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Funny at Times
Neon_Gold22 May 2020
This film is very hit or miss. At times it can be really funny. For example one of the first scenes of the leads as a couple in their apartment is great. I think it really gets how couples are and how they argue about trivial things and they make it really funny.

But the film can get bogged down by the jokes that don't land and can kinda make you cringe slightly.

Issa Rea is great and probably my favourite part of the movie. Most of her lines land and don't get me wrong Kumail is really good to but some of his line do fall flat.

The plot is also kinda predictable and basic but it doesn't make it any less enjoyable.

I also noticed that Netflix basically did zero promotion for this movie which I found strange but Iv have kind of come to expect that from Netflix.

So it's an easy watch and you'll get a few laughs I'd say give it a watch
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Not Exactly Original, but still Fun
Jared_Andrews25 June 2020
Issa Rae and Kumail Nanjiani make for an instantly believable couple. The first moments of "The Lovebirds" establish that these two have obvious chemistry, they seem like a real couple (maybe even one that you know), and most importantly, they're undeniably likable. The entire success of the movie hinges upon the actors' ability to be charming and witty and enjoyable as a duo. If they do not play off each other in a fun and funny way, no viewer is going to want to hang out with them for 90 minutes.

Fortunately, these two have chemistry in spades. It's their genuine connection and Michael Showalter's directing flair that keep the movie tumbling along in a semi-coherent direction despite a plot with holes large enough to fit a small yacht.

In the ilk of fellow couples comedies like "Date Night" and "Game Night," "The Lovebirds" takes place over the course of a single day - at least, aside from the opening scene depicting the couple fully engulfed in the early honeymoon stage of their relationship. Jump ahead four years and we see the two of them suddenly arguing about the most frivolous of hypotheticals. The one we witness happens to be about how well they would fare as contestants on The Amazing Race. It's a funny and seemingly ridiculous conversation since they certainly will not ever find themselves involved in such circumstances. But then they witness a murder, flee the scene, evade the police, and believe that they need to investigate the situation themselves to prove their innocence. From there, they are forced to follow a set of enigmatic clues leading them in a desperate dash from one destination to the next. It's their very own amazing race to avoid prison.

Each scene rolls rapidly into the next and the banter crackles with just as much energy. The filmmakers hope the pacing and humor will provide enough joy that viewers will not stop laughing long enough to scrutinize the feasibility of the story. It mostly works out fine, thanks to the co-stars.

By the time the ride rolls to halt, there are enough unanswered questions and jokes left untold for a sequel. If the opportunity for a second round should ultimately arise, most would happily accept. Count me in for "The Lovebirds 2."
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Much funnier than I expected
Eggoreluckadman22 May 2020
I thought the trailer was kind of bad so I was pleasantly surprised by how funny the movie was. Gotta give credit to Kumail Nanjiani and Issa Rae. I was a fan of Kumail from Silicon Valley and The Big Sick, but I had yet to see anything Issa Rae is in. Now I really want to watch Insecure. The film is also self aware, it's only around 90 minutes so it doesn't waste any time. Overall, solid comedy but I'm glad I watched it on Netflix rather than in a theater.
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Funny enough for me to keep me entertained.
deloudelouvain3 December 2020
When I saw Kumail Nanjianis name in the cast I knew I would have a good time watching this comedy. I don't know if I can see him in anything else than a comedy and that's fine. He just has that kind of funny face. Stuber was the last movie I enjoyed from him and now it will be The Lovebirds. Don't expect anything too serious though, it's just a mild rom-com with a little crime investigation to spice it up, but there are enough funny moments to keep you entertained. The two main characters are played by Issa Rae and Kumail Nanjiani, and it works good. The Lovebirds isn't great cinema, but it doesn't pretend to be, it's just a good moment of easy comedy, a genre that we all need at some point.
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Rom-com version of a Buddy Cop movie
Mission_Hill22 May 2020
It's a fun, easy watch with a couple good laughs sprinkled in. It's one of those movies we've all seen dozens of times, and there's a certain mindless comfort that comes with movies like this.

