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MSC Biochemistry 2016 17

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Syllabus for

Choice Based Credit System

With Effect From: 2016-17

Department of Biochemistry
Course Structure and Scheme of Examination
For Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
(Total 96 credits)
Effective from June 2016

M. Sc. Biochemistry
Program Outcomes (PO)

Academic Competence

Disciplinary knowledge and understanding of biochemistry, structure and function of

biological molecules. By the end of four semesters of M.Sc. Biochemistry, students will gain
the breadth and depth of scientific knowledge in ‘Biochemistry’ and allied areas.

Critical thinking

Students will be able to demonstrate an experiential learning and critical thinking with
problem solving abilities.

Research and development

Students will be able to generate ideas for research, analyze them and execute them.
Demonstrate self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems, and act
autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional or equivalent level.

Personal and Behavioural Competence

Basic professional skills pertaining to biochemical analysis, carrying out clinical diagnostic
tests and gain the ability to use skills in specific areas related to biochemistry such as
industrial production, clinical, health etc.

Effective Communication

Students will develop the ability for articulation of ideas, scientific writing and authentic
reporting, effective presentation skills. Also they will learn conversational competence
including communication and effective interaction with others, listening, speaking, and
observational skills.

Social Competence

They will be able to plan and manage projects in order to achieve objectives along with
ability to work in a group or community.

Self directed and Continuous learning

They will be able to recognize the need for continuous up gradation of their knowledge and
skills for continuing professional development.

M. Sc. Biochemistry
Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)
Obtain essential knowledge and skills to pursue a career in research, industry and in
academic set up.

Apply the understanding of experimental approaches to solve problems and will have an
ability to implement solution to new problems.

Integrate and apply the techniques in Analytical biochemistry, Clinical biochemistry,
Microbiology, Molecular biology and Bioinformatics.

Evaluate the depth of scientific knowledge in the broad range of fields including Cell
biology, Metabolism, Pharmaceutical Biochemistry, Genetics, Nutritional Biochemistry,
Immunology and Enzymology.

Describe and express the biochemical basis of human diseases, protein structure and
conformation, non-invasive diagnostics, biochemical pathway regulation and drug
development and synthesize this knowledge and apply the same for multitude of laboratory

Semester -1
No. of Weightage Weightage of
Subject Title of the Course Hrs. For For Semester Total Semester
Code Course Credits Per Internal End Marks End
Week Examination Examination Exam in
of 4 4 30 70 100 2.5
CBC 1 Biochemistry
CBC 2 Metabolism 4 4 30 70 100 2.5
CBC 3 Enzymology 4 4 30 70 100 2.5
4 4 30 70 100 2.5
IBC 1 Techniques
PBC 1 Practical 6 18 - 150 150 06
- Assignment 2 2 - 50 50 -
Total 24 600

Semester -2
No. of Weightage Weightage Duration
Subject Title of the Course Hrs. For For Semester Total of Semester
Code Course Credits Per Internal End Marks End
Week Examination Examination Exam in Hrs.
Cell Biology
CBC 4 4 4 30 70 100 2.5
and Genetics
CBC 5 4 4 30 70 100 2.5
CBC 6 4 4 30 70 100 2.5
IBC 2 and 4 4 30 70 100 2.5
PBC 2 Practical 6 18 - 150 150 06
- Seminar 2 2 - 50 50 -
Total 24 600

Semester -3
No. of Weightage Weightage Duration
Subject Title of the Course Hrs. For For Semester Total of Semester
Code Course Credits Per Internal End Marks End
Week Examination Examination Exam in Hrs.

CBC 7 Immunology 4 4 30 70 100 2.5
Clinical and
CBC 8 Nutritional 4 4 30 70 100 2.5
Elective (Any One)
EBC 1 4 4 30 70 100 2.5
EBC 2 4 4 30 70 100 2.5
and Regulatory
EBC 3 4 4 30 70 100 2.5
PBC 3 Practical 8 18 - 200 200 06
Research article
4 2 - 100 100
- presentation 01
Total 24 600

Semester -4

Weightage of Semester
No. of Weightage
For End
Subject Title of the Course Hrs. For Total
Semester Exam in
Code Course Credits Per Internal Marks
End Hrs.
Week Examination

Elective (Any One)

Research 2.5
EBC 3 Methodology 4 4 30 70 100
Animal Cell 2.5
EBC 4 Tissue Culture 4 4 30 70 100
- Project Work
Dissertation 01
- work 20 30 - 500 500
Total 24 600



The objective of this paper is to provide students with a basic understanding of…
➢ The physical and chemical properties of the components of living things
➢ The principles of bioenergetics
➢ Structural, chemical biology and three-dimensional construction of macromolecules
(carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids)
➢ Functional properties and importance of carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids.

Course Outcome:
CO1:To understand the concepts of preparation of buffers, molarity, normality, ionization,
CO2:The understanding of different types of chemical bonding, molecular machinery of
living cells, principles that govern the structures of macromolecules and their participation in
living system.
CO3:To identify with the classification and structural properties of carbohydrates, proteins,
nucleic acids and lipids,glycoproteins and glycolipids and their significance in biological
CO4 :By the end of the course, the students will be able to demonstrate advanced knowledge
and understanding of aspects of physical and chemical properties of aqueous solutions,
concepts of free energy

UNIT 1: Overview of Biochemistry

Properties of Aqueous Solutions, Concepts of Acid – Base, pH, pK, Titration Curve and
Buffers. Different Kinds of Bonds, Molarity, Normality, Ionization, Molality, Osmolarity

UNIT 2: Bioenergetics

First and Second Law of Thermodynamic, Internal Energy, Enthalpy, Entropy, Concept of
Free Energy, Standard Free Energy change of a Chemical Reaction, Redox Potentials, ATP
and high Energy Phosphate Compounds

UNIT 3: Fundamentals of Proteins and Nucleic Acids

Protein structure, functions, Classification and Importance, Amino acids: Common structural
features, Physical and Chemical Properties, Titration of Amino acids, Separation of Amino
acids, Essential Amino acids. Nature of Genetic Material, Composition of DNA and RNA,
Classification of Nucleic acids, Structure and Role of different types of RNA

UNIT 4: Fundamentals of Carbohydrates and Lipids

Carbohydrates: Classification, Basic Chemical structure, Monosaccharides, Aldoses, and
Ketoses, Cyclic structure of Monosaccharides, Steroisomerism, Anomers and Epimers. Sugar
Derivatives, Deoxy Sugars, Amino Sugars, and Sugar acids, disaccharides, oligosaccharides
and polysaccharides. Lipids: General Reaction and Properties. Classification, Structure and
Function of major lipids, Circulating lipids, Separation Techniques lipoproteins, LDL, HDL,
and VLDL.

