S2.E1 ∙ Ultimate Fighting vs. BloggersTue, Jul 29, 2008Who's worse, Bloggers or Ultimate Fighters? Â Opinionated shut-ins running off at the mouth, or human gorillas punching each other in the face?5.7/10 (7)Rate
Top-ratedS2.E2 ∙ Steroids vs. Boob JobsTue, Aug 5, 2008Are Steroids worse than Boob Jobs? That depends on whether you want real shrunken testicles or fake huge breasts.7.7/10 (7)Rate
Top-ratedS2.E3 ∙ NRA vs PETATue, Aug 12, 2008PETA thinks no one should have a steak and the NRA thinks everyone should have a shotgun.7.2/10 (6)Rate
Top-ratedS2.E4 ∙ Olympic Games vs Drinking GamesTue, Aug 26, 2008Drinking Games and Olympic Games are both childish wastes of time that don't prove a thing.7.0/10 (6)Rate
S2.E5 ∙ Red States vs Blue StatesAmerica's Blue States are full of latte-sucking, Prius-driving liberal snobs.
S2.E7 ∙ Going Green vs Spring BreakWhether you're into recycling or regurgitating, either way you're gonna end up with a lot of empty beer cans, so which is more evil: Going Green or Spring Break?
S2.E8 ∙ Gen-X vs BoomersWhich generation is more vile: Baby Boomers, with their free love, or Gen X, with their free AIDS testing?
S2.E9 ∙ Strip Clubs vs SororitiesTue, Sep 23, 2008Sororities are run by snobs, but Strip Clubs are run by the mob.Rate
S2.E10 ∙ The Hills vs Rocket ScientistsTue, Dec 30, 2008"The Hills" makes you stupider just by watching it, but Rocket Scientists make being smart look like a waste of time.Rate