The Honeymoon is a 21st-century adventure comedy film that takes you on a journey of three best friends as they explore their successes, and downfalls throughout the film. Despite some dragging moments, the hilarious jokes kept me chuckling and jumping around my seat, especially Tumi's "Noks" character. Tumi is a natural and delivers her lines effortlessly that you could barely tell whether she even had a script.
The personal and friendship issues the ladies face are relatable, and the key lesson is that some people come into your life only to use you. The movie does an excellent job of portraying how the girls navigate their struggles and come out stronger. The character development is impressive, and it kept us invested in their journey.
Location plays a significant role in the film's success, with the beautiful tropical beaches and climate of Zanzibar being the key highlight. The stunning scenery perfectly complements the themes of adventure and self-discovery. The well-curated afrobeat soundtrack also adds to the Pan-African aspect of the film. The music elevates the viewing experience and immerses the audience in the vibrant culture of the location.
Overall, The Honeymoon is an enjoyable film that showcases the beauty of Africa while delivering a relatable and engaging story. The film highlights the importance of true friendship and the struggles that come with it. If you're looking for a feel-good movie with relatable characters and beautiful scenery, The Honeymoon is the perfect choice.