1. Laboratory Manual in Biochemistry by Jayraman
2. Biochemistry by Stryer
3. Dynamics of Proteins and Nucleic Acids by Mccammon, J. A. & Harvey, S. C.
4. Fundamentals of Protein Structure and Function by Buxbaum, E.
5. Instant Notes in Biochemistry by Hames, B. D. & Hooper, N. M.

The Metabolism paper aims to provide:
➢ An advanced understanding of the core principles and topics of metabolic process and
their biochemical reactions.
➢ To enable students to acquire a specialized knowledge and understanding of how
enzymes and metabolites in living system works to produce energy and synthesizing
different biomolecules
➢ To study biochemical pathways involved in intermediary metabolism.
➢ The metabolism of dietary and endogenous carbohydrate, lipid, and protein
➢ To understand the principles and major mechanisms of metabolic control and of
molecular signaling by hormones

Course Outcome:
CO1:Metabolism refers to all biochemical reactions which occur in the living organisms.
CO2:By studying this paper students will able to differentiate the anabolic and catabolic
pathways and their important enzymatic steps, understand how glycolysis produces metabolic
energy as well as producing intermediates for further metabolic reactions.
CO3 :To acquire knowledge related to the principles and basic mechanisms of metabolic
control and how regulation of biochemical pathways leads to normal integrated metabolism,
understand the organization of a typical mitochondrion, locating membranes, enzymes,
respiratory complexes, the F0-F1 complex, important transporter proteins and how it functions
to synthesize ATP
CO4:To understand the importance of Integration of Metabolism, degradation, catabolism,
hormonal regulation of metabolism etc will be exposed with the fact that perturbations in
the bimoleculas lead to various diseases. To open new way into metabolic engineering for
the production of useful compounds.

UNIT 1: Carbohydrate Metabolism

Glycolysis, Feeder Pathways for Glycolysis, Gluconeogenesis, Pentose Phosphate Pathway,
Glycogen Metabolism, Citric Acid Cycle, Glyoxylate Cycle, Regulation and Stoichiometry of

Carbohydrate Metabolism, Integration of Metabolism – Tissue Specific Metabolism,
Hormonal Regulation of Metabolism.

Unit 2: Metabolism of Proteins and Amino Acids

Metabolic Fates of Amino Groups, Amino Acid Degradation Pathway, Biosynthesis of
Amino Acids, Amino Acid Decarboxylation, Protein degradation, Nitrogen Excretion and the
Urea Cycle.
UNIT 3: Lipid & Nucleotide Metabolism
Lipids digestion, Absorption and Transport, Functions of Prostaglandins, Metabolism of
Fatty Acids, Cholesterol and other Lipids, Stoichiometry of Fatty Acid Catabolism,
Regulation of Fatty Acid Metabolism, Metabolism of Nucleotides

UNIT 4: Oxidative Phosphorylation

Architecture of the Mitochondrion, Electron-Transfer Reactions in Mitochondria:
Components of the Mitochondrial Electron Transport System, Sequence of Electron Carriers,
Structures and Functions of the Individual Complexes, Inhibitors of ETC

1. Biochemistry by Voet & Voet
2. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry by Nelson, D. L. & Cox, M. M.
3. Biochemistry by Mathews
4. Biochemistry by Satyanarayana, U.
5. Biochemistry: The Chemical Reactions of Living Cells by Metzler, D. E.


To study classification and basic structural properties of enzyme
Detailed study on mechanical and kinetics properties of enzyme including various models of
kinetics and various types of inhibition
To acquire a detail knowledge of mechanism of enzyme action, regulation and allostery in
To develop an understating on application and technological aspects of commercial valuable

Course Outcome:
CO1:Students will be prepared for theoretically & practically to understand properties of

CO2 :Enzymes are functional and its role in living system is unique. To understand ability to
difference between a chemical catalyst and biocatalyst along with concept of enzymes-
substrate kinetics and its importance in biological reactions.

CO3 :Enzymology paper is core Biochemistry subject, detailed understating of enzymology

will help students to prepare their mind for interdisciplinary functional properties of protein.

CO4 :This paper gives platform to develop vast range of application of industrially valuable

UNIT 1: Introduction and basics of Enzymology

Scope of enzymology, Classification and Nomenclature, Specificity of enzyme action,
kinetics and catalysis of chemical and enzymatic reactions

UNIT 2: Kinetics and Inhibition

Kinetics of single substrate enzyme-catalyzed reaction: M.M. equation, L.B. Plot, Edie-
Hofstee and Hanes plot, Eisenthal and Cornish-Bowden plot, Haldane reaction, Rapid
reaction kinetics, Kinetics of multi-substrate catalyzed reaction: Mechanism of enzyme
reaction, Investigation of reaction mechanism, Enzyme inhibition: Reversible and
Irreversible inhibition

UNIT 3: Enzyme Catalysis and Allostery

Enzyme Catalysis (Acid, Base, Electrostatic, Metal ion), Mechanism of enzyme action with
and without cofactor, Active site determination, Cooperativity in Hemoglobin, Various
Models of Allostery, Regulation of Enzyme Activity.

