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Advertising Management

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Advertising Management

Advertising simply put is telling and selling the product. Advertising Management though is
a complex process of employing various media to sell a product or service. This process
begins quite early from the marketing research and encompasses the media campaigns that
help sell the product.

Without an effective advertising management process in place, the media campaigns are not
that fruitful and the whole marketing process goes for a toss. Hence, companies that believe
in an effective advertising management process are always a step ahead in terms of selling
their goods and services.

As mentioned above, advertising management begins from the market research phase. At
this point, the data produced by marketing research is used to identify what types of
advertising would be adequate for the specific product. Gone are the days when there was
only print and television advertising was available to the manufacturers. These days apart
from print and television, radio, mobile, and Internet are also available as advertising
media. Advertising management process in fact helps in defining the outline of the media
campaign and in deciding which type of advertising would be used before the launch of the

If you wish to make the advertising effective, always remember to include it from the
market research time. Market research will help to identify the niche segment of the
population to which the product or service has to be targeted from a large population. It will
also identify why the niche segment would opt for the product or service. This information
will serve as a guideline for the preparation of advertising campaigns.

Once the niche segments are identified and the determination of what types of advertising
will be used is done, then the advertising management focuses on creating the specifics for
the overall advertising campaign. If it is a radio campaign, which type of ads would be used,
if it is a print campaign, what write ups and ads will be used, and if it is a television
campaign, what type of commercials will be used.

There might also be a mix and match advertising in which radio might supplement
television advertising and so on. It is important that through advertising management the
image is conveyed that all the strategies complement each other. It should not look to public
that the radio advertising is focusing on something else while television on something else.
The whole process in the end should benefit the product or service.

The role of people designing the advertising campaign is crucial to its success. They have
been trained by seasoned professionals who provide the training in the specific field.
Designing an advertising campaign is no small a task and to understand the consumer
behavior from the data collected from market research is a very important aspect of the

A whole lot of creativity and inspiration is required to launch an adequate advertising

campaign. In addition, the management skills come into play when the work has to be done
keeping the big picture in mind. It would be fruitful for the company if the advertising
campaign lasts well over the lifetime of a product or service, reach the right customers, and
generate the desired revenue.

Classification of Advertising

Advertising is the promotion of a company’s products and services though different

mediums to increase the sales of the product and services. It works by making the customer
aware of the product and by focusing on customer’s need to buy the product. Globally,
advertising has become an essential part of the corporate world. Therefore, companies allot
a huge part of their revenues to the advertising budget. Advertising also serves to build a
brand of the product which goes a long way to make effective sales.

There are several branches or types of advertising which can be used by the companies. Let
us discuss them in detail.

Classification of Advertising

Print Advertising - The print media has been used for advertising since long. The
newspapers and magazines are quite popular modes of advertising for different
companies all over the world. Using the print media, the companies can also
promote their products through brochures and fliers. The newspaper and
magazines sell the advertising space and the cost depends on several factors. The
quantity of space, the page of the publication, and the type of paper decide the cost
of the advertisement. So an ad on the front page would be costlier than on inside
pages. Similarly an ad in the glossy supplement of the paper would be more
expensive than in a mediocre quality paper.

Broadcast Advertising - This type of advertising is very popular all around the
world. It consists of television, radio, or Internet advertising. The ads on the
television have a large audience and are very popular. The cost of the advertisement
depends on the length of the ad and the time at which the ad would be appearing.
For example, the prime time ads would be more costly than the regular ones. Radio
advertising is not what it used to be after the advent of television and Internet, but
still there is specific audience for the radio ads too. The radio jingles are quite
popular in sections of society and help to sell the products.

Outdoor Advertising - Outdoor advertising makes use of different tools to gain

customer’s attention. The billboards, kiosks, and events and tradeshows are an
effective way to convey the message of the company. The billboards are present all
around the city but the content should be such that it attracts the attention of the
customer. The kiosks are an easy outlet of the products and serve as information
outlets for the people too. Organizing events such as trade fairs and exhibitions for
promotion of the product or service also in a way advertises the product. Therefore,
outdoor advertising is an effective advertising tool.

Covert Advertising - This is a unique way of advertising in which the product or the
message is subtly included in a movie or TV serial. There is no actual ad, just the
mention of the product in the movie. For example, Tom Cruise used the Nokia phone
in the movie Minority Report.

Public Service Advertising - As evident from the title itself, such advertising is for
the public causes. There are a host of important matters such as AIDS, political
integrity, energy conservation, illiteracy, poverty and so on all of which need more
awareness as far as general public is concerned. This type of advertising has gained
much importance in recent times and is an effective tool to convey the message.

