. but I enjoyed this. Yes, it has some (well done, IMHO) musical numbers. If this makes your eyes roll back in your head, then nothing else that anyone says will probably make much difference to you. Is it different? Yeah, sure it is. As someone else already proclaimed, it is "refreshing". With so many other "attempts" at comedy programming, which simply retread the same formula (ad infinitum), it's enjoyable to see someone do something completely different. I also thought that the premise of the show was clever, as well, and thought that the initial musical presentation of that "plot" enhanced it, instead of detracting. (It pretty much "enhanced" and legitimized, the craziness of it all, which I assume to have been 100% intentional.) As I'm only one episode in, it's hard to know how the writing will hold up. I'm far more concerned about the fact that (in most parts of the country) it's head to head, with three, double-digit ratings, "big network" programs. That may say more about its ability to survive, than future scripts, musical numbers, or anything else. It feels a lot like the CW has simply offered it up (from the get-go) as nothing more than a sacrificial lamb. In fact, it's probably the absolute worst possible time slot, in that it's up against two reality shows, one involving singing, and the other dancing. If there's an audience that might have actually been "the most likely to enjoy" a comedy that folds in full (singing and dancing) musical numbers, it's probably the folks that are already invested in two of those three double-digit (ratings) programs! Anyway, if you are interested in trying a "different comedy flavor", at least give this a try.