This is the 3rd season of Bridgertons and I'm tired. New shiny costumes, elaborate sets, pretty ppl, soothing music, that's about it for this show. The only book i liked from the series was book 2 and that was unnecessarily butchered in the name of drama in season 2.
I am not much for historical accuracy as I don't have vast knowledge on British History, but i do care for a bit of logic, a bit of beautiful performances and a bit of beautiful making. But this show has already exhausted all of their resources and at this point everything looks like it was a chore to be done.
I am glad Nicola aka Penelope got her story for season 3 but boy was it felt so tiring to watch her going to a ball to just end up crying every single time. The writers were just going in a cycle of dress up - ball- cry - outing - dress up - ball - cry - outing. I think 3 episodes should have been enough to wrap this whole thing up.
And don't get me started on Luke aka Colin. I have never felt such second hand embarrassment for any lead like i felt for him. The wooden performance with one facial expression just shows getting physically attractive can not save an underwhelming performance. Especially beside Jonathan and the other Luke, who tend to steal the scene anytime they are in it, just like Claudia. In theory the makers are telling u Colin is now a suave sexy charming fella but on screen he came across confused little boy, reading dialogues from the teleprompter and delivering them without much conviction.
I don't know why i keep torturing myself by watching these shows, this can't be even passed as a time pass. The makers have budgets, why not invest in good writers and good storytelling? Even the good actors seemed like they were in the show to play dress up only and delivered half hearted performances. My expectations for season 4 is wayyyyyyyy below 0.