willingness to incorporate strangers. But by far the bulk of consummated sexual relationships have been intratribal. Does this reasoning mean anything in present-day nontribal states such as Japan, America, or Germany? Members of such Western and Eastern nations, of course, feel superior to those backward tribal folks in Africa, the Americas, New Guinea, or Asia. After all, we have left that stage for modern, supratribal combinations. But when we look somewhat carefully within each nation, we see that regionalism and centuries-old affiliations continue to play an important role in individual self-definition and in mating networks (Darlington, 1969). It would appear that the tendency to close ranks within a unique group still permeates the great nations, and in all modern countries homogamous mating patterns (like mating with like) far exceed random, heterogamous ones (Spuhler, 1967). In other words, like still tends to seek out like, so that in the United States, although ethnic group boundaries are rather permeable, religious boundaries are less so, and racial boundaries least of all. Within the science of population genetics, such events are known as "assortative mating." As for the effects of capitalism versus Marxism, my impressions are MECHANISMS THA. T ASSURE INBREEDING that in the Soviet Union assortativa mating patterns are just as persistent, save that religious boundaries are less significant. Why is Tribalism and Ethnocentrism there, despite the avowed ideal of an American (or Soviet) "melting pot," a mix of identifiable, somewhat mutually antagonistic groups? If first cousin marriage is as far as one can go in breeding-in, Clearly, primary identification as an "American" has become what is the comparable point of transgression in breeding-out? In"._"~I!;-._. too complex to carry off easily. I was recently at a Navajo curing other words, are there rules at the heterozygous end that are as ' ceremony and was rather belligerantly asked by an inebriated Navapowerful as incest rules at the homozygous end? , jo, "What are you?" Irealized that he was asking about my tribal afEver since the publication of William Graham Sumner s filiation, and I answered that I belong to the Hebrew tribe, Folkways in 1906, in which he coined the wor d" et h nocen trism," nsm, w hereupon h e went 0ff ,apparent Iy satisfied. This simple question is social scientists have been aware of the universality of the inthe first that most people want answered about strangers, and it is group/out-group distinction. It appears that all people, most parclear that many of us still use another's tribal affiliation in our initial ticularly tribal people, have tended to consider only themselves ~s assessment of him. human and invariably have given derogatory names to then The interesting thing in the United States is that even as formal neighbors. Thus, the term "Navajo" comes from the Spanish ~nd methods of induction into a tribe disappear, adolescents proceed to means "Apache who till soil." The Navajo call themselves Dine, invent comparable ceremonies. We have started to research this


Human Sodobiology

Breeding-out and Breeding-in


area, and we find that preadolescent children wonder about what they are, but by adolescence they need to act on it. In San Francisco one can see preadolescent children of all races and ethnic backgrounds, often arm in arm, talking, laughing, and playing together on their way to school. But as adolescence approaches, such scenes decrease, and by adolescence, they are almost nonexistent. All have sorted themselves out. Chinese with Chinese, black with black Italian with Italian, Chicano with Chicano, and so on. Given that group identification is a strong force, a number of questions arise. Is there any genetic disadvantage to true miscegenation? That is, is tribalism a trait we should nurture in that it assures a correct amount of homozygosity? Can a population of humans become too heterozygous? The answer seems to be yes, and the genetic logic need only be repeated. Recall that evolution is completely dependent on the existence of small, scattered samples of a species. Sewall Wright (1940) has estimated that semiisolated breeding populations on the order of 500 individuals would be the best size to insure overall species adaptation. It is interesting that that was about the average size of Australian Aboriginal and New Guinean tribes when Westerners first came on the scene (Elkin, 1964). The assumption is that as each group grew too large, there was a split, and the many tribes seen today were formed over time by some process of subdividing. If we assume that most of our evolutionary past was spent as members of small breeding groups, we may well have evolved a set of emotions that literally demands of us tribal affiliations. Certainly a world without tribalism would be a far less colorful and interesting place. But mass culture is on the drawing boards, and perhaps such current events as the Basque rebellion are but a last hurrah. On the other hand, the continuously reappearing conflicts at tribal or ethnic levels in nations of geographically proximate peoples may be the major message: mass culture and supratribal unity is not working. Catholic and Protestant are at one another in Northern Ireland; Lebanese Muslims and Christians are fighting to the death; Flemish Wa1100nsare not now rioting, but they and the Belge French do not speak; the Basque want independence from Spain and are dying for that cause; Greek and Turk, after millennia, are still bitter enemies; a few years ago, on the shores of Lake Tanganyika, I saw Wahutu refugees fleeing Burundi and possible massacre by the Watusi; in Northern Nigeria, some six years ago, Ibo bodies were stacked ten high as the Hausa rampaged; seven years ago, in Bali, "nonbelievers" and "communists" were garroted by the thousands (these were, in fact, merely an educated minority who had set themselves apart). What about those tribes whose conflicts are never reported in the world press? True, in each conflict, one group often


is better off economically than the other and often the primary language is different. But to attribute such murderous, groupwide jealo~sies to either economic or linguistic factors is far too facile (see espeCially Shumpeter, 1951, on this issue). Before closing this chapter, I must, out of conscience, give my personal view. I am all for outbreeding. I find it continuously exciting to be married to a Chinese woman who, in most other respects, is much like my mother. Such a marriage is dearly exogamous, and therefore nonincestuous, and yet it is the realization of almost every boy's secret, incestuous wish. At a more conscious level, outbreeding obviously involves a touch of antiestablishmentarianism as well as a vote for human brotherhood. I also have a sister-in-law who is Egyptian. Our immediate families, especially our children, are deeply bound to one another. How ~an I, a Jew, then hate Egyptians? I would thereby be hating what ISnow part of myself, and here at once is the point of both having and not having blood alliances. If a fight occurs between two groups to whom you are tied, you are in perpetual conflict since you cannot take a firm stand, and indecision in wartime may be fatal. On the other hand, in such kinship, and the resulting reluctance to hate, lies the hope for peace. Half-breeds, scorned as they may be by both sides in any tribal conflict, are nevertheless the hope for turning enmity to amity. They are the bridge between black and white Hopi and Navajo, Arab and Jew, particularly if they come from in: tact bicultural families. We know that the promise of economic success has, on occasion, forced persons and families to relinquish ethnic and racial ties in favor of ties to a socioeconomic class (see Patterson, 1975), but I am afraid most of the world still believes, nay, violently insists, that tribal boundaries are inviolate and that all legitimate breeding must o.ceur within them. Maybe the problem is cognitive: most people SImplycannot cope with an abstraction beyond the tribe. Certainly, Trotsky's hope for worldwide unity of the workers won over only a relative handful of equally cerebral followers; as Stalin insisted the notion of nation already taxes men's limits, and loyalty is 'best demanded at that level, lest defection or fragmentation into tribes occur (Trotsky, 1930). Nations obviously were formed out of economic and military necessity and they seem to work all right, especially vis-a-vis other nations; but look carefully at even the oldest national confederations of Europe, and regionalism and the remnants of tribalism soon become apparent. Perhaps, as many have by' now said, it will take an invasion from outer space before we trade our tribalism, regionalism, and nationalism for the abstraction' we call mankind.


Biology or Culture?
INNATE OR ACQUIRED? I have saved this chapter for last because it is the most controversial. I shall show that within hours of birth, babies of different ethnic groups and different races show substantial behavioral differences. Furthermore, these differences seem best explained on the basis of gene pool variations. My position on this issue is a very simple monistic one. It is identical with the Zen view that we are totally biological, totally environmental, that the two are as inseparable as an object and its shadow. Or, as Hebb (1959) put it, we are 100% innate, 100% acquired; one might add, 100% biological, 100% cultural. I believe this chapter will make clear what Hebb had in mind. At the 1964 meeting of the International Ethological Society in Zurich, I tried to convince ethologists of the propriety of the monistic position with a paper called "Evolved Behavior: A Term to Replace Innate versus Acquired." My argument follows:
There have been a number of attempted solutions to the innate versus acquired controversy; One can say both innate and acquired components always playa role, but with unease, since this solution implies the two parties somehow exist, independently, but that they can never be separated from each other. This view is then open to the 60-40 solution, the one commonly used by behavior geneticists who deal with polygenic systems. They speak of the relative variance contributed by each, e.g., 60 % heredity [or environment) and 40 % environment (or heredity). This is an unstable solution since it produces the observation, "60-40 in this environment, but possibly 40~60 in that environment and 49-51 in another, etc." Because of this instability problem, Hebb (1959) has resorted to the 100%-100% solution, i.e., it is always 100% of each. This solution satisfies



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few scientists, but it has served to temporarily alleviate a growing discomfort with the 60-40 solution. What is then left? There is the American tradition which instructs us not to meddle with problems of innate versus acquired, but rather to roll up our sleeves and .gather data (for example, Beach, 1955). Alas, this is a non-solutIon. A for the ethological position, it has been well chastised by .. L:hrman, who, despite a number of mi~~~kes in his ~rit~~ue (Schaffner, 1954), showed that the term innate be~avlOr as ed by ethologists cannot withstand the test of logical or ex~:rimental analysis. However, no solution being offered, none was adopted. As far as I can see, although Tinbergen and Lor~nz have agreed that the logic of "I" in I. R. M. (Innate. Releasing Mechanism) is tenuous, the term is very much 10 use by ethologists and is still open to the criticisms leve~~d by ~~hrman in 1954. Actually, it can usually be shown that innate means only that the behavioral unit under discussion appears to. have evolutionary meaning and/or that it appears to be a reflection of the organism's genotype. For those, like myself, working within an evolutionary humans) rather . framewor k , but wtth higher mammals (including ,, f ". "d than with fish or birds, the interchangeablhty 0 innate ~n "unlearned" is particularly touchy. Few scientists ~ou~d object to the principles that a healthy organism is one w~ICh IStotally organized, and that in an organism in .wh~c~ learnmg has a major adaptive role, no important bahavlor IS Immune from learning, I.e, is purely "unlearned." But this is not to say that behavior in such organisms is . unevolved. The smile of a baby, for example, dearly has lear.ned aspects, but just as clearly has a genetic component and ObVlO~S evolutionary significance (Freedman, 1964), To term the smile "innate" in the sense of "unlearned" is sufficiently inaccurate to result in insoluble and fruitless debate. It seems prefe,rable, then, to simply speak of the smile as evolved or phylogenehcally adaplive behavior. The problem with the term "innate" at the level of higher marnmals exaggerates similar difficulties at the lev~l of lower . vertebrates. For example, the incomplete embryol?glcal study .. hi k egg by Kuo (1932) is often cited to Illustrate anti-va c lC d h ki hicks instinctual arguments. The point is rna e t at pec mg I~ c ~ is not an innate response but is dependent on the physical JUx taposltlon of head and heart in the egg. It was postulate~ by Kuo that the beating heart initiates the head moveme~ts ",:hlChlater . become pecking. If we assume this interpretation IS correct, . ' although apparently it is not (Gottlieb and Kuo, 1965), t~?re ... would be no alternative but to assume further that the p~sltlOn of the fetal head and heart have been channeled by evol~tlOnary changes which must be reflected in changes at the genetic level.

Thus, if we call pecking phylogenetically adaptive rather than innate, the mechanisms, no matter what they are hypothesized to be, may be dealt with directly and logically and with a minimum of polemics, In conclusion, then, it is suggested that the obfuscating term "innate" no longer be used in any serious description of behavior. Since instinctive, inborn, unlearned, and innate are functionally synonymous, the former terms should also be dropped in favor of evolved or phylogenetically adaptive. Such a terminological change will have the secondary advantage of bringing evolution into the forefront of our thinking where it belongs.

As a young scientist uncertain about my rank, I was staggered by the negative response. For example, the eminent British ornithologist Robert Thorpe said sharply, "If we deny that innate and acquired are separable, all of our plans for ethological research will have to be shelved." Indeed, with songbirds, Thorpe's specialty (Thorpe, 1963), it does appear possible to analyze behavior into innate and acquired components because complex learning rarely plays a role. A canary, for example, will start all over again if you block some aspect of its nest building by removing its usual nesting materials, It simply does not have the capacity to modify its behavior-to roll with the punch -and acts as if there were a built-in chain of commands (Hinde, 1965). This chain, then, is what either-or scientists then analyze into fixed and modifiable components. What is usually required for this kind of work is a relatively stupid bird. Ravens, for example, are too smart to be used in such analytic work. If necessary, they will use substitute materials for nests, and in general, they can modify their behavior depending on what is currently happening around them, The European cuckoo has come to "know" this difference between songbirds and the smarter Corvidae (crows and ravens) and will drop its eggs only into the nests of songbirds; unfortunately for these musical little creatures, with their machinelike mentalities, they cannot distinguish their own eggs or even their own young from the cuckoo's, A cuckoo's egg would not last a minute in a raven's nest. Similarly, when food is stolen front a songbird's cache, the bird nevertheless continues to use the same hiding place. Not so a raven (Lorenz, 1957). Innate and acquired also fall apart as a meaningful separation if we look just at the acquired, or learned, side. Take the phenomenon we call "imprinting." As Konrad Lorenz (1957) and his teacher Oscar Heiroth demonstrated, ducklings will follow any moving object soon after hatching, and thus they may become as attached to a human being as to their true parents, In other words, ducks learn who their parents are by following the first animate object they see.



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But not all species of birds do this, and even among ducks there differences in the duration of the "critical" learning period range is several hours to several days ~ccording t~ H~~.s,19.59~. " other words, since it differs from species to species, lmprmtlng itself must be genetically encoded, and we have, the apparent irony: of a genetically encoded ability to learn. ' There is no way to separate the genetic and the learned for ( (are permanently glued together, and that is true everywhere "nature including man. Logically, anything we do is gene related. think, it is my genetica11yderived brain that is thinking and not disembodied mind. But, many Western scientists do believe mind is nonbody. Nobel prize-winning neurologist Sir John "'.... 'c for example, has clearly stated such a dualistic .p~~ition (Eccles, 1966). Whether this view is Christian or pre-Christian, I ~ave no. idea' but as a Zen sympathizer and perhaps more to the point as Jew with a strongly monistic tradition, I see no merit in even porarily tearing asunder mind and body or, for that matter, and biology' Certainly, as you and I negotiate life, we do ~ot ha separate cultural and biological experiences, fo~ expenence marvelously unitarY1Curiously, it takes an added intellectual s for modern Western man to return to this simple view.




These ideas, then, provide the setting for our work on intereth~ic newborn differences. The first study was conceived when my wife who is Chinese, and I, in the course of learning about each other our respective families, began to suspect t~at sam? character ferences might well be related to differences III genetic backgrounds , These' notions were already near the surface as a result of ' , doctoral thesis finished some years before. I had worked with ferent breeds ~f dogs and I had been struck by how predictable the behavior of each breed. A breed of dog is a construct ;c.uuu.,,,,,cally and genetically equivalent to a race of man. To look at us, wife and I were clearly of two different breeds. Were some of behavioral differences determined by breed? How does one answer this question with humans? studies might be one way-Chinese raise~ by Cauc~si~ns and versa. Yet such an approach is fraught WIth compllcations at the practical and the theoretical level. Instead, we modeled study after my work with puppies. In my thesis work, I had raised four breeds of dog from through twelve weeks of age, spending all my days and .,..,......


with them. It became clear, as the 'ears and eyes opened, that the breeds already differed in behavior. Little beagles were irrepressibly ..fdendly from the moment they could detect me, whereas Shetland . , sheepdogs were most sensitive to a Ioudvoice or the slightest punish'ment; wire-haired terriers were so tough and aggressive, even as clumsy three-week olds, that I had to wear gloves in playing with them; and, finally, basenjis, barkless dogs originating in central Africa, were aloof and independent. . With this background, then, we decided we could get at comparable, precultural differences in humans by carefully watching newborns and very young infants of different ethnic backgrounds. If we could detect differences right at the start, we could speak of "breed" differences here, too. Fortunately, Berry Brazelton, the wellknown Harvard pediatrician, came through Chicago at this time to attend a convention. We were introduced and in a short time had developed the Cambridge Behavioral and Neurological Assessment Scale [Brazelton and Freedman, 1971). A later, more elaborate version of the test is known simply as the "Brazelton" (Brazelton, 1973). The test provided for the first time a scheme of infant assessment that went beyond just reflexes and tapped early forms of so~ial and emotional behavior: How easily did the baby quiet? Was it able to quiet itself or did it have to be carried and consoled? Did the baby turn to the examiner's face and voice? Did it prefer face over voice or voice over face? How did interest in the voice compare with interest in a ball or a rattle? Was the baby very active or did it just lie quietly? Did it fit comfortably in the examiner's arms or did it fight being held? Did it generally resist or accept our testing? Was it floppy or stiff? And then there were all the reflexes: were they crisp or just barely elicited? Considerable hokum appeared in pediatric textbooks on what newborns can and cannot do. We know now that they can focus on a face, follow it from side to side, and turn in the direction of a voice . even if the speaker is out of sight. Also, they prefer a high-pitched .: voice to any other sound. In fact, the more we study newborns, the , smarter they seem to get (see Freedman, 1974). ... Now, armed with our baby test, my wife, Nina, and I went in San ..,_ Francisco to the hospital where our first child was born. A substan. tial number of Chinese babies are born there, and we were able to examine both Chinese and Caucasian newborns. To keep things ne~t, we made sure that all the Chinese were of Cantonese (south -:: Chmese) background, the Caucasians of northern European origin; that the division of sexes in both groups were the same; that the mothers were the same age; that they had about the same number of . previous children; and that both groups were administered the same " drugs in the same amounts during labor. Additionally, all families


Human Sociobiology rhree.month-old Navajo infant and his mother getting ready for a trip, Cradleboard is typically Navajo, with safety head guard, Baby is often propped at this angle.

Biology or Cultul'e?


were members of the same health plan and all mothers had had' about the same number of prenatal visits to the doctor and were of ., the same, middle-income bracket. , It was almost immediately clear that Chinese and Caucasian: babies were indeed like two different breeds. Caucasian babies "" started to cry more easily, and once they started, they were more difficult to console. Chinese babies adapted to almost any position in which they were placed; for example, when placed face down in their cribs, they tended to keep theirfaces buried. in the she.ets rather, than immediately turning to one side, as did the Caucasians, 111 a' ,. similar maneuver {called the "defense reaction" by neurologists}, We , briefly pressed the baby's nose with. a' cloth, forcing him to breathe: with his mouth. Most Caucasian and black babies fight this maneuver by immediately turning away or swiping at the cloth with " the hands and this is reported in Western pediatric textbooks as the ' normal, ~xpected response. However, not so the ave~age Chinese baby in our study. He simply lay on his back, breathing from the mouth, "accepting" the cloth without a fight. I must say that this finding is most impressive on film, and audiences have been awed by the intergroup differences. . ," Other, more subtle differences are equally Important. For example, both Chinese and Caucasian infants would start to cry at about, the same point in the examination, especially when they were undressed but the Chinese would stop sooner. Furthermore, if picked up and ~uddled, Chinese babies would stop crying i.mmediately, a~ if a light switch had been flipped, whereas the crying of Caucasian babies only gradually subsided. In another item, we repeatedly shone a light in the baby's eyes, and counted the number of blinks until he "adapted" and no longer , blinked. It should now not be surprising that the Caucasian babies' continued to blink long after the Chinese babies had stopped. ' It began to look as if Chinese babies were simply more amenable and adaptable to the machinations of the examiners, whereas . Caucasian babies were likely to register annoyance and to complain. However, we hardly had enough evidence for so general a conclusion and we set out to look at other newborns in other places. good f;iend of mine, Dr. Norbett Mintz, was worki~g among .: Navajo at Tuba City, Arizona, and he arranged for a trip to the .reser- , vation in the spring of 1969. We ended our two-month stay WIth 36 Navajo newborns tested, and the results, since duplicated by other workers (Chisholm, 1977; Nisselius, 1976), parallele~ the stere~type of the stoical, impassive Indian. These babies outdid the Chinese, showing even more calmness and adaptability (Freedman, 1974) ', Subsequently I have spent considerable time among the Navajo, .', and it is now absolutely clear that the practice of tying the wrapped.,

infant on a cradleboard (currently practiced only sporadically on the reservation) has in no way induced stoicism in the Navajo-a popular conjecture in the halcyon days of anthropological environmentalism. On the contrary, not all babies take to the cradleboard, and those Navajo babies who complain about it are simply taken off. Most Navajo infants, however, calmly accept the board, and, in fact, many begin to demand it by showing signs of unrest when off. However, by about six months, Navajo babies do start complaining when tied in, and at that time "weaning" from the board begins, the baby taking the lead. The Navajo, in fact, are the most "in touch" group of mothers we have yet seen, and the term "mother-infant unit" aptly describes what we saw among them. James Chisholm of Rutgers University, who, in the course of his dissertation work (1977), studied infancy and cradleboarding among the Navajo, has written me that his observations are much like my
Testing of "automatic walk" in newborns at Fort Defiance Arizona, Navajo infants' legs usually collapsed; 75% of Caucasian infants hold up weight and take several steps.



