...than have to sit through this IQ gravity well they call a show. Laguna Beach is by far the most useless and boring show on television today.
Now I won't presume to be more intelligent than the fans of MTV's Reality Turd of the Year here, but you must literally have to shut off all major brain activity just so you can sit through an episode without reaching for the remote in order to get AS FAR AWAY from the channel as possible.
Well first off, I admit, I was initially somewhat interested because I was hoping there would be a science fiction element given the number of bleach-blonde clones running around. I thought maybe there would be hints that this was all a covert coup of some kind conceived by an alien force.
In reality, the show's premise is much more dastardly. It's based upon the selfish plot conceived by terrestrial, corporate fascists who seek to create the most inexpensive means to supply unimaginative television to a public hooked on the reality genre. The obvious flaw here is that they demonstrate American prosperity in a vacuum, where, ironically, most of the reality is EXCLUDED in order to produce the most inoffensive pablum possible for general consumption.
But what else is new? Laguna Beach is merely one example where viewers are happily being mindf***ed for their participation.
Luckily, I am not one of these viewers. I'm boycotting this crap and I encourage those not totally suckered in yet to free your minds before it is too late.