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A Misunderstood Cinematic Masterpiece
datgoolguy31 July 2019
I would explain the plot, but words cannot describe the emotional, thrilling masterpiece that is Superbabies: Baby Genuises2.
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my kids loved it!!!!
TrashTramp30 August 2004
Too much negativity folks. I took my kids to see it and along with a lot of the other children present in the theater, they enjoyed it.So what if the jokes were corny, it made the kids laugh. So what if the plot was corny, it made the kids laugh.So what if it was predictable, it made the kids laugh. Also, here's Jon Voight one of the greatest actors of our time playing a character the made the kids laugh which he probably enjoyed. I think it's great that Mr. Voight took on a role that is totally different then any role he has done just to make children laugh. OK, so maybe it's not a masterpiece but what the heck, the most important thing is hearing children laugh especially the way the world is today, a childs laughter will always put a smile on any adults face.
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The absolute best movie I've ever seen.
austindouglas4 October 2011
I'll be honest, I've seen many, many movies in my life. But Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 has got to be the best! Just when I thought the first one couldn't get any better, Bob Clark released this one! I admit, I cried a few times from the sheer suspense in this movie.

The plot is absolutely genius! Scientists wanting to understand baby talk? Who could've possibly come up with such magnitude of greatness? Oh yeah, my idol: Bob Clark. Despite his shitty movie "A Christmas Story", he has got to be the best director of our generation. Kubrick literally has nothing on him. The casting is also fantastic: The 3 Fitzgerald brothers returned, thankfully. Their schedules are busy with cinema opportunities, we all know, but I'm so thankful that they could return. Please, if you have any free time, watch this movie. It's literally the best creation on Planet Earth. I've never seen anything like this masterpiece. Please, do it for me. Watch this incredible, flawless film and quit wasting your time with "Pulp Fiction", and "Taxi Driver", and other junk movies.
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Not bad, but my kids enjoyed it
uav_guru16 September 2004
While the premise of the movie, the acting, the action and the story fall well below the entertainment threshold for the adult audience members, my kids enjoyed it quite a bit. Three girls, one 5 and 2 are 7, completely enjoyed most of the film. And why not? The kids are cute, the villain is villainous, the line between good and evil is clearly marked and the good guys win. They particularly liked the "toys" and the personalities of the children. Without spoiling it, the ending was plenty exciting for them. I am glad we took them, regardless of what I thought of the film.
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Absolutely fantastic, couldn't ask for more
philbarry925 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Superbabies was a great sequel to that other film which was excellent in and of itself. You could do some serious damage with a set of babies like that. Oh my god. They were so super! Loved every second. Voight was great. Here are some other great things, listed on separate lines: Babies Geniuses The fact that they were superbaby geniuses The acting of that kylie woman Minogue Kahuna Jon Vought's acting chops Steve Buscemi.

All in all, please watch this, do yourself a favour 10/10

P.S., just wanted to clarify, this was a great film PPS the helicopter part was the best

PPPS And the van

PPPPPS And all of the other vehicles in the film were also the best parts
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Super-Crappy, but kids love it.
tufftexan29 January 2005
My wife tortured me last night. She made me sit down with our two little girls to watch this drudgery of junk. She said our oldest, 8, wanted us to watch a movie with her. She certainly picked a dandy.

Anyway, I'm not going into how awful the characters were or how weak the plot was, etc. etc. Just know as an adult you'll hate it, but if you want to keep your kids (under 9 years old) out of mischief for an hour and a half then pop this in the DVD player. My 3 year was just mesmerized. Don't think she has ever sat that long while watching a movie.

I rated it 5/10 ... since I personally give it a 1 and my kids would say 10 ... so ... I just averaged it out.

Cheers! TT
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"Superbabies" is one of the worst films of all time because its humor is too clean. Warning: Spoilers
I think I am going to get negative reviews from what I'm about to say. Despite the fact this is a critical failure, and a box office woe, this film is an O.K. movie for children. Face it, Nick Jr. sponsored it. Plus, all the babies in the film speak like they are in an educational T.V. show, and the storyline is, somewhat, fair. But what I did not like was, too much time in baby world, lack of character introductory, the four babies in-film are supposedly supporting roles, due to them being sidekicks of Kahuna. The humor is, indeed, lacked, and Bob Clark chose a poor movie to direct, although his final, because it is now one of the worst films of all time.
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Teething was more fun
kzoofilm30 August 2004
If you've been thinking about hiring somebody to clean out those clogged gutters or to get that darned septic tank working again, just call Jon Voight. Yeah, the same Jon Voight who won an Academy Award as best actor in 1978 for "Coming Home." The star of "Midnight Cowboy," "Catch-22" and "Conrack" -- you know, Angelina Jolie's dad.

