
The Reporting section of the Payroll app offers a variety of reports to choose from, organized by location.

The Payroll report, Work Entry Analysis report, and Salary Attachment Report are default reports in the Payroll app, and are available for all companies, regardless of location.

ใต้รายงานเริ่มต้นสามรายงานคือรายงานตามการประยุกต์ใช้ท้องถิ่นทั้งหมด ซึ่งจัดเรียงตามประเทศตามลำดับตัวอักษร รายงานเหล่านี้ประกอบด้วยข้อมูลต่างๆ ทั้งหมดเกี่ยวกับสิทธิประโยชน์ที่นำเสนอและกฎหมายภาษีท้องถิ่น

หากต้องการดูรายงานที่มีอยู่ทั้งหมดสำหรับฐานข้อมูล รวมถึงรายงานเฉพาะการประยุกต์ใช้ทั้งหมด ให้ไปที่ แอปบัญชีเงินเดือน ‣ การรายงาน เพื่อดูรายงานที่มีอยู่ในเมนูแบบเลื่อนลง คลิกที่รายงานที่ต้องการเพื่อดู

Report dashboard view showing extra reports for Belgium databases.

If a report is unavailable to a user, an Invalid Operation pop-up window appears, stating: You must be logged in to a (country) company to use this feature, where "(country)" is the specific country the company is configured for.

Default reports


Click on Payroll app ‣ Reporting ‣ Payroll to display the Payroll Analysis report. This report shows all the payslips generated in the last 365 days, due to the default filter: Last 365 Days Payslip.

Payroll overview report showing payroll for the last 365 days.

The report can display metrics for a variety of parameters. Click the Measures box to view a drop-down menu with the various metric options to display. The default options available include:

  • # Payslip

  • Basic Wage

  • Basic Wage for Time Off

  • Days of Paid Time Off

  • Days of Unforeseen Absence

  • Days of Unpaid Time Off

  • Gross Wage

  • Net Wage

  • Number of Days

  • Number of Hours

  • Work Days

  • Work Hours

  • จำนวน

Net Wage is the default metric for the Payroll report.

The various measures available to display for the Payroll Analysis report.


A line chart is the default view for the Payroll report. If a different view is selected, click the Line Chart button (represented by a 📈 (chart increasing) icon) in the menu bar to change the view back to a line chart.

Several options are available for the line chart. Click the corresponding button to activate the selection, and change the way the data is presented. These icons appear at the end of the chart options. The various options are:

  • Stacked: data is presented with each metric in its own line, "stacked" on top of each other. This helps visualize the distribution and variances between different categories.

  • Cumulative: data is presented with each metric on an individual line, with the total amount calculated by combining all the lines. This provides a comprehensive view of the cumulative data.

  • Descending: data is shown with the largest values on the left side of the chart, gradually decreasing towards the smallest values on the right side, along the x-axis. This arrangement helps emphasize trends or outliers at the extremes.

  • Ascending: data is presented with the smallest values on the left side of the chart, increasing towards the largest values on the right side, along the x-axis. This arrangement can be useful for highlighting progressive growth or trends.


These options can be combined to create a variety of views.

Menu buttons with the line chart called out, along with the other option buttons.


To display the data in a bar chart, click on the Bar Chart button (represented by a 📊 (bar chart) icon) in the menu bar.

Click the Stacked icon to view the bar chart in a stacked format (where multiple values appear in each column). Cumulative bar charts are useful for visualizing the progression over time or other categories.

An option to display the columns in Descending or Ascending order appears at the end of the options.

Menu buttons with the bar chart called out, along with the other option buttons.


Clicking an option enables it. To turn off the option, click it again. When the option is enabled the icon appears lighter, with a turquoise outline. When it is inactive, it appears gray, with no outline.


To display the data in a pie chart, click on the Pie Chart button (represented by a (pie chart) icon) in the menu bar. There are no additional options available in this view.

Menu buttons with the pie chart called out.

Pivot table

To display the data in a pivot table, click on the Pivot button (represented by a (pivot) icon) located in the far-right side of the top menu bar.

The default information displayed includes the number of payslips (# Payslip), the Net Wage, the Gross Wage, the number of Days of Paid Time Off, and the number of Days of Unpaid Time Off. The information is organized by department.

To display more information on the report, click the Measures button to reveal a drop-down menu. Then, click on any other metric to display it on the pivot table.

Pivot table view with the various metrics called out.

To sort the entries by a specific column, such as Net Wage, click on the column name twice. The first click selects the column, and the second click sorts the information in descending order.

To export the data in an XLSX format, click the Download xlsx button, represented by a ⬇️ (down arrow above a horizontal bar) icon, located at the far-right of the available icons. The information is then downloaded into a spreadsheet.

The menu options with the download button highlighted.

คุณสามารถแทรกรายงานลงในสเปรดชีตได้โดยคลิกปุ่ม แทรกในสเปรดชีต หน้าต่างป๊อปอัป เลือกสเปรดชีตที่จะแทรก (ประเภทของรายงาน) จะปรากฏขึ้น โดยถามว่าจะวางข้อมูลลงในสเปรดชีตใด เลือกสเปรดชีตหรือแดชบอร์ดที่มีอยู่ หรือเลือก สเปรดชีตเปล่า ใหม่ คลิกปุ่ม ยืนยัน เพื่อย้ายไปที่มุมมองสเปรดชีตที่มีรายงานเพิ่มเข้าไป

The view of data sent to a spreadsheet.


