3 reviews
I realize there is mysteriously missing data on this pilot from what seems a producer's missing involvement? I can't imagine having something so brilliant and pioneering in your hands as this, now being the perfect time with Reality Shows being scooped up, and not see this superior project through. With that, I understand the co-stars' rumored lack of patience with this project. If it were me, I'd see timing says all's on my side and check back in with this creation, as the road's now already paved for this project to be an easy sell and swift hit!
In any case, the "B-Movies" this site is showing below this listing appear to be clear tasteless fiction. Fine. They just don't relate to this tasteful and quirky non-fiction listing and they need to be removed.
This pilot was intentionally made with an extra dose of racy realism in expectation of it needing good editing range as it was created to fit with cable or prime time networks.
Unlike the comps listed, this is a precursor to "The Bachelor" even being a whisper, and this very real love centered Reality TV Show filmed before any aired.
The racy shock value the Reality genre is supposed to include is even real in this real Reality Pilot, from the sexy straight Lady and brilliant funny guy giving help and advice that goes to extremes, as the real guests' real desires are extreme whether desires they haven't overcome, or haven't been able to fulfill on their own.
The other racy realism is Feldman's amusing distraction with the barely clad love expert, Lady Desirée, which is also obvious with every guest male and female alike. This is doubly humorous in the clear sign The Lovely Lady is just being herself, having her usual "unusual" effect on all around her, not that she doesn't tease intentionally at times it serves her purpose to bring some down to flustered size.
Change the comps. They are out of place and medium here, and in no way apply to this pilot. It's beneath this project to have them shown.
Producer, Director! Why aren't you watching over your own project's listing? Where's your pride in your work being presented properly?
In any case, the "B-Movies" this site is showing below this listing appear to be clear tasteless fiction. Fine. They just don't relate to this tasteful and quirky non-fiction listing and they need to be removed.
This pilot was intentionally made with an extra dose of racy realism in expectation of it needing good editing range as it was created to fit with cable or prime time networks.
Unlike the comps listed, this is a precursor to "The Bachelor" even being a whisper, and this very real love centered Reality TV Show filmed before any aired.
The racy shock value the Reality genre is supposed to include is even real in this real Reality Pilot, from the sexy straight Lady and brilliant funny guy giving help and advice that goes to extremes, as the real guests' real desires are extreme whether desires they haven't overcome, or haven't been able to fulfill on their own.
The other racy realism is Feldman's amusing distraction with the barely clad love expert, Lady Desirée, which is also obvious with every guest male and female alike. This is doubly humorous in the clear sign The Lovely Lady is just being herself, having her usual "unusual" effect on all around her, not that she doesn't tease intentionally at times it serves her purpose to bring some down to flustered size.
Change the comps. They are out of place and medium here, and in no way apply to this pilot. It's beneath this project to have them shown.
Producer, Director! Why aren't you watching over your own project's listing? Where's your pride in your work being presented properly?
- BarringtonsWay
- Apr 23, 2009
- Permalink
The DVDS you have listed as maybe being of interest to those into "Lovesick" are way, way off and they're really an insult to a serious romantic/dramatic/psychological/Reality TV show by how off they are, as well as non-serious, non-romantic. "Chris Rock?" "Dildo Diaries?" the inaccuracy in listing all your choices are an insult to this very real but entertaining Reality Show! I think Lady Desirée had her photo and info removed not wanting to be associated with that. I know it doesn't suit her to be connected by association. "Lovesick" isn't raunchy stand-up comedy, and why is there all of the African American content on the "titles of other interest?" Chris Rock: black comedian. The dildo on that embarrassing DVD you have listed is also: black. Why? The stars of "Lovesick" are all white. So where do your choices come from? Did you read the comment on the "Lovesick" home-page? The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, He's just Not that into You all fit here. Though silly, even Sharon Osbourne's Charm School fits here and all the cable Reality TV shows.
Even that amazonian big-boned "The Millionaire Matchmaker" that uses about 1000 of the petite and luscious Lady Desirée's known quotes and pearls of true wisdom (including how these metro-sexual guys need to figure out their team or get ready for life old and alone), so by 20 year known quotes of Lady Desirée's being copied, I mean the non-tacky ones, not Ms. Stanger's strange obsession with using terms involving genitalia, as, I don't know, she needs to be memorable with THAT as shock value as she's not positively memorable for her looks. Off topic, but really, talk like a lady if you talk of values, and if you have more cellulite than most women, why don't you wear pantyhose, pants or longer skirts?! I mean, SHE says she is "The Best Makeover Specialist?" Dr. heal thyself first! Lady Desirée always shows real values WHILE being her racy, elegantly and immaculately H.O.T exciting, brilliant, witty, entertaining, and always a total LADY real self.
Still, Millionaire matchmaker along with The Bachelor/Bachelorette/Just Not that Into You/The Two Coreys (isn't that one super obvious? Check list: Corey Feldman. Check! Reality TV. Check! Entertaining while dramatic. Check!) IMDb needs to replace the incorrect, embarrassing titles IMDb has wrongly listed as "other titles of interest to fans of "Lovesick!" Replace them, please! They do not apply or belong on this page at all! not one of the up-sale/comp. titles do! PlEASE: replace! Lady Desirée Lovesick and Corey Feldman fans would really appreciate it. Thanks!
