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Module 6 - Viruses

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MCB100-Module 6


Microbiology and Biotechnology Group

Department of Biological Sciences

College of Science and Mathematics
MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology
What is a Virus?

• A virus is an obligate intracellular parasite that cannot replicate without

a suitable host cell.
• Viruses rely on the host cell for energy, metabolic intermediates, and
protein synthesis.
• Viruses have an extracellular form, the virus particle, that enables them
to exist outside the host and that facilitates transmission from one host
cell to another.
• To multiply, viruses must enter a cell in which they can replicate, a
process called infection.
• The study of viruses is called virology.
General Properties of Viruses

• Viruses are not cells and thus are nonliving, they nonetheless possess a genome
encoding the information they need in order to replicate.
• They rely on host cells to provide the energy and materials needed for replicating their
genomes and synthesizing their proteins.
• They can exist in either extracellular or intracellular forms.
• In its extracellular form, a virus is a microscopic particle containing nucleic acid surrounded by a
protein coat and sometimes, depending on the specific virus, other macromolecules.

• A virion is the extracellular form of a virus and contains either an RNA or a DNA
genome inside a protein shell.
• The virus genome may enter a new host cell by infection.
• The virus redirects the host metabolism to support virus replication.
• Viruses are classified by their nucleic acid and type of host.
General Properties of Viruses

• Viruses can be classified on the basis of the hosts they infect as well as by their
genomes (i.e. bacterial viruses, archaeal viruses, animal viruses, plant viruses, and
viruses that infect other kinds of eukaryotic cells.
• Bacterial viruses, sometimes called bacteriophages (or phage for short; from the
Greek phagein, meaning “to eat”), have been intensively studied as model systems
for the molecular biology and genetics of virus replication.
• Species of both Bacteria and Archaea are infected by specific viruses.
General Properties of Viruses

• The formal system of viral classification exists that groups

viruses into various taxa, such as orders, families, and even
genus and species.
• The family taxon seems particularly useful.
• Members of a family of viruses all have a similar virion
morphology, genome structure, and strategy of replication.
• Virus families have names that include the suffix -viridae (as
in Poxviridae).
Nature of the Virion

• Virions come in many sizes and shapes. Most viruses are smaller
than prokaryotic cells, ranging in size from 0.02 to 0.3 µm (20–300
nm). A common unit of measure for viruses is the nanometer,
which is one-thousandth of a micrometer.
• Smallpox virus, one of the largest viruses, is about 200 nm in
diameter (about the size of the smallest cells of Bacteria).
Poliovirus, one of the smallest viruses, is only 28 nm in diameter
(about the size of a ribosome).
• The largest known viral genome, that of Mimivirus, consists of
1.18 Mbp of double-stranded DNA. This virus, which infects
protists such as Amoeba, is one of a few viruses currently known
whose genome is larger than some cellular genomes.
Nature of the Virion

