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gerimease3 October 2018
This movie was entertaining enough for what it is... a slasher flick. I'm not sure slasher type movies would ever earn 10 stars because there's usually not much acting, just a lot of screaming and running. LOL.

HellFest was a good flick to see in the theater. The misleads were fun, the graphics and style reminded me of 80's horror. You don't expect to see an Academy Award winning movie, you expect to have fun. And this was a fun ride.

I would recommend seeing this movie if you like campy, fun, slasher-horror movies. Not sure why it would only get 1-2 stars, saw the trailer and knew what to expect for the most part.
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It was decent
georgemjs3 October 2018
Pro - -> Liked the premise in a theme/scare park -> The villain has a frightening presence, great mask -> Filled with action from the beginning

Con - -> Didn't care about any of the characters/potential victims -> Very little clarity about the killer and his motivations -> Was too predictable

I think it is worth a watch for horror fans, better as a rental than seeing it in the cinema.
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Hell Fest may be a typical, slasher, but it's haunt and park imagery is really cool and atmospheric
RforFilm1 October 2018
October is upon us again! This means that along with the beautiful autumn colors that emerge, the spooky season of Halloween also returns. Along with the jack o' lanterns, fun size candy, and parities, this is also when the often popular haunts come to town. These haunts cater to those that want something genuinely scary, as if they've stepped into their favorite horror movies...without the serial killers of course. I've only been to a few and have had more laughs then fears. This is because I more appreciate the haunts in a similar way a stage show is pulled off.

So why are there dedicated fans that keep going further with mazes where they tough you (yes, they can do that)? Again, it's a part of the Halloween atmosphere that a part of the escapism people desire. We already know were going to survive the night, but we love to see if our internal suspension of disbelief can activate and put us in the fear we want. I can understand it can be too intense for a lot of people, but again, it's all a part of the season. It's nice to see a movie like Hell Fest to set a slasher within a haunt park.

A young college student Natalie (Played by Amy Forsyth) is visiting her former roommate Brooke (played by Reign Edwards) and classmate Taylor (played by Bex Taylor-Klaus). Not only are they going to the haunt park Hell Fest, but their meeting up with friends, including Gavin (played by Robby Attal) who got everyone V.I.P. passes (which means no line waiting). Along with the various people coming in, they see that Hell Fest of full of scare actors, several mazes to explore and even an entire land called "the Deadlands" where the actors are allowed to touch and go further with their scares.

The problem? An unnamed person enters the park and into the mazes and starts randomly killing off guests. Our heroes don't see anything wrong until this guy acquires a mask and starts to stalk them around. At first they dismiss him as a really good actor, but when friends start disappearing, they got more uneasy. Even when they try talking to security (who tells them that he can arrest someone for doing their job), they don't seem to have a lot of options. The further they get to the Deadlands, the more they feel like they've descended into hell.

So by reading this, you can already tell that Hell Fest follows a lot of slasher tropes that we've seen before; the group of college kids, unresponsive authority, walking along somewhere, killer with a mask, and such. This will definitely not appeal to those looking for a new kind of horror movie (like Hereditary). This seems to be more proud that it's trying to be a typical slasher. Because of that, I didn't mind it. A lot of it has to do with it's setting and atmosphere.

Hell Fest is full of theme park-like Halloween imagery that looks really cool. I was afraid they would try to pull off haunt mazes that only Hollywood effects teams were capable of. Instead, each maze has the right balance of over the top gory, but also over the top fakery. This feels like something that would be built at Knott's Berry Farm or Universal Studios. Part of me really wants to visit this place...without the killing of course. Even the scare actors seems spot on with some coming up to them at random points, and some in full makeup hosting scary shows about guillotines.