Even that amazonian big-boned "The Millionaire Matchmaker" that uses about 1000 of the petite and luscious Lady Desirée's known quotes and pearls of true wisdom (including how these metro-sexual guys need to figure out their team or get ready for life old and alone), so by 20 year known quotes of Lady Desirée's being copied, I mean the non-tacky ones, not Ms. Stanger's strange obsession with using terms involving genitalia, as, I don't know, she needs to be memorable with THAT as shock value as she's not positively memorable for her looks. Off topic, but really, talk like a lady if you talk of values, and if you have more cellulite than most women, why don't you wear pantyhose, pants or longer skirts?! I mean, SHE says she is "The Best Makeover Specialist?" Dr. heal thyself first! Lady Desirée always shows real values WHILE being her racy, elegantly and immaculately H.O.T exciting, brilliant, witty, entertaining, and always a total LADY real self.
Still, Millionaire matchmaker along with The Bachelor/Bachelorette/Just Not that Into You/The Two Coreys (isn't that one super obvious? Check list: Corey Feldman. Check! Reality TV. Check! Entertaining while dramatic. Check!) IMDb needs to replace the incorrect, embarrassing titles IMDb has wrongly listed as "other titles of interest to fans of "Lovesick!" Replace them, please! They do not apply or belong on this page at all! not one of the up-sale/comp. titles do! PlEASE: replace! Lady Desirée Lovesick and Corey Feldman fans would really appreciate it. Thanks!
- lanyesquire
- May 29, 2009
- Permalink
I had to rewrite this as CAPS are shouting? Int. world; grow up...no responsibility for type errs. Didn't plan to write this twice!
Te success we had must be a numbers thing and I was maybe the lucky #! Many here have said 'Keep it up' and 'we need to work together' and 'be a team, set the example'...I really don't see as much group effort as I hear suggested being done, but we can't see what people have sent into IMDb to update the now changed alternate titles. 'Eyes Wide shut' is a great choice wish I'd thought of! takes a heavy look at relationship issues and rattles the nerves. At least for the people that could get 'into it' and 'get it' Guess that was a sad 50%! And 'Cruel Intentions' does the same in it's way, taking it's modern 'anyone can get it' take on 'Dangerous Liasons.' Not Reality TV, but even better choices delving deep into the psyche, making audience think and get deep into how we tick in relationships and feelings.
I wonder if someone in group suggested these great titles? Uma Thurman's flick adds the comedy, and she's a babe to many. Nothing comparable to our true beauty but full lips and having a unique look of their own. They both give us a twisted sense of humor, so that makes more sense as I think on it.
One of the cool things of this group, we can have skill sharing some different views and be intelligent on it. still a collective group, all part of a whole. Checked that board of Corey Feldman's and gave some viewpoint. But this site needs to enforce some action over there. This is supposed to be more fan base orientated allowing the site's wanted honest opinion of how good different flicks are. Those are separate things.
End point: comp titles that were wrong here are changed to good choices that suit our exotic little doll; Lady Desiree, and a project she'd be involved with! Progress made! I agree with LA2NY...She probably wouldn't 'add to' this with trash listed as comps to her project...Good job to all that helped! Best!
Te success we had must be a numbers thing and I was maybe the lucky #! Many here have said 'Keep it up' and 'we need to work together' and 'be a team, set the example'...I really don't see as much group effort as I hear suggested being done, but we can't see what people have sent into IMDb to update the now changed alternate titles. 'Eyes Wide shut' is a great choice wish I'd thought of! takes a heavy look at relationship issues and rattles the nerves. At least for the people that could get 'into it' and 'get it' Guess that was a sad 50%! And 'Cruel Intentions' does the same in it's way, taking it's modern 'anyone can get it' take on 'Dangerous Liasons.' Not Reality TV, but even better choices delving deep into the psyche, making audience think and get deep into how we tick in relationships and feelings.
I wonder if someone in group suggested these great titles? Uma Thurman's flick adds the comedy, and she's a babe to many. Nothing comparable to our true beauty but full lips and having a unique look of their own. They both give us a twisted sense of humor, so that makes more sense as I think on it.
One of the cool things of this group, we can have skill sharing some different views and be intelligent on it. still a collective group, all part of a whole. Checked that board of Corey Feldman's and gave some viewpoint. But this site needs to enforce some action over there. This is supposed to be more fan base orientated allowing the site's wanted honest opinion of how good different flicks are. Those are separate things.
End point: comp titles that were wrong here are changed to good choices that suit our exotic little doll; Lady Desiree, and a project she'd be involved with! Progress made! I agree with LA2NY...She probably wouldn't 'add to' this with trash listed as comps to her project...Good job to all that helped! Best!
- Monarch2001
- May 29, 2009
- Permalink