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own (Chisholm, 1978; Chisholm and Richards, 1978). In addition, he followed a group of young Caucasian mothers in Flagstaff (some 80 miles south of the reservation) who had decided to use the cradleboard. However, their babies complained so persistently that they were off the board in a matter of weeks, a result that should not surprise us given the differences observed at birth. Why are Navajo and Chinese newborns so much alike? We know that the Navajo were part of a relatively recent emigration from Asia, Their language belongs to the Athabaskan group, named after a lake in Canada, and whereas most Athabaskan peoples from Asia settled along the Canadian Pacific coast, the Navajo and the Apache went on to their present location about A. D. 1500. Even today, a significant number of words in Athabaskan and Chinese have the same meaning and, if one goes back several thousand years via written records of primitive Sino-Tibetan, the number of similar words makes clear the common origin of these widely separated peoples (Shafer, 1952). . Japanese babies, too, are much like Chinese and Navajo babies, although it must be admitted they were also unique in some ways (as were all the groups we looked at). We made observations on two Japanese groups, one in Hawaii and the second in Kobe, Japan, and it was clear that the Japanese babies in both places tended to be more irritable than either Navajo or Chinese but not to the level seen in Caucasians. As an example of another unique difference, the Navajo's skin reddened much more when the baby was disturbed, and their legs were unusually limber and pliable compared to those of other babies. Nevertheless, the test profiles of Chinese, Japanese, and Navajo infants were very much alike, and the baby test began to look like a fairly sensitive measure of genetic affinity (Freedman,

Japanese, Caucasian, and Australian Aboriginal newborns pulled to a sitting position. The head lag of the Japanese and Caucasian babies and the relatively erect head of the Aboriginal are typical. Navajo and Chinese newborns were much like Japanese.

While we were doing these studies, other investigators were repeating our Chinese study and getting the same results. One study was performed in a Chinese community in Malaysia by someone who had read about our findings in the British journal Nature (Blurton-Jones, 1976]. A second (to be reported on subsequently) was performed in the United States with infants of northern Chinese rather than Cantonese background (Kuehner, 1977]. It was certainly gratifying to receive such confirmation, especially since the findings seemed so controversial. Our first inkling of controversy came when my wife and I submitted our report to the American journal Science; the two reviewers could not agree. One wanted to see the findings published, the second did not since so important a claim as inborn behavioral differences across the races needed further confirmation. The editor therefore submitted our report to a second pair reviewers, who again

split, apparently over the same issue. I then sent the report to Nature, the equally prestigious voice of British and European science, where again there was a split decision. But this time, the editor decided in favor of publication. When we first presented these findings on Chinese and Caucasians, attempts were made to explain away the genetic implications by posing differential prenatal diets as a more obvious cause of differences in behavior among infants. But with the Navajo study that . explanation had to be dropped for the Navajo diet is quite different from that of the Chinese, yet newborn behavior was strikingly similar. The only reasonable conclusion at present is that there are biological affinities between Navaj 0 and Chinese, as well as biological differences between Orientals and Caucasians, that mediate the predominant temperaments of these two populations.

A GENETICIST'S INTERPRETATION If a behavioral trait is at all interesting- for example, smiling, anger, ease of sexual arousal, and so on- it is most probable that many genes participate in its eventuation. Furthermore, there is no way to count the exact number of genes involved in polygenic .systems because, as Crow (1960) has summarized the field, biological traits are controlled by one, two, or many genes. A human polygenic trait often studied is standing height, which can be easily quantified and is also notoriously open to environ-

i 150 Human Sociobiology Biology or Culture? 151


mental influence. Thus, this variable has been frequently used as a paradigm for behavioral traits, which although genetically influenced are even more prone to change with the environment. Geneticists speak of a reaction range, a range imposed by the genes within which a trait can vary. Irving Gottesman (1974) has drawn up a series of semihypothetical graphs on human height, illustrating how this process works: Each genotype represents a relatively inbred human group. It can be seen that for genotype A, even the most favorable environment produces little change in height, whereas for genotype D a vast difference is seen as nutrition improves. Similarly, in conducting genetic experiments with mice, one can choose either a strain that will show environmental changes to have little effect or another that will show those same environmental changes to be highly influential (Fuller and Thompson, 1960). Thus, when I speak of potential genetic differences in human behaviors, I do so with these notions in mind: there is overlap between most populations and the overlap can become rather complete under changing conditions, as in Gottesman's genotypes D and C; some genotypes, however, show no overlap and remain remote from the others over the entire reaction range as in genotype A.



Reaction range curves. From Gottesman, 1974.

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FAVORABLENESS OF ENVIRONMENTThe reaction range concept applied to adolescent height (units for both X and Y axes oro only ordinal and are not to scale).

Before leaving Oriental-Caucasian differences, I must mention our experiences with Japanese babies. On our arrival in Hawaii in the summer of 1970, we met a well-known Honolulu pediatrician who, upon learning of our interests, volunteered that there were striking and consistent differences between Japanese and Polynesian babies in his practice. The Japanese babies consistently reacted more violently to their three-month immunization injections than did the ~olynesians. Then, on subsequent visits, the Japanese gave every indication of remembering the last visit by crying; one mother said that her baby cried each time she drove past the clinic! We then_tested a series of Japanese newborns, and, as already mentioned, they were indeed more sensitive and irritable than were the Chinese and Navajo babies. In other respects, though, they were very much like. them, being easy to console and quick to adapt to a light -focused on the eyes or a cloth held over the nose. It is interesting. however, that prior to our work, the social anthropologist William Caudill {Caudill and Weinstein, 1969) had performed an extensive and thorough study of Japanese infants. He made careful observations of Japanese mothers and infants in Tokyo and of Caucasian mother-infant pairs in Baltimore, from the third to the twelfth month of life. Having noted that both the Japanese infants and their mothers vocalized much less to one another, Caudill assumed the Japanese mothers were conditioning their babies toward quietude, from a universal baseline at which all babies everywhere start. Caudill, of course, was in the American environmentalist tradition and, until our publication, did not consider a biological alternative. Now we can state that mother and baby were, in all probability, conditioning each other. Joan Kuehner (1979), with this new interactive hypothesis in mind, examined mother-infant interactions among ten first generation Chinese and ten Caucasian mother-infant pairs over the first three months of life in an attempt to bridge the Caudill findings and our newborn results. The study was done in Chicago, and this time the Chinese were of north Chinese rather than south Chinese (Cantonese) ancestry. Kuehner started her study with the birth of the babies, and found the two groups of babies were different from the start, much as in our study of newborns. Furthermore, it soon became apparent that Chinese mothers were less intent on eliciting responses from their infants, and by the third month Chinese infants and mothers were rarely engaged in interactive bouts of vocalizations, as were the Caucasian pairs, even as in Caudill's study. Following our work, Caudill and Frost (1975) repeated Caudill's


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original work but with third generation [apanese-American mothers and their fourth generation infants. He found that these mothers had .. become "super" American and were actually vocalizing to their in- . fants at twice the Caucasian rate; this change indeed brought the Japanese babies up to Caucasian rates of activity and to even greater. rates of happy vocalization. Assuming these are sound and repeatable results, my tendency is to reconcile Caudill and Frost's and ours and Kuehner's findings via the reaction range concept. If Japanese height can change as dramatically as it has with emigration .: to the United States, why not mother-infant behavior? On a variety of other measures, by the way, Caudill and Frost were able to discern continuing similarities with old-country Japanese mothers and infants vis-a-vis Caucasian Americans: fourth generation Japanese babies, like babies in Japan, engaged in less sucking of fingers, they were less playful, and the third generation mothers did more lulling and holding in the arms. John Callaghan (1977), following a method developed by Alan Fogel (1976), compared fifteen Navajo and nineteen Anglo mothers and their infants (all under six months). Each mother was asked to "get the attention of your baby," and the subsequent scene was videotaped and later analyzed. The differences in both babies and mothers were striking and, again, the most obvious ones involved greater verbal stimulation by Caucasian mothers and greater passivity among Navajo babies. Caucasian mothers spoke to their babies continuously, using linguistic forms appropriate to someone who understands language, and the babies responded by moving their arms and legs much more. The Navajo mothers were strikingly silent, using their eyes to attract the baby's attention, and the relatively immobile infants responded by gazing back. Nevertheless, both groups Were equally successful in getting their baby's attention. Caucasian mothers also tended to shift the baby's position radically, sometimes holding it close, sometimes at arm's length. as if conducting an experiment on the best focal distance. Most Navajo mothers used only subtle shifts on the lap, holding the baby at about the same distance throughout. As a result of the relative overstimulation by the Caucasian mothers, the babies frequently turned their heads away, as if to moderate the intensity of the encounter. Consequently, the duration of eye encounter in Caucasians was shorter (half that of the Navajo) but more frequent. It was clear, then, that the Caucasian mothers sought the baby's attention with far greater verve and excitement, even as their babies tended to react to the stimulation with what can be described as am" bivalence: they turned both toward and away from the mother with far greater frequency than did the Navajo infants. Navajo mothers and their infants were engaged in relatively quiet and steady en- .

When asked to "get the attention of your baby," Navajo mothers usually quietly watched their babies, who eventually responded. The urban Caucasian mothers invariably spoke the entire time, moving baby into varying positions. Both groups were equally successful in getting their babies' attention.

counters. On viewing the films of these interactions, we indeed had the feeling that we were watching biocultural differences in the makingl (These and comparable data on the Hopi are summarized in Appendix Study 50.)

SOME Il\IIPLICA nONS The broader implications of these findings started creeping in on me as we were testing the Chinese infants in San Francisco. At that time, my wife and I made a number of visits to the Avery Brundage Collection of Oriental Art at the De Young Museum, and I could not resist the thought that only grown-up versions of our Chinese babies could have produced art like thisl There was, for example, the calm quality of a Chinese jade horse, compared to the tempestuousness of a Roman terra-cotta one. Since then, after reading such classics in art history as The Chinese Eye (Chiang, 1960), it has become clear to me that Eastern and Western art have had distinctive flavors: Western art has consistently made its males heroic; whereas even the military heroes of Chinese and Japanese art appear in sedate, unemotional, and conventionalized pose. Furthermore, Chinese landscape art, the most prevalent form of canvas painting, simply never contained recognizable human figures. Human hubris was kept below threshold, and the stick figures are a message that nature is master, not man. There could be no Chinese Michelangelo. Although noncommercial Navajo art is restricted to religious



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sand painting, Oriental and Navajo philosophy are strikingly similar in feeling. In trying to make this point, I recently tricked a group of colleagues at a scientific meeting by purporting to read some lines of a Navajo elder:
Whenever someone sets out to remold the world, experience teaches That he is bound to fail. For Nature already is as good as it can be. lt cannot be improved upon. He who tries to redesign it, spoils it. He who tries to redirect it, misleads it.

On the other side of the coin, how deeply affected by Western thought are the Japanese exposed to it? The best discussion of this issue I know is by Endo [1969J in his novel Silence. There he questions whether Japanese Christians, including those martyred by the Tokugawa regime, ever "believed" in Christ in the same way as the European priests who converted them. If genetic differences between populations, are indeed at the root of ethnic contrasts in world view, it will remain for the handful of half-breed children to create the true bridge of understanding.

In fact, this is a translation of lines written by Lao-tze in the sixth century B.C. (Lao-tze, 1958, verse 29), but anyone knowledgeable about the Navajo knows the verse speaks for them. Some time after these meetings, I received a letter from a well-known developmental psychologist who was appalled at my apparent veneration of Lao-tze and called the quote one of the most reactionary statements he had ever heard. What a beautiful and telling contrast in aims: to be one with. nature versus the treadmill of progress and improvement. Neither side can quite believe the other. Not improve? Not advancer Unthinkable. Navajo elders, for their part, know that the holes sunk by oil companies into the Tohatchi Mountains (near Fort Defiance) will release monsters and evil spirits. And, in our new ecological awareness, we know that they are at least symbolically right. If you are sufficiently romantic or ecological to agree with them, are you willing to give up your carr I shall answer for you and myself and say, "No, not yet." Nor is the average Navajo, for we are all, East and West, in this dilemma together. Each side may romanticize or rudely stereotype the other, but there is power and weakness in either camp, and a new world will have to come to terms with """"''''L_-' That is, despite the fact that the East and the West have for a long time each looked at the same world with quite another feeling tone and emphasis, each has acquired much from the other. It seem logical, and this point has been made many times by both cidental and Oriental scholars, that the best of each should . merged in 8 new world outlook. However, that is usually easier said than done, and, for example, Europeans who study Zen and seek enlightenment in Japanese monasteries are notoriously . in their pursuits. They go so far in training, sometimes spending a dozen or more years before they inevitably give up. Plrsig's (1974) marvelous book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance makes a similar point, I believe, when the Western hero of the book descends into the hell of psychosis while seeking Zen-like enlightenment.

At this point, in my mind's eye I can see an extremely skeptical reader. How can this so-called scientist leap from newborns to differences in East-West philosophy and art, blithely lumping Chinese and Navajo, throwing in some ecology for good measure, and then suggest a breeding program to achieve East-West understanding? I can try to support my position with more data and observations in hope of becoming a little more credible. The fact is that studies of children beyond infancy bear out the theme of relative unexcitability and unemotionality in Chinese as compared to Anglos. In one such study, an independent research project at the University of Chicago, Nova Green, looked at a number of nursery schools, including one in Chicago's Chinatown, An excellent observer, she reported:
Although the majority of the Chinese-American children were in the "high arousal age," between 3 and 5, they showed little intense emotional behavior. They ran and hopped, laughed and called to one another, rode bikes and roller-skated just as the children did in the other nursery schools, but the noise level stayed remarkably low, and the emotional atmosphere projected serenity instead of bedlam. The impassive facial expression certainly gave the children an air of dignity and self-possession, but !his was only one element affecting the total impression. Physical movements seemed more coordinated, no tripping, falling, bumping, or bruising was observed, nor screams, crashes, or wailing was heard, not even that common sound in other nurseries, voices raised in highly indignant moralistic dispute I No property disputes were observed, and only the mildest version of "fighting behavior," some good-natured wrestling among the older boys. The adults evidently had different expectations about hostile or impulsive behavior: this was the only nursery school where it was observed that children were trusted to duel with sticks. Personal distance spacing see~ed to be situational rather than compulsive or patterned, and the children appeared to make no effort to avoid physical contact. (1969, p. 9)




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It is ironic that many recent visitors to nursery schools in People's Republic of China have returned with ecstatic descriptions .... of the children, with the implication that the New Order knows something about child rearing that the West does not. As an exam, . ple, a group of U.S. child psychologists (Kessen et. al., 1975) report~d as follows on a visit to China: . If our observations were at all representative, the outstanding feature of childhood in China, and that which raises the most basic problem, is the high level of concentration, orderliness and competence of children .... The docility did not seem to us to be the docility of surrender and apathy; the Chinese children we saw were emotionally expressive, socially gracious, and adept. We talked a great deal of children: .... We some of the behavior large, Chinese teachers about; they had never school. ... to teachers about the control and restraint tried, not very successfully, to describe problems in American schools. By and did not understand what we were talking seen a hyperactive or disruptive child in

degrees around, and a typical answer was, "The Chinese are okay, but they're too clannish; you never know how they feel about anythingl" As far as we could see, each was right about the other, and as always each thought the other's constellation of traits not quite as human as their own. It takes a third party to see that each is as good as the other, that each group has both decent citizens and gangsters, and that the difference is largely one of style and temperament. I can appreciate a reader's accepting these data and yet having trouble imagining how such differences might have initially come about. The easier explanation involves a historical accident based on random variety in small founding populations. Peking man, some 500,000 years ago, already had shovel-shaped incisors, as do only Orientals today, including American Indians (Coon, 1962). Very modern looking skulls of about the same age found in England do not have similar grooving on the inside of the upper incisors. Given evidence like this, we can surmise that there has been substantial and long-standing isolation of East and West. Furthermore, it is likely that environmental demands and biocultural adaptations differed, so that this separation has certainly been meaningful.

We left China convinced that we had seen radically different ways of thinking about and meeting children from the ways we knew as Americans. (pp. 216-217, 221)

AFR()'AMERICANS Strikingly similar, is it not, to Green's 1969 description of a ,. nursery school in Chicago's Chinatown? These psychologists obviously had in mind "American" classrooms with Caucasian or Afro-American children not Chinese Americans. As they get older, Chinese and Caucasian children continue to differ in roughly the same ways that distinguish them in nursery school. San Francisco schoolteachers, for example, consider assignments in Chinatown plum jobs-the children are dutiful study hard; classrooms are quiet. (Incidentally, since public schools operate on a seniority system, there is a perhaps unfortunate concentration of old-time teachers in Chinatown schools.) I already have spoken of the phenomenon of tribalism, so it will come as no surprise that in high schools in the San Francisco Chinatown area, Chinese children tend to form their .. own groups and Caucasians (until recently, largely Italians from the neighboring North Beach area) tend to group together as well. we asked Chinese high schoolers why they tended to keep together and away from whites, we got such answers as "Caucasians are too emotional" or "They tend too easily to fly off the handle" or ' change too much from day to day." Caucasian attitudes were 180 Orientals and Caucasians are not the only newborn groups we examined. We have been to Nigeria, Kenya, Sweden, Italy, India, and Australia (Darwin), examining native newborns in each place. It would take me too far from the purpose of this book to examine each group in detail, so I shall focus on the favorite topic of urban America, sometimes called its most salient dilemma (Myrdal, 1944): black-white differences. Some fifteen independent studies of infant behavior, including our own, have been made in various parts of East and West Africa (see Freedman, 1974; Warren, 1972). Although it is clear that African tribal groups vary considerably on any number of genetic . markers, there nevertheless is a certain amount of genetic homogeneity in sub-Saharan Africa peoples when compared to other racial groups. Accordingly, it is not too surprising to find certain common features at birth, and the great majority of the studies reviewed by Warren (1972) show African infants advanced in physical coordination compared to Caucasians and Orientals. Many African newborns can hold their heads erect, and I have seen a Nigerian Hausa 24-hour old almost turn himself over. Black children



Human Sodobiology Biology or Culture? 159

Many Australian Aboriginal and AfroAmerican babies could lift their heads immediately after birth, whereas few Japanese infant's could do 50.

Kenyan (Kikuyu) and Afro-American tion, holding heads erect.

newborns in sitting posi-

or football team end up today? As for boxing, are there any nonblacks on the heavyweight championship horizon? I would like to quote from Human Infancy (Freedman, 1974), where I addressed this issue in some detail: walk at an average age of eleven months, compared to twelve months in Caucasians and thirteen months in American Indians. * Afro-Americans are just about as advanced although the newborn's abilities are somewhere between American Caucasian and black African. This pattern follows a genetic hypothesis very well since in the population we call Afro-American on average in Northern cities 27 % of the genes are of European origin (Stern,
1973). It should be acknowledged that the apparent genetically based motor precocity in African infants is a touchy issue to some and logical discussions have suffered as a result. Ainsworth (1967), for example, in an otherwise excellent study, first reported motor precocity at birth in her Ghanda (Uganda) sample and then explained the continued motor precocity with speculation about maternal permissiveness and "postural adjustment to being held and carried during the earliest months" (p. 328), At no time, did she seriously consider genetic differences as a possibility, although logic would immediately suggest such a hypothesis, given its early onset. Similarly, Geber, who had been among the first to report relative motor precocity at birth among the Ghanda, somehow omitted these data in explaining a later study of older Ghanda infants. There she emphasized the availability, nurturance, and physical closeness of the mother to the infant (Geber, 1958) as the basis for the perceived differences. Geber and Dean (1958) went on to say, but presented no data, that African infants of the Europeanized middle class were less precocious than those of the lower class, implying that the difference was due to differences in rearing. Leiderman et al, (1973) do present data, and to the opposite effect. They report that middle-class Kikuyu infants in Kenya were more advanced in both the mental and motor scales of the Bayley Test than were lower-class infants, Such dif-

My conclusion? Africans and Afro-Americans are indeed exceedingly well coordinated in infancy-and, yes, thereafter, too. Any American sports buff knows that were it not for the Afro-American, ... our Olympic track record would be mediocre. Why else were blacks excluded from big league baseball for so long? They were simply too good to allow in, and the fear was they would "take over" baseball .. '::=::::::!IEE:::: American blacks do "own" basketball on both the college and the professional level, and as I understand it the entrepreneurial worry is that white fans will lose interest if teams become all-black, as they easily might. And where in the standings would an allwhite baseball * Hallet (1975) has reported that pygmies of the Ituri Forest mature at astoundingly fast rates: they engage in social smiling by one month, sit and reach for objects by three months, walk and even run by six months, and say some 150 words by one year. Hallet reports tbat, in general, they develop at twice the rate of other people.


