I was so surprised by this movie! The only reason why I watched it was because my french teacher was making me watch it. I agreed after a while but I wasn't looking forward to it. I was so surprised at how good this movie was! I didn't want it to finish! It tells the story of a girl and a guy who, when they first talk don't like each other at all, but with time they fall in love and move in together. It is set in Australia and the characters are Indian. The movie, not only has a great story line, but it also shows us a lot about the Indian culture. It has a few songs in it, which are always fun. The movie has it all - i know that's cheesy - but it does! It is a great movie to have fun but it also has some really sad parts when you'll want to grab the tissues. It is amazing how many great movies there are out there but we don't realize it just because they aren't Hollywood. This kind of movie is great to have fun, and it also teaches us a lot about another country's culture. I recommend everyone to watch it, nobody will regret it... the acting is also pretty good, it is harder to tell when you don't understand the language, but it seemed decent. There are very funny lines, and of course the occasional sad part. A great movie that everyone should be able to enjoy!