Beavis and Butt-Head (2022) is a series that I recently watched on Paramount+. The storyline follows our two friends, Beavis and Butthead, in a new world of music, technology and worldly entertainment since we lost saw them. A new world opens the door for new hijinks.
This series was created by and contains the voices of legend Mike Judge (King of the Hill) and also contains the voices of Piotr Michael (Lightyear), Chris Diamantopoulos (True Story), Kosha Patel (Girlboss) and Mary Birdsong (Reno 911).
This stays so true to the original Beavis and Butthead decades later. I was thoroughly impressed at how well this brought me back to those days when this series was on TV. The jokes are perfect as is the circumstances and how our characters react to it. Loved the situations and old characters they brought back into the universe also. Just about everything about this relaunch is perfect.
Overall, this couldn't have been better relaunched by Paramount+. I would score this a 10/10 and strongly recommend it.