UNIT 4: Enzyme technology and applications

Immobilization of Enzymes, Enzyme Technology for Industrial, Medicine and Clinical
Applications, Uses of Enzymes Electrodes and Biosensor, Biotransformation. Enzyme
Engineering: Chemical Modification and Site Directed Mutagenesis to Study Structure and
Functional Relationship, Asymmetric Reactions thought Enzyme and Nonaqueous Enzyme

1. Enzymes : Biochemistry Biotechnology And Clinical Chemistry by Palmer, T.
2. Fundamentals of Enzymology by Price & Stevens
3. Enzyme kinetics - A modern approach by Marangoni, A. G.
4. Enzyme Kinetics Principles and Methods by Bisswanger, H

➢ The objectives of this paper is to develop student’s knowledge and capabilities in areas
of analytical chemistry that are particularly relevant to the analysis of a range of sample
➢ To understand the physical principles of a range of quantitative and quantitative
analytical techniques.
➢ To study the range of spectroscopic technique to characterize the biomolecules.
➢ To understand the governing mechanisms and driving forces of various advanced
separation processes.

Course Outcome:
CO1:Analytical science is the study of the determination of the chemical composition of
natural and artificial materials using both classical and modern instrumental techniques.
CO2:From this paper students will gain a deep understanding of chemical principles,
especially those relevant to the chemistry of chemical analysis.
CO3 :Students will gain theoretical and practical knowledge of experimental methods and
analytical instrumentation.
CO4 :Students will be able to safely and efficiently select and apply appropriate analytical
methods to the analysis of real problems; able to interpret data from analytical methods, and
will understand approaches for the validation of these analytical methods.

UNIT 1: Microscopy and Autoradiography

Theories of Tissue Fixation and Staining Techniques. Principles of Transmission and
Scanning Electron Microscopy, Confocal Microscopy. Principles of Phase Contrast and
Fluorescence Microscopy. Principle and Applications of Autoradiography

UNIT 2: Spectroscopy
Basic Principles of Spectroscopy, UV, IR, Raman, ESR, ORD. CD and Structure of Proteins
using NMR and ESR. Neutron and X-Ray Diffraction for Elucidation of 3D Structure.
Molecular Modelling, Mass Spectrometry

UNIT 3: Chromatographic Techniques

Basic Principle and types of Chromatography. Gas Chromatography, GC-MS, LC – MS /
MS. Ion Exchange Chromatography, Gel permeation, Affinity and Reverse Phase
Chromatography. HPLC and FPLC

UNIT 4: Centrifugation and Electrophoretic Techniques

Principle and Applications of Centrifugation Techniques. Basic Principles of Electrophoresis,
Agarose Gel, Native and SDS-PAGE. Isoelectric Focusing, 2D-PAGE and their uses in
Protein Research and Protein Fractionation.

1. Analytical Biochemistry by Holme, D. J. & Peck, H.
2. Biochemical calculation by Segel
3. Introduction to Protein Architecture: The structural biology of proteins by Lesk, A. M.
4. Modern Experimental Biochemistry by Boyer, R.
5. Biochemistry by Todd, W. B., Mason, M., Bruggen, R. V. & Macmillan

1. Protein extraction from the milk.
2. Protein estimation by UV Spectroscopy.
4. Protein estimation by Biuret method.
5. Protein estimation by Folin Lowry’s method.
6. Protein estimation by Bradford method.
7. Extraction method of sugar.
8. Sugar estimation by DNSA method.
9. Sugar estimation by Phenol Sulphuric acid method.
10. Cholesterol estimation by Libermann and Buchard method.
11. Lipid extraction and estimation by Suphovanillin method.
12. Estimation of DNA by diphenylamine method.
13. Estimation of RNA by Orcinol method.
14. Estimation of amino acid by Ninhydrin method
15. Standard curve of maltose
17. Enzyme curve of amylase
18. Temperature curve of amylase
19. pH curve of amylase
20. Substrate curve
21. Specific activity of amylase
22. Activity staining of amylase
23. Standard curve of Maltose
24. Activity of Immobilized Amylase
25. Paper chromatography
26. Thin layer chromatography
27. Enzyme inhibition
28. Activity Staining
➢ To equip students with a basic knowledge of the structural and functional properties of
➢ To examine properties of differentiated cell systems and tissues.
➢ Aspect of cell cycle and cell death.
➢ To introduce the fascinating mechanism of cell signaling along with brief overview on
developmental biology.
➢ To provide thorough knowledge on classical genetics.

Course Outcome:
CO1:Students will understand the structures and purposes of basic components of cell,
especially membranes and organelles.
CO2:Appreciate the cellular components underlying cell division along with a deep insight to
cell division, cell death and uncontrolled cell division.

CO3 :Students will learn the basic principles of inheritance and patterns of heredity.
CO4:Students will test and deepen their mastery of genetics by applying this knowledge in a
variety of problem-solving situations.

UNIT 1: Cells, Cell Organelles & Membrane Biochemistry

Evolution and Introduction of Cell Types including Cellular Specialization and
Differentiation, Differences in Plant and Animal Cells, Eukaryotic Cell Organelle’s Structure,
Functions and Biochemistry, Chemical Composition and function of Biomembranes, Model

of Lipid Membranes, Models of Plasma membranes and techniques to study fluidity,
Structural and Functional aspects of Cytoskeleton

UNIT 2: Cell Signaling and Developmental Biology

Signal Transduction: Heterotrimeric G-Protein, Tyrosine Kinase Based Signaling,
Phosphoinositide Cascade. Embryogenesis, Patterning in Early Vertebrate Embryo, Control
of Body Segmentation.

UNIT 3: Cell Cycle

Phases of Cell Cycle, Functional Importance of each Phase, Molecular Events during Cell
Cycle, Cytoskeleton in Cell Division, Regulation of Cell Cycle, Apoptotic Pathway and Cell
Death, Uncontrolled Cell Division (Mutations in Proto-oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes
and DNA repair genes)

UNIT 4: Classical Genetics

Fundamentals of genetics: Mendelian pattern of Inheritance, Variations to Mendelian pattern
(Incomplete dominance, epistatis, etc.,). Quantitative inheritance (Inheritance of complex
traits), Multiple alleles and physical basis of heredity, Population Genetics (Hardy-
Weinberg’s law), Linkage, Crossing over, Chromosome mapping and tetrad analysis in
higher organisms. Molecular mechanisms of recombination.