Human Sociobiology

Biology or Culture1


ferences are understandable, given decisive differences in nutrition favoring the middle classes, and unlike Ceber's claim, make considerable sense. Warren (1972), in a most helpful review of infant testing in subSaharan Africa, found evidence for African motor precocity in 10 out of 12 studies which were adequately conducted. (Two other studies were deemed inadequate.) Despite this apparently decisive ratio, Warren chose to favor the results of the two studies which yielded no differences. e can onl assum th~patell1l-lJlQ ical positions se of tne_tabo(iM}l1..g9net,i@<e~p anat~_of ~thpit..!!i!L~renceueen. ia,

RACISM Most biological scientists are in conflict over the issue of race. Although race is a reasonably useful term in discussing the distributions of plants and animals, its use in descriptions of human populations is too often pejorative and its history too often laden with evil. Some scientists have therefore set out to disprove the term's usefulness on biostatistical grounds. In a very important study based on the relative frequency of blood groups and blood proteins around the world, Lewontin (1972) calculated that 85 % of human genetic diversity is accounted for by individual variation within groups; 15%, by differences between groups. Now 15% is a sizable portion of human diversity and I am inclined to make much of that figure, especially since blood groups provide conservative estimates of group differences. Recall that serological comparisons between the chimpanzee and man show us to have been a single species a mere four million years ago-an impossibly small figure, the more usual estimate being on the order of twenty million years (Campbell, 1966). Blood factors are thus extremely conservative indicators of population differences and tend not to change with environmental pressures as do such polygenic traits as stature, nose form, or skin pigmentation (Nei and Roychoudbury, 1974). Lewontin, however, chose to stress the finding that there is more diversity within races than between races and concluded his study as follows:
Human racial classification is of no social value and is positively destructive of social and human relations. Since such racial classification is now seen to be of virtually no genetic or tax" onomic significance either, no justification can be offered for its continuance. (1972, p. 397)

Apparently one of the difficulties in the above findings involves the ill-intentioned hypothesis that human groups which exhibit motor precocity are "less sapient" in that the hominid line has been characterized by progressive infantilization. It is therefore important to report a recent study of Freedman and Stribey (unpublished data, 1973) using the Cambridge Neonatal Scales with 31 newborns of Punjabi extraction. The Punjabis are a Caucasian group of Northern India who have been highly successful economically in New Delhi, where the study was done. Our data indicate that this group is the most motorically precocious of any group yet seen, including African and Australian aboriginal newborns, They had the strongest neck muscling of any group as indicated by the highest average pull-to-sit and the best ability to support body weight as indicated by the highest average straightening-of-legs response. Thus, within the one race of Caucasians, differences wide enough to encompass the other groups have been found, and it would appear that motor precocity is related to localized adaptations rather than to broad phyletic trends. We hope these findings will help lay to rest unwarranted and mischievous speculation regarding the relative phyletic position of one or another group of mankind. (pp.

With regard to this last point, Berry Brazelton, in his Cambridge pediatric practice, has encountered a number of middle-class black mothers who are bothered by their baby's motor precocity apparently because of the insidious logic referred to in the quoted passage, I Mlerefote-emp'hasi~~ is no genetic likelihood ~r that !wo sl!5~~~ as m;tor precoEtty mId !E.rellig~~.2 a:r~led..h.y-Il.eighh.ociDg~lrat-t:h!!:genrm-...aUine...~ Illii"y a major role in modifying the other. It is perfectly possible to be both smart d well coo natea~T-he-wBI'k,..QLD.~~925) at an ord University resol ed thO issue long ago.

Although I agree with Lewontin's motives, he is in effect howling into the wind. If you are white, I am black, and my neighbor is Asian, we all know we belong to different races, and no professorial pronouncement will change that. Biostatistical data are simply not the answer to interethnic and interracial rivalry and suspicions. If, as I claim, these antagonisms are more or less built into the species, what is there to do, say, in the U.S.1 Frankly, I think the only sound solution lies in miscegenation. * The real heroes of America's
In the long run (over thousands of years) it is clear that there has been an ebb and flow in the relative homozygosity of human groups; human history and


Human Sociobiology

racial standoff are the intermarrieds and their children. It takes courage to break ethnic boundaries and hard work to maintain one's own ancestral ties while building new ones through a "strange" mate. A Marxist or Christian fellowship may serve to introduce the couple, but it is their union and their children, not rhetoric or preaching, that will help bridge racial divisions. And tolerant neighborhoods, such as Chicago's Hyde Park, are needed to support these families. The young people of today can be such heroes and help engineer these bridges if they have the courage and the desire to do so. However, as I have said before, I am not so starryeyed as to believe that miscegenation will soon replace the general trend toward homogamy (marriage within ethnic or racial boundaries). Here is where my Jeffersonian-Marxism shows and where I certainly join forces with Lewontin. Unless we have a healthy economy and insure that everyone who wants to work can do so, and, conversely, as long as some groups suffer more when layoff time arrives, we will see intergroup enmities flourish. Our nation was founded by men and women of conscience, and it has been the continuous pressure by later Americans of conscience that has led to the progress in justice we have experienced. We know, too, that selfishness abounds, at all levels of life, but the United States has nevertheless always been a country that, at a basic level, knows right from wrong. That is, despite our selfish genes, a strong group morality persists. And it is this abstract fairness, or generalized altruism, that holds the promise for our and other nations.


l -,

Although I deem all these studies interesting, they clearly vary in quality. They range from the well thought out, closely supervised studies one expects in a Ph.D. thesis, to the somewhat less demanding M.A. thesis, down to generally inventive but nonrigorous term papers (the majority). The latter are included because of the hypotheses they tested and because their publication may indeed lead to more rigorous studies, The complete papers or theses are on file in my office at the Committee on Human Development University of Chicago. In these studies p, or probability level, refers to the probability that a result was obtained by chance alone. For example, p < .001 means that there is less than one chance in a thousand that the results are merely a sampling error and, therefore, that it is a significant result. NS means a result was not significant. The symbol r refers to a correlation from 0 (no correlation) to 1 (perfect correlat~on), and things may correlate either directly or inversely [negatively], S mean~ subject of the experiment (children, infants, adults), E means expenmenter, and N means number of subjects. Various statistical analyses were used, with Chi-square (X2) the most common,

ii' Ii


prehistory has certainly been characterized by the miscegenation of formerly exclusive groups and their reconstitution into newly exclusive groups [e.g, Darlington, 1969), Study

Koschmann, N. L, An application of sociobiological theory to the phenomenon of inter-racial adoption by fertile couples


Human Sociobiology



Study 2
3 4


Lawrence, M. Sex differences in style and content in children's drawings Costanzo, R. Sex differences in attention structure among sixth graders Snow, R. B. Sex differences in parenting in the middle years Weisfeld, G. E. A longitudinal study of dominance in boys differences in

Savin-Williams, R. C. Dominance-submission behaviors hierarchies in young adolescents at a summer camp Gaskins, S. Sex differences in manipulation



in young children

26 27



Gianinno, L. J. Sexual dimorphism of children's block constructions Long, M. Sexual differences in scores on a reading test Blanck, S. Dimorphism in seated postures Kinnard, J. Sex differences four-year olds in the sleep postures of three- and


5 6 7

Post, H. Sense of humor: A study of male-female children

Parker. R. Social hierarchies in same sex peer groups

Study Lang, F. Mate choice in the human female: A study of height preferences Travis, M. Height differentials in male and female dyads

8 9

Haraszti, L. Dimorphism in carrying books Perline, R. A study of left-lateral preference in the holding of infants DeBoer, M. Sex differences in infant smiling Wolfe, C. Human smiling behavior: Sex-linked? Rose, S. Sex-linked status differentiation in smiling in human smiling


31 32 33

11 12

Laser, }. Infant reactions to adult and child strangers Horowitz, S. Infants' white mask Dan, A. fear of strangers: Reactions to a red or

McLean, J. D. Sex-correlated differences behavior: A preliminary investigation

J. Aspects of visual interaction in human social life


Beekman, S. The relation of gazing and smiling behaviors status and sex in interacting pairs of children Cronin, C. L. Competitive behavior in sex-segregated integrated children's groups Figurski, T. Parental manipulation humans Rozenfeld, E, The importance Westermeyer, class



Edelman, M. S. An evolutionary approach to staring encounters and to the development of dominance hierarchies Goren, C. G. Form perception, innate form preferences, visually mediated head turning in the human neonate Magaziner, newborns and in


and sex-



of the sex ratio of offspring in


J. An ethological perspective

on eye contact

17 18

of good looks in dominance


J. Sex and racial influences in a seventh grade


Bare, J. Infants' reactions to dilated and constricted pupils of an adult stranger in a naturalistic setting: A preliminary investigation . Parker, R. An empirical investigation into beardedness on perception of social situations the effects of

19 20

Solow, N. The female approach to dominance Miller, J. An exploratory study of perceptions of peer hierarchies in early and middle adolescence Taylor, B, The onset of children's preference neighbors Martini, M, Sex differences in the classroom


Kubey, R. W. Dominance and submission in presidential politics: A sociobiological view Hoard, S. Threat display Whitaker. A. Baring one's chest: Ethological and evolutionary perspectives Winstan, F, J. An inquiry into the adaptive significance of pubertal voice change .

21 22

for same-sex play

42 E. Sex differences in the people versus object con43



Human Sociobiology



44 45

Miller, D. Courtship and female breasts Bjork,

J. The effects of blond hair


Study 46 47 48

Sebastian, I. Moral judgment/behavior kin/nonkin distinction

in relation

to the

Leven, P. A pilot study of altruistic behavior relatedness in a college age sample Harris, J. Ethnic stereotypes: Americans and Irish-Americans Agreement

and genetic Jewish-


Hass-Hawkings, G. An empirical study of selective altruism in 40 adolescent high-school students

Callaghan, J. W. Anglo, Hopi, and Navajo mothers' face-to-face interactions with their infants

Study 50

STUDY 1: An Application of sociobiological Theory to the Phenomenon of Inter-racial Adoption by Fertile Couples Nancy Lee Koschmann (1977) Method
The data for this paper are limited, They were gleaned from responses on returned questionnaires (N= 10), notes from 20 adoptive parent meetings that I facilitated in Tokyo for International Social Service, and case records from four family therapies that involved interracial adoption conducted during 1973-1976. All the parents involved had both biological as w~ll as adopted children with one exception: a couple who adopted four children and underwent voluntary sterilization. In every case, at least 50% of the child's racial endowment differed from that of the mother and usually fr~m that of the father as well. Several of the families (N=4) had adopted both Illterracially and intraracially.

The Individual
Most parents stated "concern over world population" as their reason ~or limiting their own reproduction and adopting children to fulfill their dews

for several children. One family forewent biological reproduction completely and adopted four black youngsters. Five couples limited themselves to one biological offspring, but two of these later had accidental pregnancies that they declined to terminate. The remaining couples had between two and four biological children and became concerned over the population problem after the birth of their last child. Most calls made to the welfare agency requesting information on adoption are made by women. In the Tokyo parent groups, most wives had made the suggestion to adopt and set about convincing their husbands of the merits of the plan. Adoption may initially, then, be more directly satisfying to women and hence motivate the female more than the male. The implication for cross-racial adoption is that of a possible mismatch between the child-raising practices of the adopting parents and the disposition of the adopted child, Such a mismatch could result in the child's being labeled "difficult," "hyperactive," "unexpressive," or "passive." There is evidence from the data that this in fact occurs. Three couples listed their Japanese and Chinese children as "passive, easily swayed, and unaggressive." Two couples who adopted black youngsters and one who received an East Indian child described them as "hyperactive and impulsive." A black woman who adopted a white Korean toddler found the child so passive that she characterized him as "dull, unrewarding, and unchallenging." Much has apparently to do with expectation. For example, parents living in the country from which the adopted child comes accept differences in temperament with less surprise and difficulty than parents who receive a foreign child at home. Two responding couples had adopted Korean children in the United States and stated that they were "easy" and "took less time" than their biological children. However, two of the four therapy cases in Tokyo were American families who had adopted Korean children in Japan and apparently expected Japanese-like infants. The Oriental stereotype of the Korean is that of a strong, stubborn, and competitive individual. Both of these American families lived and worked among the Japanese and found that their adopted children encountered difficulties with peers and at school because of their personalities. In neither case did the community know that the children were of Korean nationality. Exactly half the sample indicated experience with negative reactions from relatives and the community. Even with adoption by sterile couples, the act is looked upon with reservation, pity, and suspicion, First, most people do assume that blood is important and there is a tendency to see sterile adults as "handicapped" or abnormal. Unfortunately, the inability to produce offspring sometimes signifies a lack of masculinity on the part of the male (as offspring are proof of the completed sex act), Adoption is therefore seen as second best. Second, adopted children are assumed to be illegitimate with all that that entails. Third, many physical and some mental conditions are inherited, and there is constant fear that the child will at some time manifest a dreaded symptom. Most adopting parents reported that they felt their parents respected and admired their decision and that the differences were over the value of "blood," For instance, in one case pertinent to this paper in many ways, the great-grandfather of the wife, who himself had raised four biological


Human Sociobiology



children, one adopted child, and twenty-four foster children; the wife's parents, who had raised three biological children and one Chinese adopted daughter; and the husband's parents, who had raised four biological . children and one Eskimo-Indian adopted child (both spouses had adopted . cousins as well), all actively urged further biological reproduction while encouraging adoption. The reason they all gave was the same: "You owe the world your good genes."

Youngest; tallest; heaviest; three of four first-year campers; large families; all had sisters; liked by cabin counselor; perceived as having potential for leadership, but not manifested behaviorally. COMPLIANT CLINGERS (2 deltas, 4 omegas) Frequently recognized the superior status of others; frequent givers of favors and compliments; behaved as if a hand servant; did best during verbal control; set self up to be picked on-a position of vulnerability; constantly monitored surrounds; described as friendly, talkative, and extroverted; cabinmates avoided her, considering her an embarrassment; a clinger (physically) if one shows affection or attention.

. 'I


STUDY 2: Dominance-Submission Behaviors and Hierarchies Young Adolescents in a Summer Camp Richard C. Savin-Williams

This study is discussed in detail in Chapter 3. Here is a typology of "styles" found in the eight cabin groups. Not all types were represented in each cabin; neither did each cabin have only one of each type. Some individuals did not fit into any classification (10 %). Females MATERNAL LEADERS (4 alphas) Subtle when dominating others; frequently directed others, giving unsolicited advice in regard to p~oper dress, manners, grooming, etc.: perceived by peers as a source of security and support; described as confident, loyal, kindhearted, and manipulative. Pubertally mature; older; heavy in weight; most popular with peers; liked by cabin counselor; intelligent; youngest child in the family; one of the lowest in cabin on socioeconomic status. ANTAGONISTS (3 betas, 1 gamma, 1 delta) Overt when dominating; frequently initiated counterdominance behaviors-and successful when so . behaving; not successful in verbal exchanges (verbal control and verbal directives): most actively involved in cabin domlnance-submtsslon interac~ . tions; the mood setters: described as assertive and aggressive individuals who imposed themselves on others, frequently enticing others to break ... rules' charismatic and spirited individuals who were considered by counselors and administrators as problem campers: negative leadership, Physically mature; in every cabin the best athlete was an antagonist; . returning campers; wealthy families; one of youngest in the family; all ha~... older brothers; initially popular with peers but became unpopular as progressed; most disliked by cabin counselor. AMORPHOUS MISS AVERAGE (1 beta, 2 gammas, 1 delta) guishing pattern was the lack of a pattern-average in most indices and set- . tings; one of least involved in cabin dominance-submission ~nteracti~ns; fell in dominance as camp progressed; described as nondescript, placid, shy, neat, quiet, "just there," and "the most forgettable character"; superficially at peace with self. LEADERS (3 alphas) Subtle when dominating; frequent initiator of verbal directives and receiver of recognition; most successful when displacing, least so when counterdominating; most dominant during athletic game; decreased in participation in cabin dominance-submission interactions over time; a leader during cabin discussions. Pubertally mature, physically fittest: best or next best athlete in each cabin; most handsome; intelligent; wealthy families; had younger brothers; best or least liked by peers; most liked by cabin counselor; described by peers as dominant, the leader, rich, handsome, bully, athletic, popular, stubborn, and strong: they agreed with this assessment. BULLIES (1 alpha, 2 gammas) Most successful when threatening or physically asserting self-but not during verbal exchanges (verbal control and ridicule) or discussions; overranked selves on dominance sociometrics; saw self as being more positive (handsome, masculine, smart, and strong) than peers saw them: stubborn, loud, bullish, Physically mature; youngest; tallest; heaviest: physically fit; average to good athlete (due to physical size and not so much natural athletic ability); all from large families; all had older sisters; most disliked by peers. FUNNY DUMMIES (1 beta, 1 delta, 1 gamma) Successful when ridiculing and during mealtimes-not during cabin activities; considered by peers to have leadership skills but not manifested in behavior; described by peers : as funny, friendly, and "dumb." Physically immature; shortest; lightest; second best athlete in cabin; from wealthy and large families; a middle child with a younger sister; most popular with peers but not with cabin counselor; lowest on intelligence (Wechsler Verbal Scale). QUIET FOLLOWERS (2 deltas, 2 epsllons) All were omegas at one point during camp; successful at counterdominance; unsuccessful when directing others; infrequent participants in dominance-submission interactions; described as mature, quiet, "dumb." Oldest; short; lightweight; poor athletes: least handsome; two were new


Human Sociobiology



campers; not popular grossed.

among peers, becoming even less so

WHIMPS (4 omegas) Most successful when verbally arguing; most subordinate during threats and recognition behaviors; ideas ignored group during discussions; described as weak, submissive, poor, friendly, religious, and nonleaders; they agreed with this assessment. Childlike pubertally; short; lightweight; least physically fit; last or next' to last in athletic ability; lowest on socioeconomic status. '

Wore blocks (p < .05}, and utilized a greater variety of blocks, often building elabo~ate ornaments: Boys were more apt to build tunnels, lanes, and buildmgs- constructions expressing the concepts of transmission and structure.


Sexual Differences in Scores on a Reading Test Michael Long (1975)


Sex Differences in Manipulation Suzanne Gaskins (1973)

in Young Children

Observed children (estimated ages: three to eight years) manipulating self-operated exhibits at the Museum of Science and Industry. More boys were observed manipulating the exhibits, but more boys passed each exhibit, too; so the proportion of children exposed to an exhibit who stopped to manipulate it did not show a sex difference. '

Number of children manipulating Male Female Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3

Number exposed Male Female 29 25

14 12

6 8 7

The study demonstrated that it is possible to construct a reading test that by its design allows males to score higher than females. ' Long's test parallels the embedded figures perceptual restructuring task. A moderately difficult magazine article was included among several article excerpts and short, one-page articles of completely unrelated material. After reading the material in the order presented, individuals were administered a true/false test, including 11 questions on the main article and 4 questions on the unrelated material. Six male and 6 female college students were tested. To score well, it was posited, an individual had to pick out and retain key concepts in the central article, while inhibiting or keeping separate the "noise" represented by the unrelated material. It was hypothesized males would score higher than females. The mean score for males was found to be 20% higher than the mean score for females, representing a difference of over one standard deviation in the means. No differences in Ss' average scores between the article and the unrelated material were found. A biological theory by Braverman was discussed as one explanation for the findings of sex differences in cognitive performance (Broverman et al., 1968).

, I


The number of boys and girls entering the museum was found to be about equal. Therefore, it was concluded that the boys must cover more ground in the museum than the girls, thus both passing and manipulating more exhibits.

Dimorphism in Seated Postures Susan Blanck (1971)


Sexual Dimorphism of Children's Block Constructions Lawrence


Gianinno (1972)

This small-scale comparative study attempted to reassess Erik Erikson's. 1951 study of genital modes and spatial modalities in block building play. among children to determine whether the sexual dimorphism that Erikson found in 11-, 12-, and 13-year-olds held true for younger children. Subjects were nine boys and nine girls, aged six to eight, in a .. class, urban, private school. They were given wood blocks in a small room and instructed to build whatever they wanted on the table provided. For both sexes, with increasing age, the time spent in block play creased. Boys, in contrast to girls, spent more time in building (p < .10), used ...

Male and female differences in seated postures were observed in a college library. During seven days forty young adults were observed as they ,, .read in armchairs and in desk chairs. Consistent sex differences were noted. Females tended to sit with rounded shoulders and chin tucked in, with the body bent forward at the ,waist; legs were held close to or curled under the body or were crossed at the knees; free hands and extra clothing (coats) were usually laid on the ab':domen or in some manner close to or touching the body. Males, on the other hand, tended to hold their shoulders straight and head high with the torso comparatively straight: legs were either stretched out in front with little bend or crossed with knees apart; a free hand was usually placed on a table or 'chair away from the body, with extra clothing placed wherever convenient. Further research should focus on the confirmation of sexual dimorphism in seating posture cross-culturally and developmentally, particularly on how early in life these sexual differences in body posture can be universally noted.

172 Human Sociobiology Appendix


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Sex Differences Four- Year Olds

in the Sleep Postures

of Three- and



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Jeanne Kinnard (1973) , The paper hypothesized sexual dimorphism in the relaxed positions of sleeping children with females tending toward more closed, rounded posi . tions and males toward more extended positions, Ten males and ten females, aged three to four, were observed by the author while they slept in a Montessori school and in a day care center. A composite picture of each child's body positioned during the thirty minutes of sleep revealed that the girls tended toward a rounded, closed position whereas boys showed no conclusive trend, indicating a possible developmental change from a rounded to a more extended sleeping posture. Females slept predominantly on their sides; males were more apt than females to sleep on their stomachs. This female body form was related to Blanck's (Appendix Study 6) study of the seating posture among college students,

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The object of this project was to test the author's casual observation that males and females tended to carry their books in different ways. The hypothesis was that more females carried their books clutched to the chest than did males. The author tested her hypothesis by photographing a series of persons as they entered the University of Chicago library. Every person carrying books was photographed until a sufficient number of each sex was sampled. The Ss, 37 males and 36 females, were not aware they were being photographed. Each picture was examined to determine whether the S was carrying books clutched to the chest. The operational definition of clutched to the chest was as follows: books had to be touching the ventral part of the trunk between waist and neck and the major part of the books had to be above the waist. Of the 72 Ss sampled, 12 males and 33 females carried their books clutched to the chest; 25 males and .3 females did not. A Chi-square analysis of this difference in behavior by sex yielded a p of .001, In seeking an evolutionary explanation for this difference, the author speculated that relatively greater size and strength in the male's hands may account for their tendency to carry books in the hand with the arm extended down against the body. The weaker females might need the extra support of the arms to carry the same load as comfortably. This explanation suggests that there might be correlation between the weight of the load and the manner of support, however, and apparently no such correlation was found. The author also speculated that covering the breasts in nonsexual situations could be a female tendency-perhaps to prevent the attraction of males



Human Sociobiology



other than one's mate. It seems unlikely that this explanation accounts ada;: quately for the degree of consistency observed in the behavior ofthe females sampled. A final possibility could be that females, whose evolutionary history involved carrying and nursing infants, have developed a greater tendency to : cuddle, or cradle, carried objects to their chest. The author concluded that there may have evolved a generalized difference in the female's use of the..: hands and arms.