Why bother Mr. Voight? Well, considering that he's lending his name to "SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2," he clearly has a lot of time on his hands, doesn't consider any job too demeaning and probably won't charge too much.

In case you're wondering why Voight would elect to appear in "SuperBabies," the follow-up to a movie he wasn't in, instead of "Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid" -- and don't pretend you don't remember the scene in the first "Anaconda" in which the gargantuan serpent swallows, then coughs up Voight -- here's a hint: Voight was an executive producer of the original "Baby Geniuses." Since that 1999 fiasco effectively torpedoed what was left of the screen careers of Christopher Lloyd and Kathleen Turner, it must have been a formidable challenge finding actors eager to strip themselves of every scintilla of dignity to perform alongside a bunch of feisty computer-generated toddlers (with the exception of Scott Baio and Vanessa Angel, of course). Apparently for Voight it was put up or shut up time.

So here he is, ladies and gentlemen, outfitted with not one, but two dollar-store-quality wigs and employing an absurd German accent as Bill Biscane, a megalomaniac who plans to use cheaply made, insipid kiddie TV shows to hypnotize babies around the world and rob them of their free will; clearly, Biscane marches to the sound of his own drummer. But those who cherish the ideal of infants being able to make their own choices need not despair: SuperBaby Kahuna (played by Gerry, Leo and Myles Fitzgerald, who are by no means identical triplets) is on the case, and if there's anybody you want on your side when you're facing an onslaught of wretched programming, it's "a small fry with a big attitude" who taunts his enemies with such put-downs as "Why don't you pick on somebody half your size?" and "Never send a man to do a boy's job."

Kahuna -- who is revealed to be a grown man trapped in the body of a pre-schooler, in a slightly sickening plot twist that requires three flashback scenes to post-World War II Germany to explain -- has some major connections, too. He can jump on his computer network and converse with Whoopi Goldberg, the members of that nearly forgotten boy-band O-Town, or any other celebrity or pseudo-celebrity willing to be pasted into a movie that only an unfortunate few are fated to see. Although he seems wise beyond his years as he notes that "every child has power -- all you have to do is believe," Kahuna lives in what looks like a papier-mache cave full of large plywood and plaster imitation toys that might have been salvaged from the windows of a now-defunct F.A.O. Schwarz location. It's a sad sight indeed.

There are other four SuperBabies, too, and just prior to the climactic showdown with Biscane and his goons, this diaper-clad quartet jumps onto Kahuna's magic carousel, where they are transformed into Brain Boy (who wears a scaled-down cap and gown), Cupid Girl (who shoots arrows that cause grown men to stop fighting and hug each other instead), Bounce Baby (who is stuck inside an orange beach ball) and Baby Courageous (whose get-up proves that the only thing that looks worse than a grown man in a tacky hairpiece is a toddler in a bad toupee).

Watching from the sidelines are Baio and Angel, as the dizzy owners of a highly questionable day care center in which most of the children parade around half-dressed, and Hilary Duff clone Skyler Shaye and Frankie Muniz lookalike Justin Chatwin, who attempt to provide a bit of squeaky-clean teen love interest -- not exactly what the target audience of 6-year-olds is itching to see.

As was the case with "Baby Geniuses," the movie contains a surplus of awkward-looking digital effects that are supposed to convince us the wee ones are actually making wisecracks and running wild. The results are generally pitiful. If "SuperBabies" is marginally better than the excruciating "Geniuses" -- and you sure wouldn't want to live on the difference -- it's because director Bob Clark and screenwriter Gregory Poppen don't shoehorn in nearly as much innuendo or smarminess this time around; they're equally stingy with charm and imagination as well.

