I rarely feel very compelled to rate bad movies unless they are so bad that I need to tell people to avoid it. This movie is a waste of time & money!
If there is anything redeeming I can say about this movie is that it has an interesting concept but it's poorly written and executed. The idea that your deepest fantasies and desires can have dark consequences is something the original TV show explored but with less of a focus on the horror aspect.
The problem this movie has it that the overall story doesn't make sense. The way this was put together makes me wonder if the filmmakers were drunk & high and when they wrote and directed this mess. The story starts out well enough but quickly devolves into literal nonsense. The movie tells both the guests of the island and we the audience that only one fantasy can be had and it needs to be played out to its end no matter good or bad. However, because the filmmakers felt the need to be clever, this is quickly discarded for a nonsensically cheap twist that even a five year old would scratch their head at.
What's even worse is that they don't even begin to start trying to setup the ending twist(s) until a little over halfway through. Add to this, when the twist occurs, several characters have to mansplain it to everyone because it literally makes no sense whatsoever.
Whether or not you saw the original TV series or its remake with Malcom McDowell, DON'T SEE THIS MOVIE! You literally could write your own version of how this story plays out and it would probably wind up being better than this turkey that never should've made it past the pitch to the studio to convince them to release it.
If there is anything redeeming I can say about this movie is that it has an interesting concept but it's poorly written and executed. The idea that your deepest fantasies and desires can have dark consequences is something the original TV show explored but with less of a focus on the horror aspect.
The problem this movie has it that the overall story doesn't make sense. The way this was put together makes me wonder if the filmmakers were drunk & high and when they wrote and directed this mess. The story starts out well enough but quickly devolves into literal nonsense. The movie tells both the guests of the island and we the audience that only one fantasy can be had and it needs to be played out to its end no matter good or bad. However, because the filmmakers felt the need to be clever, this is quickly discarded for a nonsensically cheap twist that even a five year old would scratch their head at.
What's even worse is that they don't even begin to start trying to setup the ending twist(s) until a little over halfway through. Add to this, when the twist occurs, several characters have to mansplain it to everyone because it literally makes no sense whatsoever.
Whether or not you saw the original TV series or its remake with Malcom McDowell, DON'T SEE THIS MOVIE! You literally could write your own version of how this story plays out and it would probably wind up being better than this turkey that never should've made it past the pitch to the studio to convince them to release it.