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The Privilege (TV Movie 2022) Poster

(2022 TV Movie)

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Watchable, not memorable.
Sleepin_Dragon11 February 2022
Think of The Faculty, made on the cheap.

This German film tells the story of a wealthy family, where tragedy seems to strike the youngsters.

It tries so hard to tick several genre boxes, horror, thriller, sci fi, and therein lies the problem, it dabbles rather than succeeds, if it had provided more by way of scares, it may have worked a lot better.

There's a lot going on, and it's not without interest, there is a mystery which draws your interest, the revelation may have you scratching your head.

Some decent special effects, it is well acted, and shows us some beautiful parts of the country, the scenes from the house are fabulous.

Overall, not terrible, not great, watchable, 5.5/10.
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Not that bad!!!
indiana198117 February 2022
Not heard of this movie before and I watched the film, after reading the disgruntled reviews on here. It's really not a bad movie at all...

What I liked about this film, is that it's easy watching. It's not a hard core horror and focus on the occult/witchcraft.

If you're expecting the Conjuring type movie, it's not that at all. It's definitely low maintenance movie, but still enjoyable.

Nice to see a different storyline/horror, other than a possessed doll or human.
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Is this made by an AI?
kigaiyuuto10 February 2022
So many things happening in quick successions and I checked it's only 30 minutes in. The first 2/3 of the movie has a rapid pace like Geminis flipping through the channels (no offence to Geminis everywhere). Kinda like The Crimes of Grindelwald but even quicker.

It's a blend of everything from Resident Evil, Conjuring/Insidious, Us and the usual teenage drama stuff. However with everything happening this needs to double its runtime or a 4-6 episode miniseries. 100 minutes duration is just too rushed.

Production is exquisite, the locations and atmosphere feels authentic. Acting is good.

I'd recommend this if you want to take a break from glacially-paced shows and it should be a much better experience with a few glasses of Sancerre.
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ms-7745010 February 2022
I did waste my time. But at least I turned off, as the students decide to have a LGBTQ threesome after a shocking expirience. I mean whaaat, yeah right that's what you do when scary things happen.

The first minutes of the movie might get you hooked but after that the quality goes down rapidly and I mean in every way.
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So bad that it's actually hilarious
vivekmittal-041849 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is only my second german media after Dark and I went in expecting a lot. My review is gonna be full of spoiler but you can read the whole plot and still there is nothing to spoil, this movie is that bad.

What to expect from this movie: Just imagine if Tommy Wiseau had lots of money and wanted to make a horror/jumpscare/dystopian/thriller/teen movie, all in one movie

Spoiler/whole plot ahead.

So the movie starts with a boy playing PS and his parents along with his youngest sister going outside leaving him and his elder sister at home. The boy keeps playing and suddenly power cuts( horror movie style). He goes up to his sister room, hears some moaning, and suddenly his sister's face is shoved in a glass door and he sees her with a bloodied face and some blurry figure. Cut to next scene, they are running away in a car and the sister is acting crazy. She stops the car at a bridge and starts acting more crazy and goes at the edge of bridge, begging his brother to come over otherwise IT will come. The boy goes to the edge and sister slips off the edge, hanging on to his leg, begging him to jump. He shakes her off and she falls down the bridge.

(So right off the bat, movie starts with a heavy scene. Even now the whole acting and the way scenes unfold seems stupid with no explanation for why actors are behaving the way they are. There is no explanation later in the movie for what happened to the sister in the room, no flashback explaining everything, no connection or hidden agenda.)

Next scene, ambulance, police & parent arrive. Boy is sitting with his father. They get the body of the girl, boy goes to see the body and shouts after seeing his face and camera zooms into the face as to give some hidden clue but it was nothing lol.

Fast forward some year, the boy is 16-17 now, he is consulting a physcatrist. She give him a capsule and tells him that he might be delusional for still believing all of that actually happened in the room.

Cut forward. Both siblings (boy and younger sister) go to some elite school. Boy has a crush and a lesbian friend (called LSBN here on now) and girl has boyfriend called BF hereon now. They go to classroom and the teacher is teaching about a fungi that mind controls ants and the class punk makes a cringe joke and everyone laughs. "At this point I had understood what I was in for".

The whole crowd( boy, his sister, LSBN, BF, his crush and the cringe punk) then goes to a party and dance, take substances. The boys get flashback of that night and collapses.

Wakes up feeling uneasy (uneasy as in feeling presence of something ominious), he goes downstairs to the garden and he sees through a glass door his whole family together in the living room along with a nude granny approaching his sister creepily. While this is happening he is literally standing right outside the glass door and no one is noticing him LMAO. He sees an axe and picks it up and then feels something demony and then collapses. He literally sees something so strange and doesn't ask his family about it, doesn't even feel suspicious of them.

