Advertising Agencies
Advertising Agencies
Advertising Agencies
7 primary services:
complete a marketing analysis develop an advertising plan prepare a creative strategy create advertising executions develop and implement a media plan handle billing and payments integrate other marketing communications
Media Planner
Media Buyer
Analyst s
Tra ffic
account management
liaison between agency and client responsible for understanding...
the clients business the clients marketing needs strategy development
account management
Account Mgmt. Director Management. Supervisor Account Supervisor Account Executive Asst. Account Executive Account Coordinator
account management director management supervisor account supervisors account executives assistant account execs account coordinators traffic
creative department
the creative department is responsible for creating and producing the print and broadcast advertising
strategy is key
good creative work is always guided by a creative strategy that sets forth goals to be accomplished and key message points to be relayed
creative department
Strategy Review Board Executive Creative Director (ECD) Creative Director (CD) Associate Creative Director (ACD) Creative Group: Copy Spvr. & Copywriters Broadcast Production Traffic Art Supervisor & Art Directors Print Production
executive & group creative directors creative director associate creative director copywriters art directors broadcast producers print production managers traffic coordinators
media department
The media department has two main functions - planning and buying. The planning group handles more strategic marketing and media issues. The buying group handles media negotiations and implementation.
media department
Media Director Associate Media Director Media Supervisor Media Planner Media Buyer
media buyers
media analysts
research department
interpret market environment
gather and analyze research data.
strategic goals
help find solutions
Research Report
research department
Research Director Project Managers Research Assistants Outside Research Suppliers
Research Report
usually based on negotiated hourly rate
still relatively new and problematic usually based on performance goals
agency commissions
media commission system
15% media commission
in theory, a good way to work get paid based on how well you do, not how much you bill in practice, difficult to implement if client makes final decision (instead of agency), how can agency be responsible for final results? results based on many factors, such as competitive efforts, not just advertising
new business
three primary sources The critical objectivebusiness build existing clients and role of any ad agency is gaining add and sell new IMC services solicitnew business. new accounts
two ongoing problems
spec work teams walking with accounts