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The Restaurant (TV Series 2017–2020) Poster


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Nice, BUT
launrol_920027 August 2020
I have not finished this series, but one thing I do not appreciate about it is that after 25+ years, the characters look EXACTLY the same as they did in the beggining.... they never age..... not even a little.
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Top Notch Period Drama
annlevtex3 May 2022
People have compared this to "Downton Abbey." It's much better. Downton had fine production value and strong acting, but uneven scripting, scattershot character development, a lot of repetition, and a heavy dollop of misplaced nostalgia. This show has its Grand Dame in the form of the Lowander matriarch, but it does not lean too heavily on her icy quips the way Downton did on the Dowager Countess. It is top notch across the board.

The "downstairs" characters who run the kitchen in "The Restaurant" are aware of the divide and power dynamic between them and the wealthy family that owns the business, but they're not forelock-tuggers. There are strong subplots about unionization, workers fighting back when being mistreated, and a cross-class romance that is believable and develops beautifully and organically as the series unfolds. Nina and Calle, who share a spontaneous kiss in the first episode, make a compelling pairing. The actress who plays Nina is a highlight of the show.

Elsewhere, the family dynamic and rivalries are well portrayed and feel believable. Gustaf and Peter are as different as brothers can be, and their ongoing push-pull makes sense as written and acted. Unlike the 6-season-long nastiness between Mary and Edith on "Downton" (mostly Mary toward Edith), it doesn't feel gratuitous or played merely for acid humor. The drama always come back to the restaurant and the family, their roles within it and their differing visions for it and how to keep it thriving.

There are characters who come and go on the series, and what they sometimes lack in screen time or development is always balanced by strong acting. They don't feel like filler and always contribute to the plot in the manner intended. The costumes and sets are wonderful, and the dashes of humor added by repeat visitors like the General and his frisky wife who frequent the restaurant are welcome and well apportioned.

Coming back to Nina, she really is the best thing about the show. She is a radiant presence, proud and yes, privileged, but never tiresome or snobbish. Her struggle and determination to play a role in the family business and also be fulfilled as a woman, her sometimes painful journey, are always compelling viewing. I found myself caring about all of the characters, but I waited every episode to see what would happen with Nina. She's a wonderful character and the actress is amazing.

Excellent production value, costumes and sets, vigorous attention to detail, strong, subtle, touching writing. A total winner of a show.

EDIT: I am now on Season 3 and it isn't quite as strong as it was for the first two seasons, but it's still a great watch. And it's true that the show doesn't do a good job of aging the characters as time marches on. The women are made to look older with different hairstyles, makeup and clothing that also reflect the changing styles. This works to some degree, though they look like very well-preserved middle aged women. But the men, Peter in particular, look almost the same age. Peter's hair has not changed once since the first episode, nor has his face been lined. It's almost like the actor had something in his contract about it, lol. Don't Touch The Hair! Calle looks older because they cut his hair shorter, gave him glasses and a bit of a pooch. But Peter literally looks exactly the same. It's distracting.
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Predictable, but enjoyable nonetheless
LucyBonette5 February 2021
The main takeaway of this show is that not all Swedes are blonde!

I am enjoying this, although I admit that being from The Netherlands, I partly watch to compare Swedish to Dutch. Interesting. The other day I heard them sing a Dutch happy birthday tune in Swedish, I had no idea that had the same song.

Yes, it's predictable and slightly soap-like at times, and some characters have become caricatures (although, interestingly enough, there's two people who have switched, one being the good guy changing into the bad guy, and vice versa). It follows the success recipe of romantic storylines, ongoing family trouble and always one lighter, funny storyline per episode.

What I really like is the big jumps in time, where in other shows certain storyline would have ben spelled out till the very end, here it suddenly stops and we are 5 years down the line, and what happened before is explained in a brief conversation or a shot of something. I like that, because often it would have been obvious.

But what is up with that filter? It's as if they're in a permanent dust cloud!
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Parts "The Godfather", "Downton Abbey" and a pinch of "Dallas"
jpmist29 July 2019
This series starts with the end of WWII in Sweden, We meet a family of two brothers, a sister and mother who run the formal restaurant and follow them and others thru divorces, betrayals, triumphs and scandals involving a cast of characters not quite as large as "Downton Abbey" but equally as engaging.

The cinematography beautifullly captures the vintage post WWII era similar to "The Godfather II" with very careful framing, lighting and camera movement. The production quality as well as acting is on par with any top notch Masterpiece Theatre production. It's plotting isn't as crass as "Dallas" but it's very much a family drama with triangulation conflicts every which way you can imagine. The pacing is a tad slow and languid but that gives you time to admire the sets, costumes and lighting as well as marvel at where they got all the 1950's era cars they pack the streets with during outdoor scenes.

