In an age where satire thrives in such forms as The Colbert Report and The Onion, I had great hopes for this show. Discovering an all-star (even if they are B-list) cast only elevated that expectation. But, as was already insightfully observed by another reviewer, this is more like a bad youtube sketch than good comedy.
Satire doesn't work without an understanding by the writer of the subject to be parodied. Referencing certain clichés isn't the same thing. Throwing in behavior that is completely inappropriate for the subject, like agents shooting anything that moves, takes this completely out of the realm of satire and lands it squarely in the domain of mindless comedy like Jackass and Fox News.
The great irony here, perhaps providing the only real comedy in the entire production, is that creator Paul Scheer is also the host of the popular podcast, "How Did This Get Made?" Paul, it's a good thing you're the host of that show, as that's the only insurance you have to keep this show off of that one.
Seriously, this makes Scary Movie look like Young Frankenstein.
Again, as another reviewer put it, the only funny thing here is the title. From there the jokes proceed swiftly downhill.