• In the virion of a naked virus, only nucleic acid and protein are present, with the nucleic acid on the inside; the whole unit is
called the nucleocapsid. Enveloped viruses have one or more lipoprotein layers surrounding the nucleocapsid.
• The nucleocapsid is arranged in a symmetric fashion, with a precise number and arrangement of structural subunits
surrounding the virus nucleic acid.
• Although virus particles are metabolically inert, one or more key enzymes are present within the virion in some viruses.
Viral Structure
• The nucleic acid of the virion is always located within the
particle, surrounded by a protein shell called the capsid.
• A few viruses have only a single kind of protein in their
capsid, but most viruses have several distinct proteins
that are associated in specific ways to form assemblies
called capsomeres.
• The complete complex of nucleic acid and protein
packaged in the virion is called the virus nucleocapsid.
• Some viruses are naked, whereas others possess lipid-
containing layers around the nucleocapsid called an
General Structural Properties
• All virions, even if they possess other constituents, are con- structed
around a nucleocapsid core (indeed, some viruses con- sist only of a
• The nucleocapsid is composed of a nucleic acid, either DNA or RNA, held
within a protein coat called the capsid, which protects viral genetic
material and aids in its transfer between host cells.
• There are four general morphological types of capsids and virion structure.
1. Some capsids are icosahedral in shape. An icosahedron is a regular
polyhedron with 20 equilateral triangular faces and
12 vertices. These capsids appear spherical when viewed at low
power in the electron microscope.
General Structural Properties
• 2. Other capsids are helical and shaped like hollow protein cylinders,
which may be either rigid or flexible.
• 3. Many viruses have an envelope, an outer membranous layer
surrounding the nucleocapsid. Enveloped viruses have a roughly
spherical but somewhat variable shape even though their
nucleocapsid can be either icosahedral or helical.
• 4. Complex viruses have capsid symmetry that is neither purely
icosahedral nor helical. They may possess tails and other structures
(e.g., many bacteriophages) or have complex, multilayered walls
surrounding the nucleic acid (e.g., poxviruses such as vaccinia).
Helical and
Icosahedral Capsids
• Helical capsids are shaped much like hollow tubes with
protein walls. The tobacco mosaic virus provides a well-
studied example of helical capsid structure.
• A single type of protomer associates together in a helical or
spiral arrangement to produce a long, rigid tube, 15 to 18 nm
in diameter by 300 nm long.
• The RNA genetic material is wound in a spiral and positioned
toward the inside of the capsid where it lies within a groove
formed by the protein subunits.
• Not all helical capsids are as rigid as the TMV capsid. Influenza
virus RNAs are enclosed in thin, flexible helical capsids folded
within an envelope
• The icosahedron is one of nature’s
favorite shapes (the helix is probably
most popular).
• Viruses employ the icosahedral shape

Helical and because it is the most efficient way to

enclose a space.
• A few genes, sometimes only one, can
Icosahedral code for proteins that self- assemble to
form the capsid. In this way a small
number of linear genes can specify a

Capsids large three-dimensional structure.

• Certain requirements must be met to
construct an icosahedron. Hexagons pack
together in planes and cannot enclose a
space, and therefore pentagons must
also be used.
Helical and Icosahedral Capsids
• When icosahedral viruses are negatively stained
and viewed in the transmission electron
microscope, a complex icosahedral capsid
structure is revealed.
• The capsids are constructed from ring or knob-
shaped units called capsomers, each usually made
of five or six protomers. Pentamers (pentons)
have five subunits; hexamers (hexons) possess six.
Pentamers are at the vertices of the icosahedron,
whereas hexamers form its edges and triangular
Nucleic Acids
• Viruses are exceptionally flexible
with respect to the nature of their
genetic material.
• They employ all four possible
nucleic acid types: single-stranded
DNA, double-stranded DNA,
single-stranded RNA, and double-
stranded RNA. All four types are
found in animal viruses.
• Plant viruses most often have
single-stranded RNA genomes.
Although phages may have single-
stranded DNA or single-stranded
RNA, bacterial viruses usually
contain double-stranded DNA.
Nucleic Acids
• Most RNA viruses employ single-stranded RNA
(ssRNA) as their genetic material.
• The RNA base sequence may be identical with that of
viral mRNA, in which case the RNA strand is called the
plus strand or positive strand (viral mRNA is defined
as plus or positive).
• The viral RNA genome may instead be
complementary to viral mRNA, and then it is called a
minus or negative strand.
• Polio, tobacco mosaic, brome mosaic, and Rous sarcoma
viruses are all positive strand RNA viruses; rabies, mumps,
measles, and influenza viruses are examples of negative
strand RNA viruses.
• Many of these RNA genomes are segmented
genomes—that is, they are divided into separate
parts. It is believed that each fragment or segment
codes for one protein. Usually all segments are
probably enclosed in the same capsid even though
some virus genomes may be composed of as many as
10 to 12 segments.
Enveloped Viruses
• Enveloped viruses contain a membrane
surrounding the nucleocapsid.
• Many viruses are enveloped, and most of these
infect animal cells (for example, influenza virus),
although occasional enveloped bacterial and
plant viruses are also known.
• The viral envelope consists of a lipid bilayer
with proteins, usually glycoproteins, embedded
in it.
• The lipids of the viral membrane are derived
from the membranes of the host cell, but viral
membrane proteins that are encoded by viral
genes are also embedded in the membrane.
Complex Viruses
• Some virions are even more complex than anything
discussed so far, being composed of several parts, each
with separate shapes and symmetries.
• The most complicated viruses in terms of structure are
some of the bacterial viruses, which possess icosahedral
heads plus helical tails.
• In some bacterial viruses, such as bacteriophage T4 of
Escherichia coli, the tail itself has a complex structure.
• The complete T4 tail has almost 20 different proteins, and the
T4 head has several more proteins.
• complex viruses, assembly is also quite involved. For instance,
in T4 the complete tail is formed as a subassembly, and then
the tail is added to the DNA-containing head.
• tail fibers formed from another protein are added to make the
mature, infectious virion.
Principles of
Virus Taxonomy
• The classification of viruses is in a much less satisfactory state than that of either bacteria
or eucaryotic microorganisms.
• Usually, viruses are separated into several large groups based on their host preferences:
animal viruses, plant viruses, bacterial viruses, bacteriophages, and so forth. In the past
virologists working with these groups were unable to agree on a uniform system of
classification and nomenclature.
• Beginning with its 1971 report, the International Committee for Taxonomy of Viruses has
developed a uniform classification system and now divides viruses into three orders, 56
families, 9 subfamilies, 233 genera, and 1,550 virus species. The committee places
greatest weight on a few properties to define families: nucleic acid type, nucleic acid
strandedness, the sense (positive or negative) of ssRNA genomes, presence or absence of
an envelope, and the host.
• Virus family names end in viridae; subfamily
names, in virinae; and genus (and species)
names, in virus. For example, the poxviruses are
in the family Poxviridae; the subfamily