Press Advertising or Print Media:

Print advertising is a widely used form of advertising. These advertisements appear
in newspapers or magazines and are sometimes included as brochures or fliers.
Anything written in the print media to grab the attention of the specific target
audience comes under the purview of print advertising.

People who read newspapers or other publications have a tendency to browse the
print ads that they come across. The decision to buy the product might not be
instantaneous, but it does settle down in their subconscious mind. Next time they
see the product in the market, they are tempted to buy it.

Print advertisements are only effective when people see them. When people browse
through newspapers and publications, these advertisements should grab the
attention of the potential customer. Therefore, these advertisements should be
created in such a manner that they can hold the attention of the customer to some
extent. Usually a team of individuals is required in order to design the
advertisements. The newspaper or magazine ad should be such that it should
compel people to spend money on the products. This is just what the advertising
team does. To create such an ad, the team members work on a concept and develop
the wordings and images of the ad. These wordings and images are then brought
together to form the final ad. Then there are people who deal with the placement of
the ad. They have to make sure that if the client has paid for premium place, they get
the desired exposure. For example, an ad on the first page will get instant attention
of the reader than the ad on the subsequent pages. Likewise, an ad which occupies
greater space is likely to get more attention. All these factors have to be looked into
while designing the ad.

The sales team of the publication makes sure that it gets ads regularly. In fact, these
ads are a major source of income for the publication and hence it is expected that
there should be a constant flow of the ads. The sales team does just that.

Mailers are another type of print ads. These can range from well-designed postcards
to simple paper leaflets. These are usually delivered by the postal workers in
people’s mailboxes. The problem with these mailers is that they get least attention
and are usually considered as junk and thrown away even without reading. To
reduce this occurrence, companies sometimes make use of fliers. These are paper
ads which are handed over to individuals in person. The logic is that if the ad is
given to people personally, they will pay more attention to it, which is actually true
to some extent.

Though print advertising is still very popular, it does take a hit from time to time.
For example, during the recession phase, when people’s budgets were tight, they did
not resort to print ads. In addition, with the advent of Internet, the print ads in the
publications have gone down because Internet has a wider reach online. To
overcome this scenario, new strategies have to be developed by advertisers and the
print media. Globally, advertisers keep on developing strategies which benefit the
business of print publications. Therefore, it can be said that print advertising is here
to stay.

Press advertising, i.e., advertising through newspapers,

magazines, journals, etc. is commonly used by modem
businessmen. It may be noted that advertising is an important
source of finance for the press or print media. Because of
advertisements, the subscribers get newspapers and periodicals
at subsidized rates.
(a) Newspaper Advertising:
Newspaper reading is a common habit among the educated
people. Besides daily newspapers, there are bi-weekly and weekly
newspapers also. Newspapers reach almost every place and are
read by all kinds of people.
Therefore, newspaper can be used as a medium of advertisement
with great advantage. While selecting a newspaper for this
purpose, an advertiser has to take into consideration the strength
of circulation, the class of readers it serves, the geographical
region over which it is popular and the cost of space.
Broadcast Advertising

Generally speaking, broadcast advertising is radio, television, and Internet

advertising. The commercials aired on radio and televisions are an essential part of
broadcast advertising.

The broadcast media like radio and television reaches a wider audience as opposed
to the print media. The radio and television commercials fall under the category of
mass marketing as the national as well as global audience can be reached through it.

The role of broadcast advertising is to persuade consumers about the benefits of the
product. It is considered as a very effective medium of advertising. The cost of
advertising on this channel depends on the time of the commercial and the specific
time at which it is aired. For example, the cost of an ad in the premium slot will be
greater than in any other slot.

A radio ad must be aired several times before it actually sinks in the minds of the
consumers. Thus the frequency of the ad is important. The type of your target
audience is also important. Therefore, one must do a research on which type of
audience listens to which channels if they want the ads to be successful. The voice
talent in the commercial should be taken keeping in mind the type of audience and
the type of commercial.

The television advertising is usually considered the advertising for the corporate
giant, though even the small businesses can benefit from it. A strong audio and video
combination is a must for the success of the commercial. But it is also important that
the audio and video should function well without each other. For example, if a
person is not viewing the TV but just listening to it, s/he should get the idea and vice

It is extremely important that whatever has been advertised in the commercial is

true. For this reason, organizations such as Federal Trade Commission (FTC) are
there to monitor the commercials on television and radio. This ensures that the
advertisers are not making any false claims to lure consumers to buy their products.

Most of the radio and television advertisements are paid though there are some
public service ads which can be aired for free. The advertisers usually have to pay
for the spot which lasts for 30 seconds. In rare cases, this spot can increase to 60
seconds too.

