33 reviews
Virus: 32 (2022) is an Argentinian horror film recently added to Shudder. The storyline follows a virus outbreak that causes the infected to turn into zombies and go on extreme feeding frenzies; however, after over exerting themselves they freeze for about 30 seconds. A mother and daughter are caught in an office building during the outbreak and will work with a guard to survive.
This movie is directed by Gustavo Hernández (You Shall Not Sleep) and stars Daniel Hendler (Phase 7) and Paula Silva (In the Quarry).
The storyline for this is fairly straightforward and cliche for the zombie genre, a little like Dawn of the Dead. The makeup and costumes are well done for the zombies, though there should have been more zombie scenes of them eating random characters/people. A lot of the movie focuses on the circumstances and character development. The birth scene could have been executed better though they do work in some good intensity into that circumstance. The ending of the movie is pretty good and the best 20 minutes of the film.
Overall this is a fairly average addition to the horror genre that's worth watching once. I would score this a 5/10 and recommend seeing it once.
This movie is directed by Gustavo Hernández (You Shall Not Sleep) and stars Daniel Hendler (Phase 7) and Paula Silva (In the Quarry).
The storyline for this is fairly straightforward and cliche for the zombie genre, a little like Dawn of the Dead. The makeup and costumes are well done for the zombies, though there should have been more zombie scenes of them eating random characters/people. A lot of the movie focuses on the circumstances and character development. The birth scene could have been executed better though they do work in some good intensity into that circumstance. The ending of the movie is pretty good and the best 20 minutes of the film.
Overall this is a fairly average addition to the horror genre that's worth watching once. I would score this a 5/10 and recommend seeing it once.
- kevin_robbins
- May 3, 2022
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As I happened to stumble upon the 2022 Argentina/Uruguay movie "Virus:32" by random chance, and seeing that it was a zombie movie of sorts, of course I needed no persuasion to sit down and watch it.
I hadn't even heard about the movie from writers Juma Fodde and Gustavo Hernández prior to watching it, so I wasn't sure what I was in for here. Needless to say that the writers had all the opportunity readily available to impress and bedazzle me.
However, "Virus:32" turned out to be essentially just a watered down clone of the 2002 movie "28 Days Later". A shame really, because director Gustavo Hernández didn't really manage to deliver anything new to the zombie and infected individual genre.
Yeah, "Virus:32" was watchable, but that was essentially also just about it. The movie didn't bring anything new to the table, and the way that the movie was shot, the fast and hyper mobile and agile zombies, heck even down to the music, was very reminiscent of "28 Days Later". So, sure, fans of the "28 Days Later" movie will get a kick out of "Virus:32", but for a regular fan of the traditional zombie movie genre, then "Virus:32" was not a particularly grand experience.
I felt that the movie took quite a long time to tell almost no story, and since I didn't feel any connection or bond with the characters, then the movie just felt even more prolonged and pointless.
The acting performances in the movie were adequate. Needless to say that I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble here. It was a shame that the script and storyline was so simplistic and restrictive, because the actors and actresses didn't really have all that much to work with.
Visually then "Virus:32" was okay. Again, not a memorable or outstanding movie in the genre. And it was rather devoid of gore and mayhem. Sure, there was a little bit of violence, but since this wasn't a traditional zombie movie, but more of a people-infected-with-rage type of movie, then I suppose that was sufficient.
Personally I am by no means a fan of infected people or zombies running around being all fast and agile. But again, this wasn't a traditional zombie movie requiring shuffling and shambling reanimated corpses, so I guess that having fast and agile people infected with rage running around was okay. Personally, it just isn't to my liking. Not my cup of tea.
I sat through "Virus:32", but was only mildly entertained. If you enjoy zombie movies, then "Virus:32" is not a great choice of movie. Watch it if you enjoyed "28 Days Later" or "28 Weeks Later", but if you prefer a good old fashioned Romero-inspired zombie movie, skip this one.
My rating of "Virus:32" lands on a four out of ten stars. This is not a movie that I will be returning to watch a second time.