He wakes up in the morning. They go to school and sister is acting strange, she ignores and snubs her boyfriend. They all go to gym class. Sister starts bleeding from the nose and collapses. They bring her home. He then sees her sister having telekenetic power and shakes it off as it's nothing LMAO. No mention of this power is made in the movie later. Even the boy doesn't think about it.

Later that night, (BF) messages boy and says he and his sister are in danger and asks him to meet at the diner. BF goes to diner and gets killed by a fat lady who appears to be possessed. Boy arrives some time later and finds the BF dead.

At this point you are thinking how did BF knew that boy and his sister were in danger. No explanation is given in the movie.

Police arrive and say it was suicide. They all go home.

Boy comes home, goes to his room and was about to take the capsule but notices a strange thing in it. It had a maggot kind of thing in it. He takes it out and takes the maggot to his teacher next day. She says it's some kind of fungus that grows on dead bodies. She gives him a card of some expert of fungus. You think to yourself the card belongs to some kind of scientist but it's not, it's actually a voodoo lady LMAO.

They go to Voodoo lady and she makes Pikachu shocked face after seeing the maggot/fungus. She immediately feels something about the boy, makes him sit down and holds his hand. She then sees flashback of his sister dying and then the boy pukes out a maggot from his mouth. And then he for no apparent reason gets angry and leaves, LMAO.

Boy visits his about to die grandpa and talks to him about demon and all. He sees some demonic things and call the voodoo lady.

He then comes home and he finds his crush at home. She had come to study and their parents leave the house for something.

Then the LSBN, voodoo lady and her son come to the house. Voodoo lady feels something strange about the house. And the son starts setting up laptops/speaker for white noise. A noise that can make demons talk, LMAO. Voodoo lady literally says a ghost will come and not to look at it but the LSBN and crush girl are just sitting there as if it's nothing, LMAO. So they start talking to demon, he appears, scratches the face of voodoo lady, then suddenly the parents come. They switch on the lights and demon goes away. They all start to freak out and parents ask the voodoo lady to leave. They are also acting as if they just didn't see a demon.

LSBN, crush and the boy then leave the house and goes to school in the car. They just had a demon in front of them and they are just going to an empty place, LMAO. Cut to next scene, these 3 are lying somewhere and start MAKING LOVE, LMAO, LMAO, LMAO.

Next morning, in the school, the cringe punk starts acting weird and tries to puke something out of his mouth. He jumps off the building in desperation. Ambulance comes and boy and crush goes to hospital with the cringe punk. The LSBN girl is standing outside and finds the capsule packet(the one which had maggot) from his bag and decide to investigate.

She finds out that capsule company is having a event nearby, she goes there and finds that boy's father is actually the ceo of the company. She then bumps into the fat lady from diner and lady gives LSBN THE STARE. The LSBN then go to the underground and finds that they are growing fungus/maggots out of dead bodies of people. She freaks out and leaves the building and again bump into the fat lady. At this point you would think the fat lady will have any more role or she will do something about the fact that the LSBN knows about their operations but NOTHING. There was no point of her being there

Meanwhile, boy and his crush and almost dead cringe guy arrive at the hospital, he feebly says to check his backpack for documents before being wheeled into ICU. Boy and the crush see the backpack and found out the boy, his sister and the crush were adopted. LMAO. There is no explanation as to why the cringe punk had their documents in his backpack, no mention later at any point LMAO.

Now suddenly, cringe punk's father comes into the hospital and rushed towards the ICU all frantically. They pronounce him dead right then. Father goes toward the boy and crush, Tell them that they are part of project and they are part of something big LMAO just 10 seconds earlier he was acting all concerned and now all villiany.

The boy and crush shrug him off and in the very next room, boys Gramps is being operated and suddenly he dies, LMAO, talk about lousy writing. Boy grieves and then the doctor injects him with something LMAO. The movie was straight up funny and abrupt from now on.

So the boy and the crush wake up in his house, his family and his sister, cringe punks father are there, helping boy get comfortable for being a vessel for the gramps. Gramps about to take over boy. They explain they are demons army and have been there forever. And just when boy was about to be taken over by Gramps,

LSBN comes to the house, puts fuel over all evil people and lit fire to them. Yeah just like that.

They go to a car, find the sister half burnt in the way standing there blocking the exit, remember she has telekenetic powers, well too bad directors forgot. So they run over the sister and she is just lying there dead In most funny way ever LMAO. You'd think she would do something if she survived the fire right, NO that's it.