Chorodopoxvirinae contains poxviruses of
• Within the subfamily are several genera that are

of Virus
distinguished based on immunologic
characteristics and host specificity. The genus
Orthopoxvirus contains several species, among
them variola major (the cause of smallpox),

vaccinia, and cowpox.
• Viruses are divided into different taxonomic
groups based on characteristics that are related
to the type of host used, virion structure and
composition, mode of reproduction, and the
nature of any diseases caused. Some of the
more important characteristics are:
Principles of Virus Taxonomy
2. Nucleic acid characteristics—
DNA or RNA, single or double
stranded, molecular weight,
1. Nature of the host—animal, 3. Capsid symmetry— 4. Presence of an envelope and
plant, bacterial, insect, fungal segmentation and number of icosahedral, helical, binal ether sensitivity
pieces of nucleic acid (RNA
viruses), the sense of the strand
in ssRNA viruses

5. Diameter of the virion or 6. Number of capsomers in 8. Gene number and genomic

7. Immunologic properties
nucleocapsid icosahedral viruses map

10. The presence or absence of

12. Disease caused and/or
9. Intracellular location of viral a DNA intermediate (ssRNA
11. Type of virus release special clinical features, method
replication viruses), and the presence of
of transmission
reverse transcriptase
• Once a host has been infected, new
copies of the viral genome must be
made and virus-specific proteins must
be synthesized for the virus to replicate.

Production • Before viral nucleic acid can replicate,

new virus proteins are needed, and
these are encoded by mRNA

of Viral transcribed from the virus genome.

• In some RNA viruses, the viral genomic

Nucleic Acid
RNA is also the mRNA.
• In other viruses, the virus genome is a
template for the formation of viral

and Protein
mRNA, and in certain cases, essential
transcriptional enzymes are contained
in the virion.
The Baltimore • The virologist David Baltimore, who along with Howard Temin
and Renato Dulbecco shared the Nobel Prize for Physiology or
Classification Scheme Medicine in 1975 for the discovery of retroviruses and reverse
transcriptase, developed a classification scheme for viruses.
and DNA Viruses
The Baltimore Classification Scheme and DNA Viruses
The Baltimore classification scheme is based on the relationship of the
viral genome to its mRNA and recognizes seven classes of viruses, such as
the following:
• Class I: Double-stranded (ds) DNA viruses.
• The mechanism of mRNA production and genome replication of class I viruses is
the same as that used by the host cell genome, although different viruses use
different strategies to ensure that viral mRNA is expressed in preference to host
• Class II: are single-stranded (ss) DNA viruses.
• Before mRNA can be produced from such viruses, a complementary DNA strand
must be synthesized because RNA polymerase uses double-stranded DNA as a
• These viruses form a dsDNA intermediate during replication that is also used for
The Baltimore Classification Scheme and DNA Viruses
• Class III: Double stranded RNA [dsRNA (+/-)] virus
• Class IV: Single stranded RNA (+) virus
• Class V: Single stranded RNA (-) virus
The Baltimore Classification Scheme and DNA Viruses
• Class VI: Single stranded RNA (+) retrovirus
• The retroviruses are animal viruses that are responsible for causing certain kinds
of cancers and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS.
• Retroviruses have ssRNA in their virions but replicate through a dsDNA
• The process of copying the information found in RNA into DNA is called reverse
transcription, and thus these viruses require an enzyme called reverse
• Class VII: viruses are those that have double-stranded DNA in their
virions but replicate through an RNA intermediate.
• These unusual viruses also use reverse transcriptase. The strategy these viruses
use to produce mRNA is the same as that of class I viruses, although their DNA
replication is very unusual because the genome is only partially double-stranded.
Enzymes in Virions