I hadn't even heard about the movie from writers Juma Fodde and Gustavo Hernández prior to watching it, so I wasn't sure what I was in for here. Needless to say that the writers had all the opportunity readily available to impress and bedazzle me.
However, "Virus:32" turned out to be essentially just a watered down clone of the 2002 movie "28 Days Later". A shame really, because director Gustavo Hernández didn't really manage to deliver anything new to the zombie and infected individual genre.
Yeah, "Virus:32" was watchable, but that was essentially also just about it. The movie didn't bring anything new to the table, and the way that the movie was shot, the fast and hyper mobile and agile zombies, heck even down to the music, was very reminiscent of "28 Days Later". So, sure, fans of the "28 Days Later" movie will get a kick out of "Virus:32", but for a regular fan of the traditional zombie movie genre, then "Virus:32" was not a particularly grand experience.
I felt that the movie took quite a long time to tell almost no story, and since I didn't feel any connection or bond with the characters, then the movie just felt even more prolonged and pointless.
The acting performances in the movie were adequate. Needless to say that I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble here. It was a shame that the script and storyline was so simplistic and restrictive, because the actors and actresses didn't really have all that much to work with.
Visually then "Virus:32" was okay. Again, not a memorable or outstanding movie in the genre. And it was rather devoid of gore and mayhem. Sure, there was a little bit of violence, but since this wasn't a traditional zombie movie, but more of a people-infected-with-rage type of movie, then I suppose that was sufficient.
Personally I am by no means a fan of infected people or zombies running around being all fast and agile. But again, this wasn't a traditional zombie movie requiring shuffling and shambling reanimated corpses, so I guess that having fast and agile people infected with rage running around was okay. Personally, it just isn't to my liking. Not my cup of tea.
I sat through "Virus:32", but was only mildly entertained. If you enjoy zombie movies, then "Virus:32" is not a great choice of movie. Watch it if you enjoyed "28 Days Later" or "28 Weeks Later", but if you prefer a good old fashioned Romero-inspired zombie movie, skip this one.
My rating of "Virus:32" lands on a four out of ten stars. This is not a movie that I will be returning to watch a second time.
- paul_haakonsen
- Apr 22, 2022
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Shows how South American cinema is evolving. I didn't expect anything from this movie and it surprised me, although the lack of budget or quality of effects of "Hollywood" is noticeable, the movie hides them quite well. With a suspenseful plot that leaves you very uncomfortable for several moments, which I think is the best way to scare you in the cinema. If we get very critical, we notice that there are some gaps in the script or perhaps some things that we do not end up closing 100%. I recommend watching it with the perception that it is a low-budget film and that in South America horror movies-Zombies are very poor. I feel that it is an important starting point and we must support it.
This Uruguayan film falls squarely into the 28 Days Later category of fast zombies. It seems that the people who made this movie took ideas from other films, but tweaked them enough that I wouldn't consider it a rip off. Regardless, this is a worthy entry into the genre. It only takes a short while to take off, but then it never stops. Lots of eye catching tracking shots, and while it takes place mostly in a darkened gym, you can see what's going on. Well directed, edited and acted, this was a fun watch. Highly recommended.
- imperitrix
- Apr 20, 2022
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Virus: 32 quick thought review
Look, rage or old fashioned shuffle, zombie is a pretty gone over territory. And really after Train to Busan it's hard to improve.
But It's a solid competent rage zombie film, with a slight twist, and it has some flat out brutal (not gory per se, but tense as hell) scenes in it. Call it better than average, actually average for zombie films is a cheap knock out low budget hunks of crud, so call it FAR above average.
The setting is great, the acting is very good, the script is above average, it's a good, solid time waster, just don't expect any major new ground to be covered.
But It's a solid competent rage zombie film, with a slight twist, and it has some flat out brutal (not gory per se, but tense as hell) scenes in it. Call it better than average, actually average for zombie films is a cheap knock out low budget hunks of crud, so call it FAR above average.