1. Cell Biology Protocols by Harris, R., Graham, J. & Rickwood, D.
2. Color Atlas of Biochemistry by Koolman, J. & Roehm, K. H.
3. Molecular Biology of The Cell - Bruce Alberts
4. Molecular Cell Biology by Lodish, H.
5. Molecular biology of the gene by Watson.
6. Genes IX by Lewin, B.
7. Essential Molecular Biology by T. A. Brown
8. Cell Biology Protocols by Harris, R., Graham, J. & Rickwood, D.
9. Color Atlas of Biochemistry by Koolman, J. & Roehm, K. H.
10. Current Protocols in Protein Science (All Vol) John Wiley & Sons


➢ The course is designed to assist the students to learn and understand fundamental
concepts and principles of respiratory, renal, digestive, cardiovascular, muscle and neuro
➢ To develop a vocabulary of appropriate terminology to effectively communicate
information related to anatomy and physiology.
➢ To study the interrelationships within and between anatomical and physiological systems
of the human body.
➢ To understand the basic mechanisms of homeostasis by integrating the functions of cells,
tissues, organs, and organ systems.
➢ To study the roll and mechanism of endocrine system in metabolism, regulation of
normal homeostatic condition of body and other physiological functions.

Course Outcome:
CO1:This course will provide a sound basis in human physiology to support in-depth
understanding of physiological processes of all body systems in detail and on an appropriate
CO2:Students will able to explain how the activities of organs are integrated for maximum
CO3 :Students will be prepared to identify how changes in normal physiology lead to disease
and it will support further study in health and medical sciences or related fields.
CO4:This paper will also provide understanding of hormonal action in human body to
regulate normal physiological activity of different organ system as well as metabolic process.
UNIT 1: Respiration, Renal Physiology and Fluid Balance
Functional Anatomy of Respiratory System, Pulmonary Ventilation, Lung Volumes and
Capacities, Principles and Mechanism of Gas Exchange, Oxygen and Carbon-Dioxide
Transport, Regulation of Respiration, Body Fluid Compartments, Regulation of Fluid
Balance, Regulation of Extracellular Sodium and osmolarity, Acid-Base Balance, Functional
Anatomy of Kidney, Glomerular Filtration, Urine Formation, Renal Mechanisms for The
Control of Blood Volume, Blood Pressure and ionic Composition.

UNIT 2: Digestive System and Cardiac System

General Anatomy and Principles of Gastrointestinal Function, Propulsion and Mixing of
Food in the Alimentary Tract. Composition, Mechanism of Secretion and Functions of
Different Digestive Juices. Digestion and Absorption of Various Dietary Components in the
Gastrointestinal Tract, Functional Anatomy of Heart, Blood Circulation, Cardiac Cycle,

UNIT 3: The Muscular System and Nervous System

Contraction and Excitation of Skeletal Muscles, Smooth Muscles and Cardiac Muscle,
Organization of the Nervous System, Basic Functions of Synapses, Sensory Receptors, Nerve
Impulse Transmission, Neurotransmitters and their Receptors. Neurophysiology of Vision,
Sense of Hearing, Chemical Senses, Motor and Integrative Neurophysiology.

UNIT 4: Endocrinology
Introduction to Endocrinology, Pituitary Hormones and Their Control by the Hypothalamus,
Thyroid Hormones, Hormones of Adrenal Gland, Insulin, Glucagon, Parathyroid Hormone,
Calcitonin. Reproductive Hormones of the Male and Female.

1. Principles of Anatomy & Physiology by Tortora, G.J.

2. Textbook of Medical Physiology by Guyton and Hall
3. Essentials of Medical Physiology by Sembulingam K.
4. Proteins: structure and function by Whitford, D.
5. Human Physiology by Devis


➢ Detailed understanding of prokaryotic and eukaryotic replication, types of DNA
polymerases and inhibitors of DNA replication
➢ To gain detail on prokaryotic and eukaryotic transcription, translation and gene
expression regulation
➢ In depth study of various types of vectors, hybridization technique and its application
➢ To develop an understating of advanced technologies like RFLP, Sequencing, SSR,
REMAP, SCAR and various types of PCR

Course Outcome:
CO1:Students will choose appropriate experimental strategy for research in basic and
molecular biology.
CO2:To perform laboratory techniques in basic biology, molecular biology, and advanced
techniques. Explanation and integration of biological principles, as applied to basic and
molecular biology.
CO3 :Development of strong diversified background in modern biology, appropriate to the
individual student goals. Develop critical-thinking, and problem based learning skills.
CO4:This paper will open an understanding of current trends in molecular and genetic
research, and critically appraise published work. Students will be prepared to demonstrate an
ability to design, undertake, and interpret, a research project, presented in the form of a
UNIT 1: DNA Replication
DNA and Chromosome Structure, Importance of DNA Replication, DNA Polymerases, Other
Enzymes and Protein involved in DNA Replication, Mechanisms and Regulations of DNA
Replication, Inhibiters of DNA Replications, Major Differences between Prokaryotic and
Eukaryotic DNA Replication.

UNIT 2: Transcription & Translation

Transcription in Prokaryotes, RNA Polymerases, Promoters, Initiation, Elongation and
Termination of RNA synthesis, Inhibitors of RNA Synthesis, Concept of Reverse
Transcriptase. Post-transcriptional Modifications, Basic Features of Genetic Code,
Mechanisms of Translation, Ribosome Structure, A and P sites, Importance of Different
Codon, Regulation of Gene Expression in Prokaryotes: Enzyme Induction and Repression,
Operon Concepts, LAC Operon, TRP Operon

UNIT 3: Vectors and Characterization of Nucleic Acids

Principles and Uses of Nucleic Acid Hybridizations; Principles and Methods of Nucleic Acid
Sequencing; Immuno-Chemical Techniques (DNA, RNA and Protein). Properties and
Applications of Plasmids, Phagemids, Phage Vectors, Cosmids, YAC, BAC, etc.

