Leap Year
This animated cartoon, which is the second of the Goldberg series, tells the story of a forty-seven-year-old maiden who would have been more popular if all men were nearsighted. The maid is ... Read allThis animated cartoon, which is the second of the Goldberg series, tells the story of a forty-seven-year-old maiden who would have been more popular if all men were nearsighted. The maid is described as Miss Ophelia Fade-Out, whose face has frightened all the children in the neig... Read allThis animated cartoon, which is the second of the Goldberg series, tells the story of a forty-seven-year-old maiden who would have been more popular if all men were nearsighted. The maid is described as Miss Ophelia Fade-Out, whose face has frightened all the children in the neighborhood, but who, nevertheless, still hopes to "chloroform some poor simp into matrimony.... Read all