Story is minimal as the what's served is an excuse to show off the park. The main actors like Amy Forsyth and Bex Taylor-Klaus do fine in their parts. Their interesting enough that we'd want to visit the park with them. Even when they are eventually chased by the killer (I swear, I don't even think they gave him a name), we do want to see them survive. Also like a lot of slashers, without giving anything away, it does tease for a potential sequel in a trope manner we've seen before. I'd, however, would love to see this continue.

I'll give this seven tickets to Knott's Scary Farm out of ten. Hell Fest may be a typical slasher, but it's so atmospheric, that those that have been to these haunts will probably like it fine. It's hard to phrase it or be critical as it's also short, running no more then eighty-five minutes. It's a fun watch. So see it and understand it's all a prt of the show.
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Great set and costume design, but Average to Mediocre Horror
pcytoman28 September 2018
First let me start off, the set design and costumes were amazing. Some of the horror mazes in Hell Fest were extremely creepy. Unfortunately, the plot is a typical generic slasher movie, full of cliches. Nothing really original about this movie. I found two of the characters to be obnoxious and I was waiting for them to be dispatched by the killer. This is the kind of movie where you just turn off your brain and just go with it.
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not bad after all
trashgang13 March 2019
Okay, when you do have teens as leading role then this flick is supposed to be for teens. When I look at it from their point then this is to notch. Story is recognizable for them, it contains falling in love, it contains suspense and it contains horror.

As an adult I look at it in some other way. The story do looks great and it should be watched around Halloween. I was into it from the first moment, which had a great opening, until the end. It never bored me and the suspense was all over the movie. Naturally as a horror geek I do look from that point. It do has one gory killing. It's a bit of a slasher, open ending. Was it good, yes, I enjoyed it. Was it bad, not at all, maybe their could have been more killings or red stuff. Is this it, well, it's above mediocre but one that you will forget shortly after seeing. Not for the gorehounds but for those easily being scared.

Gore 0,5/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2,5/5 Comedy 0/5
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Not bad but nothing special
soowooo1729 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Any time you make a slasher movie, i think it's important to have the audience root for the potential victims. Unfortunately, they are so damn unlikeable in this film that was cheering the villian. The girl with the short blonde hair especially - probably one of the most annoying characters I've ever seen.

The set up is good. There's some nice cinematography and the festival itself looks great but after about 45 minutes of the same old stuff it starts to get stale.

There is not much tension here. There's very few scares. The villain seems to be supernatural but it's not really said (no back story for any of the characters is given).

The ending is especially bad. It's about as cliche as it gets and potentially sets up a sequel. Not something I'll be seeing if there is one.
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Hell Fest (2018)
rockman1821 October 2018
I felt like this film should have came out in October but close enough I guess. I actually really liked the trailer for this. Amusement park themed horrors have a lot of potential. They don't happen that often but they can be so much fun. Look at The Funhouse, that's a solid horror film. Anyways, I wanted to satisfy the horror itch with this slasher. Overall, its not the greatest thing ever but it was a fun flick. It shows off the horror themed park very well and has enough action to keep it afloat for an hour an a half.

The film is about a group of friends who get VIP tickets to a traveling amusement park named Hell Fest. The horror theme park has levels of madness where the scares increase if the visitor dares to go there. Unbeknownst to the group a deranged masked killer sneaks into the park and starts stalking the group namely the lead character, Natalie. Its hard for the group to decipher what is real and what isn't as everything in the park is filled with scares and attacks.

I thought the visuals of the park were nice. You feel like you are actually vicariously living through the park and the scares. There are bright lights, creative monsters, and rides, its all very atmospheric. The character's are terrible. Some are underdeveloped and others are just super annoying. You root for the killer in all honesty. The film has a lot of cheap expected scares and at times skimps on the gore. I was okay with that because slasher's of the past sometimes feel that way.

This is not going to be a super memorable slasher film but I do appreciate the theme of the film and was satisfied enough with the end product. The Hell Fest slasher killer doesn't exactly have a great presence and he falls into regular horror killer tropes but I was entertained with this mindless flick. Its what was needed. A decent enough intro into this upcoming month of horror.