By the way, Voight's next project is called "The Karate Dog," in which he'll co-star with Simon Rex, Pat Morita and Chevy Chase, who'll provide "the voice of Cho-Cho," according to the Internet Movie Database. Do an Oscar winner a big favor and call him this weekend -- really, the guy must be willing to do just about anything for a couple bucks.
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worst movie ever made
nadbruce13 September 2004
This is quite possibly the worst movie ever made. Even my 4 year old hated it and wanted to leave. I was using it as an excuse to nap in air-conditioning. Alas, it was so bad that my daughter insisted we leave. Not really a surprise for a Steven Paul film, but I'm saddened that Jon Voight's career has fallen so low...and Scott Baio??? ARGH! Believe me, I've had to sit through some bad kid flix, but this one is an all time loser. There is a woman with very large lips (Vanessa Angel) who almost makes it bearable, just for the pure fascination of watching whether or not they will explode. However, my suggestion would be that all prints of this film be sent to President Bush so he can see how harmful his education budget cuts have been.
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Was Jon Voight held at gunpoint to star in this piece of garbage??!
TheLittleSongbird3 November 2009
I was expecting this movie to be bad, and it was even worse than I expected. I have seen some truly terrible movies in my time like Home Alone 4, NeverEnding Story 3 and any of the Friedburg-Seltzer movies. But Superbabies:Baby Geniuses 2 brings the phrase "terrible movie" to a new level. And believe me, that is being kind about this piece of garbage. I am truly not surprised that it is in the bottom 100, it deserves to be there. That is how bad it is, and it highly deserved the 4 Razzie nominations it received. If you thought the first movie was bad, and it was, this is even worse. Sorry if I sound harsh, but I am trying to be honest.

The dialogue was absolutely excruciating. I seriously wouldn't be surprised if it was written by a six year old. It completely lacked sophistication and humour. And guess how many times I laughed during this movie? You guessed right, not even once! The plot was lazy, uninspired and clumsy. The idea of a media mogul wanting to dominate the world? How many times has this being done before? Loads, and much better might I add. The direction was sluggish and never reached its focus. Even worse than the dialogue, direction and plot were the fight sequences. How tedious were they? Very, not to mention very inappropriate, even for a family movie.

The performances from the entire cast were exceedingly poor. Jon Voight has pulled off some good performances in the past. However, I truly think he was held at gunpoint to star in this mess. And he gives the worst performance of his entire career here, acquiring a simply dreadful German accent that has to be among the worst ever accents in film history. It was worse than his accent in Anaconda, honestly there were times when I couldn't understand what he was saying. The other performers weren't that much better either, Scott Baio especially was wasted. And the child performers were misguided, they just couldn't do anything with the script. And I do apologise here, but I don't think babies trying to behave like adults is cute or funny in the slightest.

Even the camera work was next to abysmal, nothing more than flat and rushed. Shame really, because there was one or two nice bits of scenery. In fact, the only real half decent element of this this otherwise abysmal film was the music, and even that was forgettable at best. All in all, Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 was nothing more than a piece of garbage, that was the low point of Jon Voight's acting career. 0/10 Bethany Cox
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Great but very underrated family movie.
muslimbellydancer11 March 2021
Super smart cute babies and superb movie. Very entertaining. Me and My son Muhammad were shocked how it is so underrated although it's cost production was high. Smart and good karate Kid teaching evil guys a useful lesson and that is a great movie theme.

Expert Director Bob Clark made a great movie. Don't believe the bad rates. Thanks Sony pictures for the release.
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This movie wasn't terrible
missjennifer198024 July 2005
U people are downright cruel. This movie wasn't that bad. Yes, it wasn't as great as the first, but even still it doesn't need your down and dirty opinions.

My husband & I both liked it. We're 29 and 25 years old. It wasn't great, but not bad either. Doesn't anyone act like adults anymore?? Apparently not! My almost 4 year old daughter acts more like an adult than all of you!

Why don't you stick to the phrase, "IF YOU CAN'T SAY ANYTHING NICE, DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL!"

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This One Makes Catwoman Look Good
avtimdb2 September 2004
There are plenty of PG and G movies that are equally enjoyable for children and adults. "Baby Geniuses 2" is not one of them.

I wasn't expecting Oscar material when I took my seven year old to see Bob Clark's latest film. But what unfolded was truly a bomb - neither funny nor coherent. Thank goodness these don't come along that often.