These days radio and television ads are prepared by advertising agencies for their
clients. They understand the need of the client and make the commercial keeping in
mind the current state of affairs. Broadcast advertising has become a very essential
part of marketing in recent times. Companies allocate specific budget for radio and
television ads and make an estimate of how much revenue they can earn through
broadcast advertising. For example, marketing consultants are hired to determine
the return on investment (ROI) for spending on radio and television ads. Sometimes
the marketing consultants of these businesses run sample ads to judge its popularity
among the viewers.

Internet or online advertising uses the Internet or the World Wide Web for the
purpose of attracting consumers to buy their product and services. Examples of such
advertising include ads on search engine result pages, rich media ads, banner ads,
social network advertising, and email marketing and so on. Online advertising has
its benefits, one of them being immediate publishing of the commercial and the
availability of the commercial to a global audience. But along with the benefits come
the disadvantages too. These days, advertisers put distracting flashing banners or
send across email spam messages to the people on a mass scale. This can annoy the
consumers and even the real ads might get ignored in the process. Therefore, ethics
in advertising is very important for it to be successful.

Whatever the mode of advertising, broadcast advertising is an inherent part of any

advertising campaign these days.

Outdoor Advertising

Outdoor advertising communicates the message to the general public through

highway billboards, transit posters and so on. Outdoor advertising is a very
important form of advertising as the ads are huge and are visible to one and all. The
important part of the advertising is that the message to be delivered should be crisp
and to the point. Though images can be used, but they cannot be used in excess.
Everything should be presented to the viewer in such a format so that the viewers
make up their mind to buy the product or service.

The message to be delivered can be an ad to buy a product, take a trip, vote for a
politician, or give to a charity. According to Outdoor Advertising Association of
America (OAAA), millions of dollars are being spent on outdoor advertising each
year and the figures are expected to grow. This is due to the fact that outdoor traffic
keeps on growing every year and hence the target audience for outdoor advertising
is ever increasing. The print and newspaper advertising takes up a huge part of
advertising but outdoor advertising is unique in its own way. It is an extremely cost-
effective method of advertising. All you need to do is to design a billboard and get it
printed as compared to the television advertising where an entire 30 second
commercial has to be designed. If the outdoor ads are strategically placed, it can
guarantee substantial exposure for very little cost. That is why outdoor advertising
is very cost-effective.

Different industries make use of outdoor advertising in their own different way. For
example, eating joints and eateries on the highway make use of highway billboards
to draw the customer to have a bite and rest a little at their joint. Mac Donalds and
Subway are the excellent examples. The automobile and tourism industries make
use of the billboards to advertise their products and tourism plans. These are way
too successful because of the fact that people on the highway are on the lookout for
such information.

Apart from the billboards, there are several other forms in which outdoor
advertising can take place. For example, beverage companies make use of sporting
events and arenas to showcase their products. For example, Coca Cola was one of
the FIFA World Cup sponsors. Other places where you can see outdoor advertising




subways and walls on which murals are painted

All these forms of outdoor advertising are very popular and extremely cost effective.
The OAAA has divided the Outdoor Advertising into four major
categories: Billboards - These usually account for almost half of the revenue of
outdoor advertising. Then there is transit system and mobile advertising which also
takes up a major pie of outdoor advertising. Advertising on public furniture is also
used comprehensively these days globally. Last but not the least is alternative
advertising. Such advertising can be in the form of Corporate blogging which is an
important form of advertising these days.
To conclude, one can say that outdoor advertising, if used wisely is very powerful
and cost-effective way of advertising.
Covert and Public Service Advertising

As evident from the word “covert”, this type of advertising aims to integrate the
advertising with the non-promotional mediums. This practice is most-commonly
found in films. For example, billboards of the products may be shown in the film for
a prolonged period of time. Or a character in the film may mention the name of the
brand again and again. At other times the director may present the product as an
integral part of the film. For example, the cars featured in several action flicks.
Remember the Cadillac in Matrix Reloaded and BMWs in James Bond movies.

It is a fact that these tactics seem to be high profile and also seem to require a lot of
bucks. Only established brand names have used such form of advertising. Not
everyone has the financial prowess to use this form of advertising. However, there
are ways through which you can also promote your product or service. Maybe
contributing an article in local daily will work well for you. You can mention your
brand quite subtly there. On the Internet too, covert advertising is a hot trend. You
can blog about the product or ask a well-known blogger to write about your product
or service. However, this should be done inconspicuously. As opposed to covert
advertising, public service advertising aims at spreading awareness about issues
that are relevant to public interest. Such ads may quote a political viewpoint, a
philosophy, or a religious concept. Such humanitarian ads are usually broadcasted
on the radio or television, though they can also appear in newspapers and
magazines. A PSA or Public Service Announcement is aimed to alter public attitudes
on issues ranging from health, safety, and conservation.