1.0 0.9 0.8

0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 _--Females ---Males


A Study of Left-Lateral Preference Infants Rich Perline (1975)

in the Holding of '

The study examined the extent to which left-lateral preference. found to be a preferred mode among mothers, is differentially found among males and females aged six years to sexual maturity. Three hypotheses were examined: (1) mothers exhibit more left-lateral preference than any other. group; (2) females of reproductive age display a degree of left-lateral. preference intermediate between that shown by mothers and by males of reproductive age; (3) individuals at reproductive age show more left-lateral preference than individuals of their sex at prereproductive ages, with adolescents falling at an intermediate level. Subjects formed four groups: group I: 83 F and 49 M, aged 6-12: group II: 47M and 30F, aged 13-17: group III: 57 M and 55 F single individuals over. age 18; group IV: 13 mothers of newborns. A small doll was placed on a table. Each S, centered in front. was asked to lift the doll the way he would if . it were a real baby. Lateral preference was determined by the side of the S's midline on which the lifted doll's head was placed. The handedness of each S was recorded. The highest proportion of left-lateral preference was observed among mothers. Females in each group over the age of 13 were found to r significantly more left preference than males at any age or the . group of females. Group I females had significantly lower preference thaJ;l. females of group II (p < .05) and group III (p < .05). Group I males also . significantly lower left preference than males of group II (p < .01) or group (p < .05). No significant differences were observed for either sex in left : preference between groups II and III. Left-lateral preference was shown to independent of handedness, although the small sample of left-handed .. precluded rigorous testing of this hypothesis.

Group I

Group II



Group III 18 and over 5s HOLDING

Group IV




died in its crib to the E so that the sex was not apparent. None of the males had as yet been circumcised. The observations were done within 90 minutes of the infants' last feed. and all infants were predominantly in a light sleep or drowsy state during the 10-minute observation period. During the observation, the author recorded any indications of smiling into one of three categories: full smiling (at least one second), assymetrical smiling. and fleeting smiles (short jerks of the corners of the mouth). The results are summarized in the table that follows. The female infants were observed to exhibit more smiling of all types, but especially fleeting smiles, where the difference was statistically significant (p < .05, two-tailed, Mann-Whitney U).
Frequency of Smiles

Female (N = 14) Male (N =< 9) . Difference by sex



Fleeting 169
12.0 5.4

X= X=



1.8 1.1 10








Significant at .05 level


Sex Differences in Infant Smiling

Marty DeBoer (1974)


Human Smiling Behavior: Sex-Linked? Constance Wolfe (1971)

In a study of sex differences in newborn (reflexive) smiling. the observed 23 two-day-old infants. The 9 male and 14 female full-term infants were all normal, black, and bottlefed. A nurse delivered each infant swad- ,

The purpose of the study was to see whether women smile more than men in impersonal situations. The author hypothesized that an impersonal


Human Sociobiology




social situation might correspond to one in which, among primates, the attitude of the dominant is unknown and the "smile" is used deflect potential aggression from a dominant or unknown species mate. specified three questions In all, as follows:

that men smiled more than women were women aged 18 to 25-and doubtedly was their experience.

such un-

DO WOMEN, WHEN SMILED AT, RETURN A SMILE OFTEN THAN MEN? The author and a male colleague themselves at a commuter-train station in downtown Chicago during a rush hour. Approximately every tenth person with whom eye contact established was given a broad smile. Responses were recorded on a zero three scale: no smile to broad, full smile. It was found that eye contact difficult to establish in this setting, especially so with members of the same sex. Young women in their twenties did not return the smile of the female ex. perimenter. Data for 60 male and 60 female (largely Caucasian) adults are summarized below:
Rating Males Female E 13 8 5 4 MaleE 25 1 38 9 7 Total (63%) (36%) Female E Females Male E 18 27 24 Total



Status Differentiation

in Smiling

Sharon Rose (1972)

. Rose hypothesized that smiling is an appeasement behavior. Relying on the assumptions that the smile occurs more frequently in individuals of low dominance and less so in high-ranking individuals and that "average females" perceive themselves and are perceived by others as relatively less dominant than males, the author predicted that smiling would occur more frequently in females. Rose observed 382 Ss who walked by her on a street corner at the University of Chicago. The criteria for selection as a S were as follows: (1) the person was within a larger group of people while at the same time (2) the person was not engaged in conversation. These criteria were imposed with the idea that such persons would be exhibiting "essentially nondirected (but not nonsocial) smiles" and that smiles elicited from the context of conversations for example, would be avoided. ' Each individual who passed by and satisfied the criteria was classified and recorded as a smiling or nonsmiling male or female. Of the 158 females observed, 47 (29.7 %) were classified as smiling. A total of 224 males was observed, with 36 (16.7%) of them smiling. A Chi-square value of 10.2 was computed, indicating that the sex difference in these frequencies was significant at the .01 level. The author interpreted smiling behavior in the context specified in the study "as a sort of generalized appeasement behavior" serving to prevent or forestall "any confrontation with a superordinate individual."


of smile
0 1

15 3 3

0 3


2 2

3 6

A Chi-square comparing frequency of men and women smilers and. nonsmilers indicated that the difference in frequency was significant at the .05 level. That is, in impersonal situations women are apparently more likely to return a smile than are men. It is of interest to note that the male Ereceived fewer smiles from both male and female Ss.

DO WOMEN, IN OTHER IMPERSONAL SITUATIONS, SMILE MORE THAN MEN? In this portion of the investigation, the author watched 10 males and 10 females at each of three different sales counters as they transacted their business. If more than one smile was observed, the one with the highest rating was recorded. Although the results varied somewhat " across the three situations (a pastry counter, a train ticket window, and a . short-order food counter), it seems likely that this could be accounted for by the age and sex of the salespersons at the particular location. Despite variance in the proportion of men and women smilers, the women ~u.u,,,,,-,:.= more in each of these settings, and the results summarized across . were nearly identical to those reported in the preceding table. In the case of . these 30 male and 30 female Ss, 37% of the males smiled, 53 % of the females did so.
THE AUTHOR ASKED PEOPLE WHETHER, IN THEIR OPINION, MEN OR WOMEN DID MORE SMILING It was not surprising to discover that people's opinion supported the author's hypothesis females do more smiling. The only part of the population sampled who felt


Sex-Correlated Differences in Human Behavior: A Preliminary Investigation James Dickson McLean (1971)


McLean used yearbook photographs as his data in an investigation of sex correlated differences in human smiling behavior. Yearbooks of high school and college at the University of Chicago and of another neighborhood . high school were used to examine smiling behavior in the formal (graduation) portraits of over 3,000 S. Smiling was operationally defined as an expression in which all or any part of the teeth were showing. Judgments of smiling or nonsmiling were made and recorded by sex for each individual photographed. In all, 15 samples were processed, including high-school and college seniors for the years 1931, 1939, 1956, 1962, and 1965. All but one of these samples were predominantly or exclusively Caucasian; the single largest sample was entirely black. Chi-square computations were made for each sample and for the total sample. In each sample. as well as the total sample, a larger proportion of


Human Sociobiology


1 79

'f'Ie, d as smiling For most of these samples, the difference , fema Ies was c I assi h ' ificant and where significance was not reac ed, the in frequency was slgm 1 , , ' f ' d . t d The results of this study are summarlzed m the ollowing tren perSIS e . . h b dd d ..'.' . table. (Samples of Australian Aboriginals and Navajo ave een a ec to McLean's data.] Percentage Sm iling Samples College Seniors (U. of Chicago)
1965 1962 1956 1939 1931 22 38 29 15 3




36 83 46 49 16

8.72 23.30 2.80 43.02 20.56

classroom hierarchy. These high- and low-status boys and girls were paired in all possible combinations of status and sex, making a total of six cross-sex and six same-sex pairs for each class. The order in which the pairs interacted was randomized as much as possible, . The interaction of the pairs consisted of a drawing phase in which the children were asked to draw a picture together and an interview phase during which an adult asked them a series of questions regarding their picture and the relationship between them. Both phases of interaction were videotaped, The videotaped records were then analyzed for percentage of total interaction time spent in seven types of smiling and gazing behaviors. Since more time was spent gazing and smiling in the interview phase, and essentially the same trends appeared in both phases, data were reported for all 48 pairs in the interview phase and for 24 pairs in the drawing phase. Results are given below for each of the gazing and smiling variables. PERCENT AGE OF TIME SPENT GAZING AT PEER In all samesex pairs of different status, the low-status child spent a greater percentage of time (p < ,04) gazing at the high-status partner than the latter spent gazing back (see Part 1 of Beekman's table). In same-sex pairs of similar status, the relative percentage of time spent gazing was not consistently related to their perception of which child was tougher. In cross-sex pairings (see Part 2 of the table), the girls spent more time gazing at the boys than vice versa (p < .05). An examination of 16 children's behavior across the four possible conditions revealed the following general pattern: (1) High-status boys tended to spend less time gazing than any of their partners; (2) both low-status boys and high-status girls tended to spend more time gazing than the boys with whom they were paired but less time than the girls with whom they were paired; and (3) low-status girls tended to gaze more than any of their partners except other low-status girls. Pairs of high- and low-status boys did very little gazing during the drawing phase. All other findings for the interview phase held for the drawing phase. PERCENTAGE OF TIME SPENT IN MUTUAL GAZING In samesex pairs, the mean percentage of time spent in mutual gazing was greater for children of similar status than for pairs with unequal status (except in the case of first grade girls). In the first-grade group, mutual gazing was greater for same-sex pairs than for cross-sex pairs, but the reverse was true for thirdgrade boys. The results for the drawing phase were the same as for the inter. view. PERCENTAGE MUTUAL GAZING GREATER THAN CHANCE This measure was calculated by multiplying the percentage of time S' gazes at 82 times the percentage of time S2 gazes at S' and subtracting this number from the actual percentage of mutual gazing of the pair. The value of this variable was about half that of variable 2 for most interactions and followed a similar pattern. In same-sex pairs, the percentage mutual gazing greater than chance was increased in similar status pairs for both age groups. The

H. S. Seniors (Hyde Park H. S. ) 1966 (black) CU. of Chicago Lab School)

1965 1962 1956 1939 1931

57 50 48 43 0 8 38 39 42 39 31 69 13

69 75 61 64 47 1B 69 68 71

8.70 11.04 2.35 1.80 26.49 2.99 12.57 11.65 13.96 12.85

.005 .0005 .10 .10 .0005 .05


H. S. Juniors (Lab)

H. 5. Sophomores (Lab)

H. 5. Freshmen(Lab)

Junior H. S. Seniors(Lab)

Total Australian Aboriginal (Korrnilda College, 1972) Navajo(MethodistMissionH. 5.,


56 78 24 1.49 2.76

STUDY 14: The Relation of Gazing and Smiling Behaviors. Status and Sex in Interacting Pairs of Children Susan Beekman (1970)
Beekman studied children's smiling and gazing behaviors in relation to their sex and status in the classroom dominan~e hierarc~y. T~e 32 Ss a o drawn from two first- and third-grade classes 10 the Unlversity of ~~iC ~h Lab School These children had participated in a larger study for w~~c ~a child ranked his classmates on a dominance h,ierarchy de l~~ . "toughness." The SS chosen for this study were the eight members f class whose peers had ranked them nearest the top or bottom 0


Human Sociobiology



Mean Percentage Gazing At Peer Part 1 Same-sex, unequal status pairs High-status child First grade Third grade Boys Girls Boys Girls
7.22 11.90 3.65 13.19

Low-status child

.. !.

PERCENTAGE OF TIME SPENT TALKING The mean percentage of time spent talking was greater for high-status than for low-status first graders, but this was not the case in the third grade. At both grade levels the mean percentage of time spent talking was greater for boys than for girls. This relationship was reversed in the drawing phase.

16.80 8.50

Part 2 Cross-sex Pairs Boys Firstgrade Third grade


STUDY 15: Competitive Behavior in Sex-Segregated and SexIntegrated Children's Groups

Carol Lynn Cronin (1977) Two experiments were conducted to examine the competitive behavior of young adolescents in sex segregated and sex integrated situations. The first experiment was an athletic competition. It was hypothesized that girls would compete actively against one another but would be inhibited when competing against boys; that is, those girls who performed well competing against other girls would show a drop in performance when competing against boys. A dodgeball game was organized on a school playground. Fiftyfour 9-, 10-, and l1-year-old middle-class black children volunteered to play (24 girls and 30 boys). Same-sex baseline games determined high- and lowskill boys and girls. During the ensuing tournament two observers noted points scored (successful dodges) by individuals and competitions by individuals for the loose ball after every throw. In the first 15-minute game, high-skill girls scored significantly more points than low-skill girls (X' test, p< .02J. In each pairing of a girls' group with a boys' group, boys scored significantly more points than girls (X' test, p < .02). High- and low-skill girls were indistinguishable when competing against boys ..

17.35 18.31

Mean Percentage Smiling Part 3 Same-sex, unequal status pairs High-status child Firstgrade Third grade Boys Girls Boys Girls
51.25 21.78 20.50 34.69

Low-status child
42.54 47.60 25.83 70.34

Part 4 Cross-sex pairs Pairs with high-status girls Firstgrade Third grade Boys Girls Boys Girls
21.21 13.88 27.91 25.93

Pairs with low-status girls

28.11 39.41 26.95 51.55

comparison of same- and cross-sex pairs on this variable followed the pat- .. tern described for mutual gazing. PERCENTAGE OF TIME SPENT SMILING As shown in Part 3 of the table, a low-status girl smiled more than her high-status counterpart, this was not the case for pairs of low- and high-status boys. In cross-sex interactions (Part 4J, low-status girls almost always smiled more than their partners, except when they were paired with other status girls. High-status girls nearly always smiled less than their except when interacting with other high-status girls. Nearly all boys more than high-status girls and less than low-status girls. PERCENTAGE OF TIME SPENT SMILING BROADLY terns here resemble those reported for variable 4. Similar relationships held NUMBER OF GIGGLES PER MINUTE as for variables 4 and 5 in same- and cross-sex interactions. Low-status giggled more frequently than their high-status counterparts, although no such pattern appeared for the boys.

Total Points, Chances, and Percentages in Oral Contests Round Participants Total Points Scored
14 9 22 23 13 17 16 20 11 15 10 16

Possible Points (Chances)

27 27 30 30 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27

Percentage of Possible Points

52 S3 73 77

High boys low boys


High girls low girls High boys low girls High boys High girls Lowboys low girls low boys Hlghgirls


48 63 59 74 41 56 37 S9



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The second experiment was an academic competition. Even though girls had a skill advantage over boys, it was hypothesized that boys would not show any inhibition when competing against girls. Girls were again expected to show inhibition when competing against boys. A spelling contest was organized in the same school, and 19 girls and 18 boys, aged 9 to 11, volunteered. A written test determined boys' and girls' skill levels. An oral contest, organized the same way as in experiment revealed that both boys and girls showed consistent performance levels against all opponents, and there was no evidence of inhibition in the academic situation for either sex. Boys consistently outvolunteered girls (p < .05) no matter their skill level. Several other measures, as well, indicated that no matter how poorly they spelled, the boys were more eager to compete than were the girls.



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STUDY 16: Parental Manipulation of the Sex Ratio of Offspring in Humans Thomas Figurski (1977) Author's summary

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By virtue of their greater gametic potential, healthy males have greater reproductive success (RS) than healthy females. Conversely, unhealthy males, victims of fierce male competition, have less RS than unhealthy females. Thus, natural selection would favor those parents who could adjust the sex ratio of their offspring according to the conditions of health so that more males would be produced in superior conditions and more females in poor conditions (Trivers and Willard, 1973). This is a prime example of parental manipulation of progeny to the advantage of parental RS and at the expense of some individual potential offspring (Alexander, 1974). To test this hypothesis empirically for humans on a global scale, national life expectancy, representative of health conditions, was correlated with the national sex ratio at birth for 29 countries across the world. Results indicated a significant relationship between the two variables, with a Pear__ ._~~_ .. son's r of approximately + .6.

STUDY 17: The Importance of Good Looks in Dominance Ellen Rozenfeld (1976)
The study investigated what cues derived from those available in photographs would enable individuals most accurately to determine the dominance hierarchy existing among six adolescent boys. Photographs of six thirteen-year-old boys were obtained. The dominance rank order between the boys had previously been established through observation and inquiry (Savin-Williams, 1977). Two photos of each boy, one showing only the face, one the full body, were mounted on cards. Thirteen female and 6 male Ss aged 15 to 52 were presented with the six



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Human Sociobiology

cards and asked to rank the boys in hierarchies based on dominance. looks and body build, Eight out of the 19 Ss' rankings of hierarchies based on dominance as well as on looks were significantly correlated with the established dominance hierarchy. In 13 cases. in fact. the correlations between the looks and established dominance hierarchies were greater than or equal to the correlations between the perceived and the established dominance hierarchy. None of the 19 rankings of body build was significantly correlated with the established dominance hierarchy. Results were interpreted to suggest that looks. unlike body build. play an important role in both the perception and the formation of dominanca orders,

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STUDY 18: Sex and Racial Influences in a Seventh-Grade Class
Jerry Westermeyer (1975)


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Westermeyer investigated sex and racial influences on social organization and friendship selection within a class of seventh graders aged 12 to 14, The class (16 males and 15 females) consisted of 10 black. 9 white. and 11 Spanish-speaking students. Individuals were asked to list their 5 best friends and to rank order 10 of their classmates on 4 dimensions: best looking. most athletic, dominant, and most intelligent. In addition. 15 of the boys and 11 of the girls responded to a TAT-like stimulus card (a picture of the head of an Arab man), Sex significantly influenced all hierarchies, Both sexes more frequently voted for boys on the dominance and athletics hierarchies (p < ,01); for the opposite sex on the looks hierarchy (.01 < P < ,02J; and for their own sex on the intelligence (p < .01) and friendship (p < ,001) hierarchies, Dominant boys ranked high on the looks and athletics hierarchies but not on the intelligence hierarchy, The dominance hierarchy appeared a strong influence on friendship organization among boys, In contrast, dominance had little influence on female friendship patterns. Racial grouping strongly influenced the looks, friendship, athletics. and intelligence hierarchies. The dominance hierarchy was least affected by race. Analysis of TAT data revealed sex differences congruent with trends observed in the hierarchy data, Males more frequently wrote stories involving physical harm to the man's face. Females more often chose names for the central figure and wrote about family relationships. TAT data were not analyzed for racial differences.




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STUDY 19: The Female Approach to Dominance Nancy Solow (1976)

Solow analyzed the nature of dominance relations among five adolescent girls (mean age 13,3J during their participation in a five-week summer

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Human Sociobiology



camp, Analysis was based centrally on behavioral observations made by the cabin counselor of verbal and physical dominance displayed by the girls, Sociometric ratings by the girls of the dominance order and the cabin counselors' ratings of the girls on various characteristics were also obtained. Analysis revealed the existence of a linear and transitive dominance hierarchy, The hierarchy was found to be stable over time with regard to ranking of individuals, average number of interactions per hour, and in" dividual involvement in and success at dominance encounters, Great individual variance was observed in the nature of dominance across settings. No overall difference across settings on the distribution of dominance interactions was observed, however, when all dyadic interactions were considered, Girls used basically verbal rather than physical types of social power. They showed individual preferences for types of verbal assertion and frequently varied the types of interaction by the individual with whom they were involved, Ratings of the girls on pubertal status, intelligence, and athletic ability correlated positively with the dominance order (r = ,89; .92; ,41), whereas the counselor's ratings of beauty and how much she liked the girls correlated negatively with the order (-,21; -.37), Discussion of the observed results suggested the hierarchy retained a feminine flavor, reflecting the feminine facility for verbal expression as well as feminine sensitivity and reactivity to situational cues and environmental changes, Analysis of individual styles of dominance, such as those of "maternal martyr" or "manipulative attention seeker," suggested that dominance styles incorporated feminine personality constellations,

tion between male sex and toughness was weaker among middle than among early adolescents, In all cases, males overrated more than females, though this trend reached statistical significance only on friends (p < ,05) and looks (p < .01) among middle adolescents, Sex differences in accuracy of perceiving others occurred on four out of five dimensions among early adolescents, with no such sex differences observed among middle adolescents, Both male and female early adolescents were found to overrate Significantly more than male and female middle adolescents on looks (p < .01) as well as to show significantly lower accuracy than the older adolescents in perceiving the rankings of others on this dimension (p < .01 for males; p < ,05 for females), Such an effect was posited to occur because of early adolescents' egocentrism around looks, an area of particular affective vulnerability given the onset of puberty. A model of overrating as reflecting both competitive and defensive affective orientations was proposed.


