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Grand Crew (TV Series 2021–2023) Poster


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Funny but missing something
edwardsjosiah19 December 2021
I think the writing is funny and familiar. Feels like any old sitcom with a group of friends in their 30s which I enjoy. As a black man I love the representation, but kinda disappointed that all the black men feel exactly the same. Other than the main character and his sister, the first two episodes don't really differentiate the other mens' personalities other than the fact that their black and wear different clothes, one wears sweaters, one wears glasses, and one wears hats.

My favorite character is Nicky. Not sure why she hangs out with these guys, but love Nicole Byer.

If they can really start differentiating all the characters and digging deeper, on top of some solid performances and witty storytelling, this could be great.
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Grand Crew is a fun watch
MovieMaiden2316 December 2021
Grand Crew is a fun watch. The comedy hits well and watching the dynamics between the characters feels genuine.

I'm excited to see if Noah's Rom-Com daydream actually plays out, and I love the tension between Anthony and Sherm. Nicky is hilarious AND ridiculous, and it's impossible to not love her. What a treat!
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I am here for it
mrscwalkercole16 December 2021
The conversations are familiar and while I know there will be people that don't relate or just do not want to give it a chance, I have decided to give new shows full character and group chemistry development.

Good show thus far...excited for the new.
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I'd give it a 10 for Nicole Byer alone!
newred1823 December 2021
It's not a bad little show.... Nicole Byer is absolutely amazing! I hate to say it she's the best storyline but it's fun. It's sort of like the league and even though not every joke hits she's hilarious enough to make you watch the show in my opinion. (also for that reviewer that claimed this is the "black friends" that is very disrespectful! Know your history! Friends was the white living single! They stole the concept look it up!) Honestly NBC (and everyone else!) give this show a chance! It's fun and did I mention Nicole is hilarious!?!!
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bk248819 December 2021
Never thought I would say it, but thank you hollywood. Never ever thought I would say it. This show real as hell fam. Thank you to everyone who made it happen. It's like if Martin wasn't just focused on Martin, plus Parks & Rec mixed with The League.
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cashterriquez2415 December 2021
I literally bumped into this show by accident, as I mean, who even watches tv anymore? Seriously I can't remember a time where I laughed more. Just really good writing and from even 2 episodes in, really good chemistry. I can't wait to see what happens next!

Keep it up!!
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I like it
kolson-7254323 January 2022
Yes it's just another sitcom and yes I'm a white person so might not matter what I think but I love this the point is it's like any other sitcom it's silly and fun and it's about time that Black people get a show that is so normal for that channel but be about a specific race good because now our futures generation will grow up with tv like we had but a lot more diversity that's good it's a step in the right direction to help next generations see everyone on tv as normal and not just white people everywhere

and sorry for the lack of punctuations in my review that's a whole other private problem of my own so please excuse the improper sentencing of my review.
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launawood18 January 2022
As a black 30 something woman, I LOVE THIS SHOW. I know these people - educated, bougie, with a little sprinkle of hood and so much love for their crew. The show is hilarious (laugh out loud funny to the point that I have to rewind several parts) and authentic, and I so hope that it continues to find its audience throughout this season because I am truly enjoying all of the episodes.
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Quirky and Funny
dabrowskiem15 January 2022
This is a goofy Millennial generation show about friends that reminds me of New Girl and Happy Endings- just snapshots of life with some poignant lessons learned through jokes, somewhat ridiculous shenanigans and flashbacks. The cast has filled out a bit in the first few episodes and I'm interested to see the characters grow and the show overall finds a better groove.
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dontmatter-805444 January 2022
Weak acting. Weak jokes. Painful to watch. Time wasted that I can't ever get back. Avoid the misery watch something else. Can't believe the kind of garbage that is being produced these days.
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Grand crew
cuyler_mariama24 February 2022
The show is one of the best satirical shows since the office. Everybody is funny and does satire well. They all expose each other's stupidity or vices in hilarious way!
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wholesome sorta cheesy but i love it
mmjurema5 February 2022
The pilot was a little rough but it gets into it's groove by ep 4. I feel like the writing is getting better as it goes on for sure. I am on ep 7 right now and i love all the characters, Sherm and Nicky having my favorite scenes. :) I am excited for the rest of the season!
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springhillsellers22 December 2021
It just feels forced. A random funny moment or two but overall it is not watchable. It will definitely be an under-performer, I can't see it making more than 2 seasons.
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naviecheema18 January 2022
This show is a breath of fresh air. It's lively and a feel good show. In these dark times I'll take anything that makes me feel relaxed. Also everyone leaving comments about how this group of friends would be annoying/would not fit in at a wine bar is racist lol. Kindly f off.
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A good show if you pay attention
mvasilion1 February 2022
First time I watched it I wasn't really paying attention, until I did and realized this show is really good. I'm not gonna spoil it but the show is more like a sitcom where nothing is going on the show and focused more on the comedy and writing aspect. I love these types of shows because there's not alot of shows similar to this casting wise. We need more seasons and even a weed episode.
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Tired of the whining about "wokeness"
ninjasim5612 January 2022
Tired of the whining and complaining coming from a certain group of people about how "woke" everything is. You all sound like a broken record. The same one-note complaining about a show you haven't watched. I wonder if movies showcasing white men get half as much hatred and vitriol and comments whining like babies about "wokeness".
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It hits it's stride after a few episodes
thomblackburn8921 January 2022
By episode 3 or 4 I was invested fully. The dynamic of everyone in the crew is great and original. It has the happy energy of the best parts of how I met your mother. I have a feeling that this could grow into a solid 5 season arc if nurtured right.
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Smartly done
mac13926 January 2022
Old white guy finds this show smartly written, well acted,with believable characters.

