This documentary makes you wonder about your life and all the "problems" you face everyday. These people no longer have a home, many have lost loved ones, starvation and fighting (including with WMD) sort of make your problems seem trivial.
I came upon this show by accident while channel surfing and I couldn't look away. I wonder if HBO had ever shown this during prime time hours like 8 PM or only on late night (12:40AM - 2:40AM) when I caught it. After our last presidential election where our new president (sadly it's Trump) talked about refusing assistance to these people or even letting them in, it makes you wonder how Christian all these American people really are. When you stand before God for judgment, he will ask you what you did to help people like these and you better have a good answer.
This show follows the war in Syria over several years, from the civil war against the Asad regime to the invasion by ISIS to the Russian involvement, which only made things worse. It is VERY GRAPHIC, as it should be. It includes real footages of death, destruction, dismemberment, and even footages of civilians poisoned by WMD from Asad's regime, as the world did little to help.
To me, this show is one of the few that I feel everyone should watch. As I watched this, I remembered an incident I read about in WW2. When the Allies invaded Germany and freed the Jews, they saw the concentration camps and began to realize the full extent of the massacre. They asked the German people of a nearby town why they did not do anything against their government, the people responded they didn't know what was happening to the jews. The Allies then to these people to the concentration camps and showed them what they did not know was going on.
If we Americans are true Christians, then we need to show it in our actions.