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Good concept, poor execution.
rrlockhead29 September 2018
While the idea of the movie is cool, it just becomes a by the numbers horror movie. Characters make bad decisions, lazy jump scares, subpar acting, and worst of all, it's not scary. The sets are nice though.
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Not bad
piggulu30 September 2018
Honestly enjoyable. The premise isn't wholly unique, and eventually you just want the killer to hurry up and start piling up the bodies, but it was fun watching the main characters go through the theme park and at many time you may feel that you're actually going through a haunted house/maze as well.

But the movie is almost exclusively just jump scares, with little tense or suspenseful moments, and towards the end it falls into the pitfalls/tropes of the genre (he killed our friends so let's just give him a quick tap on the head and keep on running!) You can't help but shake your head and reminisce about the first Scary Movie while watching this.

Overall, it did surpass expectations and was entertaining.
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Not a good movie and not bad enough to be worth recommending.
leflues5 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I saw Hell Fest and I have to say it was pretty disappointing overall. It had a few decent suspenseful moments (the scene with the stopped rail cart) but overall it was kind of a slog and I was ready for it to be over when it was.

The characters are pretty much all one dimensional. The killer has no motivation which isn't out of the ordinary for a slasher film so it leaves you not rooting for the college kids or the villain. I will say I was really looking to the blonde eccentric girl to get killed so I was definitely leaning on the killers side at points.

So whats the most fun part of a dumb slasher movie? The deaths. Problem is 3 out of the 5 are purely just simple stabs to the stomach. One of the boyfriend characters who's name I didn't learn got a syringe through the eye which will make you a little squeamish but nothing special and the awkward good guy character gets his head crushed by a giant bell mallet which was definitely the most interesting although a bit contrived with his head perfectly placed on the spot where the mechanism makes the bell rise to the top. Still kinda funny and I'm sure if you freeze frame on his head it'll look really terrible.

The blonde girl almost had a neat guillotine death but it fakes you out with it not actually cutting her head off but only slicing the back of her neck and he begins to wind it up again to try to behead her but through the killer's pure incompetence she somehow manages to free her neck, back, and both hands without the killer noticing what she was doing. I was actually pretty upset with this.

The ending face off between the two remaining girls and the killer were a little bit tense but there were plenty of little annoying things like one of them getting a jump on him and attacking but just giving up and running as soon as hes on the ground. There's also a scene where he butts her in the face with the blunt end of an ax but decides not to kill her for no reason. She manages to recover from this hit and somehow gets into an area where she can save her friend right before she's about to be killed. The cops finally arrive, the park staff finally cut the lights on to the place and he of course escapes with his stab wound.

The ending reveals that he goes home after his fun night out and it's revealed he has a daughter and..... yeah. I guess he's just a normal dad who enjoys going out and killing kids in his spare time so there's that.

I could maybe give this movie a 3 but definitely not more than that. (I changed it to a 3)
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Can Horror Haters Stop Commenting On Horror?
ramosrollie10 March 2019
You don't see me writing a review for The English Patient! So please stop trying to ruin my horror!

Today's "my opinion matters" generation is constantly trying to sway the masses by dropping cheap stabs (pun intended) at a film like this, saying it had bad acting and they didn't care about the characters. I'm not sure if anyone informed you, but this is a SLASHER film. You're supposed to turn off your brain and enjoy the ubsurdity of it, put yourself in their shoes and scream at them when they make poor decisions.

If you're going to watch a horror movie, put down your cell phone, stop tweeting, shut the lights off and WATCH it. Not occasionally look up from your Instagram feed and decide "it's not scary enough." Hashtag till your heart's content AFTER the movie is over, dork.

Hell Fest did it's job and did it's job damn well. Is it Casablanca? No. But it delivered on scares, atmosphere, a damn decent body count and definitely bent the normal slasher rules which was a welcome change.

