Seeing this back in the ol' college days reminded me about how worthless college TV was. A bunch of snobbish college broadcasting students working on high caffeine and pathethic writing comes up with stuff like this. Can you suspend disbelief a million miles up? Is bad digital effects your cup of tea? This is your cake then, people. Boy, this stuff is BAD. The few times I did watch poor ol' "Moore Hall TV" I fought with my friends tooth and nail to flip that station back on PBS! Hmmmm let's take a minute to look at the requirements for this site, for one thing. I thought stuff shown on Public access TV wasn't accepted on here. MHTV=PUBLIC ACCESS. Local cable, folks. They'd show local schoolboard meetings LIVE for Cryin' out loud! "Lost Souls" and other tripe ground out by Matthew 'Should" Schutt-UP! should be tossed into the nearest recycle bin. Go watch the sun rise, go watch the paint on the walls dry. Much more engaging.