This LoZ parody involves a schlubby guy improbably transported into his video game and his 3 season quest to save Zelda. I came across this short-episode web series years after it ran, but it's still on youtube. It's one of the very few youtube series I've ever found worth watching.
The humor tends to bawdiness, with a lewd fairy (played by Felicia Day) and tons of jokes involving bodily functions of one sort or another. It also does a good job of mocking the conventions of the Zelda series, and episodes move quickly. It's very bingeable.
The series does occasionally stumble, particularly towards the end when the writers are restless and try things like musical episodes that don't always work. But overall it's very funny.
I'd recommend this one. It gives me hope that there are more worthwhile series floating around on youtube - if you can just find them.