I'm astonished I'm writing the first review of this show on this site. One month of Sundance Now is only 5 bucks and it's the best money you'll spend to watch this series. This is a very high quality show I'm going to regret finishing. I pray it goes to season 3.
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Excellent series
monimm1831 March 2020
The plots and subplots are great, the character development is great, the acting is great, the depiction of the periods are excellent, the social connotations spot on. Someone called this "a Swedish Downton Abbey". Pretty close. Totally worth the time. First season free with Amazon Prime. At the end of it I was more than willing to pay for a Sundance subscription just to keep watching, so beware :)
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bjnordin-828-62600710 July 2020
Just binged watched seasons 1, 2, and 3. Loved the entire series. Great cast, writing, acting. Such a wonderful love story, too. Really enjoyed watching the history of post war through civil rights and protest era. Watching fashions change over time was spot on, too. Loved loved loved this series!!!!
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Exceptional on Every Level - even w subtitles
lynnepbutler22 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The sets. The storyline. The actors. I am an arrogant American so I think everything should be in English. (I know...sorry) I don't like to read subtitles I think it takes me from the experience...not so here. I deeply care about the characters and the fate of the Restaurant...although I am waiting for Ester to get hers. Thank you for such a quality show - promote it more in the USA.
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A visual feast
Complex characters dealing with issues then taboo and illegal in today's world reminding us that life, though filmed beautifully was not.
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Excellent series!
hilarypurcell23 June 2020
Very well written with amazing actors. Have loved every episode. Highly recommended!!! Bravo to Sweden!!!
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Soapy, well made, infuriating dialogue patterns
EdBelg30 December 2020
Came here, I must admit, to vent my utter annoyance at the farcical number of agitated conversation that ends with one of the two parties leaving the scene in an angry or offended manner, not listening to reason while the other party stays behind in passive rejection, completely failing to protest this absence of reason from the other. You know, like happened in 'Dallas' every other scene. It's a pity to be honest, as in many ways it's ok. For one because it's in Swedish, which forces you, if you don't understand it, to pay attention to the subtitles more than to your other screen.
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So Happy I found this.
deenusser129 May 2021
I have been glued for 4 days so far. My husband and I have owned 4 restaurants, so, a lot of this hits very close to home. However, I would have been hooked even if we didn't.

Great characters, costumes, scripts, history and human drama. . Thanks to all involved to bring this to our screens.
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Multi decade soap
laduqesa29 October 2023
I watched the first three series without realising two things. Firstly that Season Three has only eight episodes. So I was really disappointed at the unsatisfying end of episode eight that there was not more to come. There were so many loose ends. So I had an immediate look at Season Four and was even more shocked to see that it's a semi-prequel set in 1950. Worse, the events in that season were never referred to in the preceeding programmes. It's pretty clear that the writers and production company realised they couldn't carry on into the future with ageless actors (none of them looked older in the 70s than they were in 1945 when the story started) and they didn't have the courage to develop new story lines for the next generation.

The other major flaw in the whole caboodle was the frequent changes of character of the main participants. One minute one of the brothers was wicked, next season he's good and the other brother is suddenly evil. Wives were spiteful and scheming for a few episodes then become paragons while another one assumes her character flaws. Loyal staff having worked for decades for the Lowänders inexplicably do the dirty.

OK, it's a soap. But it could have been so much more. I know Sweden well and know that the façade of liberty was laboriously acquired as was its prosperity. If only the series had gone more into that.

Nonetheless, the sets were convincing as were the street scenes, clothes and haircuts. The writing and plots kept my attention despite their implausibility.

Have a watch but don't expect a chef d'oeuvre.
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Captivating though characters one dimensional
gsusser24 April 2021
I binge watched season 1 and am happy to have found the series. However, towards the end of the first season, it started to grow tiring. As others mentioned, the characters and plot are often predictable. And it goes on. It could've been so much better with more character development.

But even so, it had enough plusses to keep me watching. Beautiful cinematography. I especially liked the historical background of postwar Stockholm and find it to be an interesting period piece.

Edit: I'm now watching season 3. I lowered my rating from 7 to 5.

I don't know if I'm going to make it through. The more I watch, the more bothersome it gets. It should have ended after season 1. It seems additional dramatic events are added just to keep the actors employed. The characters grow more thin and the plot is all over the place. Cliche-ridden, stereotyped and trite best describe it. As other have mentioned, the lack of aging of the characters is absurd.