The setting is great, the acting is very good, the script is above average, it's a good, solid time waster, just don't expect any major new ground to be covered.
- perillomike
- May 10, 2022
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My first ever Uruguayan feature and I have to say that I'm pretty impressed! Now, concept-wise, it's an out and out zombie thriller; albeit with some imaginative amendments (32 Secs Rule), thus, by no means, the film had dealt with an aboriginal subject, the demonstration, however, with ample amounts of intensity, not only managed to set itself apart from its contemporaries but it also provided the much-needed thrill and excitement. Not without its flaws, yes, but with the help of its tangible narrative and its technical efficiencies, the execution still pretty much comes off as a competitive venture nonetheless!
- SoumikBanerjee1996
- Jun 5, 2022
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Do you know that lazy and languid feeling after you have just eaten, or have made a heavy physical effort? You just want to be left alone and chill. Well, writer/director Gustavo Henández apparently thought it was a good idea to make a zombie-movie revolving solely around this little and insignificant gimmick. In "Virus:32", the zombies (or infected people, or whatever) remain in an inactive state of trance for 32 seconds after they devoured some brains or killed a living thing. If you're quick, you can use this period to escape. If not, you're their next supper.
There's very little else to write about this otherwise lame, uninspired, and derivative zombie flick from Uruguay. The film almost entirely takes places in a back-alley sporting complex, where the lead actress is a night security guard. You'll seriously wonder why the place needs security because it's old, ramshackle, and infested with rats. She's trapped inside with her young daughter and a man who insists on delivering his wife's baby, even though she's already infected with the virus.
"Virus: 32" is a non-stop spitfire of the genre's most overused and dreadful clichés. Many things don't make the least bit of sense, the lead characters take dumb decisions, the music score is blatantly stolen from John Murphy's work for 28 Days/Weeks Later, and the climax is beyond pathetic. Did you know you can kill a zombie with a stapler?!?
There's very little else to write about this otherwise lame, uninspired, and derivative zombie flick from Uruguay. The film almost entirely takes places in a back-alley sporting complex, where the lead actress is a night security guard. You'll seriously wonder why the place needs security because it's old, ramshackle, and infested with rats. She's trapped inside with her young daughter and a man who insists on delivering his wife's baby, even though she's already infected with the virus.
"Virus: 32" is a non-stop spitfire of the genre's most overused and dreadful clichés. Many things don't make the least bit of sense, the lead characters take dumb decisions, the music score is blatantly stolen from John Murphy's work for 28 Days/Weeks Later, and the climax is beyond pathetic. Did you know you can kill a zombie with a stapler?!?
I like the new twist on an old zombie theme. Very creative. Nice character development. Good action. Nice special effects. The main girl had a nice story arc.
- josephjanz
- Apr 27, 2022
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28 Days Later is in my top ten of my all-time favorite films. It's just perfect in every way a horror fan needs it to be, and while it was recently topped by The Sadness, it still stands as the pinnacle of the infected sub-genre of horror films. This movie wants to be so much like 28DL, but it ends up being the Vegan option. Bland, flavorless, and ultimately, unsatisfying.
Everything about this movie will remind you about 28DL, from the aerial shots of the city to the metal soundtrack. (At one point I thought the same soundtrack was being used in this movie, it was so similar!) Where 28DL had a likeable cast, this movie has some pretty unlikable characters, with back stories that just make you like them even less. I won't go into details here, as I just didn't care enough about the characters to make a clear note for this review. I'll just say that they made sympathizing with them really difficult, and what's a horror movie if you don't care about the fates of the characters themselves?
The movie wasn't particularly scary, and even with some jump scares, it really fails to illicit anything other than mild curiosity. Where will this movie go? Will it end like so many of these movies end? Will it be another Infected movie with a happy ending (my biggest pet peeve in horror), or will they actually do something unique.
Well, gentlemen and ladies, this movie is exactly what you expect from the worst the sub-genre has to offer. Even the "twist" in the infection was lame. Literally, nothing about this movie will be herald as advancing the genre in any palpable way. It will only be thought of as "another zombie movie'. In the end, that's really the best thing anyone can say about it.