UNIT 4: Molecular Markers and Techniques

Mapping and DNA Fingerprinting: Methodology and Applications of Restriction Mapping;
RFLP; RAPD; AFLP; ChIP; Chromosome Walking; ARDRA; SSR; REMAP and SCAR
Analysis. Polymerase Chain Reaction: Principle and Basic types of PCR; Reverse
Transcription and Real Time PCRs; Factors affecting PCR; Applications and Precautions.

1. Molecular Biology of The Cell - Bruce Alberts
2. Molecular Cell Biology by Lodish, H.
3. Molecular biology of the gene by Watson.
4. Genes IX by Lewin, B.
5. Essential Molecular Biology by T. A. Brown
6. Principles Of Gene Manipulation And Genomics by Primarose
7. Molecular Cloning by Russell Sambrook
8. Introduction to Molecular Biology by Paolella, P.


➢ Detailed understanding of genome projects, related disciplines of Bioinformatics use of
Databases and Tools in Biological Discovery, Major Bioinformatics Resources
➢ To gain detail on biological databases like primary sequence databases, protein three
dimensional databases, Protein Structure Mathematical model databases, PCR and
quantitative PCR primer databases, Chemical Databases, Drug & Drug Target /
Therapeutic Target Databases, Disease databases, Immunological database.
➢ In depth study of various types of tools including sequence submission tools, Chemical
molecule designing software, Protein & Chemical molecule visualization tools, Docking
software, Molecular dynamics software; QSAR, ADME Toxicity prediction, Allergen
prediction, Venomics & Antivenomics.
➢ To develop an understating of statistical methods and calculations

Course Outcome:
CO1:Students will choose appropriate experimental strategy for research in basic and applied
CO2:Explanation and integration of bioinformatics principles and its applications to basic
and applied biology.
CO3:Students will gain in silico training on data mining, database searching, software
application, quantitative analysis and interpretation, molecular modeling, QSAR and various
DNA, RNA and Protein analytical tools.

CO4:Moreover, this paper enables students to acquire the knowledge of statistical analysis
and its principles.

Unit 1: Basic concepts of Bioinformatics

Genome projects, History of Bioinformatics, Related disciplines of Bioinformatics (Branches
of Bioinformatics), Nature of Biological data, Use of Databases and Tools in Biological
Discovery, Major Bioinformatics Resources: NCBI, EBI, ExPASy, RCSB, JCVI, SANGER,
etc.., Literature databases, Scholarly Metrics-Journal, Article, Author & Book.
Unit 2: Biological Databases
Primary Sequence Databases - Nucleic acid and Protein, Protein Secondary databases,
Protein three dimensional databases, Protein Structure Classification database, Genome
databases, Proteomics databases, Protein model databases, Coding and noncoding RNA
databases, Carbohydrate structure databases, Protein-protein and other molecular interactions
databases, Signal transduction pathway databases, Metabolic pathway and Protein Function
databases, Microarray databases, Exosomal databases, Mathematical model databases, PCR
and quantitative PCR primer databases, Phenotype databases, Taxonomic databases,
Chemical Databases, Drug & Drug Target / Therapeutic Target Databases, Disease databases,
Immunological database, Antimicrobial peptide databases, and Specialized databases.
Unit 3: Bioinformatics Tools
Sequence submission tools, Computational methods of gene prediction, Database search
tools: GQuery and EB-eye; Basic concepts of sequence alignment: pairwise & Multiple
sequence alignment, Global & Local alignments, and Scoring matrix; Basic terminologies:
motifs, fingerprints, domains, family, superfamily, profile, matrix, fold, Identity, similarity,
positives, score, etc..; Basics of Database similarity search tools, and Phylogenetic analysis;
Predictions: Post translational Modification, Protein secondary structure, Protein 3D structure
& assessment, protein families, patterns and profiles, protein-protein interaction, RNA
structure, Noncoding RNA prediction-methods & Tools; Chemical molecule designing
software, Protein & Chemical molecule visualization tools, Docking software, Molecular
dynamics software; New approaches / concepts: Subtractive Genomics, Reverse vaccinology,
Target fishing, Polypharmacology, Bacteriocin prediction, QSAR, ADME Toxicity
prediction, Allergen prediction, Venomics & Antivenomics.
UNIT 4: Statistical Tests in Biology
Mean, Median, Mode, Student’s t Test, Meaning of Significance and Significance Levels
Analysis of Variance. Analysis of Covariance, Regression and Correlation Analysis, Qui
square test, Confidence limits

1. Fundamentals of Biostatistics by Bernard Rosner 5th Ed.
2. Bioinformatics Methods and Applications by Rastogi, S.C.
3. Bioinformatics for Dummies by Jean-Michel Claverie
4. Textbook of bioinformatics by Subramaniam, C.
5. Introductory Biostatistics by Chap T. Le
6. Fundamentals of Biostatistics by Bernard Rosner
7. Review & Research papers from Bioinformatics & related Journals
8. Arthur M. Lesk, Introduction to Bioinformatics, Oxford University Press, 2008.
9. David W. Mount, Bioinformatics – Sequence and Genome analysis, 2004.
10. G. Gibson & S.V.Muse, A Primer of Genome Science, 2009.
11. A. Baxevanis and B.F. Ouellette. Bioinformatics: A practical Guide to the
Analysis of Genes and Proteins, Wiley- Interscience, Hoboken, NJ, 2005.
12. A. M.Campbell & L. J. Heyer, Discovering Genomics, Proteomics &
Bioinformatics, CSHL Press, 2006.
13. S.R. Pennington & M.J. Dunn, Proteomics – from protein sequence to function,
BIOS Scientific Publishers, 2002.


1. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

2. Isolation Of DNA From Blood
3. Bacterial Transformation
4. Western Blotting
5. Isolation Of Plasmid DNA By Alkaline Lysis Method
6. Bacterial Genomic DNA Isolation
7. DNA Extraction From Plant Tissue (Strawberry)
8. Nucleic Acid Purity Assessment Using A260/A280 Ratio
9. Plasmid Preparation By CTAB Method
10. Identification Of Barr Body From Buccal Smear
11. Isolation Of Chlorophyll
12. Mitosis
13. Osmosis In Onion Cells
14. Effect Of Temperature On Plant Cell Membrane
15. Isolation Of Chloroplast
16. Retrieve Sequence From Nucleotide Databases (Genbank, Ena, Ddbj)
17. Retrieve Sequence From Protein Primary Sequence Database: Unipro
18. Study Of Literature Database – Pubmed
19. Study Of Compound Database -Pubchem
20. Drug And Target Databases
21. BLAST SEARCH And Phylogenetic Tree
22. Download Protein 3D Structure From Pdb
23. Protein 3D Structure Visualization Tool –Rasmol
24. Protein Secondary Structure Prediction Tools
25. 3d Structure Prediction: Swiss-Model
26. Interpro

➢ In-depth knowledge and understanding of major cellular and molecular mechanisms
underlying immunological processes in health and diseases
➢ To acquire a knowledge of immunochemical techniques in qualitative and quantitative
analysis of antibodies and antigens.
➢ An understanding of the factors that determine the effectiveness of immune responses to
microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, parasites) and tumours and how protective immunity
can be elicited by vaccination

Course Outcome:
CO 1:To attain a working knowledge of current immunological principles as they relate to
the cells and molecules of the immune system.

CO 2: Understanding of mechanism of interaction in defending the body against invading


CO 3: Students will get knowledge of development and acquisition of ability to recognize
antigens and finally how they malfunction in autoimmune diseases.

CO 4: Students will extend and solidify their understanding of the presented principles
through critical readings from the primary research literature.

UNIT 1: The Immune System and Effect or Mechanism

Properties and Overview of Immune Response, Innate Immunity, Cells and Tissues of The
Adaptive Immune System, Cytokines, Effect or Mechanism of Cell Mediated Immunity,
Effect or Mechanism of Humeral Immunity

UNIT 2: Recognition of Antigens and Maturation, Activation, Regulation of

Antibodies and Antigens, The Major Histocompatibility Complex, Antigen Processing and
Presentation to T Lymphocyte, Antigen Receptors and Accessory Molecules of T and B
Lymphocytes, Lymphocyte Development and the Rearrangement and Expression of Antigen
Receptor Genes, Activation of T Lymphocyte, B Lymphocyte and Antibody Production,
Immunological Tolerance

UNIT 3: Diagnostic Immunology, Hybridoma Technology and Vaccination

Antigen and Antibody Reactions: Precipitation and Agglutination Reactions,
Immunofluorescence Assay ,ELISA Assay, Immunoelectrophoresis Techniques, Production
of Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibodies, Applications of Monoclonal Antibodies, Vaccines

UNIT 4: The Immune System in Defense and Immunological Disorders

Immunity to Microbes, Transplantation Immunology, Immunity to Tumors, Hypersensitive
Reactions, Autoimmune Disorders, Immunodeficiency

1. Practical and Clinical Immunology by Talwar, G. P.
2. Immunology by Kuby
3. Immunology by Roitt
4. Immunology by P M Lydyard
5. Immunology by Richard


➢ To study the classification and functional properties of blood components.
➢ To understand the coagulation, anti-coagulation mechanism of blood and its disorders.
➢ To study the biochemical, clinical, pathological and diagnostic aspects of diseases.
➢ To study dietary types, requirements, utilization and functions of different class of diet.
➢ To study the nutrition deficiency disorders and balance diet.

Course Outcome:
CO 1: Advanced understanding and knowledge of theoretical and practical aspects of blood
biochemistry and its components.

CO 2: Connection of blood to entire organ system of body in single circulatory channel and
consequences of environmental and genetic factors of blood disorders.

CO 3: Rationale and theoretical basis for methods and tools used in the diagnosis of common
biochemical disorders.
CO 4: Distinguish between between fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins,
biochemical functions and synthesis for these vitamins.

UNIT 1: Blood
Functions and Components of Blood, Different Types of Blood Cells and its Physiology,
Formation of Blood Cells, Blood Clotting - Extrinsic and Intrinsic Pathways of Blood
Clotting, Control Mechanism for Blood Clotting, Blood groups, Blood transfusion,
Laboratory Test to Measure Coagulation and Thrombolysis, Anemia, Polycythemia,
Hemoglobinopathy, Tissue and Organ Transplantation.

UNIT 2: Diseases
Biochemical, Clinical, Pathological and Diagnostic Aspects of Diseases- Gastritis, Ulcer,
Inflammatory Diseases. Liver: Jaundice and Cirrhosis. Kidney: Glomerulonephritis,
Nephrotic Syndrome. Diabetes, Hypertension, Atherosclerosis and Myocardial Infarction,
Respiratory System: Tuberculosis and Asthma. Malaria, AIDS, Cancer.

UNIT – 3: Nutritional Aspects of Carbohydrates, Lipids and Proteins:

Introduction, Different Dietary Types, Requirements, Utilization and Functions, Special Role
of the Unavailable Carbohydrates, Essential Fatty Acids, Essential Amino Acids, Nutritive
Value of Proteins and the Methods for its Determination, Amino Acid Imbalance, Protein
Requirements, Utilization and Functions

UNIT – 4: Balanced Diet and Vitamins

Recommended Dietary Allowances for Different Categories of the Human Beings, Disorders
Related to the Nutrition- Protein Energy Malnutrition, Starvation, Obesity, Classification of
Vitamins, Dietary Sources, Rda, Functions and Biochemical Role of Vitamin A, Vitamin B
Complex, B1thiamine, B2riboflavin, Niacin, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D,
Conversion of Vitamins from Precursor: β-Carotenes to Vitamin-A, Argosterol to D3,
Disease of Vitamins Deficiency: Clinical Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment

1. Vitamins, Their Role in the Human Body by Ball
2. The Vitamins by Gerald F. Combs
3. Human Nutrition by Geissler Powers
4. Human Nutrition and Dietetics by Ashok Kumar Sharma
5. Nutritional Biochemistry by Tom Brody
6. Human Nutrition and Dietetics by Davidson & Passmore


➢ To enable the student to learn the regulation of genes in bacteria.
➢ Morphology, classification and types of viruses.
➢ To introduce to the process of biological nitrogen fixation.
➢ Detailed information on antibiotics.

