This show was amazing. I fell in love with it on the night it aired. Don't let anyone tell you anything else. Cooper is the best part of the show and I feel that Evan Peters plays him well. He is an individual with his own true edge that makes the show more realistic. All of the things in the show could really happen which is the scary thing. The music is also well placed. It really sets the mood right away. I love how Cooper Day is really pictured as the odd-ball in the family. We can all relate to that. He is just your typical teenage guy. Which show would put a pot-smoking teenage rocker as their main character? It was about time someone did. The setting of the story also fits well with what"s going on. This is the kind of show that you can imagine yourself in because of the reality. This is a great show but if you don't want to take my advise then watch the show. If you don't like the story-line then I'm sure that you will be just as happy watching Evan Peters for an hour. He is very good looking.