The Return to Homs was a very powerful story of a young man, completely fearless and with the backing of a community, ready to put his life on the line for the town and country he loves. I've never seen footage quite like this and was often struck by the surreal nature of their composure as they walked right into the line of fire. Their smiles, their singing, and their determination give you a sense throughout the film of their utter resignation to the idea that they are men against the world and everything must be put on the line if they are to have a chance. You even get a sense at times that they truly feel their mission is doomed and they're merely going through the motions to reach the coveted "martyr" status. This just adds to the heartbreak of it all.
For me, the young men's surreal composure that I sense speaks to my lack of understanding of the enormity of their struggle and leads me to believe this movement must certainly be years in the making for these people to react in such a stoic way. The characters in this story and their passion make me want to learn more about Syria and the current struggles, despite the film not offering much in the way of peripheral history. The characters are revealed thoroughly enough to spark much in the way of interest.