Other than a flatulence joke in the first 5 minutes of the film (now a requirement for children's cinema), the laughs were few and far between in the remaining 90 minutes of this movie. During the many long periods of boredom, many questions began racing through my head. Why are these babies talking? Why do we care? Why aren't they saying anything funny?

I can only assume that Jon Voight has a grandchild/godchild/nephew/niece, for whom he dedicated this performance. There really could be no other plausible reason for such an actor to associate with something with so little merit.
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horribly underrated piece of art
Old_Fat_Dirty_Perv22 October 2005
I am truly shocked to see this movie underrated in a such cruel and immature way. THE TRUTH IS THIS MOVIE ROCKS! It's an epic story about freedom, love, patriotism and defending the weak. There's an evil power trying to steal the youth of the new generation and the powers of adults are no good. But luckily there are the super babies, the defenders of all good.

I'm sure you are beginning to understand that with this kind of elements this movie simply cannot be bad, it's just a victim of some immature teenage gang that tries to prevent it from achieving the glory it truly deserves. All I can say to these pre-teen evil doers is: GROW UP! Stop underrating movies like this and go put The Godfather where it belongs, because I can tell you this movie beats the heck out of godfather: I watch Superbabies 2 and The Godfather with my kids and we all fell asleep after 20 minutes from the beginning of The Godfather but even my kids understood the value of this masterpiece (though it's not actually made for children I think, there's some gore and fighting scenes that would surely shock even children over 16.)

Of course Iunderstand that not everyone is capable to see the unlimited depths of the movie, it's just something so touching you can't describe it. That is probably why the teenage gangs have been underrating this movie; they just want to rebel against everything beautiful and real. Great film.
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I'd rather gargle with hydrochloric acid than see a "Baby Geniuses 3"!
planktonrules6 February 2010
Okay, the first movie from this series "Baby Geniuses" was so poorly received that reviewers were beside themselves castigating the film. It currently is ranked #73 on the IMDb Bottom 100 list. Yet, astoundingly, the film led to this even worse sequel--"Baby Geniuses 2"! This sort of sequel is a prime example how some people in Hollywood just need to get real jobs...or at least stop doing LSD! Unlike the first horrible piece of garbage that is "Baby Geniuses", this film manages to be significantly worse for several important reasons:

1. It is totally unoriginal. While "Baby Geniuses" was dumb, it was somewhat original and perhaps the film makers naively thought the film would sell. Here, however, they knew they were producing a giant stinky diaper of a film from the onset--following the horrible drubbing the first film received--and yet they STILL made it!

2. "Baby Geniuses 2" has some of the absolute worst computer work I've seen in a recent film. The babies are horribly dubbed as their computer generated lip movements didn't match--and in some cases looked really creepy.

3. Jon Voight managed to do a much, much worse job as the villain compared to the combined talents of Christopher Lloyd and Kathleen Turner in the original. That took LOTS of effort! Lots and lots and lots of effort!

4. A ninja baby! While one of the babies in the original film did some karate here and there, here we have an honest-to-goodness ninja baby--complete with ninja mask and insanely ridiculous wire-fu stunts.

5. Two words about the second film that say it all...SCOTT BAIO!

6. Even more pop culture references that no child would understand. Considering that 99.9% of the people who actually wanted to see the film were children, this is a serious problem.

7. The @&*$ kids talk and talk and make commentary on EVERYTHING. It's like going to a movie with an annoying kid sitting next to you who thinks he's the host of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and talks throughout--but in reality, he is just an obnoxious child who won't shut up. PLEASE shut up!!! SHUT UP!!!! SHUT UP!!!!!!!

8. Gadgets! Unlike the first film, this one gives the ninja kid all kinds of super gadgets, such as a car like the Batmobile that spouts flames out the back, a James Bond-like mini-copter and Dick Tracy communication devices.

9. The ninja baby has his own version of the Bat Cave--complete with holograms and Willie Wonka-like accessories.

10. In many ways, "Baby Geniuses 2" is like the first film merged with "Spy Kids 2"--another bad kids film. It manages to combine the worst qualities of each!

