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Princples of Advertising Chap 1

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A paid form of non-personal communication of information about goods, services, ideas or institutions using the mass media of communication with the intention to sell or secure favorable consideration (Crisostomo, 2000)

Advertising is never free, it is always paid.

Basis of payment are time and space.
Time is the basis of payment for broadcast

advertising Space is the basis for print advertising

Units of measurement are:

per column centimeter (per unit of

measurement for advertisements in print media

Magazines, full color

per agate line unit of measurement for

advertisements in print media

Classified ads in newspapers

per thirty seconds (per 30 secs.) unit of

measurement for advertisements in broadcast media

Advertising in non-personal with the presence of mass media

Products can only be seen over a television

monitor, heard over a radio program, seen over a page of newspaper or magazine, or poster.
A person will never have a face to face contact

with the product, making advertisements nonpersonal

Advertisements are not just for tangible products but also for intangible goods in the form of services, ideas in the form of taglines, vision or values; institutions or organizations image. As a marketing function, it is openly persuasive and convincing in order to sell or secure favorable consideration.

Sales Hexagon consists of elements where the general goal is to promote product or service saleability.

Advertising Personal selling Publicity Public relations Sales promotion Merchandising

Must perform the function of informing,

educating, and persuading prospective market or buyer.

Personal selling
A direct face-to-face contact among buyer, seller

and product, intended to convince the buyer to purchase the product offered for sale

Personal selling
Can be in-store or non-store selling. In-store selling: a selling scenario where the buyer has a defined need; it is the buyer who goes to the selling outlet to purchase whatever product he needs
Non-store selling: prospects do not have defined need, thus salesmen need to develop attention, interest, desire and action within them, in order to convince them to accept the product being offered

A non-paid, non-personal communication of

information about products and services, also uses the mass media.

Public relations
Perform the function of creating goodwill and

building good image

Sales promotion
Includes activities that will promote increase in

sales for the product or service, by planning for freebies or samples, premiums, price-off, and contests

Planning for the right product or service at the

right time, for the right market and price

According to Source or Origin

According to Media Used

According to Objective
According to Audience Targeted

According to Source or Origin

This traces back the party who requested for the

preparation of the advertisement, or the party who wants the advertising project be done

Also known as the advertiser (in the contract) Prospective advertisers are the producers or

manufacturers; the wholesalers and retailers; service businesses; organizations or institutions; governmental units; and private individuals
These parties are the sources of advertisements who paid for using the space or time of mass media

According to Media Used

Media of mass communication serve as tools to

communicate information about products or services

Print media: newspapers and magazines

Broadcast media: television and radio programs Advertisements are placed on the air to capture viewership or listenership.

According to Media Used

Outdoor media: painted bulletins, posters,

streamers, tarpaulins, spectaculars, aerial signs

Placements of outdoor advertisements can be head-on, angular, or parallel

Transit media: utilize public utility vehicles on defined

routes for interior, exterior advertisements; station or shelter advertisements are placed on waiting shed of commuters, or public buses waiting terminals

According to Media Used

Field media: use of fleet of men and vehicle roaming

around a residential area, with their audio system, announcing the products they are marketing.
To be more effective, should be supplemented by personal selling and sales promotion Audio announcements are followed by special offers

Movie advertising: paid on the basis of time or length

of the advertisement
Bases of payment are theater category and seating capacity.

According to Media Used

Direct response media: direct mail, home

television shopping, telemarketing, electronic commerce or e-business

According to Objective
Advertisements identifying the brand of the item

for patronage is known as promotional advertising

Communicating message of public interest or

seeking to develop goodwill, also mentioning the name of the organization or business entity is known as institutional advertising

According to Audience Targeted

Consumer advertising: targets the ultimate users of

the product convincing them to purchase the item for personal or household use convincing them to purchase the product advertising for use in their operations convincing them to buy the product advertised for resell

Industrial advertising: targets businessmen,

Trade advertising: also targets businessmen,

According to Audience Targeted

Professional advertising: targets physicians,

educators, and other groups, for them to prescribe or recommend product advertised
To be effective, advertisement should be supplemented by personal selling, presence of sales representatives, to provide more information about the offering; sales promotion with the presence of samples, complementary copies or trial sizes of the products promoted

Introductory stage
Is used in launching publicity of a product or service

which is entirely new or unknown to the market

First objective is to develop consumer awareness for

an entirely new product

Second objective is to advertise an established

product with a new feature (informing the public about product innovations)

Competitive stage
seeks to urge the consumers to prefer the

advertisers product or service over other competing brands

The advertisement emphasizes a selling point

unique to the product or service presented; highlight features which makes the brand better than the other brands

Retentive stage
Attempts to develop or establish consumer

loyalty by keeping the buying public reminded of the name or brand of the item
Suitable for products that have gained sufficient

market share, but aims to hold on their consumer loyal group by periodically repeating, but not intensively, the advertisement



Advertising Agency

Advertising Media

Producer or manufacturer Wholesaler and retailer

Service business
Organization or institution Government unit Private individual

The client, an account or a sponsor

CLIENT (upon application for an advertising project in an agency) ACCOUNT (upon agreement on the project, deadline and agency commission) SPONSOR (upon completion of the advertising project, and ready for media schedules on the air and on the space)

Advertising Agency
Is an independent service organization whose

function is to provide advertising, merchandising, and other promotional activities related to the selling of the clients products, services or ideas.

Advertising Media
Include the mass media of communication in

broadcast, print, outdoor, transit, field and movie.

Tools to visualize the ideas created by the agency,

to promote saleability of the advertisers products, services or ideas.

A dependent service organization, a functional division within the client or advertisers company
Management of the advertising and sales

promotion activities of the company; limited to small scale projects for print media, outdoor or planning for sales promotion programs.

Responsible for some public relations programs Supervision of marketing researches, including

market, product, consumer and advertising researches

agency selection

Shares responsibility with higher management on

Approval of advertisements done by outside

advertising agencies

Determination of advertising budget

Advertising Appeal
The central buying incentive featured in an

advertising message Positive advertising appeal is build around the concept that the consumer can obtain something beneficial from the use of the advertised product or service
The total advertising theme is focused on a desirable or favorable situation as result of using the advertised item.

Advertising Appeal
Negative advertising appeal features fear motive,

forcing consumers to buy the item advertised

This is focused on an unpleasant, unfavorable situation for not using the product or service

Attention-getting factors
Involuntary holds that mental processes are

directed toward something else, and not focused on looking, listening or watching an advertisement
Techniques to capture portion of the consumers attention includes more color, glossy page, full pages, and full-bleed advertisements

Attention-getting factors
Voluntary can be beneficial to the advertiser

since the mental processes of the consumer is really intended towards checking, looking or reading advertisement
This can be advertisements on buy and sell magazine issue

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