Most of the PSA ads use celebrities in order to gain attention. Others focus their ads
on the risks that can come to men, women, and children. In recent years, it has
become quite common in US to broadcast the public service ads just after or in
between the programs that relate to public service in any way. They provide
information such as the toll free help lines, websites and addresses. In general, the
public service ads are about rape, HIV, cancer, child abuse, domestic violence, and
civil rights.

While public service advertising is not as popular as paid advertising, it should be

given due importance. All across the world, such type of advertising is now widely
used. In fact, in US, public service advertising was once a requirement if the radio
and television stations were to get their licenses from Federal Communications
Commission (FCC).

Public Service Advertising should carry a short and to the point message. The
advertisement should be made keeping the target audience in mind. As it is not
about buying a product but a change in the attitude altogether, the advertisements
have to be amply clear and the message should prompt the people to take a step
forward. If the shift in the mindsets of people does not happen, then the ad is not
conveying the message properly. For this reason, the PSA’s are often dramatic and
Media Strategy in Advertising

Every work to be done needs a plan of action so that the work is done in a desired
and correct manner. Media Strategy plays a very important role in Advertising. The
role of Media Strategy is to find out the right path to transfer or say deliver the
message to the targeted customers.

How many people see or hear or read all the advertisements or promotional offers
and buy the product or service? The basic intention of media strategy is not only
procuring customers for their product but also placing a right message to the right
people on the right time and of course that message should be persuasive and
relevant. So, here the planners of the organization decide the Media Strategy to be
used but keeping the budget always in mind.

The Media Strategy process has three “W”s to be decided. They are

Where to advertise ?

When to advertise ?

What media type to use ?

Where is the place for showing or delivering advertisement. In short it means the
geographical area from where it should be visible to the customers who use or are
most likely to use the product or services offered. The place does not mean only TV
or radio but it can also be newspapers, blogs, sponsorships, hoardings on roads, ads
in the movie break in theatres, etc. The area varies from place to place like it can be
on national basis, state basis and for local brands it can be on city basis.

When is the timing to show or run advertisement. For e.g. you cannot show a
raincoat ad in the winter season but you need to telecast ad as soon as the summer
season is coming to an end and rainy season is just about to begin. The ad should be
delivered with perfect timing when most customers are like to buy the product. The
planners need to plan it keeping the budget in mind as the maximum of 20% of
revenues of the company can be used in the advertisement section. Different
products have different time length for advertisements. Some products need year
long ads as they have nothing to do with seasonal variations e.g. small things like
biscuits, soaps, pens, etc and big services like vehicle insurance, refrigerators, etc.
Some products need for three or four months. E.g. umbrellas, cold creams, etc. So
the planners have to plan the budget according to the time length so that there is no
short of money at any time in this process.
What is what type of media is to be used for delivering the message.

There are basically two media approaches to choose from.

Media Concentration approach

Media Dispersion Approach

In media concentration approach, the number of categories of media is less. The

money is spent on concentrating on only few media types say two or three. This
approach is generally used for those companies who are not very confident and
have to share the place with the other competitors. They don’t want anyone to get
confused with there brand name so this is the safest approach as the message
reaches the target consumers.

In media dispersion approach, there are more number of categories of media used
to advertise. This approach is considered and practiced by only those people who
know that a single or two types of media will not reach their target. They place their
product ads in many categories like TV, radio, internet, distributing pamphlets,
sending messages to mobiles, etc.

Selection of Media Category

Whichever category is selected by the planners of the organization, they should
select a proper media to convey their message.

If the product is for a big amount of customers then a mass media option can be
selected like TV, radio or newspaper. The best examples for this type are detergent
ads, children health drinks and major regular used products such as soap, shampoo,
toothpastes etc.

If the planners want to change the mind of people doing window shopping or just
doing shopping for sake of name, then point of purchase type can be opted by the
company. This helps the company to explain their point to the buyers and convince
the buyers to go for their product.

If the planners want to sell their product on one to one basis, then the third option is
direct response type. Here, the company people directly contact the customers via
emails, text messages, phone calls or meeting for giving demos. The best example of
this type of media is the Life cell Cord Blood Banking. They go to their customers,
explain them what it is all about and try to convince them.

Thus, this process of media strategy plays an important and vital role in the field of
Advertising Agencies - Meaning, its Role and Types of Agencies
“The work of a tailor is to collect the raw material, find matching threads, cut the cloth
in desired shape, finally stitch the cloth and deliver it to the customer.”

Advertising Agency is just like a tailor. It creates the ads, plans how, when and
where it should be delivered and hands it over to the client. Advertising agencies are
mostly not dependent on any organizations.

These agencies take all the efforts for selling the product of the clients. They have a
group of people expert in their particular fields, thus helping the companies or
organizations to reach their target customer in an easy and simple way.

