A tragic story that ended with a smile. After the rain comes the sun, and although the rain is beautiful, with the sun comes the rainbow.
I have seen all 5 episodes and I can say that I liked the series very much.
10/10 because it captured the complexity of life. No matter how sad the action is (a sad reality of our life) and no matter how much the characters suffer, at the end of the tunnel, through will, love and trust, there is light for those who believe in it.
The tragic story could not be continued any longer.
But the ending deserves to be developed. Kagan and Firuze deserved an episode full of joy. The chemistry between them gradually developed until it became more than obvious.
Ilhan is a very good actor, portraying the role in a flawless manner. I saw the series for this actor and I can say that he is a very talented young man.