• Virions do not carry out metabolic processes and thus a virus is metabolically inert
outside a host cell.
• However, some virions do contain enzymes that play important roles in infection. Some of
these enzymes are required for very early events in the infection process.
• Some bacteriophages contain the enzyme lysozyme, which they use to make a
small hole in the bacterial cell wall.
• This allows the virus to inject its nucleic acid into the cytoplasm of the host cell.
• Lysozyme is again produced in large amounts in the later stages of infection, causing lysis of
the bacterial cell and release of the new virions.
• Many viruses contain their own nucleic acid polymerases for replication of the viral
genome and for transcription of virus-specific RNA.
• Some viruses contain enzymes that aid in their release from the host.
• Certain animal viruses contain surface proteins called neuraminidases, enzymes
that cleave glycosidic bonds in glycoproteins and glycolipids of animal cell
connective tissue, thus liberating the virions.
The Virus Host

• Viruses can replicate only in certain types of cells or in whole organisms.

• Bacterial viruses have proved useful as model systems because the host cells
are easy to grow and manipulate in culture.
• Many animal and plant viruses can be grown in cultured cells.
• For the study of bacterial viruses, pure cultures are used either in liquid or
on semisolid (agar) media.
• Most animal viruses and many plant viruses can be cultivated in tissue or cell
cultures, and the use of such cultures has enormously facilitated research on
these viruses.
• Plant viruses can be more difficult to work with, because their study
sometimes requires use of the whole plant.
• This is a problem because plants grow much slower than bacteria, and plant viruses
also often require a break in the thick plant cell wall in order to infect.
Quantification of Viruses

• Although only a single virion is required to initiate an

infectious cycle, not all virions are equally infectious.
• One of the most accurate ways of measuring virus infectivity
is by the plaque assay.
• Plaques are clear zones that develop on lawns of host cells.
Theoretically, each plaque is due to infection by a single virus
• The virus plaque is analogous to the bacterial colony.
Plaque Assay • When a virion initiates an infection
on a layer of host cells growing on a
flat surface, a zone of lysis may be
seen as a clear area in the layer of
growing host cells.
• This clearing is called a plaque, and it
is assumed that each plaque
originated from the replication of a
single virion.
• By counting the number of plaque-
forming units, one can calculate the titer,
or number of virus infectious units,
present in the virus sample.
• The plaque assay also permits the isolation of
pure virus strains. This is because if a plaque
has arisen from a single virion, all the viruses
in this plaque should be genetically identical.
Efficiency of Plating • The concept of efficiency of
plating is important in
quantitative virology.
• In any given viral system, the
number of plaque-forming
units is always lower than
counts of the viral suspension
made with an electron
• The efficiency with which
virions infect host cells is thus
rarely 100% and may often be
considerably less.
• Virions that fail to cause
infection are often inactive,
although this is not always the
Intact Animal Methods

• Some viruses do not cause recognizable effects in cell cultures yet cause death in
whole animals.
• In such cases, quantification can be done only by titration in infected animals. The
general procedure is to carry out a serial dilution of the virus sample, generally at 10-
fold dilutions, and to inject samples of each dilution into several sensitive animals.
• After a suitable incubation period, the fraction of dead and live animals at each
dilution is tabulated and an end point dilution is calculated.
• This is the dilution at which, for example, half of the injected animals die (the lethal
dose for 50% or LD50).
The virus replication cycle can be divided into five stages: attachment
(adsorption), penetration (injection), protein and nucleic acid synthesis,
assembly and packaging, and virion release.