The first Advertising Agency was William Taylor in 1786 followed by James “Jem”
White in 1800 in London and Reynell & Son in 1812.

Role of Advertising Agencies

Creating an advertise on the basis of information gathered about product

Doing research on the company and the product and reactions of the customers.

Planning for type of media to be used, when and where to be used, and for how
much time to be used.

Taking the feedbacks from the clients as well as the customers and then deciding the
further line of action

All companies can do this work by themselves. They can make ads, print or
advertise them on televisions or other media places; they can manage the accounts
also. Then why do they need advertising agencies? The reasons behind hiring the
advertising agencies by the companies are:

The agencies are expert in this field. They have a team of different people for
different functions like copywriters, art directors, planners, etc.

The agencies make optimum use of these people, their experience and their

They work with an objective and are very professionals.

Hiring them leads in saving the costs up to some extent.

There are basically 5 types of advertising agencies.

Full service Agencies

Large size agencies.

Deals with all stages of advertisement.

Different expert people for different departments.

Starts work from gathering data and analyzing and ends on payment of bills to the
media people.

Interactive Agencies
Modernized modes of communication are used.

Uses online advertisements, sending personal messages on mobile phones, etc.

The ads produced are very interactive, having very new concepts, and very

Creative Boutiques
Very creative and innovative ads.

No other function is performed other than creating actual ads.

Small sized agencies with their own copywriters, directors, and creative people.

Media Buying Agencies

Buys place for advertise and sells it to the advertisers.

Sells time in which advertisement will be placed.

Schedules slots at different television channels and radio stations.

Finally supervises or checks whether the ad has been telecasted at opted time and
place or not.

In-House Agencies
As good as the full service agencies.

Big organization prefers these type of agencies which are in built and work only for

These agencies work as per the requirements of the organizations.

There are some specialized agencies which work for some special advertisements.
These types of agencies need people of special knowledge in that field. For example,
advertisements showing social messages, finance advertisements, medicine related
ads, etc.
Social and Economical Aspects of Advertising
“Every coin has two sides”
Advertising is praised but also criticized by critics in their own ways. Advertising
has many positive impacts along with its negative pictures. As the President of
American Association of Advertising Agencies, John O’ Toole has described advertise
is something else. It is not related to studies, but it educates. It is not a journalist but
gives all information. And it is not an entertaining device but entertains everyone.

Now let’s go through the economic and social aspects of advertising.

Economic role of Advertising

Value of Products:
The advertised products are not always the best products in the market. There are
some unadvertised products also present which are good enough. But advertising
helps increase value for the products by showing the positive image of the product
which in turn helps convincing customers to buy it. Advertising educates consumers
about the uses of the products hence increasing its value in minds of the consumers.
For e.g. mobile phones were first considered as necessity but nowadays the cell
phones come with number of features which makes them mode of convenience for

Effect on Prices:
Some advertised products do cost more than unadvertised products but the vice
versa is also true. But if there is more competition in the market for those products,
the prices have to come down, for e.g., canned juices from various brands. Thus
some professional like chartered accountants and doctors are not allowed to

But some products do not advertise much, and they don’t need much of it and even
their prices are high but they are still the leaders in market as they have their brand
name. e.g., Porsche cars

Effect on consumer demand and choices:

Even if the product is heavily advertised, it does not mean that the demand or say
consumption rates will also increase. The product has to be different with better
quality, and more variety than others. For E.g., Kellogg’s cornflakes have variety of
flavors with different ranges to offer for different age groups and now also for
people who want to loose weight thus giving consumers different choices to select
Effect on business cycle:
Advertising no doubt helps in employing more number of people. It increases the
pay rolls of people working in this field. It helps collecting more revenues for sellers
which they use for betterment of product and services. But there are some bad
effects of advertisements on business cycle also. Sometimes, consumer may find the
foreign product better than going for the national brand. This will definitely effect
the production which may in turn affect the GDP of the country.

The economic aspects are supported by the Abundance Principle which says
producing more products and services than the consumption rate which helps
firstly keeping consumers informed about the options they have and secondly helps
sellers for playing in healthy and competitive atmosphere with their self interest.

Social role of Advertising:

There are some positive and some negative aspects of advertising on the
social ground. They are as follows.

Deception in Advertising:
The relation between the buyers and sellers is maintained if the buyers are satisfied
with what they saw in advertise and what they got after buying that product. If
seller shows a false or deceptive image and an exaggerated image of the product in
the advertisement, then the relation between the seller and buyers can’t be healthy.
These problems can be overcome if the seller keep their ads clean and displays right
image of the product.

The Subliminal Advertising:

Capturing the Minds of the consumers is the main intention of these ads. The ads are
made in such a way that the consumers don’t even realizes that the ad has made an
impact on their minds and this results in buying the product which they don’t even
need. But “All ads don’t impress all consumers at all times”, because majority of
consumers buy products on basis of the price and needs.

Effect on Our Value System:

The advertisers use puffing tactics, endorsements from celebrities, and play
emotionally, which makes ads so powerful that the consumers like helpless preys
buy those products.

These ads make poor people buy products which they can’t afford, people picking
up bad habits like smoking and drinking, and buy products just because their
favorite actor endorsed that product. This affects in increased the cost of whole
society and loss of values of our own selves.

Some ads are so offensive that they are not acceptable by the buyers. For example,
the ads of denim jeans showed girls wearing very less clothes and making a sex
appeal. These kinds of ads are irrelevant to the actual product. Btu then there is
some ads which are educative also and now accepted by people. Earlier ads giving
information about birth control pills was considered offensive but now the same ads
are considered educative and important.

But at the last, there are some great positive aspects which help

Development of society and growth of technologies


Gives choices to buyers with self interest

Welcomes healthy competition

Improving standard of living.

Give information on social, economical and health issues

Steps in Advertising Process

“Mass demand has been created almost entirely through the development of

Calvin Coolidge in the New York Public Library.

For the development of advertising and to get best results one need to follow the
advertising process step by step.

The following are the steps involved in the process of advertising:

Step 1 - Briefing: the advertiser needs to brief about the product or the service
which has to be advertised and doing the SWOT analysis of the company and the

Step 2 - Knowing the Objective: one should first know the objective or the
purpose of advertising. i.e. what message is to be delivered to the audience?

Step 3 - Research: this step involves finding out the market behavior, knowing the
competitors, what type of advertising they are using, what is the response of the
consumers, availability of the resources needed in the process, etc.
Step 4 - Target Audience: the next step is to identify the target consumers most
likely to buy the product. The target should be appropriately identified without any
confusion. For e.g. if the product is a health drink for growing kids, then the target
customers will be the parents who are going to buy it and not the kids who are going
to drink it.

Step 5 - Media Selection: now that the target audience is identified, one
should select an appropriate media for advertising so that the customers who are to
be informed about the product and are willing to buy are successfully reached.

Step 6 - Setting the Budget: then the advertising budget has to be planned so
that there is no short of funds or excess of funds during the process of advertising
and also there are no losses to the company.

Step 7 - Designing and Creating the Ad: first the design that is the outline of ad
on papers is made by the copywriters of the agency, then the actual creation of ad is
done with help of the art directors and the creative personnel of the agency .

Step 8 - Perfection: then the created ad is re-examined and the ad is redefined to

make it perfect to enter the market.

Step 9 - Place and Time of Ad: the next step is to decide where and when the ad
will be shown.

The place will be decided according to the target customers where the ad is most
visible clearly to them. The finalization of time on which the ad will be telecasted or
shown on the selected media will be done by the traffic department of the agency.

Step 10 - Execution: finally the advertise is released with perfect creation, perfect
placement and perfect timing in the market.

Step 11 - Performance: the last step is to judge the performance of the ad in

terms of the response from the customers, whether they are satisfied with the ad
and the product, did the ad reached all the targeted people, was the advertise
capable enough to compete with the other players, etc. Every point is studied
properly and changes are made, if any.

If these steps are followed properly then there has to be a successful beginning for
the product in the market.
Advertising Techniques - 13 Most Common Techniques Used by the Advertisers

Today every company needs to advertise its product to inform the customers about
the product, increase the sales, acquire market value, and gain reputation and name
in the industry. Every business spends lot of money for advertising their products
but the money spent will lead to success only when the best techniques of
advertising are used for the product. So here are some very common and most used
techniques used by the advertisers to get desired results.

Emotional Appeal
This technique of advertising is done with help of two factors - needs of consumers
and fear factor. Most common appeals under need are:

need for something new

need for getting acceptance

need for not being ignored

need for change of old things

need for security

need to become attractive, etc.

Most common appeals under fear are:

fear of accident

fear of death

fear of being avoided

fear of getting sick

fear of getting old, etc.

Promotional Advertising
This technique involves giving away samples of the product for free to the
consumers. The items are offered in the trade fairs, promotional events, and ad
campaigns in order to gain the attention of the customers.

Bandwagon Advertising

This type of technique involves convincing the customers to join the group of people
who have bought this product and be on the winning side. For e.g. recent Pantene
shampoo ad which says “15crores women trusted Pantene, and you?”

Facts and Statistics

Here, advertisers use numbers, proofs, and real examples to show how good their
product works. For e.g. “Lizol floor cleaner cleans 99.99% germs” or “Colgate is
recommended by 70% of the dentists of the world” or Eno - just 6 seconds.

Unfinished Ads
The advertisers here just play with words by saying that their product works better
but don’t answer how much more than the competitor. For e.g. Lays - no one can eat
just one or Horlicks - more nutrition daily. The ads don’t say who can eat more or
how much more nutrition.

Weasel Words
In this technique, the advertisers don’t say that they are the best from the rest, but
don’t also deny. E.g. Sunsilk Hairfall Solution - reduces hairfall. The ad doesn’t say
stops hairfall.

The advertisers use celebrities to advertise their products. The celebrities or star
endorse the product by telling their own experiences with the product. Recently a
diamond jewellery ad had superstar Amitabh Bacchan and his wife Jaya advertising
the product. The ad showed how he impressed his wife by making a smart choice of
buying this brand. Again, Sachin tendulkar, a cricket star, endorsed for a shoe brand.

Complementing the Customers

Here, the advertisers used punch lines which complement the consumers who buy
their products. E.g. Revlon says “Because you are worth it.”

Ideal Family and Ideal Kids

The advertisers using this technique show that the families or kids using their
product are a happy go lucky family. The ad always has a neat and well furnished
home, well mannered kids and the family is a simple and sweet kind of family. E.g. a
dettol soap ad shows everyone in the family using that soap and so is always
protected from germs. They show a florescent color line covering whole body of
each family member when compared to other people who don’t use this soap.

Patriotic Advertisements
These ads show how one can support their country while he uses their product or
service. For e. g some products together formed a union and claimed in their ad that
if you buy any one of these products, you are going to help a child to go to school.
One more cellular company ad had a celebrity showing that if the customers use this
company’s sim card, then they can help control population of the country.
Questioning the Customers
The advertisers using this technique ask questions to the consumers to get response
for their products. E.g. Amway advertisement keeps on asking questions like who
has so many farms completely organic in nature, who gives the strength to climb up
the stairs at the age of 70, who makes the kids grow in a proper and nutritious ways,
is there anyone who is listening to these entire questions. And then at last the
answer comes - “Amway : We are Listening.”

This technique is used to bribe the customers with some thing extra if they buy the
product using lines like “buy one shirt and get one free”, or “be the member for the
club for two years and get 20% off on all services.”

Surrogate Advertising
This technique is generally used by the companies which cannot advertise their
products directly. The advertisers use indirect advertisements to advertise their
product so that the customers know about the actual product. The biggest example
of this technique is liquor ads. These ads never show anyone drinking actual liquor
and in place of that they are shown drinking some mineral water, soft drink or soda.

These are the major techniques used by the advertisers to advertise their product.
There are some different techniques used for online advertising such as web banner
advertising in which a banner is placed on web pages, content advertising using
content to advertise the product online, link advertising giving links on different
sites to directly visit the product website, etc.

Advertising Budget and Factors Affecting it

“Money does matter a lot.”

Advertising Budget is the amount of money which can be or has to be
spent on advertising of the product to promote it, reach the target
consumers and make the sales chart go on the upper side and give
reasonable profits to the company.
Before finalizing the advertising budget of an organization or a company, one has to
take a look on the favorable and unfavorable market conditions which will have an
impact on the advertising budget. The market conditions to watch out for are as

Frequency of the advertisement

Competition and Clutter

Market Share of the Product

Product Life Cycle Stage

Frequency of the Advertisement

This means the number of times advertise has been shown with the description of
the product or service, in the granted time slots. So here, if any company needs more
advertising frequency for its product, then the company will have to increase its
advertising budget.

Competition and Clutter

The companies may have many competitors for its product. And also there are
plenty of advertisements shown which is called clutter. The company has to then
increase their advertising budget.

Market Share
To get a good market share in comparison to their competitors, the company should
have a better product in terms of quality, uniqueness, demand and catchy
advertisements with resultant response of the customers. All this is possible if the
advertisement budget is high.

Product Life Cycle Stage

If the company is a newcomer or if the product is on its introduction stage, then the
company has to keep the budget high to make place in the market with the existing
players and to have frequent advertisements. As the time goes on and product
becomes older, the advertising budget can come down as then the product doesn’t
need frequent advertising.

When the market conditions are studied thoroughly, then the company has to set up
its advertising budget accordingly. For setting advertising budget, there are four

They are as follows.

Percentage Of Sales: In this method, the budget is decided on the basis of the
sales of the product from previous year records or from the predicted future sales.
This is a pure prediction based method and best applicable to the companies which
have fixed annual sales. But if in case there is a requirement for more promotional
activities then this method has a disadvantage because there will be decrease in
advertisements as the budget is fixed.
Affordability: this method is generally used by the small companies. Only the
companies which have funds and can afford advertising opt for this method. The
companies can go for advertising at any time in whole year whenever they have
money to spend. The amount spent also varies from time to time as per the
advertisements takes place.