But as the saying goes, in for a nickel, in for a dime.
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Very good!
glitteryglitterbug14 February 2020
Love this show! I'm not a fan of having to read subtitles because I feel it divierts my attention from the nuances of the show, but it's worth the extra effort.
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Such an amazing story
dilocorinne8 May 2020
We thoroughly enjoyed all 3 seasons. I am so glad we stumbled across this show. It was perfect! I already miss it & cant wait for season 4!
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Best series since bb and bcs
hamstra-bas22 August 2020
Very good atmosphere top notch acting and great utterly believable yet dramatic story lines. Characters are complex and not one dimensial, like good and bad guys. For me the best experience since Breaking Bad and Better call Saul.
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Dark, dark, dark Swedish soap with touches of Shangra-la
Laight12 January 2021
A very absorbing look at a fancy Swedish family over several decades -- the show is well-written, nicely directed, and very well acted. However, it's dark. Very dark. This family either has the worst luck ever, or this is just life in Sweden, where every moment is fraught with negativity and unhappiness. Still, if you can stand watching something tragic happen every episode, and you don't get overly involved with the characters -- or you'll end up as thoroughly depressed as they are -- the rewards are plentiful. One odd note: this family seems to have found the secret to eternal life. Although the show starts in 1945 and goes on for another two and a half decades, the characters don't age. They all look exactly as they did when the show starts. Some of them get new haircuts, some get new clothes, but the secret to eternal life seems to be to run a restaurant in Sweden and suffer misfortune every week.
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Nice Surprise!
tshine-548-6649620 November 2021
We are constantly looking for long series to watch and have come to the end of most of our lists. We have also generally avoided subtitled shows because of the necessity to stay glued to the screen to avoid missing important lines. But, after just a single episode of "The Restaurant" we were hooked on these characters and their family saga. The comparisons to "Downton Abbey" are a little forced but it is always interesting to see a drama that examines class and racial disparities. To see one set in Sweden is a rare opportunity. I highly recommend this show.
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tpliskin29 November 2020
It was nice show to watch. We liked it! But.... it's kind of weird that few personages disappeared from the show like they never existed. They weren't very important but they were there. Overall was a good show to watch. I love to watch shows similar.
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Formulaic Soap
crumpytv11 July 2020
Series1 Good series but somewhat disjointed, especially with time shifts in episode 7 and 9 (story timeline continuity issues). Also, character personality/attitude changes to fit in with storylines. Some of the plot was frustrating due to "they wouldn't do that" issues. However, it was still worth watching and although essentially a soap, the post war Stockholm setting always made it interesting.
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Great character depth, musical score
This is a series I deeply wish would go on for a few more seasons. Just finished tonight, this is a rare series I am actually sad to see end. Many unexpected plot turns, and every episode was not wrapped up in a pretty how at the end.
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I've never seen such deceitful people in my life
evito13 January 2021
I'm about half-way through season 2 now. It's been pretty entertaining so far, but I've grown more and more frustrated with the series.

I would say the whole series for me is quite predictable. It takes them many episodes to make things happen that I saw coming from day 1. I never really wonder what's gonna happen next. Nothing ever really surprises you in these series. Sometimes the story is outright dull. It has a very soapy feeling to it - it's entertaining and well shot, but it just seems like this could go on forever, in circles.

The worst thing for me is how blatantly deceitful the characters are. Nobody ever seems to be able to tell the truth in these series. The only problems they struggle with, in fact, seem to be the things they do that they don't want others to find out. Hiding things from their so-called loved ones seems to be full-time business to these people. Frankly, it just makes me constantly uncomfortable how the characters communicate, or don't communicate. In fact the dialogues are boring and often very open-ended.

I felt like, when things become too open-ended or it would finally become interesting to see how things unwind, the series skips forward a number of years.

However much they jump forward, leaving open plotholes and questions that are not answered, nothing seems to have changed. The characters just go on rambling and lying in their usual style. No attempt real has been made to make the characters age a bit.

Right now, I'm curious how things will develop, but I'm too tired of watching to go on. I think I'll just read the recaps online instead.
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Overall a good series with some good threads but sometimes VERY predictable
thecure-17 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The series has a good spirit and delivers a good message... but to get there they fall into many very predictable story lines and characters that tend to be cartoonish: the good ones are naive and fall into traps, the bad ones are evil for no reason other than to be evil... For example, as soon as the sweet italian waitor gets a new car, one can guess that the bad guy will return to the show and destroy that car... OR predictable scenes... you know when one guy is about to commit suicide: he polishes his shoes right before, JUST like the witness in "A Few Good Men" Nina goes bankrupt because the bank does not follow procedures when a bad check is about to be withdrawn, yet the bank is not sued for this mistake Anytime 2 people get together, SEX *MUST* occur, no character can ever say: "this is not right" I did like the time passing (1950-1971) and the character story with the waitress who goes into politics
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Excellent! 👌
oscarjneklund18 July 2022
As a Swede, I'm really proud that they've done this kind of show. I absolutely love when Sweden make their own series and praise our previous era. Great Tv-show and excellent portraying! 🇸🇪
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carolleiby30 April 2021
Even though it is in Swedish, and i have to depend on subtitles, it is well worth it. The cast, story line, costumes, scenery, true to the period, are all excellent. It is captivating. I highly recommend it!
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