What a heartwarming, soul-nourishing artwork created by BBC and narrated by the legendary gem, Sir, David Attenborough. I have been waiting with bated breath for this gem of a documentary series. This is a wonderful respite from all the chaos and destruction (of course by us, human beings) unfolding on our beautiful but tumultuous Planet Earth. This series diverts our mind and thought away from all the turmoil and mayhem that we, human beings, are inflicting upon this beautiful earth. The Earth and the Mother Nature are hurting, they are badly wounded and injured by our evil deeds, negligence and unbridled consumption and waste production.
The scenes are just bewitching and mesmerizing like always, the cinematography does a stunning job of bringing the majesty and wonder of the Planet Earth before our eyes, budging us to think a bit more about what bad deeds we are doing to this beautiful Planet.
I hope such series, while amazingly awe-inspiring, serve as a wake-up call, a warning to us of where we and this beautiful planet may be headed if we do not wake up from the slumber, duped by consumerism, conflicts and extravagance.
Kudos to the crew and salutes to the legend, Sir David, for creating this awesome respite and making us aware of the wonders and pains of our beautiful Planet Earth.