Course Outcome:

CO 1: Students will be able to appreciate the entire spectrum of microscopic life forms -
from relatively simple, small but unique viruses to bacteria.

CO 2: Enable the students to understand the fine mechanism of regulation of gene

expression. Awareness will be created on different types of viruses and diseases caused by

CO 3: Appreciate the crucial role played by bacteria in nitrogen metabolism.

CO 4: Students will get deep insight to antimicrobials.

UNIT 1: Regulation of Genes in Bacteria

Nucleic Acids as Carriers of Genetics Information, Arrangement and Organization of Gene in

Prokaryotes: Operon Concept, Catabolite Repression, Instability of Bacterial RNA, Inducers
and Corepressors, E. coli Lac Operon: Negative Regulation and Positive Regulation, E. Coli
Arabinose Operon: Regulation by Attenuation, His and Trp Operons: Anti-termination,
Genetic Transfer: Conjugation, Transformation and Transduction.

UNIT 2: Virology

Introduction to Virus, Classification, Assay Methods, Properties and Characteristic of

Bacterial, Plant and Animal Viruses, Virus Host Interaction, Acute Virus Infections,
Persistent of Virus Infection, Influenza, Herpes, Hepatitis A and B.

UNIT 3: Biological Nitrogen Fixation

Nitrogen Metabolism: Mechanism and Regulation of Utilization of Ammonia, Nitrate and

other Nitrogen Source, Nitrogen Fixation: Mechanism and Regulation of Nitrogen Fixation,
Symbiotic and Asymbiotic Nitrogen Fixation and Biochemistry of Nitrogenase.

UNIT 4: Antimicrobial Agents

The Development of Antimicrobial Agents, Past, Present and Future, Selection of

Antimicrobial Agents, Synthetic Organic Antimicrobials, β-Lactam Antibiotics,
Aminoglycoside Antibiotics, Antifungal Drugs, Antiviral Drugs, Resistance to Antimicrobial

1. Microbiology by Pelczar, M. J.
2. Microbiology Ecology Fundamental and Application by Ronald M. Atlas
3. General Microbiology Vol-I by Powar & Daginawala
4. General Microbiology Vol-II by Powar & Daginawala
5. laboratory Manual in Microbiology by P Guanasekara
6. Experiments in Microbiology by K R Aneja



➢ To study the drug development process, absorption and metabolism
➢ To develop a concept of drug action, receptor interaction, roll of enzyme in stimulation
or inhibition of drug activity.
➢ To understand the lethal and effective dose of drug; Mechanism of drug delivery
➢ To study the different guidelines for manufacturing of drugs.
➢ In-depth study of intellectual property rights

Course Outcome:
CO 1: Gain detail understanding of how drug act inside the body after absorption from
intestine in to blood.

CO 2: Understanding of factors that affect drug absorption, interaction with target receptors
and inhibition of enzymes.
CO 3: Understanding of process of product registration and different guidelines which
control the manufacturer to follow correct strategy for manufacturing of drug.
CO 4: Learn how to write and file the patent; how to document clinical data of the concern
drug research.

UNIT 1: Pharmacokinetics

Introduction to Drug Absorption, Deposition, Drug Metabolism And Elimination, Important

Pharmacokinetics Parameters In Defining Drug Disposition and In Therapeutics, Uses of
Pharmacokinetics In Drug Development Process, Concept of Prodrug and Soft Drug

UNIT 2: Pharmacodynamics

Introduction, Concept of Receptor Agonists and Antagonists, Drug Receptors Interactions,

Theories of Drug Activity Relationship, Treatment of Diseases by Enzyme Stimulation and
Enzyme Inhibition, Elementary Treatment of Drug Receptor Interaction, Ld50, Ed50, Mic
and Mec etc. (Mathematical Derivations of Equation Excluded), Membrane Active Drugs
(Sulphonamides). Mechanisms of Drug effects, Drug Delivery Systems e.g. Liposomes

UNIT 3: Regulatory Affairs

Pharmaceutical Products-their Manufacturing, Analytical Aspect, Product Registration and

their Requirement looking to WHO-GMP, European DMF, US-FDA Regulations, ICH
Guidelines, Pharmacopael and Extra Pharmacopaeal Entry

UNIT 4: Intellectual Property Rights

Documentation Required for Filing Patent, Chemical, Physical and Biological (Clinical) Data
Documentation, Patent Writing Art and Introduction of Concept of Non-infringing Patent
Ability, Looking to GATT-WTO Scenario, Computer Based Data Mining in Drug Research,
Pharmaceutical Product Management Aspect

1. Pharmacology by Rang and Dele
2. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Antimicrobial Drug Action by Franklin, T. J. &
Snow, J. A.
3. Pharmacology by S D Seth
4. Pharmacology by Tara V Shahbhag
5. Pathology by Edward
6. Pharmacology by M C Prabhakar
7. Pharmacology by Arvind Arora


➢ To provide students with an understanding of core topics with general principles.
➢ To introduce the students to the structural organization of plant cells and along with the
cell wall structure formation and growth.
➢ To give an overview of photosynthesis and its significance to plant and human
➢ To explains the biosynthetic pathway of plant hormones. Explain secondary metabolites
and their potential therapeutic and nutritional uses.
➢ The overall relation of water with respect to plants is made thorough.

Course Outcome:

CO 1: Understanding of the constituents of the plant cell and appreciate the role of each of
the components.
CO 2: Appreciate the biological significance of photosynthesis in plants and human
CO 3: Appreciate the modes and pathways involved in the biosynthesis of plant hormones
and highlight their roles in the cell.
CO 4: As secondary metabolites relate to therapeutic and nutritional uses, their
multidimentional aspect will be highlighted.

UNIT 1: Structure and Biochemical Aspects of Specialized Plant Cell Organelles

Structure and Biochemical Aspects of Cell Plate, Primary and Secondary Cell Walls,
Plasmodesmata, Importance of Vacuoles, Characteristics of Meristematic Cells.

