1.01 Birthweight
babies, baby, mothers, underweight, mum, early childhood, infant, childhood, Perinatal, birthweight, singleton, pre-term, maternal, pregnancy, Antenatal
Low birthweight (newborns weighing less than 2,500 grams) is associated with premature birth or restricted fetal growth.
1.02 Top reasons for hospitalisation
hospital, admission, illness, surgery, treatment, clinical, laboratory, dialysis, same-day, overnight
1.03 Injury and poisoning
injured, hurt, burden, caregivers, impairment, disability, disadvantage, injury, poison, assault, self-harm, suicide, accidents, drowning, falls, violence
1.04 Respiratory disease
asthma, COPD, cancer, lung, tobacco, smoking, respiration, pulmonary, obstructive, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, pneumonia, pneumococcal, chest, sinusitis, emphysema
1.05 Cardiovascular disease
cardiac, heart, hypertension, physical inactivity, obesity, high blood pressure, ischaemic, cardiovascular, heart, blood, blood vessels, coronary, stroke, cerebrovascular, heart attack, blood pressure
1.06 Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease
1.07 High blood pressure
heart, coronary, kidney, vision, vascular, leg ulcers, gangrene
1.08 Cancer
screening, smoking, preventable, fatal
1.09 Diabetes
kidney, sugar, diet, glucose, blood vessels, pregnancy, type 1, type 2, dialysis, renal, diabetic, nephropathy, glomerular, hypertensive
1.10 Kidney disease
dialysis, transplant
1.11 Oral health
teeth, gums, tooth, decay
1.12 HIV, hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections
STI, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, syphilis