There are some haters spouting some daft and imbecile reviews about someone who has dedicated almost all his life depicting the Nature and the animals we human beings are viciously decimating out of greed and personal interest.
Which one of these haters have ever done anything good for the world or achieved something in their lives?
Are we blind? not seeing all the damage and destruction we are wreaking on this planet and all her beauties? Excess CO2 accumulation in the atmosphere is not a reality? That the oceans seas are becoming depleted from over-fishing a lie? That the oceans are gradually becoming choked with plastic is not a fact? That we are dumping pollutants and contaminants into the air and rivers and seas is a lie? The Amazon and tropical forests are razed and turned into palm trees plantations another lie? All the lethal agents in our bombs, missiles rockets and torpedoes that we use to kill ourselves all around the world is a lie? A short search in the internet to the websites of reliable universities and research centers will debunk all the nonessential reviews dumped by the haters.
He did not encourage us not to stop consuming, but to reduce consumption of resources of the Planet.
Wake up and look around yourself. What do you see?