The Onset of Children's Preference for Same-Sex Play Neighbors Brandon Taylor (1974)


An Exploratory Study of Perceptions of Peer Hierarchies in Early and Middle Adolescence Joan Miller (1977)

Observations were conducted in a nursery school where children were grouped according to age; three groups were observed: 16 two-year olds, 18 three-year olds, and 20 four-year olds, Children were observed twice indoors and twice during outside recess, The sex of each child and his first, second, and third spatially nearest neighbors were recorded. The change between the two-year-old group and the three-year-old group indicates that the onset of same-sex play preference is between two and three years, Percentage observations
Age Two Age Three Age Four

Miller examined age and sex differences in the perceived structure of Child observed Nearest peer hierarchies over early and middle adolescence, It was hypothesized that neighbor such perceptions would evidence certain parallels with the structure of Boys Boy 57 64 59 dominance hierarchies found among nonhuman primates as well as reflect Girl 33 33 37 Teacher 10 3 4 the impact of cognitive, affective, and social processes specific to human Chi-square" NS P < ,001 P < ,05 adolescence, Such effects were demonstrated in relation to (1) the dimenGirls Boy 38 7 41 sions around which hierarchies were most delineated; (2) sex differences in,.. _ -""::'=;':~F-' Girl 76 77 56 dominance; and (3) age and sex differences in accuracy of perception of the Teacher 1S 16 3 Chi-square rankings of self and others. NS P < ,001 p < ,05 The sample included 19 female and 22 male seventh graders (mean age 'The numbers of each sex in each group were unequal; the Chi-square values were computed with 13,1) and 19 female and 26 male tenth and eleventh graders (mean age 16,5). this in mind. Assigned to class subgroups of approximately 10, students ranked members of their group on (1) having attention paid to one's opinions; (2) havjng'many--"~=-:-""""=--STUDY 22: Sex Differences in the Classroom friends; (3) looks; (4) smartness; and (5) toughness, Self-report scales proMary Martini (1974) vided measures of adolescents' affective involvements around the dimensions, Martini analyzed social interaction through "behavior records" of Hierarchies were found consistently most delineated on toughness twenty-two second- and third-grade children from two open classrooms in a among early but not among middle adolescents, The strength of the assocla-


Human Sociobiology

Catholic elementary school on the North Side of Chicago. The data averaged 43 observations (two minutes each) per child. Extensive detail on the coding method and on the data themselves is included. Girls were observed to interact with other children more frequently than boys, and all tended to interact (73 % of the time) with others of the saine sex. Boys tended to interact predominantly with only one other person, while girls initiated more interac_ tions with teachers. There were also sex differences in the topics of verbal interactions, as well as in the "structure" of the interactions.

U .... ._ 0





Sex Differences in the People versus Object Continuum Ed Fahrmeir (1968)

The study examined the content of drawings made by the Ss early in the course of Omark and Edelman's study (1977). The content of the drawings was classified into the following categories: (1) human figures: {2} animals: (3) flora and natural scenes; and (4) inanimate objects.

~ ONlOO'OLl':l,-ff)l..n


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Classification Boys

of drawings by' subject matters

Nursery school First grade 1.5

2.0 7.0

0 5.5

3.0 21.0

Girls 1


3 0 7.0

3.0 3.5



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"Each drawing was made by two people; divided drawings were given .5 credit per half.

The pattern in nursery school is unclear. First graders had definite preferences: boys heavily favored inanimate objects: girls preferred human figures and natural scenes.



Sex Differences in Style and Content in Children's Drawings Mark Lawrence (1968)


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Children's drawings (collected in the course of the Omark-Edelman research) were analyzed for sex differences in content by counting the occurrences of action, vehicles, smiles, perspective, females, males, guns, flowers, gentle animals, fierce animals, houses, decorative furnishings, suns, and people. Sex differences were noted for the action, perspective, male, and female categories, as well as for some of the other categories for some of the groups. Probabilities are based on the Mann-Whitney U-Test.



Human Sociobiology




Sex Differences Graders

in Attention


among Sixth

Richard Costanzo (1973)

Sixth-grade children (16 male, 11 female) were asked to write letters in class to anyone they wished; it was stated that the letter would not be seen or graded by the teacher. The letters were scored for themes (interpersonal or not), people mentioned, competitiveness, length, and sex of addressee. The last was of interest: letters tended to be addressed to same-sex individuals. Boys also wrote less about themselves and peers than did girls and more about "famous people."

and popularity. Toughness ranks hi grade school were correlated with dominance, leadership, and popularity at the .04 level or better for all three intervals: fifth grade to ninth, second to ninth, and first to ninth. Spearman rank order correlation coefficients ranged from .52 to ,79. Another cohort was followed from third to ninth grade, with similar results. The same two cohorts of boys were also ranked by their female classmates on toughness in grade school and on desirability as dates and as party guests in high school. Toughness in first, second, and fifth grade was correlated with desirability in ninth grade for one cohort, and toughness in third grade was correlated with desirability in tenth grade for the other cohort. Thus, dominance interactions early in grade school may affect access to resources-including females-in high school. The grade-school data in this study were collected by Omark and Edelman and used with permission.

: i


Sex Differences in Parenting in the Middle Years


B. Snow (1976)


Sense of Humor: A Study of Male-Female Differences in Children

Henry Post (1973)

The study investigated father-child versus mother-child dyadic relationships in the middle years. Ten young adult males and 10 young adult females (mean age 20) completed a questionnaire assessing a range of aspects of the parent-child relationship. Their parents (fathers mean age 47; mothers mean age 45) later were individually interviewed on the same questions as well as on more general adult developmental issues. Measures of the "content" as well as of the degree of "consensus" in parent and child responses were then obtained .. The quality of interaction with children rather than the amount was found to distinguish fathers from mothers. Fathers as compared to mothers appeared less obligated, less varied in active participation in showing care, and less empathetic; they gave and received fewer total indications of affection and showed less mutuality with their young adult children. Mothers consistently evaluated their interpersonal skills lower than they were rated by their daughters, whereas fathers evaluated their interpersonal skills higher than they were rated by their sons. Such findings of greater discrepancy in same-sex rather than cross-sex parent-child dyads were interpreted, particularly in the case of males, as a manifestation of competition. The overall results, the author proposed, indicate mothers are more multidimensional and complex in their parenting than are fathers. Motherchild relations are characterized by greater mutuality and reciprocal influencing than are father-child relations, Results, the author showed, are congruent with ego psychological as well as biosocial models of sex differences.

Post hypothesized that significant differences in sense of humor between the sexes would point toward significant differences in male-female temperament, personality, ego investment, values, and concerns. Ten boys and ten girls, aged nine to twelve, were given ten cartoons and instructed to rank order them from most to least humorous. Each child was then asked to draw a picture either from a movie or from a television show that was "really funny." The girls' favorite cartoons involved puns, spoken lines, static scenes, and a neat, clean, and functional drawing style; boys, on the other hand, selected cartoons that depicted considerable physical activity, for example, one character hitting another over the head. The second part of the experiment, drawing a movie or television scene, revealed basically the same trends: girls drew situations involving an interpersonal encounter that indicated how people did things and involving spoken lines, whereas boys drew scenes of violence and action indicating what people were doing. Another striking sexual difference was evident in pictures showing human figures. Ninety percent of the boys drew simple stick figures; 90 % of the girls drew complete figures with faces.


Social Hierarchies

in Same-Sex Peer Groups

Richard Parker (1976) STUDY 27: A Longitudinal Study of Dominance in Boys

The study investigated the nature of dominance hierarchies in same-sex classrooms. It was hypothesized that there would be no significant differences between all-girls' and all-boys' classes in the amount of agreement about a toughness hierarchy or in the amount of overrating by individuals of their own hierarchical positions. Dominance relations were investigated in an all-female and in an a11-

Glenn E. Weisfeld (1977)

A cohort of boys ranked each other on "toughness" three times: in first, second, and fifth grade. In ninth grade, the same boys were ranked by male classmates on dominance, defined as ability to get one's way; leadership:


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male class at first, second, and third grade levels in a Roman Catholic elementary school (mean 20 students pel" class). Sociometric data on toughness, smartness, and friendship hierarchies were obtained and abservations made of playground and classroom behavior. No significant differences were observed between all-girls' and all-boys' classes in the amount of agreement about a toughness hierarchy or in the amount of overrating made by individuals of their own position in the hierarchy. Results contrasted, however, with those observed in cross-sex classrooms (Omark and Edelman, 1977). Same-sex classes overrated at about twice the level of mixed-sex classes and, relatedly, showed only random agreement about a hierarchy. Three implications were drawn. On a theoretical level, the results were interpreted as documenting the variability of behavior in different ecological contexts. On a substantive level, the equality of overrating in same-sex classes was related to studies suggesting that all-female educational institutions produce more confident and assertive women than do coed educational institutions. Finally, the lack of agreement on a hierarchy within allmale classes, in contrast to the pattern among males in mixed classes, suggested that the presence of females helps congeal the hierarchical structure.


Mate Choice in the Human Female: A Study of Height Preferences Francis Lang (1972)

The tall man with a mustache provided an interesting combination of attributes, He was still the tall, dominant male involved in a dating or romantic relationship but was also somewhat sleazy, Thus, the preferences were clear. In all 20 stories, the Ss responded negatively to the male's relative shortness. Although the mustached men were not favored, the tall mustached man had an advantage over the cleanshaven but short male. A brief questionnaire administered to the SS verified females' preference for taller males. When asked whether they believed that females usually prefer taller men, 78 % answered yes. Of those women who disagreed, all showed a clear preference on the TAT task for the taller male, both mustached and clean-shaven. When asked whether they had -ever dated a man of their height or shorter, 90% replied that they had, but of these 36 women only two were currently involved with a shorter man, Many of the rest indicated that they had only one date with a shorter man. Finally, the 36 women who had dated a shorter man were asked to describe how they felt with him. Two-thirds of these Ss gave a negatively oriented response, expressing a general feeling of awkwardness and selfconsciousness that was most acute in public places. Of the twelve women who reported no self-consciousness with shorter men, eight had been shown a short man in the TAT card and all eight had reacted with negative stories-suggesting that at some level they shared the other women's height preference.

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Lang looked at male height as a variable in the human female's choice of a mate, She attempted to validate and account for the hypothesis that universally females tend to choose males who are taller than themselves, Forty female university students served as S. Four cards were used to solicit TAT-like stories; on each card the same young couple was depicted, In the four versions, the male was either short or tall and either mustached or clean-shaven. Each S was shown one version of the card and asked to write a brief story about the picture. The short, clean-shaven version elicited the same type of response from all 10 Ss, The male was pictured as "anxious" or "weak" and the female became the "dominant" and "more confident" member of the pair, Although the couple was seen as being temporarily together, their relationship would not be a successful one, In contrast, the tall, clean-shaven man was the more self-confident of the pair and the woman became the more self-conscious. The male was described as "protective," "reassuring," "understanding," "sympathetic," and "knowing"; the female was "concerned," "ambivalent," "naive," and "unsettled," Despite the woman's insecurity, this association did not seem to be marred by the conflict and discomfort of the relationship with the short man. The couple was most often viewed as a date or as lovers, The short mustached man had all the inadequacies attributed to his clean-shaven counterpart and was "sneaky" and "sleazy" as well,


Height Differentials in Male and Female Dyads Maureen Travis (1975)

The study investigated sex differences in the relationship between friendship choice and height. Past research showing the greater involvement of males over females in dominance hierarchies and the positive association between height and dominance and that between dominance status and male friendship led to two hypotheses. Males would tend to choose friends close to their own height. Females, in contrast, would choose friends randomly on the basis of height. As they entered a campus bar ten female dyads and 25 male dyads (median age 23) were asked their height, weight, age, and the height of their two closest friends. The investigator ranked all Ss into four categories of body build, Scoring differences under three inches as "similar," no sex differences were observed in the relationship between friendship choice and height. Both males and females tended to choose and to be with friends of the same approximate height [z == - 2.54; p < ,05). The effects of body build and age upon height differentials in friend dyads could not be calculated because of the limited number of Ss who fell into extreme categories. The author proposed that dominance may be important in both female and male same-sex relations and height important therein as an indicator of

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dominance. Various other explanations friendship choice were suggested.

of the link between height and


Infant Reactions to Adult and Child Strangers

Joan Laser (1969)

Laser investigated the hypothesis that infants would be more fearful toward an adult than toward a child stranger. Subjects were 8 male and 12 female infants between the ages of 6 and 12 months. The author served as an adult stranger; an eight-year-old girl served as a child stranger during the procedures (conducted in the Ss' homes). The mother put the infant in a familiar place and left the room. The child or the adult stranger-vthe order was reversed each time-entered the infant's room, walked around for five seconds and finally approached the infant. The stranger stared down at the infant with a small, closed-lip smile for 35 seconds, without changing her expression or moving. She then left the room. After a few seconds, the second stranger entered and repeated the identical procedure. During this process, the author rated the infant on smiling, facial expression, movement, and crying. The infants' mothers also were interviewed. Using each infant as his or her own control, Laser observed that infants smiled more to the child than to the adult stranger (Sign test, p = .006). In 14 out of 20 cases in which differences occurred in facial expressions to the two strangers, more fear was shown toward the adult than toward the child (Sign test, p < .001). More avoidance movement occurred to the strange adult and more approach to the strange child (Sign test, p < .001). All instances of crying (seven occasions) occurred in the presence of the adult and none in the presence of the child stranger. Neither age nor family background predicted the infants' reactions to the two strangers. Th~ results were discussed as showing not only less fear but also a positive approach reaction toward the child stranger, a reaction rarely displayed toward the adult. The differential reactions to strangers, it was suggested, may reflect height differentials or other characteristics facilitating recognition of the young in a species. The author additionally proposed that the reactions may be seen as adaptive in facilitating the infants' ability even-c.-~-03'c-'tually to leave the parents and to enter more fully into the peer group.

Ten male and ten female infants ranging in age from 6 to 15 months were visited in their homes by a female E. Subjects were divided into two groupS containing equal numbers of male and female infants of fairly comparable age. Infants were placed in their beds by their mothers, who left the room. The masked E then entered the bedroom, approached and stared down at the infant for not more than one minute. The latency to crying was tim~d. !~e shor~er the latency, it was assumed, the greater the fear response. All mdlvld~als In ~ne group were approached by the E as she wore a bright red mask; mfants III the other group were approached by the E wearing a white mask. . .A. Mann-Whitn~y U-Test indicated that the latency to crying was signiflcantly shorter In the red-mask condition (p < .01; one-tailed). This effect occurred among both male and female infants. .



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Aspects of Visual Interaction Alice ,. Dan (1969)

in Human Social Life


Infants' Fear of Strangers: Reactions to a Red or Mask Sandra Horowitz (1975)

Horowitz examined differences in fear reactions displayed by infants to a stranger wearing either a red or a white mask. On the basis of research showing the marked responsiveness of infants to red as a visual stimulus and the association of red with dominance and danger among animals and man, it was hypothesized that a red mask would elicit a greater fear response from infants than would a white mask.

Visual encounters are important, this study asserts, in interpersonal events for most primates because visual contact carries a social message-cuing ~e intention of actors in social situations, particularly in dominance relations, Dan assessed the effects of staring on human behavior in a "natural" situation. Two hypotheses were stated: (1) staring should catch the attention of the subject; and (2) sex differences in response should exist with males reacting more quickly than females because of an increased sensitivity to dominance competition (staring). An observer stared directly into the face of a S (20 males and 20 females, ages not given, but presumably college age) for two minutes in a school cafeteria, recording the time taken for the S to notice, as well as any facial or bodily reactions during the two minutes. The first hypothesis was supported: 37 of the 40 Ss appeared to notice the staring observer, usually by brief glances with little facial expression Only elglst Ss returned the stare, seven of whom were of the same sex as tha observer. The second hypothesis was not supported; rather, there was a strong tendency, regardless of sex, to respond more quickly when the observer was of the same sex. Reaction time was also shorter if the S was sitting alone and if the observer was to the left of the S. An interesting peripheral finding was that the bearded male observer elicited the longest deJa~ in return glancing, perhaps because bearded ness is a sign of dominance and thus provokes less uncertainty and competition. All observers reported they felt tense whenever their direct gaze was returned especially if the S was of their sex. This tension was quickly dissipated jf the S smiled. ~eplications of this study should employ an independent measure of dommance status of the Ss to note any differences related to dominance in s~ares ~eturned; ask the Ss post hoc for their subjective interpretation of the VIsual interaction and vary characteristics of the observer such as attractiveness, size, age, and, especially, beardedness.






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An Evolutionary Approach to Staring Encounters and to the Development of Dominance Hierarchies Murray S. Edelman (1968)

Edelman focused on one aspect of nonverbal behavior-the staring encounter-from an evolutionary-developmental perspective. In a review of the ethological literature, it was seen that the stare threat has the adaptive function of resolving and reinforcing the dominance hierarchy among group members while suppressing physically harmful interactions. Within this framework, starting encounters were investigated during the period of initial peer-group formation. A group of nursery-school boys and a group of first-grade boys were arranged in pairs within their own class and instructed to outstare each other. The winner of the staring interaction was found to have a statistically significant relationship with the pair's decision of "Who is the toughest?" and the teacher's ratings of who would win an argument. This relationship held only among the first graders; the nursery-school sample did not show a hierarchical structure on any of the three measures. The results were discussed in terms of the child's developing ability to relate to a hierarchical structure. Edelman suggested that the developing ability to exhibit a submissive gesture and to know who is the "toughest" serves an adaptive function for the ages in which serious injury becomes increasingly possible.

sc.hematic fac~ than of six eyes, two large eyes, normal eyes, or a mouth stimulus, No differences in following of the six large eyes and the two large eyes were observed, though both elicited more following than the two normal eyes. The results indicated that the ability to organize visual input into a "whole" appears to be present within the first 24 hours after birth. The results of t~e fo~r experime~ts were interpreted within an ethological f~a~ework in w~ch neonatal Interest in the face pattern was seen as adaptive 10 the formation of early social attachments.

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An Ethological


on Eye Contact in New-

Jay Magaziner


Form Perception, Innate Form Preferences, and Visually Mediated Head Turning in the Human Neonate Caro1yn G. Goren (1970)

Four experiments on the perceptual preferences of 36 human newborns were performed, Goren employing a new method for measuring stimulus preferences based on visual following. Various stimuli were presented in an arc in front of the infant's face; the E started at the midline and moved the stimulus slowly to the right or to the left once the infant had fixated on the stimulus. Degrees of head turning elicited by each stimulus were estimated with the help of a large protractor placed around the infant's body. Experiment 1 demonstrated an unlearned preference for a facelike configuration: a schematic face was followed significantly more than a moderately scrambled face and the latter was followed significantly more than a scrambled face. Experiment 2 showed that newborns follow the two most complex of a series of three checkerboards significantly more than the least complex checkerboard. Experiment 3 demonstrated that a real human face is followed Significantly more than a three-dimensional mannequin head and a photograph of the mannequin. Contrary to expectations, however, the photograph was followed significantly more than the mannequin. Experiment 4 indicated that infants showed more following of a

This project grew out of a filmed event that occurred during a study of the newbo~n's vi~ual preference for the human face. Magaziner sought to ~ocument infants preference from the first hours of life for the eyes in particular and to study the interaction in a face-to-face encounter between a newborn and his or her caretaker. Ten male and ten female black newborns were tested while they were crying. None of the infants' mothers had been given more than 50 mg. of Demerol within six hours of delivery. . The hypothesis was that a crying newborn will cease crying when picked up, turn toward the caretaker, open his or her eyes and look at the caretaker's. face, and fixate on the caretaker's eyes. Moreover, these ~ehaviors (some of which may occur simultaneously) are initiated by the infant, Each infant was tested in a dimly illuminated room in a controlled naturalistic situation. A 16 mm, movie camera was used to film the sequence. Crying was induced by removing the infant's clothing or by tapping the foot. Upon deciding that the crying was fairly well sustained the E lifted the infant in such a way that the head was supported in the crook made by the elbow but was free to turn. The newborn was held slightly away from the E's body, giving the infant the greatest freedom of head and body movements. The E responded only to movements initiated by the infant-and then attempted to respond in a naturalistic way. The E nodded when eye contact was made, for the purpose of later coding from the film. The f.ollowi~g system of coding was used: 0 = baby crying and is picked up (startmg point]: 1 = baby stops crying; 2 = baby turns toward E; 3 = baby opens eyes and looks at some part of E's face; 4 = baby fixed for at least 3 seconds on eyes of E (E nods). The results confirmed the hypothesis that crying newborns follow the se~uence of behavior outlined above. When picked up, all infants stopped crymg: 95 % turned to the E and 90 % looked at E. Of these 90 %. all fixed on the E's eyes after looking at the face. Of the two male infants who did not complete the sequence, one fell asleep as he was picked up and the other failed to open his eyes although he did orient his body toward the E. T~e ~uthor suggested that the actions studied here represent an innate organisation of behavior resulting in the orientation of the infant to the ap-



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propriate stimulus-a human caretaker. The result of this "natural" tendency to orient with the body and head and to fixate and follow with the head and eyes is that eye contact is established and maintained with the "other," That this contact is adaptive seems obvious in that it both elicits and rewards the caretaker's attention, An evolved capacity to elicit the caretaker's attention-and affect-is particularly crucial in a species whose members enter the world in such a helpless state.