If you're a fan of zombie movies or the infected sub-genre, do yourself the favor and forget this exists. You will not be missing anything you couldn't find by re-watching better films.
Everything about this movie will remind you about 28DL, from the aerial shots of the city to the metal soundtrack. (At one point I thought the same soundtrack was being used in this movie, it was so similar!) Where 28DL had a likeable cast, this movie has some pretty unlikable characters, with back stories that just make you like them even less. I won't go into details here, as I just didn't care enough about the characters to make a clear note for this review. I'll just say that they made sympathizing with them really difficult, and what's a horror movie if you don't care about the fates of the characters themselves?
The movie wasn't particularly scary, and even with some jump scares, it really fails to illicit anything other than mild curiosity. Where will this movie go? Will it end like so many of these movies end? Will it be another Infected movie with a happy ending (my biggest pet peeve in horror), or will they actually do something unique.
Well, gentlemen and ladies, this movie is exactly what you expect from the worst the sub-genre has to offer. Even the "twist" in the infection was lame. Literally, nothing about this movie will be herald as advancing the genre in any palpable way. It will only be thought of as "another zombie movie'. In the end, that's really the best thing anyone can say about it.
If you're a fan of zombie movies or the infected sub-genre, do yourself the favor and forget this exists. You will not be missing anything you couldn't find by re-watching better films.
- manuelasaez
- May 7, 2022
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I truly enjoyed this movie. Loved the suspense and action. Nice twist to the zombie genre. Certain scenes definitely kept me on edge. I'm very glad I ran across the movie. 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾
- superproducerta
- May 1, 2022
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- Stanlee107
- May 16, 2022
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- BandSAboutMovies
- Sep 17, 2022
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My vote is a 6 because is not common this film in sudamerica. We must to know that is a zombie film. And zombie's film may be a bad script, but in this film there are some good things, for example a ten minutes of a sequence shot, the location and suspense... and another bad things like 32 seconds after zombie attack or the ending.
Daniel hendler is good,the mom girl a little poor and the child is good.
Daniel hendler is good,the mom girl a little poor and the child is good.
- boydpeters
- Jun 25, 2022
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The director has watched lots of Zombie movies like myself and unlike myself he has decided to shoot his own.
You can see / feel World War Z, The Dawn of the Dead and of course 28 Weeks Later in this movie but as I said at the title,this movie can get max. 2 stars, and the 2 stars is only out of respect for the genre.
No likeable characters nor a nice plot instead an unlogical and no sense 32 seconds thing.
If you try to watch all the Zombie movies around for the literature go ahead and watch this movie otherwise no need to waste your time.
You can see / feel World War Z, The Dawn of the Dead and of course 28 Weeks Later in this movie but as I said at the title,this movie can get max. 2 stars, and the 2 stars is only out of respect for the genre.
No likeable characters nor a nice plot instead an unlogical and no sense 32 seconds thing.
If you try to watch all the Zombie movies around for the literature go ahead and watch this movie otherwise no need to waste your time.
- ZombieSquadShanghai
- May 11, 2022
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No pun intended - the movie starts off with a long (tracking) shot. Now if you worry, do not. This will have cuts after the initial 10 minutes (I didn't stop the clock, more or less). That beginning is setting the tone - also introduces us to the two main characters we are supposed to care about through the whole thing - or as long as they ... well survive.
We also see the threat - to our main characters, but also society as a whole. Not to be missed, a dig at social and health care. I reckon Spain has some issues with that. Now they are obviously not alone when it comes to that. If you like slow zombies by the way: this is not for you! Yes they are running - also you have to suspend your disbelief.
Our main character has some weird ideas/plans at times, that should backfire quite a bit ... how long can she survive? And can we trust other humans in a situation like this? And the movie is quite crazy, so anything is possible ... no one is safe - even less so in a building that is not made to keep people (or other things) out ... is there any hope at the end? Keep your head above water for starters and no pun intended.
