Many,many,many,many years ago,NBC was proverbially a last place--fourth among the big three it seemed--network and it was being buoyed by arguably uber-lightweight fare such as "Real People","Sheriff Lobo" and this show,a frothy action/comedy/adventure show involving a cheerfully unweighted handsome trucker(Greg Evigan) and his traveling companion,an adult male chimpanzee named Bear. This show had a spirited but short run on the pre-TArtikoff,post-Silverman(Fred Silverman) Peacock network,paired often with the aforementioned "LObo",with their plots sometimes spilling over into each other. I recall that a fair amount of hot,giggly,jiggly would-be "Hee HAw" Honeys would pop in as either guests or recurring characters(among them,long time co-symbol of classic blonde hotness,Judy LAnders),outside of that and pre-requisite car/truck chases and crashes,I probably only recall a small amount of stuff about this show now.But almost thirty years ago,my family and I watched these shows pretty faithfully,for what reason I'm not entirely sure. I'd actually be curious to see these shows again to see how quaint and charming they may or may not be now. I figure that this it was harmless fun back in the tightly censored television of the late '70s/early '80s,it must seem REALLY gentle by today's viewing standards.