Infants' Reactions to Dilated and Constricted Pupils of an Adult Stranger in a Naturalistic Setting: A Preliminary Investigation
Janet Bare (1974)

The purpose of this study was to determine (1) whether human infants respond differently to two conditions of pupil size in the eyes of an adult stranger; and, if so, (2) whether infants respond more positively to the E in the dilated condition. It was hypothesized that the infants would smile more to large (dilated) pupils, The SSused were 16 normal Caucasian infants (half boys, half girls) who ranged in age from 9 to 23 weeks (mean = 14). Their mothers reported that they smiled socially and had not yet shown any fear of strangers. The same female E visited each infant twice, once with her pupils pharmacologically dilated and once with them constricted. The order of the visits was reversed for some of the Ss, A 10 % solution of phenylephrine hydrochloride was used to achieve pupil dilation (pupil size of 7-8 mm.] and a 2 % solution of pilocarpine hydrochloride induced constriction {pupil size of about 2 mm.], The E had blue eyes, in which the pupils were quite visible (normal pupil size about 5-6 mm.]. The babies were tested in their homes in a naturalistic social situation while their families were not within visual or auditory range. The E placed the infant on his back on a bed or couch already familiar to him and sat leaning over him so that her face was easily visible, When the baby seemed alert and comfortable, the E began the 7-minute test. During this interval, the E touched the infant while smiling, talking, and nodding to him-attempting '..'~~':to maximize and sustain his attention to her face. The test ended with the' soft buzz of a timer; the E immediately recorded the number of smiles '.'. observed and scored the infant's performance on a scale of one to five for '1 ... :.0 ..;::;;. selection of behaviors reflecting positive or negative social orientation. The .. "::. j' .~~: positive items were nature of social response, attention span, general emotional tone, behavior constancy, and vocalization. Negative social orientation items were tension, fearfulness, and crying. For the group of 16 infants, 73 smiles were recorded in the constricted _..... ":="'!!I!!,. condition and 104 in the dilated condition, Thus, the group performance was in general agreement with the hypothesis although the difference did n~t approach statistical significance. As a group, the infants had somewhat h~gher positive social orientation scores in the dilate~ condition .. and hlgh: negative social orientation scores in the constricted conditIon-as e pected-but these differences were not significant.

An examination of the data by 'sex revealed that the overall performance of males and females was quite different in the dilated condition. That is, although the number of smiles observed for males and females was nearly identical (39 and 36, respectively) in the constricted condition, the total smiles for females in the dilated condition was only 36, whereas that of the male sample increased to 68. This was not a highly significant difference, however, (p < .08, two-tailed, Mann-Whitney U). There was virtually no difference in negative social orientation for the two sexes in the dilated condition, but the boys' greater negative reaction to constricted pupils also approached significance (p < .10, two-tailed, Mann-Whitney U], On the group of items with which positive social orientation was evaluated, the boys did score significantly higher (p < .02, two-tailed, MannWhitney U) in the dilated condition, in keeping with their greater tendency to respond in accordance with the hypothesis. These results are not easily explained. It was the author's subjective impression, however, that some infants actually seemed to focus on her eyes, whereas others never did so. It is suggested that further research in this area should include a condition of normal pupil size and should provide a means for judging the infants' behavior "blind."


An Empirical Investigation into the Effect Beardedness on Perception of Social Situations Richard Parker (1968)



The purpose of Parker's investigation was to explore the effect of male beardedness upon the perception of social situations and personal qualities. A set of four standard TAT cards was used as a control; an experimental set was made by adding a beard to a male figure in each of the control cards. The author predicted that the bearded versions (compared with the standardized responses evoked by the control set) would be perceived as more aggressive, forbidding, active, mature, virile, and dominant, in line with the ethological theory concerning the adaptive function of beardedness as a symbol of maturity, dominance, and aggression. Half of the 12 male and 12 female undergraduate Ss were assigned to experimental TAT sequences; the other half were shown the controls. Each S was asked to "tell what is happening in the pictures." Stories were analyzed for consistent differences in content. Although there were no appreciable differences between two of the experimental cards and their controls, the author reported that, upon questioning the Ss, it became apparent that the beards in these two cards were not perceptible. His tentative conclusion, based on the two remaining experimental cards, was that there was some evidence that beardedness did alter the Ss' perceptions of presumed situations and roles, In one case-the card with a young man and an older woman-the bearded man seemed more active, stronger, and superior; his beardless counterpart appeared of equal strength and activity and was not in a superior position relative to the Woman. In the card portraying an older man and a bearded younger man,


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the stories were also different from the control version. In the experimental version, the younger man was much more frequently perceived as holding a position of equality or even dominance rather than the typical submissiveness attributed to his clean-shaven control version. Upon extending the N in a follow-up study, the following distributions were obtained on the two promising cards (7BM, 6BM, and their bearded versions):


Threat Display Sonya Hoard (1975J


TAT Card 7 BM Females Males
Submission of younger person Equality or dominance of younger person

Experimental Females 5 5 Carda Males


TAT Card 6 BM Females Males

Both equally involved Man acts, woman reacts "Beard added to younger man's face. 'Beard added to man's face.

Experimental Females 2 8

Card' Males 3


8 2


Dominance and Submission in Presidential Politics: A Sociobiological View Robert W. Kubey (1976)

Hoard studied the effect of the Afro hairstyle on the perceived image or status of black males. She reasoned that a mass of dark hair standing out from the scalp functions as an "intimidation display." Such threat displays presumably are attractive to the opposite sex since they are correlated with-and provide for-positions of dominance in the social order. In terms of contemporary racial tensions, "naturals" -especially exaggerated ones-may be threatening to the white establishment, whereas (at least to blacks) closely cropped hair may imply submission and subservience. Hoard hypothesized, therefore, that black females would manifest some ambivalence about "supernaturala" on black males: a black female would consider a black male more threatening and attractive when he was pictured wearing a massive natural, but she also would have some misgivings about the social adaptiveness of the extreme hairdo. Equal numbers of black and white male and female University of Chicago students were tested, making a total of 32 Ss. Each S was shown one card-of a TAT format in which the stimulus figures were two adult males and a dog; length of hair and skin color of the men were varied-and asked to make up a story based on the picture. Subjects were tested by a member of their own race; their stories were taped for later analysis. For purposes of analysis, dominance in each stimulus card was ascribed to the figure referred to most often by the S. Additionally, the theme of each S's story was noted, including the description of the two human figures. Although inconclusive, this study suggested some interesting trends such as the fact that both blacks and whites appear to have the same stereotypes. In the stimulus pictures with black figures, the figure with the larger hairdo was associated with less success and less stability. In the racially mixed stimulus cards, the short hair evoked subservience'; the long hair, hostility and confrontation. The author concluded with Guthrie's point that for purposes of social order a balance must be struck between appeasement and threat (Guthrie, 1970).


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The study examined the relationship among presidential status, sex of offspring, and various physical characteristics of ~.S. presidents. I~ was STUDY 42: Baring One's Chest: Ethological and Evolutionary shown that more males (80) than females (55) were born to U.S. presldeuts, '';~~F: Perspectives and that the greatest proportion of male .presidential offspring was 'U'l:~:,:::=g~. from 1853 to 1881. Out of the five bearded U.S. presidents, four served 01 Ann Whitaker (1976) ing those years and fathered the greatest numbe~ of sons, Consi~ering all '. U.S. presidents, Kubey showed that bearded presidents fathered disproporWhitaker explored the adaptive significance of hair on mens' chests. It tionately more sons than nonbearded presidents (p = .05). '';';', ,.~.~"" was predicted that males displaying hair on the chest would be perceived as Such effects, it was speculated, derived from the greater importance . more aggressive, dominant, and sexually attractive than males not displaypersonal interaction between male poli~icians in detern;ining. access to ing chest hair. power prior to the age of mass media. Attributes such as haIr. and male Ten male and ten female college students, aged 18 to 21, were asked to progeny, as aspects of threat display, then may have constituted Important tell stories in response to four TAT cards. The cards depicted a male with political prerequisites.


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(card 2) or without (card 1) chest hair, his shirt slightly unbuttoned, sitting on a bed with a female; and the same male with (card 4) or without (card 3) chest hair, sitting at a table with another male. Both sexes perceived cards 1 and 2 as scenes in which the male Was dominant and seductive in relation to the female. Female subjects felt that the relationship was fairly equal between the two males in cards 3 and 4 although they tended to view the male with chest hair as more sexy and masculine. For male subjects, card 3 was also viewed in terms of both males' being equal. Five of the male subjects, who appeared themselves not to have chest hair, however, seemed "threatened" by card 4 and tended to portray the second male in a submissive role in relation to the male with chest hair. The five male subjects with visible chest hair, in contrast, tended to portray the male with chest hair in card 4 as strong and aggressive.


Courtship and Female Breasts Debbie Miller (UJ69)


An Inquiry into the Adaptive Significance of Pubertal Voice Change Frank J. Winston (1973)

This study was prompted by the theory that states that female breasts serve as sexual releasers in human courtship situations. To test this statement, Miller compared the attitudes of men and women subjects toward large- and small-breasted young women. Two versions of a TAT-type picture were prepared. The sketch showed a young man and a young woman waiting beside a bus stop sign. The two versions were identical except for the addition of two small, rounded lines in the second card to depict larger breasts. Subjects used were graduate students at the University of Chicago. Forty Ss (20 male and 20 female) were shown the small-breasted version; another 40 (20 male and 20 female) viewed the large-breasted picture. Each S was asked to (1) study the drawing for 2 minutes, (2) write a short paragraph about his or her feelings toward the woman in the picture, and finally, (3) mark an adjective checklist best to describe the woman. Although the paragraphs did not furnish much data relevant to this study, the adjective checklist indicated that the males tended to see the largebreasted woman as a very provocative, sexual object who might possess "liberal" attitudes and who was "on the move" (Chi-square, p < .05).


The study investigated the adaptive value of the altered voice pitch of mature males as an indicator of status with respect to dominance relations, increasing thereby as well the attractiveness of males to females. It was predicted that adolescents would describe a high-pitch male as less dominant and as less sexually attractive and successful in his relationships with females than a low-pitch male. An auditory episode test was designed, consisting of eight tape-recorded minidramas, including one to three voices. The principal character in each episode was an adolescent male with either a high- or a low-pitched voice; secondary characters were played by male and female adolescents. Each episode was designed to function as a relatively ambiguous projective device. Subjects were 259 ninth-grade students (mean age 15.3) from two high -v-r- __ schools in Montreal. Each subject was exposed to three episodes, administered in a classroom co~text. They then wrote stories and answered brief, multiple-choice questions about the episode. Responses to the eight episodes were coded according to the dimensions of specific relevance to each. Statistical analyses were performed separately by high school and by sex. Despite methodological weaknesses in certain episodes, in general the major hypotheses were supported. Low voice pitch was found to function as a threat device, enchancing male status; a high voice pitch signaled subor- . dinate status and immaturity. High voice pitch appeared to render males relatively unattractive to females in comparison with low voice pitch. Evolutionary implications of male voice pitch in dominance relations, malefemale courtship, family relationships, and communication were discussed.

STUDY 45: The Effects of Blond Hair John Bjork (1973)

In his study of the effect of hair color on the perceived age and status of males, Bjork reasoned that blond hair-more common among women and children (apparently, darkening is testosterone related)-would cause a man to be attributed with more feminine or innocent qualities. Bjork's specific hypothesis was that a man pictured with blond hair would more likely be described in terms that implied youthful and angelic qualities than the same figure with dark hair. Three pairs of cards were used in a TAT format to test this hypothesis. The pairs were identical except that one of the male figures had dark hair in one version and blond hair in the other. Each of the pairs pictured two persons in interaction. In the first pair, two young men were talking; the stimulus figure appeared to be gesturing with his hand in order to make a point. The second and third pairs were adapted from standard TAT cards-an older woman and a younger man and an older man and a younger man. The young man's hair color was varied in the second pair and the older man's hair was altered in the third pair. Subjects were 15 male and 15 female University of Chicago undergraduates. Each S was shown one of the versions of the three pairs of cards. The order was varied so that a S saw one experimental card presented between two control cards, or vice versa. The S was asked to make up a





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story for each card and to rate the stimulus figure on a series of paired adjectives. Finally, the S's hair color was rated as either light or dark. The results were varied but indicated some trends that might support the original hypothesis. In the first pair of cards, the blond figure was seen in a slightly more positive light than his dark-haired version. In the older woman-younger man cards, the blond version was more often perceived as the woman's son; the figure with dark hair was more typically categorized as her husband or "another man." Finally, the older man with dark hair was sometimes described as a grandfather or as an authority of some sort giving advice. With blond hair, he was more typically a partner or someone of status equal to that of the younger man (who had dark hair in both versions). The author concluded that these trends, though not statistically significant, supported his original hypothesis.


Moral Judgment/Behavior in Relation to the Kin/NonKin Distinction Irene Sebastian (1973)

help. Five situatioris involving altruistic cost in time or money were presented in ~uestionnaire format to seven male and seven female college stud~nt~. Subjects were asked to rate on a six-point scale the degree of altruistic help they would be willing to give (three situations) or accept from (two situations) individuals of varying degrees of genetic relatedness. In one of the situations, S were asked to rank order rather than rate the individuals. Nonrelated individuals, such as spouse and best friend, ranked higher than predicted by the kinship genetics model. The cost of altruism appeared to be experienced as higher in situations involving sacrifice of money, when related individuals became more significant, rather than in situations involving sacrifice of time, when nongenetically related individuals were ranked higher. Findings on three scales, of higher rankings for child over mother suggested that a vector of investment toward the young must be added to the kinship genetics model of altruism. No differences were found in general trends between individual ratings and forced choice rankings, though the caused greater distinctions to be made between closely related individuals. In general, the author concluded that the kinship genetics explanation of altruism "is either untenable or too vaguely articulated to predict altruistic behavior."

Sebastian examined Trivers's theory of kin and nonkin altruistic behavior, asking "Are there two moral codes, one for kin and one for nankin?" Thirty-three eighth-grade students were given Kohlberg's Situation III Moral Dilemma (woman dying from cancer; husband attempts to acquire lifesaving drug) with the relationship altered to father-daughter. All SS were then given a questionnaire concerning their moral judgments. Three of the Ss were intensely interviewed to clarify the moral reasoning. The results indicated that 79'Ml of the Ss felt Heinz, the father, should steal the drug for his daughter. Only 55 %, however, felt it would be right for Heinz to steal the drug if the person in need were his friend. No 8 responded that if given the choice between giving the drug to a sihling or to a friend, he or she would select the latter (five refused to make a decision). "Closeness" did not appear to explain the majority feeling that Heinz should steal for his daughter. Rather, he should steal because of family role obligation-irrespective of affection. There was some evidence from the interviews that Ss changed their moral reasoning, that is, moral stage, when considering kin versus nonkin. With kin, the primary issue was saving a life; with nonkin, more often the issue was stealing. Thus, there appears to be, the study concludes, a different moral code for kin and nonkin.


~thnic Stere?types: ~greement between Jewish-AmerIcans and hish-AmerIcans John Harris (1976)

~he stud.y in~estigated (1) the degree to which distinct stereotypes are associated WIth Irish and Jewish ethnic groups; and (2) the degree to which st~reotypes held by one group about the other converge with stereotypes applied by the second group to itself. It was hypothesized that the rank ordering of stereotypes would show substantial agreement when Irish or Jewish Ss were .d?scrib~ng Jewish people as well as when Irish and Jewish Ss were describing Irish people. No agreement or a negative relationship was hypothesized to occur between the rank order of stereotypes utilized by each group when describing itself (control condition). Sixteen Jewish-American and 16 Irish-American college graduates and graduate students (8 males, 8 females in each group) were administered a 126-item ~djective ~heckli~t. Subjects were asked to indicate whether they felt each Item described Irish people, Jewish people, both, or neither. Correlations found between the rank ordering of stereotypes applied by the two ethnic groups confirmed the three hypotheses:

., ,


A Pilot Study of Altruistic Behavior and Genetic Relatedness in a College Age Sample Paula Leven (1975)

Responses of Irish and Jews when both are describing r = .698, t = 6.013, P < .001, one-tailed. Responses of Irish and Jews when both r = .727, t = 6.541, P < .001, one-tailed. are describing

Jews: Irish:


. :1

2. 3.

The study investigated the adequacy of the kinship genetics model to account for individuals' reported willingness to engage in or accept altruistic

Responses of Irish and Jews when each group is describing itself: r = - .44, t = - .02, P < .01, one-tailed.


Human Sociobiology



Some external evidence was cited suggesting there may be a basis in actual behavior for stereotypic attitudes applied tothe two ethnic groups. A slight trend was also observed for each stereotyping groupto attribute traits with a more negative loading to the other group and traits with a more positive value loading to itself. INFANT BEHAVIORS Differences between Group Total Scores: Chi-square Test Probabilities Mode
Total behaviors


An Empirical Study of Selective Altruism in 40 Adolescent High-School Students Gwen Haas-Hawkings


CroupsA x H A x N H x N A x H A X N H x N A x H A x N HxN A X H A x N H x N A X H A X N H X N A X H A X N H X N A X H A X N H X N AxH AXN H X N A X H A X N H X N A X H A X N H X N Hopi; N -

Scores (adjusted for time)

A=1313.7 A=1313.7 H = 900.7 A=1040.6 A=1040.6 H= 709.2 A= A= H= A= A= H= A= A= H= A= A= H= A= A= H= A= A= H"" A= A= H= A= A= H= 620.3 620.3 449.6 529.1 529.1 337.4 64.8 64.8 90.8 156.6 156.6 99.5 105.8 105.8 45.0 79.8 79.8 67.4 160.4 160.4 70.1 45.1 45.1 20.4 H = 900.7 N=995.1 N=995.1 H = 709.2 N=653.2 N = 653.2 H=449.6 N=438.9 N = 438.9 H=337.4 N=37B.7 N = 378.7 H= N= NH= N= N= H= N= N= H= N= N= 90.8 29.4 29.4 99.5 61.7 61.7 45.0 31.3 31.3 67.4 54.5 54.5

77.03 43.9& 4.70 62.76

Forty adolescents (providing even ~epresentations of blacks and whites, males and females) from a Chicago public high school were studied for their selective preferences as to the beneficiary of a predefined altruistic .act (saving a drowning individual). Three TAT-like stimulus pictures 'were designed to elicit choices between black and white when age was not a factor, young and old when race was not a factor, and young and old when race was a confounding factor, It was found that regardless of race or sex the S clearly chose intraracial altruism when age was not a factor. When race was not a factor, the preference was clearly for the young, and this tendency held up strongly even when race was a confounding factor.

< < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

001 .001 .04 .001 .001 .14 .001 .001

Total behaviors excluding vocalizations Total arm movement

2.30 27.23 31.07 .13 42.41 24.92 2.38 4.34 13.30 31.36 12.73 41.26 8.86 24.51 40.48 2.46 1.04 4.77 1.37 21.48 9.14 76.92 9.31 21.05 2.95


.001 .001 .14 .05 .001 .001 .001 .001 .006 .001 .001 .13

Arm movement: nond I rectedrandom activity Reaches/grasps


Anglo, Hopi, and Navajo Mothers' Face-to-Face Interactions with Their Infants John W. Callaghan (1977)

Leg movement

Nineteen Anglo, 18 Hopi, and 15 Navajo mothers were asked to "get the attention of your baby" (all under six months old). The subsequent interaction was videotaped and the tapes analyzed for maternal and infant behaviors. For details see Callaghan (1977). Two summary tables are presented here.

< < <

< < < < < < < <

Arches back/ tenses

Head movement


.001 .005 .001 .005 .001 .09


H = 70.1 N=219.3 N=219.3 H= N= N20.4 10.8 10.B



Anglo; H

Navajo in this and the next table.


Human Sociobiology



Differences between Group Total Scores: Chi-square Test Probabilities

Groups A X H A X N'




Total behaviors

Scores a (adjusted for time)

A= 2708.5 H - 2226.8 A= 2708.5 N= 1539.1 H= 2226.8 N= 1539.1 M.G.=888. M.G.-2236. M.G. = 710. M.G. ec 1767. M.G. = 325. M.G.= 805. A=1377.7 A= 1377.7 H= 720. M.G. = 535. M.G.=332. M.G. = 58. A= 213.3 A= 213.3 H=129.5 M.G.=S7. M.G.=17. M.C.=25. A=617.3 A=617.3 H=723.7 M.C.=133. M.G.=222. M.C.= 99.

p 47.02 321.95 125.58 .82 12.12 2.97 206.14 688.22 170.63 28.29 105.52 .02 36.93 20.49 2.58 2.52 14.38 1.07 8.44 .99 15.17 28.92 1.65 2.49 20.37 2.25 9.12 .09 16.03 12.41




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H x N
Total behaviors within groups: A H N


.001 .001 NS






A x H

H-720.1 N = 302.4 N=302.4 M.G. -1054. M.G.= 469. M.G. =: 164. H-129.5 N=104.9 N=104.9 M.C.-189. M.C.=127. M.G.= 52. H-723.7 N=582.9 N=:582.9 M.G.-579. M.C.=583. M.G.=329.

< .001 < .001 < .001 < < < < < <

Vocalizations within groups:

M.G. X M.G.
Repositions baby


NS .001 .001 .12 .12


Repositions baby within groups:


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A x H A x N H x N A

< < <



Tactual with in

behavior gTO U ps:



M.G. A

.001 NS < .13


x x

H x N
Movements within groups:

A= 500.3 H - 653.6 A= 500.3 N= 548.9 H=653.6 N=548.9 M.C.=163. M.G.=139. M.G.=138. M.G.-414. M.G.=588. M.G.=265.