If the Documents app is not installed, the Insert in Spreadsheet option places the newly-created spreadsheet in the Dashboards app.

If the Documents application is installed, the spreadsheet has the option to be stored in either the Dashboards app or Documents app.

Work entry analysis

The default Work entry analysis report provides an overview of the validated work entries for the current month. To view this report, navigate to Payroll app ‣ Reporting ‣ Work Entry Analysis.

The work entries appear in a pivot table, with the default filters of Current month: (Month)(Year) and Validated. The various types of Work entries are listed on the left-hand side (x-axis), while the Total values appear along the top (the y-axis).

To change the displayed view, click the ➕ (plus) icon next to the word Total, then click on one of the grouping options. The available options are Work Entry Type, Employee, and Department. If in a multi-company database, a Company option also appears.

To add a new group to sort the data, click Add Custom Group, then click one of the presented options.


Wherever a ➕ (plus) icon appears on a pivot table, the information can be further grouped. Click on a ➕ (plus) icon to reveal the available grouping options.

Click on a ➖ (minus) icon anywhere on the pivot table to remove that respective grouping.

It is possible to compare the current Work entry analysis report to the previous month or the previous year. To view these comparisons, click the ⬇️ (down arrow) icon in the search bar to reveal the various filter and grouping options.

In the section titled Comparison, click on either Current Month: Previous Period or Current Month: Previous Year. The report updates and displays the previous time period values, as well as the Variation between the two.

A pivot table comparing the work entries of the current month and the previous month.

To export the data in an XLSX format, click the Download xlsx button, represented by a ⬇️ (down arrow above a horizontal bar) icon, located at the far-right of the available icons. The information is then downloaded into a spreadsheet.

ข้อมูลยังสามารถแทรกลงในสเปรดชีตได้ คลิกปุ่ม แทรกในสเปรดชีต และหน้าต่างป๊อปอัป เลือกสเปรดชีตที่จะแทรก (ประเภทรายงาน) จะปรากฏขึ้น เพื่อถามว่าจะวางข้อมูลในสเปรดชีตใด เลือกสเปรดชีตหรือแดชบอร์ดที่มีอยู่ หรือเลือก สเปรดชีตเปล่า ใหม่ คลิกปุ่ม ยืนยัน เพื่อย้ายไปยังมุมมองสเปรดชีตที่มีรายงานเพิ่มเข้าไป


The work entry analysis spreadsheet is stored in the same locations as a pivot table.

Salary attachment report

รายงานเอกสารแนบเงินเดือน แสดงการหักเงินหรือการจัดสรรทั้งหมดต่อพนักงาน เช่น การจ่ายเงินเลี้ยงดูบุตร และค่าจ้าง หากต้องการดูรายงานนี้ ให้ไปที่ แอปบัญชีเงินเดือน ‣ การรายงาน ‣ รายงานเอกสารแนบเงินเดือน

View the Attachment of Salary report that shows all salary garnishments.

พนักงานจะแสดงรายการอยู่ในคอลัมน์ด้านซ้าย ในขณะที่การหักเงินที่แตกต่างกันจะแสดงอยู่ในแถวบนสุด ซึ่งจัดเรียงตามการหักเงินและสลิปเงินเดือนส่วนบุคคล

The report can be exported as an XLSX file, or inserted into a spreadsheet, using the corresponding buttons at the top.

Click the Measures button to reveal the options of what data can be displayed. Assignment of salary, Attachment of salary, Child support, and Count can all be selected or deselected by clicking on the item. If an item has a checkmark next to it, that information is displayed.

Select the options to be displayed in the Salary Attachment Report.

The Salary Attachment Report can be compared to the report for the previous time period or the previous year. To view these comparisons, click the ⬇️ (down arrow) icon in the search bar to reveal the various filter and grouping options.

In the section titled Comparison, click on either Payslip End Date: Previous Period or Payslip End Date: Previous Year. The report updates and displays the previous time period values, as well as the Variation between the two.


At the top of each report, the default filters are shown inside the Search... box.

Click the ⬇️ (down arrow) icon in the search bar to display the available Filters. Filters show information that match the specific filter parameters.


The Work Entries Analysis report has two default filters, the Current month:(Month) (Year) filter, and the Validated filter.

Filters enabled for the Work Entries Analysis report.

The Payroll report has only one default filter, the Last 365 Days Payslip filter.

The Salary Attachment Report has only one default filter, the Payslip End Date: (Year) filter.

All reports can include custom filters, or group information, by different metrics (employee, department, company, etc.).

Some reports have the option to compare the current report to the previous time period or year (a Comparison option).

Click on a parameter to select it and activate it. The report is immediately updated with the new parameters.

The updated report can be set as a favorite report, meaning the parameters are stored for quick access in the future. To do that, click Save the current search, under the Favorites section, located in the search bar drop-down mega menu of filter options. Doing so reveals two options and a Save button.

To set the current report as the default configuration when the report is accessed, check the box next to Default filter. If the current report should be accessible to everyone in the database, check the box next to Share.

Finally, click Save, which saves the currently configured report. Then, it appears beneath the Favorites in the search bar drop-down mega menu of filter options.