UNIT 2: Concepts of Photosynthesis and Phytohormons

Photochemistry, Energy Considerations, Light Reaction with Z – Scheme, CO2 fixation,
Calvin Cycle, C3, C4 and CAM, Photorespiration, Chemistry and Action of Phytohormones
and Plant Growth Regulators.

UNIT 3: Secondary Metabolites

Special Features of Secondary Plant Metabolism Formation and Functions of Alkaloids,
Phenolic Compounds, Tannins, Lignins, Flavonoid Pigments, Surface waxes, Cutin and
Suberin – the Plant Protective Waxes, Terpenes. Different Types of Bioreactors for Mass
UNIT-4: Water Relations of Plants
Role of Water, Absorption, Conduction and Transpiration, Guttation, Water balance and
Stress Physiology. Osmoprotectant

1. Plant Biochemistry by Heldt, H-W.
2. Plant Physiology By Taiz and Zeiger
3. Plant Biology by Andrew Lack
4. Plant Biochemistry by Hans Walter
5. Plant Biotechnology by M S Sudhir
1. Blood Grouping
2. Dot ELISA
3. Ouchterlony Double Diffusion
4. Radial Immuno diffusion
5. Rocket Immuno electrophoresis
6. Widal Test
7. Sandwich ELISA
8. Albumin Estimation
9. Total Protein Estimation
10. Blood Glucose Estimation
11. Urea Estimation
12. Uric Acid Estimation
13. Creatinine Estimation
14. SGPT Estimation
15. SGOT Estimation
16. Total and Direct Bilirubin Estimation
17. Triglycerides Estimation
18. Cholesterol Estimation
19. Urinalysis
20. Ascorbic Acid Estimation
21. Iron Estimation

➢ The main objective of this paper is to provide students with a broad introduction to the
methodological foundations and tools used in research.
➢ To learn how to identify problems, develop hypotheses and research questions.
➢ To check for the validity and reliability of studies and design research projects.
➢ To expose the students to the broad range of designs used in research from laboratory,
field experiments, surveys and content analysis.

➢ To study the statistical tools and computer applications used in research.

Course Outcome:
CO 1: Gain the ability to define research, explain and apply research terms, describe the
research process and the principle activities, skills and ethics associated with the research
CO 2: Students will be able to explain the relationship between theory and research, describe
and compare the major quantitative and qualitative research methods.
CO 3: Students will be able to construct an effective research proposal that will serve as the
launching point for the research project, understand the importance of research ethics and
integrate research ethics into the research process.
CO 4: Students will easily use the statistical tool and computer software for organization and
analysis of data.

UNIT 1: Types of Research & Literature Survey

Types, Research process and steps in it, Hypothesis, Research proposals and aspects.
Literature survey and review, Research design process, Errors in research. Report Writing:
Pre writing considerations, Thesis writing, Formats of report writing, Formats of publications
in Research journals.

UNIT 2: Design of Experiments

Research Modeling: Types of Models, Model building and stages, Data consideration and
testing, Heuristic and Simulation modeling. Research Design: Need, Problem Definition,
variables, research design concepts, Objectives, strategies, Factorial experimental design,
Designing engineering, experiments, basic principles: replication, randomization, blocking,
Guidelines for design of experiments.
UNIT 3: Statistical Methods
Single Factor Experiment: Hypothesis testing, Analysis of Variance components (ANOVA)
for fixed effect model; Total, treatment and error of squares, Degrees of freedom, Confidence
interval; ANOVA for random effects model, Estimation of variance components, Model
adequacy checking.

UNIT 4: Computer Applications

Spreadsheet Tool: Introduction to spreadsheet application, features and functions, Using
formulas and functions, Data storing, Features for Statistical data analysis, Generating charts/
graph and other features. Tools used may be Microsoft Excel, Open office or similar tool.
Presentation Tool: Introduction to presentation tool, features and functions, Creating
presentation, Customizing presentation, Showing presentation. Tools used may be Microsoft
Power Point, Open Office or similar tool. Web Search: Introduction to Internet, Use of
Internet and WWW, Using search engine like Google, Yahoo etc, Using advanced search

1. Culture of Animal Cells by Freshney R. I.
2. Animal Cell Culture by Masters
3. Principles and Practice of Animal Tissue Culture by Sudha Gangal
4. Animal Cell & Tissue Culture by Mathur
5. Animal Cell Culture & Technology by M Butler


➢ Understating the basics of animal tissue culture i.e. laboratory design and
➢ To acquire a knowledge of various types of media and methodologies
➢ An understanding of the various types of cell cultures and separation techniques

➢ In-depth knowledge and understanding of cell preservation, scale up and special cell

Course Outcome:
CO 1: To attain a working knowledge of discrimination between the different types of cell
culture technologies.
CO 2:Detailed criteria for consideration for scale up of cell culture and media composition.
CO 3:Students will gain knowledge in identifying the appropriate cell model for a large scale
CO 4: Gain knowledge of recent developments in cell and tissue engineering.

UNIT 1: Introduction
History, Biology of cell culture, Laboratory design and layout, equipments, aseptic condition,
safety, bioethics and validation

UNIT 2: Media
Culture vessels, substrates, defined media supplements, serum free media, media preparation
and sterilization

UNIT 3: Various Cell Culture

Primary culture, subculture and cell lines, cloning and selection, cell separation,
characterization, differentiation, transformation and immortalization

UNIT 4: Techniques and Media

Contamination, cryopreservation, quantification, cytotoxicity, special cell type culture,
culture of tumor cells, organotypic culture, scale up and specialized techniques

1. Research methods and Statistics A Critical Thinking by Sherri L. Jackson
2. Methods in Biostatistics for Medical Students and Research Workers by B . K. Mahajan
3. Biostatistics by Sundar Rao
4. Stastics by D. C. Sancheti
Dissertation research work is offered to students of Semester IV to carry out research
according to the provision of objectives and teacher guide. Students are allowed to apply in
other national and international level research institutes, Universities and industries of high
repute to pursue six month dissertation research project for the partial fulfillment of M.Sc.
Biochemistry degree.


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