< .001 < .15 < .005 < <

NS .001

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"MG = behavior

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Subject Index
Aboriginals, Australian cousin marriages of, 134 harems and ecology, 41 physical coordination of infants, 158, 160 and smiling, 57-58, 178 . walkabout, 134 Aboure and matriliny, 17 polygyny of, 79 Adoption and child abuse, 22-23 child's desire to find biological kin,


VB. male tendency for, 16, 25-28, 32, 58-59 and food supply, 31, 42 and hierarchies, 30 infants and, 41-42 and kinship, 33-34 and mating, 34-35, 39-41 male-male, 30-33, 41-43 male mortality and, 59-60 population control and, 30, 122-123 among primates, 30-33

in homogeneous societies, 126 inter-racial, by fertile parents,


among island peoples, 23, 119 and parents' love, 21-22 tribal nature of, 22 See also Navajo; Polynesians Afro-Americans behavior of infants compared to other races', 146 coordination of, compared to Caucasians', Africans', 158 and divorce; 17, 18 and hair styles, 205 Age and nonbiological altruism, 210 veneration for, 111-112 Aggression and altruism, 128 fn avoidance, 42, 45, 58-59, 61, 64,
94-95, 122-123

among birds, 23-26, 122-123 chromosomes and, 25-26 and dimorphism, 31-33 female-female, 29-41 female, in predators, 31

See also Competition; Beards; Display; Dominance; Dominancesubmission hierarchies; Eyes; Sex differences; Status hierarchies Ainu, isolation of, 124 Alpha, famale appearance, 47 difficulty identifying, 70 in different-sex groups, 71-72 nature of, 47, 70, 188 See also Dominance-submission hierarchies: Status hierarchies Alphas, males and appearance, 38-39, 46, 71, 169 charisma of, 38-39, 46 effect on patterns of others, 36-37 nature of, 46, 47, 70-71 nonaggressive, 42 self-confidence of, 39, 41, 46 and testosterone levels, 39 See ulso Dominance-submission hierarchies j Status hierarchies Altruism, biological and adopted children, 21-22 and age, 210 and aggression, 128, fn and chromosomes, 25-26 and ethnicity, 114 and evolution, 120


Subject Index

Subject Index


Altruism [Cont.] and gametic potential, 115 and homosexuality, 7 and identical twins, 128-129 and inbreeding, 122-123, 129 and the Japanese, 123-125 and kinship genetics, 2, 25-26, 31,
113-115, 208-209

and proximity, 117 and sex of offspring, 25-26 sparing of "enemy" kin, 117-118 See also Genetics, kinship; Siblings Amazons, 78 Art, nature of, by culture, 151-154 See also Drawings Ashanti male role in child rearing, 1 B and matriliny, 17, 18 Assertiveness cultural norms for, 16 and human female, 15-16 See also Aggression; Display; Dominance Attention structure direction of, 69 dorninance-su brnission hierarchies and, 36-39, 68-69 Atomistic approach, 9-10 Attraction, attractiveness beards, 102 and "beauty," 109-110 breasts, 106-107 hair, body, head, 104-105, 205-206 male-female, 105-106 of migrant, 134 pupils, size of, and, 100-101 and status hierarchy, 109-110,

male-male reaction, 102 respect for, 92, 102 reaction of beardless peoples to, 104 See also Attraction, attractiveness; Display; Dominance Beauty male vs, female reaction to, 109 and status, 109-110, 183-186 relativity of, 109-110 See also Attraction, attractiveness; Display; Dominance-submission hierarchies; Status hierarchies Bedouin, localized residence of, 127 Beta, males, nature of, 46, 169 See also Dominance-submission hierarchies Bete, polygyny of, 79-80 Birds adaptive ability of, 143 and aggression, 23-26 ayespots, 93 inbreeding, 122-123 nest building, adaptability and, 143 mating procedures, 28-29 monogamy and promiscuity of,
13-14, 25, 26

Cambridge Behavioral and Neurological Assessment Scale,


Cannibalism human, 43 as population control, 30 Cats, domestic, dominance-submission hierarchies of, 30-31 Cats, wild, female aggressiveness in, 31 Caucasians behavior of infants compared to other races', 145-149 mother-infant interaction compared to Hopi, 210-212 mother-infant interaction compared to Navajo, Chinese, 151-153,

Competition and aid to others, 5 between individuals vs, between families, 5 and coeducation, 73-74 and evolution, 7-8 father-son, 70 female-female, 72, 181-183 male-female, 72-73, 75, 181-183 and natural selection, 2, 29-30 and sexuality, 8, 12-14, 23-26, biological: Display; Dominance- submission hierarchies; Gametic potential; Mating; Natural selection; Status hierarchies Conflict, human effect on group interaction, 49-50 father-son, 70 female-female, 47-49 male-male, 46-47, 48-49 tribalism and, 13B-139 See also Aggression; Competition; Dominance- submission hierarchies; Status hierarchies Consorts hips of alphas, 39 continuous nature of gibbon and human, 105 among primates, 35, 39-41, 105-106 Copulation and "hidden" estrus, 15 fn, 105 inhibition and, 74 See also Mating Coral fish, sex change among, 24 Creativity, and "related diseases," 6-7 Cuckoldry, 20-21 Cuckoo, egglaying of, 143 Danl and intratribal warfare, 118 and outbreeding, 134 Darwinism, 3, 6 Defense reaction, 146 Determinism as opposed to "free will,"
3 57-59, 71 See also Altruism,

motor variations within race, 160 reaction to Afro hair style, 205 See also Infants; Mother-infant interaction; Race Causation, one-way, vs, two-way, 6-7 Charisma, of alphas, 38-39, 46 Child abuse, in absence of biological father, 22-23, 119 Childbearing, as key to sex differences,

voice, female, 106 voice, male, 105 See also Beauty; Dominancesubmission hierarchy; Status hierarchies Auditory Episode Test, 105 AustralopHhecus gracilus, cannibalism
of, 43

Autism, 99-100 Baboons and consortship, 35, 105-106 and display, 39 and harems, 40-41, 135 See also Gelada baboons Balding, 111 Beards and bureaucracies, 103-104 as display, 102 dominance and sub dominance,
102-104, 203-204

plumage, 23-24, 29 polyandry and, 23-26 rearing of young, 24, 143 sex determination of, 25-26 See also [acanas: Cuckoo; Mexican jay; Phalaropes; Raven; Songbird Birthrate male VB. female, 59-60 in polygynous vs. monogamous unions, 79 reductions in, 16 See also Ecology; Food supply; Gametic potential; Male mortality: Population control Black Muslims, polygynous experiment of,83 Blindness, and smiling, 97-99 Bragging, male, universality of, 18-19 Bravery, as expected for males, 114 Breasts attraction of, to males, 106-108, 207 female tendency to cover, 173-174 male VB. female reactions to size of,
106-107, 207

See also Birthrate Child rearing adoption and, 21-23, 167 effect of, against class, genes,

female concern for male, regarding,

20, 28-29

male role in, in matrilineal



among primates, 35 sex differences, in middle years, 194 See also Birds: Mother-infant interaction Chimpanzee female's fear grin, 56-57 genetics of, compared to human's,
42-43, 122, 160

See also Attraction, attractiveness; Beauty Breed, of dogs as compared to race of humans, 144,

difference in temperaments of, 145 Buttocks, attraction of, to males,

107-108, 110

male-female reaction, 102

See also Attraction, Beauty


migration, 135 temporary consortships of, 105-106 China, Chinese art of, 153-154 behavior of infants compared to other races', 145-149 mother-infant interaction compared to Caucasian, 151-152 and outbreeding, 134 switch to monogamy, 81 Chromosomes, and aggression, 25-26 Class, effect on mental and motor ability of infants, 159-160 Coeducation, effect on female independence, 73-74, 196 Cognatic descent, 118-119

Dimorphism and dominance in hierarchy, 41-42 gelada baboons and harems, 39-41 primates, aggression and, 31-33 sexual, among children, 170-171 See also Sex differences Display beards, 102, 203-204 buttocks, 107-10B hair, body and head, 104-105, 108,

and mating, 29, 39, 131 stance, 53-54

230 Subject Index Ecology environmental chaos and migration, 135 and human monogamy. 80-81 and human polygyny. 41, 80-81 monkey harems VB. troops. 41-42 and sex ratios. 59-60 See also Evolution: Food supply; Gametic potential: Population control Economics, and choice of monogamy or polygyny, 79, 81 Emigration, and environmental crisis, 135 population control and, 30 among monkey troops, 33-34, 35 Ellga male dominance hierarchy and apportionment of women. 118 possibility of killing enemy kin, 117-118 Estrus and copulation, 15n. and female aggressiveness, 32 in human and gibbon, 15n . 105 Ethnicity and altruism, 114 and behavioral variation. 141 as inbreeding mechanism, 137 and self-concept, 209-210 and violence, 127 Ethnocentricity as inbreeding mechanism, 136-137 and intergroup evaluations. 209-210 and intracultural, intragroup evaluations, 156-157, 209-210 See also Racism Ethology, and holism, 4 Euro-Americans, and divorce. 17, 18 See also Caucasians Evolution balance of heterozygosity and homozygosity, 132 balance of environmental and biocultural demands. 157 and competition. 7-8 and environment, 16 and gametic potential. 12 and genetic pool. 6-7 and individual genes. 5 and mutation, 9 on population level, 120 and selection of variants, 131 and social order, 9 theories, and holism, 4, 9-10 Eyes, eye contact attraction to, 95-97 and autism, 99-100 and babies' fear of strangers. 99 and crying. newborn, 96, 98, 201-202 flashing. 93 looking order and dominance, 95 pupils, size of. 100-101, 202-203 and smiling, 94-99 staring and aggression. 93-95, 199. 200 See also Attention structure; Infants; Mother-infant interaction Eyespots, as defense against predators, 93-94 Facial marking. scarring, 104, 131 Fear induced by stare. 93-94, 99 pupil size and, 100-101 related to height. size, 90-92 Fish eyespots, 93-94 male, female inhibition, and copulation, 74 sex change among coral fish, 24 Food supply and aggression. 31. 42 diet and social class of humans, 159-160 and population control, 29-30 troops vs. harems and, 41-42 See. also Ecology; Gametic potential; Migration Freedom, effect of patriliny, matriliny on. 17 "Free will," as opposed to determinism, 3 Friendship, and comparative heights of individuals, 87, 197-198 Fulani, height and, 90 Gametic potential and biological altruism, 115, 119 and courtship behavior, 12 and dominance, 31, 34-35 and intrasexual selection, 59-60, 183-185 See also Ecology. Infanticide; Population control Gelada baboon eye flashing and tarritoriality, 93 and female jealousy, 20 Intimidation and mating. 39-41 Gene, genes and ability to learn. 144 and behavioral traits, 149-150 effect of genetic background on action of. 6-6 gene pool, variations in, 141. 142 lethal, 59 monogenetic ve, polygenetic traits, 121-122, 161

Subject Index


Display (Cont.) threat, 205 Divorce and matriliny. 17, 18 polygyny and, 79 DNA, 5,8-9 Dogs. wild female aggressiveness in, 31 and population control. 31 Dominance, female . in gelada baboon harem, 20 human, perception of, 47-48. 186-190 in langur monkey harem. 22 See also Alpha, female Dominance. male balding and graying of hair, 111 beards and, 102-104, 199,203-204 hair, body and head, 104-105, . 205-206 height and, 85-67,90, 196-198 voice, 105, 207 woman's preference for dominant man, 85 See also Alphas, male: Toughness Domlnance-su bmission hierarchies aggressiveness as basis for, 30, 42 and attention structure, 36-39. 66-69,95 and avoidance of aggression, 45 and dimorphism, 41-42 and emigration. 33-34 among house cats, 30-31 among humans, 46-50, 56, 168-170, 195-196 and incest. 133 and interdeme selection, 27 and intratribal warfare, 117-118 kinship support in, 33-36 among monkey troops, 33-36, 41-42 and population control, 27, 28 sex ratio and, 33 sexual influences in, 186-189 shifts in status, 47 and testosterone levels, 39 See also Aggression: Alphas: Competition: Conflict: Harems, one-male: Omegas; Politics; Status hierarchies;Toughness; Wife beating Dominants. See Alphas Double standard, universality of, 19 Drawings, children's, cross-cultural and sexual differences in, 61-66. 192-193 See also Art Dress, as mating recognition mechanism. 131 Drosophila. mating. 12-13, 132

and motor. mental ability. 157-160 and mutation rates, 9. 121-122 and promiscuity, 16 fn for spatial visualization, 52 tallness and class, in England, 90 variation and mating, 131 Gene, selfish arguments against, 116-121 limitations of theory, 7-8, 45 and nepotism, 35 vs. population control, 27 and self-duplication, 4-5 vs, sexuality, 27-28 and sex ratios, 60 Gene sharing identical twins and. 128-129 and kinship genetics, 2 siblings, 113-114 Gene, superior, 5 Oenetlcs, kinship and adoption, 22, 23 arguments against. 116-121 bias and altruism, 114-115. 208-209 and biological altruism. 2. 113 infanticide, 22 and identical twins, 126-129 logic of, 113 psychological needs. 117 varied concepts of, 127-120 and violence, 126-127 and wild dogs, 31 See also Japanese; Polynesians Genetics. population and evolution, 6-7, 120 and sociobiology, 4 and survival, 6 Gestaltism and genetics, 5-6, 10 theories. 4, 10 Gibbons continuous attraction of female to male, 105-106 and "hidden" estrus, 15n., 105 smiling and, 15n. Grooming, gelada baboon and, 20 Groups male compared to female, 50. 61-63 See also Dominance-submission hierarchies: Sex differences; Status hierarchies Guslt, localized family ties of, 127 Hadza, polygyny of. 82 Hair and balding, 111 color, effects of, 207-208 graying and age, 111-112 head, body, 104-105, 205-206 See also Beards; Display;


,. i.i.

Subject Index and adoption, 22 ethnocentricity of, 137 mother-infant interactions, 153,

Subject Index reaction to size of pupils of stranger,

100-101, 174-175 202-203


Hair (Cont,) Dominance-submission hierarchies; Moustaches; Status hierarchies Harems Aboriginal, 41 dominant female in, 39-41 and ecology, 41-42, 135 gelada baboon, 20, 39-41 and new head males, 24 patas monkeys, 40-41 See also Aggression; Dominancesubmission hierarchies; Langur monkeys Hausa and aggression avoidance, 64-67 physical coordination of infants,

smiling, sexual differences in, voice preference, 145, 152 See also Mother-infant interaction Inhibition coeducation and, 73-74 and copulation, 74 Insects eyespots of, 93 See also Drosophila Intelligence and autism, 7 and genes, 157-160 and homosexuality, 7 Intimidation beards, 102-104, 203-204 and facial marking, scarring, 104 head and body hair, 104-105 among primates, 39 and territoriality, 41 voice, 105 See olso Display; Dominancesubmission hierarchies Irish potato famine, and migration, 135 ]acanas, 23-24 Japanese adoption and, 126 aggression, and avoidance, 64 art and reflection of philosophy in,

Language common, as part of inbred group,

123-124, 131, 137 128

and promiscuity, 19 reaction to beards, 104 veneration for age, 112 Hottentot, 110 Howler monkey, aggression of, 31-32 Ik, traditional mating of, 135 Immigration, and population control,

as mating recognition mechanism, Langur monkey, infanticide of, 22,119 Learning theory, 4 See also Behavior Love for adopted child, 21 beauty and, 110 as bond in mating, 14-15 Macaques aggression among, 32-33, 95 kinship and dominance, 33-34, 41 and male emigration to new troop,

strength of co-wives' sisterhood,


Height and African warriors, 90 and babies' fear of strangers, 90, 92,

and dominance, 85-87, 90, 92 and economic, social advantage,

87-90, 92

and friendships, 87, 197-198 genetic tallness and class in England,


plight of abnormally tall, 92-93 shortness and disadvantages of,


standing height and genetic influence on, 149-150 women, and relative height to lovers, husbands, 86-87, 196-197 Heterozygosity balanced against homozygosity, 2-3,

See also Emigration; Migration Imprinting, 143-144 Inbreeding and altruism, 121-213 assessing level of, 121-122, 132 cousin marriages, 124, 134 degree of, in humans, 131-132 among island peoples, 23, 123 and the Japanese, 123-124 marmoset, 135-136 mechanisms assuring, 136-139 among Mexican jays, 122-123 in normal populations, 121 Polynesians balancing of, 119 and population control, 122-123 and selection, competition, 29-30 and social behavior, 122-123 traits of, in culture, 128 and violence, 126-127 weaknesses of, 117-118 See also Outbreeding Incest, and taboos against, 132-134,

temporary consortship of, 105-106 troop splitting, 45 Marmoset, breakdown of mating patterns of, 135-136 Marquesans, blood ties and adoption patterns of, 119 Marriage children raised together and exogamy, 132-134 consanguineous, 124 of cousins, 124, 134 and female-male egoism, 74-75 "major" and "minor," success of,

buttocks, and sexuality, 108 cooperation and altruism of,


needed to meet environmental changes, 118 See also Inbreeding; Outbreeding Holism, method of approach, 3-5,
9-10, 28

Homogeneity and adoption, 126 and culture, 125-126 relati ve nature of, 124 See also Inbreeding; Outbreeding Homo sapiens, genetics of, compared to chimpanzee, 42-43, 122, IBO Homosexuality, 7 Homozygosity balanced against heterozygosity, 2-3 of blood groups and breeding history, 121-122 and Japanese homogeneity, 125 See also Inbreeding; Outbreeding Hopi

Independence, female coeducation and, 73-74 in marriage, 74-75 and testosterone levels, 75 Infanticide and gametic potential, 119 among langur monkeys, 22, 119 among Polynesians, 119 "population control" among wild dogs, 31 Infants ability to focus on face or voice, 145,

inbreeding of, 123-124, 132 infants' behavior compared to Chinese, Navajo, 148-149, 151 mother-infant interaction, 151-152 physical coordination of infants, 158 separation from Korean and other peoples, 123-124 and violence, 127 Jealousy in matrilineal vs, patrilineal people,

relatedness in, 132 as societal tie in mating, 14-15 See also Mating Masal height, and dominance of, 90 preference for thin women, 110 and promiscuity, 19 Masturbation, 14 See also Sex drive Mating advantage of migrants, 134, 136 and aggressiveness, 34-35 assortative, 137 breakdown of traditional patterns,

male, 19, 20-21 Jews, inbreeding of, 121 Kibbutz, exogamy and, 133 Kinship and aggression, 33-34 and hierarchies, 34-36 and polygyny, 79 See also Altruism, biological; Genetics, kinship; Navajo Kipsigis, extension of family ties of,

defense reaction of, by race, 146 differential behavior of, by race,


display and, 29, 39 female prerogative in, 14-15, 28-29,

34-35, 197

effect of class on ablllties of,


physical coordination of, by race,


reaction to height of stranger, 90, 92,


reaction to red, white masks,


K selection, 80-81

and genetic variation, 131 in hierarchies, 31 male vs. female prerogative, 12-13 proportion of males in population engaged in, 13-14 recognition mechanisms, 131 and territoriality, 29-30 regionalism, 137 See also Inbreeding; Marriage; Outbreeding


Subject Index and sex ratio, 26 and Western assumptions, 78 and women's rights, 18 See elso Polygamy; Polygyny Monomorphism, in birds, 26 Morals. See Altruism; Genetics, kinship Mother-infant interaction Caucasian compared to Hopi, 210-212 Chinese compared to Caucasian. 151 and class structure, 159-160 Japanese compared to Navajo, Chinese, 151 left-lateral preference in holding infants, 174-175 mutual conditioning in, 151-153 Navajo compared to Caucasian, 147-148, 210-212 Navajo compared to Hopi, 210-212 See also Infants Mortality rate, male, 59-60, 75 Motor, mental scales and class, 159-160 variation within race, 160 Moustache, reactions to, 104, 196-197 Mundurucu, extension of family ties of, 127 Muslims, economics, politics, and monogamy of, 61 Mutation and DNA, 8-9 and evolution, 9 genes, and rate of, 121-122 See also Evolution New Guineans, cannibalism See also Enga of, 43

Subject Index


Matriliny, matrifocal people and bragging, 19 and child care, 18 cultural change to, 16 and divorce, 17 and jealousy, 19 loss of parental blood ties, 117 and male promiscuity, 16 and male vs. female status, 17-18 and oedipal rivalry, 21 and polygyny, 17, 18, 79-80 See also Langur monkeys; Patriliny Melanesia adoption and inbreeding, 23 knowledge of blood ties, 119 Mexican jay, inbreeding behavior of, 122-123 Migration attraction of migrant, 134, 136 and environmental chaos, 135-136 migrant selection, 134 and outbreeding, 134-136 among primates, 135-136 See also Emigration; Immigration Miscegenation benefits, social, of, 161-162 and size of population, 138 Mobility, in matrilineal vs. patrilineal societies, 17 Monism, 1-3, 141-143, 144 Monkeys aggression among, 30-36, 41-43 arboreal vs. nonarborsal aggrassivlty, 30-33, 42 attention structure among, 36-39 defense of young, 35 emigration from troops, 33-34, 35, 45 intimidation and sexual attraction, 39 intratroop hierarchies, rivalries, 35-36, 45 and nepotism, 33 omegas, 46 See also Chimpanzee; Gibbon; Harems, one-male; Howler monkeys; Langur monkey; Macaques; Patas monkeys; Rhesus monkeys Monogamy and birds, 13-14, 25, 26 birthrate in, 79 dominance in, and wife beating, 81-82 and ecology, 60-81 and economics, 79, 81, 63 female disposition toward, 78 female selection, 28-29, 77, 79 Muslims and, 81 and promiscuity, 13-14

Navajo and adoption, 22 art of, 153-154 behavior of infants compared to other races, 146-149 communal child rearing among, 79 co-wives, 79 and divorce, 17 ethnocentricity of, 136-137 kinship, nature of, 127 likeness to Chinese, 147-150 and matriliny, 17 mother-infant interaction, 147-148, 151-153, 210-212 and outbreeding, 134 reaction to beards, 104 and smiling, 57-58, 178 veneration for age, 112 Nayars, jealousy among, 19, 20-21 Nepotism among baboons, 35 among monkeys, 33, 35 Nest building, birds' ability to adapt, 143