No Disney caricatures here...real dialogue with real people.

Those who favour the usual dumbed down formula sitcoms will balk. No laugh track, so, guess what... You get to pay attention to find your own fun. For these reasons this show will not appeal to middle America, as it's,frankly, too smart for tv audiences. Maybe as time goes on, they will get some variety into the cast.... Most every character is the same age, with little if any diversity.... maybe a kid or two?

The further the sitcom world gets away from the drivel of Family Ties ,The Connors,and the Bundys, the better.

This one satisfies that trend.

Well done!
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I like the non-pigeonholed writing...
NullUnit2 March 2022
Write GOOD characters and stories and no one will care about race.

The difference I think many writers/producers don't realize is the writing. Writing matters, not the color of the cast. Too often "shows of color" tend to get too focused on using "their soapbox" and see it as an opportunity to "educate" the audience in some manner, rather than merely writing good stories and good characters.

The writing for Grand Crew is merely the same exact situations any group of friends may face - regardless of their ethnicity. Race is NOT the central focus of every episode. And that I enjoy. Sure situations may unfold a bit differently based upon the cast, but that can really be said regarding any sitcom. My point is, race, as a whole, is inconsequential to the storylines. I can't say that about MOST sitcoms made in the past 10 years - regardless of the cast's color.

The storylines and plots aren't very groundbreaking, but then, neither are storylines or plots of most ensemble cast shows, or sitcoms for that matter. The biggest problem with Grand Crew is that they largely seem to rely on Nicole Byer for any humor and well.. I'm not a fan of Nicole Byer's one-track acting abilities.

I don't want to be preached to, or told what I should believe or support, how to live my life, or have my world view attacked, told I need to support black communities or that "whitey is bad"..... meaning I detest propaganda being disguised as entertainment. Grand Crew is not propaganda, it's entertainment. THAT alone is rare in today's "sitcom" landscape.

It's really about the writing, not the color of the cast.

So 7 stars for how the show is written... for actual entrainment value, I'd probably only go to 3 or 4 stars. The overall writing direction is a good direction.... now they just need to work on the humor aspect (and replace, or at least minimize, Nicole Byer in my opinion.)
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Bring back the Carmichaels lol
cranstonconway-387855 January 2022
Not a good show at all. I had good expectations for it but didn't fulfill. Show seems very rushed or something. Hit & misses. Some funny parts, some forced parts. Seems like NBC are trying to force dry comedy again.
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I Love it!!!
brandenkillingsworth14 January 2022
I love the show. I also appreciate the many different shades of being Black. Black men are usually put in a few boxes. Hyper criminal or hyper sexual, or overly flamboyantly. This show shows different sides, personalities and doing it with great writing and comedy.
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I will consume anything with Queen Nicole Byer!
munyonnicole6 January 2022
Funny and cute sitcom! But Nicole steals every scene she's in, which I love. I also like a show with funny little flash back scenes (like New Girl). Television needs more comedies so I hope it gets renewed!
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I'll pass on this...
aevaughn-7730527 December 2021
On the 2nd episode- and I have only laughed ONE TIME. This show isn't funny at Nicole Byer can do no wrong in my eyes (I love her on Nailed IT) but this show ain't it. Will not be watching this again.
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GSBC-1346831 December 2021
I enjoyed Grand Crew (episodes 1 & 2) each from the opening to the close. I found the take on the relationships within the group of friends to be fresh, relatable, fun and quite funny. Great Job Grand Crew!!! Love this show and can't wait for more. The opening of episode 1 which featured Garrett Morris was quirkily, poignant and left me laughing right from the start. Fantastic delivery! Hope we will see more of him as well!
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Love it!
mayathurston16 January 2022
The show is good! As a Black woman, I enjoy the dang show. Yes, the characters are a bit dramatic and some moments are unrealistic. But it's a sitcom, not reality TV! There are relatable scenes and I laugh the whole damn show. There are plenty of pointless, white led sitcoms that are over dramatic! Let black folks have our foolishness too!
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