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Tier 1 - Health status and outcomes

Health conditions

Human function

  • 1.13 Community functioning
    social, cultural, spiritual, culture, connectedness, country, leadership, land, vitality, routine, skills, capability
  • 1.14 Disability
  • 1.15 Ear health
    hearing, loss, linguistic, social, otitis, deafness, audiology, myringotomy, tympanoplasty, eardrum, Deadly Ears, otitis media
  • 1.16 Eye health
    blind, blindness, vision, refractive, cataract, retinopathy, trachoma

Life expectancy and wellbeing


Tier 2 - Determinants of health

Environmental factors

  • 2.01 Housing
    overcrowding, overcrowded, homelessness, bedroom, bedrooms, renting, rent, mortgage, rental, occupancy, tenure, home owner
  • 2.02 Access to functional housing with utilities
    dwelling, dwellings, acceptable standard, unacceptable standard, working facilities, washing, bedding, sewerage, structural problems, major structural problems, healthy living, habitability, water, electricity
  • 2.03 Environmental tobacco smoke
    smokers, smoking, second-hand smoke, second hand smoke, respiratory, asthma, tobacco, cigarettes

Socio-economic factors

  • 2.04 Literacy and numeracy
    NAPLAN, reading, persuasive writing, spelling, grammar, punctuation, numeracy, benchmarks
  • 2.05 Education outcomes for young people
    apparent retention, attainment rate, attainment rates, education, secondary school, school attendance, Year 12, missed days, school, school completion
  • 2.06 Educational participation and attainment of adults
    educational institution, education, training, attainment, qualification, vocational education and training, VET, technical and further education, TAFE, university, tertiary institution, Year 12, Year 11, Year 10, Year 9, non-school qualification, bachelor degree, certificate III, advanced diploma
  • 2.07 Employment
    labour force, labour force status, unemployed, employed, post-school education, post-school training, full time, part time, jobs, job
  • 2.08 Income
    gross, equivalised, median weekly income, mean weekly income, quintile, quintiles, pension, pensions, allowances, cash
  • 2.09 Socioeconomic indexes
    advantage, decile, deciles, SEIFA, Index of Relative Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas, SES

Community capacities

  • 2.10 Community safety
    violence, threatened violence, security, danger, crimes against property, disorderly behaviour, physical violence, assault, homicide, victim
  • 2.11 Contact with the criminal justice system
    prison custody, police custody, juvenile justice, remand, unsentenced detention, youth detention, imprisonment, arrested, charged
  • 2.12 Child protection
    substantiated notification, care and protection, out-of-home care, abuse, maltreatment, neglect, sexual abuse, family violence, emotional abuse, psychological abuse, physical abuse, guardianship, parental responsibility, interim and temporary orders, supervisory order, administrative arrangements
  • 2.13 Transport
    walking, public transport, motor vehicles, housebound, drive, access to health care, access to goods and services
  • 2.14 Indigenous people with access to their traditional lands
    ancestral or cultural links, homelands, Country, connection to family and community, land and sea, cultural identity

Health behaviours

  • 2.15 Tobacco use
    smoking status, current smoker, cigarette consumption, tobacco-related conditions, second-hand smoke, second hand smoke, ex-smoker, never smoked, quit, quitting
  • 2.16 Risky alcohol consumption
    high-risk alcohol, excessive consumption, binge drinking, intoxication, dependence syndrome, alcoholic liver disease, withdrawal state, harmful use, psychotic disorder, toxic effect of alcohol, inflammatory diseases of the liver, poisoning by alcohol, short-term, single occasion risk
  • 2.17 Drug and other substance use including inhalants
    marijuana, hashish, cannabis resin, pain-killers, analgesics, amphetamines, speed, tranquilisers, sleeping pills, kava, petrol, inhalants, psychotropic drugs, antidepressants, antibiotics, hormones, antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, anti-Parkinson drugs, narcotics, opium, heroin, methadone, cocaine, organic solvents, methylamphetamine, benzodiazepines, drug testing, police detainees
  • 2.18 Physical activity
    active, physically active, bodily movement, inactivity, guidelines, sedentary, low, moderate or high levels of physical activity
  • 2.19 Dietary behaviour
    fruit and vegetable intake, consumption, salt intake, food shortages, nutrition, saturated fats, refined carbohydrates, fibre-rich, serves, 2013 National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) guidelines
  • 2.20 Breastfeeding practices
    never breastfed, breastfeeding duration, exclusive breastfeeding, early initiation
  • 2.21 Health behaviours during pregnancy
    pregnancy + tobacco, smoking, alcohol and illicit substances, apgar score, pre-existing hypertension, gestational hypertension, body mass index, BMI, underweight, normal weight, overweight, obese, pre-term, low birthweight, perinatal deaths

Person-related factor

Tier 3 - Health system performance

Effective, appropriate, efficient

  • 3.01 Antenatal care
    pregnancy, antenatal visit, antenatal services, pre-term, low birthweight, pregnancy screening, trimester, smoking status of mother, perinatal death, mother's age, Australian Antenatal Guidelines
  • 3.02 Immunisation
    vaccination coverage, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, haemophilus influenzae type B, Hepatitis B, pneumococcal disease, polio, immunised, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, influenza, flu
  • 3.03 Health promotion
    interventions, public policy, healthy lifestyles, public health expenditure, lifestyle issues, clinical treatments, groups, activities
  • 3.04 Early detection and early treatment
    MBS health checks, assessments, Medicare Benefits Schedule, MBS item 715, breastscreen, participation rate, mammogram, pap smear test, bowel cancer screening
  • 3.05 Chronic disease management
    general practitioner management plan, GPMP, team care arrangements, TCA, type 2 diabetes, HbA1c, blood pressure, kidney function test, glycosylated haemoglobin, high sugar levels, insulin, coronary heart disease, Healthy for Life program
  • 3.06 Access to hospital procedures
    hospitalisation, principal diagnosis, hospital sector, private hospital, public hospital, public psychiatric hospital, procedure, coronary procedure, coronary angiography, revascularisation
  • 3.07 Selected potentially preventable hospital admissions
    vaccine-preventable conditions, acute conditions, chronic conditions, ambulatory care sensitive condition
  • 3.08 Cultural competency
    language, discrimination, barriers, unfair treatment, situations avoided, access, difficulty being understood


  • 3.09 Self-discharge from hospital
    discharged at own risk, principal diagnosis, leave hospital
  • 3.10 Access to mental health services
    community mental health care, suicide, self-harm, psychological distress, psychiatrists
  • 3.11 Access to alcohol and drug services
    treatment episodes, misuse, substance use, opioid pharmacotherapy, National Opioid Pharmacotherapy Statistics Annual Data collection, NOPSAD
  • 3.12 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the health workforce
    medical practitioners, general practitioners, specialist, specialist in training, hospital non-specialist, nurses, midwives, registered nurse, enrolled nurse, midwife, dentist, dental hygienist, oral health therapist, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner, psychologist, physiotherapist, pharmacist, podiatrist, occupational therapist, medical radiation practitioner, Chinese medicine practitioner, chiropractor, osteopath, allied health professional
  • 3.13 Competent governance
    compliance, income and expenditure statements, committee/board meetings, constitution, quality improvement, management practices, regional health planning, planning processes, external boards, policy development