They come to the same bridge and demon starts coming out of AC vent in mist like particles, so they crash their car in the bridge railing. Car was about to fall but all of them get out of car in the nick of time.

All three now look towards the road ahead and say they can't believe anyone, start smiling, kissing and start walking as if they just didn't escape the evil forces and there isn't a whole demon army, big company and a literal demon after them.

They start walking and the crush eyes flashes indicating she has demon in her. That's it! Movie ends without explaining anything at all.
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What was this
jasminn_tan11 February 2022
I'm so sorry but this left me so confused and disappointed. The plot was bad and the execution worse, clearly suffering from bad writing. I shouldn't have wasted my time on this.
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Hot mess!
Otte113 February 2022
This is a little tidbit of many horror movies over the past ten years thrown together. Body Snatchers, check. Witch, check. Hereditary, check. Get Out, check. Crazy but maybe not crazy, check. Insidious, check. It tries to be a little of everything and accomplishes little. The ending is so thrown together it appeared the director filmed the last 30 minutes of the movie in one afternoon. Dialogue bad, time-space continuum off(one moment I walked to place in five minutes, next time I am driving half the night to get to same place). And one of those worst security ever movies where people walk right into top-secret places with no problem(I've had more difficulty walking into Costco with no card). Not sure what I watched, but I lost 90 minutes of life.
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Why so much hate
witra_as2 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get why so much hate for this German horror mystery. I found the 'fungus' plot was interesting which led to strange possession, cults and high conspiracy as well. Main (teen) characters might be dumb sometimes but had me rooting for their own solution.
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Illogical demon story
leonmorten9 February 2022
The film starts promisingly. It stars some interesting newcomers who are already known from the successful German series Dark. The look of individual scenes is also good and reminds me of a mixture of Stranger things and dark.

However, the story starts to lose its thread after a few minutes. Thus, the story loses itself in a crude mixture of horror, black magic and some splatter. But nothing of it really seriously works. As a viewer, I did not experience any creepy feelings or scared at any point.

For my taste, there were clearly too many logic errors and implausible decisions by the characters. One happy coincidence follows the next.

Overall, the series seems conceptless and lovelessly designed. The best thing is the cast, even if all actors remain below their potential.
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Interesting Plot, But I Needed a Little More!
icocleric9 February 2022
I found the plot overall really interesting, but at parts it felt like it didn't completely explain everything when the mystery starts to come out. Almost a little rushed.

It has its creepy moments, and I love the use of the fugus, I think it's a bit of cool lore. And a nice way to connect the natural with the super natural. I think the main characters are really likeable too, and you are rooting for them. It has some really nice touches, and overall I really enjoyed it.

It feels as though they needed more time to tell the interesting story.
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audreysoerensen9 February 2022
It started predictable but somewhat promising and got lost on the way. Teenage clichés were expected of course but combined with very very messy plot it's just too much.

It got worse by the minute with an extraordinary bad finale.

Run away.
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The Mephisto Waltz remake of 2022
nikitacarter13 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Privilege is basically a remake of the 1971 horror movie classic The Mephisto Waltz starring Alan Alda, Jacqueline Bisset, Barbara Parkins and the great Curd Jürgens from the novel by Fred Mustard Stewart. The Privilege is a modern day remake it still has witchcraft, but instead of masks and occult rituals it uses pills containing fungi and instead of a coven it has a pharmaceutical company instead.

I actually enjoyed this film after watching it from a well know streaming company.

The acting is good and very much more for a young adult audience.

It has not the same ending as The Mephisto Waltz but still has twist at the end of the film.

I would still recommend anyone that enjoyed this film to take some time out to watch the original horror masterpiece that is The Mephisto Waltz (1971)

Overall good modern day retailing.
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pretty good german horror/mystery
LetsReviewThat2610 February 2022
I thought this film was pretty good. The cast were great and the plot worked well and flowed. I liked the use of fungus as a main point and in some ways reminded me of the last of us. The mixture of horror elements with an overall arching mystery tone were spliced well together. I hope for a sequel to this movie.
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One of the worst movies ever
gerd-5399611 February 2022
Plot is completely random. It's a random mix of stereootypes and things you have seen before. Nothing original and the plot is completely idiotic.

Actors are ok, but its of no use if the plot is completely useless.

Do not watch. Its a complete waste of time.
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Worth a look if nothing else to watch...
qtwavaz9 February 2022
The Privilege wastes no time as within 10 minutes, there's blood, some violence, an evil creature and a death. The bold and horrifying opening is enough to capture your attention and build your curiosity to know more.