We also see the threat - to our main characters, but also society as a whole. Not to be missed, a dig at social and health care. I reckon Spain has some issues with that. Now they are obviously not alone when it comes to that. If you like slow zombies by the way: this is not for you! Yes they are running - also you have to suspend your disbelief.
Our main character has some weird ideas/plans at times, that should backfire quite a bit ... how long can she survive? And can we trust other humans in a situation like this? And the movie is quite crazy, so anything is possible ... no one is safe - even less so in a building that is not made to keep people (or other things) out ... is there any hope at the end? Keep your head above water for starters and no pun intended.
There are few good things about this movie. It was so bad that I am writing a review. I never do that.
There was a super boring and corny "story" that was never tied up.
There was no real explanation for anything. Even the whole 32 second thing was both barely mentioned and mainly irrelevant.
The characters are horribly written. Nothing likeable or relatable about them. I actually was so annoyed by them that I was rooting for them to be killed off, even the children.
The special effects and CGI are laughable. That CGI baby was probably the worst thing I've seen since the 80s.
There were also random inconsistencies in the film where I was kinda like "wait didn't he have a gun five seconds ago, now he's like empty handed and in danger? That makes no sense. When did she get a staple gun?" Lastly, the ending was just terrible. Awful.
This movie isn't even redeemably bad, where you watch it because it's cheesy or funny. It takes itself too seriously for that. Save yourself 90 minutes and don't even bother.
There was a super boring and corny "story" that was never tied up.
There was no real explanation for anything. Even the whole 32 second thing was both barely mentioned and mainly irrelevant.
The characters are horribly written. Nothing likeable or relatable about them. I actually was so annoyed by them that I was rooting for them to be killed off, even the children.
The special effects and CGI are laughable. That CGI baby was probably the worst thing I've seen since the 80s.
There were also random inconsistencies in the film where I was kinda like "wait didn't he have a gun five seconds ago, now he's like empty handed and in danger? That makes no sense. When did she get a staple gun?" Lastly, the ending was just terrible. Awful.
This movie isn't even redeemably bad, where you watch it because it's cheesy or funny. It takes itself too seriously for that. Save yourself 90 minutes and don't even bother.
- Neptune165
- Aug 7, 2022
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We've seen these movies before: Boyles's 28 film series come to mind. But there is an interesting concept to this movie: you get infected, you go on a rampage, and after you're done, you remain dormant for 32 seconds.
This sort of caveat raises the stakes. You have 32 seconds before these infected people reset and start killing again. Kill or be killed.
I like all of the characters here. Iris does everything in her power to protect her daughter from the infected, even if it means killing for their survival. Without getting into spoilers, I wasn't sure about Luis.
Do I recommend this movie? Yes. If you don't mind reading subtitles (the audio is in Spanish), then I think you will like this movie.
This sort of caveat raises the stakes. You have 32 seconds before these infected people reset and start killing again. Kill or be killed.
I like all of the characters here. Iris does everything in her power to protect her daughter from the infected, even if it means killing for their survival. Without getting into spoilers, I wasn't sure about Luis.
Do I recommend this movie? Yes. If you don't mind reading subtitles (the audio is in Spanish), then I think you will like this movie.
- lifedoesntmatterpp
- Aug 1, 2022
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- sabik-02035
- Dec 20, 2023
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- zohrehjalilizadeh
- Sep 10, 2022
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I found this movie to be a really weak zombie movie. There's barely a story in this movie because its mostly a mother trying to find her daughter while trying to survive against the infected. While the movie have a decent build up when the infected first appeared, I found the pace to be really off with scenes happening too quickly or dragged on. The only interesting thing about the movie is when after each wave of the attack, the zombies left incapacitated for 32 seconds to recover their strength. Also the movie contains a couple of suspenseful chase scenes in it, but the action scenes happened pretty quickly. Some parts of the movie is pretty predictable to easily guess what happened next and I really don't like the ending of the movie.
- HorrorDisasterGuy-90617
- Jul 20, 2023
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