To hell with the horror haters. Well done, Hell Fest.
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A great throwback slasher
Werewolf_Reaper4 October 2018
When I saw the trailer it immediately reminded me of a throwback to the 70s 80s slasher films of before with a new age twist and my impressions were correct.

The story revolves around a group friends attending a huge event called hellfest on Halloween. A serial killer who has killed before at hellfest returns and targets them slowly stalking and killing his way towards his prey.

Its not super original but again its more of a simplistic throwback like Halloween (1978)

By far the best actor in the movie is Bex Taylor Klaus she carries this movie with her energy and solid acting chops. Tony Todd is reliable as always. I thought Christian James did a good job as well. The cast has some qwerky dialogue which is a nice touch helps the characters feel more realistic but they re under developed and more simple like again in friday the 13th or halloween.

The film starts a bit rough after the intro but gets its bearings and becomes stronger as it intensifies and by the end its on point. The color palette is very Argentoesque and the environment is great. While it does have pop up scares its expected with the haunted rides and houses.

The very end of the film is ok. It should have stopped 2 mins before it did and it would ve been better but I understand what they were going for.

While other critics may crap on this movie like Chris Stuckmann did I think its misplaced or they came in with expectations that were far too high for this horror film. Im a huge film buff and horror fan and I think overall this film knew what it was and didnt try to be anything different.

Its a solid film and for those expecting a fun ride enjoy hellfest. For those expecting a citizen kane or exorcist level horror film probably skip this one
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Boring, scareless and overall lazy
alanhavelka27 September 2018
Please, do not watch this movie. The only positive thing about this film is the set design. The rest is absolutely lazy filmmaking full of jumpscares and dialogue which sounds as if it came from someone who never spoke to a different human being. It ruined a decent premise and is just a huge waste of time. Please do not watch this piece of dull garbage.
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Great set design, horrible script
I would have spent more on the script than the set design. The setting was surprisingly good for a low budget movie, but come on, that dialogue? Nobody talks like that. If I were any one of the six, I would have offed the other five before getting to the main gate.
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Decent Modern Slasher
GaryKurt1011 October 2018
There's really nothing to write home about with Hell Fest. It gets the job done, but just barely. It's just a little bit smarter/scarier/more interesting than most of these films, but just enough to get an E for effort.

If Hell Fest has anything going for it, it's the cast. There are fairly likable people instead of the usual shrill stereotypes one usually sees in these movies. I did root for them and that's not something I can say for a lot of modern horror films.

Some of the effects are pretty decent including one incredibly nasty piece of Fulci-esque eye trauma, but something does feel a bit uninspired about most of the murder set pieces and, since the story itself is nothing special, it might have helped to get a bit more creative with these scenes.

While there are isolated moments of tension throughout, Hell Fest is never truly scary or shudder inducing. The killer's get up doesn't help things much. It's just not very haunted and scary. This might dull things a bit.

If Hell Fest stands out for anything, it's the unorthodox ending that might have a lot of people scratching their heads. It's certainly an interesting choice and one that might get people thinking.
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Waste of a great idea
jtindahouse12 January 2019
The synopsis for 'Hell Fest' is one of the best I've read in a long time. "A masked serial killer turns a horror-themed amusement park into his own personal playground, terrorizing a group of friends while the rest of the patrons believe that it is all part of the show." If that doesn't sound like a fun horror movie to you then I don't know what will. Sadly though, the actual film can't live up to the expectations. The actual product is a rather dull, "seen it all before", snoozefest if I'm perfectly honest.

The entire film takes place in a horror amusement park where characters jump out at people constantly. At first this is mildly amusing, however very quickly it becomes tedious and annoying. It is simply an easy cop-out for the director to find a jump-scare every couple of minutes. None of which are in any way effective. Then there's the actual masked killer. He really didn't do a lot for me. The mask wasn't that intimidating and I didn't like any of the characters enough to care about their fate.