11. The ninja kid is a Buddhist with super-powers. As a result, now nearly 1 billion Buddhists worldwide also hate this film. Instead of offending this religion, they should have attacked a fringe cult like the Movementarians.

12. A romance between two teenagers that just seemed a bit creepy. Seeing two teens kiss who look a lot younger than their actual age made me feel a bit queasy. My 19 year-old said she felt the same.

13. For the cost of "Baby Geniuses 2", they could have funded ten independent films...or more. While this isn't a huge budget film, it cost a lot of money for the special effects. What a sad waste.

14. Towards the end of the film, several babies sprout super-powers. One is like Superman and can fly, one shoots magic arrows, one is a giant bouncy ball (how that can come in handy against the villains is anyone's guess) and one is "Brain Boy" (whatever that means).

15. The last 10 minutes...oh, does it suck! No, it Mega-sucks!

16. The end of the film rips off Bogie from "Casablanca"--what sorry sacrilege.

Overall, this is truly a horrible film. While there might be films that look crappier or have worse production values, the fact that this one DOES have a decent budget and production values yet is this thoroughly horrible makes this an amazing film. Clearly, it deserves to be on IMDb's infamous list! At one point, one of the babies make a comment that would be the perfect description of this sequel--"Oh no, I'm feeling nauseous again".
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It is the best movie i have seen in yearsB
jonflottorp29 July 2021
The babys are not Even babyes they are 5 to 6 years old great acting the superbabyes is movie you should watch right now.
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Baby Geniuses 2- No Brains In Site
hannibalw31 August 2004
It is difficult to review a movie this bad where does one start ? The dreadful screenplay. Does this studio employ script readers. The horrible characters Jon Voight as a Neo-Nazi is one step away from doing xxx porn. A steep decline for an actor who once received an Academy Award(Coming Home) At the screening I attended no less than 12,of the families attending walked out a third of the way through leaving 5, brave families in the theatre .And there was no laughter even from the kids . This film has studio tax write-off written all over it. Why it wasn't sent direct to video is a mystery for the ages. Some studio exec actually thought this would make money ?!?!!!! The animated baby talking is horribly done; the mouth movements never match the actual words . It is said you can learn just as much from a bad movie as a good one. The only thing I learned here is that Hollywood has been taken far astray from its roots . Whoever gave this dirty diaper the green light should be fired or made to watch this over and over and over ........
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Oh the pain!
davet1429 August 2004
Words cannot truly describe how down and out awful this movie was! I took my 6 year old to see this and even she seemed less than interested in this garbage. Not surprising given the superior "children's" movies that have come out in the last few years such as Nemo and any other Pixar movie. Scott Baio finally proved that he could be in something worse than "Joanie loves Chachi". All I could keep thinking about was how John Voight made superior movies like "Midnight Cowboy" and to wind up in trash this... This would have been great MST 3000 fodder - even "Manos, Hands of Fate" fares well against this. Again, most normal human beings couldn't even make a movie this bad if they tried. I guess this was fate paying me back for all the horrible foreign import/dubbed "Pipi Longstocking" movies my mom had to take me to in the 70's (as she often reminds me.) It's all karma...
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A Nappy Load Of Crappy
hannibalw28 August 2004
This film stinks higher than a 5,day old dirty diaper . It may amuse Neo-Nazi's for Jon Voights portrayal of the head goof of a brainwashing enterprise or some such thing.I think that's the point but I'm not sure the script is so perfectly dreadful .I may have missed it.But that appears to be it though why they would experiment in a day care center run by Chachy(Scott Baio)I am unclear on. The first 'Baby Geniuses' made like five cents in its entire run this one will be lucky to clear half of that . Why do these people keep green lighting projects that are beyond redemption.

"I luff the soft sound of a babies laugh " One of the utterances from Jon Voight who is definitely on the down side of his career . Zero of 5 stars for this film .
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Not truly an awful movie
projectchao27 August 2014
I grew up watching the trailers to this, and I even watched the first Baby Geniuses a million times when I was little. When I saw the trailers, I honestly thought the movie was going to be terrible.

And I was right. Ten years later I watched this in it's entirety.

Does it deserve it's 1.9 rating, however? To be honest, it's actually better than the first in the fact that it doesn't have a dated 90's feel to it, and the bad, corny jokes are... at least a bit better, even though there's even more than the first.