Omegas females, 169 males, 46, 170 See also Dominance-submission hierarchies; Status hierarchies Ontogeny vs. phylogeny, 6, 142~143 Organization, social dominance-submission hierarchies, 26, 30-36 and evolution, 9 group interaction, 49-50 human compared to primates, 42-43 and marriage, 14-15, 18 matrilineal, patrilineal, 17-18 "relationships," bases for, 20 within species. 8 territoriality, 28-30 and traits of alpha, 37-38 See olso Conflict; Dominancesubmission hierarchies; Status hierarchies Outbreedlng Chinese, 134 Dani,134 environmental disaster as cause of, 135-136 incest taboo and, 132-134, 136 limitations of. 136-137 migration and, 132-134, 136 Navajo, 134 in plants, 136 social advantages of, 139-140 See olso Inbreeding Ova Female potential production of, 12 scarcity of, and resultant promiscuity, 13-14 See oiso Gametic potential Parenting. See Adoption; Child rearing; Mother-infant interaction Patas monkeys alpha-alpha avoidance pattern, 42 harems of, 40-41 Paternity males's lack of certainty of, 20 in matrlfocal societies, 16 Patriliny and jealousy, 19 loss of maternal blood ties, 117 and male vs. female status, 17 and polygyny, 79-60 See also Matriliny, matrifocal people Pecking, as phylogenetic ally evolved behavior, 142-143 Peking man cannibalism of, 43

similarities to modern Orientals and American Indian, 157 Phalarope, female competition for males, 23-24 Phylogeny vs, ontogeny, 8, 142-143 Plants, outbreeding among, 136 Play, children's preference for samesex, 191-192 Politics beards and presidential, 204 as male's domain, 17 Polyandry among birds, 23-26 female fantasies, 77-76 and male jealousy, 19 and males' domination, 78 economics and, 63 studies in, 78 See also Monogamy; Polygamy; Polygyny Polygamy, male disposition toward, 78 Polygyny in America, 82-83 benefits for wives in, 81-82 in birds, 13-14 birthrate in, 79 child rearing in, 79, 80 co-wives relations, 79-80, 82-83 cultural proliferation of. 15 and ecology, 41, 80-81 and economics, 79, 81 fantasies, 77 father's aloofness, 80 female prerogative in, 29, 79 and gelada baboon, 39-41 and human male mating rate, 13, 78-79 male supremacy in, 81-62 male tendency toward, 14-15, 77 as mammalian phenomena, 13, 26 in matrilineal societies. 17, 79-80 Muslims and, 61 in patrilineal societies, 79-80 sleeping arrangements, 79-80 See also Monogamy; Polygamy; Polygyny Polynesians and adoptions, 23, 119, 123 balance of in- and outbreeding, 118 descant system of, 118-119, 123 and promiscuity, 19 and infanticide, 119 Popularity, and status, 47, 169-171 Population control and cannibalism, 3U and dominance-submission hierarchies, 27 and food supply, 29-30 immigration-emigration, 30 and inbreeding, 122-123


Subject Index number of males in population mating, 13, 33 troop splitting, 45 See also Macaques Rivalry father-son, 70 and male jealousy, 20-21 sibling, 113-114 r selection, 80-81 Safety distance, 91-92 Samurai, shaving of head, 111 Schizophrenia, 6-7 Selection and altruism, 113-115, 120 and evolution, 131 between groups, 29-30 and homosexuality, 7 inbreeding, 29 individual and population, 6-7, 121-122 individual vs. group, 120-121 interdeme, 27-26, 45 lntrasexual, 59-60, 163-185 and sexuality, 27-28 territoriality, 28-30 See also Dominance-submission hierarchies; Ecology; Inbreeding; Population control; Territoriality Self-concept of adopted child, 21 and ethnic stereotypes, 209-210 regarding position in status hierarchy, 69-72, 169, 170, 183, 190-191, 194-196 See also Sex differences Self-confidence of alphas, 39, 41, 46 "negative" nature of, omegas, 46 Sex differences affection, 63-64 aggression, 61, 63 attention span, 63 in book carrying, 173-174 among children, 51, 170 compared to cultural differences, 67 competition, 71, 72-75, 181-183 concern over toughness, 67-68, 71, 190-191, 194-195 "cuddliness," 53-54, 174 in drawings of children, 61-66, 192-193, 195 group, importance of, 50 humor, sense of, 195 mating desires, 77-78 newborn, 51-58 posture, 171-173 self-concept, 69-70, 72, 74-75, 190-191 smiling, adult, 175-178 smiling, child, 178-181 smiling, infant, 174-175 social orientation, 55-56, 191-192, 194 stance, 53-54 tactile responsivlty, 54 temper, 52, 61 verbal responsiveness, skills, 52-53, 56 See also Conflict, human; Child rearing; Dominance-submission hierarchies; Status hierarchies Sex drive and gametic potential, 19 male vs. female, 14, 19 Sexuality changes in, 24 and competition, 8, 12-14 determination of, 25-26 and evolution, 131 and heterozygosity, 117-11 6 male V8. female "need" for outlet, 19 and natural selection, 27-28 "role change," in Sudan, 80 See also Coral fish; Gene, selfish; Mating Sex roles, delineation of, and abuse, 81-82 Siblings altruism and, 120 and evolution, 120 gene sharing, 113-114 rivalry, 113-114 and violence, 127 See also Twins, identical Sickle-cell anemia, 6 Sisterhood See Hausa; Polygyny Smiling and "attractiveness," 56 and the blind, 97-99 cultural differences, 57-58 as evolved behavior, 142 and fear, appeasement, 56-58, 93, 94-95, 177 friendly, 15n. polygenetic nature of, 149 Pygmy infants and, 158n. "reflex," 54-58 .sex differences, 54-59,174-181 social, 55, 156 and "toughness," 57-59, 178-179 See also Eyes; Infant Songbird, adaptive ability of, 143 Spatial visualization, by sex, 52-53, 62, 170-171 See also Sex differences Species adaptation and size of population, 138

Subject Index


Population control (Cont.) infanticide, 31, 119 and interdeme selection, 27 and polygyny vs. monogamy, 80-81 vs. selfish-gene model, 27 and survival, 29-30 via territoriality, 27 among wild dogs, wolves, 31 See also Ecology; Gametic potential Pornography, female, 77-78 Primates aggression among, 30-33 buttocks, presentation of, 107 genetics of, compared to human's, 42 See also Baboon; Chimpanzee; Monkey Promiscuity attitudes toward, 19, 20 female, 16 fn as male tendency, 13-14, 19 and matriliny, 16 polygenetic nature of, 16 fn societal curbs against male, 18, 19 Pygmies shortness and consequent enslavement of, 90 rapid development of infants, 158 fn

Race biological causes for differential temperament, 148-149 compared to breed, 144, 146 cross-racial attitudes regarding other races' traits, 156-157 differential behavior of Infants by, 145-149 mental, motor variations within, 160 mother-infant interaction by, 147-148,151-153,210-212 and racism, 160-161 Racism, 160-161 Rape, among birds, 14 Raven, adaptive ability of, 143 Reaction range, 150 Reductionism, 2 Regionalism, as inbreeding mechanism, 137 Repression, culturally induced, 54 Residence extension of, and intratribal violence, 127 matriliny and patriliny, 17, 79 See also Territoriality Rhesus monkeys consortship among, 35 and incest taboos, 132-133 inhibition and copulation, 74 kinship and dominance, 33-34, 41 migration, 135

behavior of, 1-2 maintenance of, 131 and mating, 12-13, 23-26, 131 and mutation rates, 9 and social organization, 8 See also Breed; Race Sperm, overpopulation of, 12 Stare. See Eyes Status and alphas, 36-39 beards and, 92, 102-103 and beauty, 109 Status hierarchies female rise in, through marriage, 60, 71 and good looks, 109-110, 183-186 and height, 67-89 human compared to primate, 60-61 and intellectuality, 70-71 self-rating in, 69, 70, 72, 169, 170, 163, 190-191, 194-196 sexual influence on, 166-189, 196 verbal putdowns, and shifts in, 69 status quo of, 70-71 SeB also Alphas; Betas; Dominancesubmission hierarchies; Omegas; Organization, social; "Toughness" Steatopygia, 110 Sudan, women's reaction to polygyny in, 60 Suicide male vs. female, 59 and twins, 128-129 Tactile responsivity, male vs. female, 54 See also Sex differences Tahitians, knowledge of blood ties, 119 Taiwan, success of "major" and "minor" marriages in, 133-134 Territoriality and eye flashing of gelada baboon, 93 and inbreeding, 122-123 and interdeme selection, 27 and mating, 29-30 and population control, 27 replaced by hierarchies, 30-31 See also Regionalism; Residence Testosterone levels and Caucasian hair color, 111 and male dominance, 39, 75 and female dominance, 75 Thematic Apperception Test, 85-87, .102-103 "Toughness' , agreement about, 67-68 and attention structure, 68-69 concern over, 67-68, 190-191, 194-195


Subject Index and status, 207 See also Sex differences Wahutu, enslavement of by Watusi, 90 War, Intratribal, 117-118 Watusi, height and power of, 90 Wife beating, 81-82 Wolves do~inance and mating, 34 and population control, 31 Yanomamo avoidance of killing enemy kin,


"Toughness" [Cont.] and smiling, 57-59 See also Self-concept; Sex differences Tribalism and inbreeding, 136-139 and conflict, 138-139 invention of ceremonies, 138-139 Trobrlanders, and male role in child rearing, 18 Twins, identical, altruism, shared sense of identity of, 128-129 See also Gene sharing Verbal ability putdowns, and shifts in status, 59 sex differences, 52-53, 56 Violence and ethnicity, 127 kinship genetics and, 126-127 Voice female, male reaction to, 106, 207 infants' preference, 145 male, female reaction to, lOS, 207


Author Index
Aberle, D_ F" 17 Ainsworth, M, D" 21, 159 Alexander, R, D" 27, 134, 183 Alstein, R, J" 22 Altmann, A" 32, 34, 35 Barash, D, p" 18 Bare, Janet, 100, 202-203 Barkow, Jerry, 64 Basehart, H. W" 17 Bateman, A. J., 13, 25 Beach, F, A" 19, 107, 110, 142 Beekman, Susan, 178-181 Befu, H., 123, 124, 126 Benedeck, T" 14 Benedict, Ruth, 126 Berghe, P. L. Van den, 18 Birren, J, E" 59, 75 Bjork, John, 207-208 Blanck, Susan, 53, 171-172, 173 Bleed, P. 123 Block, J. H" 71 Blurton-Jones, N., 148 Bock, Darrel, 52 Borden, Tom, 114 Bowlby, J" 21 Brazelton, Berry, 67, 145. 160 Braverman, D, M" 171 Brown, Ierram, 13, 122-123 Bry, Adelaide, 14, 54 Burlinghame, D,. 52 Callaghan, John W,. 152, 210-212 Calian, H., 15 Campbell, B" 161 Carnegie Commission on Higher Education, 75 Carpenter, C, R, 31 Caudill, W., 126, 151-152 Chagnon, N, A., 13, 80-81, 117-119, 124 Chance, Michael, 36, 69 Chiang. I., 153 Chisolm, J, S" 146, 147-148 Clignet, R, 17,77, 79 Cloninger. C. R" 16 Coon, C. S,. 157 Costanzo, Richard, 194 Cotton, J" 109 Court Brown, W. M., 25 Crandall, V" 72 Crick, F. H. c., 8 Cronin, Carol Lynn, 58, 72, 181-183 Crow, J, F" 9, 149 Dale, R, R, 59 Dan, Alice, 94, 199 Darlington, C, D" 25. 107, 137, 162 Dart, Raymond, 43 Darwin, Charles, 6 Davenport, W., 107 Dawkins, R, 2, 4-6, 16, 30, 120 Dean, R. F, A., 159 De Bary, W. T" 124 DeBoer, 174-175 Deck. Leonard. 87, 92 DeVore, 1., 35, 38, 56 Dian, K. K., 109 Donaldson, R., 61 Draper, p" 63 Dube, L" 17,80 Eccles, John, 144 Edelman, M, S" 61, 69, 71,192,195, 196, 200 Ehrhardt, A, A., 19, 78 Ehrman, L., 134 Eibl-Eibesfeldt, t., 64 239

inbreeding of, 124 male mating rate, 13, 118 and polygyny, 78, 118 Yoruba male preference for plump females,

ii Ii



female display of buttocks, 108 Zapotec Indians, reaction of to beards, 104







Ii Ii ,I



I 240

Author Index Hilsdale, P., 17, 18 Hinde, R. A., 143 Hoard, Sandra, 205 Hoffman, Alfred. 24 Hoffman, L. R, 53 Hook. E. B., 25 Horowitz, Sandra, 198-199 Horton, R., 112 Hrdy, S. B., 22 Humphry, M., 22 Hutt, C., 15,47 Huxley, Julian, 107 Imanlshi, K., 34 Infeld, L., 11 Itani, Junichiro, 33-34, 35, 37 Izawa, K., 135 Jacklin, C. 16, 47, 71 Jay, P. C., 32 [anni, D. A., 25 Jolly, C., 36, 69 [ung, Carl, 112 Junker. K. S., 7 Kagan, Jerome, 52, 55-56 Kaufman, J. H., 33 Kawai, M., 33 Kempe, C., 22 Kenyatta, [omo, 81-82 Kessen. W., 156 Kety, S. S., B Kimura, Doreen, 52-53 King, J. A., 91 Kinnard, Jeanne, 173 Kinsey, A. C., 14, 19 Kirkpatrick, C., 109 Kosohmann, Nancy Lee. 166-166 Koford, C. B., 13. 33, 34, 42, 45 Kohlberg, L., 114-115, 208 Kolakowski, D. P., 52 Kostiakowski, V., 73 Koyama, N., 33 Kronhausen, E., 54
Kronhausen, P., 54 Krut, L. H., 110

Author Index Leonard, J. E., 134 Leonard, M. R., 128 Liederman, r. H., 159 Leven, Paula, 208-209 LeVine, Robert, 108, 127 Levy, Robert, 19. 119 Lewontin, R C., 131, 160, 162 Lewis, Michael, 52,55-56 Linblad, J., 93 Long, Michael, 53, 171 Lorenz. Konrad, 15, 74, 132, 142, 143 Lugard, F. L. 82 Maccoby, E., 16, 47, 71 Macflougall, D., 135 Magaziner, Jay, 201-202 Malinowski, B., 18, 23, 117 Maier, N. R. F., 53 Mantel, N., 60 Martini. Mary, 119, 191-192 Masters, R. E. L., 132, 133 Matsumoto, Y. S., 126 Mayr, Ernst, 5 Mech, D. L., 31 McClean, James Dickson, 177-178 Meggitt, M. A., 41, 134 Miller, D., 207 Miller, Joan, 190-191 Money, J., 19, 78 Morris, Desmond, 105 Mourant, A. E., 122 Munroe, R. L., 52 Munroe, R. H., 52 Murdock, G. P., 15, 81 Murray, H. A., 85 Myrdal, G., 157 Nakane, C., 17, 80 Nef. M., 161 Neel, J. V. 124. 132 Nisselius, J. K., 146 Novikoff, A. B., 36 Nozawa, K., 42, 135 Omerk, D. R, 61, 69,71,192,195,198 O'NeIl, Carl, 104 Pannor, B., 117 Parker, R., 61, 62,66,


Einstein, Albert, 11 Elkin, A. P., 138 Elliot, 0., 91 Endo, S., 155 Farhmeier, Ed, 192 Farina, A., 109 Figurski, Thomas, 60, 183-185 Fisher, R. A., 5-7 Fiske. Alan. 34 Fogel, Alan. 152 Ford. C. S. 19, 107, 110 Fowler. Heather. 85 Fox. Robin, 118 Freedman, D. G., 47. 51-55, 61.62, 71,
91.9~99, 141-143, 145, 14~ 14~ 157, 159-160 Freedman, Mervin. 73 Freud, Sigmund, 70 Friday, N., 14, 78 Frisch, J. E., 36, 37. 125 Frost, N., 151-152 Fujiki, N., 124 Fuller, J, L., 19, 20, 80, 150

Provine, W. B., 5 Purefoy, Francis, 15 fn Rainwater, L., 18 Relschauer, E. 0., 124-126 Richards, A. I., 80 Richards, M., 148 Rimland, B., 7, 99 Roberts, D. F. 121, 132 Robertson, J., 24. 52 Roe. A., 112 Rohelm, G., 21 Roiphe, A.. 73 Rose. R. M., 39 Rose, Sharon, 177 Rosenthal, D., 6 Roychoudbury, A. K., 161 Rozenfeld, Ellen, 183-186 Sade, Donald, 33, 34, 38, 74, 132-133 Sahlins, Marshall, 23, 116-117,



Sarich, V. M., 122 Savin-Williams, Richard, 46-50, 70,

109, 168-170, 183 Scarr, H. A., 126 Schaffner, B., 142 Schaller, George, 93 Scheffler, H. W., 119 Scheinfeld, Dan, 95 Schneider, D. M., 17, 18 Schull, W. J., 124, 132 Schuskey, E. L., 17 Scott, J. Paul, 6 Sebastian, Irene, 114-115, 20B Selander, R. K., 26 Shafer, R., 148 Shaffer, L. F., 14 Shepher, I., 51 In, 133 Shields, J., 7 Shoben, E. J. Jr. 14 Shumpeter, J. A., 139 Sigall, H., 109 Simmons, L. W., 1 9 Simon, R. J., 22 Simon, W. 78 Singer, R., 110 Snow, Robert B., 194 Solow, Nancy, 186-190 Sorokin, P. A., 60,90, 109 Sorosky, R., 117

Gagnon, J., 76 Gardner, R., 82 Gaskins, Suzanne, 170 Geber, M., 159-160 Glaninno, Laurence J., 170-171 Ginsburg, Harvey, 115 Goldstein, Kurt, 3, 9-10, 57 Goodall, Jane, 42, 56-57 Goren, Carolyn, 95-96, 200-201 Gottesman, Irving, 150 Gottlieb, G., 142 Gough, K. 17, 18 Gowin, E. B., 87, 68-89 Green, Nova, 155, 156 Crzlmek, B., 14, 24, 31 Guthrie, R. D., 102, 205 Gutmann, D., 74-75 Haas-Hawkmga, Gwen, 210 Hallet, J.-P., 158 fn Hamilton, W. D., 4, 33, 122. 124 Harasztl, Linda. 173-174 Hardin, G. 6 Harpending, Henry, 15 fn Harris, John, 209-210 Hattori, Shiro, 123
Hausfater, G., 39, 41, 47, 135

Kubey, Robert W., 87. 204 Kuehner, J., 148 Kummer, Hans, 20, 39-41, 93 Kuo, Z., 142 Kurland, J. A., 18 Lamarck, de Chevalier, 6 Landy, D" 109 Lang, Francis, 196-197 Lao-tze, 154 Laser, Joan. 198 Lawick, Baron H. Van, 31 Lawrence, Mark, 192-'\93 Lehrman, D. S., 142


Hebb, D.O., 36, 141 Heideger, Hein, 91 Heider. K. G. 118 Heiroth, Oscar, 14, 143 Helfer. R. 22 Hershkovitz, P., 135 Hess, Ekhard, 100, 101, 144 Heston. L. L. B, 7

Patterson, 0 .. 139 Pepper, S. C., 4 Perline, Richard, 54, 174, 175 Pirsig, R. M., 154 Peter, Prince of Greece. 78 Piaget, Jean, 115 Poincare, H., 11 Porter, I. H., 25 Post, Henry, 195

Spemann, Hans, 9 Spieth, H. T" 12 Spitz, R. A., 97 Spuhler, J. N., 137 Stebbins, G. L., Jr., 111, 13B Stern, C" 158 Stribey, Serina, 160 Sugiyama, Y., 22 Sumner, William Graham, 136


Author Index Weinrich, D. J., 7 Weinstein, H., 151 Weisfeld, Glenn It. 71, 194-195 Westemark, E 133 Westermeyer. Jerry, 186-189 Whitaker, Ann, 205-206 White, S. H., 115 Whitney, G., 25 WiGkler, Wolfgang. 54, 107 Wightman, W. P. D., 2 Willard, D. E . 60. 183 Williams, G. C., 8, 27 Wilson. E. 0., 4, 80, 116, 134 Winstan. Frank J., 105, 206 Witkin, H. A., 25 Wolf, A., 133-134 Wolfe. Constance, 175-177 Wolfe. K. M., 97 Wolfe. Thomas, 92-93 Wright, Sewall, 5. 9, 138 Wynne-Edwards. V. C., 27, 29-30, 121 Yolles, S. F., 73 Yoshiba, K, 22
Zihlman, A., 43

Tanner, N., 43 Taylor, Brandon, 191 Teitelbaum, M. S" 60 Terman, Louis M., 59, 160 Thomas, E. M., 13, 79 Thorpe, Robert, 143 Thompson, W. R., 150 Thrasher, R. M., 46 Tidball, M. E., 73 Tiger, L., 50, 51 fn, 70, 133 Tinbergen, Nikko, 142 Travis, Maureen, 197-198


P., 21, 117

Trivers, Robert, 4, 60, 183, 208 Trotsky, Leon, 139 Turnbull, C., 90, 135 Tyler, L. E., 59 Uexkull, Jacob Von, 3 Waddington, C. H" 9 Wade, M., 120 Ward. P. G, 119 Warren, N., 157, 160 Washburn, Sherwood, 111 Watson, J, D" 8 Webster, S,' 119

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