1.Attachment (adsorption) of the virion to a susceptible host cell.

2.Penetration (entry, injection) of the virion or its nucleic acid into the
host cell.

3. Synthesis of virus nucleic acid and protein by host cell metabolism as

redirected by the virus.

4. Assembly of capsids (and membrane components in enveloped

viruses) and packaging of viral genomes into new virions. This whole
process is called maturation.

5. Release of mature virions from the cell.

Viral Replication
Viral Attachment and
• The attachment of a virion to a host cell is a
highly specific process requiring complementary
receptors on the surface of a susceptible host
cell and its infecting virus.
• Resistance of the host to infection by the virus
can involve restriction–modification systems that
recognize and destroy foreign double-stranded
• The most common basis for the host specificity of a virus depends upon attachment.
• The virion itself (whether naked or enveloped) has one or more proteins on its external
surface that interact with specific host cell surface components called receptors.
• These receptors are normal surface components of the host, such as proteins,
carbohydrates, glycoproteins, lipids, lipoproteins, or complexes of these, to which the
virion attaches.
• The receptors carry out normal functions for the cell.
• Animal virus receptors may include macromolecules needed for cell–cell contact or by the
immune system.
• For example, the receptors for poliovirus and for HIV are normally used in interactions
between human cells.
• n the absence of its specific receptor, the virus cannot adsorb and hence cannot infect.
• If the receptor is altered, for example, by mutation, the host may become resistant to
virus infection.
• The attachment of a virus to its host cell results in
changes to both the virus and the host cell surface that
result in penetration. Viruses must replicate within
cells. Therefore, at a minimum, the viral genome must
enter the cell.
• Entry of the virus genome into a susceptible cell will
not lead to virus replication if the information in the

viral genome cannot be read.
• Different viruses have different strategies for
penetration. Uncoating refers to the process in which
the virions lose their outer coat and the viral genome is
• Some enveloped animal viruses are uncoated at the
cytoplasmic membrane, releasing the virion contents
into the cytoplasm.
• Some enveloped viruses are uncoated in the cytoplasm.
Others (such as influenza) are uncoated at the nuclear
membrane and the viral genome then enters the
nucleus. In animal cells, wherever uncoating occurs, the
viral genome must eventually enter the nucleus to be
replicated, except in a few rare cases.
Tailed Bacteriophage
and Penetration
• Cells that have cell walls, such as most bacteria,
are infected in a manner different from animal
cells, which lack cell walls.
• The most complex penetration mechanisms
have been found in viruses that infect bacteria.
• The bacteriophage T4, which infects
Escherichia coli, is a good example.
• The virion has a head, within which the viral
linear double- stranded DNA is folded, and a
long, fairly complex tail, at the end of which is a
series of tail fibers and tail pins.
• The T4 virions first attach to E. coli cells
by means of the tail fibers.
Virus Restriction and Modification by the Host
• Animals can often eliminate invading viruses by immune defense mechanisms before the
viral infection becomes widespread or sometimes even before the virus has penetrated
target cells.
• In addition, eukaryotes, including animals and plants, possess an antiviral mechanism
known as RNA interference.
• Although they lack immune systems, both Bacteria and Archaea possess an antiviral
mechanism similar to RNA interference, known as CRISPR (Clustered Regularly
Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats)
• CRISPR (/ˈkrɪspər/) is a family of DNA sequences found in
the genomes of prokaryotic organisms such as bacteria and archaea.
• These sequences are derived from DNA fragments of bacteriophages that had previously infected
the prokaryote.
• They are used to detect and destroy DNA from similar bacteriophages during subsequent
• These sequences play a key role in the antiviral (i.e. anti-phage) defense system of prokaryotes
and provide a form of acquired immunity
Virus Restriction and Modification by the Host
• In addition, prokaryotes destroy double-stranded viral DNA after it has
been injected by using restriction endonucleases, enzymes that cleave
foreign DNA at specific sites, thus preventing its replication. This
phenomenon is called restriction and is part of a general host mechanism
to prevent the invasion of foreign nucleic acid.
• Restriction enzymes are specific for double-stranded DNA, and thus single-
stranded DNA viruses and all RNA viruses are unaffected by restriction
• Although host restriction systems confer significant protection, some DNA
viruses have over- come host restriction by modifying their own DNA so
that they are no longer subject to restriction enzyme attack.
• Two patterns of chemical modification of viral DNA are known:
glucosylation and methylation.
Overview of Bacterial
• Bacterial viruses, or
bacteriophages, are very diverse.
• The best- studied bacteriophages
infect bacteria such as Escherichia
coli and are structurally quite
complex, containing heads, tails,
and other components.
• Most known bacteriophages
contain dsDNA genomes, and this
type of bacteriophage is thought to
be the most common in nature.
Overview of Bacterial Viruses
• There are two contrasting viral
life cycles: virulent and
• In the virulent (or lytic) mode,
viruses lyse or kill their hosts
after infection, whereas in the
temperate (or lysogenic) mode,
viruses replicate their genomes
in step with the host genome
and without killing their hosts.
• A similar phenomenon is seen
with viruses that infect higher
organisms. When animal viruses
divide in step with host cells,
this is known as a “latent”
Virulent Bacteriophages and T4
• Virulent viruses kill their hosts after
infection. The first such viruses to be
studied in detail were bacteriophages with
linear, dsDNA genomes that infect
Escherichia coli and a number of related
• These phages were designated T1, T2, and
so on, up to T7, with the “T” referring to
the tail these phages contain. We have
already briefly mentioned how one of
these viruses, T4, attaches to its host and
how its DNA penetrates the host.
Virulent Bacteriophages and T4