Quick overview of the plot: Old man wants to run brainwashing TV station but a bunch of babies stop him. That bit of a plot alone is so mind- numbing; but in all truth, the true demographic [4-8 year olds] don't go for detail. To make up for it, adult jokes are dispersed cringingly.

With a 20 million dollar budget, half-baked special effects are thrown everywhere, tinted with mediocre lip-syncing. They started work on this movie in 1999, and for five years of time, the visuals of this movie look like the byproduct of a crayon-eating toddler, mixed with delicious oversaturated colours and eye-bleeding contrasts. The sets are ridiculous, the way it's shot is messy, and it feels more like if a Spy Kids movie were done even more horribly wrong than they were.

I'm giving this a 4 because it could use something closer to the first, and it's not as terrible as a Friedberg-Seltzer movie or the like.
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Have a fun day out watching super babies, then blow your brains out!
I_Love_Catherine_Zeta31 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
When my friend bought over 2 tickets to see super babies, i asked him why on earth would he want to watch it. He told me that it would be so bad that it would be funny. well he was right about one thing, it was terrible. Sadly it was so wonderfully terrible that it went past the funny stage into pure hell.

I had to loosen my collar during the movie because i felt like i was choking. I couldn't even give you a spoiler if i wanted to because it really didn't have a plot (thats not a spoiler right?) .

God knows why such a celebrated actor as Jon Voight would associate himself with such a piece of rubbish.I am warning you that anyone thinking that this film might be amusingly bad is WRONG, SO VERY WRONG. I wasn't able to save myself from 1hour and a half of hell but you can. PLEASE steer clear of this film otherwise you might lose faith in American movies and they almost always rule
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My favorite movie .Shocked why it ia so underrated!
movieexpert773 April 2021
Superbabies is a super family movie and my favorite comedy/action movie.

Very cute and smart and good babies fighting evil with their good spirits.

Enjoyable movie for all people and not mainly kids.

Unstoppable action from beginning to end.
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Why did they make a sequel to such an awful movie?
AlsExGal12 November 2009
The first "Baby Geniuses" movie was inane and boring enough, why make a sequel? Are studios that hard up to make money? That scared of trying something different for fear of losing money? I guess they figure going with a franchise that has a proved record of mediocrity is safer - at least you're not surprised when you lose money. This film is not campy or cheesy bad, it's just plain boring bad - the worst kind of cinematic experience.

I guess my reason for writing a review of a movie this bad several years after its release is this - Parents, if you're looking for family-safe entertainment, you can do better than this type of film. Your kids are smarter than this. If they're young enough not to mind sitting through this film, then they are too young to enjoy any kind of movie anyways. For family-safe entertainment you can never go wrong with just about anything made by Pixar. Pixar knows how to make films that use CGI to accentuate already good plots and interesting characters, not as a substitute for them.

As for this film, it makes Gigli look like Citizen Kane. 20 years from now if there is a "Mystery Science 4000" to replace the now defunct MST3K, I'm sure this film will be one of the featured objects of ridicule... if the poor robots can stand the torment of sitting through it.
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My almost four-year-old grandson loved it!
Radio_Lady10 September 2004
Here are my hastily-prepared excuses:

I promised my daughter I'd baby-sit for her son from 11 AM to 4 PM. It was cool and overcast and rain was predicted. I didn't want to go to a park... and after lunch, when I mentioned "Superbabies," the deal was struck!

Background: My grandson fell in love with superheroes this year, and he has been alternately garbed as Spiderman and Superman, as well as a pirate complete with eye patch and skull-and-crossbones hat. His favorite possession is his plastic sword! Yesterday, going to the movie, he asked me if I could get him a parrot to sit on his shoulder!

He loved the movie and gave it two "thumbs up" (both his)! So, if you have an almost four-year-old, it might work for you. Otherwise, forget it. I paid $10.50 for both of us (one senior and one child) and slept through this movie.
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Death by Film
Ellimof21 January 2020
I can tell you this...FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, you will never experience a more shameful 88 minutes than makes you question life itself..."How did I get here?" "Do I deserve this?" "Nothing will be the same." The time witnessing this travesty will be a burden you will have to carry do yourself a favor and cherish a life in which you have not witnessed this curse.
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