What could have a been a claustrophobic, clever and original horror movie turned out to be quite the opposite on all three fronts sadly. You won't find anything in 'Hell Fest' you haven't seen a thousand times before. It's not an unwatchable movie by any means. It tries its best from start to finish, but it just never really finds its niche. Look elsewhere for a better horror film.
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A slasher with no allusions to being anything but
BandSAboutMovies11 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Hell Fest is unapologetically a slasher film, bringing together six teenagers to be stalked, slashed and brutally offed by a masked killer who never speaks, only mumbles a child's song and has no apparent motivation other than the need to kill. This fact has been harped on by nearly every reviewer -- it's derivative and has no explanation for the villain. Obviously, none of them were around for the slasher cycle. This is a film that has no need to be elevated or called anything other what it is -- a popcorn horror movie that's out to entertain you by any means necessary. It's exactly what I hoped for -- a competently made film with plenty of jump scares and no shortage of the red stuff.

Hell Fest is a traveling horror theme park that -- for now -- is making its home in Cincinnati (that said, the film is shot in Atlanta, using the Six Flags Over Georgia's Fright Fest decorations and the haunters from the Netherworld Haunted House). A young girl is separated from her friends and soon murdered by The Other (Stephen Conroy, who has quite the resume for his stunts). As the camera pulls back from her corpse, we notice that she's now become a prop in the haunted house.

Natalie (Amy Forsyth, who braved the No End House on the SyFy show Channel Zero) comes back to town to ger former apartment where her best friend Brooke is now living with Taylor (Bex Taylor-Klaus, Dumplin'). Our heroine doesn't get along with the new roomie and the feeling is mutual. But things have been off lately -- instead of partying, she's only cared about school and work. But this weekend, she's here for a good time, which means that she gets set up with Gavin as the girls get VIP wristbands for Hell Fest, along with Brooke's boyfriend Quinn and Taylor's man Asher.

Natalie first notices The Other in line, as a girl insults the haunters and yells at the killer. He steals a snow cone knife and stalks her through a maze as the girls are seperated from the boys. In the last section of the haunt, that very same girl appears and they think she's just one of the actors. The Other kills her in front of Natalie, who demands that she just get it over with, not knowing that she's seeing the real thing.

The killer stalks the group as they move through the massive Hell Fest, including stealing photos of Natalie and Gavin making out in a photo booth. As the teens move into the more intense sections of the park -- the Dead Lands -- The Other begins offing them one by one. But he's also pretty inventive, stealing Gavin's phone to stay in touch with Natalie. As the group rides into the next section of the park, it's revealed that there are many Others and it's simply a mask worn by employees.

However, after a haunter dressed as The Fly sprays Natalie with goo, she cleans herself up in the bathroom while reconnecting with her best friend Brooke. She texts Gavin and hears his phone beep in the next stall, revealing that The Other has been after her the whole time. There's a great part here where she's drying her hair and we just see him show up and touch her hair and disappear that's incredibly well shot.

They try and inform security, but the guard tells them if he arrested every employee that scared someone, there wouldn't even be a Hell Fest. While all that's going on, Taylor agrees to be beheaded on stage as part of a magic show. The girls believe that the killer is really going to get her, but it's all part of the act...until the killer reveals himself backstage.

Taylor escapes, only to be sliced up in public, causing a panic and the two final girls -- Natalie and Brook -- go on the run from The Other.

The best part of this film? Tony Todd plays The Barker, whose voice is in every ride and attraction, as well as appearing on stage for the magic show. It's always a joy to see him in any film and his distinctive speech pattern made me applaud from my couch.

What really pushed this movie forward for me was the skill that director Gregory Plotkin (who edited Get Out and Happy Death Day) and cinematographer José David Montero displayed. There's plenty of moody fog and Bava-esque lighting, as well as the kind of stalk and slash jump scares that I felt the Halloween remake was sorely missing.