• After a virion of T4 attaches to a host cell and the DNA penetrates into the cytoplasm, the expression of viral genes is regulated so
as to redirect the host synthetic machinery to the production of viral nucleic acid and protein.
• New virions are then assembled and are released by lysis of the cell. T4 has a double- stranded DNA genome that is circularly
permuted and terminally redundant.
The Replication Cycle of a Temperate Phage
• Temperate phages may enter the virulent mode after
infecting a host cell or they may establish lysogeny.
• During lysogeny, the temperate virus does not exist as a
virus particle inside the cell. Instead, the virus genome
is either integrated into the bacterial chromosome (e.g.,
bacteriophage lambda) or exists in the cytoplasm in
plasmid form (e.g., bacteriophage P1).
• f the phage repressor is inactivated or if its synthesis is
pre- vented, the prophage is induced. New virions are
produced, and the host cell is lysed. Altered conditions,
especially damage to the host cell DNA, induce the lytic
pathway in some cases (e.g., in bacteriophage lambda).
If the virus loses the ability to leave the host genome
because of mutation, it becomes a cryptic virus.
Bacteriophage Lambda
• Bacteriophage lambda, which infects
Escherichia coli, has been studied in great
detail. As with other temperate viruses, both
the virulent and the temperate pathways are
• Lambda virions resemble those of other tailed
bacteriophages, although no tail fibers are
present in the commonly used laboratory
• Wild-type lambda does have tail fibers. The
lambda genome consists of linear dsDNA.
However, at the 5’ terminus of each strand is a
single-stranded region 12 nucleotides long.
• When lambda is lysogenic, it integrates into
the E. coli chromosome at a unique site
known as the lambda attachment site, attƛ.
• Integration requires the enzyme lambda
integrase, which recognizes the phage and
bacterial attachment sites.
• When lambda enters the virulent (lytic)
pathway, it synthesizes long, linear
concatemers of DNA by rolling circle
Lambda: Lysis or
• Whether lysis or lysogeny occurs during lambda infection
depends on an exceedingly complex genetic switch.
• The key elements are two repressor proteins, the
lambda repressor, or cI protein , and the repressor
protein Cro.
• To establish lysogeny, two events must happen: (1) The
production of late proteins must be prevented; and (2) a
copy of the lambda genome must be integrated into the
host chromosome.
• If cI is made, it represses the synthesis of all other
lambda-encoded proteins and lysogeny is established.
Conversely, Cro indirectly represses the expression of
the lambda cII and cIII proteins, which are needed to
maintain lysogeny, by inducing synthesis of the cI.
• Lysogeny is a state in which lytic events
are repressed. Viruses capable of entering
the lysogenic state are called temperate
viruses. In lysogeny the virus genome
becomes a prophage, either by integration
into the host chromosome or by
replicating like a plasmid in step with the
host cell.
• However, lytic events can be induced by
certain environmental stimuli.
Classification of
Animal Viruses
• There are animal viruses with all known
modes of viral genome replication.
• Many animal viruses are enveloped,
picking up portions of host membrane as
they leave the cell.
• Not all infections of animal host cells result
in cell lysis or death; latent or persistent
infections are common, and a few animal
viruses can cause cancer.
Consequences of Virus
Infection in Animal Cells
• Viruses can have several different effects on
animal cells. Virulent infection results in the
destruction of the host cell.
• With enveloped viruses, however, release of
virions, which occurs by a kind of budding process,
may be slow, and the host cell may not be lysed.
• The infected cell may therefore remain alive and continue
to produce virus indefinitely. Such infections are called
persistent infections.

• Cell fusion allows viruses to avoid exposure to the

immune system by moving between host cell
nuclei without emerging from the host cells.
• Finally, certain animal viruses can convert a
normal cell into a tumor cell, a process called


• Retroviruses are RNA viruses that replicate via a

DNA intermediate.
• The retrovirus human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV) causes AIDS.
• The retrovirus particle contains an enzyme,
reverse transcriptase, that copies the
information from its RNA genome into DNA.
• The DNA is then integrated into the host
chromosome in the manner of a temperate
• The retrovirus DNA can be transcribed to yield
mRNA (and new genomic RNA) or may remain
in a latent state.
Features of Retroviral Genomes and Replication

• The genome of the retrovirus is unique. It consists of two identi- cal

single-stranded RNA molecules of the plus (+) orientation.
• Although there are differences between the genetic maps of different
retroviruses, all contain the following genes arranged in the same
order: gag, encoding structural proteins; pol, encoding reverse
transcriptase and integrase; and env, encoding envelope proteins.
• Some retroviruses, such as Rous sarcoma virus, carry a fourth gene
downstream from env that is active in cellular transformation and
cancer. The terminal repeats shown on the map are essential for viral
Features of Retroviral
Genomes and Replication

• The overall process of replication of a retrovirus can be summarized in the

following steps:
1. Entry into the cell by fusion with the cytoplasmic membrane at sites of specific
2. Removal of the virion envelope at the cytoplasmic membrane, but the genome
and virus-specific enzymes remain in the virus core.
3. Reverse transcription of one of the two identical genomic RNA molecules into a
ssDNA that is subsequently converted by reverse transcriptase to a linear dsDNA
molecule, which then enters the nucleus.
4. Integration of retroviral DNA into the host genome.
5. Transcription of retroviral DNA, leading to the formation of viral mRNAs and viral
genomic RNA .
6. Assembly and packaging of the two identical genomic RNA molecules into
nucleocapsids in the cytoplasm.
7. Budding of enveloped virions at the cytoplasmic membrane and release from
the cell.
• Some viruses cannot infect a host cell alone
and rely on other viruses, known as helper
viruses, to provide certain functions.

• Some of these so-called defective viruses
merely rely on intact helper viruses of the
same type to provide necessary functions.
• Far more interesting are those defective

viruses, referred to as satellite viruses, for
which no intact version of the same virus
exists; these defective viruses rely on
unrelated viruses as helpers.
• Defective viruses are parasites of intact helper
• The helper viruses supply proteins that the
defective virus no longer encodes. Some
defective viruses rely on closely related but
intact helper viruses.
• However, satellite viruses rely on unrelated
intact viruses that infect the same host cells to
complete replication events.

• Viroids are circular single-

stranded RNA molecules that do
not encode proteins and are
dependent on host-encoded
enzymes, except for the
ribozyme activity of the viroid
molecule itself.
• Viroids are the smallest known
pathogens that contain nucleic
Prions consist of protein but have no
nucleic acid.

Prions exist in two conformations, the

Prions native cellular form and the
pathogenic form.

The pathogenic form “replicates” itself

by converting native prion proteins
into the pathogenic conformation.

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