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Survives the Hype
7 July 2006
It is almost impossible in the age of cinema today to live up to the hype that is brought upon blockbuster movies. It is even harder to make a sequel to the ones that actually do, and still make it a great movie. Sequel are much harder because you working with something that isn't original, and still trying to capture what made the first one so great. Well POTC 2 delivers what we have been hoping for. It is the first time in a long time where a sequel has felt original to me, like it was its own movie without the first. Granted, it is a direct continuation, but still feels new. Johnny Depp reprises his Jack Sparrow role with as much fun as he did the first time around and once again steals the show. The action scenes are excellent, although I do feel they used the beast a little too much toward the end. The other players all have their moments and it all comes together quite nicely. The effects this time around, mainly of Davy Jones and his crew, are quite good. I really don't want to give too much away toward plot and what not so Ill close it like this. The sequel is not quite as good as the original, but still excellent. The running time is very long, but it goes by fairly well, and the returning members from the original really make this worth seeing. Its true what you've heard, this does end on a cliffhanger, but a great one that is worth cheering for, and definitely makes you want more. I cant wait for part 3.
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