We are ordinary people before we associate with any particular nation, religion, culture, gender, etc.
Seeing the whole world divided under one pretext or another, it seems that humanity is disappearing somewhere.
Tolerance and diversity do not touch us; In fact, it slips into the mouth. We promote discrimination. Our thinking is becoming a stigma for society.
This is the case all over the world. Where does the consciousness of dividing people on the basis of religion, class, caste, etc. come from?
After watching a movie called A Billion Color Story, these things kept playing in my mind.
The film manages to capture the religious divisions, intolerance and prejudice. It is a flat and smooth story of oppression given to the people of the society by the people living in the society. These are the things that are elegantly advocated in this film.
The film speaks in its own language - the world is fast becoming ugly due to violence, discrimination and skepticism. Because of this, people are feeling sad and discouraged. All of these must be final.