After viewing the intriguing and well-done ILLUSIONIST, my next stop was to look at Neil Burger's first film. Like his well-known movie about magic, the first major picture he directed also deals with illusion and truth. This time he sets his aim at a mock documentary about the Kennedy Assassination. Raymond Barry plays a crusty and dangerous shadowy figure named Ohlinger who recounts to an unemployed television cameraman that he is the alleged "Second Gunman" at the Grassy Knoll in Dallas. From here the younger man becomes sucked into conspiracy, odd happenings, and culminates with apparent murder and a possible second presidential assassination attempt. Burger weaves this with clever technique, building a more and more credible and incredible narrative. As one early character notes, all this is quite dangerous. But the cameraman's ambition supersedes his judgment, and he follows the mad gun man to the ultimate end. What Burger has done with a small budget and two effective lead actors is truly delightful. For those who want clever use of cameras, enjoy the possibilities of history, and cherish the notion of seeing a brilliant and talented director unfolding before our eyes, this film is worth it. Based on this and the ILLUSIONIST, Neil Burger is a fresh talent who deserves our full attention.
Review of Interview with the Assassin
Interview with the Assassin
Early Effort of a First-Rate Director
3 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers