I had to rewrite this as CAPS are shouting? Int. world; grow up...no responsibility for type errs. Didn't plan to write this twice!
Te success we had must be a numbers thing and I was maybe the lucky #! Many here have said 'Keep it up' and 'we need to work together' and 'be a team, set the example'...I really don't see as much group effort as I hear suggested being done, but we can't see what people have sent into IMDb to update the now changed alternate titles. 'Eyes Wide shut' is a great choice wish I'd thought of! takes a heavy look at relationship issues and rattles the nerves. At least for the people that could get 'into it' and 'get it' Guess that was a sad 50%! And 'Cruel Intentions' does the same in it's way, taking it's modern 'anyone can get it' take on 'Dangerous Liasons.' Not Reality TV, but even better choices delving deep into the psyche, making audience think and get deep into how we tick in relationships and feelings.
I wonder if someone in group suggested these great titles? Uma Thurman's flick adds the comedy, and she's a babe to many. Nothing comparable to our true beauty but full lips and having a unique look of their own. They both give us a twisted sense of humor, so that makes more sense as I think on it.
One of the cool things of this group, we can have skill sharing some different views and be intelligent on it. still a collective group, all part of a whole. Checked that board of Corey Feldman's and gave some viewpoint. But this site needs to enforce some action over there. This is supposed to be more fan base orientated allowing the site's wanted honest opinion of how good different flicks are. Those are separate things.
End point: comp titles that were wrong here are changed to good choices that suit our exotic little doll; Lady Desiree, and a project she'd be involved with! Progress made! I agree with LA2NY...She probably wouldn't 'add to' this with trash listed as comps to her project...Good job to all that helped! Best!