Hell Fest is nothing more than a slasher in the best traditions of the genre. And that's exactly what it should be. There's an eye decimating kill that will please Fulci fans, someone's head gets smashed open with a hammer and all manner of folks are placed in danger by a killer who could really be anyone. Sure, there could have been more subtext. Of course, there could have been more motivation. But really, all we want out of a haunted house is to show up, be scared and have plenty of fun. This movie does exactly what it was made to do and does it quite well.
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More like Snooze Fest
ivyvine8730 September 2018
This movie was boring and slow and never delivered. The kills were all super predictable and not inventive. I'm a huge fan of the horror genre and I wouldn't even rent this one when it comes out at Redbox, that's how bad it was. You never expect Oscar winning performance when it comes to horror but this gave me more of a badly made Netflix B title movie vibe. You keep expecting it to pick up and get more exciting or scary and it never does. The idea of it had so much potential but it fell completely flat. This was a huge missed opportunity. The only reason I didn't give it 1 star is that they had a good idea for the ending although it was poorly executed as well. To sum it up - save your money and rent it later so you won't be upset you wasted your money.
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Just Some Silly Halloween Fun
ThomasDrufke12 October 2018
I'm not going to sit here and try to convince anyone that Hell Fest is particularly creative or clever, but I have no problem admitting that this film was a blast to watch. Is it more or less a rip off of old slasher films and Halloween specifically? Yeah, pretty much. But I found its campiness and the times it took itself "too seriously" to be completely endearing. Some of these performances are generic and cheesy, but I think Amy Forsyth is a powerhouse of a lead. It reminded me a lot of the star making turn from Jessica Rothe in Happy Death Day last year. Both clearly stood out in their respective films and I can easily see them getting more acclaimed roles in the future. But I also thought the slasher elements to this film to be fun, and what's not to like about a horror premise inside a theme park? That's literally perfect.

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Great to look at.
bornskeptic17 October 2019
The sets and physical atmosphere were pretty awesome and perfect to watch in October. Unfortunately, the story wasn't original at all, the killer unthreatening, the main characters forgettable and for all the smoke and noise and effects the whole thing was pretty boring. It should have been better.
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Cool retro horror
darylanders28 September 2018
I probably can't add much more here, but I felt I had to step in to push aside the haters. I love a good slasher flick and this film really hits the spot! Great costume design and soundtrack too! Highly recommended.
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Amazing set pieces, good effects, bad cliches
chaosbaron21 February 2021
The eponymous Hell Fest setting is certainly the most impressive part of this film. We are treated to a number of fascinating backdrops, costumes, and effects as our characters travel the seemingly massive horror park. Some of the kills are done quite impressively with practical effects. Finally, the villain has a very nice understated design, and their "reveal" or lack there of I quite liked.

Unfortunately, there's quite a few parts that left me and other viewers frustrated. We have usual cliches of our victims acting painfully stupid. We have oddities such as when the park begins to evacuate, they don't think to turn on any of the lights or shut down the rides.

Very close to a great Halloween flick, but a few eye rolling cliches really hold it back.
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anamaka7028 September 2018
Such a low budget predictable movie. Bad acting, poor storyline, not worth a minute of your time. Feels like they had around $50 to spend on a movies for Halloween so they decided to bring that ugly story alive. AVOID AVOID AVOID!!!!
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Hell to Watch
mbrahms262 January 2020
The best part of this film was the interesting Hell Fest theme park, which looked like a lot of fun. The worst part is everything else.
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Could have done better
mariob-4730729 September 2018
Here's a movie with endless potential with an ability to scare the crap out of you. And it just fails to deliver I did like the ending only because you don't necessarily see that all the time but the movie itself didn't deliver on scares it didn't deliver on even goriness I'd say. It is mediocre is it worth paying for no. The acting was OK the writing was also OK if you wanna see it see it if you don't I don't think it's gonna hurt your soul all in all I think alphas could have been Done much better.
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