Best guess: This method is basically for newcomers who have just entered the
market and they have no knowledge or say they are not aware of how the market is
and how much to spend on advertising. Thus, this method is applied by the higher
level executives of the company as they are the only experienced people.

Thus, doing the homework and then moving forward, i.e. searching for best market
conditions and setting the best advertising budget will have a great impact on
improvement and development of the company.
Advertising Campaigns - Meaning and its Process

Advertising campaigns are the groups of advertising messages which are similar in
nature. They share same messages and themes placed in different types of medias at
some fixed times. The time frames of advertising campaigns are fixed and
specifically defined.

The very prime thing before making an ad campaign is to know-

Why you are advertising and what are you advertising ?

Why refers to the objective of advertising campaign. The objective of an advertising

campaign is to

Inform people about your product

Convince them to buy the product

Make your product available to the customers

The process of making an advertising campaign is as follows:

Research: first step is to do a market research for the product to be advertised. One
needs to find out the product demand, competitors, etc.

Know the target audience: one need to know who are going to buy the product and
who should be targeted.

Setting the budget: the next step is to set the budget keeping in mind all the factors
like media, presentations, paper works, etc which have a role in the process of
advertising and the places where there is a need of funds.
Deciding a proper theme: the theme for the campaign has to be decided as in the
colors to be used, the graphics should be similar or almost similar in all ads, the
music and the voices to be used, the designing of the ads, the way the message will
be delivered, the language to be used, jingles, etc.

Selection of media: the media or number of Medias selected should be the one which
will reach the target customers.

Media scheduling: the scheduling has to be done accurately so that the ad will be
visible or be read or be audible to the targeted customers at the right time.

Executing the campaign: finally the campaign has to be executed and then the
feedback has to be noted.

Mostly used media tools are print media and electronic media. Print media includes
newspaper, magazines, pamphlets, banners, and hoardings. Electronic media
includes radio, television, e-mails, sending message on mobiles, and telephonic
advertising. The only point to remember is getting a proper frequency for the ad
campaign so that the ad is visible and grasping time for customers is good enough.

All campaigns do not have fix duration. Some campaigns are seasonal and some run
all year round. All campaigns differ in timings. Some advertising campaigns are
media based, some are area based, some are product based, and some are objective
based. It is seen that generally advertising campaigns run successfully, but in case if
the purpose is not solved in any case, then the theory is redone, required changes
are made using the experience, and the remaining campaign is carried forward.

Models of Advertising Scheduling

Scheduling directly refers to the patterns of time in which the advertisement is

going to run. It helps fixing up the time slots according to the advertiser so that the
message to be delivered will reach target audience in a proper way with proper
timings. There are basically three models of advertising scheduling as follows:

Continuity: This model is very good option for the products or services which don’t
depend on season for advertisements. They run ads whole year round. The
advertisements under this type run at regular and fixed intervals. The main
advantage here is reminding about your products to the customers continuously.
This model helps maintain a continuous and complete purchase cycle. This is a best
model for the products having continuous demand all the year round. There can be a
Rising Continuity in which some specific products are been advertised in the peak
seasons for e.g. floaters are advertised more in rainy season while some products
fall under a Falling Continuity in which either ads for new products are run or if
there is any other change in the existing product. E.g. packaging of Pediasure, a kid’s
health drink is recently changed.

Flighting: This model is also called bursting. As the name suggests, this an absolute
season based products model. The ads here run at very irregular intervals.
Advertisements are for very shorter periods and sometimes no ads at all. The ads
are in concentrated forms. So, the biggest advantage here is there is very less waste
of funds as the ads run only at the peak time when the product demand is on high.
Television and radio are the most used media types in this method. So the
advertisers who cannot afford the year long ads, this is a best option. E.g. ads for
warm clothes in Indian Market.

Pulsing: This model is the combination of both continuity and flighting scheduling.
Here, ads run whole year round but at a lower sidxe that means less ads, and heavy
advertisements are preferred at the peak time. So this model has advantages of both
the other models. Generally scheduling is fixed for a month. There are six types of
scheduling method here.

Steady pulse has fixed schedule for 12 months.

Seasonal pulse has bunches of ads season wise.

Period pulse regular basis ads.

Erratic pulse refers to irregular ads normally used for changing old patterns.

Start up pulse is used for new product with heavy advertisements.

Promotional pulse refers to short period single use ads used basically for promoting
products or events.

Using this interface, you can set the time periods in which you want to run your
campaign. Then click OK button.

Thus, points to remember while scheduling an advertisement are:

Selecting a proper media type for running ads

Selecting a correct time for running ads so that the purpose is solved.

Advertisements should be sufficient enough (in number) to deliver the message to

the target.

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