As long as you aren't looking for anything groundbreaking, and don't take it too seriously, this is an enjoyable popcorn movie.
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Super Cute and Funny
edwardsjosiah23 May 2020
You're probably gonna say to yourself "real people do not act like this." And you're most definitely right. However, if you can get past that, Issa Rae and Kumail Nanjiani make this movie hilarious with their own unique styles of comedy. Their performances shine bright next to a pretty lackluster plot and dialogue. If you're a fan of either of their work, like me, you will most likely have fun. The movie is enjoyable, and it is great to see two actors of color take the lead in a rom-Com/mystery!
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have a look at this
ops-5253522 May 2020
Because this is a good mixture of genre interception, with a whole lot of the new verbal comedy, with a good stroke of blimping good old fashion coincidental kick and run fun, mixed with some coldblooded murders that send shivers through the unlucky couple, and where the black comedy are almost not excisting.

this film made me smile and even laugh occationally, and the charms that irradiates from the main actors in their adrenalittic fight or flee night in the city are great. most of all i liked the appearences of Kumail Nanjiani , whos bollywood smile and glitchy sparkling eyes really turns into a good prankingly well made comedy.

as a tech product its on the baseline of nescessety, the story may feel cheesy and cliche for the squemish, but the music chimes in well, and the playtime are just perfect. it has a well balanced line of plot between the comedy and the crimedrama. i can just say i started this viewing with low expectations, that felt like winning the lottery halfway through. so the grumpy old man gives a thumb up for this one.
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Ultimately just boring
mouldypeach28 May 2020
I was hopeful, going in to The Lovebirds, because I'd read reviews praising the chemistry and likeability of the leads. That they are likeable is true enough, and there are a couple of jokes in there somewhere too but the plot is weak and, for a short feature film, it dragged like hell. I thought it was about 25 minutes longer than it was. The best bits are when they couple are just talking about their problems. They could have made a modern Before Sunrise, but instead they made a bellow average murder mystery. Shame.
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some potential for comedic duo
SnoopyStyle21 June 2020
Leilani (Issa Rae) and Jibran (Kumail Nanjiani) are new lovebirds in New Orleans. Four years later, they're fighting about everything from marriage to The Amazing Race. They agree to break up when suddenly Jibran drives over a bicyclist. It's the start of a ridiculous murder mystery while they go on the run from the cops.