Overall, Netflix's latest German supernatural film doesn't pack any scares or screams due to a rushed plot and weak execution. It has enough bloodshed, gore, black magic and bad guys. But none of them is used in full potential to appreciate the interesting premise.
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deshan-7858017 February 2022
This is the most LOL bad movie I've seen in a while.

With bad dialogue & performances, horrible direction, a dumb predictable plot, unlikeable characters, horrid editing, lousy visuals & special effects, and the suspense more laughable than scary.

3/10 only because it had a few laughably bad moments and the concept is kinda cool, maybe with a better director and writer this concept might work.

Another day another bottom of the barrel Netflix Original movie not worth watching whatsoever.
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Funny joke.
firiozifirion10 February 2022
Disaster. Disappointment. Pain.

Terrible movie.

Seems like a really funny joke or a comedy rather than a horror movie.

Literally one of the worst movie I've watched in a while. The idea is there but everything else like acting is non existent. The music is terrible. The ending just... Idiotic. Too much of a build up for 10 minute ending.

The whole movie is disappointing and boring. If you want to watch something good then this is not something you'll enjoy.
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Always watch a non English film in Original language...
colinkhenry13 February 2022
Netflix are terrible at dubbing in appalling American English. Translations are in American English rather than English. A completely different dialect. Therefore doesn't translate the script correctly and makes it sound poorly scripted.

Don't compare this film to typical American Hollywood where the synopsis for this genre of film is always the same.

Watch with an open mind and enjoy it, I certainly did as I watched it in German - the original language.
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Has no idea what it wants to be
russellwalton-5253112 February 2022
Poor cgi, badly explained plot that was just a mess of thrown together concepts, over complicated invasion of the body snatchers cr@p fest done badly which made the 1h50 feel like 3h with pointless sections such as "random threesomes"

Don't watch this, do something better, go out, meet new people, have a poo, do ANYTHING but watch this messy headache of a film.
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simulox10 February 2022
I think my title explains it... I dont write reviews often, but I wanted to save others not to lose their time... Don't even bother to know what it is... It is incredibly silly, incredibly dull, incredibly boring... As I am also in cinema industry just watched it to see what they were thinking... You dont do this mistake...
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Watchable Teen Horror
Pairic9 February 2022
The Privilege: German teen horror. Possession, demons, conspiracies, cults, evil big pharma are tropes which mesh in this film. Maybe there's a little too much going on for it's own good, also could have lost about 20 minutes of it's running time. Still the acting is good for the most part and there is an original spin on some of the plot drivers so it's worth a watch. Co-Directed and Co-Written by Felix Fuchssteiner and Katharina Schöde. On Netflix. 6/10.
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I Tried and Tired.
charlesjustinelemon10 February 2022
Cinematography wise, love the colours and the vibes, But it's all over the place. It's messy. It doesn't give you the thrill that your satisfaction is looking for.

There are moments that sound effect(like the usual sounds when something is about to happen in a horror/thriller movie) played without any relevance to the scenes. I'm definitely expecting strange weirdly execution in a good way. This film didn't give that to me, but I stayed, and I tried.
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Not bad at all
vfultonk14 February 2022
I gotta jump on here and give it a vote, because it's not bad at all! Creepy but has a story. It was slick and had good production quality. Had some "Get Out" reminiscent stuff near the end, secrets, uncovering. I mean.... I'm not mad at it and would recommend as a fun watch and worth one's time.
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You people are WAY off we loved it!! Its like coma meets demons ignore the morons, GREAT FILM!!
joiningjt10 February 2022
It has a few flaws and its actually an 8 but after all these garbage reviews from people who OBVIOUSLY have no clue what a decent horror thriller film is. Most are used to the Hollywood packaged stuff or the ABSOLUTELY OVERRATED garbage found FOOTAGE films or the over used jump scare loud sound crap!! They'll give a piece of garbage like blair witch an 9 and an ACTUAL well made film like this a 4. Ignore the negative haters and watch the WHOLE film it deserves a sequel. Excellent cast and look out America Europe is in the movie game!! Norway has been making some phenomenal films and Germany is getting better as well. Solid film will watch the directors future productions.
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Horrible all the way around
xdavid15 February 2022
Bad story, bad acting, laughable effects. My son had film and media classes in high school and majored in film production at the university, so I got to see LOTS of student films at all levels. The majority of them were better than this one. In fact, I'd say they were all at least 7 times better than this film because student films are rarely longer than 15 minutes and this piece of junk clocks in at 1 hour 47 minutes.
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