Zatch Bell! is about a very intelligent and stubborn friend-less 14 year old named Kiyo Takamine (Kiyomaro Takamine). He was bullied at school and had no friends. One day, a Mamodo (Demon) child named Zatch Bell (Gash Bell) is sent by Kiyo's father in order to fight to be king of the Mamodo World. There are 100 mamodo Zatch and other of his kind have to defeat. In order to this, the Human Partner (Kiyo) and the Mamodo (Zatch) have a red spell book to use spells in order to burn other Mamodo's spell books.
This series airs Saturdays at 8:00 (8:30) PM on Toonami on CartoonNetwork. Zatch Bell! (Konjiki no Gash Bell!!) is one of my favorite anime I ever seen! It's a mix of hilarious moments (Folgore) and seriousness. It's really an anime you must watch a few episodes before you can get "Into it". But that's not always the case. For example, if there's a Part 2 or something, try watching after it or before that episode to fully understand it. But Zatch Bell! is fantastic. The art is great and the dub voices are well decent. This is a must watch for anime-lovers or people who like shounen (Boy Targeted Shows or Manga), or fight shows!