First, I wouldn't do what they did. It's just stupid to run away like that. I would just wait for the cops and demand for a lawyer. At least, drive away in your own car. Obviously, the cops will track the car back to you. I guess Lyft is a little funny but it's no excuse to do something that stupid. Then I wonder if it's less awkward to not breakup before the incident. I understand the idea of them falling back in love but the breakup makes the relationship too angry. The two actors have enough bite that they don't need the anger to spice things up. I like the actors and I want to like these character more than I actually do. Another needed change is a traffic camera picture for the interrogation room. The twist is obvious but the picture is the missing piece in setting it up. This comedic duo holds some good potential but they need more loving chemistry to solidify a good coupling.
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I can't believe they were going to release this in theatres
jsetherickson25 May 2020
The best way to describe this would be two talented actors were give a plot that sounded good in theory but was utterly destroyed by a terrible script and veeeery poor editing.
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Date Night part two. Funny n entertaining with lovely performances by Issa Rae and Kumail Nanjiani.
Fella_shibby1 July 2020
An argumentative couple on the brink of ending their relationship, hits a cyclist with their car who doesn't get injured. Later they r approached by a cop who uses their car to pursue the same cyclist n rather than arresting the cyclist, the cop kills him with the couple's car. The couple flee the scene aft witnessing the murder. The husband wants them to turn themselves in, but the wife argues that their unbelievable story and racial profiling will ensure they are blamed for the crime. They try to pursue the matter n solve the mystery to clear their names. Well this may seem very similar to Date Night but this film has enuff funny moments, good pacing n lovely chemistry n acting. Coincidentally this is the second Kumail Nanjiani film aft Stuber I saw within a short period n both r very funny n light films to check out during this lockdown.
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faer_kr23 May 2020
A film perfectly combines adventure and comedy. It is about a couple that is unintentionally incriminated in a murder and seeks to solve it without verse as murderers. It has few action scenes. It portrays the life of a couple in a masterful way in its beginnings and in the twilight of a relationship. The comedy moments are enjoyable, although there are some goofy moments, there are some parts of the dialogue risque. Entertaining Quality. Kumail Nanjiani has been making these kinds of characters lately and they look pretty good on him. There is a lot of chemistry between the protagonists.
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has its moments, but...
moosh200423 May 2020
The endless chatter between the leads is too much its like they had 40 minutes spare time in the script in order to make it a full movie so they just went on with unnecessary and forced dialogue
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Perilous, ridiculous & hilarious
StewPink25 January 2021
This was a lot of fun. It's obviously got a timely message in it's storyline about racism and police brutality in America but the film doesn't get overly "messagy". It fights against the injustice with what it's good at, punchlines; non-stop laugh to laugh. We're taken on an increasingly periliess and ridiculous journey as the main characters are on the run whilst trying to solve the case and clear their name whilst also attending a party so that their friends don't suspect anything unusual. The cast are fantastic and if you want a film that's relatively short by today's standards and doesn't waste any time in getting to the laughs - this is the one. Loved it.
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The Lovebirds
JoBloTheMovieCritic9 June 2020
6/10 - this one fell a little flat and was not nearly as funny as the trailer led me to believe, but it was still good enough to merit a viewing
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What's not to like?
denise-9944523 May 2020
Two attractive lead actors, with great chemistry and funny AF, with their own unique brands of humor. Loved the way the movie brings it altogether, even what originally passed as just a trivial argument to movie the story line along. Great way to pass an afternoon during quarantine.
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It's What's Up Doc meets the Big Easy
subrinaw-94-13523322 May 2020
Issa Rae and Kumail Nanjiani have mad chemistry...when they are bickering. Suspend belief in the plot and just enjoy the wacky ride. I laughed out loud ever time the Lyft showed up.
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blatant rip-off of "Date Night"
boondocks17625 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If you've seen "Date Night", you've seen this movie. so, no spoilers. If you haven't seen it, don't read this. Couple headed out for a nice evening, their relationship at a standstill (break-up vs boredom), get involved in a crime, and rather than go to the police, it's off to solve the crime themselves. Same blackmailing scheme, same cop involvement, same climax at the waterfront, same kind black woman cop who knows they're not involved. I love the actors, and a couple of their remarks are funny, but if this HAD been released in theaters, it would have bombed the first weekend, and we'd never hear of it again. The quarantine might be the best thing to happen to it, since people will watch based on the actors' likability.
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Surprisingly Funny
Lockout_Salties22 May 2020
At first, I was reluctant to watch "The Lovebirds". I thought it would be just another rom-com that clogs up Netflix to no end. What I got instead was a humorous, enjoyable, and relatively witty movie. The two leads had great chemistry, and whilst they were annoying at times, their funny lines compensated. I would recommend this movie to anyone, but especially couples looking for a date night movie.

Final Score: 67/100.
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Complete waste of time
iboxmediacenter1 June 2020
A lot of Netflix original movies have sucked for a while now. This joins the gang. Boring and totally not funny. I hope such movies (and Netflix) are not ushering in an era of such low budget, quick turnaround movies without too much thought into the entire process of filmmaking
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A 6??? The funniest movie I've seen in a LONG time
agibson-9739611 August 2020
What movie were the people who reviewed this watching? This movie is absolutely HILARIOUS. I usually only do reviews for horrible movies, but I haven't seen a movie this funny is a LONG time, so I felt a review was necessary. The chemistry between the main characters was unreal - like I felt like they were actually a couple in real life. Loved loved loved it.
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Gordon-112 June 2020
This is a far fetched story, but it is funny. It delivers laughs.
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Entertaining Date Movie
jordyntsmith22 February 2021
I like how the movie shakes up the traditional rom-com formula by focusing on characters who start off in a relationship rut. The film is also fairly funny, test still hits some emotional beats. It's not overly deep though, and is good for easy viewing.
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Not Funny.
chadmq4 June 2020
We really wanted to enjoy this movie but it was annoying how unfunny and forced this was. Granted we only made it 30 mins in. So take it for what it is.
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Very funny moments
watforddave13 June 2020
Ok, 4 very, very funny scenes and 5 pretty funny moments. The 'what I call his penis' gag was a big 10/10. For a comedy; this is a 7/10. Plot is rather light and runs out of steam. Some glaring logical inconsistencies. Obviously low budget. Acting splendid, eve the small parts.

I'd love to see this cast with a bigger budget and more developed script.
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