The writing is outstanding! Super acting, I don't know much about acting but they were completely adorbz but I do know a lil' bit about writing since I have written many many many stories and this was a whirlwind that I just blew me away at every turn, it did its job in such a stylistic but truly seminal way! The beginning the middle had a really beautiful scene and the end, when he says to her even if its not with me you really have something to offer just give it someone , I'm like I have never heard that and it really feels like this character would say this and its so heart warming and it sets up the ending in such a fantastic way plus closes the burning thematic questions whether we are good or not or even capable of leaving our selfish self enough to even conceive being good! And its all part of the self-reproach and self-recrimination of the addictive mind but really its universal , totally befits the whole spectrum of our human condition excellent job! Superb! Thank-you!